Port. Perry CONGRATULATIONS We note among the names of 389 successful candidates at eight Cana- dian centres, conducted by the Medi- cal Council of Canada, was that of William S. Harper, son of Dr. and Murs. Harper, of Toronto, formerly of Port Perry. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Real, of Ottawa, were in Port Perry attending the wed- ding of Miss Marjorie Real and Mr. McDermott. Mrs. Grant Real is re- maining as the guest of Mrs. Minnie Real for a short time. Mr. C. N: Werner, of Hamilton, a former teacher in Port Perry Public School, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Anderson, on Sunday. Mr. Grant Real is taking a two week's officer's training course. Among those who were here to at- tend the Decoration Services at Pine Grove Cemetery, were Mrs. D. Archer, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Ward, and Dr. J. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. John Farmer and son, were visiting the Farmer home on Sunday. Also Mr. Irving Boyd. The operation for removal of cata- ract on Mrs. Farmer's eye has heen successful so far. The .dactor is well pleased with the progress made. Mrs. E. R Dunk, of Edmonton, and daughter Marion, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harris. Mrs. Dunk made a short visit to Milllhbok to see Mr. and Miso Jeffrey. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Allison, of "New Orleans, Lonisinna, were the guests of Mrs. S. I. Allison, for a few days. They have now gone to Nash- ville, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs, JI Ii. Jackson have been enjoying a motor trip arountl the Blue Water Highway--a most pleas- ing excursion. -- Messrs. Douglas and Geo, Cawker, of Toronto, Mr. Harold Cawker, of Peterboro, along with their wives, were Sunday guests of their father Mr. Wesley-W. Cawker. ~ Rev. W. P. Brown desires to thank "his many kind friends for Birthday Greetings conveyed to him in various WAYS. Mrs. R. H. Buttle, daughter of Mrs. Mabel Stones, is now Lance Corporal in the Canadian Artillery Territorial Service. She is now prepared for active service. + 'Mr. Arthur Verry of Toronto, was the guest of friends in town on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Cid Ashton, of Osha- wa, were the gucsts of Mr. Densham on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Day and son Gary of Toronto, spent the week end, the , guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Day. Mr. Ralph D. Burley of 'Toronto, spent Sunday with friends in town. Mrs. M. E. Schell of Lindsay, with friends in town on Sunday. Miss Muriel Cook, Toronto, was at her home here for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Harry. White, of Cold- water, spent Sunday with friends in Town. ' Mr. C. V. Purdy, Oshawa, is visiting his mother, Mrs. E. H. Purdy, this week. ot Mr. and Mrs. Arnott Tolmie and John Duncan Tolmie, of Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1. R. Bentley. Scugog Chapter is pleased and in- tensely gyatified to have their 1st Vice 'Regent elected to the National Coun- ¢il of the Imperial Order Daughters of | the Empire -- Congratulations Mrs. {i ' Harris. } - The War Fund The women of this town are doing a real job as far as War Work is con- cerned. Such an effort is not possible without financial backing. For var- jous reasons the canvass has not gone over with a bang as last year. Part of the town has been canvassed--and that scarcely seems fair to the others does it? i As yet only half the hooks have been turned in to Mrs. G. McKee, Treas- + urer, We do not have to tell anyone "that, this year we shall need still more money for thie work. So will the men in town who are looking after this end of the job, cover this territory, hand in their books and he at a meet- ing. with the committee in the Library .. Sunday. afternoon, at 2 o'clock, June i DIED PARRISH--At Port Perry, on Tuesday, June 17th, 1941, Elinor M. (Mrs.) Parrish, beloved wife of W. L. Parrish. Funeral service at the family resi- dence on Friday, June 20th, at 2.30 . (E:D.S.T.) Interment at Pine Grove Cemetery. « +3 ENSHAM -- At Port Perry, on day, June 18th, 1941, Lillian "Ashton, beloved wife of P. J. Funeral service from the Dermott Chapel, on Friday, "at 4 pm. (ED.ST.) FRA A - : ES Sed a Baik hk Ey i ) I nd By \ d THEATRE OSHAWA [Vo 101) Air Conditioned FREE Parking | FRIDAY and SATURDAY are the LAST TWO DAYS to enjoy GARY COOPER, in "MEET JOHN DOE" with Barbara Stanwyck, Edward Arnold, Walter Brennan REVIVAL, Friday Nite: "EAST SIDE OF HEAVEN" with' Bing Crosby, Mischa Auer. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, You just can't miss this show-- The awful penalty one paid for telilng the truth!! BETTE DAVIS in "THE GREAT LIE" with George Brent, Mary Ast ' EXTRA! Third Dimensional Murder, -- MGM'S new Metro- scopic Short. Special glasses. will be supplied at the theatre. See this -- you don't get, this chance every day. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, What's this--Another show first and best in Oshawa ?--and how "I WANTED WINGS" Ray Milland, Wayne Morris, Wm. Holden, Brian Dinlevy. and umm-mm Veronica Lake. Paramount's best air story in "creditably and those of the advanced grades showed marked improvement years. . Enjoy a summer of swell shaivs in cool comfort at the gent. - fe Two Popular Port Perry Citizens are Married. McDermott-Real On Saturday, June 14th, 1941, Mar- jorie Bernice Real, daughter of Mrs, Real and the late Wililam Real, was nrarried to Archie L. McDermott, son mott, all of Port Perry. The wedding ceremony was con- ducted by Rev. W. J. H. Smyth in the presence of the immediate fam- ilies; The bride, who was unattended, was given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Grant Real, Ottawa. She was at: tired in ice blue triple crepe with white accessories and her bridal bouquet was of orange blossoms and roses. Her mother, Mrs.: Minnie Real, wore dusky rose triple sheer, with lace trimming and a corsage bouquet of talisman roses. The wedding ceremony took place before a glorious pyramid of peonies. After the dainty wedding b¥eakfast, the newly married couple left on their wedding trip to Quebec East and the EGaspe Penisila, Upon their return they will reside in Port Perry. LJ County Council The County Council mill rate is 9.62 including one mill for patriotic pur- poses. . The buildings, on the Hallett pro- perty, lately acquired for the County Home, is to be electrically wired. A new chimney is to be erected at the Court House. No action was taken regarding the County history, that has been sug- gested for some years. The commit- tee was retained. oo The County is asking the Province to subsidize road costs to new Oshawa Aaidport. The Roads Committee, of which Reeve Irwin T. Ormiston, reeve of E. Whitby, is chairman, reported that a tour of inspection of county roads made on May 19th, 20th and 21st, re- vealed that many sections of gravel road and low cost "roads suffered greatly from the spring break-up, necessitating many unusually costly repairs. The committee therefore re- commended that those sections upon which retread was to be laid during 1941 be given more specific treatment respecting a greater depth of crushed gravel base, also a sub-grade drainage which will function *properly under similar conditions as obthined last winter and-spring, on subgrades whore natural drainage is not present. SPECIAL NOTIC Go to WEBSVER'S for SOCKS for Work or Dress Wear. WORK SOCKS, priced at 20c., 25c., 30¢., 35¢. and 50¢. pairs DRESS SOCKS, 20c., 2c., 30c, 45¢. and 50¢. pair. y WORK PANTS, good quality, $1.95 ec -- te W. E. WEBSTER PORT PERRY, ONT. of the late- Mr---and--Mrs.~D. McDer-{|~ . * ..* 8 PN a a Sadia Anglican W. A. Deanery Meeting The 22nd Annual Conference of the East York Deanery was held in the Anglican Church on Thursday, June 12th, when the - members of the Women's Auxiliary met. The service at 10.30 with Holy Communion was attended by about one hundred and twenty-five members from different towns. The preacher for this service being Rev. A. C. McCallum, B.A, B.D., who gave a most inspiring mes- sage to all. His text being "For God So Loved the world," and impressed on the minds of all present that one of the greatest things in the world is Love. After the luncheon hour the Devotional period was taken by Rev. E. R. Ayde, Rural Dean and then the Business Meeting was turned over to Mrs, Herman, W.A. Deanery Officer. Reports from the different organiza- tions were very encouraging. The missionary address was most inter- esting, when Miss M, Macrae told of her work among the Indian schools at Sioux Lookout. The address was then given by Mrs, B. Osler, E.C.D. Treasurer. The meeting closed with prayer and the National Anthem. Supper was then served which brought to a close a most successful W. A. gathering, 'o Pia The home the scene of pleasant activities on Sat- urday afternoon, June 14th, when the pupils of Mrs. Jackson gave their second annual piano recital. ginners acquitted R - -- ecital n themselves most over last year. The interested visit- ors enjoyed the recital after which 5 Irs. J. E. Jackson was |" Twenty-two pupils took part and there were forty-five present, Following is the program: "The