Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 17 Jul 1941, p. 5

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PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 17th, 1941 a a LY 2 I'd Ee waa S44 A ro a i : pS SR tt, AR AAA RRR AAR RR RR RRR) AAU ROR the form of a fine spray any time dur- |instructors. It's interesting and also] other day. It was one of those that Boys' rece, 10-13- Bruce Stephene 0 tithe ibiiadit dead dL LL * ing the growing season, If new |rather breath-taking when they loop, | were after the "Bismark; and is it|=on, Richmond Hill; Fred Routery and " growth appears late in the. fall,.aspiral, make the figure eight or do alever a big boat, and dees it ever carry Billy Ferguson tied for second i" THE STORE Rhone 618, WHITBY second spraying will be necessary. [sudden dive that makes the watchers|a lot of men! Over a thousand, I sup-[™ Ladies--race. with igels Lis. K. " wh : : ---------- | Consult your weed inspector regarding | almost think the machine is out of [pose. I met a fellow I used to sail | Beattie, London; Mrs. John Greening, s eet ~. Healthfully Air Conditioned where these chemicals may be ob-|control. But they always right them-| with on the lakes. He had been over | N.Y. ' Io ~All shows Daylight Saving Time. -{tained: - selves. in Scotland for seven months on a| Ladies" race (with running shoes) - * - . 4 oll I o | 3 m : : Mr. Clarence Harrison motored to] Corvette and sure has seen some ac- | Collette Ferguson, Bowmanville; # his 0) th ] EE a a : no A Y ia' Trews Xeles : 2 WwW Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Orillia on Friday and returned on Sat- | tion. * They were patrolling off Scot- | Lorna Trewin, Blackstock, EH ; n e are C earing JULY 17-18-19 ' . urdav. A land for submarines when some enemy Men's 100 yard dash--Mervill Tre- §¢ | f t f Fl. wo ' ' © . i. | . . R . = Two shows at 7.30 and 9.30 p.m. Myrtle Station Mis A. Tole, Miss Evelyn and dive bombers same over. They tried Wi Bras Grant Ferguson, Black- o a ot O remnan S 0 oor Saturday Matinee at 1.30 p.m, Red Cross workers met in the work- | Master Robert, of Oshawa, were Sun-|to sink the Corvette but missed it. [stock ' It C 1 WwW : | ¢ . N o groom on Tuesday, finished a quilt that | day evening callers at the home of They then machine gunned it and] bagies Lis Myers % do Stephen, " overings, a papers & That Night m Rio was in the making, put it on frames | Myrtle relatives, hed two of pe crew with tracer wy A Mi; Collette Fergudon " h b es : ts ee -- . 0 « ile. IN TECHNICOLOR and made a good start at the quilting. | Mrs. Suitrpes of Peoria, IN, is |bullets... i" a Sg Ii other broken lots. with Alice FAYE, Don AMECHE The exceutive ask that all unfinished | staying forAfie summer months with The following were visitors at they oo K. Beatti : 1 i id " dC "vn ARDA "knitted articles of the April-June | her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and E. Redman home during the past ' A ee : Ne he Tabu oh . " ~~ : and Carmen MIRAND/ quota be completed as soon as possible | Mrs, E. Redman. week: Mr, and Mis, Clarence Red on it ron H : " cphen RS : y . . a * " - + - H is : - or T 8 3 ond - . SO, RIchmorn HL Mona Ferguson, fe . . Monday, Tuesday od Wednesday no an gp ap iy pre ee © A keane | man ad Fin of 2 py i "rH Blackstock. 3 Ladies Summer Panties, reduced prices A ' csday, eo work for e y-September ed "WOTY Se 4 h Murs, Spicer, Toronto, Me an rs. vv -- Yo Stobho "n . . JULY 21-22-23 quota may be distributed. on Sunday Tarde ws be Peister and childern, Brighton, My Diane hari EH, begin son, Reg. 49c line, clearing at 35c. Last complete show at 8.50 Mr. T. Birkett of Stouffville made| Mr. and Mrs, Bell who have been \v.icon and Miss Wa on. Stoudvilie. ER Es - te 5 : -- h Er ba in the village on | living on the late James Cook pro- Mrs. Trigger and Miss Wells, Peoria i Men's ball throw . . 