re or o> oe ary, Ca. For So ov 2, 7 Ly x 7 Ree OE ms, Forth Se En - 4 g A 7 i At } ad | 4 ' 3 in| PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24th, 1942 <= Stephens of Frederickton, are spend- wind 1912 when they moved. to Utica, and ~in.1920 moved to Prince Albert, Ont, Port Perry Pte, Gordon Carnegie, C.D.C, of To | Tonto, was at home over the week ond | Misa Gladys Nott of Toropto, spent the week-end with her parents, 'Miss "Lola Gorrow, of Toronto, is spending the holidays with her par ents, Mr, and Mis, M. A Gerrow. Sgnm. A. MacMaster left on Mon day to TE to Terrace, BC, where he iy in thaining. " Wo extend hearty congratulations to Bruce Beare who received his wings last, Friday at Uplands and was od a commission of Pilot Officer. Also to his brother Burgess Beare, who received 'a commission of Pilot Officer, too. grant Pilot Officer Bruce Beare ing'a few days leave at his home here before leaving for Manitoba, to take up further training. is spend- Rivers, Pte. George Emmerson, C.D.C., of Mountain View, spent the weck- end| with his parents, Mr. and Mrs H.W. Emerson. Cpl. John Orde, CATS, of Humn- ilton, visited with his mother, Mis. M Orde, during the week-end, . L.A.C. Bill Bearé, RCAF, of Clinton, spent a few hours on Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mis, CE. Beare. * Mr. and Mis. Storey Beare and little son, of Guelph, are spending the holiday season with relatives in town, Miss Dorothy Graham, of Scugoy, has completed her course at Canada Business College, Toronto, and his ac- cepted a position with Canadian Fair- banks Morse Ltd, Congratulations. AW. (W.D.) has been posted to the AF. Station at Rockcliffe. She one of three honour graduates of her Enid Wallace, of the RICAN, R.C. was class at No. 6 Manning Depot, Toronto. Miss Geraldine Marat, of Moose Jaw, Sask, is visiting relatives in town. Gunner Arch Anderson, RCA. of Toronto, is spending a week at his home here. L.A.C. George Mulligan, RCAF, of Paulson, Manitoba, is home on u short leave. He expects to go to London' to take up further training Mr. Robt. Simpson, will Christmas and New Years at his in_Chapleau, Ont. Pte. W. R. Tristram, of the Veterans Guard of Canada, AF. is spending spend home the Christmas holidays with his family here. Ptes. Grant McDermott and Bill ing the holiday season with their par- ents in Port Perry. They are now with the paratroops, ---- WEEK OF PRAYER IN PORT PERRY CHURCHES JAN. 3rd to 10th. °° The universal Week of Prayer will be observed in Port Perry Churches as follows: Monday, Jan. 4th--8 p.m. Anglican Church. Address by Rev, W. C. Smith. Wednesday, Jan, 6th-----8 pm. United Church. Address by J. A. McMillan, nd Friday, Jan. 8th--8 pm. 'Presbyterian Church. Address hy Rev. Wm. Stocks. _ Rev. A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a BRIGHT AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR To All Our Friends Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston, Robert Jr,, and Katherine Anne. MRS. JOSIAH SMITH DIES Sarah Smith, beloved wife of Josiah 8mith, died at the home of her son, Maxwell, of Bowmanville, on Decem- ber 17th, 1942, in her 77th year. Mrs. Smith was born at Edgeley, Ont., and would have bean married Hd years had she lived until Jan. 14th. She is survived by her husband, Josiah Smith, and four children (Leila A.) Mrs: Bert Midgley of Prince Al- bert, Ont., Carl E., 71 Logan Avenue, Toronto; Sidney 0O., Chatham; Max- well L., Bowmanville, Predeceasing her etn. {wo children in 1899. She is also survived by fifteen grandchildren FREE Parking rhone 1011} "OSHAWA A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Starting CHRISTMAS DAY for Four Days Fibber McGee and Molly, Charlig McCarthy, Edg#i-Bergen "HERE WE GO AGAIN" with Ginny Simms COME TO OUR New Year's JAMBOREE 12 o'clock midnite, Dee. 81st CARY GINGER GRANT ~~ ROGERS in "Once Upon a ' Honeymoon -- Regular Prices The Management and Staff of Oshawa's Famous Players" Theatre desire at this time to wish all their friends --A Very Merry Christdins and A Victory New Year EER LH TRL I SRE RE Young People's Union The Young People's Union me hold ing we bob-sleigrh and toboggan party on Monday evening, December 28th. You are asked to meet. at George Channell's not later than a quarter to vight because we are going across the lake, After coming back lunch will be served at the Churel. Iivervone over fifteen is invited and -there will small charge of 10e. to defray expenses, Will anyone having a bob-sleigh or a toboggan please bring it along ? This will be a night of fun for you vou there be a o let's see ~~ a> o> MARRIED Roberts -- Rees Liola Rees, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Rees, and Benjamin David Roberts, son of Mrs. Edith Roberts and the late Harry Richard Roberts, of Weymouth: Dorset, England. The manringe to take place at the Port Perry United Chureh Parsonage on Thursday, December 24th, 1942 lp England-Nott On Tuesday, December 10th, at Ux- bridge, Ontario, Irva Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nott, Port Perry, to Gunner Vincent England, son of the late Mark England and Mys, England, of Uxbridge. Ea a a Shower Despite the sub-zero weather on Saturday evening, December 19th, about thirty-five relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mra, W. F. Nott, Lin honour of their daughter, Trva, who was united in marriage to Gunner Vincent England, R.C.AL Petawawa, on Tuesday, Dee. 15th, at Uxbridge. A very pleasant evening was spent progressive cuchre at. the end of which Mr. and Mrs, England were pre- sented with many lovely miscellaneous gifts. All join in wishing Mike and Irva much happiness in their new course of life, i a L 0. D.E. New. . Year's Eve Dance The annual New Year's Eve Dance under the auspices of -- the Seugog Chapter, LO.D.E,, will be held in the the High School . Auditorium, Port Perry, on Thursday, December 31st. Good music. Prize Dances. Dresa Optional. Novelties. Admission b0c, per person. Come and enjoy the fun! Ba PE -- and eleven great grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Smith lived at Edgeley until Interment was made at Edgeley. [ te day, Isobel Medd, beloved wife of the late Charles Fallis, jn her 88th year," 'DIED FALLIS --At Port Perry, on Thurs- December 17th, 1942, Deborah The marrige is announced of Dolly "tamply shown in the First Great War, Eyes Examined established with headquarters at Hegina Glasses complete, or lenses only,| I!" Avnl Wil Ale Vie Marshal supplied where necessary, at How arn Leeatny connnnding oflicer ut No. 11 Bervice Flying Training reasonable prices,--- I. R. BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIST & Tavylor's The Eating House - of Quality and Service Will be closed on Christmas Day and New Year's Day. We extend to all our Customers the Compliments of the Season, BILL TAYLOR. Proprietor New Air Vice- Marshall Helped Launch Plan (The Calgary Herald) Air Viee-Marshal George R. How- sam, M. C,, air officer commanding No. 4 Training Command of the R.C. AF. here, and whose promotion to the rank of air viee-marshal was an- nounced recently, is the man who laid much of the R.C.AF. foundation for the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan. : For it was due largely to the cner- gy of Air Vice-Marshal Howsam that the antiquated training system of the RCAF, was transformed into a mo- dern scheme similar ta the Royal Air Force in Britain, © New Plan For more than two years, as diree- tor of air training in national defence headquarters, he worked to establish an etlicient training plan for Cana- dian airmen, And it was three- phase plan of training, merged with the B.C.ALT. Plan, which followed the asic points introduced in Canada by Air Vice-Marshal Howsam with the assistance of other air force officials, that was adopted, Hundreds of "young airmen in the R.C.AF. know and like this man for his administrative talent and his good humor. Hundreds more, knowing | something of his fighting record, ad- Pinire him for his fighting qualities, . Straight from high school in his native Port Perry, Ont, he joined the Canadian army in 1916 and a year later switched to the air force, In France he won the military cross" for shooting down four enemy planes in a single day in January, 1918, Nine other aircraft fell before his deadly machine gung in other dogfights dur- ig the war, Army of Occupation to the army of occupation and re- mained with the Royal Air Force for two years after the war, returning to Canada in May, 1921, In 1929 he was a omember of the famous "Siskin Flight" of the R.C.A.F., which made such an impression at the Cleveland air races and left vast throngs at the Canadian National" Exhibition at Toronto spellbound when the pilots dove from the clouds to within a few feet of Lake Ontarior 1 ' Air Vice-Marshal Howsam attended the RAF, Collegg in 1930 and during the next two years was¥it Air Force Headquarters at Ottawa, He was then posted to Toronto as the first air sfall officer posted to the headquarters of a military district. There he was largely responsible for the training of the 110 Army Co operative Squadron, the first R.C.AF. unit to see active service overseas, To