Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 May 1943, p. 6

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* v Sh Sl i i: > = Britain, vesistering--onh--F-- horas te NEES TN TULA THREE) FORNEY IS TRANS ORME NW BAR ACLS) PE PIAS SEN FRIAR 5 Ea a es as a aay Te a NL 2 5 &h 3 'Y 3 835 ha pena Atlantic Crossing Speed Record Set Strong Tail Wind Helped Pilot of Bomber The pursuit of speed records over the Atlantic is discouraged by the Royal Air Fopree Transport ' Command. It is, indeed, a disciplin- ary offense for flying personnel dtlivering new aircraft to Britain or Africa to attempt to beat prev- fous best flying times. The captains of bombers Cross. ing the Atlantic have their flight plans regulating the routes, zones, altitudes and enginespexds for eath mission designed in accord- ance with weather forecasts to obtain maximum safoty, comfort and fuel economy, as wéll as to avoid unnecessary wear and tear. Periodically, however, with unus- ually favorable conditions for the flight plans, notable trans-ocean crossings ave made. Flew At 20,000 Feet - A distinctive performance news ly recorded is that of Captain WW, S. May, of British Overs Air ways Corporation, operating on the North Atlantic under the R.A. I. Tansport Command. Captain May, flying a Liberator with maxi- mum allup load of about 56,000 as hs, and aided by a tail wind sometimes approaching 100 knads, made a landfall to Lndfall cross- ing from Newtoundlund (2,200 sta- tuto miles) in 6 hovrs, 20 min- utes. He flew on to an airfield inside 40 minutes from take-off to land- ing. Mo thus voduced hy 21 min- utes the previous best tarmac-to- tarmac Atlantic flight of § hours, 1 minute accomplished Uv months ago by a pilot officer of the Royal Australinn Air Fovee in a Hudson twin-engine bomber. Captain May. flew practically the whole course in dense cloud at about 20,000 feet, and found that he could not get over it even at 22.000 feet, bay doors of training planes. Bombs Away! -------- em -- pra EFSF : be erie] It's graduation day for bombardiers at San Angelo, Tex., Army Air Field, and big demolition missiles come pouring out of open bomb Their targets included battleships, aircraft carriers, oil storages-and docks (all constructed on the Texas [4 9 7 WHAT SCIENCE IS on which they have trained their guns, And since it leaves no glowing residue in the gun bar- rel, smokeless powder is of addi- tional benefit because it reduces Have You Heard? Gracie Fields recently told of the difficulties of Henry Hibble, a train conductor, who wanted to be vaccinated, He couldn't be vaccinated in thie arm because he had «to punch tickets, "he explain- ed to the doctor. And the leg wouldn't do because he had a lot "of walking. Finally the uoctor demanded with exasperation: "Where do you want to be vaccinated?" . "Well, doctor, I don't sit down much," Henry replied, "Why is it that so many women will persist in mak. ing themselves five years younger than _they really are?" asks a playwright. Perhaps it's because they didn't . learn to count until they were five. In a crowded street car, a very thin lady was greatly. discomfited by the pressure of an extremely fat lady who sat next to her. Turning to her other ncighbor, the thin lady remarked: "They really should charge by weight." To which the fat lady replied, "But if they did, dearie, they couldn't afford to stop for sonie ~ people." . -- Father--"No, I won't do your sum for you. It wouldn't be right." Bobby--*"1 don't suppose it would, butyyou might hive a try)" ------ "Look here, Mrs, Murphy, why have you been hitting my little Bobby 7"? "I only hit him because he was rude and called me a fat old pig." "But good gracious, Mrs. Mur- phy, you ought to know better than that. Hitting my son won't do you any good; youll have to start dieting!" - necessary, ~ rods. -- articles of glassware,-do not turn How Can l?? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I clean leather fur- niture that is soiled? A. By applying warm 'milk with a soft cloth and then fub- bing. thoroughly until dry. Q. Should new rubber rings al- ways be used when canning? * . : A. Yes, as it is false economy to use old .ones, Rubber rings deteriorate, so new ones should be. purchased at the canning sea- son, even though some were left over from last season. Q. How can I remove stains from a mattress? A. Apply "a thick paste of starcli- and water. Place in the ; sun, and when dry, rub off the paste. Repeat this process if Q. How can I avoid stains on the hands when peeling carrots? A. Carrots will not stain the hands if they are peeled in hot water, + Q. How can I avoid the rods of an umbrella catching on other people's belongings when riding on a crowded street car? A. This will not happen if a rubber band is wrapped around the lower part of the handle and then slipped over the tips of the Q. How can I prevent a"team- ed finish when drying glassware? A. After drying and polishing A GOOD DINNER A De Ad Needs 2 tasty Appetizt The housewives of Canada, ever anxious to provide attractive and nourishing meals for their families, are "Housoldiers", : They have learned that delightful desserts, made easily and at little cost with Canada Corn Starch, are a welcome addition to meals pre: pared in accordance with Canada's Food Rules. They know the high quality of Canada Corn Starch ensures fine, smooth results. Follow Canada's Food Rules for Health and Fitness, CANADA SR STARCH g Dessert: is - (i TN) a A product of the CANADA STARCH COMPANY, Limited Paying The Doctor and the Unit The chief producers of anthra- cite in the world are Great Britain ed States. One pair of shoes is the price of--a-major-operation--in- occupied - Greece; ono egg pays for a doc-. tor's visit to the house, Greek medical bodies have ruled them upside down. This is likely to steam them and spoil the pol- ish. tr physicians and surgeons may ac- cept payments-in-kind because Ax- Is forces have ravaged the country of food and supplies. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AUTOMOBILES--USED USED CARS WITH GOOD TIRES. Sce us first. Mount. Pleasant Mo- ron SALE TEAM OIF PERCHERON GELD- PHOTOGRAIILY "- ings rising 4 years. Broken, quiet; weight about 2600 Ibs. W. Keyes, DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH 7 ent -- i 1 A Wi and _Charterhouse and Sandhurst, fought in World Ware. II from the Baar to Dunkirk. He has a Scot's reticence which even his wifo can- not penetrate, Wins Loyalty Kenneth Anderson has the dell cate Joh of commanding various attached troops, both French and United States. So far he has won their loyalty. Perhaps the most colorful of his chages are the Goumiers. These are gerber warriors from tha Al. "las Mountains, who take (heir name from their unit, roughly equivalent to the company, called Goum. Each Goum has a captain, two or three French (Aenants, about fifteen French geants. Goumiers are tall and well built, with square foreheads and dark faces. They are expert woods- men, live in the mountains and can fight there as if fighting were everyday existence, Their standard weapon is a French rifle of a design that. was old at the time of the Boer War. Recently they were supplied with a few Tommy guns. When they went into action they fired their new toys with screams of delight, lien- ser- Germany Needs African Phesphates North Africa is the largest and richest source of Axis-controlled phosphate deposits, says The New York Times, Insignificant amounts of phosphate are sprinkled through 'Belgium, France, Poland and Spain, but these have not been mined commercially, Prior to the war, North African plus some from Florida supplied most of Kurope, but with the fall of France, production in North Africa dropped almost half. Most of that was taken over by (er- many. Lg When the United Nations com. plete the conquest of North Africa control the Mediterranean, Germany's. most important source of phosphate will be gone, and the German food supply will be re- duced even. beyond present low levels. So says Felix