4 Vin K Reg. 59c¢ line, clearing at 45c. " JES EB ~ a Se : =. : ' | Bowmanville, Charlie Robinson, Mid- Clap ns BOYER lh Tuesday of last week. perty, have moved to Oshawa. Mr. HL; Mr. and Mrs. Wells, Blooming: on, hs ¢ Robinso ic R ! MARGARET SULLIVAN, in Miss Hazel Moore of Hawkestone Hamilton of Oshawa has purchased I.; Miss Rowena Salton, BAL MA, Corn Flake race-- Lorne MeCauley i Li . = " "Back Street" of spent the past week with her sister, the Youze ami lot and took possession]. 00 Penetany: Cecil Hill Nestleton NE men Toweling and Tablecloths are " Mrs. Albert Ayres. on saturday. , : Meo Bill Martin and Miss Mary] Oliest lady me PORE : We 3 : Moola Shu sno . dest" lady present Mrs, W, C8 - 3 Also an ADDED Attraction Mrs. David Duchemin has received py 7 b, hy om. Lu Martin of Brooklin, visited on Satur: | poypuson, Bowmanville on practically off the market. . e 4 3 " . day with his cousins y 107 . vA vones 1a " i oC tL : iE: i "Sandy Gets Her word iy her brother, Pilot Officer, Duff. day at the Clavence Hurrison ---- Oldest Gentleman present Mr, WW. i have a good stock of Toweling at i hs 4 Fred By wn, R.( ALK, wis one of the Miss Christine McKinnon of To- Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hayes, Seugog, [Co Ferguson, Bowmanville " 28 39 d 45 d i { Man ) 2 crew that piloted one of the large onto, visited over the week end with | spent Sunday with their uncle and Youngest baby present Sanda ep C., C., an C. yar . oo ¢ : bombers overseas © recently. The Aa . aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Will Cook. Ferguson, Blackstock, YY - + i Lins " vb Nees . i 2 Mr. and Mrs. A. Swale. . : . ." P Li T T - vo : with Baby Seals, Saat Erwin, ight was made in slightly over seven |. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Graham of 0 Jee, ou i? een, Honey, of Largest family present-- Mr, and 2 ure men ea owels selling at i Rk 'na Merkel, ours. : ' get . m shawa, Mr. Murcay McCrae and | Meso AD WL Pickard and family, Bow. * ) o : Detroit, were in the village on Tues- ' i ' i ¥, . 1. | | Mur. and Mrs, Bert Duff and family day calling on old acquaintances. - Miss Marorie Dicksage, Toronto, Mrs, | manville. bod 28¢c., 35c., and 45c. each 5 id W COMING Next ray and attended» the annual picnic of the Mr. and Mrs. A. BE Ramsey visited l.. L. Ross, Merle and Evelyn of Ass Farthest from home Rev. and Mis, po P PET o $ Bud pig ay, oy = ls | Taylor family which was held in Lyn-| Sunday with Uxlaidge relatives. burt, Murs. € larence Holman a Rilda | John Greening, NOY. py ure Linen Table Cloths ° u bbott "and Lou Costello, in {ppgok Park on June 30th. Members With the closing down last week of Dagmar, wire Sumlay callers at Peanut scrambles 'caused a great . A . i 2 » : > closing down last week of } I te S 50 50 d 98 3" 0 'ore oy from Whitby, Toronto, |}. line of the C.N.R. from Port! the James Dickson home. desl of fun for old as well as young. of 1Zze X 9 price at C o& 5 ¢ . ' (were present 3 A the spur line o we CLNLRL fron r . -- . . ; . - + Buck Privates | Brougham, Ashburn and surrounding Whithy to Port Perry, we noticed an Mrs. George Prosser of Toronto, At tive o'clock all were called to the bo a ¢ tdistriet.. Over seventy sat down to a increase of business on this line of the | Mrs. George Stratton amd children of supper tables and Mr. A.W. Pickard, 1) . . . 4 uy table that fairly groaned with thele pp. A carload of cement for los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cook | President, conducted a short business " Remnants of I loor Coverings In R R rury = IT ET 3 Yo rr riers res 5) N . A ; STII TITTY eon (weight of good things To eall But | grooklin, 2 cars of calcium chloride | and children, of Port: Perry, were [meeting " - R l iH 1 THE WEED OF THE WEEK-- before supper was finished, black rain go) the county and a car of rye for {Sunday callers at the W. J. Cook Decided to hold picnic next year at uo €X0 em, Congoleum, and Hl RK POISON IVY clouds rolled up Food was quickly IN i armors wore shi ro | home Orillia, July 11) . . ~ . ¥ } . : - LL ¥ the United Farmers were shipped here e, ) + S15) A. Ie m H] § Poison ivy is being denlt with this gathered up and a fast retreat to ]ang were earted to their destinations Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Masters visit