> a dl a ER fide a I WEE Jed AS BEN 50) RF fo + iF ri i 0 BE LARNER IAA NOE FRG VE EA Eu dot] NE > VE 2 AO he? 1 Ad. oe 3 oh : HRA A U8 LEE AREAL RR ds . ei hs } $1 1 4 i . = = -- ~ - - Cn - = : , a r ' . . CANADA PACKERS LIMITED SCOUTING Modern Etiquette American Rangers i : LJ LI Report to Shareholders / : -- With Commandos | 7 (Continued From Preceding Page) / For Ridny die Jeera i . Q. How, can | Jeno hk 3 oh Ld ! . nipeg Boy Scouts an olf Cubs spiration odor on the y . The most' disturbing feature of this perind was the development have spent their Saturday morn- A. Wash the body with a bas- TASTE FLAVOUR it hy Secretly - Trained For Some f 3h, extensive Tack market'/in both the processing and retailing ings sorting, stripping and baling in of warm water, to which add : \ ' Tims in Great Biltaln ranches of the trade, y b . v ~ Tr Live cattle sold at prices much above the equivalent of the . fintel) at the Winnipeg Children's two tablespoons of compound FRESHNESS ECONOMY The United States Rangers, ~ ing. bl d retailers, lost heavil ospital, spirits "of ammonia. This leaves duh 3 Mh h eel ceiling Reputable processors, and re A yi-- + 0" ; Uncle Sam's new brand of fight- hose who disregarded the ceiling did a record volume at high profit. the skin sweet, clean and fresh. ing ho joined Canadia This experignce is cited as demonstrating the difficulty of en- Many of the Maltese Soldiers Q. How can I renew rugs HAS EVERYTHING i Wg hi iD Pi gt forcing ceilings'in respect of essential foods, in 'a period of acute serving with the Forces so gal. when they have a worn appear- » : " ys =n h 0) RE Ans on shortage, : a . on i . ' -| lantly defending that island for- ance around the edges? . : oF Hitler's He Lag hy ro : ; h tress, formerly were Boy Scouts, JA. Try buttonholing with surope, : 'The Directors wish again to pay siricere tribute to the loyal and are finding their Scout train- coarse yarn. This will lengthen ing secretly for weeks under the \ |] .. #ervice of workers of all ranks, : ing most. useful, according to Sir | the life of the rug, and will give tutelage of their seasoned British A ! By reason of two conditions, manpower is daily becoming a more bod ' § ' allies . difficult problem, : William Dobbie, former Goverhor it a neater and fresher appear- fod N cult p m, : 3 Adidas . K 4 Their mentors are men whe : "1, Experienced men enlist, or are drafted, and must be re- of . the island. Sir, William's | ance. toss hand grenades: across the dine : 3 placed by inexperienced men. father was at one time Chief -Q. How can I prevent odors In gh hE 1 or ne ] 20. = . Al 2, By reason of increasing volume, still more inexperienced Scout for Malta, the refrigerator? pr Able and casyally jump. : ; men must be dpken on. : 4 «ee A. If a piece of charcoal, Rep gi 9g Vi Aliey ing / 'These conditions throw a heavy load upon Superintendents, Fore- ; . about two inches square, is placed PLUG S LY [0] K | N (¢] i 0) 27: e{ef0) pupis have heey taught 10 Cove men, and the remaining experienced workers. ' a sphe 31 15 demands of He in the corner of the refrigerator, bine with such abilities the sun- Since 1939, personnel has grown as follows: -- . x des. melons, cucumbers, bananas, ete., : ning of the Indian. Men Women plan for increased outdoor activi ed They have climbed 4,000-foot ties f B Scout Bradl may be placed together with other : y ha AR 3 . March, 1939 .. 4,273 630 les for oy Scouts. radley food : i . o 2 fic id mountains through forests never 3 " | 9 Wood, a new 44-act mp si oods without making the foods The Forest Products office sai 8 J 8 1940 4,899 59 ) cre camp site i Thic ui at clence Toxti i before penetrated by man " 1941 | 5,643 791 near Huddersfield, was recently distasteful. This will keep the that the Textile Institute, Wash. fore penctr y man. . wc 1942 . 