Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Sep 1941, p. 8

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ae PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th, 1941 Joseph Denny "In a recent gpue of London Titbits it stated: "If a man loses his money he loses a great deal; if he loses his friends he loss more, but if he loses his courage he loses all. i The British people are singularly < fortunate. in having such fine leaders in times of crisis. In, the last war we had our Lloyd George, a truly mag|- netic leader, and now we have Winston Churchill the very embodiment of courage. ) An editorial in the last issue of the "Northern Miner" speaks in glowing terms of Churchill's inspiring leader- ship, thus: "Onc of the secrets of Mr. Churchill's power to move, inspire and give backbone to his people is his utter fearlessness in presenting them with truth, In none of his speechés So ~ has he flinched from the necessity of "Byery duty, well and bone stly done, is a contribution to " THE Prime MINISTER OF CANADA, - a single platitude. politicians would attempt to gain their poi out such alluring promises. be recalled that a few years ago one! . In "Everybody's", of these gentlemen of a western pro- a few weeks ago a writer made the vince promised toreveryone of his pro-| cheerful announcement that after the vincial followers, if he were elected, war there would bg no rich people, but $26.00 monthly for life. It was inter-| that everything/would be conducted esting to notice how some of 'his fol- llaccording lowers re-acted to his promises. was in the fall of 1935 and some were The Greatest of These TRIBUTE TO MARY Mary is the "voice with a_ smile". Mary is the efficient person generally known as a_telephone operator. As an operator she knows much about telephone equipment-- how it should be used and handled. But Mary is best known for her personality--for her cool: ness in emergencies--for the grand things she has done time and again, ignoring her own danger, intent on one thing onlj--to keep the standard of telephone service high. i Woe pay respectful tribute to Mary and Fd all the girls who work with her, Her devotion to her job sets a standard of public service. Tactful, patient and courteous, Mary is the medium through --which this Company and its public are always in touch. She plays a vital Canadas war effort. part in RENE 0 oe T HE SERVICE @ It Is doubtful if in any other line of business the man at the retail end renders as technically expert and helpful service to his customers at so low a cost as does the "local Implement Dealer. This, while it has always been so, has = ------ p------, |former street car conductor firmly re- Iliicd on that promise. Has he not said {lhe will give us $25.00 a month and is {he not a Christian and a gentleman? The politician was duly elected but baring the cold hard facts. A careful | that $26.00 a month is still a nebulous study of his utterances fail to reveal promise. That very morning on the From the first he| 21st of September 1935, an editorial has described the course of Britain | appeared in the "London Daily Tele- and hér allies as one of "blood and, graph" to say that a politician had toil and tears." In his last address | some years previously announced that he dwelt on the "hard and painful" if elected he would provide all his peo- aspects of the road ahead. many ple in England with three acres and a when they (cow, he did overcome his -opponent N nt hold but his constituents have never yet re- It will | ceived the promised gift. ro a British 'weekly to plan: that everyone It || would share and share alike; have a certain type of dwelling and food of returning from Southampton, Eng-lithe plainest kind and everything would land, to 'Canada. One of them a"'be under government control. But the - J --) 1 fp ul (CTRIRLNEN \ rl greater significance in these days of 'more highly mechanized farming, calling as it does for training and experierice In the servicing: of modern machines, His experience with machines enables him to give time and money-saving service in the speedy furnishing of the correct part . when repalrs and replacements are required --for delays in seed ing, haying and harvesting may result in substantial loss to a farmer. In-those critical seasons his warehouse