Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Jul 1942, p. 4

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~ Handel Chorus: "ily will spend their summer holidays Ld PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 2nd, 1942 Mr, and Mrs. Frank Slemmon and Dawn, of Ottawa, are holidaying in town with Mr. and Mus. C. C. Jeffrey. Mr. Harry Brookes, of Weston, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brookes, for the week-end. ' \ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook were in St: Catharines last Thursday to see the former's brother, Mr. Roy Cook, who is seriously ill. ¢ : - Flying Officer James Kerr of Camp Borden, wa$ in town on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. -M. M. Boyd, Gary and Dianne, of Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. 8. Farmer. Mr. and Mrs. H. Nasmith and fam- at their cottage at Pigeon Lake. Mr. Max Robertson, of Toronto, was the holiday guest of Mrs. E. A. Walker. Mr. John Hardy, of Markham, and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ablitt, of Toronto,' visited on the holiday with Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Balfour. | Mrs. Wm. MacGregor is spending a while with her brother, Mr. Robert Wells, in Lindsay. The Young People's Union ave hold- ing a picnic at Stephenson's Point on Wednesday, July 156th, Complete in- formation will appear in the paper next week. i Mrs. Hazel Spears and family, of Markham, have moved to Port Perry. We welcome them to our town, having purchased the double house from Mr. Jas. Ewen, near the Creamery. i - eo o> WAR WORK ACTIVITIES The Boy Scouts were unable to make the canvass of the LLO.D.E. coin bags last Saturday. The Scouts have disbanded for the summer months and The Scugog Chapter would appreciate the holding of your contributions for this work until the Fall when the can- vass will be resumed. i | RITE OF CONFIRMATION ! ADMINISTERED { The Rite of Confirmation was ad-' ministered by the Right Rev. A. R.| Beverley, M.A., D.D., upon the can-| didates presented by the Rector, in| the Church of the Ascension last) Tuesday evening. The Confirmees were: Joyce Edgerton, Helen Grace, Hayes, Lucille Edna Jeffrey, Jean Keetch, Allan Keeteh, Edmund David Steer. The appointed hymns invoking the Gift of 'the Holy Ghost the Comforter,' were sung by the choir and congrega- tion. Then followed the beautiful liturgy of the Confirmation Office, containing the Scripture readings, the' renewal of vows, versicles and sponse and prayers. The prayer for the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Ghost, is of immemorial antiquity. The Bishop's address was based ont Jesus" | present. (Hebrews 12:2). The candidates were} the words, "Looking unto led "to see Jesus as 'the diligent scholar, the obedient son, and the courageous servant of His Heavenly Father. The choir sang, as an anthem, a 156th century Whitsuntide hymn set to music by Sir Ralph Vaughan Wil- liams. The administration of Confirmation was preceded by a short ceremony of unveiling of the Honour Roll to those from the congregation engaged in ac- tive service in this war. At the close of the ceremony the choir sang the "0 God who in Thy heavenly hand Doth hold the hearts of mighty kings, = O take Thy people and this land | Beneath the shadow of THy wings," The Honour Roll is the. gift of Mrs. H. G. Hutcheson. ! CEN ae A Rs Se rma SANT AN -e-- o_o» ANGLICAN GIRLS' AUXILIARY OPEN MEETING / re-| Ibert H. Vagg was best man, FREE Parking A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Phone 1011 "OSHAWA - ALL THIS WEEK Those merry knaves who upset the Army and took the Navy to port . BUD 1.OU ABBOTT COSTELLO ' in : 1" TAM RIO RITA Kathryn John GRAYSON CARROLL Patricia DANE REVIVAL FRIDAY at 11 p.m. Ray Milland ~~ William Holden Veronica Lake Wayne Morris : in "I WANTED WINGS" MONDAY and TUESDAY 'Two Days Only Melvyn Norma DOUGLAS SHEARER "We Were Dancing" Gail Patrick ALSO on the same programme LLOYD NOLAN MARY BETH HUGHES mn Blue White & Perfect WEDNESDAY For 2 Days HEDY LAMARR ROBERT YOUNG Ruth Hussey "H. M. Pulham, Esq." A truly great picture . © From the sens: Van Heflin ional Book MARRIED Bonnycastle -- Maclaurin At St. Thomas' Anglican Church, Toronto, on Monday morning, June 20th, by Rev. D, R. L. Clarke, - Ma- {rion Frances, only daughter of Dr, and Mrs. Norman T. Maclaurin, and grand- daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Warren Burnham to Surgeon-Licute- nant Desmond David Bonnycastle, son of Mrs. Bonnycastle and the late Ma- jor R. H. Bonnycastle. After the ceremony, Lieutenant