Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Jul 1943, p. 5

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hy - PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 1st, 1943 BROCK THEATRE ' Phone 618, WHITBY Healthfully Air Conditioned Thursday, Friday and Saturday, JULY 1-2-3 _. Two shows at 7 and 9 p.m. - "Pry Saturday Matinee at 1.30 = 3 "Siar-Spangled Holiddy Matinee, Thursday 'at 2 pm. hythm" starring BING CROSBY, BOB HOPE, DOROTHY LAMOUR, ALAN LADD, BETTY HUTTON, and ROCHESTER Plus Latest Canada Carries On New Soldiers Are Tough Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, " JULY 5-6-7 Two shows at 7 and 9 p.m. ' GARY COOPER, in "Pride of the Yankees" with Teresa WRIGHT, Babe RUTH, Walter BRENNAN: Next Thursday, Friday, Saturday, JULY 8-9-10 '"Hitler's Children" with TIM HOLT and BONITA GRANVILLE Expert RADIO Service! PHONE 234 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. McLean Radio Service When in Toronto, call on J. W. DAVIS; D.C. ' CHIROPRACTOR' Palmer Graduate Room 206, 7 Adelaide St. West Toronto, Ontario % i. Poultry Wanted Live Poultry, Goose Feathers, ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. Feather Ticks. Licensed Collector of |= 3 Wool. Phone evenings, 79 Uxbridge. |" - W. J. KINC M. Weiser, Uxbridge. augb CHIROPRACTOR il FOR SALE : 26 mink pens. Apply to' Wm. Hos: kin, Burketen, Phone Port Perry, 193 ré. « Julyl FOR SALE $2500 buys six_roomed house with sunroom and bathroom, dry cement cellar, furnace, good well and cistern, half acre of -ground. Formerly owned by the late Mr. and Mrs. Cutts. Ap- ply to Mrs. E. Breckon, Phone 70, Port Perry. julyl GOOD STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE at Brock Chopping Mill (Paul) - July 1 FOR SALE Deering mower, 5 foot cut, in good condition, Apply to Henry Davis, R. R. 4, Port Perry. July 1 FOR SALE 12 bushels of Buckwheat, $1.60 per bushel. Also six young pigs. Apply to. Mrs. Steer, R.R.4, Port Perry, Phone 164 r 4. _ LOST A man's suit coat, black and white stripe, south of the Centre Road on . Scugog. Finder please notify Mrs. Jonathan Aldred, Phone 102 r 11. i FOR SALE Beatty Hay Car for round track, . practically new, complete with pulleys draw rope and hay fork. Apply to D. Dowson, Port Perry. Phone 135. xi ; | FOR SALE 7 Pigs, six weeks old; also a Dur- ham cow, fresh. Apply to Dan Linton, Epsom, TITS fron DENTISTS DR, J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON office equipped for X-RAY WORK Over Bell Telephone Office, Queen St., Port Perry Phones: Office 68w; Residence, 68J W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to § pm. Office Upstairs, over C. Sleep's Insurance Office. DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber ¢ Shop." Phone 237, Res. 216 Port Perry LEGAL ARTHUR W. 8. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by 'eppointment. Blong Bloek, Port Perry, Phone 23 j ueet Street, Port Perry, :Phone 94 == King and Cedar Streets (The Arm of Greer & Humphreys Is dissolved) RUSSELL D.- HUMPHREYS 24} Bimecoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each week or by appointment. BEAUTY PARLOR PRENTICE'S BEAUTY SALO ------ " with or without appointment, PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up SHAMPOO and STYLED SETTING, ONLY 50c. -------- = Phone 223, Port Perry In Practice over twenty years. Now in Uxbridge, Ontario, ~ Phone 64 r 13 NOTICE TO CREDITORS | dedicatorysprayer. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF LINDSAY PRESBYTERIAL MET IN UXBRIDGE A well attended and. .Meresting meeting of Lindsay Presbyterial W.M. S. of the Presbyterian Church in Can- ada was held in Chalmers Church, Ux- bridge, on Tuesday, June 22nd. The prestdent, Miss Margaret Oliver, had charge of the meeting. The morning session was opened by singing a hymn. Mrs. Campbell Mae- Master read the Bible lesson and Mus, N. Wilkinson, of Port Perry, offered prayer. "i he The devotions were takén in the afternoon by Miss Winnifred 'Allen and Mrs, R. Stewart, Wick 'Auxiliary. Mrs. T. L. Williams welcomed the Presbyterial to Uxbridge. Miss K. Moran reported an increase in sales of Literature and Glad Tid- ings. : The Uxbridge Mission Band sang, acepmpanied at the organ hy Miss Oliver. Mrs. Stewart, Mission Bund Secrétary, reported the Mission Band being re-organized in Port Perry. Mrs. J. Johnston gave a report of the Provincial meeting held at Guelph. Mrs. J. Brabazon, treasurer, reported our total givings at $712.80, which is a slight increase over a year ago. Mrs. R. Stewart, Mrs, J. S. Mue- Farlane, Sonya, Miss 