Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Dec 1942, p. 5

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PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24th, 1942 BROCK THEATRE, Phone 618, WHITBY Healthfully Air Conditioned. The Management Extends to All Best Wishes fora Very ¢ MERRY CHRISTMAS Thursday, Friday and Saturday, . DECEMBER 24-25-26 Two Shows at 7-and 9 p.m, Saturday Matinee at 1.30 KAY KYSER, in "My Favorite Spy" with Ellen Drew and Jane Wyman, ¥ ___. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 4 DECEMBER 28-29-30 Last Complete Show at 8.20 ~ "Suicide Squadron" with ANTON WALBROOK and SALLY GRAY, . Also an ADDED Attraction "Sweater Girl" with Eddie Bracken and June Preisser Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, December 31, January 1-2 GET A108 3) Holiday Inn starring 'BING CROSBY and FRED ASTAIRE BX - GROCERIES Superior Store Extends to all the 3 People of This Community A Merry Christmas anda Happy New Year 'Phone 152, Port Perry DENTISTS DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON office equipped for X-RAY WORK Over Bell Telephone Office, Queen 8t., Port Perry Office 68w; "Residence 68J W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON ° Oftice Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p,m. Otlice Upstairs, over C, Sleep's "Insurance Office. DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber Shop. Phone 237, Res. 216 Phones: Port Perry » LEGAL ARTHUR W. 8S. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afterncos - of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 2% (The firm of Greer & Humphreys Is dissolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24} Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 . in attendance at my Port Perry office oa Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of eack week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 CHIROPRACTOR W. J. KING Chiropractor, Drugless Therapist In Practice over twenty years. Now in Uxbridge, Ontario, Maple Street. Phone 54 r 13 WATKINS' PRODUCTS Order your Watkins Products from SID KERR Distributor, Uxbridge Write or Phone 119 THE CHURCHES ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN" CHURCH Rev. J. A. McMillan, Minister 2,30 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 7 pam. --Evening Service, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev, W. C. Smith, Minister Swiday, December 27th-- Il a.m.--Christmas Music by the Choir. " "Faces Around the Infant Jesus," , 7 p.m. --Dramatization of the Life of Fanny Crosby, the Blind Hymn Writer. Phone 72w, a We wish for you Health and Happiness at this 'Christmas Season - W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER PORT PERRY " | _ ---- - -- t- CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION } 'ANGLICAN ' Rector--Rev. William Stocks Christmas- Day-- 8.30 a.m.--Holy Communion, 10.30 a.m.--Choral Communion. Sunday, Dec. 27th-- 7 p.m.--Festival of Christmas. Carols and Lessons. RNecember 31st-- 11.30 p.m.--Watchnight Service. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor -- P. Taylor 10-a.m.--Bible Class. 11 a.m.--Divine Service. 4 7.00 p.m.-- Evangelistic Service. Wednesday, at 7.00 p.m, -- Chil- dren's Hour, Special Music Lantern Pictures, Flannel- graphs and Object Talks. Everybody Welcome BEAUTY PARLOR PRENTICE'S -- BEAUTY PARLOR -- Skilled Operator. Very moderate prices We specialize in-- Bonat Permanent Waves - Shampoo and Wave 50e Marcel - - 76¢ Manicure = - - 3b6cl PERMANENT WAVES ~ $1.95 and up Our work is up to a standard-- Not down to a price. - \ Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. so difficult to secure. "WE WISH A Joyous "THANK YOU We wish to express sincere appreciation to our Customers for their kindly consideration and patience at this time when fuel has been YOU ALL Christmas Phone 240w LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL CoO. : LIMITED BO 1 DD |__| | 2 1 1 | 2 | | 1 2 A A XS i 3 Notice -- Due to Christmas Day being on Fri- i day, Our Store will remain closed until i Monday morning. i WE WISH YOU ALL : i - ~ A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS i CC -- Cd WE DEL : " mone n Gerrow Bros., Port Perry a tt tt i ati ai ta te _ aa - -_ - Rd - ee i | | IN DAYS OF UNCERTAINTY | RELIABLE Insurance is essential : / T-_ ' WHATEVER YOUR INSURANCE . NEEDS MAY BE, Consult : 4 "HAROLD W. EMMERSON \ Phone 41 / Port Perry } EL a > we ee ew i baasanttit EE EE EE EE EE EA EL YLT IT LT LTT i ir | WE WISH YOU ALL A Merry Christmas sand A Happy New Year CAWKER BROS., Family Butchers a A EEE EEE EE EE EE EE EE EAR REE ERR SRY TTY RTT RTT TTT Tee her rrreriity FL LL LEE ERLE dE EES ELE OE ELLs tess eee ante ssstansaasstststsstsssssty JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OFF GOOD BAKING WISHES YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS ART. JEMISON PROPRIETOR RE EE ISI RASS RES ERR IIT IR RE EESEE , Lo . SUITS SPONGED AND PRESS (Expert RADIO Service|" "50 Gone MY PHONE 234 on SUITS CLEANED WISHING YOU ALL Dry Cleaned $1.00 CHRISTMAS JOYS J 'Mclean Radio Service C. P. ROLPH Tipp Residence on North Street. 