Britain 'After two years' service at Ottawa as director of training at Air Force Headquarters, Air Vice-Marshal How- sam was sent to Britain to become familiar with the most recent pro- cedure i! the RAF, Upon sfeturn to Canada he -again served Cat Air Force leadquarters prior to his appointment as senior aid "staff officer at No. 4 Training Command, which had recently béen 5 | After the armistice he was attached; material may do so at this time, room 'will be open for work as usual' on Friday, January 8th, School at Yorkton, Sask., an appoint- ment which he held until he came to Calgary to tuke over/the duties of air officer commanding No. 4 Train- ing Command. -- SCUGCOG A Merry Christinas and a Prospe- vous New Year for Mr. Farmer and his Staff and all who helped to make the Port Pérry Star good reading for old and new friends far and near. Many are planning for family re- unions for Christmas, but many of us will be thinking of our sons, brothers and husbands who will be far away for this merry time, but we will keep our faith and our prayers will be with them always, All ave very glad the weather is a little milder after the cold spell of the week-end of 32-below zero. Many cars were too cold to come to Church on Sunday to receive the splendid Christulas message. brought by Mr. Cummings, of Toronto, who had charge of the services here in the absence of Mr. B. Smith, who is ta- king care of Rev. F. G. Joblin's work, We are all glad to hear that Rev. Mr. Joblin is improving in health, The Red Cross meeting will be January 6th instead of December doth. Let us make a good beginning for 1943. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Marquis, of Vietoria Corners, on the bivth of wlittle daughter ('Thelma May), a little sister for Glen, on No- vember 29th. Both doing fine at her mother's, Mrs. Stanley Pogue's, who lives with her mother, Mrs, J. Collins. Miss Irene Redman, of Oshawa, and her friend, Miss Helena Campbell, of Calvary, who are training for nurses at Oshawa Hospital, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Redman on Sun- day. Mr, Cummings, of Toronto, was the week-end guest at the parsonage. Birthday greetings to Maxine Car- nochan for the 22nd, Carol Sweetman and "Marilyn Heayn for Christmas Day, Marie Sweetman for the 27th, and Audrey Ploughman for the 31st. December 28th is Nomination Day in the Hall, . : . On Tuesday, the 20th, the union' Sunday School will be reorganized at 2.20 in the Hall. Rev. W. C." Smith, of Port Perry, will preside. All are asked to be present. At 3.30, the Quarterly Official Board meeting wih be held. All are very pleased with the grand success of the union Christmas Tree on Monday evening. The Hall was packed and we were glad to see our old neighbors from Port Perry and Manchester in the crowd. The pro- gram was all that could be desired, thanks to the teachers, Mrs. E. Lee, Miss F. Lackin and Mrs, Geo, Sa- mells, and all other helpers. Then at the close, old Santa appeared to the delight of the children and many gifts were given out. = All the chil- dren received candy and popcorn from' the Sunday School and lovely gifts from their teacher, Mrs. Geo. Samells and their school teacher, Miss Lackin, Proceeds, $29.45. Mis. E. Lee entertained quite a few on Saturday afternoon in her school with a good concert and. presented her pupils with gifts. The children gave gifts to one another, Glad to sce -Pte. Bob Crozier, of Portage la Praivie, is home for a few days. --o PRINCE. ALBERT The meeting of the W. A. was held on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. McCrea. The Sunday School and day school combined and held a very: enjoyable social evening for the children in the Church basement on Monday night. The kiddies received oranges and can- | dy, while all enjoyed light refresh- ments, J The funerals of two of our late residents were held on Saturday-- Mrs. C. Fallis passed away at Port Perry on. Thursday, and Mrs. Josiah Smith entered into rest at Bowman- ville at the home of oF Jon; Maxwell Smith. . "For one.and all 'we "trust that this Christmas season may be:as full of happiness as is possible this year, > ------e WAR WORK ACTIVITIES The work rooms will be open from three to five op Tuesday afternoon, December 20th. . Anyone wishing to hand in finished articles or to get The Theatre - Oshawa Friday and Saturday only "THE LADY, HAS PLANS" Paulette GODDARD, Ray MILLAND Also i "STAGE to CHIANO' Fi irgt 'Oshawa showing, starring George O° 'BRIEN Vv hrginia VALE -- Starting Monday and Tuesday only Wallace BEERY Marjorie MAIN "JACKASS MAIL" also "BLONDIE GOES