The following officers were elected: 4} Linoleu at good reductions. i "i : i 2 a 1 shelter was made, to avoid a wetting. |v trucks : ed on Sundiy with Pontypool vela- | President, Nathan Brown, Victoria o° Bn . ; week, not because it is a weed in| Shelter was made, wy trucks, h qr ha ) ! . s cultivated fields but because it is a The sports were cancelled and the only Jim Manderson, one of our Myrtle tives, Hebi; Vice President, Chas, Robin a Rexfelt Floor Covering, 2 yds. wide i i a ; . hing to do was to go home. * But the fhoys wearing the King's uniform in Mrs. Murray Payne, Garey andf-on, Midlands Seevetary, Mes, George te $ 3 bd oe _-- I, ER 4 % menace to children and adults. Every |! or 3 ring . A. . BEL bh . E y one should know This weed -- Tis pienickers--are--already looking --for- fthg Royal Canadian Navy, sent the Susan of Toronto, spent the past week | Hawk, Midland; Treasurer, Mrs, GG, " Six different patterns, 30c sq yd i t AEN along roadsides, woods and ward to the next ghnual outing which following letter to his parents. It with relatives. Co Robinson, Vietoria Harbor, - " _ y i thickets in many parts of Ontario and | . he held » 1942 in Lgnhroo pat will interest. all who know Jim: n ne and Mos Smt Mutimn: Mi . A Jae So tiank ; ua " . : y - : . in the neie , {The came officers were re-elected fo . azel Pearson, Miss Rose Brent, Muyo tendered the vetiving officers, also the WwW 11 : R salen tna J the dong ot another year. M William Taylor, R.C.N. Barracks, July 4th. George Magee, all of Toronto; Me. and | Hampton Institute, who so capahly by, a . paper: emn nts . a me ese & cighty-six, of Ashburn, was the oldest Deir mother: 1 veeeived your Jet- Mrs. Harry Hughson of Oakville; Mr | served the meals. An offering of $10 bo . . R go Ivy can be eradicalgdg0o "JF present a lobbie Redshaw of [ter yesterday and was so glad to get and Mrs. M. Hodgson, of Oshawa; Me | vis vaised for the Wane Victims" Fund w" in Bed room, Living INnoom, and son prawn " with Pt Is. | Claremont, ond year old that day, was |[it, for it is nice to hear from home" and Mrs. Talmage Taylor, Ross and] God Save the King was sung. dion - . anc, y dori ly Why ns he youngest member. It has been very good weather down Jean, of Burketon; were visitors and [vere sid and friends dispersed as the of - Kitchen Papers at IE IE SE ov treating Mrs. James Dickson visited on here, hardly going over 70° in the callers at the home of Norman and shades of evenings were gathering py ' : i "5 ' © Thursday in Cannington with her [day time and so nice and cool at] Mrs. Hughson. or ~- > o> 'H . . . " " 2 is \ 3 A . 3 . #this weed to onto) nel 3 friend, Mrs, A. Maybee, nights. We have put in two week's Mr. and Mrs, Fred Stevens, Donald " Greatly Reduced Prices have been published by the Ontario ' 3 ¥ I i o ; vy Department of Agricult ne outlining | Misses Mary June Lee of Green-| training and have four more to put in]and Mary, visited with friends in led LI en > vale eC , 3 2 i i : _---- . the control, and giving food illustra | Pank and Noreen Bray of the town-|before we go to sea. There sure are W oodstock, i uth Luke i visiting at the 3 f the coed so that every tine, enjoyed some happy days last [alot of troops here. T guess parts of [ Mr. Charley Fox of Pickering, spent | home of her brother My ZPel Like, at Noe . a tions ° aus yg ics Cr it week with their grandpavents. every regiment are here or in this! Sunday with Myrtle friends, Welland. " F. W. BROC( K & SON a Hain Si x obt ined from Master Raymond Perrin of Toronto, fvicinity, There are six different! Little Miss Velma Masters of Ponty Mr. awd Meso Perey Broad, Tene o $ ns pz RL be antamed a i i +t of hi vies Wore se 'h. Free French. i ds visitinge this. week a JW eriner and Lasse -- p- 3 rT -- - --- ES-- ---- i ~ fuga ile mani ending.a part of hi Davies here Dutch, | rec French, [pool is visiting this --wes k--with--hep |W serene la aid Mr nnd: " PHONE 43 PORT PERRY } a Ay he Department of days with his grandparents, Mr, and | Polish, Norwegian, English and Cana-' cousins, Meso Ettey, recently, ! . i { b es go fhe Wii il " Mrs. Perrin, dian and a bunch of English Marines, Mr. and Mrs. George Lyle, and Mr. AY FORFTYITY I FERN FIP ROTI IN SYONE [TT] FER XA ASAARSAAAAARAARARASAANS AAA SSA ACOSO A AAAR AR ARR AAARRARA P 2, y * { 75, : " Yy . 