Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 25 Sep 1941, p. 3

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Ered 7 .. : i ' Lax AR CEH hana H . i a &T EE -- v -- aa A r . " - Invention Speeds RED NAVY- JOINS LENINGRAD) DEFENS : a . ' Parachute Troops SUNDAY St oR pp ---------- R A D | 0 R E P 0 R T E R 2 - . Si LA ah J A blind inventor, Harry P. Cc H (0 0 L ' By DAVE ROBBINS Trusty of Los Angeles has dem- tate onstrated 'a device for getting a E S S (9) N THE BANDWAGON! 4 1 parachute sqaud out of a trans- } _ Ouo. of the many weekly Wheats port plage in a hurry, "afforded listeners over a wide area / "It seems to do the job," was LESSON XIII of the province, 18 offered in the / the terse comment of J, M. Eng- THE FULFILMENT OF HIS- Bandwagon shows, featuring a top- PS lish, resident = technical officer TORY: THE NEW JERUSALEM. flight concoction of the best In 2 observing the test for the_Bitish Rev. 21, 22 wodern musi¢, | ' Air Commission, TRG PRINTED TEXT, Rev, 21 1 1.7, CFRIs version of this popular pa Sandbags with parachutes at- 10-12, 22-24, i show is carried Saturday night at : - 3 tached were placed on the seats GOLDEN TEXT.--He that over . 7.30 p.m. -- CKLW In Windsor 4 which moved on a track leading cometh shall inherit these things; takes its<trip Friday's at 9.30, and to a door of the airplane and sent and | will be his God, and he shall CKO in Hamilton has the Friday them off into space. be my son. Rev. 21 :.7. night spot one hour earller -- at 2 . "We can do the same thing THE LESSON IN- ITS SETTING 8.301 Tune In the Bandwagon In witle fully armed troops," said . Time.--About A.D, 95. your distrlet-and enjoy something Trusty, "and can send 24 of them . Place,--The Island of Patmos In in radlo shows, out of a transport plane in six | the Aegean Sea. A k ' "ve w, Beconds" ' : A New Heaven and Earth 3 on | ' ' yoy The Bible .opens with beauty, a X Ae THE SPORT WORLD: [1] . 'with perfection, with man and In FEY ¢ It you're a homebody and like to Don t Kill Them . man's communion with God. Satan 9 ' J o a . A ith : roles between 6.30 4 8.00 o'clock / e » Just Rent Them soon enters; sin Is committed and Crew of a Russian warship of the Soviet Baltic Fleet mans anti-aircraft guns to beat off Nazi dive- at night and you like your. sport RIS ot . / 25 ina , . a curse rests upon 'man and his bombers near the Russian naval base at Kropstadt, close to Leningrad, Russians reported that the Ger- news authentid and up to the min. . i Joe Bledsoe who lives in Texas' whole environment. The Bible mans, recently stqrmed Kronstadt from the sea and were repulsed with heavy losses. , ute, you'll find a couple of welcome. oi isn't worried about finding a mar- Totes 1 borin go i - : i Sui 3 . daily spots at 1150 on your dial : . Mi ket for his 1.000 turkeys. He eat-o0! all evil, the esianiishmen g 6 iad ) Joe Chrysdale tees oft at 6.30 pam. | tin as anything in the radio x. justs Tents them to the A | ot Goat's sovereign reign and the ng hu gi * Queer Nature Facts 'Need More Fruit -with a complete summary of base: | yori can = Ind to bis owner, rd Toe cared the. birds inti | Jostoration. of porfect communion The B f Lif ; wheel, « : ball for the day, and at 7.30 pm, | pes probably the proverbial gold a cotton field to graze on the leaf 4 - between God and that great com: , dak s : : i 1k A bat can carry a heavier load, In Jam Campaign Poveo LeSueur, noted Hastern mine. Meet Charlie McCarthy,. Re I for Fours the Tnuseta--] pany: of -men-and-women-whon-e 24, And we Ppuicns Fin Dab in proportion to its size, than any Sports Commentator, does a fit | zigtor mBergen's Ventriloquist hy "had disappeared. Now the neigh. | 