Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 17 Sep 1942, p. 5

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RU RR A Vs PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 17th, 1942 BROCK THEATRE CHICK HATCHERY THE CHURCHES Phone 618, WHITBY Healthtully "Air Conditioned. Thuxsday, Friday and Saturday. PTEMBER 17-18-19 Two ih at, 7.00 and 9.00 p.m. Saturday. Matinee at 1.30 "Take a Letter, Darling| with ROSALIND RUSSEL L and FRED MacMURRAY. Also a new Canada Carries on: "THE VOICE OF ACTION" and Wednesday, R 21.22.23, Last Complete Show at 8.20 = GINGER ROGERS as "ROXIE HART" with Adolphe Menjou, 'George Montgomery. also an. ADDED Attraction _ "ABOUT FACE" with William Tracy, Joe Sawyer. Money, Toselsy COMING next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, September 24-25-20 Thedorsican Brothers Ww. Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. bie Lh iF ah ie i Sl HARDWARE Carnegie Hardware COMPANY Radios, Builders' Supplies "HARDWARE Furnaces, Plumbing A. J. Carnegie - Phone 61, D. Carnegie Port Perry GROCERIES Superior Store Seasonable Specials QUAKER MUFFETS........ wo. DEE. 9c. L J AYLMER TOMATO or VEGETABLE y: __8S0UP, 10 oz. tin. ......... ay for 17¢. - "ROYAL YORK CHOICE' PUMPKIN, 28 oz. tin ...ccee.e. 10¢ ROYAL YORK CHOICE PEACHES, 16 oz. tin. ...2 for 25c. Phone 152, Port Perry GENERAL MERCHANT BUY CALF MEAL FROM WES. CROSIER : General Merchant PEL __Phone--_Port Perry. 86 rll | : SEAGRAVE, ONT. Groceries, Drygoods, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, e SEEDS and FEEDS "HOGG & LYTLE LIMITED GRAIN & FEEDS Field and Garden Seeds All Kinds of Poultry Feeds Special Farm Supplies . : Rhone 1, Port Perry ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. A. McMillan, Minisfer, 10 a.m.--Sunday Scheol. 11 a.m.--Morning Service PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. C. Smith, Minister 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Worship Subject--*The Fruits of the Field" 7 p.m. Subject--"The Two Sons" > CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rector--Rev, William Stocks Sunday, September 20th--. Harvest Thanksgiving Services. 11 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. Preacher--The Ven. W. Simpson, B.A., Archdeacon of Peterboro, 3 p.m. --Children's Service. 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon "Preacher--The Rev. Canon W. G. "Nicholson, M.A., Rector of St. --Clement's- Church, North-Toronto; Harvest Music. Sunday, September 27th-- 9 a.m---Holy Communion. Harvest Thanksgiving Services. St. Thomas' Church, Brooklin, at 11 a.m, and 7 pm. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor -- P. Taylor 11 a.m.--Divine Service. 2.30 p.m.--Bible School. 7.00 p.m.--Evangelistic Service. Everybody Welcome DENTISTS. DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON office equipped for X-RAY WORK Over Bell Telephone Office, Queen St, Port Perry Office 68w; Residence 68J W. A. Sangster + DENTAL SURGEON QOftice Hours: 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. Oflice Upstairs, over C. Sleeps Insurance Office. Phones: DENTIST Leonard Block over Prentice's Barbe: | Shop Phone 237, Res. 216 Port' Perry LEGAL ARTHUR W. S. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wedneslay morning, and Friday afternoons of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 2t tlhe firm of Greer & Humphreys Is dissolved} RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 21§ Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of eackt weck or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 BEAUTY PARLOR ~PRENTICE'S - -- BEAUTY PARLOR -- Skilled Operator. Very moderate prices mwpamsady mend "spetighize fps Bonat Permanent Waves Shampoo and Wave Marcel 75¢ Manicure 3be PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up Our work is up to « standard-- [* Not down to a price. Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. RADIO 50e DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG PORT PERRY Chick Hatchery HERBERT BROOKS Baby Chicks, Poultry, Eggs, ete. ! EGG GRADING "MAPLE LEAF FEEDS CHIROPRACTOR W. J. KING In Practice over twenty years. Now in Uxbridge, Ontario, Maple Street. Phone 64 r 13 AUCTION SALES and Implements; the property of A. Reynolds, lot 6, con. 1, Reach. See bills for list. Friday, Sept. 18-10 Cattle, the pro- perty of J. C. Love to be sold at the farm of Wilson Gerrow, west of 'Port Perry Fair Grounds. See bills. Saturday, Oct. 3rd -- Pure bred Jersey and Holstein Cows, ete, the property of Wright Crosier, at his premises, Manchester. See bills, Saturday, Sept. 26 at 1 p.m. sharp. Matched team, of horses, 40 cattle, some butchers; 20 pigs, 11 sheep, im- plements, cte., property of Leonard Blight, Lot 8, Con. 8, Reach Township, Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. WANTED Young woman for housework. ply Mrs. Henshaw, Crandell St, Perry. Ap- Be pr A FOR SALE Buggy in good condition. Apply to Box 18, Port Perry, or Phone 168. Something new for corn sufferers. Use Benzocaine, the new local anes- thetic. Contained only in LLOYD'S CORN SALVE. Get a jar at A. M. 'Lawrence's Drug Store. MANCHESTER Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Thompson (nee Reta Munro), on the Hirth of a son, Mr. Frank Gilroy, of Windsor, has been calling on friends in this neigh- borhood. Miss Ruby Ward has returned to Brooklin, after spending her vacation with her grandfather, Me. WW. Thompson, The - Misses Holman, of Toronto, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thompson, The local Red Cross workers are askea to meet in the hall on Thurs- day cfternoon, Sept. 24th. A full at- tendunce is requested. Mr. and Mes, Dyle Thompson, of Valleyficld, ave visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Holthy, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Moffatt, Mr. Lloyd Moffatt and bride (nee Doris Howard, of Souris, Man.) visited re- latives last week-end. Mr. Mac Christie spent a week with friends in the City, The regular meeting of the W. A. was held at the home of Mrs. N. Chap- > Lman, at Quaker Hill, on Sept. 3d, attendance of the W.M.S. of Quaker Hill and their contribution to the pro- gram of the afternoon was much ap- preciated by all. The meeting was opened with hymn 8456. Rev, Mr. Eyers led in prayer, Plans for an An- niversary Sunday, on Séptember 26, were discussed. Mrs. C. Croxall ex- tended words of welcome to the visit- ing W.ALS, from Quaker Hill. The Seripture lesson was read by Mrs. W. Palmer, - the _lesson thoughts and prayer by Mrs. J, Dobson. Miss Thaster" rendered a solo and Mrs, Harper gave a very: fine reading. Miss N. Croxall sang in her usual pleasing manner. The address by Rev, Mr. Fyers was thoroughly enjoyed by all. few words of appreciation were given by Mrs, W. Cassie and a hearty yote of thanks to Mus. N. Chapman. ting Chiropractor, Drugless Therapist | § Thursday, Sept. 24--Farm Stock 5 Port {LEN GOOD Phone 72w,' Properly dressed and well kept "Always available at reasonable price, by ordering from W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER MEATS PORT PERRY THE RED & WHITE STORE WE DELIVER PHONE 32 If It's in the Line of Baking, We Have It BIRTHDAY CAKES a Specialty ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION Saturday Special --" "PINEAPPLE TARTS?" Gerrow Bros, Port Perry ETI te RR RRR RRR URC RRR a play. as, t,o kanes and Mas. putin are Ue prograin connie ee Tor We exe meen. Lie meet- Ig closed with all repeaung ue LOrAs prayer. the lovely supper oi Curn, LOMULOLs, LDrowit ana white pread, butter, rolls, covkies and Jenly, Wis muen enjoyea by ali. It was pro- viaed by Group o ol tue Centre: ars Leo, dweetman, Mrs, J. Le dweetman, mrs, Keo tarter, ars. 1. Long, ars. nL, leaaer, rroceedas ylloo. All are glaa to hear wat srs. Kobt. Keader 1s Improving in neaitn ater un operation on Wweanesany im oa lLo- ronto hospiaal, We nope she wili nave uo speedy recovery. tere will be no Sunday next punaay. wn ruesaay Mrs Fred Croziér hd © the nustortune. to fwil and break a DONE 11 her ankle, and IS Now nursing Lan a cast. We hope sie will soon be around again, ar. We. omark had a very successtul sale on Saturday. People were there ng In. Schools ville, Manila, ang rort Perry. miss ladys Joblin left on Saturday for her school duties at Caughnawaga atter the vacation, We welcome back our teachers, Miss Niddery and Miss Lackin at the Head and Centre, and our new teacher at the toot, Mrs. klmer lee. Mrs, ALK. Wauson, ot 'Toronto, visit- ed her brother and sister at Seven alle Island on Saturday, also Mr. and Mrs, HL