Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 19 Jun 1941, p. 5

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who love Ca ther urging; for all-out 'skulkers ! nada and all this great Dominion stands for, will need no fur- It's time for ACTION; effort! Our future, our homes, our faith; our freedom, are at stake! There's no room for talkers or YOUR hour, the hour of the FIGHTING MAN, is here! - pi for ACTIVE SERVICE RATES OF PAY IN THE RANKS $1.30 per Day with Board, Lodgin, Clothing, Medical and Dental boi ylded. Dependent Allowances in Cash: $35 to wife, $12 each per month for not more than 2 children. A soldier with wife and 2 children collectivel a. total of $99.30 per month, Rates varying from 25¢ to 75¢ per day for skilled tradesmen while employed. receive TRA: || DEPARTMENT OF NATI CAN URGENTLY NEEDED FOR 2 CANADA'S ACTIVE Make no mistake about it... This is your call to duty... Canada's Freedom is Threatened . . . You are needed now Your King and country need you! The 1d coun Canada's' great mobile army, equipped call to duty is ringing clear and men with all the finest weapons of modern, mechanized warfare--tanks, armoured. vehicles and guns. of eve stands ready to your hand.' Join it Be a vital cog in this fast- hard - hitting FIGHTING machine. Join up in answer to Can- Join up and smash the ) NOW! moving, ada's call! Hun! \RMY ry calibre -- Canada's Active Army needs menfor Artillery; §- ed Engineers, Signals, Armoured Cars Infantry, Transport & Supply, Medical, Qrd- --nance aid other branches of the service. I'he Army is prepared 10 teach many trades and to train you to handle Canada's weapons of war efliciently. Go to your nearest District Recruiting Find out about these units how they work, what they do. See just where you'll fit in: sec where any par- ticular skill you possess can best he utilized. 'Then join up for ACTION! Apply to nearest District Office. Recruiting Office ONAL ADA : Local Armouries DEFERC: || Tanks, or any MIE TET * Healthfully Air Conditioned. All Shows Daylight Saving Time. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, JUNE 19-20-21 Two shows at 7.30 and 9.30 p.m, Saturday Matinee at 1.30 DEANNA DURBIN, in "NICE GIRL" with Franchot Tone, Walter Brennan. Plus Latest "Canada Carries % "Heroes of the Atlantic" Also a Timely, Exciting and - . Informative Prt "SKY SAILING" Monday, Tieeday and Wednesday, JUNE 23-24-25 Last Complete Show at 8.60 Flight from Destiny with Thomas MITCHELL, Geraldine FITZGERALD, Jeffrey LYNN, and James STEPHENSON. Also an ADDED Attraction: Military Academy with Tommy Kelly, Bobby Jordan, ? David Holt, Jackie Searl. COMING Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 2627-28, 2 Tin Pan Alle consolation, | Mrs. Wannamaker. EPSOM The Epsom Euchre Club held its 15th meeting in Memory Hall, Utica, on Friday night, June 13th. . There were 17-tables of euchre played. The ladies prizes donated by Mrs. Howard Bartley were won by Mrs, Carson Watson, '1st, Mrs. Alfred Clark, the consolation, The men's prizes do- nated by Henry Skerratt were won by Mr. Al. Christie 1st, Mr. D, Prentice, Lunch was served fol- lowed by dancing. The proceeds were $20.70. ~This:brings the total amount sent to the Telegram B.W.V, Fuhd up to $205.00. The next meeting will be held in Memory Hall, Utica, in two weeks, on Friday night, June 27th! The ladies' prized are being donated by Mrs, Jack {ill and the men's prizes by Walter J. Rogers, The Chinese checker prizes given by Mrs. Alfred Clark for the last party were not used so they will "{ be given for-this-next-party, Gentle men 26c., Ladies pleasé provide the lunch, Proceeds go to the Evenin Telegram British War Victims' Fund. As Sunday was the Sunday School Anniversary, there were many visit- ors in the village. Visitors at Mr, and Mrs. Charles Clark's were Mr, and Mrs. E. H, Ger- row, Mr, and Mrs. Grant Gerrow and Kent, Mt. and Mrs, Lloyd Clark, and Mr, and Mrs. Mansell Gorrow, lola and Bruce, Miss Kate Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs. John Burns, Mabel and Gwen. Burns, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Rogers. With Mrs. Luke were Mr. and Mrs. Morrison and family of Toronto, Mr, and 'Mrs. Hooper and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Noble and boys, Miss B. Luke and friend of Toronto, also Mrs. L. Wagnér and Mrs. N. S. MacDonald, «Mr, and Mrs. Walter Asling and the boys spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, _ with Alice Fayne, Betty Grable, * William Asling, ~~ at isses | The two Church services on Sunday were well attended both morning and evening. In the morning there was singing by the school children under the direction of their music teacher Miss Norene Croxall, Miss Croxall rendered a very fine solo accompanied by her mother at the piano. The Pine- dale choir were in attendance for the evening service and gave several fine selections, i Mr. Ferguson, of Sandford preached both morning and evening. On Mon- day night the Epsom Woman's As- sociation served a very appetizing tea in the basement of the church after which®we were given a very enjoyable program by Mrs, Johnson and her daughter, also Miss Iva Fallowdown, elpcutionist of Blackwater. The con- cert consisted of the singing and re- citing of patriotic, comic and sacred numbers. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pogue were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Marquis and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold -Welsh;-Miss- Jean Rise- borough, also Rev. and Mrs, Férgugon of Sandford, Mrs. Finlay Munro, Ray and Ivan Rogers, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Ray Reubel of Port Colborne. {= Mr. W. J. Rogers and Mr. Percy Densham of Port Perry motored to Camp Borden to spend the afternoon with their sons, Driver Hugh Rogers, R.C.A.8.C. and Corporal Ffed: Den- _sham, Ontario Tank Regiment. | . SEAGRAVE { | SEAGRAVE JR. RED CROSS The Jr. Red Cross Bluebirds of Seagrave held its last meeting on June 13th, 1941, at 2.30 in the school. The meeting opened with the motto followed by the Jr. Red Cross song, The secretary's réport was read an adopted. The following reports were read and approved: Health, Service, and Humane, The treasurer's report & Ke HERR "to his County." showed" proceeds for the year of $35.40. During this last year some of the money has been spent for War Victims' Fund, Crippled Children's Fund, Soldiers' Fund, and Refugee Fund. O Canada was followed with a sing rong and choruses by the school. The Health Topic was given by the Juniors and Eunice Fishley sang "A Sunbeam", A story was given by Bernice Harding on Baukis and Phile- mon followed by a solo by "Donald Dowson, A few picces were played by the rhythm band which was fol- lowed by readings by-Eunice Fishley, Tom Tristram, Earl Sornberger. A whistling trio was given by the boys, Iiarl Sornberger, Kenneth Short, Tom Tristranr, : : Personal 'Items "We are glad to hear .that Mr. J. Short is recovering, Mr. and Mrs. O. Boe of Bowman- ville, visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. Short on Sunday. \ Miss Campbell visited Mr. and Mrs. S.- Reynolds;-onh- Sunday, -- An epidemic of whooping cough has come to the community, -On Wednesday evening, June 11th, a goodly number from the community gathered at the parsonage to say good-hye to Rev. W. Tristram, who is on leave of absence to serve his King and Country. Mr. John Mark ex- pressed the sentiments of the com- munity in a few well-chosen words, rfter which Mr. Tristrami was pre-. rented with a wrist wat¢h as a token of the esteem in which he is held in Seagrave. Mr. Tristram will be great- ly missed-by the people who knew him, We are pleased to know his wife and family will be staying with us. = . ------------ PROSPECT Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Brown, have re- turned home after spending the winter months 'with friends ih Toronto, .Mr. dnd Mrs. L. D. Christie and Miss Lulu, of Oshawa, were visitors at the home of Mr. A, V. Orchard FEAMYND ERNE audi : -- TO i Er === | wy vas | mu RED & WHITE » ; Moke PRorits i THE STORE ORDER 3! + Hook's "High Quality" | {3 ; "Bay chicks © | |i AT TABLE OIL CLOTH 54" x 644 SQUARES All Stock Blood-Tested . ANY BREED. 9¢. Each H. V. HOOK & SON ONT. ¢ Port Periy . i GREENBANK, Phone 61-r-11, last Wednesday. a Miss Esther Seigel spent last -- with friends in Toronto. $ \& Mr, and Mrs. Frank Vernon visiting friends in Uxbridge on Sunday, ; -- 3 PIECE -- : * i . . . de District Meeting of |} S | 1 | S to match i . ' . h) Agrieult'l Socities |: ¥ : i By R. D. Woon R SHORTS--7 5¢ i "ie o There was a real good attendance |» : in both the Ladies' and Men's Sections | 3 SHIRTS--98 ! at the District meeting of the Agri- wo i - C : oH cultural Societies, held in Oroné on|&- 8 Wednesday. afternoon, June 11. Mr. 3 SLACKS--#$1 3 Geo. Hart, thet chairman of the Dis- | * iH trict presided over the men's meeting " i and: Miss May Needham of Millbrook, [ i$ ai the ladies' meeting. $e ' i Mr. Garnet Rickard of Orono, spokes. on Boy's Club and Junior Fair Work, ." Ladies and Girls = i" He spoke of the training that the boys | $s 3 get in Club work. = They have to keeps! Ankle ' Sox W a complete record of the work in con- be " nection with each Project. This is of | 3% Xe x 3 great help and training for later work. [sf A good ASSORTMENT + © It gives them a good training in show- | Js of COLORS Xi manship and sportsman enough to be '"- oo + good losers. He thought that the |& 4 Grain Clubs and Field Crop Competi- i 15¢ and 25¢ tions had-been-a great help in- Durham 5 RSI PAIR in promoting better varieties of grain | being grown. : ¥ ~ Mr. Jo A. Carroll told us that thel¥ : grants would not be down any this Ri . year. There will be more Fairs held F ji . this year than last year. In places . . y where the Fair was cancelled last year it was felt that the interest in Agriculture had suffered by not hav- ing a fair. Britain needs Bacon and every Bociety should five a class for Bacon Hogs. The Packers are will ing to assist and he thought it should be taken advantage of.