Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 27 May 1943, p. 4

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Msn a LO Rat IRE IS - PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, \ MAY 27th; 1943 Port. Perry Miss Gladys Nott and Mos, A England, of Toronto, spent the week- end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nott, Ag FU The Boy Scouts will not colléct the mbney from the LODE. coin bags on Saturday owing to the Tag Day for the Chinese Relief Fund. : Mrs. Hurlbert, of Oshawa, will be guest soloist at the United Churc hon Sunday at.both services. Relieve nervous disorders with Page Griffiths, BETAMIN (B-Complex) tablets once a day. Obtainable at Lawrence's Drug Store. Dr. E. V. Elliott, of Galt, spent «a couple of days with his mother, Mrs, Wesley Elliott, and his sister, Mrs, J. E. Jackson. We extend heartiest congratulations to Reta Swain and Jim Wilson on their recent marriage. Mur. and Mrs. Thos, Rogers, of Osha- wa, spent the .week-end and holiday with Mr. D. Corbman. Sgt. John Leahy, of Debert, N.S, and Mrs. John Leahy, of Oshawa, were visitors for a few days with Mr. and Murs. L. Leahy. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook enjoyed a trip to Toronto one day last week, Mr. Geo. RR. on Friday attending the funeral of the late Russell Harpor. Davey was in Toronto Miss Lola Gerrow, of Toronto, spent a few days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. M. A. Gerrow. Congratulations ( REE Phoue : ote OSHAWA on A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Thursday, Friday, Saturday, MW) £7-28.29 TYRONE MAUREEN POWER O'HARA "The Black Swan" with Laird Cregar, Thomas Mitchel), (Corge Sanders In Glorious Yechnicolor Monday and Tuesday May 31, June 1 Two Great Features The Lives of a Bengal Lancer starring Gary Cooper, Franchot bone, Richard Cromwell, Sir Guy Standing, Kathleen Burke Gallant Lovers -- --earless Fighters --On the Same Program-- Bing Crosby, Bob Burns Martha Raye, Shirley Ross "WAIKIKI WEDDING" Its got love --What is LOVE! Laughs What are LAUGHS! FOUR BIG DAYS June 2, 3, 4, 5 JAMES CAGNEY, in Yankee Doodle Dandy * with Joan Leslie, Walter Huston Rk Richard Whorf Based on the story of Geo. M. Cohan and all His glorious songs--Gayer than the Gayest! are in order for Lola who successfully passed her examinations and is now a Dental Nurse. Miss Beth Griffen, of" Oshawa, has been spending the past week with re- latives in Port Perry before reporting "for: duty with the R.C.AT. (Woman's Division). Flight Licutenant James Kerr was in town on Friday night attending the Open Night at the High School. Pte. George Emmerson, of New- market, - enjoyed a short week-end leave with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. W. Emmerson. Congratulations are extended to Misses Mary and Grace Stone on sue- cessfully passing their examinations and graduating from the College of Pharmacy. EERE NE TROY SSSA NEWLYWEDS HONOURED On Tuesday evening, the staff of the Port Perry Creamery paid a surprise visit to-Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson (who were married last Saturday). They heralded their visit with the tooting of horns and a display of fire- works. A lovely wedding supper, supervised by Mr. George Channell, was served with Reta and Jim as the guests of honour. "After the supper, the happy couple were presented with a lovely arm chair and address and, after a socinl time, the crowd dis- persed leaving hosts of good wishes behind. : tee PORT PERRY TENNIS CLUB On Tuesday evening a group of voung people held a meeting for the Eyes Examined ilasses comnlete. or lensea only. supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- LR. BENTLEY'S , OPTOMETRIST Taylor's The Eating House of Quality and Service Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars "Tobaccos Cigarettes BILL TAYLOR. Proprietor United Church W. M.S. At the May meeting of the W.M.S. the Christian Stewardship Secretary, Mrs. Geo. Davey, read the following questionnaire: 1. This last year, have I heen an asset or a liability to the Group with whiich IT work? ' 2. Have T accepted my share of the blessings of God," without charging myself with the responsibility of sce- ing that others get their share also? 3. Has my lack of devotion, and my failure to do what I ean with my time, my money, and my abilities, delayed the realisation of God's purpose. Have I put first things first? 