0 3 . . Ausles) Wg nn en Since the Oshawa training school of | Every navy has a different uniform{ Buck, of Toronto, were Sunday visit [cons Toronto, ave holidaying at the - - * Jonves IP p ' : i N © | Aviation has opened it is a daily thing land they sure look queer but they are ors with Mr. and Mrs: Fred Lyle. home of the former's parents, Mr. and 'H gg A to sce the planes put through their fall good men. The British Battleship, Mr. Foster Russell of Coldwater. | Vr 1 ML Jackson. MEATS T AT SATISFY My I jos! or small EI of paces by the student pilots and their | "Repulse" was in the harbour thejwas au caller at the parsonage on Fri- Miss B. Spe, Tovonta, i Lnidar-| Ini f isfact when } : § $ patches o , . cousins, the i n : ill be sure of satisfaction wvhen you buy our meats. 0 DN uiotl Pro = na oo SEA or | day. ing with her cousins, the Mi al You will 3 i Po id Pralttg parts shel he ee So oo Mr. and Mrs. MeLaren and Mys, | man. ! Whether its Fresh, Cured, or Cooked Meats you require, we ba pa ed 01 es ou N or gy N a a a Hs ss ss SSB, Stewart of Glasgow Station, called on Mrs I. Luke with members of hor | : te b : ' Ey e worn and rubber boots too. ey : I TE -. -- sunday in Pie y van: always il , ality 3 terviee ....fiiv 7 ; should be washed, after each period of A The World's News Seen Through } hairy Sovin, on Sutyiar, family spent Sunday in Picton, | co always give you quality and serviee.----Give us a call. : . k Sus 1 sib N is nd ~ ' + + MUS, J OOk, anc arence were I PR -- PROMPT DELI V ERY SER 1C nl 3 a Sons MinlmiNs of Mir ed THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR _% --tin--Toronto--on--thursday attending} ----m™M@ + TT meen Fag ST y E. - i ! 1) Ang. wes 'tithes df. the fol- 5 An-lnternational Daily Newspaper } Douglas Cooper's fourth birthday an- PROSPECT - b lowi sp ¥ = i) V midives: R is Tru ful--Constructive--Unbiased--Free from Sensational niversary. | B M G Ph 2 ol owing two chemical mixtures: st ism -- Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily The Avish has been expressed hy Mrs. Kendall and so Ti ins. ert. ac! regor, one 7 -r-2 bal 1. Dissolve 1 Ib. of Sodium Chro- h Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make g . ' XDresse 3 Mrs. dadl and son hi immins, | 7 Hp rate and 1 1b. of Elephant Ammonium | 3 the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. ~~ SE TaN the viii seein be ver | Mos, Bondi wal som 48 Fornaio, Mf - i Sulphate in 1: 'gallon of water and, -- } The Christian Science Publishing Society = ! Ht our let so ig se * = ny Spe 8B, ans, bf Thruits, Mv, ROC OEAAANAARRARANA AN SS AOOARNASARAANARRAR ARAARRARRRA RNR i ' sprayed to saturation. any time aftor Ly One. Norway. Street, Boston, Massachusetts have chores to do, may do them and er Martin, of Toronto, Mr. Ray N : 4 3 ) i 5 i X i Iso attend divine worship. At the] I€inkle and friend of Oshawa, Miss % ii H i the middle of June using a fine nozzl 5 Price $12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. a gal. © oan cm awa, Missy L sprayer ls he or dy --~ K Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $2.60 a Year. close of the service on Sunday evening | Hazel Moore, Oshawa, were recent i! "F R ESH BAKING DAILY ". i by sible. Each ingredient should Wo y Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents. a vote was taken in favour of this | visitors of Mrs. T. Martin, xt } LR separately into the water triamediohely 3 LH change. On Sunday evening, Rev. Go} Miss Betty Lee of Toronto, spent i [IF IT IS IN THE LINE OF BAKING WIS HAVE IT I § before spraying. . ? o Address eee. = pwn npr me a A a S. Gervan will preach from I Cor, 12ER the week end at the home of Mrs. G. " N - . i I 2, Spray with Atlacide Weed Killer SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST Fur the: preaching of the cross 1x to] Webster, '¢ Birthday and Wedding Cakes a