Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 22 Jan 1942, p. 4

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Cs ra hn wy i = Rad Rt nr gn Nd o RE-ELECTED COMPTROLLER AND ASSISTANT: CASHIER At the annual meeting of the Union Trust Bank of St, Petersburg, Florida, - Mr. Roland Bongard (formerly of Port Perry) was again re-elected as comp- troller and' assistant cashier: Roland has done well in his Florida position. He is held in high esteem by the staff and holds an important place in the bank, : Rev. Joseph Denny, has returned home from the Western Hospital, where he went for observation and treatment. His health is somewhat improved. Mrs. H, McKinley left last week. for Blenheim, where she will remain for a time. AC1 Harry Carnegie transferred to Rivers, Manitoba. has been The boys of the armed forces who were home for the week-end: Corporal Fred Chapman, R.C.A:F., St. Thomas; Signaller A. MacMaster, Niagara-on- the-Lake; Pte. Bert DeShane, Toronto and L.A.C. Murray Holtby. Miss Jean McDermott spent week-end in town. the EPSOM The Epsom Euchre Club held its 29th mdetiifg ih Memory Hall, Utica, on Friday night, January. 16th. There were ten tables of cuchre played. The ladies' 'prizes donatéd by Mr, Frank Smith were won by Mrs. Harry Har- per first and Miss Marie Merrick, con- solation. The men's prizes donated by Mr. Dawson Kaufman were won by Earl Ballard, first,-and Mr. Gordon McDonald, consolation. The hall was rented for the night by Al Christie, Frank Hortop. and Frank Smith. Proceeds for the Tele- gram B. W. V. Fund, amounting ,to $14.05. This makes the total amount sent to .this fund of $470.00. next meeting of the club will be held in Memory Mall, on Friday night, Feb. 6th. Mr. C. W. Lakey and Mr, Frank MacGregor are giving the party. Gentlemen. 26c¢,, ladiek 'provide the lunch. The W. A. held a social pening the home of Mrs. Jos: Wilson last Wednesday night. It was not so largely attended owing to the cold night. . The Red Cross meeting in the base- ment of the church every- Tuesday afternoon. All ladies are invited to come and help with the work. Pleased to report Mrs. W, Ackney'is improving from her recent illness. ; Mr. and Mrs. Luther Luke and son Elgin at Mrs. P. Luke's on Sunday. ° Mr. and Mrs. Neeson called in the _ village on Saturday. Mr. apd Mrs. Earl Howsam and Mr, and Mrs, Herman Kerry in Orillia Jon Monday. Mr. Gordon Miller, Victoria Corners visiting his brother ide Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Slack, Oshawa, and- Miss Jean Bushell, Toronto,- at Mr. and Mrs. F. Millman's. i Miss Mary Howsam spent Sunday with Misses Louise and Dorothy How- sam, ~~Mr, and Mrs. L. Wagner, Fred and Verna, al Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Wag- ner's, Saintfiecld on Sunday. Hh over Armstrong home: from Oshg over the week end. Mr. "and Mrs. Donald Asling. and Patricia. at Mr, and Mrs, Will Asling's on Sunday. The Scouts are going to collect six quart baskets. Anyone having. six quart baskets in good shape, please save them and notify the Scouts. There will be a meeting as usual, on Friday! evening, at 7.80. - DIED PLATTEN--At Port Perry, on Fri- day, January 16th, 1941, Emma Ida Reader, beloved wifé of JVallace £ Platten, in her 75th year. The, Nii SB TEE. OSHAWA foe Air Conditioned NOW PLAYING 'thursday LJ Friday LJ Saturday" EDGAR BERGEN : CHARLIE MecARTHY FIBBER McGEE ¢ and MOLLY, in LOOK WHO'S LAUGHING four radio favorites of to-day in screen hits you'll talk about to-morrow. REVIVAL Friday-- . Gary Cooper and David Niven in "BEAU GESTE" MONDAY for Three Days ELEANOR POWELL that means rhythm-- --you know that ANN SOTHERN that means romance-- ) --you know that ROBERT YOUNG that means excitement-- --you know. that LADY BE GOOD ---~ with RED SKELTON _ that