3 had become ~--not on Christmas day. iy Tre exchange of Christmas greetings by Long Distance telephone , y ei a peace time tradition in many a Canadian home. \ But such calls are a luxury in war time -- and luxuries have 'mo place in a war economy. War needs the wires you'd like to use for Christmas niessages, War business, and the boys in camps wha will be calling home from all i layed unless you avoid your usual Christmas tglephoning. Srl STIRD ~~ If you really must send your greetings by Long Distance, won't y X you please do so a few days before or a few days after Christmas This will be part of your contribution to Canada's war effort. arts of Canada, will be de- _ ay by ; 3 FUT ~~ -8TRAYED C , "To the premises of the undersigned, ; i early in December, bay mare. Owner "can have same by proving property and paying expenses, William Hal- lett, Blackwater, Lot 18, Con. 1, 4. Brock, =. 3 CUTTER FOR BALE Apply at Star Office « HY USE FOR SALE - 8 room frame house in Village of Prince Albert, House in good shape. ils Hydro, Small barn, Good garden. iy Apply to D. Catherwood, Raglan P.O. "i of the "Three Wise Men." i scene, with song -- a very attractive | fill the boxes for Santa Claus. 1 tine: "Homeward bound. Cheers. Are rived yesterday. Plan indefinite, Will cable," Mrs. Hankins' sister, Mrs. Jack Bar- nett, 195 Castlefield ave., told the To- ronto Telegram: "Mother has every word of that cable memorized." Mrs. Hankins was en route to her home in Durban after two years' visit here when a German submarine sank the Zamzam. Her Toronto relatives are hoping she will reach Durban in time for the marriage of her youngest, | daugliter, Dulcie, on January 3rd. ¥ Mrs. Hankins is a cousin of Mrs. George Hull, : \ --_------ eo -------------- t largely attended. The little folk of the Primary 'gave their full quota of songs and recitations, A special pleasing feature was the presentation The Prim- |! ary has been under the care of Mrs' |! Z. M. Jackson for many years, and has prospered. At present it has on the roll 53, and an: average aftend- ance of 32. : The senior school program followed, and was given by three groups. The classes of Mrs. Ploughman_and Miss Dorothy Tristram, presented a pleas- ing playlet; as did the C.G.LT:, under direction of Mrs W. C. Smith. The Boy Scouts presented their Camp Fire 1 1 feature. 1 ~ Santa Claus then made his appear- ance to the delight of all the children. Upon this occasion a kindly_ letter, 'accompanied by' a box of chocolates, was sent to Mrs. George Rose, who for over twenty-five years helped to BLACKSTOC DAUGHTER ON ZAMZAM, FREED. To an octogenarian Toronto couple the sun is shining more brightly since . they received word that their daughter, a survivor of the South Atlantic Nazi torpedoing of the Egyptian motorship Zamzam early in 1041, has been released from a Ger- man internment camp and is en route to her South African home. Mr. and Mrs. George Patchett, 40 Gerrard St. east; have received a cable from their missionary son-in-law, Dr. Harry Hankins, that on Dec. 2 he was cabled by his wife from Haifa, Pales. "transportation. | Mrs, Archer, The leaders in each centre are to bé "Give a pint of blood and save a soldier's life" at the December meet- ing of Cartwright Red Cross. "It was decided that we would help in the work of blood donations for Red Cross work, We are asking for-donors and for volunteer, drivers to help in-the Any one interested please contact Mrs. A. Bailey for in- formation, "Reports were given by the treasurer, Mrs, Bailey, and the chairwoman of the works committee, The mew quota was al- so given with instructions that the leg |i of soldier's 'socks are to be 11 inches and the socks for the navy 13% inches, notified that a quilt and a blanket are Stinson, of Omemee, who are staying 3 i Mrs. C. Marlow. Mrs. Hooey, dele- The Christmas Tree gate to the Convention, gave her ve- That popular annual--feature was port. The local Girl Guides called during the meeting and presented the W. I. branch with two completed quilt tops for which they were thanked. met at the home of Mrs. Parr. A from who hoped that the associations could