Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Apr 1942, p. 5

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he 4 Carnegie Hardware . Furnaces, Plumbing 3 > _ Z Phones -- Port Perry 120.15 and ) bp "Kara Coffee Phone 1, PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1942 no BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY 3 -Healthfully Air Conditioned Thursday, Rrder and 'Saturday, Z L 2-3-4 Seties Matinee at 1.30 Two shows at 7 and 9 p.f, Holiday Matinee, Friday,at .2 o'clock HUMPHREY BOGART, in All Through the Night with Conrad Veidt, Kaaren Varne, Jane Darwell, Frank McHugh! Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, - APRIL 6-7-8 Two shows at 7 and 9 p.m. Special Matinee, Monday, at 2 o'clock. WEEK-END IN HAVANA IN TECHNICOLOR with Alice FAYE, John PAYNE, Carmen MIRANDA, Cesar ROMERO. Coming Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, APRIL 9-10-11 INTERNATIONAL LADY with George BRENT, Ilona MASSEY, 2% x : 5 HARDWARE COMPANY Radios, Builders' Supplies HARDWARE D. Carnegie ~Port-Perry -- A, J. Carnegie Phone 61,- Ross Britton GROCERIES Superior Store Seasonable Specials 1 1b, bag 39¢ Royal York Tomato Juice 20 oz. tins--2 for 17¢ 2 for 19¢ "Orange Marm- 32 oz. jar, 29¢ Phone 152, Port Perry AUTO WRECKERS Dessert Pears 15 oz. tins, Royal York Seville PORT PERRY Auto Wreckers IRWIN TRIPP, Proprietor . Cars bought for wrecking purposes. Used parts for all makes of cars. Phone 21w, Port Perry SEEDS and FEEDS HOGG & LYTLE LIMITED GRAIN & FEEDS Field and Garden Seeds All Kinds of Poultry Feeds 'Special Farm Supplies Port Perry ~ Myrtle Station Elevator |, 'H. H. GOODE Grains, Clover Seeds, : and Fuel ~ General Farm Supplies Arrange for for your ur Sprig requirements of Clover Seeds rn; and Fertilizers ELWOOD MASTERS, Agent Brookli r 17 and 22 CLOTHES CLEANING - BUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED 80 Cents ~ SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 | C. P. ROLPH 11 a,m.-- Communion CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NOTE--1f a paid-up Subscriber finds his or her name in small type among these ads/, that person will receive two War Savings Stamps by applyng at the Office of The Port Perry Star, T THE CHURCHES CHICK HATCHERY ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11 am, --Sunday School 7 p.m--Public Worship, Student in charge. PORT PERRY UNJTED CHURCH Sunday, April 5th-~ 11 a.m.-- Communion and Public ' Worship 7 p.m.-- Evening Service. Easter Music The preacher will be Rev. H, W. Foley, of Bowmanville, PORT PERRY Chick Hatchery HERBERT BROOKS * Baby Chicks, Poultry, Eggs, ry ete. EGG GRADING® MAPLE LEAF FEEDS CREAMERY CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rector: Rev. William Stocks Good Friday--I12 noon to 2 pm-- Meditations on the Seven Words from the Cross, with hymns and de- votions. Rev. E. 0. Twiss, M.A., of Uxbridge. Congregation may attend for any period during the service. Easter Day-- 9.16 a.m.--Holy Communion, 3 p.m.--Children's Service. 7 'p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. "Easter music. THE PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY Orange Hall : (Above the Observer Office) 10 a.m.-- Sunday School and Bible Class. 7 pm.-- Evangelistic Service. Special Good Friday Service-- Morning -- 11 am. All are cordially invited. Evangelist Ethel Thompson in charge Office above Bell Telephone Exchange. DENTISTS DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON North side Queen Street, Port Perry Phones: Office 68w, Resid 68) , Phone 164, PORT PERRY CREAMERY MANUFACTURERS OF Finest Pasteurized CREAMERY BUTTER and CHEESE ICE CREAM Port Perry GENERAL MERCHANT WES. CROSIER General Merchant Phone--Port Perry 116 r 11 SEAGRAVE, ONT. a i Groceries, Drygoods, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, ete. | CHIROPRACTOR W. J. KING Chiropractor, Drugless Therapist In Practice over twenty years. | Now in Uxbridge, Ontario Maple Street W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office Upstairs, over C. Sleep's __ Insurance Office, DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Leonard Block over Prentice's Barbe: Shop. Phone 237, Res. 216 . LEGAL ARTHUR W., 8. GREER {n attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afterncos of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 2b Port Perry RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24} Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 n attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afterncoms of eact : week or by appointment. Queen: Street," Port Perry, Phone 94 * BEAUTY PARLOR PRENTICE'S --~ BEAUTY PARLOR -- Skilled Operator, -Very moderate prices We specialize in-- - Bonat Permanent Waves - Shampoo and Wave 50c Marcel - - 6c Manicure - - 8b PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up Our work is up to a standard-- Not down to a price. Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. FOR SALE 6 young Digs, 7 weeks old. Phone 164r4. Mrs, Steer, R.R.4, Port Perry : FOR BALE ) 340 White Leghorns and '80 Barred Rocks, in good production, Phone Upstalrs, over Jomison's Bakery (The rm of Greer & Hamphreys Is dissolved) | Piano Tuning Vv. P. STOUFFER Repairs ::- Moth Proofing Phone: Office 30; Res. 239 RADIO Expert RADIO Service PHONE 234 on. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. WANT ADS ; Stouffville when $821 PIANO TUNING | McLean Radio Service: AMAZING TALE (The Times-Gazette) Cobourg.--Having 'pleaded guilty to twenty-nine charges trate R. B. Baxter, in Magistrate's Court here on Thursday, Steve Ryzak, George Siblock, "William Zabihaylo, Dave Greenberg and Mike Zakarow, all of Oshawa, were remanded in cus- tody to the Counties Jail. They will appear for sentence on Monday morn- ing next. Cameron Murray, also of Oshawa, was placed on (Suspended sentence for a period of two years after pleading guilty to three charges of breaking and entering and theft while Fred Cowle, of Oshawa, was remanded on bail until Thursday of next week. Cowle will at that time appear for hearing on nine charges similar to those faced by the other members of the group. A most amazing tale of mischief was brought to light during the hear- ing of the charges. It was so much so in fact that Crown Attorney H. R Deyman commented the list of of- fences read like a gangster novel. It was most apparent, he said, the police had been led a merry chase before the thieves were brought to justice, List of Charges Listed among the charges were breaking and entering drug store at Colborne, theft at Orono, theft at worth ladies' wear was taken, attempted. break-in at an Uxbridge store, breaking and entering A. M. Lawrence's drug store at Port Perry; break-in and theft at Sunderland; also at Cannington where .two places weré entered; at Jackson's Point; Service Station at Campbell- ford and at Udora; theft of 2 autos in Toronto, one in Hamilton, one in Reach Township; breaking and entering at Hastings, and theft of motor" license plates, . tO OB -- | FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SPRAY CALENDAR READY Apple calendar contains schedule for orchards heavily infested with "codling. moth. Fruit and vegetable spray calendar for 1942 may be obtained from the Fruit Branch, Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto, Agricultural Representatives; Vineland Experi- mental 'Station, or Ont. Agricultural i College, Guelph, states DP. W. Hod- getts, Director of thé Fruit Branch, Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto, There is a separate calendar for apples; one for pears, stone fruits, grapes and bush fruits, for use of commercial growers. A special spray calendar has been prepared for owners of fruit trees in home gardens, ~ When writing for spraying- information please denote which type of calendar you want, Mr, Hodgetts requests," The Ontario Vegetable Protection Calendar is also available to persons who grow vegetables on a commer- cial scale, This year's apple spray calendar contains a special schedule for or- heavily infested with codling moth, It points out that no spray schedule no matter how good it is, can compensate for poor spraying. FARM WANTED Would exchange good East Toronto home with all conveniences, hardwood floors, private side drive. : W. Boynton, Port Perry.! FOR BEST RESULTS BRING YOUR FURS TO B. LEMBERG, The Vigor 0il Co. Station Whitby, Ont. FOR SALE "Child's. Folding - Go-Cart, -in. good condition, Apply at Star Office, FOR SALE 'About_15 tons of Alfalfa Hay, rea- sonably priced per ton. Apply to Wm: Philp, half mile north of Utica, R.R. 4, Uxbridge, 1 ; FOR SALE Town home, well located, lake view, good garden-and fruits, Apply at Star Office, AUCTION SALES HOPKINS--Stock sale of Horses, Cattle, Pigs, at Lot 32, Con, 9, Whitby Tp., on Friday, April 3rd, at 1.30 p.m., the property of Wm. Hopkins & Sons. Orville Tripp | MANCHESTER, ONT. Auto Wrecker OLD CARS BOUCHT FOR WRECKING HIGHEST PRICES PAID Phone--90 r 12 ERBAN OATS FOR SALE Tbe. per bushel. Good pasture | wanted for four colts. Apply to Roy Scott, Seagrave, Phone 86 r 22. FOR SALE Large solid oak dining table, electric range, enamel top baking table, chairs washing machine and wringer. Apply to Wm. Kaufman, Port Perry, Ont. FOR SALE Erban Oats grown from registered seed; and Mixed Grain consisting of Erban Oats, and Nobarb Barley. Seed well cleaned, fit for seed Ap- ply to Lloyd Lee, Seagrave, Ontario, ?