Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Sep 1941, p. 4

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We are pleased to report that Mr. Bernard Koch is home from the hos- pital -in Toronto. Mr. Sidney Brinkman, of Toronto, visited with his father recently. Mr. M. Platten, of Lindsay, has re- turned 40 his home after 'spending a . few days with is parents, Mr. and Mrs. W..C. Platten. Mr. Chas. Houck of Rochester; N.Y. visited friends here on Friday, / 'Miss Muriel Cook and Mr. Arthur A Varry of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Cook recently. Messrs. George (ook and Jimmie Wiggins of Toronto, visited friends in ey town Friday, " 9 HE Miss Bernice. Day of Toornto, Pte, 7 7 H. C. Feltham 'of Newmarket, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Day. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Jewell, Toronto, have returned to their home after a few days with Mr. and Mrs. D. Day. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Webb and daughteys Jean and Donna Marie, have i": to their home in Nor- wood after their vacation with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hunter of Prince Albert and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunfer, Port Perry. Miss Lillian M. Owens of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter. The many friends of Mrs. Jas. Mul- colm are pleased to learn of her grad- ual improvement from her recent ill- "ness. We join them in hoping for her a complete recovery. Mr. and" Mrs. Frank Courtice, of Collingwood, were holiday guests' of "Mr. and Mrs. S. Jeffrey. 'Mr, and Mrs. F. Slemmon and Dawn Marie, of Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Con- nor, of Little Britain, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. GC. C. Jeffrey. The Misses Emmérson have return- ed to their home in Toronto and their + school duties there, after spending a pleasant summer holiday in their Port Perry home. ' Mr, and Mrs. Grant Real, of Ottawa, Mrs. (Dr.) Harper, of Toronto, were guests during the holiday, of Mrs. Ww. , Mrs. W. -A. Christy was in Toronto at the beginning of the week. Mr, and Mrs. John Davis and son Wilson, of Montreal, have been guests of Mis. A. J. Davis for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Boyd and children, Gary and Dianne, have re- "turned to Toronto, and will make their home at Denton Housé on the Crescent school property, where Mr. Boyd is ~---one---of --the- "instructors,- Crescent school is on the Massey Estate, and is a private school for boys. A formal opening of the school will be made by Lord Athlone, Governor-General of "Canada, on September 12th. : Mr. 'Arnold Goheen of the R.C.A. { M.C. of Camp Borden, spent the week f* end in town the guest of his sister 'Mrs, Neil Davidson. = Mrs, Kaye Henry, of Toronto, visit- ed Her brother and sister-in-law, Mr, "and Mrs, Neil Davidson for the week- end, . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown and family of Oshawa, visited with Mrs. Gwen. Nott on Sunday. . Gunner Len, Calbear spent the week end with his parents Mr, and Mrs. L. Colbear. Gunners Mike Sheridan and Leo Snell spent the week-end in town. Mrs, E. Coldwell of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. L. 'Colbear. ne York ! PORT PERRY SCHOOLS OPEN Port Perry Public School opened.on Tuesday with an attendance of 172, ~ the largest. for some years. There are thirty-one beginners." The High School mg with a Fegistrhtion of 116 stu NOTICE TO CREDITORS "In the Estate of William Henry. = Nesbitt, Deceased. All persons having claims against 'the Estate of the above mentioned , who died at the Township of Cart- wright on the 21st day of June, 1941, "are hereby 'notified to send to the -unders| ed Solicitors on or before 'Septem 30th, full particulars of «their rig Immediately after Sept. 80th, 1941, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard nly - to claims of which the Solicitors shall "then have notice. | Dated -at Port Porry this 1st day eptember, 1941, ARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, & W.S. GREER, Port Perry Solicitors the above Estate PORT PERRY YACHT CLUB he Port' Perry Yacht Club invites nd all to their scavanger. hunt 'dance to be held Wed., Sept. 10th. ve dock at 8 p.m. shatp. 