Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 May 1942, p. 8

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"tJ Vas. oy AN 20 < 3 + Pt a Dh ab i Et a © ot IPERS SEP SRR RR RAR LW SIAR rary i ENVLEATIREH 00 PUR RSE ely 1 A haa 3 et . AF Vio i) Lm cf 4 ' PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 21st, 1942 - : | ' . very "dear in the shops, especially of St. John, Interment in the Union| Sorry to report Ronald Lee, Toronto, A Letter from green stuff, I really think that the | The pall bearers |ill at his ome here last week. Cemetery; Cadmus. England Dear Mr. Editor: letter just came from England this morning, from my nicee in Kent. As the many millions in England living their every day. life, it scems to im- part such an appeal to us in Canada over there. Joseph Denny. it conveys such a homelike touch of who often wonder how they are living Cauliflowers have bebn thirty-five This interesting J cents each and savoys sixteen cents a pound. Well, money would not go to it to buy them very often. Apples we never sce, nor oranges. They are only for children under. six years old. Charles saw some Canadian apples the other day in a-factory being can- ned. It does seem a shame when we should enjoy them raw, so much more. price of that should be controlled.| (oo five nephews, Wm. Taylor, Fred Trewin, Lawrence Malcolm, John Tay- lor, Anson Taylor and a neighbour, Delbert Beacock, Flower bearers were Neil Malcolm, Eayl Trewin, Leslie Beacock, John Beacock, Roy Trewin and Arnold Taylor. : P) her mother, three sisters, Mrs, Stan- ley Malcolm (Bertha), Nestleton; Mrs. Sidney Trewin (Minerva) of Ennis- Surviving to mourn her passing are Sorry to report Mrs. Barbara Wat- son, on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Phoenix, of Toronto, at their homes here on Sun- day. Mrs; Clyde has returned to her home 'here after spending 'the winter in Toronto. il 'Mrs. Tomijlson has returned home after spending the winter with her daughter, : GOOD Properly dressed and well kept - Always available at Fotomate price, by ordering from W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER MEATS / Rev. Mr. 'Walldce will preach in PORT PERRY Unionville next Sunday, and Rev. Mr. Owen of Unionville, will 'have charge of the services here and at-Pinedale. Mrs. Donald Ianson, of Toronto, moved into Mr, Norman Flewell's apartment last Friday. Speaking. of canned fruits, brings me to the question of points rationing. I do not know if you know about that. We are each given a point rationing book, and allowed twenty-four: points a month to use. Under this system we can get a choice of rationed art- icles such gs cereals two points, tinned milk cight points, tinned fruit eight to twelve points according to size. Dried fruits six points, salmon thirty- two points, steak twenty-four points. So you see it is quite a mathematical problem trying to work out how to make the points go round. We please f ourselves how we spread our points, but it is very worrying. During the winter when milk was short we were all allowed one tin of milk a month, but it is more plentiful now and so one must 'give up points if he wants tinned milk now. Soap is also rationed, so before we start to wash anything extra we have to think about it. One pound bar a month is one person's monthly share, or twglve ounces of soap flakes or twelve ounces of toilet soap. Of course where there are several children there is a great advantage. It must be very dificult where there is only one per- killen; Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt (Lydia), Phone 72w, Nestleton; and four brothers, Fred, Herbert, Norman and Roy. Two brothers Arthur and Joseph and a sister, Alida, predeceased Nellie, The sympathy of the community is extended to the Taylor family in their bereavement. Mrs, John R. McLaughlin Ellen B. Proutt, beloved wife of John R. McLaughlin, died at her home| Mr, and Mrs. E. H. Gerrow, Ross here on Tuesday, May 6th, after afClark and Alan Thackeray, spent Sun- lengthy illness. She was in her 74th day with Mr, and 'Mrs. C. F, Clark. 