-- Western Farmers Grow Sunflowers Seeds Are Valuable For OIl, Says Maclean's Magazine Wheat, for so many genérations king of all prairie crops, has a new rival The product that may prove a strong competitor of Western Canada's grain harvest is--of/all things -- sunflower seod, valuable for its oil. Beforg the war Canada jmported large quantities of sun- flower seed oil) regarded as second? only in quality to-olive oil. Now supplies are shut off, and Western wheat farmers are being encour- aged to plant at least part of thelr areage with senflowers. 500 Pounds to Acre J. Gordon Ross, MP, who farms at Flowing Well, near Morse, Sask, and not far from Swift Current, planted more than 200 acres of sunflowers last spring. In the fall, despite adverse weather, he harvested a paying crop, yielding close to 500 pounds of good well: filled seed to the acre. The Federal Department of Agriculture, in conjunction with the -Oils and Fats Administrator, has guaranteed a price of six cents a pound for all sunflower seed the praivies can raise. . Dominion Ex- perimental Farms are developing sunflower seed strains suited to local conditions and feriners are being urged, once that seed be- comes available, to plant large areas of sunflowers this spring. Machinery at present in use to harvest grain crops is easily adapt- ed to cropping sunflowers. Princl- pal uses for sunflower seed oil in- clude the manufacture of shorten- ing for cooking, as a substitute for olive oil used for medical purposes and for making explosives. . Saw Mill Taken a eo To Alaska By Air Fleet of Cargo Planes Fly Loads to Alaska For many months Northwest Airlines has Leen operating a flect of argo planes for the army air transport command, flying loads to Alaska. United, American and 'Pennsylvania Central" air lines rid Arne, in Flying Magazine. These air freighters, Curtiss C-24 Commandoes, are big. They even have two floors. The lower floor is loaded through doors in the beliy. The second floor is so high- from the ground that it has to be loaded by a special truck which has an elevator that hoists the cargo in through the door. --- They've had some queer jobs on this amazing sky express. For example, remember when the hos- pital at Nome burned? For obvi- ous reasons no Alaska town can afford to be without a hospital, Nome needed a new one. And quick. Hospital Flown In : Northwest loaded a 24-bed hos- pital into just two planes, from X-ray machines and beds to hypo needles and jubber gloves, and had it in Nome two days after the old one burned. One day the army needed a sawmill pronto. They phoned "there's no road to the place, We can't take time to build one. Can you fly it in?" =~ "You load it, we'll fly it," said Croil Hunter, president of the line. That mill--saws, belts, ma- chinery--was packed into one plane. It got there. "This cargo haul to Alaska isn't the only such job going on. But it may be -the biggest such pro- Ject at the moment. . The flying has to be done over unbroken bush country, and that means danger. It means cutting "down forests, leveling ground, making runways, in country that's more wild and lonesome than any- _ thing within our borders. Loading Systematic The cargo planes can carry either freight or troops. A series of bolts can convert them in less than an hour to big hospital ships with four tiers of bunks, The walls are lined with little metal "bucket seats" for troop carrying jobs. The seats button up to the wall when _ the plane carries freight. The loading of the planes. is systematic. Obviously the freight can't roll around, and it must be balanced. The interiors of the planes have been divided--on' paper-- fnto 700 "units," Each unit was plotted for the pounds it could carry, Now the, freight is weighed on the ground and loaded with ropes to dozens of metal loops that lines the walls and ceilings of the cabins, | There's a special sput to the en who are blazing this air trail. oy. know; and 'anyone who ean read a map knows, that the route they're now. making could be ex- tended. And, besides, all