Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 22 Jan 1942, p. 5

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'with Jean HERSHOLT, Fay WRAY, PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22nd, 1942 2 Phone 818, WHITBY Healthfully' Air Conditioned. Au foes, Daylight Saving Time f SA Friday and Saturday, ~ JANUARY 22-23-24 Two shows. at 7.80 and 9.30 p.m. . Saturday Matinee at 1.30 "MANHUNT" with Walter PIDGEON, Joan BENNETT, George SANDERS \ i Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, JANUARY 26-27-28, Last 'complete show at 8.60 p.m, "Sleepers West" with LLOYD-NOLAN, LYNN BARL ALSO an added attraction-- Melody for Three COMING next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, January 29-30-31, "The Lady from Cheyenne' 'sion, \ BROCK TH : TRE. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE" . EGY | spection of registérs, books, cards, * | wage sheets and records of wages of "all employers who have insured per- Provision has been made in the Un:| employment Insurance Act for the in sons in. their employ, No employer need hestitate to show any documents 'asked for by a duly qualified Insurance Inspector of the Unemployment Insurance Commis- Every Inspector carries with him a certificate of his appointment which he will show upon request to any employer whose premises he has entered. Each Inspector is under oath, and anything he learns in ex- amining business records is regarded as strictly confidential. No private records of any nature, for example, payroll records. or wage Yecords, will ever be divulged. -It is the Inspector's duty to examine any material relating to Unemploy- ment Insurance, or to question any employee present who might be able to give him necessary information in regard to Unemployment Insurance records for that particular business. He must make sure that all contri- butions are recorded to date in insur- ance books, and that any books given out to employees on separation from employment have been stamped to the date of the last working day. A fine of $25 is provided as a pen- alty for any. person who wilfully de- .{lays or obstructs an Insurance -In- speetor either by withholding records or refusing to answer questions when 4 -{he is making his inspection for the - with Loretta Young, Robt. Preston. v : pgrpose of a Government report. Every Day Satisfaction i in Baking is assured IF You PURCHASE YOUR BAKING NEEDS FROM CANADA BREAD CO., LIMITED ~~ PORT PERRY, ONT. all pe eee ee ae i CNL EE SAD SERCO FINS. Su By Sear wre 4 IMPORTANT NOTICE After carrying on business for the past 12 as | take the chair for the election. § | secretary, SCUGOG The chart that Mrs. Geo. Sweetman has made on the life of Christ for her Bible Class is very interesting. There is plenty of room for more atterdants. The Red Cross meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 28th, and more 'quilts to do and 'packing and tagging. Mrs. Glenn Hood is the President. All are invited. Sympathy is extended to Mr, WW: C. Platten in the passing of his wife, who was Emma Ida,' daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Reader, Mrs, Platten spent the most of her life here on the Island, later moving to Brock and 'to Port Perry where she was called to her home beyond on Friday morning last, after several years of poor health. = She was always very cheerful and always gave her friends a warm welcome. Mrs, Platten cele- brated her 74th birthday on the 27th of December, The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon at her late resi- dence, when an old friend, Rev. A, M. Irwin, of Whitby, conducted the ser- vice, and gave many messages of com- fort to the husband and family, Clyde of Oshawa; Mindum of Lindsay, Veda, Mrs, : Roy Hood, Greenbank; Greta, Mrs. Wm, Heron, of Blackwater. She is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. George Sharp, Timmins; Mrs. C. O. Clay, of Forest. Mrs. Platten was laid to rest in Pine Grove Cemetery. Tuesday was a lovely day for the Woman's Association meeting which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Demara. The meeting was opened by the new President, Mrs. C. L, Fra- lick presiding. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. R. Hood; Mrs. T. Redman and Mrs. S. Rodman sang a duet with Mrs." C. Samells at the piano; Mrs. R. Burnham gave a read- ing. A discussion was raised as to the raising of funds for 1942. Mrs. F. G, Joblin suggested one of Mrs. Aiken's. ideas which carried 'and will be in shape in the near future, A uniont pot luck supper is planned for February 10th instead of the usual W. A; meeting. The committee are Mrs. D. Crozier, Mrs. J. Burnham, Miss Marjorie Milner, Mrs. Glen Hood and Mrs. Cecil Fralick. The election of, Red Cross officers 'then took place 3| to save the holding of another meet- ing. Rev. Mr.. Joblin was asket to The Redman, gave a Mrs. T, | good report of the work done by the 5 | mitts, near the lake, the march of time and 'progress have overtaken us, and at this time we are mov- .ing our office, and, in the future, we will be : ~+located-- TWO DOORS WEST OF THE HOTEL cre In making this move, our customers will find it more gonvenien, REESOR'S FUEL & Bite PORT PERRY, ONTARIO ? Phone 73w + " JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD BAKING BREAD BUNS FR ESH- DAILY IN SEASONAL VARIETY DELIVERY PHONE By. PASTY 3% | workers. %|joyed by all, & | Centre--Mrs, F. G. Joblin, Mrs. Geo. After gudying the Oil Controlle the duration: -- or no more credit granted. days will - automatically # cash basis, - All orders half ton or less, strictly cash. orders of one ton or over, to be paid within'30 days, TERMS F OR DELIVERY the help asked of Coal Dealers b r at Ottawa, and to conserve gas- ohne. the. following will be the terms scheduled for All Any account running 60 put the customer on i Small orders of less than one, 'ton will have to be Sie ered with another order, yaa Hn, nie low before placing your order. So kindly do not let m-- ~ 33 large quilts, 51 pairs of socks, 27 sweaters, 8 helmets, 13 prs. 21 scarves, 'and 198 .ready- mades, Mrs. D. Crozier gave the Treasurer's report. Mrs. Glen Hood was elected President, Mrs. S. Rodman as Vice-President, Mrs. Redman as & | Secretary and Mrs. D. Crozier as 3 | treasurer. . $ | assist our new staff and carry on the £1 good work for 1942. We will-all work hard to The meeting closed with a hymn and the benedic- tion. Supper was then served and en- Group two of the Samells, Mrs. Roy Henders, Mrs. J. Aldred, Mrs. E. Todd, Mrs. J. Demara Pg were in charge. Mrs, H, Wannamaker of Port Perry was a welcome visitor, Proceeds $13.45, x A very pleasing evening was spent at the home of Mr. dnd. Mrs. Stewart quite a. number¥gathered there to elect officers for the Head Sunday School. It was thought wise td 're-clect the 1941 staff to darry on for 1942 Nr. John Reader, Superintendent, Laverne Martyn, Sec.-Treas.; Mrs. C. Samells; pianist; Mrs. sAlex.. Martyn, Bible Class teacher; Mrs. S. Rodman, girls' teacher; Mrs. E. Sweetman, primary class teacher. There is still room for more pupils. Come and make this a better year. , Mrs. F. Crozier returned home from the hospital on Saturday and is doing fine, Her many friends wish for her a complete recovery. ; Corporal' J. L. Sweetman of Man- ning Pool, Toronto, is home on two week's leave. We are always glad to sce the boys of the army and air force. Mr. and Mrs, R. Hood were recent visitors of their daughter Mrs, Elmer Lee, in Toronto, All will be pleased to hear Walter Hood received his Red Cross pareel, and was ver§ mugh pleased with it. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hope visited her sister Mrs. Leonard Stainton, at Ty- rone, on Sunday. rf Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mark and family," Mr. and Mrs, Burkett and son of Whithy, Mr. hd Mrs. Carnochan and children of Myrtle, were recent visitors of their parents Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Mark. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee, Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Hood. The first meeting of the Farmers' Forum was held on Monday evening at the home of Mr, Samells, and at 8 o'clock the radio was turned on for the Farm Broadcast over CBL for half an hour, at the close of which a keen discussion took place. Men of the Soil ,was sung with great efficiency, Mr. G. Samells and Mrs, C. L. Fralick were appoint ed directors for Scugog. Mrs. Samells, like 'the good hostess she is, served ~ lunch. ' Port Perry Enlistments On Active Service Overseas Trooper Fred Colbear," 11th Army Tank Battalion, Corporal Fred Densham, 11th Army