Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 Jan 1942, p. 4

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= rs i ld 5 is -- i NCAP SE ES Ts "gees A a a: AS ls SS ro Wr WA hea. as Lai SNE SL ACTING CHAPLAIN Pte. (Rev.) W. R. Tristram has been appointed "Acting Protestant Chaplain at thé Monteith Concéntra- tion Camp, : 4 1.O.D.E; MONTHLY MEETING " The regular monthly meeting of Scugog Chapter '1.0.D.E. will be held at the Public Library at 8,00 p.m. on + Monday, February 2nd. The Young People's Union held a meeting on Tuesday evening which took the form of a "Backward Party". The usual program for the evening was reversed. The party started with the singing of the National, Afthem and games were played. Then the president, Margaret Day, called on Dorothy Tristram, who had charge of the program which consisted of: a piano selection by Shirley Crosier; a recitation by Dorothy Tristram; a violin selection by David Nagmith assisted by Winnifred Niddery at thé, piano; and a poem by Keith Allin, Hymns were sung, the Scripture was read by Dorothy. Williams, roll call and offering taken and this part of the meeting was closed with prayer. Re- freshments were served. Harry. Carnegie of the R.C.A.F. has been transferred to Rivers, Manitoba. Mrs. Lloyd Hunter spent the week end with friends in Toronto, Whitby tax rate is expected to be 43 mills for 1942, an advance of. one and a half mills, Mrs. Daniel Boe There died on Friday, January 23rd, 1942, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. WaJdon, Keswick, Ont, a former highly respected resident of Port Perry, in. the person of Mrs. Daniel Boe. Mrs. Boe, whose Baidei name was Eliza Anne Thomas, was the cldest daughter of the late" Mr. and "Mrs. Josiah Thomas, of Layton. She was in her 83rd year at the time of her death. She was married to Daniel Boe ain 1879. Mr. and Mrs. Boe Jived in Peirce " Albert for 40 years after their -mar- riage. Then Mr. Boe retired from business and they moved Ao Port Perry where they remal until the time of Mr. Boe's death, two years ago. Mrs, Boe was a member of the Port Perry United Church, woman. _of many estimable qualities, devoted to home and family interests. She won the love and respect of all who knew her, and was greatly be- loved in' her family circle. "Deceased leaves to mourn her loss two daughters, Mrs. Isaac Waldon (Pearl), Keswick; ahd Mrs, Malcolm T. Beare (Aileen), Hanover, Ont; --and two sons -Arthur-and James of Toronto, Four sisters and three brothers survive--Mrs, Wesley Frise, (Allie), Seagrave; Mrs. Mary Smith, Winnipeg; Mrs. Hugh Johnson. (Julia) Toronto; Mrs. Daniel Currie (Maud), Toronto; Mr. Wesley Thomas and Mr. Robert ;Thomas, both of Layton; Mr. Josiah/" Thomas, Sunderland. A large number of relatives and friends attended the funeral service on Sunday last, which was held at the McDermott Funeral Chapel. ~The service was conducted by Rev. Gordon Lapp, of Keswick, Ont. Interment was made at Pine Grove Cemetery. X0.0.F. HOLD BIG NIGHT A most enjoyable evening was spent by the members of Warriner Lodge, on Monday night last, when they en- tertained about 75 visitors from Mark- ham, Stouffville, Brougham, and Sut: ton lodges. The second 'degree was conferred by a degree team consisting of members from Markham and Stouffville lodges. . There were six candidates to receive this degree-- - Bros. Harold Stonehouse and George - Hodgins from Sutton; Cecil Hart and William Jones from Brougham; Lloyd Smith. and Nelson Cochrane from Warriner Lodge. With nearly one hundred members and visitors present this was one of the best meetings of. the current sea- son, ---- ON. IN MEMORIAM WALLACE -- In loving memory of . Clarence Harold Wallace who passed away, February 8rd, 1935, © Deep in the heart lies a. picture Of a loved one laid to rest;' In memory's frame we shall keep it, " Because he was one .of the best, Sadly' missed by. the family. DIED WHITFIELD-- In Reach Township, on. Wednesday, January. 