1 Lin wi fre for, th 8 the girls ress as boys, AS The price will asked to bring eo and enjoy a ~ \ SN (TOR (RRAN iY) Uj oh IHEATRE OSHAWA Air Conditioned y FREE 'Parkiog Phone 1011 FRIDAY and' SATURDAY -- Last two » dog BETTY JOHN FIELD WAYNE HARRY CAREY "The Shepherd of the Hills in Technicolor REVIVAL Allan Jones FRIDAY Mary Martin Walter Connelly "The Great Victor Herbert" L MONDAY and TUESDAY 1 "People vs. | Dr. Kildare' | Lew AYRES, Lardine DAY Lionel BARRYMORE -------- Added Thrill Here Comes Happiness EDWARD NORRIS and MILDRED C OLES WEDN ESDAY and THURSDAY Joel McCREA and Ellen DREW, in ! 'Reaching for the Sun' PLUS-- "Very Young Lady" Jane Withers Nancy Kelly FRIDAY for TWO DAYS THE MARX BROS. in 'The Big Store' MARRIED CAWKER-WALLACE A pretty and informal wedding took place on Saturday, August 30th, 1941, in Port Perry, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wallace, when their daughter, Vivian Elaine was united, in marringe to Mr, Alymer Albert Cawker, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cawker, also of Port Perry. The ceremony was performed by Rev. T. | A. Nind of Grafton; assisted by their pastor, Rev, W, J. H, Smyth, who had returned only that day from his va- cation. Mrs. Almer Wallace of. Sea- grave played-the wedding music. "The bride, given in\marriage by her fathex, wore beige % jersey with brown accessories and cjrried Talis-! man roses; Miss Mary Findlay of ot- tawa, was bridesmaid in. blue silk jersey with Sweetheart roses. Mr. Donald Stewart of Toronto, - was groomsman, The bride's mother, who received the guests wore a dress of! black cherry -and corsage of Sunset roses. The rooms were colourful with gladiolus and asters. In the tea- room the assistants were Miss Enid Wallace of Windsor, Miss Betty Cawker and Miss Jean McDermott of Port Perry, Miss Edith Ainslie of To- ronto and Miss Margaret Brand of Hamilton. Ivory candles and Johanna Hill roses decorated the tea-table. The bride wore a brown travelling costume. After a brief holiday Mr. and Mrs. CawKer will live on Orchard View Blvd, Téronto. SEND RAZOR BLADES Mr. Percy Densham tells us that the boys overseas are glad to 'receive razor blades. .Some of the British line don't fit the American made safety razors, ADDITIONAL ENLISTMENTS Pte. Herb. Trebell, with the Toronto Irish Regiment:- MOVING TO BARRIE . After a residence in Port Perry of five years, Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Wells and family are moving to Barrie, "Bob" doesn't like leaving Port Perry--this is his home town. But he is going to a good .town and a good job, He likes the work with the Bell Telephone Co. He is to be busy with installation and "trouble shooting" work, a'line in which he is right at home, We are sorry to lose him and" his family: and wish them the best of good fortune in their new home in Barrie. DIED HORTON ~~ On Thursday, August 28th, 1941, Rachel Horton, daughter of the lates Samuel and Sarah Horton, of Frome, Ont, in her 92nd year. Funeral service was held at the home of her niece Miss Julia Claris, 848 Maitland 8t., London, Ont, on Satur- day, August 80th. Interment at Mount Pleasant Cemetery. . PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th, 1941 SOUTH ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL $0C." F AIR "osm Park OSHAWA ey Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday En SEPTEMBER, 8,9,10 | T=: -- oe Bigger and Better Than Ever. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th ~ TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15% Grandstand at 2 p.m. Grandstand at 8 p.m. : } © 25--Piece--25 GREYHOUND RACES STAGE BAND 4 heats en AA et GALA VAUDEVILLE REVUE Roadster BICYCLE RACES 10--Big Acts-- 1 mile, young men, 17 and over Admission . to Grandstand: " Mile, Boys under 17 - One Price--15¢, Y2 mile, Girls' open | Proecds in aid of British War Victims' Fund. PONY and HQRSE RACES ¥2 mile Shetland Ponies 10% hand and under, 12 mile, Ponies, 10%; to 14%; h % mile Running Races, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 10th Grandstand at 2 p.m.. TRIALS of SPEED 2.18 Trot or Pace 2.25 Trot or Pace $300.00 in Purses. VAUDEVILLE Sir Francis Drake Bugle Band. "OSHAWA CIVIC BAND. Admission to Grounds: Children 5c, Adults 25c. Admission: Gates or: Grandstand. Children 10c. Adults 25c. TUESDAY is "YOUTH DAY" at the Fair. : SIMS SiEWA? SHOWS Open Daily -- Noon till Midnight The, Fair will be operated on D. S.T. ? Special Sale | Phone 268 - D FRESH FRUITS 2.58% \EGETABLES Es SEL ~ Number One PRICE : [8 qt. Bashi DAILY FIRM RIPE 3 LOCAL BANANAS 2 lbs. 19¢ CORN on Cob doz 21c EATING J;0CAL * PEARS "=~ 3for10c LETTUCE - 2for15¢c DUCHESS LARGE . ; : APPLES - 81lbs25c ~ CELERY = -. ea. 10c ROLLER : ; GREEN ' BLUEBERRIES qt. 29¢ PEPPERS - ea. 5c RED MALAGA LOCAL : GRAPES - 21bs.35c CABBAGE each 15¢ «+ EATING: % WHITE RL : 2 ; PEACHES - . dozen 15¢c. i ONIONS © - Ib 19¢ MEDIUM » NEW ORANGES - doz 35¢ POTATOES 10 lb. 25¢ .Local TOMATOES ~. 