'year, daughter of the late John and| Red Cross quilting: at the chu h Nancy Smith Proutt, Caesarea, and|pagement on Tuesday afternoon. lived her entire life in Cartwright.] Mrs. McKercher is spending a few On September 29th, 1891, she married} jays in Uxbridge. . Mr. McLaughlin and last fall they| Mys, Drew visiting with her parents celebrated their golden wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Miller, one night The funeral service was held at St.] ast week. ¥ a John's Anglican Church, on Thursday,| Pte. Gordon MacDonald has been May 7th, with Archdeacon Wm, Simp-| transferred to Camp Borden. son and Canon J. H, Kidd, officiating.] Miss Aileen Harper spent the week Hymns chosen by the-deceased were end with Laura Rogers. "Rock of Ages" and "I heard the voice! Mrs, Will Ackney and Mr. Wesley of Jesus say", Interment in St. John's| Ackney spent Sunday with Mr. and cemetery. The pallbearers were Ray| Mrs, Ray Medd. ; Malcolm, Ivan Proutt, Harry Mc-| My, and Mrs. James Neeson spent Laughlin, Lloyd Hunter, Stan. Van- the week-end at their home in the Camp, James Fair. Flower bearers: 1% Buckland Lane, Maidstone, Kent, April 21st. Dear Uncle: Have just received your letter dated February 18th, Has it not taken a long time to get across? It is the first one we have received since December 24th, The Family Heralds are coming better, the last one was dated March 11th, I am sorry to hear that you had not heard whether the tea and cheese had also arrived. The tea arrived safely both The Red Cross to Will and myself and was acknow- ledged a day or so after, both Will and I shared our parcels with Dad, and we Fund Deserves - : all thank you very much. A parcel of Your Support the most wonderful cheese we ever have tasted arrived here for Dad on March Oth and I took it up with me on March 156th. A letter thanking yon for the same was sent on March 15th and it was a very welcome gift. Ido hope that by this time my letters have, veached vou. I cannot remember the date of the cheese because of certain happenings herve during that week. Of course we have been told of serious losses in the Atlantic so that must ac- count for mails t#king much longer to come across. They must take their BANKS . POST OFFICES DEPARTMENT STORES » DRUGGISTS OROCERS . TOBACCONISTS BOOK STORES ond other RETAIL STORES . 2 EPSOM GY CHILHRS diet! No writing. No money orders, No bother. Just call or phone. 2 100% live delivery guaranteed. FREE FRENCH BOMBING SQUADRON IN ACTION : The newly formed *Loraine" Squadron, composed of French. village. A. R. GRAY, R.R.2 Port Perry MRS. LOUELLEN SONLEY, Queen St., Port Perry John Street' North, Hamilton, Ont. BURKETON SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY This anniversary will be held on Sunday, May 31st, when Rev. Mr. Gardner, of Tyrone, will conduct ser- busy. turn .on_the boats. ; Dad keeps fairly well and is always Will is still away, but usually wets home cach week-end, and unless reat strain, very difficult now. his supper and breakfast. It is com- pulsory. ' We have had a ver and the extra heavy work has been. a When one works hard he needs sustaining food and that is We, here in Maid- y hard winter, rations, WALLACE MARLOW, it is his turn for fire watching. IejIt is like eating chaff, gets awful dey R Blackstock. '| has to do that every so often. THe is and hard. It has made . Charles or BRAY CHICK HATCHERY,|paid Five shillings a night, and also mouth very sore. He has a job to eat goes on. nation and do not like changes. Again many thanks for the parcels we do appreciate them very much. son in a house with regards to all the We have said goodbye to all white bread and flour until after the war. it; but-I hope it will improve as time] We ought not to grumble. I know especially when we know how many millions are starving on the con- tinent, hut we are a very conservative Herman Hooey, Les Graham, Harvey Malcolm and Victor Malcolm, Surviving are 'a devoted husband and two daughters, Florence, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Kydd and family visiting with Mr. and Mrs. G. Payne, recently. - \ 'We are sorry to report the follow- and Mrs. Cecil Downey (Kate) of Sea- boro; two granddaughters, Jane and Mary Ellen Downey, also 3 