a EN XY Bn SA it \ : PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 81st, 1942 Port. Perry. Mr. and Mrs. T. Bown and son Walter, of Smith's Falls; and Mr. A. Bown, of the Royal Air Force, spent the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bown, in Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs, J. F. ronto, spent Christmas with Mr. Mrs. Norman Aldred. Powers, of To- and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Farmer spent Christmas in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Boyd. Word has been .received from St. Petersburg, Florida, that Mrs. F. KR. Beatty, of Port Perry, has been elected Vice-President of -St. Peters- burg Ladies' Lawn Bowling Club. Mr. Lewis Palmer, of Brockville, spent Christmas in town with rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Davey and Mrs. Wm. Davey, spent the holiday in Toronto with- Mr, and Mrs. H. C. Fossey. Mr. Robert Jeffrey, of Toronto, spent the week-end holiday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, C. C. Jeffrey. Miss M. Parish has returned home after spending some time in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Slemmon and Dawn of Ottawa, were in town for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Grant Real, of Ottawa, were holiday visitors with the former's mother, Mrs. W. Real. Mrs. J. F. Woods, who has been making her home with her sister, Mrs. Z. M. Jackson, had the misfortune tn fall downstairs breaking her shoulder and right arm, and is now in St. Joseph's Hospital, Toronto. Sergeant W. B. Vokins, of Camp Borden and Mrs. Vokins, of Barrie, spent the Christmas week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John - Lewis. Mrs. A. D. Peters spent the first part of Christmas week visiting Mrs. Howard Hockley, of Claremont. - On Tuesday evening, December 22nd, she attended the Christmas concert in jth Line School, of which Miss Edith Peters is teacher. A large crowd en- joyed the program put on. by the school pupils and War Workers. Santa Claus came and distributed the pre- sents from the Christmas Tree. Art- icles donated by T. Eaton Co., and the war workers were sold by auction. The quilt made by the Fifth Line War Workers was won by Mrs. S. Miller, of Goodwood. = The proceeds amount- ed to $47.00, which is to be divided be- tween the Junior Red Cross, Canadian Aid to Russia Fund, and the Evening Telegram British War Victims' Fund. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Glass, Clare and Stanley, spent Christmas Day with Mr, and Mrs. F. Wiltshire, at Mimico. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Peters _on Christmas night were Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Carruthers, Mrs. G. Beverley and, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Hill, all of Claremont. Mr. and Mrs. Arnot Toole of Quaker Hill, called on Mr. and Mrs! John Lewis, on Christmas night. Mrs. Spooner and Miss L. Spooner are spending the holidays in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E, H. Gerrow, of Osha- wa, spent Sunday with their family in Port Perry. Rev. W. C. Smith spent Christmas with his parents at Woodville. Mrs. Smith was with her father in Toronto; over "Christmas. Mrs. Webster Aldrich, of Detroit, Mich., is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Rodman. } Miss Noreen Stuart, of Toronto, is spending the holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stuart. Third Officer Malcolm Nasmith, of the Merchant Marine, L.A.C. Hugh Nasmith, R.C.A.F., of Brantford, and Mr. David Nasmith, of Toronto, en- joyed a few days with their parents, Mr, and Mrs, H, C. Nasmith, © Miss Jean McDermott, of Toronto, a Aidelipiar. rant McDermott, "of redericton, N.B., were Christmas guests of Mr, and Mrs. A. L. MéDer- mott, Word has been reselved by Mr. and Mrs. Norman DeShane, of the safe arrival Overseas, of their son Pte. Bert DeShane, L.Bdr. F. A. "Bill" Baker, Halifax, N.8.,, spent his Christmas leave with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. Baker. FREE Phone Parking OSHAWA on A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE New Year's Eve Jamboreg TO-NIGHT CARY GINGER GRANT ROGERS "Once Upon a Honeymoon" Starting New Year's Day Friday -- Saturday -- Monday and esday Cecil B. DeMille's Latest TECHNICOLOR TRIUMPH "FOREST ~ RANGERS" with Fred fale Paulette Goddard Susan Hayward COMING JAN. 6th-- Ann Sothern, Red Skelton, in "Panama Hattie" with Marsha Hunt a and Virginia O'Brien EE A RS TR, Miss Marion Brent of Toronto, visit- ed with relatives in town during the week-end. Mrs. Douglas Lade and Mr. Harley Balfour, of Toronto, spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Balfour. Mrs. Lade remained for a few days. ' Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Blight, of Osha- wa, were holiday week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Reesor. Miss