6 gt. Basket 35¢ _ SEALERS ~ PAROWAX RUBBER RINGS ZINC RINGS AND SPICES FOR PRESERVING GROCERY VALUES 3 24 1b. Pastry Flour ( Y 65¢c RICHMELLO CLARK'S { COFFEE - 1b 41c Tomato Soup 2 for 15¢ FRY'S CATELLI'S 2 < COCOA + 11b23c SPAGHETTI, 15 oz. 10c " DURHAM or CANADA TASTY CREAM %%. --CORN STARCH Ib. 1c SODAS - . 21bs. 25¢c OWIND BAKING POWDER} o For fluffy-light cakes and biscults . . you ean o Day a delight! Domjoden on the precision quality of Domino Approved, --_-- HN complete dependability makes | » TORRES ¢« LIMITED Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied. where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION "ANGLICAN ° Sunday, August 31st-- 8 a.m.--Holy Communion 9.45" a.m.--Sunday_ School, 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon, "The Rector. . * September Tth-- - 11 a,m.--Holy Communion, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Hv. W. J. H. Smyth, Minister 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. -- 7 pm.--Mr. Smyth will speak on Dr. E. Stanley Jones' "Ashram" held at Sangatuck, Michigan, cordially invited. ! The Woman's Missionary Society will meet at the home of the Misses Harris, on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs, Afleck of Oshawa, will be present to give an address. . \ JUNIOR WAR WORKERS Any 'member of the Junior War 1 ES -- TTT] The congregation and public are|- TE] Oe Lawrence's Drug Store News "You Can SAVE With Safety at Your REXALL STORE" ' L R. BENTL Y S: WAMPOLE'S Neo Chemical Food, $1. 15, $2.45 2s, OPTOMETRIST EXTRACT, 'OF Norval's Iron & 'Yeast 4 8ST, JOHN'S : CoD LIVER : . Tablets che ssaenaane 49¢. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH "A real all 'round tonic Rumacaps 50c., $1. ad : WE impach. Munlater ' for: young "and old. Riga Russian Oil, 40 oz. ...8 : Service at 11 am. . a Pleasant to take. Bisma Rex Fans ivn ++ 1000 $1.75 Per bottle $1. 00. . Bayers Aspirin, 22¢.; 39¢.; 98¢. Advance Sale of Lindsay Fair Tickets--4 for $1.00 PHONE » Bl NG 0 and DANCE Under the auspices of the Red Cross J -- AT -- MEMORY HALL on the UTICA Evening of Friday, Sept. 12th ADMISSION 25c; Workers interested in attending the meetings, regularly, please be at the rooms. in the Library at 8.30 next Tuesday evening, Sept. 9th, If enough menibers do not appear the 'meetings will 'have to be discontinued, "PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Holidays are over, the tang of Autumn is in the air, the Church*calls to us all to take up our task afresh. Duty and great privilege go hand in hand today where Canadians are con- cerned.' Worship, fellowship and Ser- vice these are. the notes whith we would make major in the life of all, On Sunday morning next, Rev. W. J. H, Smyth will conduct public wor- ship, and in the evening speak on im- pressions of Dr. E. Stanley Jones' "Ashram" recently held at Sansatech, Michigan... "Every family is' invited to be pre | sent at these services, len Sonley provided a complete and very lovely surprise to her aunt, Mrs. A. W, Allin, upon the occasion 'of Mrs. Allin's 78th birthday. Eighteen relatives of Mrs. Allin en- joyed the lovely banquet, bringing pre- sents' with them for the guest of the evening, also sincere congratulations and wishes' for many years of future happiness, Mr Allin spoke and said it was a good- thing" Mrs, Allin did not- know before it took place or she would not have slept the night before thinking about making up her speech; but she|- rose to the occasion, thanking them all for their loyalty and love to her. 'The evening was spent in relating many. past events and having a good time. Mr, Allin moved that the thanks of all be tendered to Mrs, Sonley for the good time she had provided, which was responded to most royally by all. . 