5788 1,128 } opencd by Sir Perey Everett, the refrigerator odorless. Is D i ington, had tested such fabrics, naioy hey Loon : on Jieed In accordance with the profit-sharing plan, bonus distribution Deputy Chief Scout, in the pres- Q. How can I keep the linen : ong * found them color-fast, resistant Aries Of 30 mies du 4 nll 8 for the year was $755,000.00 . . ence of the Mayor of Hudders- centerpiece from adhering to the ' to shrinkage and warm, day time and again, TORONTO, August 26th, 1942, J. S. McLEAN, President. fold and. 1. Yre, aptliering of Toy table during hot weather? CLOTHES FROM BARK Officials of American Forest Thoy have _bractic ed beach -- Extra copies of this Report are available, and-8o0-long as they | oro UT F (ita i Ai Placing -a- piece of waxed You - know--by- now. that they | Produets-say the industry. can pro- | 1anding while rifle and machine- 3 Scouts and Wolf Cubs. The site ; ¥ fire bored holes th he last will be mailed to anyone requesting them, Address to Ca will provide camping facilities for paper under the centerpiece will can make anything out of any- vide 125,000,000 pounds of red- gun fire bored holes throtgh the Packers Limited, Toronto. a Dh 25000 Se mes keep it from adhering to the pol- thing, practically, and they're go- wool fiber annually, at a cost of paddles of the men manning the - . righ act : ished table, as well as prevent a ing to prove it once more--this four cents a pound, compared haste tive 1 {i : . : j . 3 i i ; 134 n one practice they ro When Pickling Have You Heard Brigadier - General Godfrey stain from cold water or an over- time using the bark from those with $1 a pound for virgin wool. a collapsible tice they Towed " Isn't Preservin Faussett, Camp Chief of the filled iso or rose bowl, Basitian big California redwood evi Er i» " SA he Node ' i ees. i 3 : gl ; World's greatest gathering of boy- Q ow can 1 tress Lum roo : on Nylon Better Than bullets from a British Bren gun ; i "I thovgh y i Bo caused by touching a hot sauce- Next winter you -ean buy the 9 . ; thought you bore work is Fy > a gp pan or iron? result--hats, blankets, mattres- Silk For Chutes came go close that they were al- Polish pilots who lay injured I Ay eTment aboratory," sa oi oy Sea as, hel A. Scrape a little flesh from 3 and rugs made of a fabric in CS Jost able to reach out and touch : . : ' " the insi pot which a principal ingredient is 3 's ai . in hospitals were feted by Eng- "Yes," nodded the second man. |. The camp brought together 53,000 hong os id 2 hi po ho hoy to in v P ® As far as Cinadn's Sjrpen gud Land mines and grenades splat- lish friends. Books--English, alas wy: B f e burn, and tie a clean bandage . . X paratroops are concerned, the Jap- . i$ ) put all the substitutes for rub- oy Scouts from over 70 different around it There's nothing to prevent them aici and Italians can keep Chelr tered them with mud and water. ers showered on" them and ber into one batch, cooked it up countries and parts of the Bri- es perrgee from using the bark fabric in silk and take the risks , Rifle tracer bullets singed by so they spent their convalescence | and offered it as a solution to tish Einpire," to mark the 21st ; coats and suits, too, but so far 0 Jarachutes were mad close that one punctured a mess struggling once again with more our retread problem." birthday of Scouting and honour MODERN they've made up onl three 'ox~ hee y on os w > n ing kit slung from a Ranger's belt. _ elusive foe, English pronuncia- "What happened?" asked the its founder, Lord Baden-Powell, ETIQUETTE wf ntal Phy A y ts only bt OF inest Tnportad. sik, Another nicked the guard off a tions, and all the queer vagaries first experimenter, "ose 4 Q Horimen it f ' fe vd » Today Sunties Som otes Allan bayonet atop one soldier's pack of English spelling. It is worth Tt Dl hah tie Awa the any. Sota) bis ] siren suit for an air raid warden H. Ww illiamson said Canadian ex- Barlier In their training + ek: recording that th d d : Hind rm with matching hat," and a macki- periments have shown that nylon R ool 8 6 squadron second. ments appearing at the beginning - . . 