means laffs-- --you know that -- Starts Thursday -- CARY OAN GRANT 'FONTAINE "SUSPICION" Even Better than "REBECCA" in 'W. M. S. Notes Tite * Afternoon Auxiliary of -the W. M. S. of the Port Perry United Church, was held in the school room of the. Church. Reports of the work done_in the 'past. year were received. The installation - of the new officers was conducted by Rev. W.J.H, Smyth, after which the program was given by Mrs, Tristram's group and consisted of the study of one chapter from "The Sons of Shuh" and a solo by Miss Grace Davis. The Evening Auxiliary of the W. M.S. was held on January 13th at the home of Mrs. Stanley --Ploughman, with the President, Mrs, Colbear, pre- siding. The Study Book "The Sons of Shuh" was read by Mrs. Cornish, assisted by Mrs. I. Anderson and Mrs. Baird. A vocal solo by Miss L. Pléighinen was enjoyed by all. . Mrs. Cornish's group was in ehnrge of the meeting and served lunch, and the usual social' half hour was/spent. - -- OP ; NO PACKAGES OVER FIVE" POUNDS : The British' Press Service, in re- sponse to a large number of in- quiries wishes 'to remind . Canadians sending gifts to Britain that gift packages addressed to individuals in England will not be delivered if they weigh more than five pounds (gross). v' Eyes Examined | Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at " reasonable prices,-- LR. rs opTOMETRISY : Gift pe \ckages of more than 6 ids weight will be defained by the British Postal authorities and the contents distributed to charitable organiza- tions, -The postal regulations also limit the amount of any single foodstuff contained in these gift parcels to a gross weight of two pounds. All packages must clearly be marked "Gifts" if they are to fall in this special category, New clothing in- cluded in the gift parcels is recelv- able by individuals in the United Kingdom without the necessity of sur- rendering coupons under the clothes rationing system. High School Notes Ad Optima By D. H. Nasmith "On the evening of Friday, January 23rd at 8 p.m. (D.S.T.) in the audi- torium of the Port Perry High School, grade XI is presenting the one-act play entitled "The Neighbours", by Zana Gale, To this evening Literary Society meeting a cordial invitation is extended to all. We expect this meet- ing to he of special interest, not only to' the pupils, but also to the com- munity as a whole, A new form of Wwaliing has begun in the High School. It is the rifle shooting, In which all boys of the High School compete for the Strath- cona Trust silver medal." This trophy is awarded Yearly to the boy with the highest score, 5 ~~ BOOK REVIEW - By Gloria Harding, -Grade- XI "With the West in Her Eyes" by Kathleen Strange ~~ "With the West in Her Eyes" by Kathleen Strange, is a story of a modern pioneer, Born in London, England, and entirely without exper- ience in farming and Country life, Kathleen Strange followed a roving husband to the fertile fields of Fenn, Alberta. Here, during the ten years of her stay, she discovered that the life of a farmer's wife was not a bed of roses. Her fears and hopes, her failures and triumphs constitute a story in themselves, Kathleen Strange's book, which she dedicated to farm women--ploneers all--is indeed the most interesting bio- graphy that I have ever read. Here, in black and white, Mrs. Strange has described * vividly the tragedies and comedies of her life.in the. West. The bitter. disappointments which bring tears to the eyes of the reader, are seasoned with delightful bits of mild humour. In_ spite of heavy clouds, Mr. ahd Mrs. Strange, with indomit- able British spirit, always saw the silver lining, In the end, tired and happy, they won with the West in their eyes. Ne ie aie Reasonable _ prices on an Have Your PRINTING i Done at the =~ PORT PERRY STAR OFFICE " Satistavtory Work Prompt Delivery --k § 15 Prices We 'shall be pleased to quote : printing. job «you may wish to have done. Monday, January 'BUSINESS Presentation of the Annual Report .