1. How long would it take to make my community Christian, if every other follower of Christ worked at it, and prayed about it just as I do? 5. How long would it take to make my whole nation really Christian, if all Christians gave their prayers and cfforts and money toward it, just as IT am doing? 6. ITow long would jt take to make disciples of all nations, if all other Christians were té give this great programme of Christ the place in ---- Misses Maric and Grace Hood, of Toronto, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hood. Miss Muriel Cook, of Toronto, was a week-end visitor at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. BE. Hayes and family visited with relatives in Mount Albert on Sunday. Misses Marion Brent and Doris Mac- Gregor, of Toronto, enjoyed the week- end at the home of Doris' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. FE. MacGregor. Mr, J. E. Jackson was in Brampton on Wednesday assisting as Auctioneer at the National Holstein Sale. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Clark, of Sunderland, have moved to Port Perry and we welcome them to the commun- ity. Capt. M. B. Dymond, M.D,, of Camp Borden, spent the week-end at his home in Port Perry. i Mr. Keith Allin, of Toronto, attend- ed the Open Night at the Port Perry High School last Friday evening. Mrs, John Brent of Toronto, has been visiting, with relatives in town. Mr. Frank Cawker, of Toronto, was the week-end guest of srélatives. Sgt. Jolin Orde, R.C.O.C., of New- market, and Mr. Philip Orde, of Orillia, were visitors during the week- | end with their mother, Mrs. M. Orde. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Hope, of Oshawa, ~-spent- Sunday with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H, Hope. Miss Louise Hall, of Toronto, en- Joyed the week-énd with her parents, |" Mr, and Mrs. L. G. Hall. A.C. Jack Cooney, R.C.A.F., of Galt, and. Mrs. Jack Cooney, of Oshawa, "called on. relatives in town on Sunday. . A.C. Earl Jackson, RCAF, 'spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. C. --Stabback: Mrs. Geo, I, Manning, of Toronto, is spending this week at the home of her parents. Miss Best, of Toronto, was the holi- day guest of Miss Bryce. " ". Miss' Thelma Crosier enjoyed the week-end with her parents, Mr. and' Mrs, J. Crosier. Mrs. Thos, J. few days with Charles Reesor, Blight will spend aC, Smith, Staff of the Oshawa Times, her daughter, Mrs.| Dr. Millman, and Staff of the Oshawa General Hospital, purpose of re-organizing (he Tennis Club. In the past, a large sum of money has been spent making two courts and now that the need for further recreation at home is more acute, the young people have decided to put both courts into condition so that tennis may be enjoyed by mem- bers of the Club. - The following officers were elecled: President--Roy Cornish Viee-President-- Owen Cliff, See'y-Treasurer--Gordon MacMaster. Grounds Committee--Thelma Crosier, 'Donald Carnegie, Jack MacGregor. BEL DLS iii BORN HITCHENS -- At Oshawa General Hospital, on May 24th, 1043, to Mr. and>Mrs. B. D. Hitchens, formerly of Utica, a daughter. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and- Mrs. W. F. Nott, Port Perry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Gladys Doreen, to Aireraftsman Philip Gendron, R.C.A.F, som of Mrs, FE. Gendron and the late Francis Gendron, of Toronto. The wedding to take place early in June. te @ o>. DIED BLIGHT--At Oshawa General Hos- pital, on Thursday, May 20th, 1943, Thomas James Blight, dearly beloved husband of Alice "Blight and loving father of Tom and 'Alma(Mrs. Charles H. Reesor), in his 64th year. i HORN---At Port Perry, on Sunday, May 23rd, 1043, Jean Anderson, be- loved wife of the late James L. Horn, in her 8Gth year, A CARD OF THANKS The family -- of the late "Thomas James Blight wish to extend their heartfelt: thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sym- pathy and beautiful floral tributes received from their kind friends and neighbours "during thé recent illness father. their Tives that it has in mine? 7. Have I any moral right to expect or demand of other Christians, or even preachers and missionaries, any ser- vice or sacrifice