air Yans know it's the round the world oute , Howard Hughes took in 038. The first coal-tar dye was made 37 years ago by a British che- mist. have flown there too, writes Sig- | Johnnie (after watching the old | Way: - § hen is iia ny Though no really effective 4 do th hi ies treatment for-influenza itself has Ud 0.3 B same gilig 3 wee been developed since 1918, there HANDS THAT ROCK THE, AIRPORT, PAL =; I TERR PELE: | Z Cradle rockers turn rock crushers on Cyprus to keep British airfields on that Mediterranean island in top shape. Native women make "little ones out of big ones," then pile up the rocks for trans- port to the airfield, where steam rollers level the surface. 'Have You Heard? The choris girl was telling the . WHAT SCIENCE other girls in the dressing-room IS DOING all about: her birthday party. "You should have seen the Ap --] cake," she told her companions. PLASTIC GOGGLES i sen hi the ! axing mask has been patented by the ach year. ini oF s There was a disbelieving silence oe iF nly gn i tudy then Mes Factories. The mask is made of Tan ch?" she cellulose acetate Sass Mise 1-6 ed. "What did vou do--burn in. thick, which has been ound purreq 7 to resist lead slugs fired at point- them at both ends? blank range from an air rifle. © The slugs were flattened and the acetate was © only dented. A. goggle-mask gave highly satisfac- tory results when tested.against an explosion produced by 50 times the amount of explosive which had been known to cause some of the eye casualties. The new goggles are of a very protective design, but free from curtailment of vision and distor- tion, and as they weigh as little as 2 ozs. they can he worn with- out fatigue. : A celebrated vocalist was in a motorcar accident one day. A paper after recordnig the accident, added: "We are happy to state that he was able to appear the following ovening in three pieces." The reporter was sent to write up a charity ball. Next day the editor called him to his desk. "Look here, what do you mean by this? 'Among the most beauti- ful girls was Horatio Lucian Ding- ley.". Why, you crazy idiot! Old Dingley isn't a girl--and besides he's one of our principal share- holders." "I can't help that," re- INFLUENZA Against the ever-present medi- cal spectre of another world-wide turned the realistic reporter. | influenza epidemic, as catastro- "That's where he was." phic as that in 1918 which killed iime--g some 20 million peolpe, the Brit- J "Nica little wedding, ish Lancet and The Journal of the American Medical Association have just sounded a comforting note, Newsweek points out. They declared that even if in--- fluenza should again run riot on a global scale, . mortality will likely be far lower than in the last war. For in the 1918 out- break most of the deaths were due, not directly to influenza or- ganisms, but to secondary bac- terial infections of the respiratory tract (pneumonia, for example) for which influenza had paved the wasn't it?" "Yes, and do you know, the bride's father gave them a pound of butter to start out with." . Mother: "Johnnie, dear, I was hoping you would bo unselfish enough to give. your. little. sister the largest piece of candy. Why, even that old hen will give all the nicest dainties to her little chicks . and take only a tiny one once in a while for herself." are new and proved remedies for the killing of secondary infec- tions--the sulfa drugs and speci- fic bacterial anti-serums which already have cut their toll. hat's that stone in Ann's agement ring, Joyce?" - "A rolling stone, my dear, had it once." _ Jhek, writing to a dealer: "Sir, please send me two mongeese." He did not like the look of this, tore it up and began again, "Sir, please send me two mongooses." This also failed to satisfy him, . 