be carried on in these trying times. Men met at Mr. December 9th. proving after an operation. Church on Sunday last, Rev. W. C. Smith, of Port Perry, -was the guest speaker, also music by the choir, assisted by. Mrs. Adg Jones-Sadler. Mrs. Jabez Wright sang a duet. Bowmanville, Nursing Class which 'is being held in the High her Food Need of Adults". cussion, in which Mrs. Strike answered questions, followed her address. - Stevenson is in Bowmanville Hospital, suffering from a fractured hip. met at the home of Mrs. H. Short- ridge on December 10th. Christmas Story was given by Mrs, E. Larmer. a Christmas thought and a donation to B.W.V. Fund, These officers were to be in readiness to complete the emergency unit which is supplied by | Wright; Vice-President the branch to be ready for possible epidemic in the district. have six such units, based on the pop- ulation, The annual meeting , on December 12th. Cartwright was held Several letters were read from our soldiers overseas, who had received the boxes sent in October from the Mission Band-- Mrs. C. Wright; Fruit Cartwright council. Mr. Stinson was thanked for his rospitality and we had the pleasure of meeting his parents, Mr. cand Mus, vith him for the winter months, The December meeting of the Vie- orian W.I. was held at the home of The Red Cross held a quilting in he hall on December 8th with 34 adies present and 8 quilts completed. The A.Y.P.A. of St. John's Church etter was read by Miss Vera Forder the Dominion Council leader, Darlington and Cartwright Business Alex. Gilbert's on We, are glad to sce Mr. Wesley Bradburn home from Toronto hospital. Mrs. Stanford VanCamp is in Wel- esley hospital, Toronto, and is im- At a special service in the United Archdeacon Simpson was present. There was special Miss Vivian Sad- er sang a solo, and Mrs, Sadler and Mrs. W. R. Strike, dietitian, from addressed the Home The subject of was "The A short dis- School. interesting address Sorry to learn that Miss Minnie 'The W.M.S. of the United Church The meet- ng opened by singing carols. The Roll Call was answered by elected: President' - Mrs. Cecil Hill; See'y--Mrs. Roy Taylor; Treas. --Mvs. J. EE. Elliott; Miss. Sec'y-- -Mrs. Frank Stinson; Supply See'v--Mrs. A. J Johnston; Commun. ity See--Mrs, John McKee; Mrs, Jas. Henry; Press See--Mrs., A. Gilbert; and Flower--Mrs, A. Gilbert; Group Leaders -- Mrs, E. Larmer, Mrs. 11. Shortridge, Mrs. C. Wright, Mrs. N. Mountjoy. Program was in charge of Mrs. Johnston, Topic, Christian Home, Mus, Johnston; 2nd part, Mrs. Hooey; veading, Making of Friends, Mrs, Jas. Henry; Soldier's Letter to His Mother, Mrs. C. Hil; A Soldier's Christmas, Mrs. Jobb, Additions and Cor- rections re Those On Active Service (Port Perry, Reach and Scugog) In Canada Pilot Officer Burgess Beare, R.C.AF. Pilot Officer Bruce Beare, R.C.A.F. Pte. H. J. Woon With the Women's Forces Pte. Joan Hayden, C.W. A.C. {n_the United States-- Pte, I. C. Hayden, 2nd Canadian Parachute Bin, Mrs, Jabdz |. Monthly.Lwishh to express their sincere. thank CARD OF THANKS The family of the late John Medd' 1 : | to the many friends and neighbours | of Epsom, Utica and Raglan for their! Kindness and sympathy shown during | his illness and ofc the time of hi death. ~The Boy Scouts ~~ Wish AlA Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year DRIVERS MUST HAVE TWO PLATES, FOR "42 and "13 UP Tol APRIL 1st i Motor vehicles in Ontario will be | required to carry a 1942 marker in front wind a 1943 marker behind be tween February 28 and April 1 to satisfy both Highways Minister T. BL MeQuesten and-Oil Controller George Gottrelle, - In the first place, the Ontario Government has ruled that the 1943 single-plate marker and other vehicle and operators' permits must be pur chased by the February date, and, in the second, Mr. Cottrelle's new gaso- line coupon hooks, bearing the num- a] ° Christmas bers of the operator's markers, will G hg not be issued until April Ist. reetings to Faced with this minm problem "All f Department of Highways has hit upon rom the happy solution of having the tyol plate system. The front anarker i coincide with the marker number on the--1042 coupon books and the new 1043 plate behind will as the identification tag for law enforcement, Port Perry Lions Club Serve Experts At Reasonable Prices Good Printing is essential to most business men, and to many private individuals. are equipped with modern printing machin- ery operated by expert craftsmen, and are in a position to offer fine printing at fair market prices. Call and consult us. The Port Perry Star L Phones 50-and 86. We

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