and Mrs. Bonnycastle left by motor for the West where Lieutenant Bonny- castle will be stationed. Only the immediate relatives were i I --- o> -- ' Woon -- Taffs The wedding of Marion Florence, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Taffs, and Mr. Harold James Woon, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Woon, Port Perry, took place in Charlton Avenue Baptist Church on Saturday evening, June 20th, at 7 o'clock. Rev. John F. Hol- liday officiating." Pink and whitg peonies, baby's breath and ferns deco- rated the church. The organist, Mrs. H. Henderson, played the wedding tmarches, and Mrs; Harold -W;--Taffs sang "All Joy Be Thine". The bride was given in marriage by her father. She wore an aquamarine blue sheer crepe dress with lace bodice, and hat of blue shirred silk with pink petal crown. Her flowers were Briarcliff roses and gypsophila. Mrs. Robert H. Vagg, the matron of -honour; wore a rose petal pink crepe dress and pink halo hat, her flowers being Talisman roses and blue cornflowers. Mr. Ro- Ushers A midsummer Open Meeting of the were Mr. Morley K. Bruce, Seagrave, Girls' Auxiliary of the Church of the Ont., and Mr. Havold W. Taffs. ~ Thir- Ascension was held, last Thursday in ty guests were present for the after- the parish hall. About eighty ladies, reception held at. the home of the attended! Miss June Sonley, the presi- bride's parents. The hand-embroider- dent, was in the chair. Following the ed centre picce on which the wedding president's address of welcome, a Very cake was placed, was that which had pleasing program of music was given: been used at the wedding of the bride's songs by Miss Dorothy Balfour, and parents. The bride's mother's costume piano solos by Fay Johnson, and was a blue and white flowered silk Claudia Coulter. A most interesting dress with navy blue redingote. She and instructive address on Ottawa, wore a large white picture hat, white our capital city, was given by Mrs. C. accessories and corsage bouquet of Coulter, M.A. The Secretary, Miss' pink roses and pink cornflowers. The Clare Glass, read the report of the groom's mother wore a cornflower season's work. . 1 blue flowered sheer crepe dress, large ~The splendid display of knitted blue picture hat and corsage bouquet goods made by the girls since January | of pink roses and pink cornflowers. was exhibited. The display included, | Mr, and Mrs. Woon left on a motor bonnets, jackets, mitts, booties, slips,|trip through Western Ontario, the ----are-to be sent in a bale to Anglican "day, July sy held from his late residence on Sat soakers, diapers, nightingales, Esmond blanket, soap, powder, pins, ete, valued around $25.00. These articles Diocese of Athabaska, part of the Peace River area of Canada. "The Girls' Auxiliary is to be warm- ly commended for their excellent work. Their bale will be most gratefully re- ceived by settlers in Athabaska. OP CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Denny and Family wish to ex- ress their sincere thanks to the many Kind friends and neighbours for the many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy and condolence, and for the Peautifal floral remembrances at the recent loss of her husband and their father. a ; . DIED HALL~At Port Perry, on Wednes- 1942, Albert Hall, of uneral service will be Port Perry. July 4th, at 2 p.m. Interment bride wearing a gold and white printed silk jersey dress, small white sailor hat and white accessories. On their return they will reside at 47 Emerson Street, Hamilton, a aa MANCHESTER CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations are extended to Mr. Maunsell' Gerrow, R.M.N., on success- fully graduating. from the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, and also on attain- ing hig degree as a Registered Male Jurse, Nurse. C -------- wt ENGAGEM ENT Mrs. Roy Redman atinounces the en- gagement of Kathleen Bernice, daugh- ter of Mrs. Redman and the late Roy Redman, of Chalk Lake, to Murray Carl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Geer, of Utica, The marriage to take place in July, S urda at Pine Grove Cemetery, G. D. Conant, + Chairman. E the harvesting of winning the war. Farmers requir known. All willing to with the nearest offices: WHITBY--133 Brock PORT PERRY--A. W. "HARVEST HELP COMMITTEE . W. Webber, Vice-Chairman.' ~The emergency due to the war, weather, and circumstances make tally necessary. Citizens, students, boys, and all others who can spare any time, are urged to help as a pa- trioticduty and contribution towards requested to make their needs need help