Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 15 Apr 1943, p. 4

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He i Il to Am i At Tar A -- ny Sy NS oR on > NT SER SENG Sn mes as SEN EU a a I a EP Ere PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, HIRAI, a APRIL 15th, 1943 Port. Perry Flight Lieut. Joel Aldred and Mrs. Aldred (Nursing Sister), of Trenton and Dartmouth, N. 8. respectively, spent a week's leave with the former's mother, Mrs. Norman Aldred. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hall and son Brian, of Long Branch; Miss Ruth Hall, of Copper Cliff; 'Miss Louise Hall, of Toronto; and Miss Betty. Jef- frey, of Oshawa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hall over the week-end, Misses Lola Gerrow and Doris Mac- Gregor, of Toronto, were at their respective homes during the week-end. L.A.C. Hugh Nasmith, R.C.A.F.; of Brantford, visited recently with his . parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. C. Nasmith. < There appeared in last Thursday evening's edition of the Toronto Daily Star, a picture of Capt', the Rev. J. C. Clough, former rector of the Church of the Ascension (Anglican). It was a picture showing him in battle dress as Padre with the boys in the front line of recent manocuvers in England. Capt. Wm. T. Harris, of Camp Borden, was a recent visitor at his home here. Pte. George Emmerson, C.D.C., of Mountain View, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Emmerson. Those who attended the Convention of the Young People's Unions of Osha- ~ wa Presbytery in Brooklin, Saturday were: Rev. W. C. Smith, Misses Mar- garet Day, Dorothy Tristram, Audrey Simmonds, Thelma Crosier, Dorothy Balfour. Pte. Fred Guyton, of the 48th High- landers, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs, Bert Howard. We are pleased to see Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Harris have returned to their home here, after spending the winter in St. Petersburg, Florida. Mr. E. W. Webber, of Columbus, was guest speaker at the Lions Club meeting on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker and son Dick, of Toronto, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker, on Sunday. ARRIVED SAFELY Mr. and Mrs. 'Cecil E. Beare have received -a 'cable from their son Bill. Their many friends will be glad to know that he arrived safely in Eng- land. Aunt Tillie and her retinue travelled to Bowmanville on Wednesday even- ing and put on a performance for the - entertainment of the soldiers at the Internment Camp. The W.A. of the Church of the As- cension (Anglican) held a very pleas- ant meeting at the home of Mrs. Mounce on Tuesday afternoon, during which time plans were made to hold the annual Easter Tea and Sale of Homemade Cooking. Keep in mind the Young People's Banquet which will be held in the basement of the United Church on the evening of Wednesday, April 28th. Young People's Union The meeting of the Y.P.U. on Tues- _ day evening was in.charge of Dorothy Balfour, convener of Christian Fel- lowship and Bud Sonley, assistant convener, B It opened with the Invocation by the president, after which a hymn was sung and Margaret Day led in prayer. Dorothy Balfour read a meditation en- titled "The Perfect Guest." We were then favoured with a vocal duet by Dorothy Tristram and Margaret Day, "In the Garden", accompanied by Mis. W. C. Smith at the piano. Dorothy Tristram gave a most in- teresting report on thé Y.P.U. conven- tion in Brooklin... A hymn was sung and then Dorothy Balfour called upon Mr. M. A. Gerrow, who was giest "speaker of the evening. He had chosen for his topi¢, "Life". He likened life __ to a mountain upon which five houses "were built--3 on one side going up and 2 on the way down. He deseribed the foundation upon which each house was built and also with what each one was furnished. i A sincere vote of thanks was ten- dered to Mr. Gerrow for visiting our Y.P.U. and giving us such an inferest- _ ing address. Emmerson' McMillan gave a humor- _ous reading from the works of Art- emis Ward. The minutes of the pre- vious meeting:were read and adopted; roll call was taken; items of business! discussed and offering taken. A hymn was sung and the Mizpah benediction repeated. A few games were played and the meeting closed with the sing-| A, L. McDermott's Chapel, on Thurs- Ada Warren, ing of God Save the King, | [dhe showing of these slides. ( = Parking on A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE a hursday Friday . Saturday April 15, 16, 17 One of the TRUEST and most touching STORIES of the war "JOURNEY FOR MARGARET" A Starring Robert Young, Laraine Day, Fay Bainter, Nigel Bruce, William Severn Monday Tuesdiy "Wednesday April 19-21 