Florence Carter is visiting for a few days in Montreal and Valley- field, Quebec. Mr. Samson Yelland is spending the holidays in Exeter. A.C. Harold Hayes, R.C.A.F., of To- ronto, spent a few days with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, E. Hayes. Mrs. Guy Rainville, of Toronto was with them for Christmas. Mr. George Channell enjoyed the Christmas holiday with his parents, Mur. and Mrs, H. Channell, at Hillier, Mr. Donald Christie, of Guelph, is spending the holiday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Grant Christie. Mr. Philip Orde, of Orillia, was with his mother, Mrs. M. Orde, over the holiday week-end. Corp. John Orde, Pte. Ronald Cliff and Gunner Sidney Brinkman spent leave at their re- spective homes. We regret to report the illness of Rev. Wm. Stocks, and hope to hear shortly of his complete recovery. Pro- vision is being made for a minister to take the services at the Church of the Ascension (Anglican) for the next few weeks. "Misses Lillian and Gertrude Stovin spent Christmas with relatives in Oshawa, Mrs. A. J. Davis and 'Miss Grace Davis, enjoyed Christmas Day with relatives in Toronto. Mr. Ronald Cooksley, of Oshawa, was with his parents Mr, and Mrs. C. R. 'Cooksley, over the holiday week- end. Miss Isobel Honey, of Green River, is enjoying the holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Lawson Honey. Miss K. Jeffrey, of Oshawa, was the guest over the week-end of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Gerrow. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Colbear, of Osha- wa, visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, L. D. Colbear, over the ork end. / Messrs. Harry Brookes, and George MacKay, both of Weston, were guests at their respective homes over 'the! Christmas holiday. A.W. Grace Mitchell, of the R.C.A.F. (W.D.) of Arnprior; Mr. and Mrs. FI res buamined 1 Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I R. BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIST Taylor's The Eating House of Quality and Service Will be closed on New Year's Day. We extend to all our Customers the Compliments of the Season. BILL TAYLOR. Proprietor Mrs. Nelson Baird and daughters, Annabelle and Jean, spent Christmas in Montreal, with her son Oscar and his wife. Sgt. Mabel Buttle, C.W.A.C., of Quebec, is spending a few days leave with her mother, Mrs. M. Stones, Mrs. H. H, Stone, Misses Mary and Grace Stone, Flight Lieut. James Kerr of the R.C.AF., and Mr. Wilson Davis, all of Toronto, spent a few days this week in Port Perry, visiting friends and relatives. We offer sincere congratulations to Alex. Woods, eldest son of Mrs. G. A. Woods, who has been promoted to the rank of Captain and is second in com- mand of his regiment, : Guests at the home of Mrs. G. A. Woods over the holiday were Capt. A. Woods, R.C.A., of Debert, N.S., Mrs. Alex. Woods, of Toronto, Cadet Ter- rence Woods, of the Officers' Training Center, Brockville and Mrs. Terrence Woods. Holiday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. S. A. Wallace were: Miss Olive Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Cawker, of Toronto; A.W. Enid Wal- lace, of Rockeliffe Station; Mr. and Murs. Ralph Wallace, Ann and Douglas, of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wallace, Doris and Gordon, Seagrave. ronto, spent the holiday week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. 'E. Beare. Dr. Lloyd White, Paed.D., of the High School of Commerce, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller, of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beacock, of Nestleton, were Christmas holiday near Utica. i - 8gt. Ray Hillier of the Highland Light Infantry, Galt, has returned from Overseas, and is spending some weeks with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Hillier. Miss Elaine Fergusoh, of Toronto, spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKee and Mr, Fred Fer- guson, Gunner Frank Lyle of the Royal Canadian Artillery, Sherbrooke, Que., spent Christmas holidays with his parents at Honeydale. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Manning, of To- ronto, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, D. Carnegie. Mrs. Manning is re- maining this week for a visit. Save Your Salvage for the Boy Scouts ee ob CAN - DIED / ARMSTRONG--In Cartwright Tp.; Lot 18, Con, 10, on Friday, December 26th, 1042, Margaret Watchorn, be: loved wife of Wm. E. Armstrong, in her 65th year, L.A.C. Bill Beare, R.C.A.F., of To- of Hamilton, spent. Sunday. with them. | 402 at the home of Mrs, F. White, Christmas Music The following program of Christmas music was rendered by the chojr of the Port Perry United Churck last Sunday morning: "The First Christmas Morn" "Christians Awake! Salute the Happy Morn!" (Miss Dorothy Balfour