28, 1042, "Isabella Harrison, beloved wife of. Nelson Whitfield, in her 81st year. and was a FREE Parking Rhone 1011 OSHAWA Air Conditioned Playing--Thurs,-Saturday Car RANT "SUSPICION" Directed by Alfred Hitchcock "Now Joan FONTAINE ® - Bing Crosby REVIVAL "RHYTHM on FRIDAY 'the RIVER" ° Mary Martin Starting MONDAY Leon E. Osier's 20th ANNIVERBARY Week EDWARD G. ROBINSON in | UNHOLY PARTNERS Edward Laraine ARNOLD DAY Marsha HUNT Added Treat-- 20 Years Progress "BIRTH OF THE MOVIES" Next THURSDAY, for 3 days. You'll thrill as never before to Madeleine Stirling CARROLL HAYDEN BAHAMA DA SSACE IN TECHNICOLOR "WINGS" * Through the courtesy of Mrs, Chas. Howsam, we have had the opportunity to look through a copy of. "Wings", published at Yorkton, Sask., "through the kind permission of Commanding Officer of No. 11 S.F.F.S., Group' Captain G. R. Howsam." "Wings" earries a delightful picture of the smiling, kindly face of George Howsam, the lad well beloved in his High School days here. Under the picture are printed these words: "Captain G. R. Howsam, M.C., needs no introduction to service personnel or civilians, The Great War Veteran, whose record includes at least thirteen enemy aircraft destroyed and five forced down, is a familiar and popular figure among the officers and enlisted men, A native of Port Perry, Ont. the C.0. went from High" School into the Army, and transferred to the Royal Flying Corps in 1917. With the *R.C-A:F: he has,a long and ef- ficient record as an organizer and ad- ministrator." ---- a A - --_-- ENLISTMENT NOTES | Mr. John Orde has joined the Can- adian Ordnance Corps., and is at pre- sent stationed at Peterboro. Joe" Grantham, A.B., has joined the Canadian Navy. Glenn Moase, listed in this paper as Pte. is now Sergeant. Mr. W. ] f AoW ! E. N. Sinclair has been re- elected as President of Oshawa Red Cross Society. Eyes Examined | Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, a reasonable prices,-- L.R. BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIST High School Notes| . Ad Optima By D. H. Nasmith The January meeting of the Port Perry High School Literary Society was held in the auditorium of the High School on the evening of Friday, January 23rd, The meeting opened with the singing of "O Canada". The proceedings were then turned over to the pupils of Grade XI who gave the one-act play entitled The Neighbours, by Zona Gale, The prologue was given by Jean McCullough. The setting was in a small town where a number, of the inhabitants endeavoured to help a friend in<a personal problem of hers. There is some sadness, some romance, and a good deal of humour in this en- 'fertaining episode in the lives of "The Neighbours". . The characters were all remarkably well portrayed by the cast and certainly credit for the suc- cess of the Literary Society meeting goes to Miss Spooner, who directed the presentation. After the curtain had been drawn on the play, the president of the Literary Society, Doris MacGregor, called upon Flight Officer J. W. Kerr, a former. teacher of Port Perry High School, now serving in the R.CAF, to come forward. The appearance of Mr. Kerr, who just happened to be in the audience for this meeting, called forth. an ovation from the audience. The pre- |sident then read the following address on behalf of the pupils of Port Perry ,' High School. \ Mr. Kerr: Every year brings its changes, I assure you that I speak for all the | students of Port Perry High School when I say that we are very sorry to lose you from our staff. As we look back 'over the years that you have spent here, we realize that you have done your full duty by us. You have spared no pains to help us in our studies and your leadership has been not only faithful but of high order. Your devotion to your work should| have been sufficient to inspire us to do our best. You have been patient with our failures and have continued in the face of circumstances, which often have been discouraging, to spur us on. We hope that you will forgive us for our failures .and retain some kindly memory of us. May we prove not unworthy of 'your sacrifice and .