4, TWO WEDDINGS On Saturday, August 23rd, Misess L. and G. Stovin, ied by Miss A. Wilkinson, attended the wedding at Cannignton, 'of . their niece, Miss Doreen Lambert, who became the bride .of Mr. Gordon -Beare of Ux- bridge. These ladies were guests al- so at the wedding of another niece, riage to Mr. Donald Crothers was solemnized on Wednesday, August 27, Oshawa, PRENTICE'S -- BEAUTY PARLOR -- Skilled Operator. Very, Tcderate prices H-- "Bonet Pormanent Waves Shampoo and Wave ~~ 50c Marcel Ae 0 Tbe Manicure « JE 36¢ PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up our work is' up. to.» st standard-- : Not down to@ price. Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE; Prop. | "A Birthday Party | Last Saturday evening Mrs. Louel- Miss - Beatrice -Suddard, whose mar- in St. George's Anglican Church, at| FARM FOR SALE or FOR RENT. 150 acres, lots 18-19, Con, 13, Town- ship of Reach, house and bank barn, witer. « Possession March 1st, 1942. Can plow at once; Apply Mrs. A. Boe, Argyle St, Bowmanville. i. FOR SALE % Chesterfield Suite, Dining Room Furniture, Rugs, Separate Chairs, and Bedroom Suite. Apply to Mrs L'R. Bentley, Port Perry. FREE "ADS Every Paid-Up Subscriber to the Port Perry Star is or will be entitled to ONE Free Want Ad. each year from now on. We believe that advertising . pays YOU, and we want you, to prové it at our ex- pense.. : Have, a Heart! It pays to hy half an Hohe Before Milking. Flies Torture Your Stock. Give the animals a break. They'll feel better. Flies avoid cattle sprayéd with Capo Cattle Spray Stainless, Non-Irritating, Economical, You Can Buy it from: W. E. WEBSTER "DR. J. B. LUNDY ; DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, _ | North slde Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) Cl iawem 'Expert Radio Service PHONE 284 on 'Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. A. M. LAWRENCE ' ms : 120 "acres under zultivation.-- Lots of | PORT PERRY AUCTION SALES _ See Bills for full Particulars FRED NEEDHAM, at his premises, lot 10, con, 10, Darlingham, Farm stock and implements, on Tuesday, September 9th, Sale Rd 1.30 S.T. NELSON SHARPE, Ts 21, Con, 2, Mariposa, north of Valentia, Farm Stock and Implements, on Monday, 4 September 8th. Sale at 1.30. PAUL DIAMOND, Lot 17, Con. 10, Reach, East of Greenbank, Farm stock and implements, on Saturday, September 6th, Sale at 1.80, h " TED JACKSON, Auctioneer, Stock and impelments the property of Mrs. H, Bailey, lot '8, Con. 6, Cart- wright, on No, TA Highway. See bills for oF phtiieviate, Terms Cash. "Ted . Jackson, Auctioneer, SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED 80 Cents SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 -.C. P. ROLPH Upstairs, over Jemison's Bakesy " WANTED Three waitresses for dining room at {the Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby. Please apply. at the college between P am, and 5 pan. 1D, ih A iy ARTHUR W.7 8. GRUBER ~{n attendance at my - Port Perry ofles on - Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, of by afpolntment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25° W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON . Office Hours: 9 a.m. te § pm, . Office Upstairs, over C. Blesp's - . Insurance Office, Strand Theatre UXBRIDGE, ONT. Thursday, Friday, Sat. (This- week) - Leyis STONE, Mickey ROONEY, in ./ ANDY MEETS'A DEBUTANTE tl 'Tuesday, September 16th -- Farm Fe Mickey will thrill you with his ire : in this new comedy hit. Chap. 9 "LIGHTNING WARRIOR" Saturday, at 7.30 and 9.30 pm. S.T. show at 12.05. AUGUST 31st. © -- Labour Day Bill -- | Special Matinee, Sept, 1st--Monday. School Opening Treat-----Adm. 16¢, "106 Free bc. Bar to Public School scholars .Open Monday, Tues, Wed. nights. Labor or Pay Bill Thursday, Friday, Sa Saturday (Next) _ WILLIAM HENRY, in . Death of a Champlon A thrilling: Police story and comedies. Ask 'Uxbridge merchants for 6 cent theatre Coupons, Cash them in at purchases at Yelige stores, |OR. H. H. ARMSTRONG » DENTIST Leonard Bleek over Prentice's Barber Shop. Phone 287, Res. 216 Port Perry (The 6rm of Greer & Humphreys ts disssived) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24} Bimeoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 : 'in attendance at my Port Perry. ofics eh 'Tuesday and Thursday afterncons of sack ° 'week or by appointment. Melean Radio Service Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 & x 3 1 WHOOPEE! SUNDAY after mid nite the box office any nite, ' Free with all

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