188 redeemed. : Su, Hie gl Hiren Foon ore | bird. Tt can fly a brood of young Ryetyone-- Asked to Doras 1-122 "minute chat coveriog the | gummy, whose personality is more LE bors, who haven't been able to 1, "And 1 saw a new heaven and ngs of the carly op 8 r glory whose total , weight exceeds its y sport world in general. Also, re- real than anyone else's on the ING? Cir the eels Wh poteon, {TOW entity the sles tokio foto it2 The light from ibis oy fone. / Fruit or Sugar For Jam For | yuomber onday, Sept. 200 at | Sunday night fiesta ot comedy and "LA __are_in_line for the turkeys + | ana the first eartn aro passed | WA stream down vith UL SLL RIE Britain's Bombed Out Chil: | fu.00 pm! -- youll hear the Joo | welody, originating in Hollywood, Si Cs away; and the sen 18 no more" | where the nations will walk in ts When a camel takes a drink of _ dren Louis - Lou Nova world heavy | and heard over the Combined net- AD r The fact that the heavens and the. f glory, while; in hip oe SipEgel water he does a real job of "it. oo -- . weight championship bout, with orks of the National Broadcasts y Tir d Tir earth here spoken of are "new," hs a wi ng : hop soy fifteen gallons is his average Last year, members 'of the Ont. the blow by blow handled by Don ing Company in the United States, LAN ire e does not imply that they are now nto "this holy ally. ima we holy "gulp." He can then travel about Womenis Institute with the sup- Dunphy, thru the. Mutual system and the C.B.C. in Canada. Each AT : ; first brought Into being. They may ' 9% x si one will on Li 30 miles a day, with a load of port of the Ont. Dept. of Agricul: and CKOC in Hamilton... week, as very "effective foils, Mo- pia ; 4 be 'the old heavens and the ol God himself, throug n - Hig poly 800 pounds, for five days, without ture, made 110,000 pounds of jam Carthy has Ray Noble, who_in be- BREE J earth: but they have a new asp angels, will guard tho gates of our taking ho) ' hich Ww nipped to Britain 1 LI ; y Lh 0 A ont ~ , a eternal abode that our eyes will g another swig. which was shippe « ritain in : tween times tonducts the musle YR 3 a new character, adapted to a ne , y . . . four pound cans for children bomb- THIS 'N THAT-- on the progri Ray | t bal 3 Shlain never look upon evil, nor our ears . 20 ps riovatt 1 the program (Ray is a famous APR end, cor 1 lok ord. All will Baby cels, one or two inches ed out of their homes, and Canad- "Till Reveille" Is one of tho sea- British orchestra leader, composer iy , + The New Jerusalem rovliene 2 wie a wor 2) bi long, have been caught in waters jan . soldiers in British hospitalg, son's sweetest and most timely bal: "and atrangor), Abbott & Costello, : Pon 2 ANAT SAW She NOI o12), Bev oy in the Tiois uy. hy duly around New York City -- a thou- The need was so great and the lads . , . Orson Welles, Mercury and the woekly guest. You'll enjoy is Jorusstom, wining Son olf of pi ; abs book vibes - sand miles away from their birth- letteng of recipients so grateful Theatre dynamo and the screen's the program -- hear it Sunday 3 ) heaven from Qod, made ready as Te | BIS 00K. of 'ie r -- place, the Sargasso Sea. In their that the Women's Institutes of Citizon Kane, came back to the nights at 8 pm. E.D.S.T., or nine, Sts v 7 'a bride adorned for her husband.' Rosas 0 | Uy oe aes are * babyhood they are quite trans- Canada set an objective of 300,000 |. alr last Monday -- Columbia net after the first of October If the Lx 2! God prepares us for the cily, as a By poox of J o. Is your name | cnt, resembling tiny cellophane pounds this year, with an Ontario work; 10,00: pan, EDS. - Cutest American networks go back om ps bride adorns herself