| endeavor, We regret the conditions that have prompted you to leave us. But we believe that you have a yet larger sphere of service before you. Our very best wishes follow, you. We shall be glad to hear of yoy:and your con- tinued success when you can find time and opportunity to send us a mes- sage. : ! As a slight memento of our esteem and regard we are giving you this token that it may remind you of the OL A A prices on any you may wish to have Have Your | PRINTING Done at the PORT PERRY STAR OFFICE Satisfactory Work _ Prompt Delivery Reasonable Prices 7 We shall be pleased to quote have 4 job one. Over a period of several months withdrawn from Libya and sent FAMOUS REGIMENTS REPLACE AUSTRALIANS AT TOBRUK readiness for the attack by Japan, taken by famous British Regiments, Gunners of a North County ""Regiment at a machine-gun post in Tobruk. the 9th Australian division was as reinforcements to Malaya in Theiy place at 'Tobruk was good old school days among the students of Port Perry High School. The vice-president of the Literary Society, Reginald Moase then came forward and presented Mr. Kerr with a large interesting parcel dene up in red, white and blue, Mr. Kerr responded to this present- ation with a short speech in which he recounted several of his experiences as a navigating: officer in the Royal Canadian Air Force. As Mr. Kerr returned to his seat, the audience sang "Auld Lang Syne." The meeting was closed with the singing of the National Anthem, In- cidentally, for thiosé "who have an in- quisitive turn of mind, the interesting looking parcel kontained a leather brief-case which will be of a practical use to Mr, Kerr at present as an in- structor and in the future when he returns to his civilian duties as a teacher. This was the first Literary Society meeting to be held in the evening, and so well was it attended that the opinion has generally been expressed that such a practice should be con- tinued from time to time in the future. "FOR y Expert Radio Service PHONEj234 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. McLean Radio Service A twilight miisical was held at the studio of Mrs. McClintock on Tuesday, January 27th.. After tea a talk was given on "Music for" Canadian Chil- dren," The following program was given by the pupils, assisted by Miss Kent Gerrow and Miss Clare Glass, after which a contest was held and a very pleasant time enjoyed by all. Pauline Jemison and Mrs. McClin- tock, duet; Doris Hull, "The Rose Dream"; Clare Glass, Short talk on the life of Bach; Patricia King, Min- uet by Bach; Rilde Mitchell, The Drummer Boy; Tom Rose; Ruth Snowdon, Gaily Sing; Fay Johnston, Schottische; Mercedes Waridel, Blue Bells of Scotland; Joan Heayn, Little Soldier; Gordon Goode; Long, Long Ago; Dawn Heayn, Blue Bird; Marie Densham, March; Norma | Malcolm, March; Kent Gerrow, solo.| ° Mrs. McClintock teaches Friday and Saturday in Lindsay, War Work | Activities Saturday, January 81st, is the day "| the Boy Scouts will call for the con- tents of your coin bag. Thank you. There was a splendid number of workers at the rooms on Friday last. Among other work done, two quilts were taken off. "There is always. work for more willing hefds. If you haven't been -Jdown--won't you come? ' The Junior War Workers will meet at the home of Mrs, Arrlold Falls on J Tuesday, February 8rd. A Twilight Recital] ook, Little Wild NOTICE OF- APPLICATION FOR - GUARDIANSHIP In the Surrogate Court of the County of Ontario In the matter of the Guardianship of Aileen Annie Oke, infant child of William James Oke, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that after twenty days from the date hereof Roger Raymond Oke of the Village of Port Perry, will make application to the Surrogate Court of the County of Ontario to be appointed guardian of the person and estate of Aileen Annje Oke, infant child of William James Oke, late of 'the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, who died at Oshawa, Ontario, on or about Decem- ber 31st, 1941, intestate, without hav- ing appointed a guardian of the. said infant, the said Roger Raymond Oke being a lawful brother of the said infant. Roger Raymond Oke, by Harris, Harris & Wallace, his solicitors. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 29th day of January, 1942, DIED BOE--A¢t the home of her daughter Mrs. Isaac Waldon, Keswick, Ontario, on Friday, January 23rd, 1942, Eliza Ann Thomas, beloved wife of the late Lawrence's Drug Store News "You Can SAVE With Safety at Your REXALL STORM: . CBA, COLD TABLETS .. VICK'S VAPO RUB SPAHR'S THROAT REMEDY ...50¢, and $1.50 LAWRENCE'S. BRONCHIAL MIXTURE 50c. THERMOGENE ....49¢, and 98¢. BUCKLEY S- MIXTURE . 