are asked to communicate OSHAWA--6 Richmond Street West, PICKERING---Town Hall, Phone 110 F. M. Campbell, Secretary, «, the 1942 crops vi- ing such help are help, and all who of the following Phone 4110 Street South, Phone 581 S. Greer"s Law Office, Phone 25 SCUGOG Next Sunday is Woman's Sunda, in the Foot Church at 11 a.m., wit! our Pastor, Rev. F. G. Joblin, in charge and at 7.30 p.m. with Mrs. (Rev.) W. C. Smith, of Port Perry, in charge. The choir will be there to help. Then onthe following Tuesday, July 7th, there will be a supper served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R, Carter, fol- lowed by a good program. We hope the weather will be favorable for a good attendance. Fishing was very good on Satur- day for Muskies and quite a few were caught but 12 Ib, was the largest re- ported and Bass fishing starts on the Ist of July. Mrs. George Burnett received a te- legram on Monday faying George had arrived safely in England. Mr. Arthur Haskell and friend of Oshawa were recent guests of his cou- sin, Mrs. VW. Mark. : Mrs. C. Hardy and Clara, Mrs, Hu- bert Long and Mrs. E. Hance were guests of the former's aunt, Mrs, Savage on Thursday, it being her 88th birthday, which she enjoyed very much, Colonel and Mrs. Pearson and daughters Evelyn and Joan, and Mr. Jack Richards, of Oshawa, were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Red- man, Mr. and Mrs. Naylor, Mr. and Mrs. Daniels and Miss Ethel Law, of To- ronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reader, & Mrs. T. Fines and her aunt, Mrs. Eyden, visited in Toronto on Tuesday. Miss Joy Hood spent the week-end with Miss Irene Redman. Mrs. H. Raymes, of Port Perry, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Henders, On Monday, Mr. Wm, Jeffrey and Percy were hauling in hay. Mr, Jeff- rey was on the load; the horses step- ped up and over-balanced him, which caused him to fall off the load. By trying to save himself; he fell on his arm and broke it and has to have it in a sling for a month, We all hope for a speedy recovery, Mr. George Fines and lady friend, Mr. Russell Fines, of Toronto, Miss Dorothy Fines and friend of Oshawa, were week-end guests of their parents Mr. and Mrs, T. Fines. Mrs. Smale and son Reginald and Mr. and Mrs. Nichols and children, of Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, W, Mark. Mr. and Mrs. N. Aldred, of Port Perry, were visitors of his brother Jonathan, on Sunday, + Mr. Allan Gerrow 'spent the week- end with his parents in Port Perry. 'Birthday greetings to Rev, F. G. Joblin and Yvonne Milner on July 7th and little Donna Samells for June 20th, The Singing School Party cntertai- ners go to Blackstock on July 1st, which will be the 8th time and will help to swell the funds, Mrs. M. McLaren and niece, Misd Lucille Mark visiteds 'their cousins, Mr. and"Mrs, Fred Jackson, on Wed- nesday, ; --- - Miss Alva Elford Hongyed with Doctor's Degree On June 2nd, Bryn Mawr, Penn- sylvania, conferred the degice (in ab- sentia) of Doctor of Philosophy on Miss Alva Elford, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. James Elford, our former Pastor. Alva gained her matriculation at Sarnia Collegiate, being valedic- | torian of her class in '1928, obtaining | the first Carter Scholarship for Lamb- ton County, specialized in Classics at Toronto University and graduated in 1932, Toronto University awarded her the degree of M. A. in 1938, In 1939, she studied at John Hopkins University (U. S. A.) and the next two years at Bryn Mawr, She completed her dissertation "Ar- chitectural Terracottas in Greek Ar- chaic Period" this spring. Miss: Elford obtained the Cornelia G. Harcum Scholarship in Classical Archacology in 1938-39. At John Hop- kins University, Baltimore, in 1939, 1940 and '41. She got the Fellowship in Classical Archaeology for the two successive years, an exceptionally fine accomplishment. At present, Dr. Elford is taking a course in Mechani- cal Draughting in Toronto, leading M. to Government war work. ' Scugog friends are following Alva in her great work and are pleased with her success in securing that for which she had set out, 'Myrtle Station Dominion Day, so near to Sunday, provided the theme for Sunday even- ing's sermon, Rev. G. S. Gervan chose Psalms 33 and 72 for his Scripture lessons iy based his remarks on verses 12 and 8 respéctively, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he has chosen for his own inheritance--He shall have dominion also from sea to sea and from the river, unto the ends of the earth." Mr. Gervan told how, when the Fathers of Confederation