N. Willlams, 'Monsanto prodvction chemist. The E) Axis powers will not be totally de- prived of phosphate, but they will not have enough to meet the re quirements of agriculture and the chemical industry, Perhaps this is one reason why Rommel is fight. ng 80 hard to stave oft defeat, - Fiench * phosphates. , * Smokeless rifle, machine guns, anti-aricraft and land an powdermen base explosive because itsis made 3 of cther and ton fibres, Nitroglycerin, the essential ingre- dient of double base powder, is not present. make up siffokeless powder are in- geniously mi great pressu Kis not cause it leaves a slight haze on firing, but i than that formed by old types of black powder. powder deficient in smoke is ap- by other land gunners, who do not location preciated wish the placements * * powder is used in all d naval cannon. To. it is known as single alcohol, wood or cot- plus certain acids. The substances that xed and subjected to re. truly smokeless be- his haze is much less The merit in a guard and coast of their .em- revealed to aircraft Roll your owners! go for Ogden's _Cow-catchers "cleared the way for olin of tho West... Ogden's clears tho tracks for rolling-your-own to completo satisfaction. It'salong- famous brand with along-famous name --a blend of choicer, riper tobaccos-- it's Ogden'sl Ogden's quality for pipe smokers, too, in stock in the old days Ogden's Cut Plug (0 (4K FINE CUT In .30 and .50 calibre and in 155 millimeter howitzer charges the grains have only a single hole - of extremely small diameter. Larger cannon varicties have seven holes, not much larger, but all accurately spaced. "Green" powder becomes fin- ished powder after the 'solvents have been extracted with heat. The fumes of the solvents are condensed, collected and stored for re-use. After this process a negligible amount of ether and alcohol remaining is washed away been reduced 25 per cent. in size. Finally it is dried in hot air, blended in huge lots to insure a product of great uniformity, and packed in zine lined cans which have been tested with a pressure of several atmospheres to show that they are air and water tight, "Modern Etiquette By Roberta ice 1, If an engagement has been announced in the newspapers, and is then broken, is it all right to send an announcement of its ter- mination to the papers? 2, Should a dinner guest push his chair back under the table when leaving it? 3. When writing a note to de- cline an invitation, should one make it formal? . 4. What should two pepole go if introduced to each other for the second time? 6. Is it necessary to send a gift when one is invited to a church wedding, but not to the reception? necessary to serve at a dinner? ANSWERS 1, Yes, if desired; this is some- times done. 2, Not unless it is necessary for others to walk by, 3. Yes, if the invitation is formal. 'Otherwise, not. The form of the invitation should be followed, 4. If the occasion is a formal one, they should both acknowledge the introduction and not attempt any explanations that would be em- barrassing to the. person making the introduction, However, if the occasion is an informal one, it is all right to recall the previous meeting," 6, No; only invitations to the reception require gifts, 6. Two vegetables are sufficient, with hot water.. The powder has . 6. How many vegetables is it. I didn't pass." What is » budget? Well, it is a method of worrying before you spend, instead of afterward. Record of the United States Patent Office show that the first on May 5, 1809. RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED it you ute troukicd with itching Plies ut rectul surenesy, av put deluy treatment und tun the tisk of letungg this couditiun- become chrunic. Any itching ur sureness or palntul pisy- age of stool Is nuture's warning und Proper treatment should be secured at once. For this purpose get a package of Hem-Ruid 'trom any druggist und use as directed. This formula, which 1s 'used internally 1s a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the