40¢. and 75¢. i 25 AYERSTS, ALPHAMETTES : 0, $1. A and $3.40 HALIVER Si cars HERE ..90¢. a; L.55 4 PURETEST COD LIVER (1) | Protein 75¢. and $1.25 NEO CHEMICAL FOOD wn $1.15 and $2. 45 NEO "CHEMICAL CAPSULES . $1.25 "al nd $2.25 KEPLER'S MALT and COD LIVER OIL....75¢. and $1.25 , WAMPOLES EXTRACT OF COD LIVER . $1.00 RENCE PORT PERRY "The Churches ee e-- ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11 a.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.-- Public Worship, Student in charge. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, February 1st-- Sunday School at 10 a.m. Public Worship at 11 a.m. and-7 pm. ve, Services will be coriducted by Rev. D. M. Smith, of Baltimore, who will preach for-a call. His morning subject will be--"The challenge of the Cross." And in the evening--"A Meditation on the 28rd Psalm. ; - CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. Wm. Stocks, Rector. Feb. 1--11 a.m. Holy Communion 38 p.m.--Sunday School. Feb. 8, 7 p.m.--Evensong and sermon, THE PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY Orange Hall (Above the Observer Office) Evangelists: Misses E. Thompson and R." Johnson. Sunday, 10 a.m.--Sunday School. Daniel Boe, in her 83rd year. Inter- ment was made. at Pine Grove Ceme- tary, Prince Albert, 11 a.m~--Communion Service; 7.30 p.m --Evangelistic Service. Subject: "A remarkable rescue" | NEW 1842 1 3 cost. Dodge meéts this tou, the There Is a new Dodge T Beare Motors »* MORE POWER! 'Extra Power. . . Extra Sts * POWER is the big need today, .. loads quickly; e ficiently frit bly, increase in the power diniud oats a from J 14-ton to 3-ton trucks, 'ransmissions, clutches and rear axles m tch thi . : Powe ratings; brakes, springs and frames will h hese new, h going fora lov tne" these trucks are built to fit stay on the job. b-Ra Why not see us now! yi i ied Truck tha fits your Job. = : DODGE #4422 TRUCKS COVER 98 Dealers ODGE TRUCKS -- amina . . . Extra Pull to haul all : Why dud 0 pet of wer with a gen 1942 Dodge engines OF ALL HAULING NEEDS! Port Perry CARD OF THANKS Mr. W. F, Thompson wishes to ex- coming home, 40 DANCE AND EUCHRE + The Community Chib at Manchester pregs his appreciation to friends and will hold a Dance and Euchre in. the societies for their friendly calls and | Township Hall, on the evening of| flowers sent him 'during his recent| Thursday, Febtuary 6th, Special at-|. illness at Oshawa hospital and since | tractions. % war: Vietims' Fund, Proceeds in ald of British ------ -- Drive Carefully! DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchangs, North side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST | Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber Shop. Thone 237, Res. 216 Port Perry (The firm of Greer & Humphreys is dissolved) 244 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone oH W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 pm. Office Upstairs, over C. Sleep's Insurance Office. ARTHUR Ww. 8. GREER | in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afterncen of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, 'Port Perry, Phone 2b Poi | SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED .. B80 Cents SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Upstairs, over Jemison's Bakery "AUCTION SALES LOVE--J. C. Love will hold .a sale of -. Cattle and pigs on the Christie farm 'at Utica, on Saturday, January 81, at 1.80: p,m, TED. JACKSON, Auctioneer. er HES HOUSE FOR SALE 8-roomed frame house, furnace, good «cellar, good well, garage, Apply to Box 60, Pospary Bar, i S _PREN - BEAU' NTICE'S TV PARLOR - i Shampoo and' Wave Marcel - «Tbe Manicure ~~ - - 8b6c- PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up Our work is up to a standard-- Not down to a price. Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. ~RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS ~~ kil Operatr, vi wir)" my RR TINE gt

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