is open practically' at all times, and he Is untiring In playing his part to prevent farmers suffering froni delays. ! : His-biecumulated knowledge of methods being used and of the experiences of the many farmers he calls on and associates _ with makes his advice helpful and valuable. Since the early pioneering days, through all the vidssitudes of farming, the Implement 'Dealer has shared the hardships as well as the fortunes of farmers rendering a worth-while service and establishing a well-founded-place for himself in our economic set-up. ARM (on 3 THE C 0M ASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY LIMITED N AD A "| agers, and carried on their sale un- writer considered that this would give too much into the hands of the gov- ernment and this would tend to slavery and frcldentially to dictator- ship which all wise people are trying to ayoid. ?, : We must have the capitalists, the labourer and the ultimate consumer. To try to do without one or the other is to try to get a three leggéd stand on two legs which is an impossibility. Immediately you try to deprive a per- sen of his individual initiative you work to his disadvantage. We, none of us, can be made to fit in a mould and. hope to measure up to the best that is within us, One's courage can be maintained when he 'is not limitéd in action, and when we are free in every respect, then life is at its best, and our lives become an inspiration to everyone with whom we have contact, so as Grenville Kleiser says: : "Play on, my friend, the game of life No matter how you fare, ' Play on, play hard, and play to win; But always play it square." ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. George R. Till, Green- bank, announce the engagement off their eldest daughter Audrey Georgina to Michael W. Wood, R.C.A.F., young- est son of Capt: and Mrs, J. H, Wood, R.A., of Hertfordshire, England, the marriage to take place Sept. 17th. > IN MEMORIAM ~~ ¥' BUTSON --.In loving memory of Jack Butson, who died September 3rd, 1938. oo He is gone but not forgotten, And, as dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts of him are always near. Days of sadness will come o'er us, Friends may think -the wound is * healed; » But they little know the sorrow That lies within the, heart con- cealed, Father, Mother and Family. Children Do LJ] * Their Bit When it comes to war work, Prince Albert is not behind the times. Five children--Kay - and Gwen. Willetts, Charlotte and George Ensulin and Shirley Heptinstoll put on a bazaar on Monday, Sept. 1st, and realized $14 for the B. W. V. Fund. The kiddies collected the the material consisting of canned fruit, pickles, flowers, vege- tables and candy, donsdted by the vil- aided by the older folk. Great credit is due these children for their un- selfish effort and Prince "Albert is proud of them. Myrtle Station (Continued from front page) net Douherty and Mrs. G. S. Gervan received the guests with the bride and groom. Later the young couple left on a motor trip to the Thousand Is- lands and Toronto, the bride travelling in a costume of dusty rose crepe, navy tailored coat and fetl hat and match- ing accessories, On their return they will reside in Vankleek-Hill. Guests were present from Myrtle, Ottawa, Penetanguishene, Cobden and Pem- broke. § Mr, and Mrs, Perrin were in Toron- to on Sunday to visit their son Harry, who is ill in East General Hospital. Mrs, Clarence Holman of Dagmar, Mrs. Merle Rose, of Ashburn, Mr. M, Toronto, were Sunday callers at the James Dickson home. Sunday. nament. Mrs. George Wolfe, Mrs. (Dr.) their summer homes here. motored to Toronto on Sunday. the week-end with his parents, day. PORT PERRY -- FAIR -- apd took her place under an arch of | her sister, Miss Joy Hood, gowned in Mrs. L. L. Ross and Evelyn, Mr, and} McCrea and Miss Marjorie Dickson of Messrs, Donald and Elmer Johnson visited with relatives in Toronto on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stacey were in Cobourg on 'Labour Day, where Mr, Stacey took part in the bowling tour- '| Leighton and. Mary, Mrs. Murray Me- Carthy and Mrs, . Clifford McCarthy, of- Toronto, spent the week 'end at Mr. hnd Mrs. Roy Thompson and Mr and Mrs. Oliver Graham, Brooklin, Mr. Lloyd Hughson Toronto, spent Mr. and Mrs. Harry Austin-of To- ronto, called on Myrtle firends on Sun- SCUGOG You will be able to hear the same good Sermons at the regular services next Sunday, : The text for last Sun- du, was "Dividing the Wheat from the chaff." .The Woman's Association will be held on Tuesday, September 9th .at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hood. Mrs, M. McLaren and Mrs, O.