Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 23 Apr 1942, p. 4

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PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 23rd, 1942 NOTICE TO BICYCLISTS "Boys and girls are hereby forbidden 'to ride on the sidewalks of Port Perry. Those disobeying this notice 4 'and the by-law. covering same, will be prosecuted, < WM. COOK, Constable. Mrs. McClintock, and Mrs. Goodman of Rosedale, are in Toronto attending the distribution of prizes and diplomas at Trinity 'College. Mrs. Goodman's gon is to be ordained in a few days. The Boy Scouts will meet on Eri- day evening at 7.30. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Miller spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Love. Mr. Keith 'Allin, of Toronto, with Mr. and" Mrs. Wm. Wilson Sunday. Mr. Frank Baker, of Toronto, ted over the week-end with Mr. Mrs. R. Baker. Signaller A. MacMaster, of Niagara spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. J. D. MacMaster. - We are pleased to see Mr. Malcolm Nasmith home from his voyages. He is taking a special course in naviga- tion, but expects to return to his du- ties shortly. Mr. Frank Dawes, of Toronto, has been: visiting friends in town. Mr.'W. M. Letcher has been ill and confined .to his home for some time. We wish for him a speedy recovery, | A cable was received by Mr. Ar- thur Kight, informing him that his son David is seriously ill from an ac- cidental gunshot wound. Miss Ruth Carnegic has resumed her duties at the Dominion Store, after her recent serious illness. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Shortreed and son, of Greenwood, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brock, and Mr. and airs. I. A. Peel, were in Whitby on 'tuesday evening, attending the "Laales' Night" ot Composite Lodge, Ar. & AM. JUNIOR WAR WORKERS 'I he next meeting of the Junior War Workers will be held on the evening ot 'tuesday, April Z8th, at the home ui mrs. Gordon Jellrey. ~~ wo ~m was over visl- and DANCE warriner Lodge will hold a Dance in the Port reércy High School audi- torium, on rrusy evening, May Bth, 1942. Proceeas in aid of the LO.OY war Fund. music by Russ Creighton and his Variety Dance Band o1 Toronto. Ad- mission 86c, each. 2 Lucky prizes. Ketreshment booth. 'This is our sccond dance--Come along--bring your friends and spend the evening with us. Put Warriner Lodge over the top on its War Fund objective. L. SMITH, ~ N.G. C. H. REESOR, R. S. mm -------- ~~ ev ee------ UNITED CHURCH W. M. 8S. The regular monthly meeting of the Evening Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. J. kK. Jackson, on April 16th, with Mrs. Colbear, the President, presiding. The Study Book was given by Mrs, Sonley. After the business and devotional period, lunch was ser- ved with Mrs, Nott's group in charge. YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION The Young People's Union held a meeting on "l'uesday evening with the President, Margaret Day, in charge. 'I'he meeting opened with the Invo- cation and a hymn, after which Rev. Mr. Smith offered prayer. The Scrip- ture passagé was read by Marion Sweetman, ~The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and the offering was taken. A hymn was . sung. Lola Gerrow, convener of Christian Fellowship, then took charge and cal- ~~1éd on Dorothy Tristram and Clare Glass, These girls took the topic for the evening. Announcements re the Banquet, which is to take place shortly, were given out. - Rev. Mr. Smith spoke a few words of encouragement to the Union. A hymn was sung and every- one repeated the Mizpah Benediction. A few games followed and the meet- -+jng closed with the singing of the Na- tional Anthem, : tr SUCCESSFUL EUCHRE' On the 'evening of April 16th, two groups of the Junior War Workeérs held a very successful Euchre Party, at the Public Library. The prize winners were Mrs. Coyle and Mr. Birkett, . 'One of the Junior War Workers, Mrs. Levinson, showed originality and "initiative in selling five cent raffle tickets on a pair of Nylon silk hose, ' to make money for her group. The forturiate holder of the winning ticket was Mrs, L. Bond, Prince Albert, Refreshments. were served and the evening ended with "God Save the King", The Junior War Workers wish to thank all who helped to make the party a sutcess, and are pleased to announce that $12.70 was taken in on the raffle and $24.76 for tickets sold. BORN REESOR--Gordon and Florence Ree. sor are happy to announce the arrival of their baby daughter on Tuesday, April 21st at the Port Perry Hospital, wn ry A \ REE THEATRE FREER Phone Parking OSHAWA 1011 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE L NOW PLAYING all this week. SPENCER TRACY KATHERINE HEPBURN in WOMAN of the YEAR --the picture of the year-- duet, Pauline Jemison and Mrs, Me- Clintock; Patricia King -- Bach and Brahms Lullaby; Rilda Mitchell-- Golden Ferns; Doris Hull--The Roses Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at negie, Fay