kong. We are sorry w hear Mrs. Wilson has been im the hogpatal with a broken arm. Lnniskilen, Whitby Mis. J. A. Sweetman is spending a tew weeks with relatives in Whitby, Lite Miss Viola Brown of Greens bank, is visiting Miss Edna Prentice, or a few weeks. Miss Dorothy Graham and little "Patricia Humphrey, of Toronto, visit- i the former's parents Nir. . Lraham recently, "Mr and Mrs. Roy St. John, of Long Branch spent last week with her sister and Mrs, Mrs, IF, Crozier, Mr, Ellingham of Cooksville, and Me. and Mrs, R. Roy and children, of Tyrone, were visitors of the former's niece, Mrs, F. G. Joblin, on Sunday. LAC. Alan Aldred of Summerside, Prince Edward Island, is spending a couple of weeks at his home here. Alan likes the training, - Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Samells, Jean and Donna, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wright Crosier at Manches- ter.on.Sunddy, trom Valent, 1rort Hope, Bowman: Jere on Sunday, September =with Toronto relatives, LOST Child's green oiled silk umbrella, Lost on way home from school. Re- ward. Apply to Mrs, Clifford Love, Port Perry. MADE TO SUITS and Overcoats NEW. FALL. SAMPLES "1 $29.50 Order your New Winter Suit or Overcoat now from our Ne New Fall Samples. HH Stock Suits and Overcoats at 7 attractive prices. MEASURE "Myrtle Station Rally Day service was not as large- ly attended as was expected but it was most interesting and those taking part did exceptionally well. The theme: "Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our Faith", was strictly adhered to in the choice of hymns, story and sermon. Dorothy MeCartuey,. Beverley. Stewart, Doris Duff and Jean Duff cach read a pas- sage of Scripture relating how differ- ent people came to Jesus. Patti Ger- van told the story, "Looking unto Jesus", and the girls choir sang a number fitting to the theme. Amniversary services will be held 27th, at IT am. and 7.20 pom. Rev, Dr. Good- row of Cannington, will have charge of both services. and there will bet special music which will be announced in next week's issue, Sunday School next Sunday will he at the regular hour of 1.45. The GRAPES | will be in full swing this week, | if | Fine Quality at Market Prices _ | BE evening service has heen withdrawn because of anniversary services. at Manchester, where Rev. Mr, Joblin of Seugogr. will be the guest speaker, The unfavourable weather on Sept. Oth "kept many home from the Port; er Fair. Congratulations are due | Mrs Harrison who, out of twenty | cotries, captured seventeen prizes, | seven fir ts, seven seconds, and three thirds. School opened last Wednesday with a full attendance to meet the new teacher, Mrz. McLaren, of Ovono. I. Chisholm returned home on after spending several days Mond: Mr. Dan Bolin, recently avith Mr. SON, Mp. and Mes. Gordon Maree and child, of Oshawa, were Sunday suests of Mr. and Mis. Elmer Cook. Mr. and Mis. M. McDonald, My. Murs, a. AL Jackson, recent guests of Mr, and Mrs, Perey, Nip Leask and Miss Hele Grant were visitors in Toronto on Fri-| day. | Mrs. H. E. Austin of Toronto, was | a visitor on ™ day with Mrs. Mi_ and Mrs. Earl.W. visited Harri- of Oshawa, and Mys and of Orillia, were Luery. f Black- Mrs. S. Reynolds and her daughter Mrs. G. Cherrie, visited in Toronto, one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hope and baby Ronald, Visited her parents NM aii Mrs. C. Mills, in Port Perry, on Sun- day. Mrs. George Freeman visited in To- ronto on Tuesday of last week. Mr, and Mrs, R. S. Jones, Montreal, Mr, and Mrs. Fry and son Allan of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs, Bradburn and Mr, Campbell, of Lindsay, were re- cent visitors of the former's sister, Murs. Thos, Redman, Mur. and Mrs, Thos. Eyden-and-little- Shirley accompanied her sister Miss Irene Bramley to her home -in Bridges for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs, James Gee, Mrs. Wig- nall and son Jimmie, Miss Knott, Mrs, O'Pant, of Toronto, were guests of il Mrs. Geo. Freeman, on Sun- aa 7 he Navy League dance on Friday night WAS. 0. SUCCESS. Jy 1s 220.00 Mount Me AT with water, visited recently Wand, : Mr. James Cooper" harvested his | potato crop on Monday and reports a I S101 B11 || CASE SE eo o> BLACKSTOCK Several friends and velatives