- More cheese is also needed and where possible exhibits of cheese would help. Above all cut out the frills in the Prize List, and get down to essentials. There is a War on and it must be won. Make it a "Win the War" Fair, : . Mr, Stewart Page of 'Barrie, said the Fair should be the Show Window of the Society. Or it might be called the Achievement Day showing what the Society had tone during the year. We should be exhibitors, where pos- sible, rather than onlookers. It would then show what had been uc- complished in the year. He also .men- tioned the benefit that Crop Improve- ment and Crop Competitions had been (He wondered if it would be a help to livestock breeders to emphasize one breed in a section rather than so many. One bull would then serve for two or three herds and would be less expensive than each farmer owning his own. He thought, too; it would be better for selling. Ag dealer could come into a neighbour- | 2 hood and purchase in car-lots.) He § thought the Fair should be used more & for a place of advertising of the H farmer's products. In this time of § PHONE 43 PORT PERRY : : i SARAASASANSRARIRAASARRARARARAA ARIA ARRAN MEATS THAT SATISFY You will be sure of satisfaction when you buy our meats. Whether its Fresh, Cured, or Cooked Meats you require, we can always give you quality and service. Give us a call. "PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE Bert. MacGregor, Phone 72-r-2 PCOSARA iri RR "IF IT IS IN THE LINE OF BAKING, 'WE HAVE IT." ; : -- BREAD, BUNS, CAKES, PIES, TARTS and ROLLS Order your Picnic Supplies here and Picnic often. -- SATURDAY SPECIAL -- HONEY CREAM LAYER scarcity of help he thought groups of ¥ WE DELIVER farmers might co-operate and make PHONE 32 Gerrow Bros., Port Perry more use of the machines they have ; or cven purchase a Jrachipn OI oe AR A A I A PL PLL FL BL operatively. He told of two Junior * X rn ---- " > farmers, who had a tractor and they SHSSSTIMERCIIIIMEN INGE HEN 10ST THRR MENTING Tru had averaged 20 hours a day with it ¥ ne 4 . . i doing, the heavy cultivating in their |, Jn these days of uncertainty you need | Mr. Forbes Hyland, President of 4H 1 IY] burki arm Foleration, tld of the [1 reliable insurance. - We place oY --insurance that 'gives you i peace of mind as well pice of their', products except the farmer. The Fdderation's job is to Lai XL as protection. give the farmers that voice, He likened the Federation working as a funnel to focus each federation group! to one. point. When 8 hg Osnties HAROLO WwW. EMMERSON are organized apd working together B they will Lave some power. Each f} Phone 41 Port Perry Section has its own problems, a ik ~ okie ; at x " aa ia gt would join the Federation Fa Work - 2 TTS stam uce CL togather something would be "nre- . .We Offer You the Choice of the Market complished. The farmer is entitled to a position along side any other in- . i ) in Fresh and Cured Meats at The -Federation is strictly non-.' political. He gave an outline of some of its main objects and regulations. "| Mi. Geo. Hart of Oshawa, was re- elected President and Mr, E. W. Web. ber was re-elected Secretary for the District. The Orono ladies served tea to all and then a procession was formed and all drove through the Provincial Forestry grounds, This is a place that is well worth a visit especially Cawker Bros. CAWKER'S Lowest Market Price. Prompt and Courteous Service Phone 29w Ll Port Perry during the growing season. ATTEN Ha sd id ' IEA A CELE a a Mrs. A. Mitchell was a visitor with ' gt be triends in Whitby on Sunday. 5 : mits. O. Graham and family spent $ the week end at the home of Mrs, G.: wmith. | Mr. and Mrs, Milton Holliday of To-, ' roto were visitors at the home of Mus. J. Holliday, Mus, Holliday Ra: 64.inches WIDE h - 880 yard : volmpanied them from Toronto, where|¥% 485 inches WIDE - - 45¢ yard : sie nus been visiting. 2 : : = : arse Wm, Matthews, Mr, and Mrs, ' 3 Ki Wiltred Ferguson and daughter, of! ¥, of toronto, were visitors of Mrs. G. 3 LADIES SLACK SU ITS o Weoster on Sunday, * 3 Ki ' We extend congratulations to Mr. | $s WINE----$2.95 : ana A Harold Vernon on their re-|s¢ - kh cent marriage, 2 i mr. and Mrs. Brampton, of Toronto, i y " were ing on Mr. and Mrs, A, Gilroy * AVIATION BLUE and NAVY " recently, I £43 1 4 0 " . k -- »

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