oe - > Te 5 hel ) EAP LS FD . TS STR Of § 0 : ait hoe . B ¥ Ib a . s ol, 3 y AAW 3 OA INE RUAN A Ln BR NTA il ' figs : - 4 : : - { : ' . . ' : ? \ 2 \ . J 2 _ road to recover. ". Clough, over, in town for the week end. LE Schumacher. a. ~ i was visiting friends in town on Wed: Mr. and Mrs. Gi. Oldfield, of Toronto were the guests of Miss M¢Dermott for the holiday. Mrs. Roy St. John, of Long Branch, has beén visiting with friends in town Mr. St. John is now working with Small Arms, Limited, at Long Branch. , Mrs, P. Figary and son, Reginald, cof Toronto, spent the holiday in Port Perry. . B54 Ms. Chas. Meairide, of Paha, was in town on pi ; Mr sand Murs. AJ Powers, and Mr. J. Ross ev TA at the Norman Aldred Lame for the holiday. Ch : We are pleased to report that "Mr. "Bernald Koch, who has béen in a To- ronto for the past two week, is on the Mr. Robt, Jeffrey, who is now work- ing, Toronto, was home for the week- eng. : Mr, i Mrs. Joi 'Farmer and son, of Toronto, spent the wick end with Mr. and Mrs. S. Farmer. - Mrs, John Farmer and. son continue their visit for the 'week. Mr. and Mis; M. M. Hoy ud fam- Mrs. S. Farmer. hey were aceom- panied by Mr. Irving Boyd. REV. J. C. CLOUGH XOES OVERSEAS Saturday's Telegram carried the - following item regarding Rev, J. C. who has been transferred overseas. d "Several of the regiment's officers praised the work of the outfit's chap- lain. Rev. J. C. Clough, one-time life- guard. "He is a swell exe" "Why he's practically the regiment." one officer said. Private Archie McMaster, of King- ston, has been spending a short leave with his mother, Mrs. J. D. McMaster. _ Mr. Geo. Stone has taken a position with Loblaw Stores, in Toronto, for the. holitlays. "Miss Edna Taylor and Miss Mar- garet Bigwood, of Toronto, have been "holidaying . in Port Perry. Mr. Wm. Pyatt, of Toronto, spent the week-end with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Holden and son Billy, .of Oshawa, 'were hoilday guests with Mr. and Mrs. H. Fitchett,. ~~ "Messrs. Clarence and Burgess Beare of Oshawa, had a short visit with their parents i in iit over the week: "end." g or * Mrs, Luke and family have present- ed a handsome Bible to. the Fosuy United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Taggart leave this . week to spend a month or two with friends .in Eastern Ontario. : Mr. Fred Roberts, of Windsor, was a recent guest of friends.and relatives in town. Mr. and Mis, M. rT. iy of Han- Mr, Will Pipe, of/ Toronto, was the guest of friends in town for the week- end, / Dr. Searboro and friends of Toronto spent the holiday here. Mr. 'and Mis, Hugh Lucas, Whitby were guests in town on Monday. Mr, and Mis, Toronto, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Asher, over the holiday. Mr. Ralph Lyle and Miss Thelma Scarboro, of "Toronto, spent_the holi- day with friends'in Port Perry and . Prince Albert. \ Mr. Ralph D. Burley of Toronto, in town for the: week-end. °° Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McMillan of To- -ronto, are holidaying in town with the former's mother, Mrs. G. McMillan, Mrs. -W. H. Doubt has returned to Toronto, after a vacatibn® wtih Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Allin, ' _Pilot Officer James Kerr has been transferred to Trenton. Mr, Lorne Beare, son of Mp. and Mrs. Malcolm Beare, was recently 'married to Miss Elsie Grace Shier; . daughter of Dr. and Mrs, W. Shier, of - Uxbridge. They will make their home Miss Bessie Crozier, of Toronto, nesday of this week. \ EE aa aE BANTAM BY NAME ONLY ~ "Mr, Fred Taggart has brought in a + corn stalk measuring 12: feet, 1 inch. ! | Golden, Bantam at that. Phone 1011 " FREE Paruivs OSHAWA Cool, as a POOL Friday and Saturday Bette C AGNEY ' DAViS THE BRIDE EAME ¢. 