TWO GREAT FEATURES Jeanette McDonald, Robert Young in "CAIRO" The Hottest Spot on Earth with Ethel Waters, Reginald Owen, Grant Mitchell Also on the same bill "The Affairs of Martha" Starring Marsha Hunt Richard Carlson Marjorie Main Virginia Weidler _ SCANDAL in the Suburbs--That Pretty Maid Tells All COMING SOON In Which We Serve EE -- 'The Passion Play On Wednesday, April 21st at 8 p.m. in the Anglican Parish Hall, the Rector will show coloured lantern slides of the Oberammergau Passion Play. These slides are from pictures taken at the Drama "The Passion Play" presented at Oberammergau by famous artists and actors, in succes- sive years. "~The people of the com- munity are cordially invited to attend Silver collection. GOOD FRIDAY, 12 NOON TO 2 P.M. The annual Good Friday Special Service, 12 noon to 2 p.m., will be held in the Church of the Ascension. The addresses on the ~Seven Words of Clirist from the Cross, will be given by the Rector. The congregation may enter or retire during any of the hymns. . All people of the community are welcome to enter, rest, and pray. High School Notes By Irene Mulligan i On Wednesday afternoon of -last week the annual cadet inspection was held in the gymnasium. The boys gave a skilful demonstration of their cadet work when they were 'inspected by Major Read of Military District No. 2, Toronto. This summer the boys again have the opportunity of going to a cadet army camp for two weeks train- ing. Several went last year and ex- pect to return this year, While anxiously waiting for the baseball season to open, the girls: find themselves still participating -~ in Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY'S |! OPTOMETRIST Taylor's ducted by Mrs. Rowe and Mrs. C. G. Park, of Whitby. A new Youth Hymnal has been published and we were. made acquainted with some of the hymns in it. N Rev. C. G. Park, of Whitby, deliv- ered an address on "Kipling"--Laure- ate of Empire. He briefly recounted the life of Rudyard Kipling and quoted many poems which had been written by Kipling and which live on through- out the years. This was followed by a period of relaxation, during which time games were played in the Mason- ic Hall and these were conducted by Glenna Wilson of Oshawa. At 6.30, supper was served in the basement of the church by the Brook- lin ladies. Between courses, Zorah Holliday led in a sing-song. After thé Banquet, Roy Ormiston presented the slate of officers for the coming year and these were accepted. Rev. "Mr. Griffith, of Bowmanville, was the theme speaker. His remarks were based on "In Which. We Serve" and he very forcefully brought home to us how much responsibility rests on the shoulders of young people in mak- ing this world a more Christian one and how we must strive to keep the Church alive so that when the boys come home again from overseas, they basketball. A junior team played a and the seniors defeated the juniors. The score was 12-6, Everyone playing enjoyedea good game. MARRIED ALDRED-BAGGS Quietly, in" St. 'Flight Lieut. Joel Aldred, of Port Perry, and Flying Officer - (Nursing Sister) Vina Baggs, R.C.A.F.; of Cur- ling, Newfoundland. o> HOPE -- At Oshawa Hospital, on Saturday, April 10th, 1043, George Stanley Hope, beloved husband of Rena M. Jackson, in his 48th year. , HOOEY--At Blackstock, on Mon- day, April 12th, 1043, Josephine Gra- ham, beloved wife of 'George Hooey, in her 89th year. Funeral fr¥ice at day, April 16th, at 2.30 p.m, i senior team on Thursday afternoon!and only by endeavouring to live | Christian lives, can we hope to do George's Church, the programs. Moncton, N.B., on February 23, 1943," The ceremony ' was performed by Flight Lieut. A. J.' Jackson, Padre of No. 8 S.F.T.S., in' the presence of Rev. W. J. Alexander. | will have a place in which to serve, God's will. We can also, serve God hy attending Church more regularly. Returning to the main body of the Church, Rev. W. C. Smith, Port Perry, conducted a quiz discussion on the problems confronting different unions and gave many valuable hints on how to overcome them and ideas to vary _ Then folldwed. the Installation of the new Executive by Rev. J. V. Mec- Neely and the Rededication by Rev, P. L. Jull. most impressive candlelight service under the leadership of Doris Dudley. " ASHBURN A Plunkett dinner will be held in the |" church basement on May 13th, The Y. P. U. held its weekly meet- ing in the basement of the church. President, Alfréd Fisher, presided. Florence Doble read 'the Scripture. Prayer. Douglas Ashton read the minutes of last meeting. Offering. A|' Candle Light Service was enjoyed by all. The niecting was brought to a close with the mizpah benedictjon and God Save the King. Next week Miss literary convéner, will be in_charge of the meeting. ; The convention closed with a Phone 49 Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Reynolds of Ajax and Miss Georgia Reynolds of Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Heron. r A.W.1 Muriel Hill, (W.D.) R.CA.F.,, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hill. Mr. James Doble spent the week- end with Mr, and Mrs. Henry Doble, WHEN WILL THE ICE GO OUT THIS YEAR? Following are some records in years past: to, 1872 mm 1 1873 .. I'he Eating House| of Quality and Seryice 1877 ! 