taking the soprano solo) "Night of Nights" Mrs. Marioy Orde, organist. This delightful music was greatly appreciated. ' I "The Life of Fanny Crosby" One of the most pleasing and truly inspiring services was presented last Sunday evening in the United Church by six Sunday School workers, and a supporting quartette, The service was in the form of a Dramatic Presentav tion of the Life of Fanny Crosby. The following was the Cast of Characters: Fanny Crosby, Dorothy Tristram; Mrs. Ferris (matron of the Institute for the Blind), Mrs. Arthur Brock; Miss Wilson (a Publishers Representative) Miss Thelma Crosier; Alexander Van Alstyne (Instructor) Owen Cliff; Mrs, Andrews (a friend) Mrs. S. Griffen; Mr, Moody (an evan- gelist) M. A. Gerrow; The Narrator, R. B. Smallman; The Supporting Quartette--soprano, Miss Reta Wil- lard; contralto, Miss Margaret Day; tenor, Foster Vernon; basso, Gordon Reesor. Organist, Mrs. J. E. Jackson. This little -sketch of "the life of Fanny Crosby was read by the Nar- rator: "We bring you the story "of a woman who wrote over a. thousand hymns -- an American woman whose songs of praise have found their way into the hymn books of all faiths and the music of all nations, Most won- derful of all in the history of this re- markable person is the fact that she was blind. The name Fanny Crosby is synonymous with the good and the beautiful in poetry and is a byword for optimism and joy of life. Born in New York state on March 24, 1823, Fanny Crosby was about six weeks old when, by an improper treatment for a slight eye.affliction she was per- manently blinded. Never from that moment until her death at the age of ninety-five was she able to see. Yet out of her tragedy and the greatness of her spirit have come some of the most famous songs of the Christian Faith. Crosby began writing what she called "lines that rhyme." Additions and Cor- rections re Those On Active Service (Port Perry, Reach and Scugog) Overseas Pte. Bert DeShane, R.C.0.C. Sgt. Pilot Wm. R. Willard, R.C.A.F. In Canada Sgt. Ray Hillier, Highland Yaght Infantry. 3rd Officer Malcolm Nasmith, Merchant Marine. A.C. Harold Hayes, R.C.A.F. A.C. Everett Hook, R.C.AF. Gunner Bryce Moase, R.C.A. i Gnr, Frank Lyle, R.C.A. I. 0. D. E. The regular meeting of Scugog Chapter, L.O.D.E. will be held in the Library, on Monday evening, January 4th, 1943, at 8 o'clock, Members are requested to make the attendance at the first" meeting of the new year as successful as the c last one in the old year, ' --) se Announcement - Dr. M. B. Dymond wishes to an- nounce that on Monday, January 4th, 1043: he leaves Port Perry for Active Service in the R.C.AM.C. For the duration of the. war his practice will be carried on by DR. JOSEPHINE KAMM, Dr. Kamm was born in Western Canada, graduated in Medicine from '| the University of Edinburgh, Scotland in 1034. She went to Post Graduate studies in Obstetrics and Women's diseases in The Rotunda Hospital, Ireland. = On her return to Canada she took up general practice in a rural community in Saskatchewan and for WILLIAMS--At Chatham, on Sat- urday, December 26th, 1942, Charles two years was the only doctor serv- ing the community, - Then she -re- turned to Post Graduate studies in Misses Marie and' Grace Hood, of Harold Hall and son, of Long Branch; Franklin Williams, beloved husband of Anaesthesia and has spent the past "Toronto, enjoyed the Christmas week- | Migs Louise Hall, of Toronto, and 'Miss' the Late Eleanor Collins, in his 88th! two years in this' work. She.comes end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.{ Ruth Hall, of Oshawa, were guests year. - George: Hood. Gace is staying for alof Mr, and Mrs. | Christmas, week, L. G. Hall, over Interment was made at Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert, Dec, 20th, | | to Port Perry well trained and highly recommended and we wish her well in her work here, 4 J It was at an early age that Fanny|- BILTMORE Theatre Oshawa Gala New Years Eve FROLIC Also FRIDAY and SATURDAY "Tarzan's New York Adventure" with Johnny WEISMULLER, and Maureen O'SULLIVAN. Also "ROXIE HART" with Ginger Rogers & Adolphe Menjou BILTMORE i P0000 CO A Chrintmas & @ I GN I BOM BBN With deepest gratitude for the blessings that are urs, Amd with firm faith in the future, : We thoughtfully aud thankfully wish you i yours wherever they may be, "A Safe and Gladsome @htintmas; and {* a Wirtorious and Happier New Year Lawrence's Brug Store A. Ml, Lawrence JO Greetings Young People's Union The Young People's Union held a very "successful sleighing party on Tuesday evening, Permission' was granted by the Reeve, Mr, Letcher, to block off Jeffrey's hill, so there was no danger of meeting a car, The hill was in very good condition and there were enough bob-sleighs to accommodate everyone and a merry time was spent for a couple of