Johnson -- Gay Gondo- liers. God Save the King. A silver collection was taken at the oor, the proceeds to go ay talent Lawrence's Drug Store News : : ream; y to Parish Workers. : reasonable prices,-- Dream; trio, Barbara, Ruth and Le-|money 1g Parish Workers "You Can SAVE With Safety at Your REXALL STORE" 1) nore Gréen (Lindsay)--'"Mignon"; 2 Lo A I. R. BENTLEY S Fay Johnson--Southern<Nights; Ruth . hog Ai th A " KING'S pas i 4 : 3 :don--T! 1.3 t ' : : OPTOMETRIST SEE Ri Dav of propane. Warp the ae aC ; Krugchen Salts, giant pkg. + 69¢ BE / ~Little Wild Rose; solo by Kent Ger- [upnit "lathe Tast he eid his te ou. : Condition . Peptona Tonic 20 oz. bot. $1.00 - 8 / MUSICALE row--Twinkle, Twinkle Little "Star; ling offer." ot » R P d Burd k Blood Bitters $1.00 z A véry pleasing Musical was held in| duet--Barbara and Lenore Green of} - : owaer urdoc. 1 wid . the Parish Hall, Church of the Ascen-| Lindsay--*"Bourre" Bach; Joan Heayn AL bo 1 A Real s | Toneka System Tonic $1.00. © sion, last Tuesday evening, April 14.]-- (melody) -- Unfinished Symphony; Mistress: "You place a finger bow eal Spring ib A by the pupils of Mrs. McClintock, as-| Mercedes Waridel--March; Mary Car. |at each Soper of 4 e table, Bary. 2 ] Tonio for Yeur Beef, Iron & Wine, 16 oz. $1.00 . = sisted by Miss Kent Gerrow and San-|negie--Little Spring Song; Marie AL place?" ger 3 Horses Syrup of Hypophosphites, : dra Heayn. Opening chorus by the | Densham--March; Sandra Heayn--|' "Mary: "Oh, no mum! They always 11b. packege 2c 1602, bottle fing $1.00 class, Welcome to the Lovely Spring;lsong; trio--Patricia King, Mary Car- washed before they came to the table. 6 1b {he ih A $1 5 . REVIVAL Friday Nite ALICE FAYE and DON AMECHE, in "THAT NIGHT IN RIO" with Carmen Miranda in TECHNICOLOR --MONDAY and TUESDAY-- --lovable WALLACE BEERY and MARJORIE MAIN, in The Bugle Sounds ADDED HIT GRACIE ALLEN in Mr. and Mrs. NORTH --------The COMING Next Wednesday-- : for four days BETTY GRABLE YICITOR MATURE in JACK OAKIE, SONG of the ISLANDS . --all this and Grable too-- High School Notes Ad Optima By D. H. Nasmith A meeting of the Literary Society Executive was held on April 17th, and details concerning the approaching High Schogl Party which is to be held on the evening of May 1st, were dis- cussed. As this party is to be a re- union of former pupils of the school, the Literary Society invites all pupils and cx-pupils to come along to the High School at 8 p.m. to enjoy an evening of entertainment as well as to meet old school acquaintances. Each guest is invited to bring a friend to the party. The admission asked is only 26c. each. Again we wish to give you a fore- warning of a' coming event at the school so that you may be able to plan to be present. It is the Literary Society meeting to be held on May 8th, --This- will be-the last meeting for the present school year and as it has proved a highly successful year in re- spect--to--the entertainment already while for you to come to the High School at 3 p.m. on May 8th. This last meeting is under. the auspices of Grade 1X and we expect to see some amateur talent from this form. Preparation for the program is supervised by Miss Shaw, the class teacher of Grade IX. . NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re The Estate of Emma Henry Wallace, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the said deceased are hereby required. to furnish the under- signed with full particulars thereof on or before the 26th day of May, 1042. After the said date the under- signed will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he shall have notice. ' Dated at Port Perry the 21st day of April, 1942, R. D. HUMPHREYS, Solicitor, Port Perry, Ont., Executdr of the Estate of Emma Henry Wallace (Deceased). "Strand Theatre. UXBRIDGE, ONT. "Always the Latest Hits" Thursday, Friday, Sat. (this week) Mickey ROONEY, 'Spencer TRACY, Men of Boys' Town The new show sensation for all. Make sure you don't miss this golden opportunity. - COMEDY--S, Laurel and Oliver Hardy in "THEIR ONLY MISTAKE" Saturday, 7.30 and 9.30. Come early. PRAMS: Thursday, 'Friday, Sat. (next week) BORIS KARLOFF The only he man that can give you the most thrills, See him in The Man with +? Nine Lives and believe our promise, for a good shot. COMEDY---Andy - Clyde in "MONEY SQUAWKS" . eb se piri dicen Be Patriotic Folks!