Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 Jan 1943, p. 4

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NCR Sno AIRDAR ARIS, bik oo SARAH AN PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28th, 1943 Port. Pony. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stewart, of Epsom, and Mr. and Mis. Luther Darlington, of Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Read. Mrs. Millicent Taylor, of Torontg, /is the guest of Mr. and Mis, J. C. Taylor. Pilot Officer Burgess Beare, R.C. AF. ds spending a couple of weeks at bis home here. A.C. Bill Leahy, RCAF, of ronto, was at home with his parents, To . Mr. and Mrs. LL. Leahy, for a few days last week. Mrs. D. M. Jackson, of Toronto, was the guest of her parents, Dr. J B. Lundy and Mrs. Lundy. Flight Lieut. James Kerr, R.C.AF,, of Toronto, was in town during the week-end. He was gaest speaker at "the Lions Club meeting on Friday night and on Saturday morning, he was referee for one of the Midget hockey games at the Rink. Mrs. H. Hyland, of Toronto, been spending some time with parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. G. cheson. has her Hut- The Annual Vestry Meeting of the Church of the Ascension (Anglican) has been postponed and will be held on Tuesday evening, February 2nd, at 8.00 o'clock in the Parish Hall Mr. Robert Jetfrey, the guest of his parents, My. and Mrs, C. C. Jeffrey. of Toronto, was sympathy is extended to Rev. Wm. Stocks in the death of his father, who died in Toronto on Sun- day. Rev. Mr. Stocks and Mrs. Stocks were in Toronto on Tuesday, attend- "ing the funeral. On Monday, Rev. Mr. Stocks "attended the funeral of the late Licut.-Col. A. E. Gooderham, in Toronto. h Sincere The basketball game and dance held at the school on Saturday evening was not largely atténded, but all those who did 'go said they had a very en- joyable time. The basketball game between the school boys and the town boys was won by the school boys with a score of 47.30. The Port Perry Hockey team will be playing a game in Uxbridge on Thursday evening, against Greenbank. Good luck boys! We are sorry to report that Miss Electa Birkett is on the sick list. We hope that soon shé will be much im- proved in 'health. The many friends of Mrs, I. W. Brock will be pleased to know that she is progressing favorably from her serious illness. gt Mids June Sonley is visiting friends in Toronto this week. Mrs. Arch. Anderson has returned home after spending several pleasant weeks in Toronto. Mr. W. R. Murray, of Toronto, is in _town visiting his mother, Mrs. Robert Murray. Mrs. William Day has returned from Stratford where she attended the fun- eral of her uncle. "Pte. Jimmy Taylor; R.C.E., who is stationed at Orillia, spent the week- end at his home here. ---------- eS -- -- -- JUNIOR WAR WORKERS The regular meeting of the Junior War Workers will be held at the home of Mrs. Milton Géode, on Tuesday evening, February 2nd. EE MARRIED PORT PERRY BRIDE WEDS OSHAWA GROOM St. George's chapel, Oshawa, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Jan- uary "16th, when Kathleen Alice, youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs, James Read, Port Perry, became the bride of John Luther, elder son of "Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Darlington, 43 Arl- ingtor-- Avenue, Oshawa, Rev, David M. Rose, performed the ceremony. The bride wore a frock of powder blue chiffon with matching accessories, and a shoulder corsage of deep red roses. She was attended by Miss Cecelia Goulding, who wore a frock of blue silk jersey with pink acces- sories and a shoulder corsage of pink roses, The groomsman was Mr, Ronald Treuin. : After the ceremony a buffet lunch- eon was served at the home of the {Two Serious Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY'S NOW SHOWING OPTOMETRIST All Week. So Ta ylor's I'he Eating House of Quality and Service (C=) FREE OSHAWA fiche Parking A FAMOUS PLAYERS Cr LEATRE Nevil Shute's Mighty Story-- "THE PED PIPER" Monty Roddy WOOLLEY MacDOWALL Anne BAXTER. Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars T'obaccos Cigarettes Monday and Tuesday Ann' SOTHERN Red SKELTON "MAISIE GETS HER MAN" | | PLUS Derek Farr, Vera Lindsay, in BILL TAYLOR. Proprietor! SPELLBOUND" J 1 COMING Next WEDNESDAY High Hrlnnl Nutes BING CROSBY, "BOB HOPE, || DOROTHY LAMOUR, in Ad Optima ! By Irene Mulligan "ROAD TO One of the most interesting oliets MOROCCO" ball games of the scason was played | on Saturday evening, January 23rd | between the town boys and the school | boys. The P.PILS. boys defeated the The town team was represented by former boys of ILPILS. now in the services. ! P.O. Burgess Beare; A.C. R.C.AL, Pte. Gorden George irmerson of EVENING AUXILIARY W.MLS. town boys with a score of 47-30. The Evening Auxiliary of the WM, Sof Port Perry United Chureh held their first meeting the year in! Jackson, the Ladies Parlour of the Church, The' Cyne gie, Pte. meeting was opened by the past pre-| ¢ DLC, and Gor. Robt. Sheridan, All sident, Mrs. Colbear, with a hymn}, players co-operated in a snappy, ! and prayer, after wich the new | ofl. played game. After the i They were, ot Earl oflicers were anstalled by our pastor,i 11 the voung people present enjoyed the Rev. W. C. Smith. several hours of dancing. Records Mrs. S. Griffen, the new president, played on our radio-victrola supplied, then took charge of the meeting and! (ho jnusic. after a short Worship Period, the We wish to remind you "of the Lit- annual reports were read and adopted. erary program to be presented at 8.15 Our allocation of $230 being reached I'riday evening, January 29th in the highlight of the treasurer's High School auditorium. This pro- report, Plans were then made for] gram has been prepared by Grade XI the year's work and we are all looking: unger the supervision of their class forward to another successful year. teacher, Miss Spooner. The Canadian play, "Brothers in Arms", will have the following cast: J. Atrus Browne, a businessman, Willie Stone; Dorothea Browne, his wife, Helen Franklin; Syd White, a backwoodsman, Everet Nichols; Charlie Henderson, a back- woodsman, Bob Williams. The second play, "The White Phantom", a mys- tery, has the following cast: Mus, was the ---- te -- 1.O.D.E. The regular meeting of the Scugog Chapter, LO.D.E. will be held in the Library on Monday evening, Febru= ary Ist, at 8 o'clock. Since this is the 23rd annual meeting since the . organization of the Chapter, it be-| Prexel Blake, a determined woman, hooves the members to attend with! Norma Ploughman; Marion Blake, her the determination. lo carry on with Young and charming daughter, Kath- renewed zeal, living up to the aims of | len Day; Eleven Moore, a coloured a maid, Marjorie McCoy; Mrs. Ogden 'Frazier, a society matron, Helen Peel; | Curtis Frazier, her son, Jack Cawker; I than Sharp, a real estate man, Roy | Wilkings; Officer Jerry Nolan, who means to find out, Emerson McMillan; "The White Phantom §? ? ? 2+ After the progr dncing will follow. The admisglon charge is 2be. for adults and 15e¢. for children. iy the charter members. There is add. work to be done and we must do it. Accidents Mr. Cyrus Switzer was badly hurt while shoeing a horse on Monday afternoon last. The horse became un- manageable, knocking the blacksmith down, trampling on him, breaking his right leg, and dislocating his left shoulder. . Liberal amounts - of milk, , cheese, The unfor tunate man was| butter, meat or fish, eggs, vegetables taken to the Port' Perry Hos- and fruits plus: vitamin-rich types of pital, where he is doing as! breads and cereals equal balanced well as can be expected. | nutrition. But here, in Canada, a land of. plenty, 'however, is not the case. -- Tests made in 1937 in Toronto showed George Channell had. avery That the majority were undernourish- NArrowW eses ape from death on ed. Too little milk, insufficient sup- Me | plies of meat, eggs, fruit and vege- I Wily overiing of last week, tables caused this malnutrition, Other while driving his auto in To: surveys made in Halifax, Quebec City ronto. A flur ry of snow ob-| and Edmonton showed similar results, secured his vision, and he| Although Canadians are not hungry collided with a bus. . i the hw ii] of the You, or - : _ because of the lack of money, vitamins a ud and iinerals essential for health and working efficiency are lacking. The cut on the face and anumber answer to this problem is to eat more of bad bruises. %t a PRECIS ) (From January Edition of Chatelaine) by Gloria