hours. Shortly after ten o'clock, the young people, some of whom had gone skat- ing, met in the basement of the Church, where a few games were played while lunch was being prepared. Everyone made a circle and partook of doughnuts and cocoa. The evening closed with -the singing of God Save the King. Outside of a few bruises and slight stiffness felt by some of the young people next day, everyone enthusiasti- cally declared it had been a grand evening of fun, _ No mts IN MEMORIAM REDMAN -- In loving memory of Roy George 'Redman, who died Jan. bth, 1942, ~° We often sit and think of him when we are all alone, For memory is the only friend that grief can call its own; Like ivy on the withered oak, when all other things decay, Our love for him will still keep green and never fade away. © --Wife and Family. ri i WEEK OF PRAYER IN PORT PERRY CHURCHES The universal Week of Prayer will be observed in Port Perry Churthes as follows: Monday, January 4th at 8 p.m.-- Anglican Church. Address by Rev. W. C. Smith, Wednesday, January 6th at 8 p.m.-- United Church. Address by Rev. i J. A. McMillan, 'Friday, January 8th at 8 p.m.-- Presbyterian Church. Address by Rev. Wm. Stocks. , Church ofthe Ascersion Rev, C. P. Muirhead a former Rec- tor 'well remembered by all, will take the service on Sunday morning, Jan- uary 3rd. We feel sure that all Anglicans that can possibly da-so will be out to meet their old friend. Dur- ing his stay in Port Perry, Mr. Muir- head will be the guest of Mr, W. L. Parrish, ae --y re. _ FORCES ' Dr. Dvinend's stay in Port Perry has been comparatively short. But in that time he has earned the respect and good will of the citizens of Port Perry and district, _The army requires his services and he leaves us on January 4th to do medical work in the armed forces Yor the duration of the war. We shall miss him greatly but real- ize that the service he is to render is the great need to-day. Two facts are very pleasing in this matter, - has no intention of leaving Port Perry permanently, He has proved himself to be a good citizen as well as a good doctor, We should be very sorry to lose him, The second pleasing fact is that he has secured a competent substitute to sence. Dr, Josephine Kamm comes highly recommended and our people are fortunate to be able to Secure her skilled services. Good wishes _go with Dr, Dymond for a safe and speedy return. DR. DYMOND JOINS THE KING'S |. The first is that Dr, Dymond | carry on with his wobk during his ab- A Port Perry 5c to $1. Wish One and All A Happy New Year: 00 Store and Staff , STEWART SWEETMAN Many Thanks to my patrons for their business during this past year, and I | | wish them all "A VERY HAPPY 1 NEW YEAR PORT PERRY When the Lions Club decided to purchase $256 worth of "Ditty Bags" from the Navy League Branch of the I.O.D.E. they came to a very wise de- cision, If they had listened.a little more attentively to the appeal made by the envoys, Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Glass, and made it-$50, it perhaps would have showed a greater degree of wisdom. The bags were a marvel in design and construction while their contents of sensible and useful per- quisites for the price of $5 is not so much a marvel as a mystery. - How do the women do it? We have always believed a woman could squeeze more out of the shopping dollar than a mere man and now we know it. That is why we let our wife run the house, These bags were sent to men win the Merchant Marine. Into each bag was '| slipped a Lions card and already our secretary reports three dplendid ac- will appear in next week's Star. ~D>- Ls 7 SLENDOR TABLETS -- Harmless and effective. Two weeks supply, $1. at Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry. knowledgements. Excerpts from these |- ELECTIONS Port Perry a Port Perry Council was elected by acclamation: : Reeve--W. M. Letcher, Councillors--DMessrs. R, M. Holtby, Grant Gerrow, Geo. A, McMillan, Herbert Brooks. The School Trustees%wvere re-elected Mrs. M. Orde, Mr. S. Qoughman, Mr. A. Jemison. There will be a contest for the Reeveship between Creighton Devitt and Wilfred Bowles. The Councillors were re- elected by acclamation. They are: Wesley Hos- kin, Norman Green, hal Heaslip, Roy Ferguson, Reach Reach Council was elected by _ac- clamation. Reeve--Thos; Harding. Deputy Reeve--Jos. Wilson, Councillors-- William Parrott, Cook Ashenhurst, Roy Seo: Please look at the label on your Star, Isit ped in advance? JOSEPH. RW STAR SSL SOM THE RED & WHITE STORE WILSON Wishes to thank the Ratepayers of the Township of Reach for his Election by Acclamation as DEPUTY REEVE And extends to them his Best Wishes for A - HAPPY NEW YEAR WE. WISH TO THANK OUR 'CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR 'BUSINESS, and WISH ALL A Happy New Year 2 PHONE 43 F. W. BROCK & SON PORT PNRRY qa. Cartwright- -_%; RT