Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 25 Dec 1941, p. 4

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Mr. and Mrs. Storey Beare are visiting relatives and other friends in Port Perry. Storey has joined the sales staff of the H, K. Wampole Cor He has moved to Guelph, where his territory has been assigned. Mr. and Mrs. Beare look happy and prosper- ous. Their many friends are glad to see. them, and wish them all success. Mr. W. Grant Real, of Ottawa, jis spending the holiday season with his * mother, Mrs. Wm. Real. Mrs. F. Slemmon and Dawn, of Ot- tawa, are with Mr. and Mrs, C, C. Jeffrey, this week, : Misses Grace anf Kathleen Read are spending the Christmas holiday at home. They are employed at Oshawa. Trooper Victor Read of the Tank Corps, now in England, received the 1.0.D.E. Christmas parcel. His ver- dict is -- "What a treat it s to get "home-made cookies." He is delighted and wishes to express Pears thanks to the LO.D.E. for théir thoughtful kindness. Messrs, Campbell MacMaster and William Cawker, of the O.V.C., at Guelph, are spending the holidays at their homes here. Among those home on Christmas leave are: Sign. Archie MacMaster of the R C.C.S., Niagara; John Leahy of ~~ R.C.A.F., Toronto; Burgess Beare, © R.CA.F, Aylnier; Harry Carnegie, © R.C.AF, St. Thomas; Fred Chapman, R.C.A.F,, St. Thomas; Bob Sheridan, "Jack Sangster, R.C.A., Brantford; Garnet Weir, R.C.A.F.; Bugler W. R. Tristram, Bowmanville; Bert DeShane of Ordance Corps, Toronto; Kenneth Jackson, Tank. Corps, Toronto; Bob Allin, R.C.A, Petawawa; Gordon Hood, R.C.A.F., Toronto; Murray _ Holtby, R.C.AF, Alymer. Port Perry Public Library will be closed all day Friday of this week. Misa J. Smyth; of Belleville, is spending the Christmas holidays at the parsonage with her brother, Rev. W. J. H. Smyth. A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a ) BRIGHT and PROSPEROUS = * NEW YEAR To All Our Friends. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston, Robert Jr., and Katherine Anne. Port Perry Lions wish for you "Every Happiness for Christmas and © - Health and Prosperity FOR THE COMING YEAR ; FIRST = Port Perry Troop ~~ Boy Scouts wish the people of this. - Community A MERRY CHRISTMAS rato Tand a HAPPY ~NEW YEAR ~ Phone 1011 {iXt/ OSHAWA Air Conditioned Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIST Starting CHRISTMAS DAY for thrée days BINB CROSBY MARY MARTIN b BRIAN DONLEVY in the top musical of 1941 -- BiRTH of the BLUES Rochester and Carolyn Lee. © REVIVAL Iriday-- Brian Donlevy, in - STHE GREAT McGINTY™ N - u * MONDAY for three Days © Another gay musical with a . star-studded cast ALICE FAYE John Carmen . I'ayne Miranda Cesar Romera Week End in Havana in Technicolor Starting NEW YEAR'S DAY-- for three days Walt Disney's New Color Extravanganza "DUMBO" in magic technicolor Roly Young gave it 13 stars, BARA IEEAEAS bri Viel Urea Uo GALA NEW YEAR'S EVE © SHOW "Lady 2e Good" Eleanor Powell Ann Suthern Robert Young - Doors open at T1130 pan, -- The ditor and Staff of the Port. Perry Star Extend to all its Readers, Season's Greetings We have particular good wishes for our soldier ) boys, in all branches of the Service, at home or abroad. "And to the munition hours, and in dangerous positions, are supplying 'the tools to the men at the Front. = And tothe unpretentious citizens who are denying themselves the luxuries ~they would enjoy go that their money may help to . bring victory and continued freedom. ~ And to the splendid company of women. old and young, whose clicking needles and steady stitch- ing have brought comfort to our soldiers-- SINCERE THANKS and Best Wishes for the Coming Year Port Perry Skating Rink is carrying on as usual, with ing. FOR Expert Radio ~~ Service PHONE 234 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. McLean Radio Service THANK YOU pect Community for the very fine Christmas present sent to me at Now- market, and may you all have a very Merry~Christmas and a Happy New Year. Pte, Ellroy Martyn. { workers; who through long|- { Presentation to Bruce Beare The following address was read at a recent meting of the United Church Y. I'. U, and Bruce Beare, who has joined the R.C.AF., was presented with a gold ring. y Port Perry, Dee. 15th, 1941 Dear Bruce, . It is with regret that we as mem- bers of the Young People's Society of Port Perry United Church, say "au revoir" to you, our treasurer. We regret that many happy ties must be and your many friends, We hope that however, to have this opportunity to express to you our thanks for the many ways you have served our so- ciety, and our admiration for the stand vou are taking in serving "our country through the Royal Canadian Air Force. . Your ready suggestions and capable leadership so kindly and