Harding "Canada is Not Well Fed." --Doctor I5.. W. McHenry. I by" {Imperial Order Daughters of the I. O. D. E. BANQUET Liven the severe zero weather of the past week didn't keep the forty mem-| bers of the Imperial Ordey Daughters of the Empire from honouring its 23rd birthday at a. banquet given at the Sebert House oir Wednesday, Jan. uary 20th! Sharp at 6.30 the ladies arrived and after a social half-hour found their places at the beautifully decorated tables, to the march (Marine's Hymn) played very smartly by Mrs, Orde. Community singing and a quiz game were enjoyed by the members between the courses. After the banquet, Mrs. I. R, Bent- ley, as Toastmaster, presided over the following program: Toast to the King ---- proposed by Mrs. Woods and to which all members Tesponded by singing "God Save the King"; toast to the Empire--proposed Mrs. R.A. Peel and responded to by Mrs. Colbear; Toast to the Order-- proposed by Mrs. B. E. Hyland and responded to by Mrs. 1. R. Bentley. Murs. Clifford Love favoured with a de- lightful piano selection. A very pleasing feature during the evening was the presentation to Mrs. I. It. Bentley of a life membership in the Order. The address was read by Mrs. CW. Powers, who is an Hon- ovary Regent of the feugog Chapter. © The Address Dear Myx, We, Bentley: of Scugog Chapter, Em- { pire, wish you to know of aur sincere of your unselfish ex- members appreciation penditure of time, thought and energy |- for the Order, and our enjoyment and profit from the meetings you faith- fully conducted during the seven years as our Regent. We wish you to accept, as an appre- ciation of our gratitude, this Life Membership in. the Order you have served so well Mrs. Bentley replied very fittingly, thanking the members for the honour which they had bestowed upon her and also for the co-operation the members Lad given during her time as Regent. © After the tables were cleared, a social time was spent playing games of all kinds. , rE A Young People's Union Owing to the Weather being a bit too mild, the Young People's Union held a skating party on Monday even- ing instead" of the ski-ing and to- bogganing party as originally plan- ned. The young people met at the United Church afterwards, when a few games were played and lunch of cream of tomato soup and crackers was served. Everyone real good time. Annus). Meeting of Port Perry United Church The report from all departments of nual meeting were very satisfactory, both as to financial standing and the work being done, : A particular pleasing feature was the announcement that the objective of $1,000 for Missionary and Mainten- ance work would be reached. There was a tidy surplus in the Gen- eral Fund, after all outstanding debts had been paid. The bequest by Rev. Jos. Denny of 375 shares of Kerr-Addison Gold Mines was gratefully acknowledged. Special notice was taken of the Young People's Union, which is inter- denominational in character, and- was included in the reports simply because the Society meets in the United Church from week to week. The Woman's Missionary Society, and the Woman's Evening Auxiliary both reported reaching their alloca- tion; and in addition, promoting study of 'the missionary work of the United Church. The Woman's Association has done its usual good work in kleping the fittings of both Church and Parsonage in good condition, "A standing vote of appreciation was tendered -to Rev. W. C. and Mrs, Smith for the good work they are do ing in connection with the Church, and in the life of the community. of the "must" foods, and less of those He was taken to a hospi-| which are only illing. Already our tal, 'but has since been able nutrition problem is less serious than it th " to return to Port Perry. Jas thive vears.ak ~----. How can we remedy this situation? The children in schools must be taught At the conclusion of the Annual meeting, the Official Board made the following appointments for 1943: reported al' Port Perry United Church at the An-| BILTMORE Theatre - Oshawa : CONTINUOUS DAILY Thursday, Friday ana Saturday, 'JANUARY 28-29.30 "WAKE ISLAND" Brian DONLEVY, Robert PRESTON, - Alfred DEKKER Second Feature-- "All-American Co-Ed" with Frances Langford and Johnny Downs, B Also a Superman Cartoon. wits 1 gist is Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, » FEBRBUARY 1-2-3: 'Ships with Wings" John CLEMENTS, Leslie BANKS. Second Feature-- "Damsel in Distress" FRED ASTAIRE, JOAN FONTAINE «+ Ray Noble and His Orchestra Lawrence's Drug Store News 2 1 "You Can SAVE With Safety at Your REXALL STORE" BISMA REX The popular and reliable stomach remedy in powder, form. 1 ounce bottle, 7c. 16 ounce bottle, $1.75 Rexall COD LIVER and CREGSOIE COMPOUND ..2$1.00 Frost's NEO CHEMICAL "FOOD $1.15 and $2. Upjohn's Super D COD LIVER OIL 40 90¢c. and $1. Ayerst's ALPHAMETTES a $1,00, $1.85, $3.50 Parke Pais HALIVER OIL Capsules 90c. and $1.55 Keplgr's COD LIVER OIL and Malt. 75¢. and $1.25 A. M. LAWRENCE PHONE 49 )72Ae Rexall, Stn EE EE EE EEE EEE EEE Ee PORT PERRY pete tar LB BI CB ne Ea i) ; Also a. COLORED CARTOON, BILTMORE IN MEMORIAM -- WALLACE --In loving memory of Clarence H, Wallace, who died Feb- ruary 3rd, 1935. Fight years have passed since that sad day When one we loved was called away; God took him home, it was His will, Within our hearts we love him still. Calm and peaceful he is sleeping, 'Sweetest rest which follows pain, We who love him sadly miss him; But trust in God to meet again. Sadly missed by the Family. EPP CARD OF THANKS Mr. Russell Harper and family wish to express thicir sincere appreciation for the kind assistance, the lovely floral tributes and words of sympathy extended to them in their recent sud | § bereavement. SA -- > o-- CARD OF THANKS Miss Ella Brock wishes to express her: sincere thanks to the Women's Association of Port Perry . United Church, for the lovely flowers and good wishes sent ta her at Christ- mas time and during her illness. ---- > -- ---- BORN RIEGLE -- At Mercy Hospital, in Buffalo, N.Y., on December 17th, 1942, Start your chicks eARLIERY, | It's good business, this | year, to start your chicks | earlier than ever. For | good BRAY Chicks, see Mrs, Louellen Sonley, PORT PERRY, ONT. a ---- SLENDOR TABLETS -- Harmless and effective. Two weeks supply, $1. at Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry. Superior Store Rolled Wheat, Ea Ib. 'bag 230 Fancy Long Grain Rice, - 2 Ibs..25¢ Cowan's Cocoa, 1b. tin. 26¢ Campbell's Tomato z .Soup, 2 tins for 19¢ Rinso, large pkg. 266. New Pearl Soap, _-+- 2 bars for 110 California Oranges, dozen 23c|} Marsh Seedless Crape- fruit, 5 for 260 a as : LOOK AHEAD Do that inside repair job NOW, 5 For 'Quick Sale The Undersigned, having entered 'the Army, 'is offering the following stock for quick sale: 4 Sows Small Pigs 'Several Milch Cows Apply to L. BLUEMAN, R.R. 3, Port Perry Phone 101-r-21. BANS Tre, siren CACASARNA while materials are available. GYPROC, the gypsum wallboard, Will meat your requirements. -- OR -- i DONNACONA, insulating wallboard, Phone 73w f IN DAYS OF UNCERTAINTY RELIABLE Insurance i is essentia WHATEVER YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS MAY BE, Consult HAROLD W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry n ] SEA sa Prompt Service er £2 mem © And the BEST MEATS the Market Affords, at Lowest Market Prices. ~ CAWKER BROS , Family Butchers LE EERE ESE ASAE EARS JEMISON'S BAKERY ~ THE HOME OF. GOOD BAKING "The Best Family Baking Service will be maintained 220080800080000080 fos, Roos 2020808080808 8080809080H RO208C8080800 ecn0s080R0R0R0R0R to Mr. and Mrs. Bervil Riegle (nee Inez Tummonds), a son--Gene Bervil. : = 1 Br ph eT AC REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER F. E. Reesor F. G. Reesor PRARAR ARES AER RAR ARAN AR A AARARRRR RNAI RS RP RA ta to] EC Sues ie a EHS Sis Sinai Be a TA MOT Ll to choose the right foods, and house- - Secretary--Samuel Farmer. i bridegroom's parents. Mr. and Mrs. oth ios men are good wives must know how to buy, cook Tresfurer of M. & M. Fund--R, J. Phone 152 Orders receive ai Darlington left on a short trip to west- o BNA We Are Very. ,.q serve food correctly. When this Harper. : Prompt Attention, i : ern points and on thetr-return will | thankful that their accidents accomplished, Canadians will be Representative to Preshytery--F. oH Gat ART. JEMISON HE PROPRIETOR ' 2 reside in Oshawa. healthier than ever before. Reesor; R. D. Woon, alternate did not prove fatal,

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