for her hus- written there? »No question can cigar wrappers. quota of 150,000 to 200,000 pounds record of the week is Jlorace Standard Time -- on CBL, CBO, AW band, so will God adorn and beau | SYer COMPATE hin 3 laps «ee of jan. HeldUs answer to Daddy -- Mam: | koe i tify this city for His loved ones. Bog = W hy With, Gov an \ scket gophe Ke: The summer months were not ma! a ' - \ It will be a holy city, one in which His redeemed Aipuchan, eternity? Ws Be nligg most 'kind to this onterprise of the On 5 oy. o : iio lle will be uttered, no evil word ~ SE EN tonishing "reverse gear." : tario Women's Institute, Dry : The Nazi have a reasonable ex- | spoken and no corruption of life Lost Labour This little "sun dodger," who weather brought increased prices THAT LITTLE WOODEN HEAD planation for the slowing down of : 3 r . will ever be manifest. It will bo spends most of his life in dnders for fruit, and donations were not [lis face is probably as familiar their drive 'into Russia; Thele RAR 5 holy bécause every one in If will Here is another hard luck queue | ground tunnels which he himselt so plentiful to the W. L Iowover as your mext door neighbor's -- | wrmies have ¢ncountered bad Le hen. story, which happened in Bootle has excavated, can run backwards | Tevorts for July show that some his antics probably cause you as rains, bad roads, and. bad Reds, 4) a 3. "And I heard a great voice out B la LOA f ' as fast as he can forward. 24,000 pounds of jam were made # 2 - : ¥ of the throne saying, Behold the ne iy h A Woman siood for oo . . ji: a: i by rural women for shipment to _ " T - Laist tabernacle of God is with -men, bay yor whi Buus lh om ) N Britain. It was hoped that this fig: "1 ) wo hy and he shall dwell with them, and ittle dripping. e put i ® e n areas where flowers are ure would be doybled, leaving 100,- MAP PUZZLE " RH * they shall be his peoples, and Goa | Pram and then stood for half-an- | abundant, bees will average about | 45) pounds to be" made this fall . "5 JOO ra himself shall be yvith them, and be Bo ig I I flying 4 collect from peaches, pears, plums, grapes | HN " } Ss: - y e wd of honey. In regions Prere fall - | . i | ct a | Srv Te Dt, |r on is | SE | Te a en and Earth, shall actually dwell back, only to_ find that the baby they may fly as many-as 300,000 will help. They won't, it you don't. 1 Map ot i B d ox - with men on éarth, . had caten the dripping. miles for the same amount. These. wo.ien are givipg toole African colony Ce ive " si Comfort of Bible a x 7 RK time und 8 sigal Seal of fruit pid BI voir 21 To crush. 4. "And he shall wipe away every : i ; : ~ By William | ro liye 13 To listen. 22 ng i " 0 gone) fom Hise pycs: bi death HIS Curious WorLD Ferguson everything. That is why everyone 14 Palm thatch. lg i § os hii; » he Io et ho inl 30a 'nu , : id | --fruit growers, men, women and. 16 Audibly. and zinc. TE there be mourning, nor crying, nor : TSE, 7 IE children, and especially housewives 17 Roof finial. 24 Whip stroke. - i) , : pain, any more; the first things are SP 7 Ae . a | si po A | Here's what happens. when you »f The Bib I % Eid, I / are asked to contribute fruit, sugar 18 Russian 25 Word of four 3s y run an Army truck 20 miles on passed away.' The Bible was writ ! s Lead J / or cash to their nearest Women's emperor. letters. ' Ah ' a flat tire. Tire at left had same ten for the comfort, the sustenance - 7 Institute Branch in Southern On- 19 Faint color. 