LATIN® Penny SINGLETON Arthur LAKE --~-- BILTMORE Announcement Dr. M. B. Dymond wishes to an- nounce that on Monday, January 4th, 1043: he leaves Port Perry for Active Service in the R.C.AM.C. For the duration of the war his practice will be carried on by DR. JOSEPHINE KAMM, Dr. Kamm was horn in Western the University of Edinburgh, Scotland in 1934. She went to Post Graduate studies in Obstetrics and Women's diseases in The Rotunda Hospital, Ireland. On her return to Canada she took up general practice. in a rural community in Saskatchewan and for two years was the only doctor serv- ing the community, © Then she turned to Post Graduate studies in Anaesthesia and has spent the past two years in this work. She comes to Port Perry well trained and highly recommended and we wish her well in her work here. -- ee -- Hydro Breakdown terribly cold day, and that was the day that the Hydro went back on us. The oil froze in the transformer, and that trouble was not fixed until noon, Then a worse trouble developed -- a line broke near Wasdell's Falls, ~*~ That break was not finally fixed un- til 9 pom. ~The assistance to repair the damage had to come from Gravenhurst, and when the men went to start their ear it, too, was frozen. Our thanks are due to Mr. Tinsley for his prompt and arduous work in bringing order out of the trouble. He worked under great difficulties, - "UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY In spite of the intense cold last Sun- day morning, the young folk of the , Port Perry United Sunday - School turned out in full force to take part in their anniversary program, proved to bt most interesting. / The children sang well, both-in the Prim- ary and senior departments. Rev. Mr. tention of his audience. - The talk was illustrated by lighted candles. The | coming of Christ brought light into our lives. One by one the candles-- Joy, Peace, Love, Prayer, and Shar- ing--were lit, These were the bless- ings that Christ brought to earth, The singing of Garnet Palmer, young son of Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer, was one of the lovely parts of the service. He has a beautifully sweet and cleat child's voice. In accordance "with many requests this service will be repeated at an early date. The evening service, which was to have been a dramatization of the life of Fanny Crosy, had to be postponed on account of the Hydro breakdown, = As will be noted_clsewhere on this page, this service will be given next Sunday evening. snippit lA A onion sei "ASHBURN A very enjoyable evening was spent by Burn's Church Sunday School ing, December 20th, when a Christmas concert was held in the basement. Mr. Walter Kerr acted as chairman, The program consisted of choruses, dialogue by Florence Doble's class, 'monologue by Doreen Isaacs, chorus, "The First Nowell", mono- logue, Jimmy Knight, monologue by Joan Hill, recitation, Murray Beadle, pantomime,: "Holy Night", chorus, "While Sheptierds Watched". Mrs, F. Beadle and Mys: Edgar Heron were pianists. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered the teachers and helpers of the success of the event. Santa Claus program, BILTMORE| Canada, graduated in Medicine from ; re-. As everybody knows, Sunday was a| -- which' Smith's' talk kept the undivided at- scholars and friends on Friday even- | "recitations, | if appeared at 'the conclusion of the|, 1 " Ghrigtmas Greetings : Hith Deepeit gratitude for the blessings thut are ours, ~ : / wherener they may be, . A Hate and Gladsowe Christmas, and | - GEESE EEE EEE And with firm faith in the foture, He thoughtfully and thankfully wish you and yours, a Wictarinus and Happier. New Hear je ot HN 4 4 : ; 3 Py ON Lawrence's Brug Store 4 Bi * A. fl, Tuwrence HEHEHE EEE EERE EEN " Ih gh ey reine Sn Soy AG THR BT TT SA, To the Citizens of ; ONTARIO COUNTY MY BEST WISHES FOR A Merry and Joyous CHRISTMAS and for Health and Happiness 'and the Restoration of Peace during the coming year._ "HON. G. D. CONANT, K.C., M.PP. Premier and Attorney-General of the Province of Ontario - BIRR EE cad T eigen] a a A= On account of Hydro Aeration, the i FANNY CROSBY SERVICE (which had to be postponed) will be As held next Sunday evening in, the Port Perry United Church, at 7.00 o'clock. od A Dramatic presentation which tells 1 the life story of a wonderful woman. TT Interesting and inspiring. Special lighting facilities. LY ---- re 13 a "wn RED& WHITE some | WE WISH TO THANK OUR CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR - BUSINESS, and WISH ALL "A Merry Christmas : F, 'W. BROCK & SON La PHONE 43 AE PORT PERRY grid BEESON -_-