'Beaton, Wick, and Miss Oliver, Uxbridge, and others; led in Season of Prayer, at the after- noon meeting. Miss Margaret Wyn- dott, delegate to Summer School, gave a word picture of a day spent at Glen- mohr Camp. Murs. Calder, Beaverton, offered the Mrs. Cassie and Mrs, Taylor ff, Uxbridge, sang. Miss M. Leask, a member of Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, explained about the Fellowship Group in Toronto Uni- versity. This work was started in Great Britain at Cambridge, then in Canada. Now there are groups in nearly every university in Canuwda. They hold daily prayer meetings, with something definite each day to pray for. Their motto is: "That it might not bre I; -but-Christ? Mrs. Willis of Uxbridge, thanked Miss Wyndott, and Miss Leask for the information they had given to us. Rev. Wm. Dickson, Chungtu, China, was the guest speaker. He expressed gratitude to the Preshyterian Mission- aries who had helped rescue him, after he had passed through fire and bomb- ing in China. Mrs. MacMillan, Port Perry, thank- ed the Ugbridge ladies for their kind hospitality and gracious welcome. The meeting was brought to a close by singing a hymn, and Rev. W. Dick- son offering prayer. -------- et D> o> LACKSTOCK | In the Estate of John Wright, late of the Township of Cartwright, in the County of Durham, Retired Farmer. All persons having claims agains the estate of the above named who, died.on 'March 31st, 1041, are hercby notified to send to the undersigned on or before July 8th, 1943, full par-! ticulars of their claims. Immediately, after July 8th, 1943, the assets of the' deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims ef which the un- dersigned shall then have notjce. Dated at Port Perry, this 11th day, of June, 1943. | HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE,' Port Perry, Ont., Solicitors for the above Estate. ) julyl Lawn Mowers, Machine Ground REPAIR Parts Supplied A Few Re-Conditioned Mowers on Hand Machine Repair Shop PORT PERRY FOR SALE 1933 Chevrolet Coupe, good condi- tion, with heater and defroster. Phone JEMISON'S BAKERY 'THE HOME OF | GOOD BAKING The Best Family Baking Service will be maintained 1231. 1112328211020 if Wot: was received on Sunday by Mrs. A VanCamp that her son Ralph is presumed to be dead. The sym- i pathy of this community goes out to Murs. VanCamp and family. Cartwright Branch of the Red Cross Society are having a salvage cam- paign on July Ist to July 15th, Please leave - salvage at nearest collection centre as listed below, where a reliable "collector will colleet it. Cadmus--Russell Brown's. N. Nestléton--Church shed. S. Nestleton-- Church shed. Caesarea--Harold Porteous' Purple Hill--School or Hall, List of salvage for this drive--fats, metals of all kinds, especially cast iron, tires and- tubes (much needed) | Blackstock--Presbyterian Church. [ "paper bundled and securely tied, rags of all kinds. For further information telephone your local representative or one of the committee -- Mr, Harold Porteous, Mrs. M, Erlierson, Mrs. H. McLaughlin, Mrs, J. A. McArthur, Miss Vera Forder. At the June meeting of the Red Cross held in the Presbyterian Church, Nestleton,. it was reported that all boxes sent overseas by 'Cartwright Council had been received. It was de- cided that the Red Cross branch place a basket of flowers at the Cenotaph on Decoration Day, July 17th, Mrs, Crawford and Mrs, Hooey to be re- sponsible for this. A letter was read by prisoner of war liaison officer to the effect that no prison camp in Germany is in flooded area, also there were instructions re the sending of certain articles in next-of-kin boxes. A letter was forwarded to Mrs. Normfn Lan- sing, Oshawa, whose 8¢pn.Deans Cum- mings Lansing has been a prisoner "since Dieppe, . The Nestleton Institute reported having sent games and other things to Deans through the T. Eaton Co. St. John's. W, A. met at Mrs, Fred Willan's home! for its 'June meeting, Roll call was answered by a "Thought on Peace". Mrs, Jos. Forder, Nestle- ton, showed the quilt top donated by 'mémbers of Red Cross. Mrs, Simp- Ison told several.items of interest re- lated to her by Archbishop Owen, con- , cerning "his trip to England, on the same ship as Winston Churchill. Mrs. Harry McLaughlin read extracts from Miss Laura Hambly's lettérs sent here from China, ¥ | We are glad to report that. Miss| Phone 72w, NUTRITION Fat Right: Feel Right. For. Good, Nutritious Meats, Call W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER PORT PERRY Paint Specials ° Time to Freshen Up with JAP-A-LAC PAINT & VARNISH This