Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 25 Jun 1942, p. 4

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v , By Nib hy RS, a 5 ok a NESE § I aries! REALLY 2 N £4 YP NLA at PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 26th, 1942 Miss = Pearl Evans, of Toronto, Spent the week-end with Mrs. L. G. Hall, Mr, and Mrs. Roy St. John, of Long Branch, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rowland. Miss. Ruth Hall, 'R.N;, of shan, 8 ending a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. 1. G. 'Hall. » 'Messrs. Wm. Vincent und Gillespie of Toranto, were in town on Sunday. Mr.. and Mrs. John Vanos, of Bay-| rie, were in town for the week end. Mrs. Geo, Hood, of Ottawa, home for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cawker visited' with Mr, and Mrs. S. A. Wallace and other relatives during the week-end. was Miss Marion Brent, of Toronto, in town for the week-end with Mrs. W. Chapman. Mr. Wilbur Raymes, of Toronto, in town with his parents Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Raymes. | Mr. Robt. McMillan spent the week- end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. McMillan, Mr. Syd Brinkman, of Toronto, was at his home here for the week-end. Mr. Harley Balfour, of Toronto, is spending this week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Balfour.. Mrs. Jack Cooney visited in Toronto for a few days last week. . Pte. Ted Cooney of Kingston, with his mother for the week end. Mrs. H. McKinley of Blenheim, was in town this week with friends and relatives. We received a call from Rev. Peter W. Currie, of Toronto. He has been supplying the pulpit of the Presby- terian Church at Nestleton Station. Messrs. W. C. Dawes, Portage la Prairie, Clem Dawes, Moncton, N.B,, and F. C. Ddwes, Toronto, were visit- ing friends in town on Tuesday. ! Mrs. John Leahy, of Oshawa, was visiting friends in town on Tuesday. Pte. Douglas Lade, and Mrs. Lade, of Toronto, visited on Tuesday w. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Balfour. Miss Olive Wallace has returned to) Sherbourne House Club, Toronto, after a week's holiday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wallace. AC. Bruce Beare, George Mulligan and A.C. of Belleville, are home on leave, prior to being transferred (injshed work to the rooms at the | Post to a camp in Quebec. Mrs. Irving Boyd and Clive, Mrs. S. Farmer on Wednesday of this week. Mrs. W. last week in Brooklin visiting her cousins Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs, wedding of their son Harold.- Mrs. H. Channell of Hillier, visited her son Mr. L.O.D.E. now are fighting for our freedom. last Great War, while our minds may dwell more constantly on the lads who, The annual Decoration of soldiers' ~--graves by the 1.O.D.E. will take place on Thursday efening, June 26th. The members will meet at the town hall at 7 o'clock. © Those who can are asked to bring their cars and also flowers for the decoration. Let us not neglect this act of remembrance for the brave boys who fell in the In case of rain the service will be held on Monday evening. JUNIOR WAR WORKERS . The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, June 30. WOODS-EDWARDS On Saturday morning, June 20th, 1942, in St. Simon's Church, by Rev. S. H. Shaw, Isobel Florence, daughter ~--of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Sidney Ed- wards, to Terence Osborne, son of Mrs. Evelyn Woods, and the late Mr. G. A. Woods, of Port Perry. ATTEND DIVINE WORSHIP Members of Fidelity Lodge, A. F. & A.M. along with visiting brethren at- tended the morning service at St. John's Presbyterian Church, on Sun- day last. The minister of the Chaitah gave the address. ANNOUNCEMENT Drs. Rennie and Dymond wish to "announce that beginning immediately their office will be closed every Wed- nesday afternoon and Sunday. ~One doctor will-always. be Ye vailable on these days in case of emergency. . The Boy Scouts ended the season with a camping expedition to Stephen- son's Point, About twenty Scouts and their leaders Messrs. Vernon and Cliff, spent the week-end in hikes; An "outdoor church service was held. The Scouts wish to thank Dr. Lundy for his donation, Mr, Arthur Brock for the use of his trailer, Mr. Lane for his|' car, and all others "who helped with food and equipment which made the outing such a success. THEATRE pl FREE Phone Parking OSHAWA 1011 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Friday and Saturday, Henry Fondg, Laird Cregar "RINGS ON "HER FINGERS" Also the Sensational Attraction: "OUR "RUSSIAN FRONT". CHG I Ne A REVIVAL FRIDAY at 11 p.m. "LADY EVE" SNe _BMERE Sil SRE Monday and