* anb Election of Officers. ' You are invited to be present if you are interested in the work of the Agricultural Society. Every Director and Associate is requested tobe present W. F. Thompson, President, THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Port Perry, Reach, and Scugog : - Agricultural Society : will be held at the MASONIC ROOMS, opp. Post Office, : Port Perry, on 26, 1942, 8.30 p.m. DST R. D. Woon, Secretary FOR Expert Radio Service : PHONE 234 'on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays only. McLean Radio Service Men of 30, 40,50 PEP, VIM,' VIGOR, Subnormal? Want normal pep, yim, A vitality? pA Ostrex onlo Ta Contains 0] I] ads te to normal pe apse 80, 40 or 50, Get a special introductony size for only/ 854. this aid to normal pep and vim today. For sale at all good drug stores, fi Tenders Wanted Tenders Wanted for 20 cords of 16 inch, delivered to S..S. 10, Reach (Bethesda), Tenders will greatly appreciated. PROMPT RENEWAL of Subscriptions will be be opened January 24th. : Stanley F. Mills, Secretary, R.R. 3, Uxbridge Pastry Flour EXCELSIOR Ibs, 'when packed JEWEL sei - WHITE SWAN. SHORTENING Ib 19¢ Wheat Flakes 5 bs. 925¢ DOMINO © AYLMER CHOICE--26 0%. Baking Powder Ib. 19c | TOMATOES, 2 for 23¢ MAPLE LEAF BANQUET CHOICE--28 OZ. PURE LARD ' Ib.15¢ PUMPKIN .- 2for 95¢ DOMINO = : : 'CLARK'8--20 0%. Eaiy TEA -- Y31b.40c Pork & Beans 2 for 19¢ VITA B CLARK'S--10 02. TIN CEREAL .- 31bs.25¢c: Vegetable Soup, 2 for 15¢ ONTARIO ~~ CLARK'S--10 02. =. White Beans 2 lbs. 13c Tomato Soup 2 for 15¢ 'BULK : CLARK'S--16 OZ. Rolled Oats 51bs 25¢ ~~ SPAGHETTI - 10c BULK AEH CONCENTRATED =~ = MACARONI, 3lbs14c: JAVEX + Bottle 15¢ DOMINO ; AYLMER--12 0Z, PEANUT BUTTER, Ib 15¢ - - CATSUP = ,15¢c CHOICE /MEATY--170-80's JELLO--3Y% "PKG. PRUNES 2 lbs, 25¢ PUDDINGS - 2for15¢ BLUE ROSE SHERRIFF'S--3 OZ. PKG. RICE + - |b. 1c Jelly Powders . 9 for 13¢ We reserve the right to limit all Perchaos tonormal family requirements, 5 : UAKE Br ead Flour or QU + packed $2.49 GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Grapetrult esse 5. for 25c¢ IMPORTED TEXAS ° SPINACH . - 2 by. 23¢ Green Cabbage, 2 lbs, 95¢ ICEBERG : SNOW. WHITE : Head | Lettuce 2 for 25¢ Cauliflower » Each 25¢ IMPORTED "B. 0. DELICIOUS ~ TOMATOES - lb. 25e¢ i AP PPLE 3 for 10¢ ! GREEN : 3 > Celery Hearty Esch 15¢ i . 6 for 19¢ ORANGES Med, Size Seedless doz. 25¢ © Sniff the tantalizing # coffee bean Shended en can sive its 4 'extra goo ness, 1 Roaster-fresh and fant" Sutin you fydaiay 1X RICHMELLO COFFEE The Batouraectet - iki guarded, wl DOMINION STORES of {his grand coffee] a Only rare TTT TET beech or maple body uood, cut | i 'Lawrence's Dry Store News "You-Can SAVE With Safety at Your REXALL STOREY NE "ASE SE Wy) ro LAWRENCE'S AYERST'S ALPHAMETSES ; IMPROVED : $1.00, $1.85 Ls 50 BRONCHIAL FROSST'S NEO CHEMICAL FOOD a 4 : : $1.15 and $2.45 +." MIXTURE : '| FROSST'S NEO CHEMICAL ~~ [1 Ideal ' treatment for that CAPSULES .... $1.25 and $225 ° . debpiscnted /chopty BAYER'S ASPIRIN ....22¢., 39¢., 98c, H a ANACIN TABLETS 25c., 69¢., $1.00 u cough. OVALTINE .......i.., 38e., 58c. and 98c. u 8 ounce botlte 50c. BYNOVA ..ccoooipmnnionns 49¢, and 9c. : a A.M. LA WRENCE PHONE 49 if "he Roxclll, sur PORT PERRY EI --. The, Churches ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11 a.m~--Sunday School 7 p.m.---Public - Worship, Student in charge. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, January 25th-- Sunday School at 10 am. Public Worship-at 11 am. and 7 pm, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION = ANGLICAN EY EPHERCN Rev, William Stocks, Rector. Sunday, January 25th-- 3 p.m.