sisters, Mrs. Jas. Malcolm (Sarah), Port Perry; Mrs. Geo. Nesbitt (Blanche), Toronto; Mrs. R. J. Barton (Louise), Vancouver; and two brothers, John of Nestleton and Herbert of Vancouver. The sympathy of the community is '| extended to Mr. McLaughlin and his ing ate on the sick list: Mr, Luther Baverstock, Mr, Wm. Asling, Mr. G. MacDonald and Mr. Stanley Pogue. We wish them a speedy recovery. Mr. John Lambe of Uxbridge, is staying with his daughter Mrs. Wm. Asling, - ) Miss Violet Steerman has joined the workers of the D.LL. Plant at Pick- ering. men who have escaped from France. and Vichy Africa, carried out over 70 attacks on German and Italian military objectives. A local paper had 'published a re- port of the engagement of the local schoolmaster. In the next issue. was published: * "As we were the first to be able to publish the report of the engagement of Mr. J. Smith, our respected school-] master, to Miss Matty Murphy, so we are now in a position to be the first to report that there is not an atom of truth in the assertion." GIVE TO THE RED CROSS "Your subscriptions to the Red Cross Fund "will "assist in. securing neeessities and comforts to prisoners of war; aid to the sick andwounded; and means of tracing "miss- ing" men. Give generously to RedCross stone have kept exceptionally well. t 5 i oy . 2 Gi . wo daughters, in their loss: vices at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Singing| We have lived a great deal on cocon Kindest regards to you all. i : by the Sunday School members, Col-fand I believe that that has kept us lection in aid of the Sunday School. fit. That article is not rationed. On Monday, June 1st, Mr, Carveth, Charles is busy both at work and in of Newcastle, will entertain with] the garden, planting his potatoes and moving pictures, together with musie-| other vegetables. It is more neces- al numbers. Concert at 8 pm. Ad-|sary than ever now to grow all 'we mission: adults. 25c., Children 10c. possibly can. Vegetables have been . . eee. Yours sincerely, "Peggy" The annual meeting of Victorian { Tn \ Women's Institute was held in the '| basement of the United Church on May 6th. - The election of officers was conducted by Mrs. A. L. Bailey with the following result: President, Mrs. N. Mountjoy; 1st Vice-President, Mrs. T. Samells; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. John McKee; Sec'y-Treas, Mrs, V. Archer; District Director, Mrs, Percy | VanCamp; - pianist, Mra. Mervin Mountjoy. The group leaders are the same as last year. Mention was made | of the Red Cross canvass and the Dontbea - CUPBOARD y . Holstein Breeders i Ce Contribute Holstein-Friesian breeders of On- tario and Victoria Counties are co- operating to donate a high class pure bred heifer calf to be sold in the War Effort Calf Auction, which is being held in conjunction with the National Holstein Sale at Brampton, May 27th, Last "year, through the sale of jecalves and donations, Canadian Hol- © a Donations to the Red Cross Fund may be made at the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Port Perry work and needs of the Red Cross, us = stein breeders raised $11,986.06 which Tin Io st nay Massena) : y was sent direct to: England and used | o¥0e0e WR TEAC Sa pia TE Hi BB '. i IR Ea 5 ; chiefly for shipwrecked mariners' re- Ww. 1 il the Red Bo if : 82) lief funds. 5: el, : T : 4 & So unds, The gross pertinls from their patriotic activities. Mrs. McKee] : £ i 318 he sale of the, fifteen calves being reported on the "Vanishing Teas" J ) & A donated by the County Holstein Clubs i are being carried a in the ! 