80 he wrote: "Sir, please send me a mongoose; and, by the way, send me another." ~~ Greetings By Air More than 8,000,000 airgraph letters and nearly 5,000,000 post- cards were 'flown to Africa, India and the Near East during the Christmas and New Year season by British Overseas Airways. Daughter--"The girl who hesitates is lost." Father--*"Nonsense. extinct!" HOW TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICKLY AND EASILY. It you are troubled with (tehing Piles or rectal soreness, do not de- ax treatmerit and run the risk of Jletting"thls condition become chron. fc. Any itching or soreness or paln- ful passage of stool 1s nature's warn rg and roper treatment should he secured at once. this purpose get a Jacks of Hem-Rold from any rUgR' and use as directed. This formu which {s used internally is a small, .easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the itching and soreness and ald'In healing the sore tender prota: Hem-Rold {8 pleasant to use, is 1ghly recommended and (t seems the tielght of folly for any one to risk 'a painful and chronle pile condition when such a fine remed may rhe had at such a amall- cost, bedi oie Hem-Rold and are not She's [) oly pleased with the results, 3 r druggist will gladly return 0 v " ney. Modern Etiquetio By Roberta Lee 1. Is it obligatory that refresh. ments of some kind be furnished after a wedding rehearsal? 2. Isn't it bad manners to let one's mind wander while some- one is talking with you. 3, If a person asks you how old you are, or what your salary is, or some such question, what should you reply? 4, For what use only is the nap- kin at the dinner table? 5. When a customer in a shop fs buying something that is not being worn the current season, shouldn't the saleswoman tell her? 6. When asking a person to repeat a remark is it all right to say "What?" or "I beg your par- don, what did you shay?" ANSWERS 1. It is a nice thing to do, The refreshments are usually served after the rehearsal at the home, of the bride, or the groom invites the little party of attendants to some eating place, 2. Yes. One should strive to he a good listen- er, though it is often difficult when the speaker _is an egoist, or describing in detail his last operation, 3. "There are some questions that I prefer not to answer." It is only a very rude, tactless person who would ask such questions. 4; Only for wip- ing the lips. It is not for the cheeks, perspiration or the nose. The napkin should be lifted as inconspicuously as possible to the mouth and lightly brushed across the mouth, and then replaced upon the lap. 6. It is better not, unless the customer asks the direct question. 6.,No; "I'm sorry, but I didn't understand" is much more courteous, HOW CAN 1? 77? Q. How can 1 remedy elbows that are rough and unsightly? A, Scrub them every night with warm water .and soap, using a soft brush. After they are clean, rinsed, and dry, massage with warm olive oil. Keep up this treatment for two weeks and see the improvement. Q. How can I make beef juice? A. Cut fresh raw beef up,.into small squares and put a few pieces at a time into the potato ricer. Sprinkle a little salt over it and press hard until no more juice runs out. P. How can I keep. overshoes looking neat? A. They can be kept looking neat and clean by wiping them occasionally with a rag wet with an ammonia solution. Q. What is a good cleaner for silk, satin, lace, or any cloth? A. A paste made of granulated cornfiical and gasoline makes a good cleaner for almost any cloth. Cover the soiled parts and leave oii for a short time; then brush off thoroughly. This leaves no rings or streaks. When brushing any silk goods, use' a piece of velvet. Q. How can I eliminate water bugs? A. Pour a small quantity of "kerosene, or a weak solution of turpentine (3 parts water to 1 part turpentine), down the drain pipe once or twice a week, "U. S. To Produce Large Hemp Crop 150,000 Tons of Hemp Fibre > Needed in 1943 The great need of cordage fibre for our growing number of ships is reviving an old crop familiar before the Revolution and flour- ishing in the days of the clipper "ships, which carried it In trade around the world, Pathfinder re- lates. Hemp took too -uuch long, hard manual labor, so Kentucky, where it especially flourished, gave it up to the peasant produc- ers of Europe. i Last year the agriculture de- .partment asked for 12,000 acres of hemp. This year it 1s asking for 350,000 acres (of which 60,000 wlll be for seed), to produce a de- sired. 