Tuesday, 1" . . The Vanishing AV ET RL Virginian starring Frank Morgan and Kathryn Grayson N --also-- "Mexican Spitfire Sees: Ghost" with Leon Errol and Lupe Velez ~ [ESE SR Se Sad Starting Wednesday for 4 days ABBOTT and COSTELLO in of | Peterboro, were the guests of Mr. and, Elliott spent a few days R. D. Woon were in' Hamilton on Saturday attending the. Geo. Channell, last week. ' "RIO RITA" WAR WORK ACTIVITIES The Boy Scouts will 'make their monthly coin bag collection on Sat- FARM FOR SALE 105 acres, good buildings, 8-roomed cement house, bank barn, cement cis- | tern, cement pigpen, two henhouses. { Plenty of water, two wells and (springs, Cheap for 'quick sale. Price $2600 on long terms. to Chas. Howsam, Port Perry. - 190 r 11. 4 | EEE td a ! PORT PERRY YACHT CLUB, {* About twenty members of the Club enjoyed a very pleasant eruise on Sun- day. The weather and wird were fa- vorable and the boats went to Ste- phenson's Point, On Thursday night (to-night) there will be a ball game at the High School. "The Yacht Club boys versus the Crea- mery boys. It should be a lot of fun so let's go.' Phone | TOMATO PLANTS FOR SALE Apply to Al. Warriner, Phone 162J Port Perry Wouldn't Trade Daughter For Best Cheesemaker The Picton Gazette has the follow- ing item, which will be of interest to those who know our George Channell, "Women may soon make their of- ficial voices heard at cheese boards, annual - meetings, producer -get-to- gethers and other conclaves of the dairy industry in this district. f they do, and it is not a remote possibility, 16-year-old Kathleen Channell, Hillier, will be among the first to _don the cheesemaker's apron. Right now, this attractive young daughter of the industry, and her father, Herbert Channell, veteran Cloverdale factory maker for the past 25 years, vouches for it, can make cheese that compares with the best. She has proved it. She took command of the plant one day when he was sick, "bossed" sisters: Margaret, 18 and Helen, 20, also brother Ronald, 22, and two male helpers and produced the day's make of 34 cheese. Kathleen comes by her cheese mak- ing ability naturally. Her father, Her- bert, has worked at the industry for 40 years, 25 of them at his present plant, Cloverdale. She has two broth- ers, George and Wilbert, makers at the Port Perry and Waupoos factories, two sisters and another brother before nientioned, in the business, "Wouldn't 'trade 'em for' the best men in the business,' is Herbert Apply |: APPRECIATION FROM THE WEST A goodly number of persons who were pupils of mine more than fifty years ago in 8.8. No, 2, Scugog, have recently sent me greeting, which /1 deeply appreciate, and which I have acknowledged in a sort of way. Hawever, owing to conditions which naturally develop over so many years, | I regret to say I am not ip a position to tell each Correspondent that 1 night wish further than to thank one and all, from the bottom of my heart for all the expressions of good wishes for my welfare, 'each has been kind and thoughtful enough to forward -me, May God bless abuntantly each one of them. T, C. Irwin, Edmonton, Alta. | DIED DENNY---At Prince Albert, Ont, on Tuesday, June 23rd, 1942, Rev. Joseph B.A., beloved husband of Mildred Me- Intyre, in his 65th year, Funeral service at Prince Albert Church at 2.30 p.m. Interment at Pine Grove Cemetery. DIED WELLS--At Lindsay, on Saturday, June 20th, 1942, Margaret Hodgson, beloved wife of Robert Wells, in her 67th year, FOR SALE 25 Acres Hay on lot 6, con. 9, Scugog Apply to RUSSELL CARTER, R.R.3, PORT PERRY, PHONE 117 r 3. Special Tractor GASOLINE Motor Oils and Crease ." Wholesale Prices "Our truck goes by your - corner daily." Phone Collect, or Write Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, | supplied where necessary, a reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIST "Three Goals for Sale Apply to Arthur Warldel, Phone 99J Jerry Egotist [15861] BLACK PERCHERON STALLION owned by Roy Ferren, Cavan, will stand at stable of Howard Franklin, lot 11, Con. 4, Reach, until August 10, Black, few white hairs in fordhead, Born. May 7th, 1936, bred by RH Brown, -Dauphin, Manito! His Sire: Oak Forest Egotist [14448] His dam: Louisana [16860] Enrolment No. 1469. Second Class Form 2. Stud 'Book No. 16861 Inspected on the 9th of October, 1040, Grade "B" Premium No. 324, Service Fee $12.00 2 BELGIAN DRAFT STALLION Caesar DeFand ~~ 5621 Enrolment No. 3194 Property of Blake Johnson, Lot 20, Con. 3, Uxbridge Will stand at Gordon Fishley's Lot 20, Con. 14, Reach, for Thursday night throughout the season of 1942 TERMS--$10, due Feb. 1, 1943 vi ALSO : SUFFOLK HORSE Stonehaven Envoy Enrolment No. 4365, Color Golden Chestnut, 1900 Ibs 1 urday. Channell's terse o f his daugh- H The ladies. are asked to take. all|ter's abilities. pion) of Wis dongh Cities Service Oil Co. TERMS-- Same as abc horse Collectively, during the month of Oshawa : ne 62th Office on Friday afternoon. May they made 920 cheese." ) % Buy War SPECIAL VALUES for Thurs, Fri and Sa June 25th- 27th | Saving Stamps i Regularly' ; CEI 0000000000000000000000000000 FRUITS Ty GETABLES § CALIFORNIA VALENCIA ory ORANGES 29c. doz. QUAKER DOMINO GOOD SIZE . 