itching und soreness und ald In heuling the sore tender spots, fHem-Rold fs pleasunt to use, Is highly recommended and (1 seems the height of tolly tor uny one Lo risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a line temedy may be had ut such a smull cost, if you try Hem-Roid and are not entirely pjeased with the results, your druggist. will gladly return your mouey. Drive out ACHES vos distress from MONTHLY, FEMALE WEAKNESS Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable 44 ound not onl hel Ef ove in but al X, nerv+ ous feelings--due to monthly func Fellitance naines distress OF © 5 * \Cult days." Stade in Canada, py batent was granted to a woman . 5 cockerels. We have several breeds, Tweddle Chiclk Hatcheries Limit- cd, Fergus, Ontario. WE CAN PILL YOUR ORDER FOR late June, early July chicks, pul- lots, if you send your order now. Good all year round markets de- mand all you can produce. So if you've the cquipment don't hesi- tate to orde Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., HI Ont. < BEVERAGE HERE'S TEA FOR YOU - FRU-TEA, TEA BEVERAGE, DBE. licious hot or cold, requires no ration coupons, excellent added to your rationed tea. Makes your tea go twice as far, Looks, tastes like tea. No sugar required. 70c¢ 1b. postpaid. I, 15. Karn Co. Ltd, 765 Mt. Pleasant Rd. To- ronto, BLACKBERRIES HIMALAYAN EBVERBEARING-- Blackberries, Prolific and hardy. for $1.0 prepaid. A. Klein, Agassiz, I. 0 LC, CANDILS ANNIE LAURIE CANDIES SEND [FRESH MADE CANDIES Overseas direct from, factory. 2 Ibs. $1.44 und 1 Ib, 80c, chen poste paid. Remit postal ndte- with regiment number and unit. Candy Shops Ltd, t Road, 'l'oronto. F==Trial writes us: "I RED BLOOD QUIGKLY TABLETS films to you for some time. 1 ap- stop White diarfhoea in chicks, preciate your excellent work and Turkey poults} also calf scours promptuess. 1 have recommended and pig scours, costs ¥% chick your work to several friends who 1c poult, 10c pig, 50c¢ calf. Trial now are your steady customers," sample $1.00; guaranteed results Send your next film roll to Star or money buck. R. A. Finn & Co. Snlipshot Service. : Limited. London, Ontario. = 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25¢ MEDICAL Sixe 4x6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts VATU RE IEMEDIES--PALOVA Enlargements coloured by hand for NATUIES ol Piles. $1.00 with a small additional charge. money back guarantee and Dreen- have been sensing my, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto t Limited. Used Car Lol. at R.R. No. 2 Orillia, 4 miles from : J ; Smokeless Powder the danger of a premature explo- 4 He--"I admit, my dear, the 2010 Yonge Streets: Head Office - Don Ja plop, Calis te rhe ee or oa The shells that Americans and sion, --: wiken a , 632 Mount Pleasant Road, To- HA % r o b. f 4 bY Pp FR AP their Allies are firing all over * . > en re more eautiful ronto. Telephone HY. 2181, LATEST WORLD WAR MAP, Delivered by Mull 2eNera naerson eir Allies Eg 3 . than men, beautifully coloured.. Just send clivered by Mu 8) A Ri " ~ the world are propelled by hard In seeking powder of a certain 0" " Jin » . 25c, W. Petersen, 1.0. Box 463, Any 6 or ¥ expusure film perfectly 2%) sa bro ¥ : : She--"Naturally. AUTO bans Toronto. develuped and printed for only zbe, pA} Of British 1st Army perforated, gray and taffy color- strength, the rate of burning is He--"No, artificially." Rw To TAS POT Supreme quality and fasl service Vi ed grains of smokeless powder, all-important. In smokeless pow- Ted had just returred from SWOnD Usa Bakes TOR ALL PASTURE: WANTED Buatunteed. » ) HE F " dU Hod Stat As a relative or friend of a fight- der, this acceleration is governed church and his wife_asked him: plete automobile sD sching | shag WANTED FEW RELIABLE FARM IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE i LL a rene oa hile 4d £3 ing man, you may take comfort by the minute perforations that "What was the text of the ser. Frodosick SE. Kitchener. Ontario: ers who have good Pasture