4 : grenade had landed, fuse smoking, : leader had studied the dictionary ; OF fs Prorent Cookie: oars 1. At a wedding reception, naw, ) is better than silk for that pur- in one Ranger boat. Private Clay- 3 rather pond i ) ) ' ¥ who should stand in the receiv- A handful of bark fiber feels pose. Some silk was still being 5 Mitchie : ponderously for a suitable ing has been the Boy Scouts. Their : : : i i ton Schooley of Munsing, Mich word to express an appropriate A lawyer being interrupt success arises from the Nevotoy ing line, and in what position? wiry and springy. Its color Is used for chutes but when stocks . ed Ee ey rhe Na ¢ 1 sentiment on the departure of a ed, said: "I will speak, slr, ment of the activity principle as 2. Shouldn't A well-bred per- Hist 2 fiery red arly, v were finished production :.would 4 . hs fl of overboard! flung Canadian squadron on operation, as long as I please." - an educational method. The na- son admit when he is at fault? Fabrics use from 30 to 60 per go merrily on. } it into the water CC His parting words were "May God "You have spoken longer tural instinet of youth to discover | oj3:. May one ever ask for an in. | cont of the fiber, with the bal We ean produce suauh aylon He didn't know its explost : pickle you, gentlemen." than you please," was the op- "birds' nefts, to be familiar with vitation for one's self to a dinner ance made up of shoddy (reused to meet requirements," Mr. Wil- The » had t he vo HH exp 03 ve tine ein .- -ponent's retort. "the hibits of wild li LU ora luncheon? wrien «| Wool) and virgin wool. ~~ Hamson said. : charge. nd. been. extracied, - : e habits of wild life, to excel h Lo Wrestling and ju jitsu are af- -- : ATE ~ in games of skill, is directed to 4. When you are entertaining terdinner pastimes at the cam -- Having a rather long and start- | Nature Study and skill in Handi- guests in a restaurant, and you ' Ofer We bogs 3 cond the SKILLED LABOUR WANTED ling message to send home and crafts which are of the utmost are sure a mistake has heen mado . stairway in the castle where they v just.enough funds to pay for a educational value. When to these n Lhe bill, what should you do? ACCORDIONS WANTED PATENTS had their headquarters. They'd 10-word telegram, the man wrote is added a code of honour based 5. Is it ever permissible to Thy FTW just grab a rope on the third floor i L h Ag folionys 8 on Christian Chivalry, the result send printed or engraved "Thank ACCORDIONS WANTED eT an atablisien and "absail down." } se at e Operators "Bruises hurt erased a Ford : ey fod by you" cards? } liest prices paid for piano 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. CA bsailine' i hss i 4 J is a training of character, which 6. What sl nccordions, twelve to hun- Booklet of Information on re- Absailing" is the simple device . ig analysis hurt infectious | jg the supreme aim of education. he ets at should a ag do ies dred and twenty bass. . quest. of looping a rope around your saa, . --H. H Chief 'S i N & Woman ox the stree THE T. EATON . LTD. yr stting yourse ; 3 Drill Operators Here's what he meant: ent of OX wid Mo Je 1 a? and they wish to talk for a min- Musical Instrument <0, 1.10 PATENTS & TRADH MARKS by jorge Yous)! Srp ny . ] 14 "Bruce is hurt, he raced a Ford | fgland. ! ute? : . Toronto BGERTON IL CASE. IUEGISTERED Phe Rangers. take their name - 3 s s : States, adian, Britis yee % nt Grinders pe Didi y By Alice is hurt, The' Te a strlen AUTOMOBILES -- USED y patent Atioriicy. oii ekg from Rogers' Rangers, an