3 for GRAPEFRUIT 17c FINE QUALITY NEW LOCAL CABBAGES 2 for SOAP 15¢ AYLMER JUICY, REFRESHING WATERMELONS. each $1. 1 5 We reserve the right i to normal fami A a waokly requirements. MAPLE LEAF to limit. purchases FIRST GRADE BUTTER wm KXXX Lou ; KING PO TOMATO JUICE 3: PURE LARD 2 "m0 MOUNTAIN VIEW TOMATOES 2: CATSUP QUICK OF PLAIN ROLLED gs 1 25. JAM we MATCHES 3 tb BRAESIDE 98-Ib. Bag 2.39 16-o0x, WDER 24-Ib. Tin jb 23 27 33 -- 21 si 10e 1-1b. Cins, Bars for 4 49. 25. Large Boxes Old English or Mrs. Beeton's Marrowtat Peas 217 Cream Sodas 2 Wholesome Dominion BREAD White, SrownFGnacked Wheat Tasty © iz 25 ---- _-- -- Phone 68 \ BF BCE OB BOB OB OB i Lawrence's Drug Store News. aa "You €an SAVE With Safety at Your REXALL STORE" TANGEL OINTMENT A tried and proven pre- paration for sunburn, no matter how severe. Two sizes CHASE'S NERVE FOOD 60c., $1 50° OLD ENGLISH HEALTH ENO'S FRUIT SALT ... BISMA REX STOMACH BAYER'S ASPIRIN ANACIN TABLETS, 25¢., 69c., FROSST'S 217 TABLETS SALTS, 16 oz. ........ POWDER ...oviooorie 75c..and $1.75 22¢., 39¢., 59¢., and 98e. $1.00 35¢., 75¢. and $1.50 50c. and $1.25 Bring"in your old tooth paste and shaving cream tubes, of tin which i is needed in war industry They are made HAROLD W. Phone 41 Strand Theatre UXBRIDGE, ONT. (Always the Latest Hits) : Thursday, Friday, Sat. (This Week) Maureen O'HARA, Walter PIDGEON, in HowGreen was my Valley The all important book--now on the screen at popular prices. Saturday at 7 and 9 p.m. (2 shows.) Come early please to avoid crowding. ad Mon., Tues., Wed., June 29-30, July 1. (A holiday bill) Dorothy Lamour and Bob Hope, in, Caught in the Draft A funny riot--you'll say its entertain. ment when you see Bob Hope in a riot show. Also COMEDIES. A holiday bill. See it. Thursday, Friday, Saturday (next) Lum and Abner, Zasu Pitts, in Bashful Bachelor A popular radio show. FLOWERS Sewtoniile Cut Flowers "Bouquets, 36c. and b0c. Special Prices by the week BASKETS A SPECIALTY TOWN DELIVERY ONLY AUDREY KENT . Port Perry . MTLAWRENCE PHONE 49, 7. Rexall swe IN J OC IN DAYS OF UNCERTAINTY RELIABLE Insurance is essential WHATEVER YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS MAY BE, Consult "lof June A.D. 1942. "| HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, PORT PERRY EMMERSON Port Perry NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of James Paton. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above named yho died at the Village of Port Perry May 31st, 1942, are hereby notifiod ia send to the undersigned on or before July 11th, 1942, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after July' 11th, 1942, the assets of the deceased will be dis. tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at 5 Perry, this 9th day of June A.D, 194 HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, 'Ontario, Solicitors for 'the above Estate. june26 --_---- NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Eleanor M. Taylor. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died at the Township of Cartwright on May 12th, '1942, are hereby noti- * fied to send to the undersigned on or before July 11th, 1942, full particulars of. their claims. Immediately after July 11th, 1942, the assets of the deceased will be tributed among 'the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, this Sth day Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the shove Estate june2b FOR QUICK DELIVERY! mark on your order, ship by CANADIAN. NATIONAL EXPRESS Express Office at the. Observer. Phone 30 V. P. Stouffer, Agent oe x arrived, months to pay. Call at our office, or your Spring Time for Re-Roofing and Painting . A carload of British. Columbia cedar icles just We can supply. you with any kind of asphalt roofing, on an easy payment plan--twelve . Full stock of Jap-a-Lac Paints for Phone 240 w. Decorating. Phone 240w. LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL CO., Eins LIMITED =~ i I bs mie se re ees rr Phone 29w, Port Perry, for Quick Service, and Good uality i in MEATS CAWKER BROS, Family Butchers =

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