| Phone Port Perry 116 r 11, Ted Jackson Auction JACKSON -- Sale of Sheep -and | Cattle, at the Stock Yards, Port Perry on :Saturday, April 4th, 100 sheep, b Cattle, the property of Ted Jackson. Ted | Jackson, Auctioneer. 132W or apply to Star Office. TO LET 2-roomed, furnished apartment. Newly decorated, Three dollars weekly. Suit couple, Near school, Church, and store, In village, Apply W. Snelling, Prince Albert, Ontario. before Magis-| '| mumecation verry Flight, F. O. Armour Buried at Picton Full Jnilitary honors were accorded Flying Officer Albert S. Armour, R.C. A.F.; who was killed when the plane he was piloting crashed near Prentiss, Maine, during a blinding Snow storm on Sunday. a The. funeral was held at the G. M. Hicks and Son Funeral Home here on Thursday, March 26th, the body being brought from Montreal on Wedneés- day. Rev. J, B. Creeggan of the Church of St. Mary Magdalene who officiated at the 'marriage of I'.-0, Armour and Miss Gwendolyn Mounce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Mounce, of Port Perry, on April 15th, 1041, conducted the service, His mo- ther, ms, W.M, Armour of Santa Mo- men, California, and his sister Ruth, dew to Canada to'attend the burial, Beauutul Sloral tributes included those rom Ahe Commanding Otlicer and uvlneers, the airmen ot No, 3 Com- St. Hubert, Quebec; his mother and sister and rom aunties', rollowing the service, the flag- araped casket bearing the deceased omcer's cap, was placed on an R.C.A. I. truck, with the bearers on either me RED & WHITE store * EASTER FOODS Cowan's Perfection Cocoa, 1 lb. 25¢ Walker's Soda Biscuits, Libby's Assorted Meat Paste, . - Red & White Coffee, vacuum tins - Red & White Tea; Orange Pekoe. , 14, Ib. pkg. 4bc tin 10¢ 2 1bs. 26¢ 1, 1b. 29¢ Cream of Barley, per package 25c 2-in-1 Shoe Polish - No-Rub Polish, S Congress Tea Biscuits side. Leading the procession were officers from Mountain View Bombing and Gunnery School, R.C.AF., including the chaplain, Following was a flight of R.C.AF. men from the same sta- ton, the firing party, and the R.C.A. IY, band from Trenton station under bandmaster \.-O. Hancock, playing the Dead March in Saul. ) Beneath a bright sun and with spectators pausing in silent respect, the funeral cortege slowly wended its way to beautiful Glenwood Cemetery where entombment' was made in the vault. Bugler's of Trenton band sounded the Last Post and the Mt.! View firing party fired a farewell salute to one who died in the cause of duty and with his first thought to! save his companion who safely para- | chuted to earth, Though a native of California; the' 23-year-old officer, enlisted with the' R.C.A.F. carly after war broke out, being stationed with the Conversion. Training Squadron, R.C.A.F., Picton. | before going to Montreal where he was with No. 3 Communication Ferry Flight at St. Hubert, Quebec. The bearers were Flying Officers Blackwell, Nicholls, Hayes, Young-, man, Reinhardt and Moffatt. f F.-0. Kirkwood was in charge. of the escort; Flt. Lieut, Wilson was in charge of the funeral parade; Sgt. Major Garopi the N.C.O. in eharge;| FIt. Lieut. Maloney, padre, with Sqd. Leader IH. W.-Sutherland also attend- i TT (Picton Gazette. te.) ~ SCUGOG Communion service will be held py the Town Hall on Sunday, April 6th, at 4 p.m. DS.T., with Sunday School at 3. All other services at the usual wur, Everybody invited. Rev. F. G. Joblin invites all to a special service on Good Friday even-| ing at 8 o'clock in the Town Hall.' Cross. Miss - Myrtle Dowson will be the hostess for the Institute Girls on Sat- urday afternoon. The roll call will be answered" by current events. The motto will be given by Miss Francis Lackin. The lunch committee are Elsie Reader, Mildred Heayn, Helen Sweetman and Ruby Brown. Come on girls--the best way to go is to hike. Wednesday, March 26th was a love- ly day for the Red Cross meeting in the Town Hall, where fifteen of the workers met and quilted 3 quilts and 1-cot quilt. The following goods were packed: 0 towels, 8 Misses Slips, 11 Pillow Slips, 8 Woimen"s Print Dresses, 4 Children's - Dresses, 2 Boys' Suits, 