were considering a name for the united provinces, one of them reading Psalm 72 was gspeially impressed with verse eight and telling his associates, they all agreed that "dominion" was the word most suitable to the occasion, The address was ver, eresting. Mr, Gervan touched briefly 'on the pioneer days and customs and the gradual grouth of the country and the changes or the better in the manner of living, as the years sped on. Gas rationing is the cause of many summer pleasures being cancelled, The annual Sunday School pienic will not be held. this year unless some other mode of transportation is used than the automobile, It was suggested that wagons and "Dobhin" be-employed as in the years before cars were dreamed of. It was the custom then to deco: rate the waggons with evergreen boughs until they resembled small groves. The picnickers, with well filled baskets, were thus sheltered from the hot rays of the sun and en- joyed a hilarious ride to picnic grove. Tables and benches were unknown at a picnic in those days, When it came near the time to eat, the mothers and young 'women spread snowy white cloths on a cleared shady space 'and all sat on the grass around the long "table" to partake of.the abugdance of good things that boys an 3 . rls |- Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY'S OPTYMETRIST 7 y the grown folk liked--and incidentall 00, Mr. and Mrs. Richards of Osliawa (were visitors on Wednesday evening of last week with Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Cook. Mrs. George Holliday spent last {week with her sister at her. home .in Toronto, SEY Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pollard of To- ronto were at their.summer home over the weeksend. Miss Helena Grant, R.N., of the Oshawa General Hospital staff, spent I Sunday with her brother and his family. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clouston and Miss Margaret Clouston of Rochester, N.Y., were week-end visitors with their brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn, - - Mrs. Clarence Harrison visited with Toronto relatives from Friday until Monday. On Sunday morning she at- tended divine service in Windermere United Church, of which her cousin Rev. W. L. L. Lawrence is the pastor. Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrie and Mrs. Vandyke, of Oshawa, spent Sunday Briggs. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Marchant of Oshawa and Mrs. A, Johnson, Whitby, were Monday evening callers at the home of Myrtle relatives. - Pte. Bob Valliers of Camp Borden, and Miss Della Marchelle of Toronto, spent the week-end with Bob's family. Stewart Wiles, who is in training at camp Niagara, was home over the week-end, Mrs. McCann and baby daughter spent a couple of days this week with boro. Mrs. Fred Michell and children of Toronto, is visiting this week with her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. E. Masters, Mr. and Mrs. Eric McFarlane of Oshawa were Sunday afternoon visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stred- wick. : Miss Betty Holderaft of Havelock, was a caller at the D. Luery home on Saturday afternoon en route to Whit- by where she is delegate this week to the Anglican Young Peoples' Confer- ence which is in session at the Ontario Ladies' College. * L.A.C. Harry Gervan left on Mon- day for Yorkton, Sask., after a happy furlough of twelve days with his par- ents and sister, The following extracts are from a recent letter from one of the boys Overseas. "Things have been quite lively here for sometime but at present we are enjoying a spell of quiet. It was a continual sight of planes, fighters and bombers, night and day, for a while, passing over us to the other side. A little further off the action and search- lights at night, were worth sceing. The Niagara Falls illumination has nothing on these operations and we get the noise thrown in. The heavy bombing of some weeks ago did ter- rible damage to many historical towns. I have visited a few of them and - saw the destruction caused to sonie of the fine old cathedrals and other noted buildings. have their bronze plates, on which are engraved long lists of historical events. It seems a pity that these wonderfully preserved old buildings should suffer such destruction , ... I was recently up to the Midlands where the population is most crowded and saw the effect of the rationing. The housewives stand in long lines at the rationing depots and wait their turn for supplies... . . While in Lon- don a short time ago : 's aunt gave me a portable radio and it sure entertains us all. One of the lads took it with him one evening when he went on duty at the machine gun post The weather here is very changeable but on the whole not so bad. We are stationed near a woods which is filled with English bluebells and other wild flowers. The country looks fine and the people scem to have a bright outlook." BELGIAN DRAFT STALLION ~ Caesar DeFand } 5621 Enrolment No.