Hr. inh ah PANE BE 3 Ey Cael [ we 5 7s 5 i go ites En a ATTA YE ga 4 » v LS A TEINS FORMER A RPS SLUTS PWR Jul 49 EWN BR Pe WES rr Cine Sigh hm . ay v Sk a - or nn , Beer ts me TE me " PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 11th, 1943 - THE CHURCHES ' DENTISTS ema 3 ci BROCK TH EATRE ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN : oi a -- Tr DR. J. B. LUNDY CHURCH N | |' | RI | ' ¢ ® ' TBY DENTAL SURGEON Rev. J. A. McMillan, Minister' THE RED & WHITE Hania 3 office equipped for 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School y STORE | lly Alr Conditioned. . X-RAY WORK and Bible Class E t Ri h . 1 Ri h F ; : ] Thureday, Friday, and Saturday, big 4 2 hhone Om i 7 p.m.--Evening Service. a 18 t: . oe 18 t. or Good, | : . . i vo WT a, . MARCH 11-12-13 Phones: Office 68w; Residence 68J) poRT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Nutritious Meats, Call ' M E N ' S ' ; v > Two shows at 7 and 9 p.m. Ww i Rev. W. C. Smith, Minister N < : . oo i) Saturday Matinee at 10 . A. Sangster [muni W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER SUIT or OVERCO 5 SUIT AT | ial » . ; 1} 9" DENTAL SURGEON Morning--Jesus the Light ] Road to Morocco . Ofice Hours: 9 a.m. to § pm. Evening--Gospel Hymns, Phone 72w, PORT PERRY ) ; Please come and sin . : Af with BING CROSBY, BOB HOPE, | Office Upstairs, over C. Slesp's 8 fa DOROTHY LAMOUR Insurance Office. : : MADE-TO-MEASURE Sh EL) . i & : CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ' \ 5 -- Monday, Tucsdiy and Wednesday, | OR: H. H. ARMSTRONG ANGLICAN of CH 16-16-17 DENTIST Rector: Rev. Willlam Stocks E R I March 14--First Sunday in Lent. . $29.50--$35.00 | par Last Complete Show at 8.20 Leonard Block ov Prentice's Barber | 930 pm. --Sunday School | " #9 [Phone 287, Res. on P T p.m.--Evening Prayer and Sermon | | "The Glass Key . idhinid IRI 13 'Our customers understand some- |i] | A DIES' Sl 1 | S ETL We LEGAL 8 pm.--Lantern Lecture thing of the difficulties being faced BRIAN DONLEVY. | ARTHUR W. 5. GREER | Prag seer' || in the coal and lumber business and MADE TO MEASURE Alop An ADDED Attraction - | tn strbiescs omy sors bore oor on have come to realize that SERVICE ||! Call and See the Latest Styles R ) | Wednesday morning, and Priday afterncon « ns bitin PORT PERRY BAPTI 1 1 1 ) Melod | " Er a an Sori te Taylor CY has been maintained, profit or no Blong Block, Port Ferry, Phudis 25 1 4 yy Tiile Claws, profit. This service will continue. v 11 a.m.--Divine Service (The Arm of Greer & Humphreys ls dissolved) : os 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, RUSSELL D., HUMPHREYS Wednesday, at 7.00 p.m. -- Chil with Baby SANDY, Leon ERROL. Axminster Rugs -- Ol eX ee Ce TA aA a March 18-19-20 244 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. dren's Hour Speci : : , } A cial Musi 1 urge Form | 1 tr P| Laan Ty hone: cll LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL CO., 6ft.9in.x9ft. - $25.00 % Tussday and Thursday afterncons of each graphs an Ject Talks. Phone 240w ' LIMITED o » week or by appol Everybo . 3 1 - vi KEEP F IT Queen Street, Port. Perey, Phone 94 versely Woke y 9 ft x 10 /2 ft. $42.50 ; LUI SUI : SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED ] ¥ FOR SALK , FOR SALE WATKINS' PRODUCTS 60 Cents Exp oi RADIO Service ! NEE One Guernsey Cow, due to freshen Order your Watkins Products fro HONE 234 on : hoi Jozasy Row, Sees wilh fait zeonid March 10th, 5 years old; 6 hogs SID KERR sem SUITS CLEANED Tuesdays, Thursdays n ¢ ' m " p A April." Apply to JW. Forster, yng Sruia 3 Ba, Appiy ia b Mintributer, Usbedge Dry Cleaned $1.00 and Saturdays only. : { % grave, On oy rd rite or Phone 119 } ft 4% bi C. P.ROLPH [Mclean Radio Service)y Syptested and Sunworthy § ] Tipp Residence on North Street. W. J. KING fn Noa Frets u z ee Chiropractor, Drugless Therapist ) ; WALLP AP ERS ' #¥: : GIRL WANTED In Practice over twenty years. |ft Th ® N 4 ---- For general housework. Apply at Now in Uxbridge, 'Ontario, [}! © new Rufcast Paper is very attractive | Siar Give, Co Mhone Sere 'Papers from 13c. per roll up bo . . io.oo oc tr Congoleum Rugs | 9x12 - - $10.50 i Borderless Rugs, 9 x 12, $8.40 a F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 PORT PERRY nea) i CANADA FACES A WOOD -FUEL FAMINE : il NEXT WINTER RE YOU one ot the Canadian householders who burned fences, doors. and even flooring to keep warm in this winter's sub-zero weather? Or perhaps you are one of the lucky ones who just managed to scrape Seite Eger through? id py In either case, you will want to be prepared for next winter when greater th a ar a A A A RRR hardships loom unless you take immediate action. FRE s The shortage already has affected many communities . . . total stocks of h L] 1 0 } ak ? Yow, he's well again SH BAKING DAILY dry wood are nearly exhausted . . . in some places the small supply of green wood cut for next winter is being used now to meet the present emergency. Throughout most of Canada, fuel-wood is