cigh< I: = Can Diving Plane | lM "ih of the brdosvoom, wit | T55 cam a goon sums. | iit i "afi 05 | pent sent version te mo ' " : her maid of honor ight, 1 hl hy fo : i pon Assemblers wl hdc" hap Skip Steel Ropes? the wh Aoi pe "Sen thon to grant 1eyou' buy From SN AYD ANID Jus om) i i ro Di LT) a » # a) -- 2 ' . ZLGH us. Mount Pleasant Motors Ltd. TIMOTHY SEED FOR FALL SED soldier, Robert ogers, in the 5 "Two weeks." ' - Confession of faults makes half- | ~~ Used Car Lots at 1650 Danforth ing. GS. No. 2. Purity extra N Seven Ye r - ALSO - "What is_the charge?" A _dive-bomber trap operating | Amends." 38. No. It would be fiend behing Fen patreet 1310.00" per 100 1b. rele paid Seven ee bot 2 " ot rn _ as "No charge. Everything's on the theory that a plunging at- very presumptuous to do so. 4. Rond, Toronto. Telephone High- oda SL IR -------- : : " : £ G al free" tack plane can't skip steel ropes | 'When the meal is finished, allow Jang nil Belleville, Ont. ' ' Best British G i 4 M n ror ener. hil -- hurled "by mortars was your guests to go ahead while BABY CHICKS ; €s ris unner - Eat Sto BY Se -- rewire military--mechunismg i ~-you--quietly--and--good-naturedly- | ------ as ssa DAWSONS GOLDEN CHARI FALL fe fr Rp dL NRF ee F k "Sedentary work," said the col- the-war" exhibition in New York. | adjust the matter. 5. Only when mper AY a a To 34 A adh? hath No. a Tn First World War 5 { W or' lege professor, "tends to -lessen The United States Coast Guard thanking someone for a card. 6. available 9th and 23rd. Our Fall Bags tree. F.O.B Belleville. ¢. 1. To the endurance." displayed .a model of the trap The best form is for the man to SLE Auteitn as alt ig Hon, Seedsmen, Belle. General Sir Arthur William Cafeteri P . In other words," the student which 'is aimed to protect a pre- turn and walk in the direction the Plan with us for un big season LL rm rn ree Currie, who commanded the Cana- i Aen ran e Sa i Wr TROIS one sits the pared position menaced by a dive- woman is going. pion om) 135" sonnei TURLSIIR Yaven gians in Waitd- War J, -ealied Mes a Aoi: Hg te, profs fossh, A mortar cannon hurls tons mm-- Ont. SMALL THRESHER SELLE FELD ag) ha finest gunner "in { 2 Vs r into the air a long cabl i 1 LING, Tre I er, state make, conditi price, he British Empire, says Time. b. APPLY sor, "and if one lies a great deal stretches out to fan Slowly, sup Packers In Pickle * RE RL fon Faris, Aylmer East, Que. Soon after MeNaughton i Mlb Pel Empl . one's standing is lost complete- | ported by two parachutes. = It's Over Pickle Pickers | imme FOR THRESHERMEN to England to fighting World mp oyment Office dy. object is to foul the enemy plane Endless thresher bel hose, MEDICAL War II he visited- an artillery . Pi: ; "Sih fe : or force it to swerve from its tar- How can a packer get a peck as Mins i hallo: RUN, school and spotted a gun which | E "AN TTR TT oe] is ello, old chap! I want to | get: ----------------------------|__of-pickles packed, "if there aren't | _ fal--Belting for traces, 2 inch 6- eo J, 1 was in one of his batteries at Canadian Acme ' sires Jou for'a Litas" R 7 i Peal lecturers said that the gious ies fo pick the pick- maior Simplest for oT or HE I stock --Amiens in 1918. Said he, alting ! ell, you ave to lan evice as ended the effective. es for the packers to pack? mmediate shipment at attractive : OR PAL ghimon b opie : ie muzzle: "1 can tell you I got To Screw and Gear an awful wallop to make ie wi of dive-bombing prepared Wis to become of the i ey icine fears. ne $1.28 Four redied Come some grand shooting out of that : : i give it to you. 5 positions." ~~ | gherkin if the pickers don't start |___ Inspection: Send your orders to Hb ATO Wri RNC: 1 IE TL. IOP, Sm | 207 Weston Road FN ih |g A total of Go United Nations | workin'? Sti YORK SIRE TORONTO mn al ar ople never farjret his even err {i CE a ey yo A smali boy ~at- the zoo asked --| Governments; "defence agencies | This problem; -and-it's--d-tough-- a EE TR To Dixons | they--are--dark.