freely- ex- tended, in the work and play of this Church group and of the. community has marked you as a leader among us. We shall miss you, Bruce. Your cheerful disposition has and will win for you many friends. We hope that vou will ever keep a corner in your heart for your Port Perry friends, and we would assure you that you will al- ways find a welcome here. On behalf of your associates of the Young People's Society, we. ask you 10 accept with our love wishes, this ring. May it always re- mind vou, not only of us, but of the way of living for which we strive as Young People of the United- Church, and may you always remember that, "To every man there openeth A way, and ways, and a way. And the high souls ehoose the high- way, And the low souls take the low, And in between on the misty flats The rest drift to and fro, So to every soul there openeth The high way and the low, And every man decideth Which way his soul shall go." _ _ Signed on behalf of the Young People's" Society of Port Perry United Church. --------te Attorney-General Gordon Conant Issues Warning Hon," Gordon Conant, Ontario At- torney-General, in a radio broadeast, said that the situation in regard to air-raid precautions on this continent has become "more alarming" since the Japanese attack on the United States. Air-raid alarm experience on the Pacific Coast and in New York "where without previous training or cquipment air-raid alarms- were sounded," resulted in "chaos and con- TO ALL THESE we give siderable property damage," he said. |* "In order to avoid this if possible, we immediately conferred with the representatives of all the municipali- ties in the Toronto region and in the Hamilton region," Mr. Conant_ said. | "We have drawn up standing regula- tions to apply to the Toronto region, which have been approved by the Dominion, = Minister of Pensions and National" Health, and these will be good ice for Christmas skat- | published later." Mr. Conant said these instructions would be widely spread throughout the Toronto area and copies could, be obtained from any. police station, ¥ire station or post office by Dec. 28. .. Tough Mown--The visitor who had stayed one night said: "You adver- tise this as the best hotel in town." "Yes, sir, it most certainly is," re- plied the manager. DY A, "Well, that may be a good thing fof the hotel, but it's a terribly hard hock, for the town." y IN MEMORIAM 'CHRISTIE--In * loving memory of Mervin Christie, who passed away, I wish to thank you all of the, Pros-| December 22nd, 1937, His life was one long sacrifice, His heart was {rue and tender, - He toiled go hard for those he loved. Then left us to remember. Sadly missed by sister and brother, and hest | RR 0 1 NEAREST ALIANT 2m NAS RRS an i . Happy and Healthy 'AND A * 'Néw Year . / " / W. L. PARRISH / PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1941 FET XAG SIAR APTI FIALTE SAAT WISHING YOU AND YOURS A MERRY CHRISTMAS BRITISH BOMBER IN ITS WAY TO BERLIN One of the many- types of "British long-range heavy bomber to take part in the ever-intensifying raids on Berlin and the heart of Ger- many's industrial territorie is the 4-engined Short Stirling above. Canvassers Wanted For f ull particulars apply to Box 68, Port Perry Star ETAT ETE TEESE ER EEE Men or Women -- Part or full time : -- FOR = Port Perry and District GOOD CLEAN PROPOSITION -- Fo Te | 00 8 | ducted by the oil companies and the = | Automotive 3 "THE MOST DANGEROUS SERVICE OF ALL", SAYS CHURCHILL" Petty Officers and ratings of the British submorine "Sea Wolf" __ coming aboard the vessel after a spell ashore during which the sub- marine was re-fitted and macd ready, for another turn of hazardous duty. Recently Mr. Churchill, Britaii's Prime Minister, paid glow- tribute to the work of Britain's submarines which, in the first seven. - months of this year, sank or seriously damaged 17 Axis warships and destroyed 105 Axis supply ships. "It is the most dangerous of all the services. That is perhaps the reason why entry into'it is so keenly soughtrby officers and men," said Mr, Churchill: The "Sea "Wolf" has a surface displacement of 670_tons-and carries a comple- men of 40 men. During the Norwegian invasion by Germany she A . sank 8,000 tons of German supply shipping. | {cooperate - by --handing --in-- their old to themselves, by providing the Red '| this salvage, and adding to our metal | the . national campaign and provides you can't sing. Nie CT : Lawrence's Drug Store News ER «A « ow $5 na hd "You Can SAVE With Safety at Your BEXALL STORE" SEASON'S GREETINGS TOALL MAY YOUR CHRISTMAS 'BE. MERRY x / 8-~ ND -- © YOUR NEW YEAR PROSPEROUS A. M. LA PHONE 49 TY ECE The I HEEER WRENCE see PORT PERRY TE ST."JOHN'S | PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10 a.m.-- Sunday School. 