0. D. Eugene Pallette, Jack Carson, 3 Stuart-Erwin- «1 REVIVAL FRIDAY Don Ameche Alite Faye "Hollywood Cavalcade" _ with "The" Keystone Cops" * 7 MONDAY for Four Days WILLIAM POWELL and MYRNA Lo% in another heetic riot of fun-- This time e they're "LOVE CRAZY" Gail Patrick, Jack Carson. _. FRIDAY , Thorne Smith's "Hilarious Hy : "" Topper Returns Roland Young, Joan Blondel, Eddie~ (Rochester) Anderson, *"Cardle Landis. - Christianized | Walter Brewer, of} '4 A Famous Players Theatre » PRINCE ALBERT The July eal of the W. A. was held on the afternoon of the 30th, at 'the home of Mrs, Earl Martyn, with a good atkendance, sided und the meeting opened with hymn 380, followed by Seripfure read- ing and prayer~by Miss Madden. A business. period followed after which several contributed toward the pro- gram, Mrs. B. Wannamaker read "The Sorry Hostess" and Mrs. Mac- Gregor read "Enterprising" by Edgar Guest. Mrs. D. Jackson sang that beautiful number "Somebody". Mrs. Murphy read an. article about quilts for England .Print ones are not as de- sirable as warmer ones. The presi- dent thanked. Mrs. Martyn for the use of her home. Mrs. A. I. Hunter, Mrs. Harper and _Mrrs. B. Snelgrove served lunch to about thirty-five. Proceeds ficluding a donation of $6.00 aniount- ed to $12.20. Mr, W. T. Reid and daughters, Mrs. W. Ecclestone of Toronto, visited. Mrs. RR. Bond on Monday. The latter with her cousins Mri. McKerihen.and Miss Violet Bond are on a motor trip to Callander. Algonquin Park; -Qttawn, and other places. , Mrs. Cassidy of Ashburm has been spending a few days with Mrs. Earl Martyn. Mr and Mis. Groupe were in Osha- wa on Friday. Mi. and ig Pringle and family of Rochester, "U.S.A., visiting at the fiomes of her uncles Messrs. R. and R. Butson. , h / Mr. and Mrs. C. Andrews, Toronto, with the McKerihen's on Sunday. Mr, Fred Roberts called on Mr. and Mrs. Groupe-on-Sunday,-- ANOTHER SAVING Effective Aug.'11 Canadian bakers will be unable to sell sliced: loaves, maké special bread /deliveries or use multi-colored or double wrappers, the Wartime Prices and Trade Board an- nounced this week. "The removal of the wheat process- ing tax announced late last week and these new economies in manufacture and delivery should, in the opinion of the board, render unnecessary any in- crease. in the retail price of bread," a board statement said. : INTERESTING MOVING + PICTURES' 5 At a private sitting to a number of friends, Sgt. Russell Cockburn showed 4 number of moving picture films in the production of which he and the late J. C. Cockburn had taken apart. Those (colored). of "hunting the goose" and "Across Canada" were particularly interesting. Sgt. Cock- burn is librarian at Camp Borden, and is vitally gnterested in securing books for the soldiers, He uses the pictures as an introduction to his work, Port Perry has already sent one shipment of bookg and will be sending more, - Phone 78 if you have books suitable for 'men which you svish to contribute. = == SS The president pre- KING GEORGE VI SEES BRITISII PARATROOPS AT WORK" The King' was present at" this demonstration by' British parachute © . troops. British Home Guards, to whom may fall the mopping-up of enemy parachute troops watched the- display with particular interest. This picture, faken from one of the paratroop planes, shows paratroops droping, - ralar gigi 2 0", >» '0 "ota". > er rtats "en oars rts NA 200%", seen The World's News Seen Through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Daily Newspaper X is Truthful--Constructive--Unbiased--Free from Sonmtionds ism -- Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily Features, logether with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an [deal Newspaper for the Home. i Le ol PO $v = hemo in mm rH me bre The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price $12.00 Yearly, or $1. 00 a" Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $2.60 a Year. Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents. x i SEs, . SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST RE ER CARRERA RARER AR EER RRR RRR ITLL '| Sunday, August 10th * Activities Bales for the month of July were. "- | Soldiers' Comforts: PRICE | PLUMS for presering DAILY LOCAL WAX . Apples, Duchess, 5 1b. 25¢ BEANS, local, 2 1b. 19¢ FIRM RIPE LOCAL - BEETS, bunches, 3-for 10c - ~ BANANAS. LARGE ° 1b. 10¢c LOCAL -BUNCHES GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 25c¢ CARROTS - 3 for 10c ROLLER : : : WHITE--LARGE STALKS BLUEBERRIES - Ib. 19¢ CELERY - 2 for 15¢c 15¢-- LARGE LOCAL LEMONS - 3for 10c ~~ CORN dozen 25¢ © MEDIUM : LOCAL ORANGES - doz. 29¢ CUCUMBERS, each 5¢ ONTARIO 4 GREEN--BUNCHES Li CANTALOUPE, DAILY ONIONS ~~ 3 for 10¢c LOCAL STAKED 6 qt. Basket TOMATOES 3c BASKET PEACHES, WATERMELONS, HONEY DEW MELONS, LOCAL 'CAULIFLOWER, and "BASKET POTATOES -- -- AT REASONABLE "PRICES A S GINGER ALE DOMINO TEA - - Yalb. 35¢ RICHMELLO COFFEE, 56h FANCY FREE ~ PUDDING, , oi. for 25¢ [oomine SOAP CHIPS ® Foamy, lathery suds in just a jiffy . . . "dirt! Casy oh fabrics 4. i. J suds that positively penetrate a fabric to - and colours, kind -to: pkg. STORES « LIMITED GROCERY VALUES DOMINO 2 for. 25¢ 30 oz. bottle CLARK'S . IRISH STEW, 2 for 25¢ NEWPORT--3 SIZES & FLUFFS, = 19, 25,39 BULK COCOA - - lb. 41¢ Ib, 15¢. \Y getoutdeeply-ingrained ¢ your hands too! 3 he the wedding music. Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIST ST. JOHN'S 2 Rev. R, Simpson; Minister Sunday School at 10 a.m. Service at 11 a.m, < CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN 8 a.m.--Holy Communion; - 9.45 a.m.--Sunday School, 11 a.m --Matins and Sermon, . The Rector. Sunday, August 17th--" 11 a.m.--Matins, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH : Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, Ministor 10 a.m. --Sunday School 11 a. me Public Worship, c¢onducted ~ by Rev. Harry Allen Price, 7.30 _p.m.--Lakeside Community ser- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - | PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1941 : a y Lawrence' s Drug Store News "You Can SAVE With Safety at Your REXALL STORE" WOODBURY'S | Jergen's Carbolic | = Vinolia astile SOAP J "SOAP SOAP 4 cakes for 2dc:- 3 'cakéds 1dec. 10 cakes for 25c, Never Dri' " Aeroxon -FLY TOXV . FLY. COILS FLY COILS SPRAY "1 dozen 19¢. 2 for 5c, ~29¢., 49c,, 89c. "IT" White Shoe | - Palm Beach -| CITRONELLA Cleaner White Shoe » 'CANDLES 15¢c. Li Lae CLEANER, 25c¢. 16¢., 2 for 25¢.' REXALL STA-WAY TOILET Roar , FLY-KIL for mosquitos 2 eakes «lic. _£7.29¢, 49¢. 39¢. AN PHONE 49 LAWRENCE PORT PERRY . Pm A ms mimo LE a momma momaN DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above Rell Telephone Exchange, North side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Office: 68w, Resldence 68) PRENTICE'S vice conducted hy Rev. Harry Allen Price, _ Lakeside Service, 'Sunday Evening, 7.30 |. War Work 'packed and shipped to Head Office of I.LO.D.E., on Friday last. They -con- tained the following articles: 160 pairs socks, 10 SCATVOS, 7 pairs two-way mitts, 8 sweaters, 12 helmets, 9 pairs mitts, 12 steel helmet caps, 1 pair gloves, 1 leather jerkin. Ilospital Supplies: g '17 pairs - hospital slippers, 1 pair pyjamas; 10 -quilts,- 7 children's hos-! pital gowns. . ; Refugee Garments: . 2 complete layettes, 9 girls' outfits |- consisting of jurhper, blouse, bloomers and "1 pair socks, 8 girls' blouses, 1 afghan, 7 hoys' shirts, 6 girls' dresses. o> An Invitation A cordial invitation is extended to all to hear Dr. Harry Allen Price, noted Pittsburgh preacher at the Port Perry United Church, |' at 11 a.m. each Bunda during August, and at the Lakeside at 7.16 Sunday evenings. i : MARRIED - SMITH-TILL The lawn of Mr. and Mrs! George R. pretty céremony, Saturday, August 2, when their daughter Miss Viona Mary Till was married to Mr. Murray Harold Smith, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold . Smith, of Sandford. A cedar arch trimmed with white and banked with large baskets of sum- mer flowers formed the effective de- corations . and Rev. Thomas Wallace officiated, Miss Mabel Wallace played * Given in mar- riage by her father, the bride wore « graceful gown of shell pink silk chif- fon over taffeta, the bodice trimmed with tiny embroidered satin flowers, long full sleeves and the skirt floor length, : A coronet of small pink flowers held her finger-tip veli and she car- ried Sweetheart roses and baby's breath, She wore a silver engraved locket the gift of the groom. Miss Norene Till was her sister's only at- tendant wearing a frock of aqua) silk chiffon with long sleeves and floor length skirt... Her headdress was of white sweet peas and she carried pink and white summer flowers, = Mr. Byron Hamilton was groomsman, A reception followed and Mrs. 