| Jeffrey are the committee for the pro- gram, Everyoné nivited to come and enjoy this social gathering. The Institute meeting is to be held}: at the home of Florence Carter on Saturday of this week. The walking is good now, so come along, The -home-of Mr, and Mrs. Russell Hogd was the scene of a pretty wed- p.m., when their eldest - daughter Audrey Noreen, was united in mar- riage to Elmer Wilfred, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Tyson Led, of Green: bank, Rev. F. G, Joblin' officiating. The bride, given in marriage by her father, entered the living room to the strains of the weddifig music played by Miss Ruth Lee, sister of the groom pink and® white streamers, banked with gladiolus, The bride looked very charming in a graceful gown of shell pink net over taffeta, with finger-tip veil and carried a bouquet of Sweet- heart roses, She was attended by blue taffeta and. carrying a bouquet of mixed flowers... Mr. Kenneth Lee, brother of the groom, was best man. During the signing of the register Mr, and Mrs. Glen Hood sang "I Lové You Truly", with Miss Jean Hood at the piano, ) : After a dainty lunch the happy couple left amid showers of confetti and gnod wishes for. a motor trip to Algonquin Park, Ottawa and the 'Thousand Islands, the bride travelling in- Heavenly Blue Sheer with navy coat and hat, with accessories' to match, On their return they will reside in Toronto where the best wishes of their friends will follow them, 1 On Thursday evening, August 28th, about one hundred members of the Royal Oak and Brauley School Sec- tions, Mariposa, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Morrison in honour of a former teacher, Miss Audry Hood. The first part of the evening was spent in dancing, after which Audrey was asked to come for; ward and an address was read by Miss Helen. Ferguson. Audrey was pre- sented "with a beautiful floor lamp after which she expressed her appre- ciation in a few well: chosen words. A dainty lunch was then served, and all joined in wishing the bride and groom a long and happy married life. Wedding bells are still ringing. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson and daughter Mrs. Wm, Mark, of Port Perry visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Hardy on Wednesday. 4 Ten of the Red Cross workers gathered at the town hall on Wednes- day and quilted a couple of qiiilts for the refugees, one of them was donated by Mr: Jas. Davey, a former Scugog resident. All were pleased with the gift, it being a flat iron pattern. There. are more quilts ready to do. ing camp, spent the week end with his parents here. ? years old on Adigust 27th. Saturday night. . Mr. Milton Demara, who has work at. Trenton, and his sister Grace, of Toronto, were home over the week end. : : harvest and are. finishing up the threshing. Miss Helen Bratley of Whitby, has spent the past couple of weeks with her cousin Miss Margaret Bratley. her parents Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Sweet- man over the week-end. J. L. Sweetman of the R.CAF. is this year. All his friends. receive a welcome smile. : ! Mrs. F. Crozier has returned home after visiting her sister Mrs. R. St. John, at Long Branch. All enjoyed the wedding procession on Saturday afternoon for one could of sight. Car horn provided the music and -many cheers went up as they passed along. charge of the Centre School. urday for Toronto, where she. is tak- ing a business course. morning for Oshawa where she will train for a nurse, dirig on Saturday, August 30th at 2] - Spr. L. D. Hope of Petewawa train- |' Misses Inez Martin and Noreen (8 Sweetman spent a few holiday with | 8 their cousin Allene Sweetman, and |g were- guests at a birthday party for |g Master Donald Long, who was five |# Mr. T. Eden had a cow killed by a 4 lightning bolt during the storm on 3 Most of the farmers have finished |¥ Mrs, David Miller of Toronto visited | § one of the Guards at the Exhibition' § hear them long 'after they