7 p.m.---Public Worship, Student in charge. ts | CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN _ Rev. William Stocks, 'Rector. Sunday, December 28th-- 3 p.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Carol Service. Christmas Music" by the Choir. Wednesday, Dec. 31, 11.15 pm, Watc¢hnight Service. Sunady, January 4th at 11 a.m. Holy" Communion, A - PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH : Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, Minister. 10 a.m.--Sunday School, 11 am.--"God, Omnipotent" Christmas music by the choir, -- 7 p.m.--Carol Service sponsored by the Young People's Union. A number of the young people will take part in this service. Brief addresses by Young Pcople and the Pastor. Modern Drugstore Clerk--¢T can't fill your prescription now --- can you come back after the luncheon rush is over?" Baby Bonds -- Some babies sre laughing all the time, while others seem to realize the debts we are pil- ing up for them, Sudbury Star, FOR SALE Hotpoint 3-way wire Electric Stove; closed-in elements. Oven, Will sail cheap. Apply to Mrs. C. J. Love Port Perry. y DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Oflice above Bell Telephone Exchang,, - North side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68} DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST = Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber Shop. Phone 237, Res. 215 Port : Perry (The irm of Greer & Humphreys is dissolved) : y RUSSELL D, HUMPHREYS 1941 MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRA- TION PLATES TO BE COLLECTED "TT FOR RED CROSS A plan for the salvaging of obso- lete 1941 motor vehicle registration bplates will again be carried out by the Ontario Division of the Canadian Red Cross Society early in February, 1942, From the proceeds of the sale of these plates, the funds of the Red Cross Society will 'benefit by a sub- to co-operate by delivering their old registration plates to any gasoline service station, Through the co-operation of the oil companies, and the Automotive Trans- port Association, the plates will be collected from the service stations and transported to. the steel mills where they will be used in production for war industries, The collection and transport of the plates are being con- Transport Association without charge, and motorists who stantial sum, and motorists are asked |- | Bucksaws and Hang 244 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. : i Phone 814 0 attendance at my Port P. office Tuesday and Thursday ha, of Tr week or by appointment, Sat FHL oi DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 pm. Office Upstairs, over C, Sleep's Insurance Office, ARTHUR WwW. 8. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on + Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 2b SMALL FARM WANTED Apply at Port Perry Star Office. ; YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE Apply to Harry Thorne. R. R. Sh Uxbridge, Ont, ek Be 4 JR SAWS AND MORE SAWS ~~ Crosscut "saws, Swedish Saws, Saws, sharpened. - Charges moderate, D. CORBMAN, PORT PERRY Excellent work. plates at the service stations are ren- dering a two-way service, at no cost Cross Society with the proceeds of resources, : ne This is ah effective form of aid to the motorists with a plan for dispos- 'ing of old registration plates that is at the same time useful and practical. EEE = : E = . Ny EE SENI}' THE STAR TO ABSENT FRIENDS CN PP IN TROUBLE? From cough or bronchitis that you can't sleep nights, or -tomeils and throat so sore you ean barely swallow your food, or voice so rough that a GET OUT OF IT Use SPAHR'S Remedy poe pl BN ~ SPAHR'S brings "good results or HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Housckeeper wanted for whole or part time. Apply. to William Tipp, --- - Port Perry, : : 'SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED - 74 60Cents ~~ SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Upstairs, 'over Jemison's Bakery TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ib rh pa EE a My wife, MABBL PEARL WIL- SON, having left 'me, this is natice - that T will no longer be responsible for_any debt which 'she may incur + ..- in my name, ETE (Signed) John A. Wilson, . . R. R. No. 1, Columbus, day of December, 1041, = --- ey Dated this 6th Tn B 'House for Sale We are instructed by Miss Bessie Crozier to sell her house on Bigelow street for $3000. The purchaser can -- money refunded. 'You risk nothing, at A. M. LAWRENCE'S Drug Store buy the furniture if desired. This is f rare bargain in real estate. Apply, HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Phone 24, Port Perry, i Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94.

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