1878 .. 1886 ... Ice Cream if Soft Drinks 1% . Cigars os, "Tobaccos 1904 ... 1 ; 1905 .. Cigarettes 19% = 1907 .. 1908 1909 1910 "3. 1911 1012 BILL TAYLOR. Proprietor| 19,3 : > 1914 Young People's 1915 Convention Held | 1%" onvention Held 1919 : : 1918 -.. In Brooklin 1918. Some of the members of Port Perry| 1920 .. Y.P.U. journeyed to Brooklin on Sat-] 1921 .. urday afternoon, April 10th, to attend| 1922 .. the Annual Spring convention of the| 1923 .. Unions of Oshawa Presbytery. The| 1924 convention was largely attended, well{ 1925 over one hundred young people being | 1926 present. ) 01927 Registration was at 2.30 and the] 1928 .. meeting opened at 3.00 o'clock with a] 1929 .. Worship Program put on by New-|{ 1930 .. castle Y.P.U., consisting of hymn,] 1931 .. prayer, Scripture and a duet. The 1932 theme of the convention this year was| 1933 "In Which We Serve." Rev. P. L. Jull, 1934 of Brook]in, welcomed the young peo-| 1935 ple, after which Hugh Miller, presi-| 1936 dent of the Executive of Oshawa Pres-| 1937 bytery Y.P.U., presented the Mission-| 1938 ary flag to Brooklin Y.P.U., that| 1939 Union having donated the largest sum 1940 ... of money to Missionary purposes. 1941 .., For a half hour, everyone enjoyed aj 1942 .., program of Music Appreciation con- 1943 TENDERS. WANTED Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned for the purchase of the barn building on what is_known as the Collacutt - property, "recently pur chased by the Board of Education." Tenders will be closed at six p.m. on Friday, Aprils 17th; and must be sent to R. D. Woon, Secretary of the Board of Education, Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, ~~ A SIGN OF SAFETY where your doctor's pre- scriptions will be filled quickly "and accurately A FAMILY FAVOURITE FOR REGULAR MOUTH HYGIENE There is no better example of the . outstanding value and quality of Rexall Preparations than MI-31 Antiseptic. Itis a proven antiseptic that kills barmful germs quickly ~--tastes good, too. Let MI-31.be your family guardianagainst germs, Gargle and spray with MI-31 whenever a cold threatens... use it to avoié bad breath, And remem. berithelps get rid of dandruff, too. MI-31 Antiseptic is a product of the Rexall Laboratories, guar. anteed for strength and purity by your Rexall Druggist. Gét a family sized bottle today. a7 47 402 . 25¢ ANTISEPTIC A. M. LAWRENCE, "The Rexall Store' Port Perry po J Double Wedding On April 3rd, at 2.30 o'clock, in First United Church, which was deck- ed with palms and spring flowers, Rev. E. Melville Aitken officiated at an interesting double wedding, when Helen Marion, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ausbert Rose, was married to Mr. Ian Crichton, sen of Mrs. Crichton . and the late Mr. James Crichton; and 'Bernice Kathleen, the younger daughter, became the wife of Mr. Frank Ott, son of Mrs. Nicholas Bukoski and the late Mr, Joseph Ott. Two separate ceremonies united the] couples, the two brides, with their re- couple to be married, with their at- tendants, taking up positions 'in the front of the Church. Escorting his elder daughter was Mr. Ausbert Rose, while the girls' uncle, Mr. Harold Millen, of Stoney Creek, escorted the other bride. The father of the two young women gave them both away. spective 'retinues, proceeding up .the fs [aisle at the same time, and the second LG | SSR A [SC Lawrence's Drug Store News You can Save with Safety at the REXALL STORE " English Garden Toiletries A distinctive new line, pesfumed with a combina- tion of floral odours. Perfyme, 30c and 60c Face Powder, 60c -Bath Powder, $1.10 © Puretest Plenamin Capsules, : Parke Davis Haliver Oil Cap., 90c, $1.65 - Betamin Tablets, 85c. $1.76, $3.00 Ayerst's Alphamettes, $1, $1,856 and $3.60 Neo-Chemical Capsules. $1. } and $2 Squibb's Adex Yeast Tablets, $1.00 and $2.89 Wampole's Cod Liver Extract, $1.00 A. M. LAWRENCE j PHONE 49 Hom Rexall swe PORT PERRY a ER Cee Cae abe _ Re oie ui : Attired in organza dresses made alike, but, respectively, of pink and blue shades, and wearing halo head- dresses wreathed with blossoms, hold- ing ghoulder-length _ veils - matching ANNUAL MEETING OF BOWLING CLUB