and Station J, Foi ato i Troops Htacusd To His in the knowledge that jt is the | run: the length of the grains. | oo today? "He giveth His be. Ee = focompmodation So Fes, an -- 4 : or nan best military explosive ever de- Known, as pin holes they are in- loved sleep," was the reply. "Many BABY CHICKS . tle for summer, for cash, paid FILMS DEVELOPED 25¢ COIN 54 The British Fist Army's com vised, as superior to the powder troduced into the grain in its people there ?:-she infuired. "All HYBRIDS COR EXTRA VIGOUR gin AT Jesping alive), Two Prints from each JDegutive. Re- A Anh in Sf used in other wars as electric | last formative pressing under he beloved." {isa papular Pursbreds [Comipiste of increase. . Write fully: Post PO. Box. 160, Station In Montront He mander, Kenneth Arthur Noel Ane ised Wm the beloved," came the answer, list, all ages. Fairview Iarms, dbnliereaze. J Wile 1 .0. Box 160, Station I, Montreal, % £5 derson ' is a formal, frugal, un lighting is to kerosene. 3,000 pounds pressure, from |» St. Marys, Ontario. t 3 A 0 0 - 4 iN glamorons Scot who has been Used only as a propellant Which the powder emerges in long "Are these eggs strictly CASH 1S ON THIS YEAR'S "BULL | HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL PAY LESS FOR SNAPSHOTS 4 i F | which means it ¢ s the shell strands-résembling macaroni. fresh?" market." Get Tweddle Chicks ey ; somewhat eclipsed for the outside . - ras 7 . res . now. The bull market Is on--rfor LEARN HAIRDRESSING THR AND GET QUALITY WORK x public by the brilliant command. Where it has" been aimed at--it ~ After pressing, powder is cut "Fresh? Féel 'em and see broliers -- roasters -- eggs, Here's: | . Robertson method. Information | AINA all | ers above and around Mim in Tun. is actually neither smokeless nor into exaét segments" before the if they're cool enough to han: | Your chance to prove the profit- | bi uent Py i Flasecs: Save eatery profits. Mai your } 7 sia, and for his own troops by a powder, but it has two essen- ether and _wood--alechol;- -which- "dle yet." . ) faking possibilities of Tyeafls "amy. 131 Avende Road "Toreoto. fms i % i VL sk ee pm } : I irtues. g v i i-plastic, are extrs N ree i , AY > busi ~his-britiant juniors within {hn til Virien es bushings aly win semi plastic, are extracted "Pop, if 1 saved you a dollar from blood-tested Itecderns od FRPP TIT Ing and printing. Srl Jaina First Army. says Time He speaks | gaseous nad burns at almost any with hea = wottd--you give me fifty cents of 19 years. Tweddle Chicks offer - ne : actatin lowest cost. You'll save money, fluent Frencl, and his French desired speed, and it leaves the the base of whose powder is wm you a chance to cash in on your gn lin pr Cannis munis rake More important, youll be better "subordinates like nis Scottish man. | gun barrel free of corrosive: dirt, - | neither wood nor cotton; but oat- "Yes, IT guess so, son." Jaresipiont 3 meat ond oxclusively. Write us for particu pleased with your pictures. tality. the combustion residue that for meal, -does not have time to re- "Well, I saved it for you. You To rot in on the bull market. lars. WIE: Arh CoobR Ail, Soll on. 5 Siposures The Noel in his name is for his years restricted the successful use move the slovent from his pow- told me you would give me a dol- fend =. he, Tires Salone 258 Yonge St., Toronto, Ontarlo Free Souvenir with Hach Order, birthday-- Christmas, 1501. lie of longe range, rapid fire rifled der. . . lar if I passed in arithmetic, and now for Junc and July. Ask for LIVESTOCK REMEDIES A customer at South Durham, Que, was born in India, educated at guns, * our low pri on Light breed ne and address plain. rs. . atone "for Arthritis and Rheum- atism. Months supply. $1.00. .In- dian Remedies, Box 118, an- Print your nar COUVEr, su Iy on all orde DON'T DELAY! BVERY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- ILANTS itis should try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. ULCERS, SORES, ailments. My ointments used suc- cessfully