for Christ thut I am willing to give myself? The work of winning the world to Christ is my work as really and as fully as it-is the work of anyone else. Let me not avoid it, nor shirk it. Ascensiontide Service Rural Deanery of East York The annual Ascension Day Service of the United Choirs of East York Deanery, will be sung in $t. George's Church, Oshawa, Thursday, June 3rd, at 8.05 p.m. The Ferial Response and Litany will be used. The anthem will be "Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring" (J. S. Bach). A cordial invitation is extended to all. ~~ ooo Porf Perry Yacht Club _ The 'members of the Port Pergy| | Yacht Club held a meeting at the lake- front on Sunday afternoon. The fol- lowing officers were clected: Commodore--Beverley Kent. Board of Trustees--June Sonley, Jack MacGregor, Donald Carnegie, Bruce Gerrow, The members of the Executive are hoping to arrange 'soine sort of pro- gram for the summer months and as all the boats are not in the water at present a sailing schedule for races has to be left until such 'time as the rest of the boats are launched, a SA Sale of Home Baking The Ladies' Aid of St. John's Presbyterian Church. will hold their and death 6f a beloved husband and | annual spring Home Baking Sale on Saturday afternoon, June -bth, in the They especially thank. the 'Rev, W. | basement of the church, Some .useful fancy articles will be for sale, also Afternoon Tea will be enjoyed. From 8 to 6 p,m. o_o : Vice-Commodore--Gordon MacMaster. Additional Nam See'y-Treasurer--Dorothy Balfour. ANNIVERSARY and THANK OFFERING SERVICES Port Retry United Church At 11.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m. SUNDAY, MAY 30th GUEST SPEAKER Rev. T. H. Mitchell, M.A, ---- GUEST SOLOIST Mrs. H. C. Hurlbert --~-- You are Cordially Invited to both these Services. Rav. W. C. Smith, Minister Concert A concert will be given by the Whit- by United Church Choir under the leadership of Mrs. Vernon Rowe, in Greenbank United Church on Friday, fay 28th, at 8 p.m, under the aus- Aces of the Women's Association. Riatadiog 2hc. and 15e. fi > 87th ANNIVERSARY CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION The Church of the Ascension, Port Perry, will abserve the 87th Anniver- sary of the beginning if its work here. The Speeial Anniversary Ser. vices will be on June 6th, the Sunday after Ascension Day at 11 am. and 7 p.m. The special preachers will be the Ven. Archdeacon Wm. Simpson, B.A. in the morning, and the Rev. Rural Dean D. M. Rose, B.S.A., Ree- dor of St. George's Church, Oshawa, in the evening, TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG COURT OF REVISION ~ Nouce is hereby given that pursuant to "The Assessment Act", the Court of Revision of the Township of Scu- gog will hold its first sitting in the Township Hall, on Saturday, May 20th 1943, at 2 o'clock, to hear and deter- mine any complaints; errors or omissions 'in the Assessment Roll of the said 'Municipality, for the year 1943, on which the taxes for 1943 will be levied, Dated and published this 21st day of May, 1943, H. G. HUTCHESON, Clerk, Township of: Scugog ri ---- <o@or-- ---- -- IN MEMORIAM IRWIN--In loving memory of our dear wife and mother, Clara Wanna- passed awal onc year ago to-day, May 28th, 1942, * 3 One year has passed and gone Since the one we loved so well Was taken from our home on earth With Jesus Christ to dwell," She bade no one a last farewell, She said good-bye to none Her spirit flew before we knew That she from us had gone. What would we give to clasp her hand, . Her happy face to see, Fr To hear her voice and see her smile That meant. so much to-us,- : 4 Sadly missed by Husband, Sina and Grant. ---- > es of Those on Active Service A.W. Elizabeth M, Griffen, R.C.A.F, LAW. Enid Wallace, R.C.A.F, Pte. Clare Wooldridge, R.C,A.S,C. A.C. Donald Nicholls, R.C.A:F. A.C. Ronald Cooksley, R.C.A.F, A.C. Harold Bentley, R.C.A.F. Myrtle Station Perhaps never before since May 24 was first proclaimed a public holiday had the 'old school bell been rung on that day to call the scholars to their Jon Sunday with his grandparents, Mr. maker, wife "of Isaiah Irwin, whol 'PUBLISHER 1S LAID TO REST largely attended. Pickering, May 20--One time school pupils, out-of-town business associates and former residents. of the village, joined