----They-stab..and....._....... Toronto, Ont. why the giraffe had such a long | and private organizations are | one, perplexed the National Pickle NARURY Davhapsy . praising it. | they brood. But he is not a for- mn neck. sponsoring the displays. Packers Association as a commit. | BAKERS OVENS AND MACHIN- CARI SS CR bidding man, nor a distant one. We conform to Ordéitin-Council "Well, you see," said the keep- British exhibits include a scale tee of its advertising managers 2s, N50 rebuilt squipment ak Ottawa. Postps $1.00. ! His grey mustache, his whitened Pp g 8! ways on hand. Terms arranged. -- = relative to those now engaged er, gravely, "the giraffe's head model of a fully-equipped invasion gathered to map strategy to solve Correspondence fnvited. Hubbard Fp - temples, the perpetual cock in his in war work. ) .is 80 far from his-body-a long barge and a paratrooper's outfit. the pickle puzzle with publicity. Sorigne [yen Co. 4a Hails LHUTULRA ID Y left-eyebrow set off a face that, neck is absolutely necessary." a What puts the packers in such & - ' has the deep touch of thought, : : : Canadi T a pretty pickle, besides the short- DYEING & CLEANING | DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH the marks of 55 full years; but JAPS FELT STIR magn 1an 1roops age of pickle pickers, is that this | HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEGDS evn Bovodon fin 252 Tnet HL sai be warh) sed Sn sd : ' STING OF THIS NEW GUN Attend Lectures year the crops are tops. {yeing or cjsaning?- Write io is HAVE YQUR SNAPS friendly. His friends and officers "Why," said Einar Gaustad of answer your questions. Depart. | . Delisered 03, Slop ; call him Andy. : . y i" b ment H Parker's D Work Any 6 or 8 exposure filin perfectly Canadian troops in England Holsum Products, Milwaukee, Limited, ' 791 Yonge Steet, orks developey and printed for only Zhe. ) 'have found a new way of spend. |... cfops are the best we've ever jon. . aranteed. MY nq fast mre nme enna en ai3 R % 2 had 5 A 5 E guaranteed. - cme EE -------- N : ing their leaves. They go "up to | had, and pickle prices will prob FOOT BALM IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE {| Women In Britain Oxford" for a week, 4 ably be the highest in years. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM d Station. 3: Toute : Handle Mol Steel Thirty or 40 Canadians at a But -- no pickers, no pickles. offensive odor lystantly. dhe IE andle Molten Stee . eb © : % Bs ystantly, 45 time are living at the university The "attitude of the public seems bottle. ~~ Ottawa agent, Denman PLUMBING AND HEATING ------ attending a course of lectures | 0 be: With jobs such easy pick- Drug Store. Ottawa. NEW_AND USED, HOT WATER A year ago one of Britain's specially arranged for them. ings, who wants to pick pickles? MODERN SILVER FOX AND MINK tanks, bath ths, - sinks, toilets, biggest industrial towns says a : i ch, which has alway a s, electric vate ) 8, RX 5 dln Talks by eminent speakers are A luncheon followed the meet- money. located close ro ny BLE ail I 0 WE fr writer in the London Daily Sketch, \ y » given on colonial administration, ing. Pickles were served, of oun, om schools, ele, Worth tings, pipe, fittings, valves, rad- appealed for 50,000" women for v vesthg: z. . A ones, 8 ncke ecuters, 3 $ ea Ee, history and course. I" Talbot St., §i. Thomas. om" 189 Yater Ey hot Doin i Mov factory work. It was quickly an- general subjects, i ote, I re now, Better Plumb- swored Today it is a tow t hn [2 I he ihe Me po. a a a oo I TT Limited, 2976 Dun- : 83 S Ro 4 Lectures-over; they are shown WEYT SARGE = = FIbMS DEVELOPED dis 8 TE