150,000 tond of hemp fibre for 1943. Not only Is that a "war crop," but the Commodity Credit Corporation has arranged for the building of geventy-one hemp mills. ' > Ce "Hemp -for rope, and also for cloth, has been cultivated widely since ancient times. Greek writers described it, and so dld Chi "BAND Click Taken Out of Nazi Salute So automatic have become the reflexes of the young Nazi that the first thing he does when shot down over England is throw off his parachute, spring to his feet, click his heels and bark "Heil Hitler!" at his captors, John Mac- Cormack writes in The New York Times Magazine, As a result, Brit. ish intelligence officers have a standing rule' that prisoners must be deprived of their boots before . being interviewed. Even the young Nazis fecls foolish when he clicks his heels and no sound . is audible. DIRECTS PUBLICITY aes og The appointment of J. William Horsey, a leading figure in Can- ada's food industry, as chairman of the Ontario public relations section of the National War Fi- nance Committee, was announced recently in Toronto. - Mr. Horsey, who is president of Dominion Stores, Limited, is also national chairman of the Cana- dian food industry's "March to Berlin" stamp drive and has for several weeks been active in the organization of the war savings stamp campaign being aggressive- ly carried on by the food indus- try, during the month of Febru- ry. The sale of stamps through over forty thousand outlets from coast to coast in Canada is expected to exceed one million dollars during the period of the campaign. .mass production sweef smoke GROW Picobac: 1s a mild..cool. IDET 4 Might Kill Menace With Faster Ships Vice-Admiral Craig Waller in London Daily Telegraph No one, so far as I am aware, has attempted' to controvert my claims: . (a) That we can practically kill the U-boat menace by building cargo ships and tankers of 16 knots or more instead of concen- trating on the shapeless "ugly duckling" 10-knotter, The "fast ship. would be easily manocéuvred in a tight situation and would hold her speed in rough weather. She would deliver her cargo in half the time of the slow ship, and .fewer ships, therefore, would be required to do the job, (b) That aircraft are useless either as protectors of cargo ships or destroyers of subniarines at night or in thick weather, and, moreover, lack the potent wea- pons of the ram and the heavy Q.F. gun with which to kill the U-boat. a ' Experts have convinced me that the design and construction of fast cargo vessels and tankers by methods is a practical proposition, and that with Diesel engines the fuel con- ma Jiffy ITCH oot Foe quick relief from itching of eczema, pimples, ath- lete's foot, scales, scabies, rashes and oth AT} STOPPED sumption would not be mde than 25 per cent per day greatdr than that of the 10-knot, Scotch boiler, - ships now _reciprocating-engine building. The shortening of the voyages would make the fast ship the most economical, -- Sink 1,000,000 Tons Of Axis Shipping Almost coincident with occu- pation of Tripoli there came a British Navy announcement of the sinking by a British submar- ine of the millionth ton of Axis shipping in the Mediterranean. The Commander of the British Fleet in the Mediterranean, Ad- miral Sir Henry H. Harwood, paid tribute to "this amazing feat,' which has certainly contributed to the defeat of the enemy along the African Coast." Spartans in 400 B.C., used wood smoke as a form of gas warfare, : SPEAKERS DREAD LOSS OF VOICE Fight off hoarseness with use of Lymolds "Hoarseness is a speaker's worst enemy," writes a Montreal announcer. "Now I dread it no longer because LYMOIDS have taught me how easy itis to get relief." Carry a handy sizo box of LYMOIDS, At the first sign of throat irritation, tickle or cough- ing, dissolve LYMOIDS in the mouth. Their caused skin troubles, use fast-acling, cooling, antl septic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. Greaseless, Itching. 