from coast to coast. Strawberr, ieties; Ui ECZEMA, SKIN Rate CERTIFIED RASPBERRY PLANTS, s, Kana, Red Currants; Tue, WwW. cifner, Goderich, Ont. AA Rahn big Fred bi MA, 0 great new var- Prices tree. Wesley, treatment $1.00 postpaid will convince you. Special prices ~ RHEUMATIC PAINS to physicians and institutions. > ro NII ETT Write "Nurse R." Tucker, Birks | PHOVIN REMIDY--BYIERY SUF Bldg, Winnipes. rer 9 theumatic ang oo ' B . Durie should try. Dixon's Joi TAPEWORM et y. Munro's Drug Store, 33 le STOMACH AND THKEAD WORMS _8in,_Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00, often arc the cause of {ill-health -- in humans all ages. No. one im- SEED mune! Why not find out if this is your trouble? Interesting par- MANGEL SEED ticulars--IFrec! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3, Ont. Special pric NURSERY STOCK quantity of GIANT Vv titi PEED G--UGROWN in 1942, Grade No. 1, per.lb. ble. e to the trade or in 25 lbs. and up. Pre. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive - odor instantly, 46c bottle. Ottawa . agent, enman Drug Store, Ottawa. FENCE 1I'0STS WANTED WANTED. -- 100,000 NORTHERN white cedar fence posts, quoting prices, 1. Johnson and Son, Cedar Springs, Mich, COINS paid, 1 1b, 65c; 2 Ibs, $1.20; 6 Ibs, 7 ; TREE;AND BUSH:-FRUITS, EVERs $2.85. Menno Sauder, R.Z; Elmira, ANTIQUES - COINS BOUGHT AND greens, Shade Trees, Shrubs, nt. Jue id Nelson Street, Kingston, Vines, Perennials, Jock Fins, - arlo. : Free. catalogue an ruit list, Vi: COU a RE TPIT rR = Niagara Nurseries, St. Catharines, NURSING Loynse DETECTIVE COURSE Ont, ALPLICATION 8 ARE INviteD BY TFT TET vn " Grace Hos School of - i ee Cris fi 0 monn: Coed. Yor Hur: Qoads 28 learn dstective work. FETHESTONHAGUH & COMPANY Ihat cluformation, Ap peri. Tactical easy course by corres Patent Solicitors. istublirheq tae id Anacnce; Inrarmation fier Si UV, 14 wg West, Toronto, . y ulien, oy on » >: t e- treal ; SNe of inturmution on r STAMPS mo DYEING & GLEANING PATENTS AND (TRADES MARKS Bi iel. COLONIES AND Lou. HAVE YUU ANYTHING NELDS D) - REELY ADVISED toundiand Royul Family, uscd, to dyelug or cleaning? Write to us NT er FEL A appieants sending de" Reid," 30 4) information, 'Wa are glud 23 ton It, Case, 2 Balsam Ave, Oak St, Toronto. ahswe! (1 questions. epucts 3) 3 Tr ty = ment 1 Parker's "Dye Works unt; Ba\ablianefl Over 10tly | |. nr Corl BOTIORE aT Limited, 79) Yonge ~Biregl, Jo- Big or small we buy them all, . ronto. . TRAIN FOR NURSES ; Hampton, 6026 Sherbrooke "w INSTRUMENTS WANTED = - oLN ; ALLLICATIONS WARE AV ITED "BAND . & ORCHESTRA _INSTRU- or girls who desire to train for ki . Ot. PAR ments pot in use may be turned nurses, September 1943, Cornwall STRAUTOR ITY into cash. Send full' particulars General Hospital, Cornwall, Ont TRACTOR "PARIS NEW AND. . to Whaley Royce .& Company, - used, for all mukes of tractors, 310 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. PERSONAL General Auto und Tractor Supply, FEATHERS WANTED | WORLD'S GREATEST DISCOV. 13 Frederick St, Kitchener, Unk WILY PAY THE FOL TOWING iY thd Sena ros or A 15} i rthdate an 0. P.O, Bo y prices tor Goose and_ Duck teath- Ottawa, Canada, . g 4 TRACTORS WANTED ers: Goose feathers, 68c 1b.; 'Duck - = " \ 3 tn er or Limiced, Toh Dundas Be. YOUR L Q.? Wrecking, git tour ay finder Moat East, Toronto, Ont. . BELF-ADMINISTIRED . INTELLI. Lid under three ton. Ivan. Mennfe,. = Tern = Bence Test, $2.00. postpald, Free endover, Ont, < © FOOT BALM counsel. Willlam © Foster, late Supervisor Vocational Service, 4117 Beaconsfield Ave. Montreal, VRAUTICAL NURSING Bi3 A FRACTICAL NURBSH, HAVE stea [3 ent a od pay Bow Lond ation war White for J. Jantzi, WANTED TO Buy WANTED---SEVERAL GOOD REG- istered Holstein calves or yearls ings, negative to blood test," John Wellesley, Ont. free particulars of our low price remit ---- Home Sthdy, Course, Dominion School of Nursing (Established 1908), Toronto 12, Department C. ISSUE No. 20--43 2: LE

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