Ed ae BROCK THEATRE it Phone e1s, WHITBY 'Healthfully Alr Conditioned, All shows Daylight Saving "I'ime Thursday, Friday and Saturday, "January "29-30-31 i Two shows at 7,80 "and 9.30 pan. ' Sattirday Matinee at '1.80 pm; - "The Lady from Cheyenne' 'with Loretta YOUNG, Robert PRESTON, Edward ARNOLD, Gladys GEORGE. Plus the Latest "Canada Carries on" "WINGS OF A CONTINENT" 'Monday, Tuesday 'and 'Wednesday, FEBRUARY 2-34 ° * Last complete show at 8.60 "Bad Men of Missour?" ; with Dennis MORGAN, Jane WYMAN, Wayne MORRIS, "Also an ADDED Attraction: GUY KIBBEE, in : Scattergood Meets Broadway COMING Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, February 5-6-7, "NAVY 'BLUES" : __ with Ann Sheridan, Jack Oakie. {home of Mrs, P, Luke on Sunday. " Jand Mrs. Robert Many, Prince Albert,' on Saturday, ° } Mr, and Mrs. Frank Brown called | The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil. Morrison and family, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Everett/ Hooper and family, Saintfield, at the » Mrs. Walter Rogers visited with Mr, ° ONTARIO REPAIR FARM MACHINERY NOW! on Miss Violet Steerman on. Sunday. . Mr. Roland Armstrong, Mr. Ray Munro and Mr. Ivan Rogers at their homes here over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howsam, Altona, | with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kerry on Sunday. Mr. and Mys. Brampton, with Mr. Christie on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Neeson called in the T, W. Martin, of | and Mrs. Al! Mr, Donald Asling had the good fortune to shoot a fox while out hunt- ing last week, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cumming and | family spent Sunday with Mrs. John Wray at Honyedale. N Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Strong visited with Mr, and Mrs. Ray Medd on Fri-' day, | Mr, and Mrs. Donald Asling and' Patricia at Mr, and Mrs, Will Asling's on Sunday. i Mr. and Mrs. Joel Miller in Oshawa one day last week: PROMPT RENEWAL of Subscriptions will be greatly appreoiated. . Every Day Satisfaction i in Baking is assured IF YOU PURCHASE YOUR BAKING NEEDS FROM CANADA BREAD CO., LIMITED : PORT PERRY, ONT. ---- IMPORTANT NOTICE After carrying on business for the past 12 years in a place established over 60 years-ago near the lake, the march of time and progress have overtaken us, and at this time we are mov- "ing our office, and, in the future, we will be located-- TWO DOORS WEST OF THE HOTEL In making this move, our customers will find it more convenient. REESOR'S FUEL -& LUMBER PORT PERRY, ONTARIO o || Phone 73w JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD BAKING BUNS ~ FRESH-DAILYIN- SEASONAL- VARIETY DELIVERY--PHONE 98w | BREAD PASTRY rl PROPRIETOR village on Saturday. | « MORE Tools FOR' VICTORY MEANS LESS STEEL FOR AGRICULTURE 4 Avoid costly break-downs and loss of time and labour during seeding and harvest, Check your machinery for necessary parts and repairs. Do it at once whilé pars are availible, PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR REPAIR PARTS IMMEDIATELY * SAVE LABOUR WITH MACHINERY Use custom equipment where necessary. Co-operate with feighbours for greater use of power equip- meant in your community. Exchange work and implements with your neighbouts. Plan your crop programme to extend the period of haying and harvest, Your Agricultural RiptcsTinee and your County Agricultural War Committee will co-operate with you. * Maks THE BEST POSSIBLE USE OF WHAT YOU HAVE * ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE P. M. DEWAN, Minister W. R. REEK, Deputy Minister How Rent Control Affeets You -- as a landlord : as a tenant AS a part of the general plan to halt further Increases In the Cost of Living, the Government on December 1, 1941, extended the policy of the Price Ceiling to rentals "for all commercial and housing accommodation in Canada. Generally speaking the new Y fei laws provide that: (1) Ne oral or written lease for any commercial or housing dation (furnished or unfurnished) may legally made after October |, 1941, at a rental higher than the rental lawfully payable under the lease in effect on that date unless an application for increased rental has been made to and approved by alocal Rentals Com- mittee of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. Such an application must be based on spissified cireumstances arising since October 11, 1941, NOTE: Land and premises used solely for Toi purposes a are not subject to rent control. A tenant