35¢ trial bottle proves it, or money back. Ask your dragsist t PRESCRIPTION. ruggist today for D.D.D. 1 oils will quickly relieve your di and emt t Ls Most stores sell LYMOIDS in handy size 10c and 25c. boxes. If unobtainable, send 10¢ in stamps or coin, to LYMOIDS, 119 Peas Street, Toronto, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BAND INSTRUMENTS WANTED HELP WANTED MALE PATENTS & TRADE MARKS & ORCHESTRA INSTRU- ments not in use may be turned into cash. Send full particulars to . Whaley Royce & Company, 310 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. BARBY CHICKS FREE RANGE PULLETS MANY breeds and ages for immedlate delivery. Also day old chicks each week. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontarlo. NO . .. TWEDDLE'S HAVE NO monopoly of first class chicks but . . . every chick that falls to make a profit may cause the buyer to lose faith in the entlre industry. Twe Hatcherles would like you business, of course, but we can't do all the business in Canada, and so, whenever and wherever you buy chicks, for the benefit of all buy- ers and sellers in the business, we urge you to buy from recog- nized first-class hatcheries. "Get a good start. Send for the Tweddle catalogue, price list and contest folder and we're sure you'll agree that you can't go wrong when you buy Tweddle Chicks, turkeys -- --and older pullets. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. "URGENT NEED FOR MORE EGGS er hen" says the Government. o your bit by ordering Bray chicks now, whether Immediate or later delivery. Started chicks ready, also cockerels for scarce meat markets later. Bray Hatch- ery, 130 John, Hamilton, Ont. . es WANTED MARCH 1st. THOR- oughly experienced married man for well 'equipped small dalry farm on Highway 6, Guelph two miles. New cottage, all conven- EGERTON R. CASE, REGISTERED Ysiedigioies Canadlan, British atent Attorney. Booklet gratis, Established over forly years. 83 Balsam Avenue, Toronto. iences. Milker, tractor Hydro, milk, garden supplied. State wages, experience, refer- ences. - J. Thomas, ' R.R. 8, Guelph. g DOGS FOR SALE ARDEE KENNELS -- WALDHEIM, Sask. Speclalizing In purebred solid mahogany coated IRISH SETTERS--clever devoted com- panions. DYEING & CLEANING HAVE "YOU ANYTHINU NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us _ for Information. eo are glad to answer your questions. part. ment H, Parker's Dye orks Limited, 79" Yonge Street, To- ronto. Gi FURS, HIDES, WOOL SHIP US YOUR HIDES, FURS, Wool, Horsehalr., Top prices, prompt returns. Pearlman joldberg, 180 Front Street, East Toronto. Gogxernment License: Wool Gradin tation No. 23. FOULTRY WHITE COCHIN BANTAMS AND Pekin Ducks, $4.00 pair; Bronze Turkey $7.00 each. Log Shatean Fenelon Falls, nt. Farm, PRESS WANTED WANTED PONY CYLINDER PRESS 25" x 38" and Gordon 14" x HE OX must be in 'good condition. 462, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. PROPERTIES WANTED TO BUY WE WANT ATTRACTIVE HOMES with or without small acreage for cash buyers. Any good dis- trict within hundred miles of Toronto. Send complete particu- lars with prices at once. No charge of any kind unless we 3h) Powell and Company, § air East, Toronto. - PLANT WANTED -- WANTED TO PURCHASE--AUTO- bile Crankshaft and Cylinder HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. [nformatlon on request regarding classés. Robertson's Halrdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toranto. BUSINESS FOR SALE MEDICAL Reconditioning Plant. Box No. 97, Merrickville, Ontario. POULTRY WANTED HENS. AND PULLETS WANTED, good priges. ixport linton Street, Toronto--Branch, Brussels, Ontario. WEEKLY NEWSPAPER AND JOB printing plant in small Ontario town. An excellent opportunity, a one man shop. Box 463, sAdelaide W., Toronto. IT'S . PROVEN--EVERY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritls should try Dixon's Remedy. Sold only Munro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. BLACKSMITH