--Save your Gas and Tires, and patronize your nearest theatre-- at Uxbridge-- The Strand. COMING! Molly and Fibber McQee in "LOOK WHO'S, LAUGHING" offered, we feel it-would-be-wellworth| 1 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF PLEBISCITE OFFICER EVERY CANADIAN CITIZEN IS HEREBY ADVISED: (1) THAT a Proclamation of 'the Governor in Council dated the 9th day of March, 1942, ordered a plebiscite to be taken in every electoral district in Canada on the question set out in the ballot - papers to be used thereat in the following words and form: Vote by making a cross, thus X, after the word 'Yes' or gfter the word 'No'. . - Are you in favour of releasing the gov- 'ernment. from. any obligation arising out of any past com-' mitments - restrict- ing the methods of raising men for mili- tary service? R; (2) Monday, the 27th day of April, 1942. (3) THAT polls will be open in each polling division from 8 o'clock a.m. until' 8 o'clock p.m. (daylight saving time). (4) THAT new lists of voters have been specially prepared for the said plebiscite. : means that, in either urban or rural polling divisions, any qualified voter whose name has been omitted from same may vote on polling being vouched for on oath by a voter whose name appears on the - list of voters for such polling division. ! : (8) THAT National Registration Certificates are required to be pro- duced by qualified urban voters whose names 'have been omitted from the lists of voterssand by those voters only, before being allowed to vote. (7) THAT advance polls will be opened in the same localities and on the same conditions as at the last General Election. \ (8) THAT, as a general rule, every person who has ordinarily resided in Canada during the last twelve months is entitled to vote at the said plebiscite if he is twenty-one years of age and a British subject. 3 (9) THAT voters will be entitled to vote in the polling division in (10) THAT urban voters have been advised of the location of their polling stations on the notices left at their dwelling places by the enumerators, : (11) THAT rural voters have been notified in the Notice to Voters i! posted up in the post offices, and should have been verbally advised by the rural enumerators of the location of their polling stations, (12) THAT, generally, polling stations. for the said plebiscite will be established at or near the same premises as at the last General Election. : ~ (13) THAT arrangements are, being made to collect the results of the 2 ( Election. of ; a (14) THAT every Canadian on active service or in training in any of to vote at the plebiscite in advance of polling day by virtue of a special procedure provided. oh y CASTONGUAY JULES Cathy Chief Plebiscite Officer. "7 (6) THAT the said lists are what may be termed "open lists' which . His Majesty's forces or corps, within or without Canada, is entitled - PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT THAT the date fixed as polling day for the said plebiscite is day in his polling division upon taking the required oath and upon . . which they were ordinarily residing on the 80th day of March last.---- plebiscite on the evening of polling day as-is done at a General Dated at Ottawa this 20th day of April, 1942. pty . NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of George Clements, deceased, i All persons having claims against {the Estate of George Clements, late of the Township of Reach. Ontario County, deceased, who died on or about the 4th day of April, 1942, are hereby notified to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of May A.D. 1942. Immediately after which date the as- 'sets of said deceased willbe distri- buted among the parties entitled there- to having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry this 14th day of April A.D. 1942. JOSEPH DENNY, Prince Ont., Solicitor herein. Albert, A. M. LAWRENCE PHONE 49 72. Rexall swe PORT PERRY GLADIOLUS BULBS FOR SALE 20c. doz. & up FOR NAMED VARIETIES Apply to - Reg. Abbott NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Martha Harrison. deceased, : . All persons having claims against the Estate of the above mentioned who died at the Village of Port Perry in the County of Ontario on the 14th notified to send to the undersigned on or before May 16th, 1942, full particu- ceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, this 11th day of - April 1942, rll HARRIS, HARRIS, & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ont., Solicitors for the above Estate. "apr30 WE DELIVER PHONE 32 day of December, 1940, are hereby| lars of their claims. Immediately after| May 16th, 1942, the assets of the de-|' FRESH BAKING DAIL Line_ef Baking, We 'Have It ' { - Orders Given Prompt Attention : Saturday SPECIAL--""Angel Cakes" row Bres. The 11) 44/4, Does the Trick! Bray Chicks are real money- makers. I can prove it, Place order hers, 100% live de. guaranteed. ; : Agents: ah A. R. GRAY, R.R.2 Port Perry 'MRS. LOUELLEN SONLEY, «Queen St., Port Perry WALLACE MARLOW, Blackstock. 2 of BRAY CHICK HATCHERY, John Street North, Hamilton, Ont. 0; , Port Perry arrived, --~months to pay. Time for Re-Roofing and Painting A carload of British Columbia cedar shingles just - :: We can supply you with any kind of asphalt roofing, on an easy payment plan--twelve Call at our office, or Phone 240 w. Full stock of Jap-a-Lac Paints for your Spring Decorating. Phone 240w. i LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL CO., ~ LIMITED J Phone 29w, Port Perry, for Quick Service, and Good Quality in ~~ MEATS CAWKER BROS, Family Butchers Port Perry ; 4

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