Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 10 Jul 1941, p. 5

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~~ 4 A - A. " r 1 Fh J a : SA a SE i PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 10th, 1941 BROCK THEATRE| 4 Phone 618, WHITBY Healthfully Air Conditioned All shows Daylight Saving Time. Thursday, Friday 'and Saturday, JULY 10-11-12 Two shows at 7.30 and 9.30 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 1.30 CAROLE LOMBARD, and ROBERT MONTGOMERY, in Mr. and Mrs. Smith with GENE RAYMOND. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, JULY 14-15-16 Last complete show at 8.50 BARBARA STANWYCK, and HENRY FONDA, in | The Lgdy 'Eve' with Charles Coburn, Eugene Pallette. Also an ADDED Attraction: Glamour for Sale * with Anita Louise, Roger Pryor, June MacCloy, COMING next Thurs, Friday, Sat, July 17-18-19 That Night in Reo } in Technicolor with Alice Faye, and Don Ameche. BETHESDA Th regular meeting of the Woman's Association was held at the home of Mrs. Paradine on July 3rd. The Vice- President, Mrs. F. Dobson in the chair opened the meeting with a hymn fol- [owed by a prayer of General Thanks- giving. Minutes of the previous meeting 'were.read and approved. The treasurer's report was given. Letters were read in connection with the fall anniversary. An invitation was then given by Mrs. N. Chapman of Quaker Hill to the Bethesda Association to hold the pie lly at her home which was gratefully accepted. The Junch committee to be Mrs. G. Ward, Mrs. R. Crapper and Mrs. R. Paradine. The centre group under the leader- ship of Mrs. W. McGregor took charge. A hymn was sung followed with Scripture reading by Mrs. EF, Paradine. - This was followed by a reading on the serious side of life by Mrs. W. McGregor. A report of the mission- ary gathering at Stouffville was given by Mrs. C. Croxall. - Hymn 263 was sung and the meet- ing closed by Mispah Benediction. Lunch was served by Mrs. Corless 4 Ashenhurst, Mrs. T. Ashenhurst, and) Mrs. S. Ward. MANCHESTER Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Dobson, To- tonto, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Dobson. Several from here attended the euchre and danee put on -in Memory Hall, Utica, by the Epsom Euchre Ctub." About twenty-four dollars was realized and up to that time the Club has sent over two hundred dollars to the Telegram B. W. V. Fund. Hats off to the Epsom, Euchre Club, Mrs. W. W. Crosicr, Port Perry, visited Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Crosier one day last week, . Mr. Geo. Milne, Wick, and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ferguson, Port Perry, called on Messrs Fowlie and Mrs. Lamb re- cently, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McKinzey and Ronnie enjoyed a days fishing at Lake Simcoe last week. « Master Kenneth Lamb, Lindsay, is visiting his grandmother Mrs. Frank Lamb, ' Mr. and Mrs. Vyrtle Crosier, of To- ronto, and Mr. Archie Crosier Camp- bellford, were with their parents over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Thompson, of Oshawa, with her parents Mr. and | Mrs. WD. Munro. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Innes motored to Lakefield on Sunday. Mr. Sam Masters visited his mother in Toronto General Hospital on Sun- dity. We hope for a speedy recovery. Master John -Croxall spent the past week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Croxall, Uxbridge. Sacrament--was--observed in the United Church here on Sunday, The pastor Rev. Mr. Gervan in charge. Master Lloyd Cowan of Carnarvon, day. We hpe for a speedy recovery. Roach. i Mr. and Mrs. Russell Crosier, of Stratford, Misses Hazel and Alma Dickey of London, and Mrs. Clare Cake, of Toronto, were week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Crosier. Mr. Harry Masters, Oshawa, was home over the week-end. The voice of "Nip and Tuck" is heavd.no more throughout the 'land. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Coombe and Paul of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. "Coombe over Sunday. oor The, Crosier Picnic The tenth annual re-union of the Crosier Clan was held at Bird's Eye Center Park, Port Perry, on Saturday, July 5th. Tweather was ideal and the Park offered cvery accommoda- tion. - About one hundred guests re- gistered and representatives of fam- ilies were present from Trenton, Stratford, London, Stayner, and many local points. A splendid program of sports was followed by a sumptuous supper. Many enoyed the modern swimming pool. A fighter in mind. TELEPHONE TIPS FROM "A FIGHTER PILOT ilot must keep 48 basic factors hese are technical flying mat- Montreal,' 'future happiness, ters, apart from battle tactics. *And he must also remember other things for instance how to talk on his aircraft telephone: he always speaks clearly and concisely. With_ telephone lines carrying an extra heavy load directly sonserped with Canada's war effort, you can help tele. phone workers maintain good 'service by adopting fighter pilot telephone technique. When your telephone rings, answer | - promptly, and don't waste time by saying "hello"--instead give your name imme- distely, Speak distinctly, directly into the mouthpiece, and be sure to replace the receiver on the hook when you have finished your conversation. Your co-operation will lielp us to provide fast, ac- curate teléphone service for a nation at war, 3 * charivaried the newlyweds, brought President D. W. Crosier, Stouffville, welcomed the visitors with a few well chosen remarks. Two minutes of silence was observed in memory of the members of the family who have passed on. Hon. President, Mr. Cecil tion of officers for 1942 which resulted as follows: President: Mr. D. W. Crosier, Stouffville; Vice-President, Mr. Stanley Ploughman, Port Perry; See -Treas., Miss Sybil Wilson, Tren- ton; Program Com., Mrs. F. Vernon, Mrs. N. Prentice, Mrs. E. Tummonds, Sports Com., Russell Crosier, Milton Prentice, Gordon Crosier; Table Com., Mrs. D. Catherwood, Mrs. A. Prentice, Mrs. Lunney and Mrs, E. McKnight. Refreshments, S. Ploughman and M. Prentice. Little Jean Samells, Scugog, sang two numbers very sweetly, accom- panied by her mother on the guitar. A sing-song, introducing local hits, patriotic and old time numbers, also the "Crosier Yell" were heartily en- joyed by old and young. A very gen- crous collection was taken up to" send comforts to Tpr. Elwood W. Crosier, who is somewhere in England. Mrs. George Prentice, tort Perry, received the prize given, to the oldest fudy present and Mr. Wilson Crosier, Manchester, for the oldest gentleman, 'Lhe John Crosier trophy for the youngest child, was presented to buby Wilson, three weeks old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Goodwood, by Mus. John Crosier, Stayner, It was decided to meet again in Bird's Eye Centre Park the first Sat- urday ii July, 1942. Alter singing God Save the King) the family parted with many happy memories of a very nappy day. ' PSSA -- rower poal Kegaila (Continued from front page) Perry, 2nd Perey Buddell, Waterloo; srd Harry Willick, Black Creek; Ith George McCrea, Lindsay. .22b Class B---Ist Harold Archer, Zid Perey Buddell; 3rd G. H. Verner, Loronto. ot - 130 Class--1st E. C. Inch, London; 2nd Keith Gilmore, Picton; 3rd Il. Willock, Black Creek. o 210° Class, inboard--1 K. Gilmore; 2 11. Willock. : Class D, Runubout--I1st H. Archer; znd -G. Verner; 3rd T. Strang, -Port Perry, = 2nd Leslie Holme, Kennedy's Bay; 3rd : Norman Conquergood, Toronto, Free-for-all -- 1st Percy Buddell; 2nd Geo. McCrea; 3rd P. Buddell; 4th T. Strang. ' Class A. Runabout--1st T. E. Bow- man, Toronto; 2nd Frank Eberts, of Lindsay; 3rd D. Murray, Thurstonial- Pack; 4th 'M. Conquergood. Outboard, open--I1st John Meikle, Lindsay; 2nd Bill Hutchinson, Lindsay Myrtle Station On Monday evening of last week about fifty people from this neighbor- hood met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Archie Johnson and showered Jean ,and Lorne with a great number of | pretty and practical presents, Mrs, "Uervan read the following address: Dear Jean and Lorne -- We are gathered here tonight to express to you our very best wishes for your During your stay "in ourTmidst, Jean, you have made | many" friends who will miss you as tyou go elsewhere to live. we know that others will enjoy your friendship for your genial personality and kindly smile will win you friends wherever you go. We hope you will take good care of Lorne, Jean, We are glad you have had experience in cooking. Some brides have to try out their first experiences at preparing meals on their hushands and thé poor 'dear things do not always fare well; we'd hate to see Lorne pining away to a shadow. We ask you now to accept thele gifts which we present, with the hope that they may prove useful in your new home. --Your Myrtle Friends. After each parcel was unwrapped and duly admired, the crowd who forward a very lovely occasional chair as their gift. Lorne and Jean both thanked their friends for the kind gifts and a happy social hbur