SHOP EQUIPPED and stocked, also Grist Mill equipped with International en- gine and Jolliette grinder, all under one roof. Good house and lot Included. Splendid farming district. Closi estate. Clarence Mallory, Blooritield, Ont. HEAD COLDS, BINUS, NUSE DRIP, Grippe, Influenza relieved in flve minutes with Vapinol I[nhalant, 50 treatments $1.00; trial size 26c Porivald. WINDSOR 'DRUG CO. 986 Seminole, Windsor, Can. OFFER TO INVENTURS CHICKS SEND FOR OUR RECORD CHART free and catalogue. Six breeds chicks and all agés growing pul- lets. Government approved. vo [} AN UFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR . POULTRY GOOD PRICES ASS , RAISH Cockerels, hel eat shortage. Blood tested, vy type White Hybrid Cockerels 2c, payment with order. Prompt shipment. Live arrival. Frank Edwards, Watford, Ontario.' REGISTERED NURSES REGISTERED NURSES FOR GEN- eral duty, $60 monthly with full maintenance, and $656 night duty, apply to Superintendent, Great money, earl order | Prompt deliveries. Satisfaction guaranteed Monkton Poultry Farm, Monkton, Ontario. EGGS WANTED WANTED HATCHING EGGS FROM Government Approved and O.B.8. flocks, all reeds. Guarante premium pald. Write for full par- ticulars. Box 91, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto: long before the Christian era. Her- odotus described the hempen gar ments worn by Thracians as equal to linen In 'fineness, (MIDDLE-AGE; WOMEN (5) HEED THIS ADVICE!!! If you're cross, restless, NER suffer hot flashes, pn rd by this period in a woman's life-- try Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. Made especially for women, Hundreds of usands re- markably helped, Follow label direc sons. Made in Cana J Tor FARMS FARMS, SUBURBAN PROPER- ties, north of Toronto. Apply H. Kane, Richmond HIIL ~ FERRETS : BROWN AND WHITE, EXCEL-~ lent hunters. Males $4.50, females 35,00, yeariin s $5.50. Wm, Good- win, Hagersville, Ont. . FOOT BALM RAUMEEKA FOOT BALM featrars .. offensive odor Instantly, bottle. Ottawa agent, Drug 8tore. Ottawa. List ot inventions and full infor mation sent . The Rameay Nar i Memorial Hospital," Perth, Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. TRAIN FOR NURSES PATENTS APPLICATIONS ARE VITED for girls who desire to train for Free Helps For Inventors Everyone with a good Idex should romptly secure the [Illustrated "Fortunes From [nven. tions," and the handsome form "Record "of Your Invention." Get them to-day---Free--from W. ltwin Haskett, 63 Queen Street, Ottawa, FETHERSTONHAUUH & CUMPANY Patent Sollcitora. Kstablishea 1890; 14 ne Weat,- Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. ¥ MILK CANS RENEWED RUSTY MILK CANS RETINNED ilke new. We also buy old cans. Montreal . Tinning & Retinning Co. Ltd, 'Montreal, 3 CHUOTOURAPIPHY DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH "HA VEY fain, SNAPS" Delivered. by. Any 6 or 8 exposure Mall film perfectly ov d and printed for only 2c." FOR NENT ONE HUNDRED ACRES OR MORE - wanted to rent, with hydro, good buildings, and water. N. -A, Langelaan, R.Tt. No, 6, Bowman- ville, Ontario, 2 ~ Supreme' quality and {ast service PHOTO. SERVICE uarantee IMPERIAL J. Toronto - ISSUE No. 8--43 y nurses, September 1943. Cornwall General Hospital, Cornwall, Ont, RHEUMATIC PAINS SATISFY * YOURSELF -- EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem. edy. Sold Sy Munro's Drug Store, 335- Elgin, Ottawa. Post- paid $1.00, _ SUPERFLUOUS HAIR LADIES TROUBLED WITH SUPER- fluous Hair and especially those who have been disappointed in ' Electrolysts, will welcome the news. that we possess an ex moves any growt halr, slight or serious; ;¥ituout -any recurrence whatsoever. note particularly that ours is the only method carrying guarantee: of perman®noy. RBe- ware of "guarantees" not Im writing. Free consultation, Free estimate. Dermat Clinic: (8th year in Toronto), 229 Yonge 8t, To- ronto. v written TRACTOR PARTS TRACTOR PARTS .NEW AND used, for all makes of tractors. General Auto and Tractor Supply, 12 Frederick 8t, Kitchener, Ont. Packers, bf. \ ¢