Tank Battalion. Trooper Victor Read, 11th Army Tank Battalion. Trooper David Kight, [1th Army Tank Battaljon. Sgt, Roy Wilkings, 11th Army Tank ' Battalion. Private Walter Hood, ard Canadian "Infantry. : Private Harold Hood, F. D. and G. Highlanders." Private Hugh Rogers, Canadian Army " Medical gon, Rodman on Wedyetday evening when, and Mrs. George Private Leroy Scott, Royal Canadian Regiment. Gunner Dennis 'Steer, Ist Surrey Reg. "R. C.'A. Private Harold Burton, Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment. Private Robert Gibson, Royal Cana- dian Engineers. Private Ray Hillier, Highland Light Infantry," Trooper Chas. Cann, Gth Amon Regiment, 1st Hussars: Bombardier Charles en: Canadian Artillery. Guoner Albert Snowden, adian Artillery, Wm. Tristram Frank Johnston Pte. Francis Luke Pte. M., Howsam Pte. G. Moase" 0/8 S. Webb (in the Navy) - On Royal Royal Can- Pte. Pte. Active Service (Not Overseas) Gunner Len, Colbear, Royal Canadian Artillery. Gunner Walter Sheridan, Royal Can- adian Artillery, Private" Thomas Hayden, 1st Batta- lion Victoria Rifles of Canada. Jrivate Clifford Wakeford, 1st Batta- lion Victoria Rifles of Canada. Private Stanley Guyton, 48th High- landers, --- ; Private Herbert Howard, adian Artillery. Flying Oflicer Joel Aldred, R.C.A.F. Ofticer James Kerr, R,C.A.F. : Mechanic Murray Holtby, R.C.AF. Pilot Officer G. MacMastdr, R.C.A.F. L.A.C. Harry Carnegie, R.C AF. Corporal J. L. Sweetman, R.C.A.F. Fred Chapman, R.C.ALF. Sailor Harold Gatenby, Canadian Navy. Spr. L. D. Hope, at Petewawa' Private George Dodsley, at Halifax. Dennis Fralick, R.C. A. F., at Nova _ Scotia. Mrs. Geo. Hood, ¢the first woman to enlist from Scugog)inow in Ot- tawa, Gunner R: Sheridan Gunner R. Allin. Gunner K. Hillier. Gunner J. Sangster Iter Orr Graham Pte. H. Trebell We Pte. J. Davidson Signatter- AT MacMaster" A.C.2 Roy Whiteside, Pte. Bert DeShane A.C2 Garnet Weir, R.C.AF, 12 William Willard, R.C.AF. . | A.C.2 John Leahy, R.C.AF. Burgess Beare, R.C.ALF. Bruce Beare, R.C.AF. Gordon' Hood, R.C.A.F. J. A. F. R.C.AF. AC2 2 George Mulligan, R. te. Larry Wallis, R.C 0c. Pte. Ken. Jackson On Duty with the Veterans' Home Guard. Private Herbert Howard, Sr. Private Percy Lavington Private Russell Trebell Private W. 1. Reynolds. Private E. Thompson, Rev. Tristram, at Petewawa, It is quite difficult to get a complete list 'of the name of. enlistments, and we shall be glad to receive and publish other names whose address -was Port Perry, not included here. Advinesd En OY the fine features of tho future right' now! - You can do it, for this new 1942 DeSoto car has been definitely planned to- + be well ahead of its time + ++ tomorrow's vigorous beanty today, with lasting, brilliant performance and all-around economy, : Chrysler Corporation enginéers have given their best in this ¥ . motor car, Its easy riding F qualities are a revelation. © Jt Is the most powerful GE Do Soto 'ever built and 1 delivers its power with lu . ting to show this 'car of ** to you, Call In today, ° Dealers PORT PERRY Royal Can- 12¢. Roll and up 300 Patterns | Inlaid Linoleum Remnants About thirty pieces for table tops and cupboard tops, cemented, If asy to clean apd serviceable. Remnants all sizes. NEW HOUSE DRESSES--$1.25 and $1.65 MARTHA WASHINGTON Quality Dresses-- $1.89 and $2.25 NEW PRINTS, Tubfast 22¢,250,30¢,360 yd F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 - PORT PERRY 3 _W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER GOOD MEATS Properly dressed and well kept Always available at reasonable price, by ordering from Phone 72w, PORT PERRY ; a ATARI eR RL BOC AAASAN ARIANA Y ¢ ROAR ARSRRN Tata! \ a tatatita tet attr IRAN \7 BILAN AA PURE SRT SR -> - a ee ing CAWKER BROS, Family Butchers ASA EANRARARANAA nr FRESH BAKING DAILY Birthday cakes E° specialty-----made to suit your order. Fresh marshmallows and gum drops sold by pkg, or bulk. SATURDAY SPECIAL -- Jellied Doughnuts. r. . - WE DELIVER PHONE 32 Gerrow Bros., Port Perry. MAMA ALLE he SNE -- -> - - la ee "he IN DAYS OF UNCERTAINTY "RELIABLE Insurance is essential WHATEVER YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS MAY BE, Consult HAROLD W. EMMERSON ; Phone 41 Port Perry or Phone 29w, Port Perry, for Quick . Service, and Good Quality in MEATS

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