4 Boys' Overalls, 1 Scarf, 13 pairs Men's Socks, 11 pairs Sockees, 4 more quilts will be ready for this week. More workers are needed. Several of the workers took their lunch and put the quilts on the frames ready for the afternoon. - All had a nice time to- gether working, ; Mr. and Mrs. William Cole, of To- ronto, were. guests of their friends, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Henders on Sunday. Mrs. David Hope spent the week end with. her sister, Mrs. C. Hardy and glad to report that she is im- proving, All were glad to see Corporal J. L. Sweetntan and Allan Aldred, of R.C.A. F., Manning Depot, Toronto and Pte. George Burnett, of Camp Borden home for the weekend. A very successful entertainment took place in the Town Hall on Friday Péach Sandwich Biscuits Spring Cleaning Special, ' -. per tin 10c tin 39¢ Ib. 19¢ 1b, 19¢ - - - ' Red River Cereal, special, 2 lbs. 24c¢ Kolona- Coffee, Master Dog Biscuits, - Aylmer Infants Food. Large Size Prunes, 1b. 15¢. 2 Ibs. llc 11b. 39¢ . 2 lbs. 25c 2 tins 1bc Macaroni, Oranges, buy several doz, 25c doz. White Beans, 4 Ibs. 19c. Fluffo Shortening - Large Size Grapefruit Camay, the Soap of Beautiful Women, P and G Pure White Naptha Soap, White Honey, 4 lbs. 64c per 1b. 19¢ 4 for 19¢ 3 caltes 21c 3 bars 16¢ Easter Candy, assorted, per bag 10c PHONE 43 F. W. BROCK & SON PORT PERRY ca -- THe TL TT IN DAYS OF UNCERTAINTY EET NI TI Th RELIABLE Insurance is essential WHATEVER YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS MAY BE, Consult Phone 41 evening when a Bazaar was held. Many useful things were brought in by the ladies of the Centre Commu- nity and these sold very quickly, also the Ice Cream, which was enjoyed by all. Then when all was cleared away and the seats put in place, our Pastor Rev. F. G. Joblin took the floor and made some pleasing remarks to start the good program which followed. Amusing recitations were given by Allene Sweetman, Kay Prentice, Nor- ma Fines, Shirley Hope, and Jean Samells; a duet by Isobel Flewell and Lois Jeffrey; a song by five school girls with Lois Jeffrey at the piano; also a chorus by the school. Rev. Elgie Joblin, the son of our Pas- tor from Munich was invited to the platform to say a few words of cheer and encouragement in our great work: "The one-act play, "Luncheon for Six" was then given by Mrs. Geo. Samglls, Luzerne Sweetman, Miss Lackin, Mri. J. Burnham, Ralph' Milner and Roy Humphreys which was very uch en- joyed by all and well given. -The de- corations were mauve and yellow for aster and the New Church fund was raised by $25.94 and the box of Eas- ter eggs and Rabbits, donated by Ger- row Brothers were much appreciated. Mr, Frank Dowson and son Joe and friend Clara Hardy visited friends in Toronto on Sunday, Sympathy is extended to Mr, and Mrs. G, Cherrie in the sudden passing of their uncle, Mr: Irwin on Tuesday morning. ~~ Mr. Irwin has lived with them for several years. "Mr. Irwin was taken to his daughter's home in Toronto where the funeral was held. HAROLD W. EMMERSON Port Perry Theme -- Last Seven Words from the IL A A A I SL Sa: - Birthday greetings to Peter Sweet- man for April 2nd.; Noreen Geer, Ap- ril 6th; Mr. John and George Raymes, April 7th; Bruce and Bryce Mark, Ap- ril 7th; Alton Mark, Inez Martyn, Ap- EPSOM © The W. A. held a social cvening in the basement last Thursday evening, but it was not very well attended ow- ing to bad roads and sickness. Mrs. W. Marquis gave a very interesting talk and the Bethesda Father and Son Choir was in attendance, which was fnjoyed very much by all present. Mrs. Robert Clark also explained her visit to the Red Cross meeting in Ta- ronto, and Master Douglas Pogue fa- voured us with a solo. ril 8th. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Charles - Clark and Marion back to their home here after spending the winter months in Oshawa. Mrs. W. Terry and daughter Eve- lyn, New Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. McCulloch, Mr. Roland Armstrong and Mr. Ivan Rogers at their homes here over Sun. day. Mr. and Mrs, J. Neeson at their summer home here over the weekend. Sorry to report Mrs. E. McCulloch still on the sick list, Mr. Ray Medd and Mr, John Suther- land in Oshawa one day last week, Miss Ruby Wilson home from Green. bank on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Slack, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. Frank' Millman's. Miss Ruby Weir home from Man- chestér over Sunday, Et

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