from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Henry Tinney, on August 30, at her late home, at Cavan. Lyda was well known in this community, the only Child of Joseph Forder, and the late Forder, Nestleton, Two children, Mary and John; ani her "sorrowing | husband survive, She was in her | 52nd year and had sutfered a long and painful illness. Interment was made Cemetery, Ida. Mr. Oliver Smith received a cable from his brother Bob, te ling him that in St. John's Jelly Jars, 6¢ each Gem Jars, medium, $1.19 doz PR Zinc Rings, 29c. per dozen A Parowax, 15c Ib. Pastry Flour, 24 Ibs. 75c. Lard, 20 Ib. Soap Flakes, 4 Ibs. 35c¢. Certo 25c¢c Pail, $3.00 PHONE 43 ~ F. W. BROCK & SON PORT PERRY yo by Murs, Hobbs, Oshawa District Com- missioner. They also received their pins. Mes, Hamilton, captain; and the wirls wre to be congratulated on the splendid progress made since organ- izing this very worthwhile undertak- ing. As the W.L are accepting the in- vitation to sponsor the company, Mrs. Hobbs, told the members many inter- esting things about thier G. G. Move- ment and informed the members of their responsibility. A committee was formed to aid Mrs, Hamilton, namely, president, Mrs, H. Hooey, Mrs. Fallis, Mrs, Graham, and the Executive of torian W. LI StJohn's AYP A was Tor September meeting at the home of Reeve and Mrs. Devitt, FIRST DOUBLE WEDDING HELD IN BLACKSTOCK UNITED CHURCH - Blackstock United Church was the scene of a pretty double wedding (1st in its history), on August 26, Susan Agnes Margaret VanCamp be- came the bride of Stephen €C. Saywell of Oshawa, and Olive Barbara Van- Camp, was united in marriage to Rev, W. I. Riding, of Montreal, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riding, Oshawa, The brides are daughters of Mis. W. A. VanCamp, of Blackstock. Gladiolus, stocks and snapdragons droiraind the church, and the Rev, Tanton, of Smith's Falls, officiated, Nh by Rev. D. M. Stinson, Black- stock. Miss Isabel Brown, of Perth, play- entertained | when]! thereof as requested b After the formal presentation of gifts, chief of which was a solid wal- ~~ nul fea wagon to cach of "the young ladies from the congregation of the United Chureh and the Sunday School, along with other gifts from friends and admirers, a bountiful lunch was served. Dancing was also enjoyed to musie provided by Messrs. M. C, Smith, Oliver Smith and Roy Frayer. ~~ o>-------- -- THE BULK-SALES ACT In the matter of the Bulk Sales Act; and -in--the matter of Percival John Densham, formerly" carrying on busi. ness under the-firm, style and name ( ' of Devon Restaurant, of the Village (WP cof ort. Perry,-.in. the.-County-of - pri enero Ontario. bA%Y NOTICE is hereby given that the above named has made a Bulk Sale of his assets under the terms and pro- visions of the Bulk Sales Act, and that have been appointed Trustee of the proceeds of the said sale. Creditors "are requested to file their claims with me with the proof and particulars hy the said Act on or before the 17th ay of October, AD. 1942. Notice is further given that after the 17th. day of October, - 1942, T will proceed to distribute the assets of the debtors among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice has then been given, and will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons "Myrile Stafion Elevafor H. H. GOODE Grains, Clover Sveds, and Fuel General Farm Supplies Avra for your Spring requirements of Clover Seeds, Sood if - Fertilizers ELWOOD MASTERS, Agent Phones Port Perry 120 r 6 and 12 Brooklin 33 r 17 and 22 - -- CLEANING BUITS: SPONGED AND PKESSED ' 60 Cents ~~ SUITS CLEANED " Dry Cleaned $1.00 ~__C. P.ROLPH Upstairs, over Jomison's Bakery { M Expert RADIO Service|: PHONE 234 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. McLean Radio Service CREAMERY PORT PERRY CREAMERY MANUFACTURERS OF "~ Finest Pasteurized CREAMERY BUTTER and CHEESE ICE CREAM * Phoné 184, Port Perry ~ 446 and the fas IN Lunch was served by Mrs, R. Hart; Mrs. C. Croxall, Mrs. W. Palmer and Mrs. E. Parish. >or---- SCUGCOG- Next Sunday, Sept, 20th, anniver- sary services will be-held-at the Head Church, when the Rev. Mr. Gervan, of Myrtle, will be the speaker at 11 a.m, and 7.30 pm. The Junior choir will help 'with the music in the motning, with a union choir at night. All are invited. The Woman's