followed. © Messrs. Harry Briggs, Jim Claugh- ton and Wallis* Arnold motored to To- ronto last week-end and from there went by boat to Niagara, __.. Mrs. Robt} Hoar- of Edmonton, Mr. and Mrs, Victor Hudgin and Patricia, of Toronto, were Dominion Day visit- ors with Mrs, H, Hudgin. Mr. Clarence Greentree, of Oshawa, Mrs. Reggie Luke of Harmony, and their mother, Mrs, Jos. Greentree, also of Harmony, called on Myrtle rela- tives on Wednesday. In spite of the lack of showers the hay crops in this district are good and haying operations are in full swing. Mr. Harry A. Parker.and daughters Shirley and Elva, Mr, Clifford Krick, all of Uno Park, Méssrs, Will and Maurice Butcher of Wgodville, were Friday visitors with Mr, Parker's brother-in-law and. sister, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Harrison Crosfer, Toronto, conducted the eleg- |. Class B. Runabout--1st P. Buddell; |. ~ Walter Colleran However, |, factory upon their excelle _ SOS | wr er « PORT PORT PERRY LIONS CARNIVAL STREET FAIR, DRAW AND DANCE On Friday, July 11th, at 8 p.m. (5.1), the Port Perry Lions Club will hold a Monster Parade, Street Fair, Draw and Dance, The parade will start at 8 p.m. from the school on tosa street. The Oshawa Sea Cadet Band and the Bowmanville Lions Bicycle Safety Club 50 strong, pre- ceeded by the Lions Oficial Car will lead the parade, Past President Smyth and Secretary Hutcheson, in charge. Gaines and booths will be managed by Lion Dennis McKinzey from 8.30 to 1130 in the main business street. Lucky Number draws will be made at midnight. Ist prize $50 war saving certificate, "2nd prize $25 certificate, drd prize $15 certificate, ith prize $10 © Ticket sellers for the Port Perry. 2assed on year's work-- | Stanley. Alderson : Allan Bond Aileen Brown Marjorie Bruce June Cochrane Myrtle Collins Ross Colwell Ruth Diamond Helen Dull Joyce Edgerton Douglas Flewell | John Graham Leonard Gray Elmer Harper Emmerson Harper Harry Hill Joyce Hood Claire Howsam Audrey Kerry s. Oliver Lane. tives, Mr. and » week with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Lunney and Miss Florence Lunney of Toronto were visitors over the week-end with Mrs, R. Lunney. ) Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johnson of Oshawa, visited over the week-end with Greenbank and Myrtle friends. Mr. Bill McCartney: left on Sunday for Niagara where he will be in train- ing for two weeks. Mrs. Roy Spepeagy, of Perth and little: grandson, were week-end visit- ors with her parents, The old "Nip sad Tuck" train made its final trip to Port Perry last week. Not many lines, surely, have been | called such hard names, cussed, dis- cussed 'and re-cussed, ds has that one. We understand that the rails will be lifted shortly and we shall know it no more, . But we'll miss it--yes, indeeq.' Although the service -ha%-been-prac- tically nil for several years, yet the huffing and puffing of the determined little engine, as it struggled up the heavy grade, reminded us that it was still on the job. A thing that has ex-! sted as long as that line did, cannot | soon be entirely forgotten. We recall! our happy high school days years ago, when the Whitby-Lindsay line was a busy one. mixed and freight, us home, travelled at a snail's pace ap the long, heavy grades, taking any- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hill, of Cleve- < was when our homework was done. RURAL ENTRANCE PUPILS At the very least there! were eight trains a day---passenger, her husband, Mr. and" Mrs. W. Lynd, The 8 am. pas-; senger took us to Whitby to school ini a hurry, but the 4.16 mixed, bringing and Linda Rae, of Toronto, spent Sun- | An oflicer of a British "Tunk Regiment, who has just returned from the Western Desert battles in Libya, is seen complimenting girls in a Royal Ordnance mt workmanship. These girls are engaged upon the making of anti-tank and : anti-aireraft guns PERRY The gttendance prize a 0 certificate, This ticket holder must be onthe grounds when the draw is made. Prize winners will be an- nounced at 9.30 in front of Post Office; Prizes will be given out at Star Otlice immediately following. The street "dance with " certificate. Tierney's Orchestra, of Fred Frayetr's Pavillion, |! Caesarea, is promised by Lion Dr. G. M. Rennie and committee, li Is The public are cordially invited to made early preparation for this mon- ; 4 ster parade - band, bicycles, floats, | # cars, trucks, character groups, chil-!3 dren's display, pets, ete. Proceeds in aid of British Ward Vietims® Fund