8 3 i in Ontario this i I 1 ! I lo ne yess will be used for, ooh $24.25 had been handed in 5 Sa : . : | ~ from teas held under the leadership of " AR " ard am 5 The calf : 3 of this district why selected from the| Ce Of the group convners, Mrs Wt Hi, Sgn CE 1a a t ok pe a | herd of Estate of T G. Webste Byers. $15.00 was voted to be sent people who se y ayn. unnecessaly s.0 ss eid of Flo) - G. Webster, Port|, "1 © 0 tral fund of F.W.LO. The! clothes or food, or other goods for fear of shortages? Perry, and is not only a heifer of , ; 2 ; : district annual for West Durham is to be held in Tyrone, May 28th. Miss Clarne, superintendent, will be guest . speaker. ' i Congratulations to Miss Evelyn Harnden, teacher of Purple Hill, ons the success of her third euchre and dance in the school in aid of the B.W. V.F. Mrs. Russell Spinks and Mr. Russell Coates won the prizes. Music was supplied by Mr, and Mrs, Henry splendid type, but is also backed .by choice breeding and good production records. She is sjred by Supreme Lucky Boy, a bull whose get have been prominent' winners at shows in this district and he, a son of Hays' Su- preme, one of the greatest of the re- cent day sires. Her dam has a three year old record, twice a day milking reeord of 13,651 Ibs, milk and 489 Ibs. No! The name is not too hard, even though it may be earned through thoughtlessness. For in reality they are doing, in a petty, mean way, what the Quis- ling does in the open. Anyone who buys more than is necessary for current © meeds-- Is breaking his country's law for personal advantage. fo, Mahaffy and Messrs. 'Roy: Phair and Is betraying his loyal neighbours and those who are fat, and is sired by a brother of the 11 o he : former Canadian champion producer, Oliver Smith: MF, Geo, Fowler called nat 56 well oft as hos : j nd : , for square dances. . \ } Pioncer Lodge Dora Aaggie. ; y Is, in effect, depriving our fighting men of the This sale offers an unusually fine A cheque for $1000 has been given munitions and supplies they must have to defend us. ish : to Ontario Division o : : opportunity to buy the choicest Hol-|poqerated Woo thea Crom Is hindering our war effort and helping our eriemies, stein heifers. ' "| money is to be used to send food to British prisoners of war, This sum]. 'will supply nourishing food to 4 war prisoners for one week. Stricken suddenly with a heart af-| Several of the members of the W. tack, Eleanor May (Nellie) Taylor died | M.S. attended a Presbyterial meeting on Tuesday morning, May 12th, at the |at Lindsay last Friday, home of her brother Fred, in her 58th| Misses Lillian Ward and Ila Stone : 4 year. She was the daughter of the|of Toronto, at their homes here on , ! late Anson Taylor and Matilda Drew | Sunday. § Clear telephone lines for ALL-OUT PRODUCTION Your telephone is part of a vast interlocking system now ive _carrying an abnormal.wartime load.--Don't-let needless delays hold up messages on which production efficiency may depend. BLACKSTOCK Eleanor May Taylor oy mre Loyal citizens avoid putting unnecessary and : abnormal strains on our factories, In time of war, loyal citizens do not spend one dollar more on civilian 'goods than is absolutely necessary. for current needs. w= fais : pres OTHER "WARTIME TELEPHONE TACTICS : 1. BE SURE you have the right ° pumber . . consult the directory. 2. SPEAK distinetly, directly into the mouthpiece. ; 3. BE BRIEF, Clear your line for the next call, Pos The law provides for fines up to $5,000 and imprison. * ment up to two years for hoarding; and hoarding is SE just another wo for unnecessary selfish buying. In cases where it Is advisable for you to buy in advance of k r . ; ¥ 4. USE OFF-PEAK hours for 100g Taylor. : Dr. Arthur and Mrs, Lee, Toronto, _your immediate roquiréments -- such Pri you next season's . i Distance allot bor 9 pan. The largely attended funeral service | visited at Mr. and Mrs. H. Hook's, coal supply -- you will be encouraged .to so by digact / f es took telling, bit was held from the family residence on | home on Sunday, - statement from rekponsible officials. : These things may look. 000 daily telephone ? on are very important, ri Thursday, May 14th, with the Rev. D. M. Stinson, United Church, officiating. The hymns read were: "What a friend , we have in Jesus", "Abide With Me" "and "I shall see Him face to face".|éd on friends on' Sunday. Passages of comfort were read in-| Mr, and Mrs, H. Stewart visited cluding 28rd Psalm and 14th chapter | Mrs. Mills on Sunday. va Miss Tryphena Rook, Toronto, was the guest of Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Phoenix on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bonnell, Oshawa, call- PRICES AND TRADE BOARD

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