Week's Special--Rock Spar Clear Varnish 1 Quart, reg. $2.05. A Car of St. Mary's CEMENT just arrived. i Sale $1.30 Phone 240w LAKE SCUCOG LUMBER & COAL CO., LIMITED Laura Hambly has arrived in Toronto, en route to Winnipeg where she will spend some time before returning to Ontario. We ave glad to report she is somewhat improved in health, . Miss Marjorie Simonds has accepted a position on the Oshawa teaching statl, and Miss Peters, Port Perry, will take her place in our Public School for the next term. We are sorry to lose Miss Simonds from the community. A happy 'evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Wright, 253th wedding anniversary and in honor of their son, Walter, who has been away for three years as a wire- less operator on a ship. There were G0 guests present and Mr. and Mrs. ful mattress and springs and a clock. Many more years are wished for this happy couple and a pleasant holiday for Walter. WEDDING Byers-Mountjoy Blackstock United Church, was the Annie Mountjoy, "R.N., daughter of Leith Byers. ficiated, the ceremony taking place at 3.30 o'clock. the "church. Dorrell was the soloist. Given in marriage by her father, the bride 'wore a floor length two-piece tons, a nosegay of sweethearf roses anil forget-me-nots. her two bridesmaid bridesmaid. and Audrey as ing and buttons. bridesmaid carried bronze carnations and the junior bridesmaid pink carna- tions. Ivan Mountjoy, brother of the bride, was best man and the ushers were Herb Swain and Bruce Mount- joy. . At the reception held at the home of the bride's parents, Mrs. Mountjoy 1egeived wearing a two-piece navy dress with a corsagejof talisman roses, Mrs. Byers wore a two-piece powder heart roses. For a trip to Ottawa and points cast the bride chose a navy triple sheer suit with white hat and accessories. They will live on the groom's farm near Blackstock. The bride is a graduate of Toronto General Hospital, EERE Myrtle Station We extend congratulations to Pte. Mildred Harrison, C.W.A.C.,, of Mac- donald College, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Que, who has graduated with a high standing from the codking class. Mildred hopes to be stationed near home when she takes up her new work, Mr. Frank Gilroy, of Windsor, is spending his vacation with friends and relatives in this neighborhood and at Brooklin, - Mrs, Francis Briggs and Miss Thel- ma Briggs were visitors in Toronto on Thursday. : - Mr. William Moore, Hazel and Nor- man, of -Hawkestone, spent the week- end with Albert and Mrs. Eyers. ~Mr: and "Mrs. Clifford Croxall and children of Uxbridge, called on rela- tives on Saturday evening, _ Mrs. Leila Duké of Toronto was with her mother and brothers for a while at the time of the death and funeral of her father, A. G. Johnson. Gordon Harrison, who works in Oshawa, spent the week-end at his home here and made good use of the hoe in exterminating the weeds in his garden, which had made rapid head- way since his last bout with them. Mr. and Mrs, Orland Hall, of Hamil- blue frock with a corsage of sweet-! --y on Saturday evening, in honor of their, Wright were presented with a beauti-, ton, Mrs. J. Gaudaur, Mr: Burnell and Yvonne, of Toronto, were callers on Saturday at the home grandmother, Mrs, R. Chisholm. Mrs. D. Luery spent a pleasant day | with Toronto friends on Thursday. | Mrs. Yack, of Utica, N.Y., came over for the funeral of her brother, Mr. A. Johnson, and is remaining for a few weeks. Mrs. Gibson of Greenwood spent Saturday evening with Myrtle rela- tives, ~ The extreme heat of last week makes one realize the truth of the following: "As a rule, a man's a fool. When its hot he wants it cool. When its cool he wants it hot; always-want- ing what is not." : ! LAC. Harry Gervan of Toronto, has been holidaying with friends for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. T. Costello, of Whitby, were Sunday guests of Mr. ang Mrs. [Fred Lyle. | Columbus Mixed flowers decorated {day and Miss Evelyn Sanderson' Pontypool. played the wedding music and Dalton Masters went down, where they hoth She was attended by citizen in the person of Archibald sisters, Hazel acting as|Gibbs Johnson, in his cightieth year. junior) Born in Both wore strect-length! county, he was the son of the late two-piece frocks of turquoise eyelet Conrad Johnson and Tabitha Campbell embroidered pique trimmed with ruch- Johnson, and came with his parents tog They wore sprays | Ontario county while he was still a of orange blossoms in their hair. The!small boy. His brothers and sisters of Mr. and Mrs, Corey and children of spent