At the annual meeting of the Po W. J. KING Chiropractor, Drugless Therapist "1 In Practice over twenty years. their gowns the bridesmaids carried and buddleia. Miss Elsie Fisher at- tended Miss Helen Marion Rose, and Miss Kay Leatherdale was Miss Ber- nice Kathleen Rose's attendant. Mr. James Crichton was best man Hor Mr. Ian Crichton, and Mr. Lloyd bouquets- of pink roses, sweet peas Perry Bowling Club, held one evening last week, the following officers were elected: President--George Holmes; Vice-President--John Murray; Secre- tary-Treasurer--R. J. Harper; Ground Keeper--Wm. Graham, A successful season is anticipated for the Club, as opportunities - for 'tl Now in Uxbridge, Ontario, Maple - Street. Phone 54 r 13 -- tor -- DIED HORTOP--Suddenly, at Oshawa, on Allen, and Mrs. Harold Millen, Stoney Millen, of Stoney Creek, performed a similar office for Mr. Ott. Ushering the guests were Mr, Leslie Crichton and Mr, John Ewerth. The bridal music was played by Mr. Harry J. Creek, sang I Love You Truly and Because. ' The brides made a charming picture wearing identical gowns of white em- bossed satin, tight bodiced and ful]- skirted, and embroidered veils draped from headdress of orange blossoms. Their shower bouquets were composed of white roses, white sweet peas and buddleia. guests, was held at Rycroft Inn, the brides' mother receiving in an en- semble of Tuscan wine, with matching hat, and corsage bouquet of Talisman roses. Mrs, Crichton, in Queen's blue crepe; and Mrs. Bukoski, in navy blue, assisted her. A message of good wishes was delivered to the brides from their 83-year-old grandnidthibr, Mrs. Geo. A. Rose, of Port Perry, who was unable to be present at the wed- dings. . Going away on the honeymoon Mrs, Ian Crichton wore a tan wool suit, with beige fur lapels, brown straw hat trimmed with beige-toned flowers and brown and beige accessories. Her cor- The wedding reception, for seventy |." travelling are curtailed. - The purpose is to emphasize the Bowling Green as & home amusement and social centré for those who can arrange to join the Club. Applications for membership will be welcomed. ANNOUNCER Kay MacIntosh of Halifax is one of the latest additions to CBC's announce staff. A Maritimer by birth and pre- ference, Kay became interested in act- ing and dramatic production at college Wednesday, April 14, 1943, Christina Smith, beloved wife of the late James Hortop, in her 77th year. Resting at the chapel of A. I. Mec- Dermott, Port Perry, for service on Friday, April 16th, at 2.30 p.m, ENGLAND'S QUEEN FINDS HOME IS SOURCE OF BETTER WORLD London, April 12.--A new and deep- Jr note in postwar planning was -istruck by Queen Elizabeth when she [told women of "the Empire in her | broadcast that rebuilding of a better world must start with the revival of spiritual 'values in the home. After paying tribute to the work the Queen declared that "it is on th strength of our spiritual life that the right rebuilding of our national life depends." Referring to the fact that "our pre- cious Christian heritage is threatened by adverse influences," she expressed the conviction that "if the years to come are to see some real spiritual recovery, the women of our nation must be deeply concerned with re- ligion, and our homes are the very which women are doing in the x suit of Queen's blue wool, with plati- num fox lapels, light blue hat trim- méd with-navy blue, and corsage hou- sage flowers were Talisman roses. Her sister, Mrs. Frank Ott, wore a and turned to radio because it ap- pealed as something unusual and dif- ferent. She has been with the CBC since November, 1942, and is héard on a constant increasing number of local place where it should start." This statement, and the Queen's emphasis elsewhere in her speech on rebuilding of family life, crystallizes SAR BEA quet of deep red roses. The wedding trip was to Toronto and Buffalo, and network programs originating in Halifax. the sentiment one finds increasingly among many of Britain's leaders and many British people to-day. to the beach at Algiers, LARGEST SEABORNE EXPEDITION IN HISTORY Picture Shows--Landing craft with stores and light guns on the way BILTMORE THEATRE OSHAWA Er -- -- - a ET -- 5 © Friday and Satuxday Monday and Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday =" April 16 and T7 April 19 and 20 April 21 and 22 'D To Powder Town starring VICTOR McLAGLEN and JUNE HAVOC --also-- "Blondie on a Budget" "Joan of Paris" featuring ALAN LADD and LAIRD CREGAR --also-- Four Jacks and A Jill with RAY BOLGER Appointment for I. starring CHARLES BOYER and IRENE DUNNE ~also-- 40 Thousand Horsemen with a British Cast with RITA id ON TARIO "ay

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