27 Sca eagle. © $04 wear except for that flat busi- - and the enlightening of all peonle tavio NOW. Maybe you don't know 20 To cook in 28 Moccasin, | tl r A ; ness. . on earth. Tears, death,-mourning, "l « Mayhe you bon fat. J ry 5 ? . - the ndme of your nearest jam com- 29 To regret. g ae oS " > -erylog. pain are. not ti mittee convenor, Just phone or i; Dials om 30 Gazelle. - : (OR) caus ese things. will y imate. rite your county agricultural re- 2 To repurchase 42 Giant king of 2 To ogle. 32 To cut grass. | Saving Ontario 8 If be pit away, Qu failh 1978 49 ate Ys Fin ren 'you, The 24 Decorative ... Bashan, ns 3 Aftected with -35 Genus. of. > - 7. of a time when they will be gone Convenor will tell you when the mesh 43 Morindin dye. ~ gapes. ; cattle, Natural f9reyer. . ; OF THE W. I. members aro meeting to make 25 Sesame. 44 Seaweed.' 4 Silkworm. , 37 Rime. 5. "And he that' sitteth on the AMANITA GROUP jam and where to send the fruit 26 Meal, : 45 Melody. 5 Whole. . + - 39Kijte end. throne sald, Behold, I make all CAUSE. M y . 29 To assign 46 Stringed 6 Theater 40 Astir. Resources. " ORE, or sugar. : : a things new. Aud he saith, Write: DEATHS THAN ALL Ontarlo, as the largest fruit pro- ange. instruments. pathway. 41 Sanskrit lane + for these words are faithful and OTHER Hg, Ee 31 Rubbish. ~~ 47To bang. 7 Blemish, dialect. a G. C. TONER. | true. 6. And he sakl unto me, They POISONOUS ducing province in Canada, must 32 Mongrel. A0Cance 8 Badgerlike 2 Iaionnt Ontarlo Federation of Anglers and | aru come to pass, I am the Alpha MUSHROOMS. | provide the greater part of the 33 Whirlwind. 52 Its capital. animals. 13 Particle, ' Hummers ' and the Omega, the beginning and COMBINED / 200003 Dog Ginnie fhe women 3 dann, lo Its natives 9 Smelling 45 Onager. % , . = - 35 African farmer are ----, badly: ; . WATERFOWL SHOOTING he nl Ml Sea a Ne ANTIDOTE Why not buy an extra basket 36 Measure of ) Te i ya (AOE With the duck season opening in water of life freely. 7. He that S KNOWN FOR of peaches, pears, plums, grapes area. VERTICAL {] Shrewd. 49 Plural Hr. a few weeks .my readers might overcometh shall Inherit these THEIR POISON, THE ~ | or apples when you are purchas- 37 Promise. 1 Sound of 12 Natural power 50 Musical note. | like to know something of the things: and 1 will be his God and , CHEMICAL ACTION v2 jng your own? ) 38 Storchouses. pleasure. 15 Chum, 51 Like, , . . . birds that provide thelr sport so he shall be my son." The fon OF WHICH IS NOT The Women's Institute will be : : the next columns wil deal with tain of life 15, desires for spir- ; UNDERSTOOD. grateful; so will the Red Cross, but this' topic, Waterfowl shooting bas { : v -- J most of all the homeless children y tual things which the world can Uh . - ro A rrateful a long history in Ontario. Much of nover statisty, 1s as exhaustless as oo? ' REY . of Great Britain will" be gratefu "> the food of the primative Indians God himself 4 ) Be wail wa to the warm-hearted people of On came from this source and the Beauty of Holy City SIM MILK . tario. ; * lied hot Xr 10. "And he carried me away IS USED IN THE MANUFAGTURE "RL Vee 4 has been here, Unfortunately he tn ihe Spirit to a, mountain great OF BUTTONS, Ladies Activities CM has not always used good judg: and high, and showed me the holy Go AVERAGE. 4 ; : / city of Jerusalem, coming down 2 AUTOMOBILE, - ment and to-day the birds are . flys died' Worle : : out of Heaven. from God, 11. hav. DRIVERS Ladies' societies aro raising scarce compayed to the plentiful | 4,0 (ho glory of God: her light was : money by selling Christmas cards. supply of former years. ko LOSE EFFICIENCY nes os " RE hy unto a stone most precious, It is a pleasant, chatty way lo For many years most species of |, yy were a Jasper stone, clear RAPIDLY spend spare lime. An important waterfowl have been In a precar- as crystal; 12. having a wall great AFTER ABOUT thing to remember 15 