with Pickering residents at the largely atfended funeral services for the late John Murkar, publisher and editor of "The Pickering News"," The service was held at his late residence on King St. West and" was conducted by Rev. David Marshall, minister of the Pickering Presbyterian Martin Jenkinson, of the local United Church, The pallbearers were R. C. Reesor, W. H. Westney, M. S. Chap- man, D. Munro, J. G. Baxter and IL Pugh. Interment was made in Erskine Cemetery, Among those from out-of-town, who attended the service, was J. Ress Thexton, of Toront), who had been the late Mr. Murker's partner for six years, after he hal left hte teaching profession to eter the newspaper business, forty.wo years ago. -------- > PP ------ 'SOVEREIGN: FILMS PRESENTS Her First Beau with JANE WITHERS and JACKIE COOPER ---in the -- ) TOWN HALL, Port Perry at 9.00 p.m., on ) WED., JUNE 2nd with "Added Attractions ADMISSION: Adults 26c¢c. Children 15c. © PLUS TAX with Toronto friemls on Wednesday of last week. Mrs., Lorne* Parrott (Iiffie Graham) of Ashburn, spent Thursday of last Mrs. W. McCartney. Mrs. Russell Taylor and Blanche Were visitors in the Queen city on Sat- Church, who was assisted by Rev.|] week with Mrs. Clarence Harrison and | You can Save with Safety at the REXALL STORE Elkay's Moth Crystals, | Mi 1 1b. Can 89c. 31 Antiseptic 3 sizes--26c., 47¢., 87c Larvex Moth Spray, 16 oz. 88c¢., 32 oz. $1.29 Bisma Réx Stomach Powder A oz, 75¢., 16 oz. $1.76 - Be Ceresan for Seed Grain 1 1b. size $1.10 b Ib. size $4.40 tamin Tablets $1.00 $1.76 $3.00 PHONE 49 THES TAP TT TL Ta TT and Mrs. Harold Stredwick. ! Mr. and Mrs, Harry Austin of To- ronto, were callers on Monday at the D. Luery home. . Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Carey and little daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, all of Oshawa, were Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs, T, Carey. "Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hughson and' Danny, of Toronto, were with Lloyd's parents over the week-end. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dalby and baby of North Oshawa spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Bradley. Mr. and Mrs, David Duchemin, Sr., of Toronto, were week-end guests and Mr. and Murs. Pearson of Leaskdale, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. | D. Duchemin, Jr. ~ Mr. and Mvs. H, Stacey were Mon- day visitors with friends on Kingston Road West. . re The Hearts of Oak Mission Band will hold its regular monthly meeting in the Sunday School room on Satur- day at 2.30 p.m. __ As Sunday was Empire Day, Mr, S. Saywell, of Oshawa, who had charge of the service, spoke on Patriotism. His address was"most interesting and helpful, - | "OBITUARY "MRS. WM. SAVAGE The unexpected death of the late Mrs. Wm. Savage, whose maiden name was Mary Ann Plum came as a shock both to her family and her many A. M. LAWRENCE he Rexall swre PORT PERRY 1 CATT TIO FS See NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Frederick William Taylor, late of the Township of Cart- wright, in the County of Durham, Farmer. All -persons having claims against the estate of the above named who | died on April 4th, 1943, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on "or before June 17th, 1943, full par- _| ticulars of their claims. Immediately after June 17th, 1948, the assets of the deceased will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. : Dated at Port etry, this 20th day of May, A.D. 1943. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Funeral of late John Murkay is vervlis Lawrence's Dyrua Store | ews: ' Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the above Estate. - NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of George MacDonald Marlow, late of the Township of Cart- wright, in the County of Durham, . Farmer. All persons having claims against the estate of the above named who died on May 2nd, 1943," are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before June 17th, 1943, full par- ticulars of their claims, Immediately after June 17th, 1943, the assets of the deceased will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice arday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beadle, Harvey and Shirley, of Ashburn, visited on Sunday evening with Myrtle relatives. Messrs. W. Lammiman and Duncan, of Oshawa, were Sunday callers at the homes of*Myrtle friends, Miss Jean Ward of Brooklin, spent Sunday afternoon and evening with her friend Miss Beulah Cooper. Pte. Raymond Holman of the Tank Regiment, Orillia Camp, was a visitor and Mrs. Jas. Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. George lyle of Port Perry, were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lyle. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stredwick and Harry Briggs visited in Toronto on Friday. Hi Miss Jean Hannam of Brooklin, was a visitor on Sunday with her friend, Miss Audrey Grant. =| Mr, and- Mrs. James Cooper spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, I. Jeffrey (Dorothy Rodd), of Scugog Island, Mr. and, Mrs, John Lowrie, St, and Misses N. Nash and C. Harvey, of Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mrs. F. Briggs and Miss Thelma Briggs, Q.M.S. Russell Lunney of Camp Borden, spent the week-end and Mon- day with Mrs. Lunney and children--}- The weather on Monday was so ideal for gardening that many took wdvan- tage of it to sow vegetables and po- tatoes before another shower, Monday was a holiday for workers in some of and she was laid to rest in Pine Grove Shows daily; 1 to 12 p.m: the munition plants and no doubt they | = friends. "Although very ill for a_fime in the winter, she recovered and was quite herself again until she caught a cold, which, with her heart condition proved fatal, and on May 9th, 1943, she was called to her home beyond. Her early Church surroundings were of the Methodist faith and despite her almost "80 years, she read her Bible daily. Deceased was a loving and devoted mother, grandmother, neigh- bour and friend. No display of her kindness was ever made but little children were taken by her and given a home with a loving mother's care, it can be truly said. She was a grand old lady; a friend to all; an enemy to none. She was waited on with loving care-by her daughter, Mrs. Alex. Mar- tyn, with hands as tender and heart as loving as her own had been. . The funeral services were conducted at her late" home by the Rev. II. W. Foley, Cemetery to await a -glorious resur- rection, AE God knew how much we loved her, But the hills were hard to climb, So He closed her weary eyelids, . And whispered 'Peace be thine', A Friend Sincere. BILTMORE OSHAWA Dated at Port Perry, this 20th day of May A.D. 1943. i HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the above Estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estates of Katherine Harrison, Spinster and Frank Harrison, Fafmer, late of the Township of Reach in the County of Ontario, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estates of the above named- whe died on or about the 24th day of Jan- uary, 1942, and on or about the 28th day of February, 1943, respectively, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Solicitors on or before the 17th day of June, 1943, full par- ticulars of their claims. Immediately after June 17th, 1943, dat her! the assets of the said Estates will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Solicitors shall then have notice, Dated at Port Perry, this 13th day of May, 1943, HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the above Estates, ! --, THEATRE Phone 534 appreciated the change, . Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hudgin and Patsy, of Toronto, spent Monday with Mrs. H. Hudgin. Mr. and Mrs, W. 1, Lymer, Maple Grove, were Monday visitors with My, Does the Trick! studies, But we heard it on Monday morning and then remembered that this year it was not to be the day of fire crackers and the real holiday it has always been, 4 Bray Chicks are real money- makers, I can prove jt, Place Jour order here" 100% live des Mrs. David Duchemin was a visitor MRS. LOUELLEN*SONLEY Port Perry, Ont, rake and hoe for of JOAN BLONDELL Thursday -- Friday -- Saturday Monday -- Tuesday -- Wednesddy ROBERT BENCHLEY Ja) JANET BLAIR in "Three Girls About. Town" p --'2nd Hit -- GENRE AUTRY SMILEY BURNETTE in "Heart of the Rio Grande" HEDY LAMARR. . SPENCER TRACY = FRANK MORGAN Ad "Tortilla Flat" --2nd Hit -- THRE - / MARX BROTHERS CHICO -- GROUCHO -- HARPO in . "The Big Store"

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