were out; -- ft ---------- Mr: and Mrs. Mel. Hodgson and family, of Oshawa, visited Mr, John Bailey on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kerry and family visited at Nelson Ashton's at Ashburn, on Sunday, : Mr, and Mrs, Luther Luke at Mrs. P. Luke's on Sunday. * J Miss Dorothy Graham left on Sat- Miss Irene Redman left on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. George Doxsee 'of Cleveland, Ohio, visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman on Sunday. ; Mrs. W. Crozier o Pripce Albert, spent the week end with Mrs, R. Hood and was a guest at the Lee-Hood wed- ding. Tot ns HY, Mr, Frank ric is in Oshawa hos- pital. We trust he will soon be able to be home a gain improved in health. spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs.' Ackney and Wesley. Mr. Will Swinson was. home from Oshawa for the week-end, Miss Norma Millman received a number of beautiful and useful gifts at a shower given in her honour at the honte of Mr, and Mrs, R. Clark, last Wednesday evening, i" : Rev. A. Bushell will preach at the Bethesda church at 11 a.m, Utica at 2.30 and Epsom at 7.30 p.m. on Sun- day, Sept. Tth. A good attendance is hoped for." =. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ryall at Donald Asling's on Monday. Rev. A. A. and Mrs. Jenner will be on bids at Coton and Hemilton until Sept. 12th. . Mr. and Mrs. Jim Locke visited at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Asling's on Sun- . day.' : Mr, and Mrs. Allan Asling, Roy and friends were at William Asling's on Monday. - Mr. and Mrs, .A. E. Jenner and daughter of Hamilton adn Miss -Win- nifred Jenner of Toronto, were visit- ors at the parsonage over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Lambe and Ruth 'called on. Mr. and Mrs, Alsilng on Sunday and Mr. John Lambe returned to Uxbridge with them. etl EPI EPSOM 'Don't forget the War Victim Party to be held in Memory Hall, Utica, on Thursday evening, September 4th. ° 'Mr. and Mrs, T. Martin-and family of Brampton, visited at Al Christie's on Sunday. - } Mr. and Mrs. Neeson, Mr, MeVey and daughter from Toronto, at Mr. Neeson's summer home for the week- end, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Clark, Ross and Marion, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and""Mrs. E. H. Gerrow at their summer cottage, Scugog Island. Mr. and Mrs, Douglas McKinley at Mr. John Bailey's for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heard, John and Dorothy, of Oshawa, at Walter Rogers' on Sunday. Th 'Miss Vera Prentice entertained the Epsom W, A, last Thursday afternoon and a very interesting address was given by Miss Webster, a returned -thissionary. : "Coal Transportation a Real Problem ORDER EARLY Transportation on coal is becoming more severe _ each month. - We have our orders placed for four months ahead. Kindly co-operate in this effort - and have your coal ordered ahead so as we can _fill_your_coal bin off the car. This means a 16%... . saving to you between now and October the lst. LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL CO., Phone 240w." : LIMITED BREAD and PASTRY For all round GOODNESS our Bread and Buns are ~ the Best. We have everything in the line of Cakes . Pies, Pastry, etc. to satisfy that Hungry Appetite : -- JUST CALL -- : JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME on bEmaD AW A | . $232 . IS COMING = Are yoy prepared? 'Is your house in good shape .{o stand the winter blast? 'Now is the time to look after your roof--take stock of your storm sash-- - check your storm doors, ind most important, look into the matter of: insulation, Why waste fuel by trying to heat the whole "out-of-doors". .~ We are prepared to assist you, us for information and quotations. REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER P PORT 10822020008 0808 2020802020800CR0RCR0N: Just phone ---- ee Expert Baking Service IS OFFERED YOU IN GREAT VARIETY BY SE - 7] The school opened again on Tuesday after the long vacation. .. The. next | September 26-27 holiday will be on Thanksgiving, Oct.' 13th. Miss Lackin of Toronto has. "CANADA BREAD CO., LIMITED I ee PORT PERRY, ONT. nlm - Mr. Drew McCulloch was in To- . ronto, for the week-end. o> . Mr. and Mrs, Carndchan and fami" : =

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