obtained not far from where itis consumed. Its production and distribution are the business of local citizens. * The Dominion Governmen: recognizes that the wood-tuel shortage is so serious that even with the full co-operation of everyone in affected com- mE ~ Bl munities an adequate supply is not assured. Accordingly, it has been decided - "MY HUSBAND'S had a nervous breakdown -- to stimulate the output of wood-fuel by assisting those normally engaged in its production and distribution. To this end, the following measures ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION GOODE"S ICE CREAM NOW IN STOCK Saturday Special: - "Jam Top Buns" and doing a war job. Phone 32. Gerrow Bros., Port Perry h 4 5 4 1 i : ts just worry. He left his job in the shipyard to go H ¥ will be adopted in i i 7 : hy "1 ito logging, But his hesith suffered and the doctor DE EE tt EE tt tt a a EB ita CL : . ¥ A subsidy of $1.00 per cord will be paid to dealers on all says he's got to take a complete rest. But we haven't _ : commercial fuel-wood contracted for and cut on or before any ready money. How can he rest?" . g June 30, 1943, and held to dealers' account on that date. a ark ' 2 The Coal Controller has peen authorized to arrange in his Af manager listened to her troubles h A Oe "discretion for the payment of such portion of the transportation sympathetically. He knew the husband, kaew the 1 //1 7) 4 CHI : costs as he considers proper in respect of fuel-wood, particul- : . : Fin Your Live nd Dressed Poultes 4 arly in cases where dealers, to procure supplies, find it necessary wife--both sound citizens. The baok advanced the : : wr whr.1ive ad Dressed Ponlirs:to to contract for fuel-wood -at locations outside the area from money on personal security , . . on the good char. 1 ' - which they normally derive their supplies. In order to obtain . csr ob iwo I hard " Does the Trick! Bamfoi d Meat any such reimbursement, dealers must obtain a permit from of two honest, hard-working people. -- C i i r . the Coal Controller before contracting for such supplies. In a few weeks, Fred was well again and work- makers, Fan prove i. Face ompany ; . i ' : ' : our order here. i . 3 The Coal Controller will repurchase from dealers at dealer's ing in the shipyard. The loan was paid back in ivery guaranteed. To five ve St. Lawrence Market, cost all commercial grades of fuel-wood on which a subsidy i : . . . . "toronto - of $1 per cord has been paid and which are still in dealers' B full. Because of bank accommodation he is now MRS. LOUELLEN SONLEY, Dressed hands as at May.3}. 1944. Fo getting financially on his feet again--and aiding Port Perry, Ont. Sifu Chichen > @ Assistance will be given ict providing priorities for necessary Canada's war effort, y Vise 0A ges ress fe equipment. iy 3 X This tie sto ia wd BEAUTY PARLOR Under 5 Ibs. .ooiceoyicierrinrirennnn80€ 8 Farmers now on the farm, and who leave the farm temporarily ' story--only the name is changed-- " IN Grade A Fowl in response to this appeal to engage in fuel-wood cutting, will illusteates how Canada's Chartered Banks, day in PR EN I'ICE' S : tis: ANd up be deemed by National Selective Service to be carrying out and dAvou Ih * to by or their fogular occupation as farmers and will be given all the - y out, serve the human as well as the finan... -- BEAUTY PARLOR -- / her 4 hy, 20 - sights of deferment of military service which such an occupa. cial needs of Canadians, ) Skilled Operator. Very moderate prices ra is Coal Conaision 23 i tion now carries. Such temporary absence should not, however, : We specialize in-- 5. ANA UP issrssssssssrsrrsirirn c iT interfere with agricultural' production. ' = : Bonat Permanent Waves Pullets Lay abn iem |Shampoo and Wave = 50c/,, $ Vr S00 0B wine oe Ble x 0) ~ Municipal councils, farmers, fue! dealers, individual citizens, service clubs, Marcel 2 : T6e Grady hy Cliions and Ps 2¢ less and all other groups in communities where wood-fuel is burned, are urged _ + | Manicure . 350 i " 3 N hickens and Fowl, 4¢ less to begin at once a rapid survey of their local situation, and to take imme- {By banking dwing moming hows you can he > ave Ducks [T BN ; 4 p the war effort, PE INT 'Q 4 1bs. and up ..... A28¢ per 1b. AY diate action lo relieve the shortage. facilitate your own business, and lighten the warime burden RMANENT WAVES Dressed ....... ....30¢ per 1b, § ATE) : - HAH ; Fix on the men and women in your branch bank. More than one. $ 1 95 and up Brown' Jaék Rabbits 40c each Lh ¢ : third of eur experienced men have gone te wer. } : Cottontails .....................35¢ per pair THE DEPARTMENT OF MUNITIONS AND SUPPLY # Our work is up to_a standard | Thee prices £. o. b. Toronto, : : . "Not down toa price. Prompt remittances, ° : Honourable C. D. Howe, Ministe: i : The ( H A RT ERE TY KS of CANAD J Phone 223, Port Perry References-- . wel N SH Imperial Bank of Canada, ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. Market and King Sts., Toronto. Ng oi a tn NUL pee