Specially a : . - them that perish foolishness; but unto Miss Helen Conlin of Toronto, spent 2 Ib. per gallon of water. Apply in RRR RRR RR RARER RF RARER RR IXRRXARR ARR OOOO OPO | us which are saved, it is the po clu K | at her 1 } +f H > > s which are saved, ! ror . k end 1 wr r inv Sl RET a i a . Me poier sb] th week end at her home Jove. K] Saturday Special --- RASPBERRY PIES # . Ra = ia God." Mr. -Gervan hopes to address Mr. Merlin Gilroy spent the week $e of a large congregation at 7.30 pom, end with friends in Colling wool, I : ~ Mrs. M0 MeMaster, Toronto, was a the home of her P. Diamond. ~ ' (|) LJ " WE DELIVER ¢ PHONE 32 of Ni DRDINNNS Cr A WP at recent visitor sister Mis, Gerrow Bros., Port Perry "Every duty, well and honestly done, is a contiibition to victory." THE PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA, << 7777 nr! . © TT . H gd 4 oS ve! N . Beacock I 3 icnic I'he community met at the school on RRR AARR RR OCTR REAR AAR RIAN RRR ARR RAR Rat wk A 80 anize my gry ng Tuesday evening and presented Mr. ge a EE EE ER SNS Cae aes SEER 3 JED Abdi = Over one hundred of the Beacock | #nd Mrs EL Vernon with an occasional Y In theseda Mechanized and motorized units--these make up the chair and side table. ys of uncertainty youneed | Z modern army. You have often noticed Bell line crews Z clan, gathered at Elliott. Memorial is IG. Chambers of Toront $ fos 2, with their trucks along the highway. Those too are Park, Hampton, on Saturday, July 5,] 2's 0 Ge 0 b i; : : i i | Z Wehaied, Mains valu, each with a highly 7 to hold their annual enie. The | and Mrs. Lo Wales of Oshawa, were reliable Insurance. We place 8 Z skilled crew; each completely equipped with tools, Zz weather was ideal and all had a most reeent visitors of Mrs. Ro Vernon, \ nore fo . fx : : : vet : ) hi EE Fron rance that gives you ) Z Bosh, gna, they can be mobilized' quietly 7 genjoyable day. After the "hellos™! \ Me v Gita, " Forte he jnsu g ~~ y { | A -- ; . n . he koe \ Mr, A 4 3 [SN | Z quickly, efficiently -- to repair the havoc wrought by Z were said, dinners was partaken of an ie 0 « 3 end with Mr. ane rs. 1 peace of mmd as well § % storm, fire, or flood. The equipment they carry -- Z the shade by the pond. Considerable] MPIC , i. . } . . i i " standardized apparatus of many kinds -- makes pos: 27 time was spent in renewing old ac.| Mr MJ Roberts of Toromto, was as protec tion. LE: sible the speedy restoration' of vital service, "+ Z quaintances 'and meeting and welconi- | ® Visitor at the home of his father Mr. ; ~ : i ) Preventive maintenance, preparedness, experience, and 22 ing new members of the clan. A ball | Roberts. on Sunday. ¢ HAROLD W. ENMERSON } fs skill -- these all serve to ensure that your message Z : Bi | by the v : \ Mrs, C, Watson entertained the WW. Phone 41 Port Perry ' A or twill get through with minimum delay in any emer. Z game was played by the Wer folk A last. Wednesda. wit) ho : A Pg i gengy--a vital contribution to the country's war effort, ZZ while the older 'ones visited, aftec|?: fst Wednesday, "with a goodly _ br a Ne <a a Ll Zz - > > <> WL I TL A : ' = which a program of sports: was cn- number present. A pleasant afternoon : was spent. Collection 28.00, Jjoyed by all. Prizes were given as follows: Girls' race 5-7 years -- Barbara Brown, Victoria Harbor; Pauline Bea- cock, Uxbridge. . Girls' race, 7-10 yrs.-- Doris Brown, Victoria Harbor; Barbara Brown, Vie- toria Harbor. Boys' race, 7-10---Billy Ferguson, Blackstock; Fred Routery, Toronto. Girls' race, 10-13--Collette Fergu- son, Bowmanville; Lillian Wiles, Mid- land. N re e Offer You the Choice of the Market 'in Fresh and Cured Meats at CAWKER'S Lowest Market Price. Prompt and = Courteous Service BR 5 'Cawker Bros. Phone2)w Port Perry 3 | I: i PICNIC MANCHESTER SUNDAY SCHOOL, Ne Z0n" A hearty: invitation is extended to all who cane ome and bring lunch te our-Sunday School picnic to be held at Lynbrook, Park, near Brooklin, on Saturday, July 10th. The truck will leave at 12 sharp (S.T.) from the Church.

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