and Welfare Work. Admission to Carnival, draw and danve 2he. Lion Bill Chapman, President, Lion Bert. Hutcheson, Sec'y. NOTICE TO TICKET SELLERS Lions Club Carnival are requested to turn in all money and stubs from the sale of tickets to the office of Lion Cephas Sleep in I Carl Luke Margaret McMillan Robert Middleton Nellie Paudash Doris Raines Iivelyn Reader Lois Reader Betty Real- Allan Redman Lloyd Short Barbara Speneer Edmund Steer June Sutcliffe Clare Vernon Irma Walker Teddy Whittier Dorothea Wooldridge 'assed on Examination-- Beatri¢e Pilkey Phyllis Taylor land, Ohio, have returned home aftey In winter, should it be stormy, it was a happy week spent with their rela- a common thing to arrive home long. alter dark, for snow bamks of any size Mrs. I. Luery spent a few days. last were an almost insurmountable barrier to the wee engine with its heavy train and it meant backing up, going ahead, puffing and ¢norting and a triumphant toot-toot of the whistle when the snow bank was finally conquered. But as the years passed, business began to slacken. Gradually the trains were taken off one by one. The number of miles in the run was cut down, until, quite recently, the trip only was made to Port Perry, and, as there was no turntable there, on the returns the engine backed its train into Whitby. It vas a tri-weekly service, or as one of the local wags put it, a try-weekly service. As the little old engine made its last trip up the line, and it was Jordy hauling four cars, we noticed that it had to make three attempts before it was able to make the grade. Per- haps it was a last dying effort to do its-- duty or-maybe--it--avas - bfoken- hearted because it was considered too old to carry on any longer. i Well, it is the end, and we shall We Know it no more. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Hughson of To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hughson, of Oakville were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Norman Hughson, Mr. and Mrs. Flwoos ed on Sunday with thei cof Oshawa. day with Ray's parents, man, | 9 i | i 148 ¥ '+ ; : % LRA A COE B ARR SS A ASR RAR AR ER Mr. and Mrs. Ray Downey, Virginia here from forty-five minutes to two little girls," of Hamilton, spent the hours to make the ten mile trip. That week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Red- 8 tl 0] + 3! 1] i i me RED & WHITE store ~ Vacation Days' Sale Fry's Cocoa, Special 3 Ib. tin 19c¢ | GILLETI'S LYE, Cash and Carry, CORN STARCH, Durham, pkg. . KETA SALMON, No. 1 tall tin 8.0.80 00 iniiiviiine inne sane 8 ORANGE MARMALAGE, 32 oz jar per tin ves oun s 3a NIC pads 24c. 4 pads lic. Red River Cereal, 2 Ib. pkg. 29¢ Oranges, sweet and juicy, doz. 29c IVORY SOAP, medium size cakes. 7. . SWEET MIXED PICKLES, picnic MAGIC BAKING POWDER (Cash and Carry) 16 o; JUNKET ICE CREAM MIX FO OLD CHEESE. . .. cee 2 cakes 13c. i 10c: size jar 2 for 19c. ....per 1b, 32¢c. Headquarters for Picnic s Supplies. INFANTS DELIGHT TOILET SOAP ........ 3 cakes 17c. | GOLD MEDAL CASTILE SOAP | PEARL WHITE NAPTHA SOAP | LIBBY'S COOKED SPAGHETTI . .6 bars 10c. Sone... .4 cakes 19c. 2: for 19c. SHREDDED WHEAT or CUBS (Cash and carry) 2 for 23c. / Pure Plum Jam, _ - tin 26¢ SNAP POWDER, 2 tins 25¢c. JAVEX, makes one gallon Picnic Time Needs--SERVIETTES HEDLUND'S MEAT" PASTES LEMON OIL, large 24c. Pork. and Beans, Libby's 28 oz. tin, 11c F. W: BROCK & SON "PHONE 43 PORT PERRY | | i MEATS THAT SATISFY. You will be sure of satisfaction when you buy ,our meats. Whether its Fresh, Cured, or Cooked Meats you require, we can always give you quality and service. "7 'PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE Bert. MacGregor, Phone 72-r-2 Give us a call. NEHASAARARAAAARASASAAAASSAAAAA "oh " IM] --_ GERROW'S BREAD & PASTRY THE BEST. IS MADE FOR THE PEOPLE WHO WANT ORDERS GIVEN SPECIAL PROMPT ATTENTION. Saturday Special-- Individual JELLY ROLLS WE DELIVER PHONE 32 Gerrow Bros., Port Perry ; CAAA RASA ASA SAA AAA ARAASAR SARA RAN ta TRI TAL a a Ta Ea LE Ta . In thesedays of uncertainty you need § Masters visit-1 daughter and reliable insurance. insurance that We place gives you peace of mind as well as protection. \ HAROLD W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry A AN LIN SA. AL TH I Sa Se Offer You the Choice of the Market in Fresh and Cured Meats at CAWKER'S Lowest Market Price. Courteous Service : Cawker Bros. Phone29w Port Perry Mr. and Mas. Clarence Redman dnd | ~ ar v4] ) "Prompt and &*

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