Sunday with Allen and Mrs. Downey. Mr. and Mrs. B. Proctor and children scene of an interesting wedding, Sat-, of Oshawa, were Sungay visitors with urday, June 19th, when Miss Aileen Mr. and Mrs. T. Carey. Pte. Stanley Linton, of Barriefield, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mountjoy, was i was home over the week-end. {united in marriage to James Franklin A number from here attended the |) Murray Byers, son of Mr. and Mas. sale on Saturday afternoon of the late Rev. D. M. Stinson of- Alice Thompson, at Manchester. Mus. Elwood Masters spent Sun- Monday with relatives in On Monday evening Mr. attended the twenty-fifth wedding an- niversary of Mr. and Mrs. M. Gray. Church service has been withdrawn gown of white eyelet embroidered next Sunday owing to the ditliculty of pique-trimmed with ruching and but-! procuring a speaker. Her long tulle veil was caught with orange blossoms, and she carried , midnight on, Thurs Death visited this neighborhood at ay and removed a well known -gand respected life-long, Marysville, south Hastings which there were eight, were also well known to 'the older residents of this community. Mr. Johnson was a farmer for the most of his life." Dur- ing World War I he was the rural mail carrier from this post office hahd- ling hundreds of boxes and letters for overseas, besides the regular mail. Although not enjoying the best of health, yet the late Mr, Johnson was able to be around all the time, and walk tothe village and his unexpected death came as a shock to his family and neighbors. Surviving him are his widow, formerly Alberta Hooker, one daughter, Mrs. Leila Duke of Toronto; four sons, Lorne, Donald and Elmer, at home, Ronald, of Audley, and one sister, Mrs. Yack (Addie) of Utica, N.Y. - The community extends sincere sympathy to them in theif 'bereave- ! ment, i 1 The funeral service was held at the family vesidence and was conducted by | Rev. PL. Jull of BYooklin, The floral offerings were silent tri- butes to the esteem in which Mr. Johnson was held. Interment was at Ashburn. Ed i GREENBANK (Continued from Page 1) our friendship. We would not selfishly wish you to remain with us, well knowing what is our loss will be the gain of those with [3 whom you mingle there, We trust that your future will be "As the path of the just, shining more and more un- to the perfect-day." Signed on behalf of the Y. P. U,, Rupert Lee and Norine Till, Committee, Miss Wilson expressed her thanks in a few well chosen words. We join with the Young People in offering our regrets of the departure of Miss Wilson from our community. She has taught in our Public School for the past three years and during |} that time has made many friends who wish her every success wherever she may be. el of Orland's!' § GHA ARAAARAR AAR SARIN ARARBGANAARAARARAARR AAR ARARR AAS i FRESH BAKING DAILY | i Tea Biscuits - 20c. dozen i : Chelsea Buns: - 20c. dozen : Parker House Rolls, 15¢c. dozen ; § Phone 32. Gerrow Bros., Port Perry DR RR RR RAR RR XR RX RIAN KR RARER ER ARR NK RAR EF , | I I LI SA LI rue RED & WHITE ston: FRUITS FRESH from the GARDEN Let us have your order in advance if possible for Strawberries, Raspberries, Plums, Peaches, Cherries, Black Currants, etc., direct from the gardens at market prices. As these Fruits come into supply, we will have the very hest. Let us have your order. ALWAYS IN STOCK Fresh Cod fillets, frozen, 33c. Ib. Smoked Cod fillets, *" 33c. Ib. ' VERANDAH MATTING ! : $1.25 per yd. A [) TT on / Verandah Mats, $2.25 { Mosquito Netting in stock this week ' CUPS and SAUCERS, Glass ' 15c. each, or $1.69 dozen English Cups and Saucers, 35c. Linoleum Rugs, all Sizes / Inlaid Linoleums in stock SETS IN STOCK K & SON ORT PERRY Beal EL NT ONE TH Harmo: y Rose English Dinnerware F. W. BRO ' 4 PHONE 43 oe we ew ee § all SiC a i Prompt Service And the BEST MEATS the Market Affords, at Lowest Market Prices. : i CAWKER BROS , Family Butchers i A 1 ARRASK ARAB RAABAANRNAN IAL SARA ARR A RAR RRR AA RARS AARON * . INSULATION ( " FOUR GOOD-REASONS FOR INSULATING i WITH ROCK WOOL 1 It keeps out Excessive Summer Heat. 2 Conserves Heat in Winter; gives added Comfort; and Saves Fuel. Is Fireproof. . Is Vermin Proof. ' Hl + i : 3 i : We have a Supply on hand, and will be > ¥ : Clad to Give Estimates. REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER F. G. Reesor oo go 0 eo le 0 oe no u's E. Reesor Phone 73w AARSARARSAAASASSSASOASSASANRARRS ELS i, i pr 3 [ : 1 ; LICH 4 [ERT A wah in , | POOR ERT ; f yi} JON » 0 NL i -- Ch a eg ly REST

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