Association held its September" meeting on Tuesday after- noon in the Town Hall, with a good attendance, The President, 'Mrs, C. L. Fralick was in lier place and opened the meeting in the dsual ay by sing- ing and prayer Mrs. D. Hope read the Psalm, Little Jean 2a s sang with her. mother at the piano, The business period was taken up with a discussion for future programs of the Srasiation from books sent by Misa which will be used to buy wool for socks for the Navy League, Many of our hoys are receiving their call to join the army to beat Hitler; and the- girls are registering. Rev. I. G, and Mrs. Joblin are in Toronto for a few days this week at- ending meetings in Emmanuel Col- ih he Singing School Party are get- ting ready for the fall entertainments when they are called. Mr. Fred Switzer of Bowmanville, is spending a few months with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Eyden. Mr. Milligan of Oshawa, have moved on the farm where the late George Shunk was at the Centre, We welcome him and 'his two daughters Doris and Josephine. Mr. and Mrs, C. Moffatt, Mr, and Mrs. 8. May and son Billie of Toronto, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs, S. Rodman, Sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs, Gale, sister of Mrs. Gibson, of Toronto who spent the summer months at Port View. + Mr. Robt. Tetlow is busy delivering for J. I. Sweetman, * B. Joness, of Moose Jaw, and regard- UNAMID, 2s ASRS t--their hw Ray--tGraham--had sph 4 woth were veeent leave together and well We were sorry to hear that Dean Inaing and Jack Hall are missing after the Dieppe raid. The WAL of the United Church met al the home of Mrs, Robert Bruce, for the August meeting. Another. quilt top has been completed for the Red Cross. It was decided to dispense with lunch for three months trial, as a natriotic gesture, Mr. Alex. Gilbert is ill in the Gen- eral Hospital, Toronto. Mr. Tes Gra- ham who had a serious accident with his tractor and threshing machine, has returned to his home at Mill- brook, after period in Peterboro Hospital. We welcome Miss Mo Simmons of Part Porpy-to our village as the new teacher in the Public School: Hope her sojourn here will he a happy one. Victorian Women's Institute held its. September meeting in community hall. Tt was decided to hold a Tag Day for the Navy on Fair Day, Sept. 28th,-with. the Girl Guides.as taggers, The girls looked smart in thelr newly acquiréd uniforms and were enrolled ed-the wedding music and Miss Lor- ctta McDougall, of Peterboro, sang, "Because." The brides wore matching gowns of crushed delphinium blue silk jersey with matching turbans and corsage of sweetheart roses, There were no attendants, A re- ception was held at the home of the hrides' sister, Mrs. A. LL. Bailey. Mrs. VanCamp wore a gown of black crepe, a black hat and a corsage of red roses. Mrs. Riding wore navy blue with matehing hat and a corsage of sweet peas and-haby's breath. Mra Saywelts@ose for the occasion a navy blue gown 'with matching hat and a corsage of roses. The bridal couples left on a wedding trip to the Gaspe. On their return Mr, and Mrs, Say- well will live in Oshawa, and Mr, and Mis. Riding will reside in Montreal A shower was held at the Com- unity Hall, Monday evening, "August 24, in honour of the Misses Olive and Susie VanCamp. Both the prospective bridegrooms were present, Rev..W. F, Riding and Mf. S. Saywell, "Mr. Geo. Crawford was chairman. of whose claims I shall not then have ad notice? 3 Dated at. Port Perry, Ontario, this bendy 15th day of September, A.D. 1942, ! ARTHUR W. S. GREER, * ox 131, Port Perry, Ont. oct 8 - <-> er------ ---- Unpatriotic Canadians can con- tinue to live the same kind of private lives during the coming year as they have enjoyed during' the past year in spite of sharp increases in income taxation. ~ They can do this by cut. ling out their purchases of certifi cates and bonds. The patriotic citi- zen, who realizes that his country has to meet the obligations of a war for his freedom, can not maintain the sume standard of living during the '| coming year as he has in the past. Il¢ has to plan not only to pay his income taxes but to buy even more certificates and bonds than ever be- fore, = Canadian Hovieahiutiat.

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