is entitled to a renewal of his lease unless the landlord requires the premises for certain teasons named in the Board's Rental Ordérs and has given the tenant a written fiotice to vacate within the time and in the manner prescribed therein. [If this nétice to vacate is contested by the tenant, the landlord must secure a Court Order for possession. ; (2) Copies of all Rental Orders and Regulations of the Board and application forms for rental variations are available from any of the regional or sub-offices of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board, and, in areas where such offices are not yet established, from the Clerk of any County or District Court or Toul Rentals Committee. . ®) VIOLATIONS of these Sie are punishable by law and should be reported In writing to the Prices and Supply Representative Regional Office, Wartime Prices and Trade Board, at the nearest. of any of the following cities: Vancouver, Edmonton, Regina, Winnipeg, North /Bay, London, Toronto, Brockville, Montreal, : Quebec, Saint Jon, Halifax or Charlottetown. "Owen Lobley Administrator of Commercial Rentals Cyril-DeMara Administrator of Housing Rentals i. lssued under the authority of ___« _ THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD, i \ dinner for Christmas, and enjoyed his constantly coming ovei our lives. Bos -tand added carefulness. "| education: others whose parents are supper was all that ceuld be desired, Proceeds $6.65. Miss Kay Prentice spent the week end with her sister Mrs, C, Ptolemy. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reader visited his sister Mrs, R, Graham on Sunday. Glad to hear Mrs. Graham is home from the hospital and doing fine, . Spr. 'Leonard Hope had a turkey first leave in Manchester, England, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayes have moved to Port Perry. We wish them comfort in their new home, 'Mrs. John Stephenson Many friends ,in this district will remember Mrs, John Stephenson, who passed away to her home beyond, at; her daughter's home, in Orono. Sarah! Ann Platten, was the daughter of | Samuel and Mary Platten, and was born on Scugog Island 86 years ago. She married John Stephenson in 1872 and lived on the farm where Mr. Orr Jeffrey now lives. They then moved to Pickering where she was a member of the United Church and president of the Ladies' Aid during her residence there, They then moved to Columbus. Four sons survive--James, Thomas E, Samuel - John, Ernest A.; three daughters, Mr. Henry Wilson, Mrs, Charles Harris and Mrs. R. Elliott. The funeral will be held at the resi- dence of her son, S. J. Stephenson, 164 Bruce street, Oshawa, conducted by Rev. Mr. Wiley, assisted by Rev, Mansell Irwin, with interment at the Union Cemetery. Mr, Owen Reader of Toronto, was home over the week end. Mr. Harold Ashton and his mother, Mrs. E. C. Ashton, of Enniskillen, were recent guests of her daughter, Mrs, S. Rodman, Life's Changes Joseph Denny gs As one -- the red oll ¢ manhood he is cognisant of one great fact and that is the change that is In childhood days we were always living in dreamland: What we hoped {| to be' 'when we were older: Where. we were | going to live and the society we hoped to move in. Then the period came and how many frustrated hopes and heartbreaks when we did arrive. The new privileges that came have brought with them added responsibili- ties. The car a man was able to buy we RED & WHITE store Oranges are Good, and Inexpensive this Week : : 23c, 29c, 35c, 39¢c. dozen Head Lettuce - - 2 for 25¢ Celery Hearts 15c, Grapefruit 5c ea Spinach - 21lbs. 23c. Cauliflower 25c ea. Black Tea 75¢ Ib Pastry Flour - 24 lbs. 69c. Martha Washington House Dresses--Well Made, Tubfast $1.89 $2.25 $2.75 Ladies Splasher Rubbers, Colors Red, Brown, White, While They Last, $2.75 Monarch Dove Wool-- 20c. a Ball Ladies' Wool Sweaters - $2. 98 -$2. 