CT TT Ta -- fighting women, 4d around the town by English stu- wt I. You will appreciate the true mean- A few months ago a new fac- 4 dents and given a good time. WHERE'S Ing of auality and service If you RHEUMATIC PAINS tory was opened here to make "ye OF snaps 9 - y ON hg play 4 Pilon, and od ac " Sapsitts 10 be develop Goon RESOLUTION -- EVERY steel for tanks. There were not . . BAYES "OT0 SERVICH ray la LON ov wl ) p ps on Per Beep. 34 YONGE STither, FonosTo Neurttis should try Dixons Heme | ©M0uh men to run it. , - re "Helpful Shooting Tips" 3 Munro's © Drug Store, 335 It is dangerous work handling M t h S ill P (To aid you ir taking better ple- ER Quay Sosa s1.00,., molten metal, but the women re- atches Sh ut tured we give advice and criticism "-- ACV I 3 sponded. Girls in soiled, oily dun- jhe bited ws sive, OLD RUGS REWOVEN NEW i il ig y Loot n VUverseas boxes or 8 cxposurcs developed and RUGS, NEW UGS MADE FI » Datos Ore earning fis art 9 ' Foiled, 26o. 2 prints of each old. Dominion fu, Weaving Come ne) aking u t ark fy ody MATL, THEM IN TODAY TO pany, 964 Queen St. . Tororito. igh up in the roof, a dark- ; Rin 3 the Wig ivy MAYFAIR PHOTO SERVICE Write for bookl.« | haired lassie from Grimsby spends matches and other inflammables 214_YONGE STREET, - TORONTO / TEACHER WANTED her day in an iron cradle. She in 1s which 3 drives the crane which carries parcels which they send over. FOU SALE HAVELOCK -- WANTED, | P'RO- the ladles of. mol steel seas, sa ae 3 molten steel, On hy ys The Windsor Star. It ¥ SCARBOROUGIL TOWNS testant teacher for Section 14 > is tr h 8C iH NS) -- 18 Belmont, ten miles north o R her depends the - safety of the a strange psychology which > miles from Toronto--I1560 acres, ¥ Havelock. Duties to begin Sep- i makes them believe it is clever " ; t 7] IAT BULLS 2 ang, Jlo00000. tember sth. 'State salary." Apply izes AL. worn Sorkin of thus & i 1 Hi se estate, I"ublic to Chas. W. Munro, Secretary, ce eclow, aoa] _ ys to circumvent the regula MIDDLE-AGE) Po Trustee, Osgoode Hall, Toronto. Havelock, RR. 14, Ont. Finally, T talked to Granny i . ; g ; "FREE CATALOGUR roves : i J They should be impelled to | 38-52 ; MUSCLE BUILDING oven No onthe Mack Dealing gx stop and consider the effect of its. ol FREE! CATALOGUE OF RARE job of working a pneumatic drill / yrs. "and Exciting books. Rev. Tyrer's MEN AND BOYS. DEVELOP YOUR chipping the steel bars their actions, by news reaching HEED THIS ADV] ' Great Work on Marriage Hela- muscles and increase yaur " P . ty RX here of the destruction of thirty | | rt 'ro cross, restless VICE] fiona 3249, SUPER MAIL OI strength with an original system. "I get tired," Granny'said, "but i wily [ I \ ' ; : eet bags of mail through the presence | suler Fos fiatien, lar OUS- Toron(o, Ontar on felt Tweet, station J der, be yang, it 2.00 i He Jay 8 orks h yg : - i a , ve ; D 4 a Irovi | A Marine paratroopef fakes aim with the Reising submachine - of matches in only. one parcel, ty Lydia EB. Pinkharm's Veg Noe HAIRDRESSING SCHOOT Deseo Irsiens, an ol t I ITANNY, roves ad iL un, newly adopted by the Marine Corps and reportedly used in the It is disastrous, when considered gompound. Made especially for x . Forristal, Doctor of Taycholos$, 2 900 Lut ahe Tricks tint whin ar | ror Solomon' Islands attack. The gun, developed especially for para- "in the light of the amount of IATkaDly helse Fon qasands re- a A yin ida Tun Los; 35 West Street, Sydney, © Nova the tanks get going her work will ER troops, is of .4b calibre, has a pistol grip, folding steel frame stock comforts of which soldiers were |, | Hon, Made in Crtada, 4 quest regarding pba hi a re = Yaue a avenge Yer --~ and and -fires-400-500.roundsa-minute, = robbed, -- [Avenue Word Ta omondemy, 131. ISSUE -36--'42 Brngapora ere te Lheliind in : ithe pinapeh ¢ Fina #0