'Till received in a gown of Swiss embroid- ered navy sheer with gray amd-white accessories and corsage of pink snap- dragon, sweet peas and fern. Mrs. Smith _ received also, wearing blue flowered sheer with White accessories and corsage of pink snapdragon, sweet peas and fern. . Later the bride and groom. left for a trip~to Ottawa and Algonquin Park and will live in' Uxbridge on their re. turn. The bride travelled in white embroidered net . over. taffota - with white accessories and a corsage: of Till, Greenbank, was the setting for a | -- BEAUTY PARLOR -- Skilled Operator. - We specialize in-- Bonat Permanent Waves Shampoo and -Wave 50c Marcel | - '- 5c Manicure - - 36¢ PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up Our work is up to a standard-- Not down to a price. Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE; Prop. FREE WAN Tr ADS "Trery Paid-Up Subscriber to the Port Perry Star is or will be entitled. to ONE Free Want Ad. each year from now on. We believe that advertising pays YOU, and we .want you to prove it at our ex- pense, A couple of weeks ago a man put'a want ad, in the Star --He had ten replies, eight after he had sold the arti-v cle advertised. Men of: 30, 40,50 PEP," VIM, VIGOR, Subnormal? pant n norm vim, ol gor, Iailty? ee ria 32 AY bleta,-- Con i Wh stimulants, oyster elements-- ds to normal pep after 30, 40 or 60. Fo a 2pesial introductory size for only tar For oid to normal pep and vim today. bey alo at all 00d ¢ stores, FOR SALE A heavy gasoline engine, shafting and pulleys, 2 saw mandrels, 2 counter shafts, turning lathe, a quantity of No. 2 lumber, a Buick Car. Apply to A. D. Peters, Port Perty, 'Dog Licences and Poll Taxes must be paid by August 16th, or they will be placed in Court for oollecfion. WM. COOK, Chief of Police Fort Perry, Aug. 6, '41, - DIED BEALOCK--At Nestleton, on Tues- day, August 6th, 1941, Mabel Mary] Fallis, beloved, wife of Wm. I. Beacock white gladiolus ard baby's breath, ~| 7 Office Hoursy _9 am. to § pom: Very moderate prices | = ARTHUR W. 8. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afterncon : "of each week, or by appointment. . bo Block, Port Perry, Phone 2b Ww. A. Sangtel DENTAL SURGEON Fi » v Office Upstairs, over C. Sleep's Insurance Office, Strand Theatre UXBRIDGE, ONT. _ "(Coolest Spot in Town) Vacation -time is Show. Time. Thurs., Friday, Saturday (this week) Charles Starrett, in Outpost of the Mounties: A great Mounted Police story. See Charles get his man, COMEDY---=Andy Clyde, in "ALL AMERICAN BLONDES" Chap. 6, "LIGHTNING WARRIOR" Thurs., Friday, Saturday (Next Week) EXTRA! EXTR Spencer Tracy and aR SA in', BOOM TOWN All roads lead to this super special-- Young and old will want to see it. Chap. 7 of "LIGHTNING WARRIOR" Patrons. Ask for your FREE ' 6c, theatre coupons. your Uxbridge merchants for coupons and see the latest shows. <- Be thrifty--ask of COMING--Charlie Chaplin 'in "THE ~~ GREAT DICTATOR' --The fur show . of 1941. z Watch Paper for dates. . AR Mm STRONG o ENTIBT Leonard Block over Prentice' s Barber Shop. Phone 28Y, Res. 215 Port Perry (The firm of Greer & Humphreys ta dissolved) -RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 244 Simeoe Street North, Oshawa. . : ° Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office' on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of eaeh ] week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED ' ( 80 Cents SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH r = ---- POSITION "WANTED Young girl wants housework, or work in 'store or restaurant. Phone 109 r 6, Port Perry. La 'Have a Heart! It pays to Spray half an hour Before Milking. Flies Torture Your Stock. Give the [animals a break. * They'll feel better. = Flies avoid cattle sprayed with Capo Cattle Spray Stainless, Non-Irritating, Economieal.: 3 - You Can Buy. it from; W. E. WEBSTER ssss---- MOTOR BOAT FOR SALE In No. 1 shape. Apply" to John Moase, Bigelow St., Port Perry, ] z FOUND A Yale lock key was picked up at the water front. Apply at 4 Star Ofna, :