to begin fous situation. Drainage of milllons and high: having twelve gates, SEVEN HOURS | early before one's prospects are of acres of marshland, both here and at the gates twelve angels; OF committed elsewhere, The British and in the States, has deprived and names written thereon, which = DRIVING. Canadian Publishing Co. Room 43, the waterfowl of large portions of are the names of the twelve tribes eS 3-12 -24 King West, Toronto, has an Y their natural habitat, while im- of the children of Isracl" Twelve n a - . especially attractive line of Christ: AN proved roads and better means of {s the number which expresses CHEMISTS, astounded at the enormous waste of milk after thi mas Cards arranged in stunning "4t transportation have made it eas- government; and here we have the cream had been removed, experimented and found it contained - assortments, and selling for $1. A 1h fer for the gunners to reach the perfect government revealed, This a substance known. as casein, which is made up of carbon, hydro. "lotter to the above firm will read NOY, py haunts of the birds. Each' fall the 1 with Its twel tes, twelve gen, oxygen, nitrogen, and one or two other chemical ingredients. ily obtain particulars. Up to 100 5 Ft e and geese all have to run the --| AIL With lis (wolves gatas, Fore | When formaldehydg is added to it, it produces a horn-like sub- y © ; AS, IP. Fa) N : angels, and twelve names of the stance. : ; , per' cent profit can be expected RU gayntiot 5 4 saps nvices tribes of Israel and: twelve foun: : --e-- .- under thelr well-thought-out mer' 311% wines. ha ore and BA UR Ay NEXT: DId prehistoric man have' foolh trouble? | chandising plan. 1 ~ ' A moro bower muni, In ad | ation brween tn ol ily ane . birds are called upon to withstand A " ' 4 : \ i AR le Juanes from. digeis: The Glory of God Bilal LAR FELLERS--Doggone Subtle oo ~ By GENE BYRNES |. i es, climatic disturbances and pre- 22. "And I saw no temple there | WHEN. 1 GROW. UP I'M GOIN' TO AN' 1 WANNA BE A EDITOR. 7! BEEN THINKIN' OF GOIN' TO ON ACCOUNT: THEY PROBERLY ! ~ pr dators, In: for. the -Lord God, the Al. ADVERTISIN' SCHOOL AN' LEARN $0 I'M GOIN' TO A SCHOOL OF A SCHOOL OF BANKIN' WHEN LETCHA TAKE TWO OR THREE ..\ a Ton robpong ile IE Mstey 1. migity, end (ie Lambs. ste 149 \L HOW TO BE A ADVERTISIN' WRITIN' AN* JOURNALISM / 1 GROW UP - KNOW WHY ? "MILLYUN DOLLARS HOME EVERY | 3 of all the causes of the decline in temple thereof. 23. And the city EXPERT / ; g : NIGHT TO PRACTICE YOUR N i numbers of waterfowl at the pre- hath no need of the sun, neither : = HOMEWORK WITH! BA gent timo but | might say that ot the moon to shine upon it: for : : &] drought on. the breeding 'grounds, | tho glory of God did 'lighten it, 2 Py Act, spread of agriculture across the and the lamp thereof is the Lamb," \ \, prairies and the growth Of indus. | The fact that there will be no = Ay § try in thelr southern wintering temple in our eternal home Is very i La } grounds have all been contributing 'signiticant. So long as men dwell factors. Hunting, too, must take "f-- here under the conditions of earth- p part of the blame, When one con. _} ly life, they cannot do without - pi Z sliders that there are over 200,000 these temples, But, there fs,.no | « duck hunters on this continent, it temple "there" for the simplo rea is apparent that they must take a son that none is needed. It is not { tremendous (oll each year. | will said that thera will mot be any sun : H have more to say ahout duels next or moon In eternity, but that we He a 113) i week, will not need the light of the sun -- SSS . ~ { of RE SE be § Le igs CAE TAR Jodi

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