King" duet by Mary Howsam and Mrs. Jackson, hd Grade I--"The Chimes" and "John Peel", June Blewett; "Aunt Sarah" and "Tweedle Dum and .Tweedle Dee" Gladys Emmerson; "Bobalink" and "Haste Merry Millstream", = Anne Goode; "Hunting Song" and "Song of the Mermaids", ow | Goode; "The White Seal's Lullaby", Georgia Brock; "The Three Clocks" and "Welcome to May", Barbara Jackson; "Parade" duet, Mrs. Jackson and Dorothy How- sam; "Lullaby" Dorothy Howsam; "Joyful Play", Mary Howsam;; "The "The Sleigh" and "The Popcorn Man, Miriam Peel; "Evening Bells" and "Fairy Court", Gwennie Peterson, Grade 11--May Morning, duet, Mrs, Jackson and Zula Jdckson; A Spanish Fiesta, Zula Jackson; Dublin Town and Frogs Chorus, Billie Brock; Come Waltz with Me, Celia Hope, Grade III -- Hide and Seek, Jean Corner; Snowdrops, Merilyn Griffin; Lily of the Valley, Teddy Griffin; Musette, and The Merry Peasant, Louise Howsam; Soldier's March, Bruce Gerrow.. Grade IV--Waltz of the Flowers, duet, Mrs. Jackson and Wesley Jack- son; Finlandia, .Wesley Jackson; Minuet in D Minor and Sweet Dreams, Lois Parr. Grade VI--Prelude in A Major, and Grandfather Dances, Helen Peel; Grade VIII--Barcarolle, Pond Lilies Doreen Peterson, BE A a NIP AND TUCK A minister, travelling on one of those way-trains that stop at every station on a side line, was reading his The be- | Bib! ible. "Find anything about this railroad he reached for the minister's ticket. "Yes," replied the preacher, "in the very" first chapter it says that the Mrs. Jackson served a delicious tea. Lord made every creeping thing." . . SN) A FRESH 4 :YEGETABLES FRUITS LARGE SIZE each 73¢ WATERMELO ONTARIO NE "BEETS 3 for 10c CALIFORNIA BUNCHES CARROTS - 2 for 15¢ FIRM RIPE ' TOMATOES - Ib. 19 HOTHOUSE -TOMATOES - Ib. 25¢ ONTARIO ) Cauliflower - each 15¢ ONTARIO BUNCHES . RADISHES - 3 for 10c ONTARIO CABBAGE, : cach 10c CRISP HEARTS . " CELERY - each 15¢ HOT HOUSE CUCUMBERS, each 15¢. GOOD SIZE ~ GRAPEFRUIT, 4 for 25¢ FIRM RIPE BANANAS - 2b. 19¢ RED EATING PLUMS - doz. 25¢ B. C. WINESAP sap APPLES. - 3for 10¢c EXTRA LARGE ORANGES - doz. 39¢ GOOD SIZE = ORANGES - doz. 23c GOOD SIZE LEMONS - 4for 10¢" ONTARIO WHITE . Cauliflower -. each 15¢ NO. 1 WHITE ; New Potatoes, 5 Ib. 25¢ STRAWBERRIES . QUART BOXES PRICE DAILY GROCERY. DEPT. VALUES in that book ?" asked the conductor, as'. Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIST W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office Upstairs, over C. Sleep's Insurance Office, (The firm of Greer & Humphreys ls dissolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24} Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. / Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of eack week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST _! Leonard Block over Prentice's Barbe: "Shop. Phone 237, Res. 216 Port Perry PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURDAY, JUNE 19th, 1941 NL Lawreénce's Drug Store News ON OEE "You Can SAVE With Safety at' Your REXALL STORE" Riga Swiss Kriss [| Bisma Rex || Noxzema 'Natural Herbal | | Safe, quick relief 10 ounce Jar Laxative. from Stomach Special 50c. and $1.00 disorders 89¢. : 75¢. and $1.75 Norvall's ~~ Hinds Heavy Mineral Honey & Almond ® i - oil Yeast and Iron Cream. 16 ounce 49¢. . Tablets Extra Large 40 ounce 89c. 49c. Special 49c. JDO PHONE 49 NI. DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange North side Queen Street, Port Perry Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) ST. JOHN'S ° PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - Rev. R. Simpson, Minister Sunday School at 10 am, Service at 11 am, °° Be CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION , ' GLICAN Sunday, June 22nd-- y 9.46 a.m. "~Sunday School 11 a.m,--Matins and Sermon, The Rector. Thursday, 7.30 p.m.--Intercession, Sunday, June 29th-- ' --T7-p.m.--Evensong-and-Sermon.---- PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH , Sunday June 22nd-- | 10 a.m.--Sunday School + 11 a.m.--Rev. W.J.H.. Smyth. Fidelity Lodge, AF: & AM. will at- tend this service. All Masons are invited to join in the service. 7 p.m.--Rev. H. H. Lackey. PRENTICE'S -- BEAUTY PARLOR -- Skilled Operator. Very moder; We specialize in-- Bonat Permanent Wives * © prices | Shampoo and Wave 50c Marcel - - 75¢ Manicure - -- _3be PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up Our work is up to a standard-- Not down to a price. Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. corsage of sweetheart roses. The groom was attended by Mr. Douglas Crozier brother of the bride. After the ceremony the bridal party return- cd to the home of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Crozier where they enjoyed a wedding BOY SCOUT NEWS At last weeks' meeting, the Scouts studied their Tenderfoot and Second Class-tests and the rest of the meet- ing was given to outdoor -games such tas hare and hounds. ..This type of meeting has been used lately. The Scouts will move to summer quarters as soon as cleaned up. There will be a meeting as usual on Friday evening at 7.30 o'clock. --------~e®o---- WEDDINGS Burnett.Crozier On Saturday, June 14, 1941, a quiet 'wedding was solemnized by Rev. F. G. .Joblin, at the Scugog United Church 'parsonage when Margaret Ileen, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Fred F. Crozier, was united in marriage to Private George McKay Burnett, R.C. A, S.C, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Burnett, of Birch Cliff Heights. The bride -was becomingly gowned in noches rose crepe with lace bodice and avhite accessories. 'She wore a corshge of Talisman roses and was attended by her sister-in-law Mrs. Donald Crozier wearing printed triple sheer with navy accessories with a \ pper-after-whi¢h-they-left on a-short trip for points west. 3 Carnochan-McMillan : On Saturday, June 14; 1941, by Rev, W. J, H, Smyth, Port Perry, Jeanette Murle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. G. McMillan, of Blackwater, Ont., to Frederick John, son of Mr, and Mrs. T. Carnochan, of Port Perry. The young couple will reside on the' groom's faim at Port Perry. NOTICE TO CREDITORS and Others in the Estate of JOSEPH BOWES, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Joseph Bowes, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of 'Ontario, Genleman, deceased, who died February bth,' 1941, are hereby required to file same, properly. veri- fied, with the undersigned Executor on or before June 30th, 1941, after which date the estate will be dis- tributed amongst those entitled there- to, having regard only to such claims as shall then have been received. DATED this 30th day of May, 1941, GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA; 70 Richmond St. West, Toronto, Ontario, (Executor), By McLAUGHLIN & McLAUGHLIN, 372 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario, Their Solicitors herein. 3 a - "BREAD FLOUR | UAKER XXXX% 981b. $2.79 HELLMAN'S HOME STYLE---$2 oz. SALAD Dressing, ~ 49c "JEWEL EXCELSIOR--24 Ibs. PASTRY FLOUR, 69¢ RICHMELLO 1 COFFEE - - Ib. 41c WITH GLASS PRAIRIE NUTS - 25¢ * COOKING-16 OZ. TIN ; SALMON - 90c SHORTENING, 21b. 27¢ JOHNSON'S LIQUID GLOCOAT, JOHNSON'S--1 LB. TIN pint 61¢ WAX - - 61c had i nd WHITE 3 SHOE POLISH - 15¢ 8 OZ. BOTTLE CERTO - - 25¢ WHITE or RED--DOZEN RUBBER RINGS' - 6c ZINC--DOZEN - - 25¢ RINGS COCOA FRY'S 8 oz. tin He oN SHOP EARLY ON WEDNESDAY. STORE CLOSES at , 12:30. DOMI . STORES NIO LIMITED 20H HRI oh BA HI. \ & Posts of Britain's Observe detect and plot the course of a THE 8 KY r Corps are set in strategic ints all desc an lot tho curso al aca teeny and fff har hf nformation is then passed bac he linked-up Coastal t A Country Observer Corps Post is seen ? Gs ntres, at work, A. M. LAWRENCE ae Rexall sme " io OE OO OO OO OS 5 ostile, over their PORT PERRY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING PIANO,~ Mahogany, upright, for sale--Don Christian Electric, Oshawa. COMBINATION Coal and Electric RANGE, new guarantee, $99.00 at Don Christian Electric, Oshawa, FRIGIDAIRE, 6 cubic foot model, bargain for quick sale. . Phone 85, Oshawa. ELECTRIC RANGE, new 1940 models, at last year's tax-free prices, at Don Christian Electric, Oshawa. ARTHUR W. S. GREER in attendance at my 'Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon' of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 2b T AUCTION SALE of Stock, the property of A. I. Me- « Brien, lot 21, con, 7, Whitby Twp., AUCTION SALES Jee. Cream Social and Play at Utica June 25th. A play will be given by the members of the W.A., en- titled "The Minister's New Car". There will also be musical num- hers. - Admission 25c. TOWNSHIP OF REACH NOTICE Dominion, Bank in Uxbridge, also in the 'Bank of Commerce in Uxbridge, December, 1941, without charge. ~---. ~ . ROBT. SWANICK, Reeve. jun19-26 WANTED 75-126 acres with stock, -imple- ments, equipment, must have frontage on Lake Scugog. Can pay $5,000 down payment. ulars to A. Horton, Box 15, Port Perry "Star, 1 the country. Th h individual areas They . THURSDAY, JUNE 19--Auction Sale ~The Utica-W. A: will hold an -- ------ Ice Cream Social at Utica Hall, - on the evening of Wednesday, from now until the 13th day of Reply giving partic- . Pd ~~ = Taxes will be received in the =