---Sunday School "11 a.m, --Holy Communion © 7°p.m.--Evensong and sermon 'The Rector. : Monday, January 26th at 8 p.m. x _ Annual Vestry Meeting Sunday, February 1st-- * THE PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY Orange Hall = - (Above the Observer Office) _ Evangelists: E. Thompson and R. Johnson Sunday, 10 a.m.--Sunday Sghool, PIANO TUNING Persons wishing to have their pianos tuned, please leave orders at Lawrerice' 8 Drug 'Store; WANTED Male Stenographer to act as Re- porter in the Magistrate's Court, Ontario County. = Apply in writing, giving qualifications to Hugh H, Donald; ~K.C., Inspector of Legal Offices, Parliament Buildings, To- ronto, Ontario. janib DR. J. B. LUNDY : DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchangs, North side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) DR. H. H. ARMSTRONC DENTIST Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber Shop, - Bhoos. 287, Res, 216 (The Arm of Greer &- Humphreys is dissolved) 2 Bie so HUMPHREYS mcoe Street NorthyQsha . Phone 814 Col in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of eack week or by appointment. W. A. San gster 11 a.m--~Morning - Worship: 1,30 p.m.--Evangelistic Service, Subject--*"Israel"s High Priest." ----------eoe----------, 'GARD OF THANKS sions of sympathy were very much appreciated by the widow and children of the late Mr. Roy George Redman, whd now beg to thank those who did not forget them .in thelr hour of SOITOW, ? Manchester Red Cross The Manchester: Branch of the Red Cross will hold its annual meeting.in 'the Township Hall, Manchester, on || Thursday afternoon, January 20th, at| 12,30 pm. All members and those in- terested are invited to attend. "FOR GERMANS ONLY" The Nazis in a Polish town put up a sign on the local park gate reading: "For Germans Only", During the night | up a bigger sign. In the morning it was found over the. entrance ta the cemetery, Rai PR ENTICE'S | -- BEAUTY PARLOR -- Bonat Permanent' Waves £18 Shampoo and Wave "50c Marce FA T6¢ Manigure He ge * 8bc| PERMANENT WAVES $195 and up | Our. work | rk is up to a standard-- |B own to a price. hh £23, Port Perry LIMITED ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop, The many kindnesses. and expres-| Skilled Operator. Ve! oderate pri Opes ed ata priess | DENTAL st Office Hours: '9 am. to 5 p.m. Office Upstairs, over C. Sleep's Insurance Office, - ARTHUR ww, g§, GREER In attendance at my Port Pe Welniaday morning, and Friday each week, b; Blong Block, Port Perry, ne » SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED - 80 Cents SUITS CLEANED . Dry Cleaned $1. 00 C. P. ROLPH Upstairs, over Jemiaon's Bakery WORK WANTED fr 258 Work wanted on farm by the 868+ son or year, by Howard and White, Port Perry, « AUCTION BALES |B A. :WERRY, Enniskillen, Satur- ~ day; January 24, at 2 p.m, (S.T:) = 2 horses, a number of mileh Cows 50 yearling .* Stoets and Heifen, Terms Cast, ; REDMAN=The. Estate of the late "Roy Redman will sell the farm stock and implements at the Rob _ farm, lot 4, con. 2, Rreach lesday, : January. 27th. | |LOVE--J, C. Love will hold a sale of at 1:80 pm, 4 TED JACKSON, Avetionser, © * Reach Council | nt the, regul tints reg of te Jon sener accounts $1 05 we: re Asse Following appointments m der. . Cragg sch, attendan B, Sragg a onda co officer WW Frank k Crosier)" member ine Jolin NEIL YELLOWLEES. Port Perry Try office on afternoon - George t. Moles, at 1 i : Cattle and pigs on the Christie farm 'at Utica, on Saturday, January, 81, fi ob we 98, 201taxes . Zi [FUERA SF 2S al het Queen Street, Port Perey, Phons di \ ts i 10 25 25 two-year old Steers and Heifers, ¥: aah

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