25 Ladies' Blouses--$1.98 Nice Assortment of Colors. F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 PORT PERRY brought new expense in the way of gas, wear and tear, the extra space No 'longer could he blame his horse if his car led him into difficulties. Then other means of communica- tion. Once upon a time, not long since, one's neighbour who only lived 10 miles away was living at quite a distance. Now his neighbour who lives in China or in the South Seas is only a few moments from his door. In those old buggy days if a man made fifty miles a day he was going places, but the new flying machines GOOD MEATS Properly dressed and well kept Always available at reasonable price, by ordering from -W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER Phone 72w, PORT PERRY can make 6500 miles per hour and think nothing of it. How do these changes affect us? nothing. by. might as well be out of the world. In order to keep abreast of the world we must move with it. be left behind. others in the -race -of-life. -In-many cases they: will refuse to-accept it. "You_may lead a horse to water but you canuot make him drink." . The difference there is in children: Some. with no) advantages whatever will strive to the utmost to gain an A the TERMS F OR DELIVERY - After studying the help asked of Coal Dealers jy the 0il Controller at Ottawa, and to conserve gas- - lowing will be the terms scheduled for \) election of officers for the Community Club took place. Mrs. Elmer Sweet- man was re-elected president, Mrs. T. Redman vice-president, Miss Myrtle SCUGOG Sunday was a lovely day for every- one to get out to Church and Sunday School. But we were sorry that Mr. handing down opportunities in hay- fork loads will turn up their noses and ugoek the husks that the swine do eat." How true ig the saying: "There is a destiny that shapes Jur ends rough, hew them how we may." The destiny is thore, it is up to you to direct it. Of course we can sit down and do|§¥ If we do we are out of the|y running as the rest of the world goes | J If we wish it we need add noth- 5 .|ing to our knowledge and if so we|¥ Must be in| § touch with what others are doing or |g If you would have | § your children as well equipped as 4 others you must offer them the best + there is that they may compete with |¥ CORIRIN0CTINIBNSI TUNER TH MT TENET TINO OME TET at on:-- All orders half ton or less, strictly cash, All orders of one ton or over, to be paid within 30 days, or no more credit granted. Any account running 60 days will automatically put the customer on a cash basis, : Small ordets of less than one ton will have to he "delivered with another order, So kindly do not let yourself run too low before placing your order, Joblin was unable to be out. We trust he will be better soon. The children are very anxious to go to Sunday School now as there is an attendance contest on to get story books. Five tickets gets then a large card and five large cards get them the book. There is to be another dance at the Township Hall on Friday evening in ald of War Victims' Fund. This is Peres aa Bei a r-- maT LAKE S0UGOG LUMBER & COAL co;, Phone 240w. LIMITED war time so lunch is not necessavy: Come out and help swell the fund. A splendid Pot Luck Supper was enjoyed in the Tea Room of the Head Church on Wednesday evening. The Dowson secretary and. Clifford Red- JI is up to you to put on the finishing man treasurer. The supper was very! ! touches. Don't say in these wonder- much enjoyed with all kinds of sup-|ful days that you never had a chance: per dishes. The Club is ahead of ita The chances, the opportunities are expenses, A very pleasant time was spent on , mission, to make something of you. Friday evening at the home of Mr, and "How few give them the privilege of Mrs. Gordon Cherrie with a good at-!doing the best for them. tendance. The officers fot the Foot! Sunday School were "elected. Mx. F.' crop of hair in front of his head but Crozier is still superintendent and the back of Kis head was bald. Cecil Fralick assistant, Joy Hood meant to. say. that to grasp._oppor- secretary, Clara Hardy, treasurer and | tunity you must catch him hy the|m organist. The teachers are: Bible forelock otherwise your chance is Class, Ceeil Fralick; boys' class, Mr. gone forever so far as that oppor-|g Fred Clark; girls' class, Miss Mathers, tunity is concerned. primary class, Mrs. Cecil Fralick. The (continued on back page) Fg . pounding at your "door begging for ad- n 'The' god "opportunity" had a thick | 5 al FRESH BAKING DAILY This Week We Are Featuring DATES In Date and Nut Cookies - 20c. a dozen Double Oatmeal Date Cookies, 20c. a-dozen Date Squares -- ~--- - - 26c¢, a dozen Saturday Special--W hole Wheat Date Turnovers WE DELIVER uy Gerrow Bros, Port Perry IN DAYS OF UNCERTAINTY. RELIABLE Insurance is essential WHATEVER YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS MAY BE, Consult HAROLD WwW. EMMERSON \ Phone 41 Port Perry Es. AOL re SEER Set a i East EO Phone 29w, Port Perry, for Quick Service, and Good Quality in MEATS hl ] [ - - ; n - Bron . - 3 . CAWKER BROS, Family Butchers ot