-3194 Property of Blake Johnson, Lot 20, Con. 3, Uxbridge Will stand at" Gordon Fishley's Lot 20, Con. 14, Reach, for Thursday night throughout the : season of 1942 : TERMS--$10, due Feb. 1, 1043 ALSO SUFFOLK HORSE Stonehaven Envoy Enrolment No, 4355, Les Color Golden Chestnut, 1900 Ibs TERMS-, Same as above horse to, : June 25th afternoon at the home of Mrs. Francis | § her husband who is in ¢amp at Peter-|- Many-of these "You Can SAVE With Safety at Your REXALL STORE" ADRIENNE TOMETRIES A delightful perfumed and well blended fin e at moderate price FACE 'POWDER LIPSTICK NL : Lawrence's Drug Store News "NIVEA CREAM VACATION SUPPLIES L'ONGLEX NAIL POLISH ..1%. CUTEX NAIL POLISH, 19¢., 25e. SILK-LIKE LEG PAINT .... DURATION LEG-DO . ANTI MOSQUITO CREAM, 35¢c. STA-WAY Mosquito Lotion, 39. - LUCIEN LeLONG COLOGNES $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 ° TANGEL, for deep sunburn ...50¢ ety 50c. and 90c. + Bn Lr od b RELIABLE Insu WHATEVER YO HAROLD W. Phone 41 Sirand Theatre UXBRIDGE, ONT, (Vacation Time is Show Time) Thurs., Friday, Saturday (this week) LUM & ABNER, ZASU PITTS, The popular radio team in "Bashful Bachelor" You'll laugh so hard, you'll remember this show for a month. COMEDY--Leon Errol in "HEART BURN" and Sports Reel. ean: Monday, Tues, Wednesday, July 6-7-8 Ellen Drew and Jael McCrea, in "Reaching for the Sun' A great action show for the whole family. Also COMEDY. Admission 25c. and 15c¢.(tax included) hs ANE NE Thursday, Friday, Saturday (next) WALLACE BEERY, in "Barnacle Bill" See action on the high seas. LOLS Le COMING--Sonja Henie, in "SUN VALLEY SERENADE' FOR SALE 25 Acres Hay on lot 6, con. 9, Scugog Apply to RUSSELL CARTER, R.R.3, PORT PERRY, PHONE 117 r 3. PHONE 49 720 Rexall swe A ROUGE PERFUME FACE CREAM .......oo... 60c. "A. M. LAWRENCE 9) 0) . 0 I IN DAYS OF UNCERTAINT NEEDS MAY BE, Consult" PORT PERRY us Y rance is essential UR INSURANCE EMMERSON Port Perry AUCTION SALE In the Estate of Andrew M. Bry Deceased : There will be offered for sale b public auction, on 'FRIDAY, the 14th 1 day of AUGUST, 1942, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon by W. JI. Sulley, Auctioneer, at his 'auction rooms at 344 -Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, the following property, name- ly, the farm of the late Andrew Bry- ant, deceased, being the south-west quarter of Lot No. 7, Concession 1, in j the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, containing fifty acres more or less, on which is said to be erected a frame barn, silo, frame house and garage. The farm will be offered for sale by ant, | order to enable her to pay the debts and wind up the Estate and will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and subject to the terms and®con- ditions of sale which will be pro- duced atthe time of the sale. " For further particulars and condi- tions of sale, apply to Harris, Harris & Wallace, 41 Alger Building, Osha- wa, solicitors for the Estate, June, 1942, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of William Tipp, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died at the City of Toronto on June 11th, 1942, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before 'Aug- - ust 2nd, 1942, full particulars of their claims. igi i Immediately after August 2nd, 1942 the assets of the deceased will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. " Dated at Port Perry, this 29th day of June A.D. 1942, HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, . Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the above Estate, july1é arrived, months to pay. Full stock of Jap Time for Re-Roofing and Painting A carload of British Columbia cedar shingles just We can supply you with any kind of -asphalt roofing, on an easy payment plan--twelve Call at our office, or Phone 240 w. - your Spring Decorating. -a-Lac Paints for , Phone 240w. LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL CO., LIMITED _ ° 05 OO 0 OO Phone 29w, Port Perry, for Quick Service, and Good Quality in MEATS CAWKER BROS), Family Butchers the -Administratrix- of - the 'Estate in----- Dated at Oshawa this 26th day of july 1 $597

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