& \% i PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23rd, 1941 { BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY, _ All Shows Daylight Saving Time + Healthfully Air Conditioned. EL] Thursday, Friday and Saturday, JANUARY 23-24-25 : Two shows Thursday and Friday at 7.830 and 9,30. Saturday matinees at 10 am, and 1.30 pm. Saturday Evening show starts at 5.30. Last complete show at 9.45, Northwest Mounted "Police in Technicolor, with GARY COOPER, MADELINE CAR- ROLL, PAULETTE GODDARD and PRESTON FOSTER De Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, JANUARY 27.28-29 Last complete show at 8.60 JOAN BLONDELL, DICK POWELL, in '1 Want a Divorce' Also an ADDED Attraction 'The Secret Seven' with FLORENCE RICE and BARTON MacLANE COMING next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Jan. 30-31, February 1st. JAMES CAGNEY, ANN SHERIDAN 'in 'City for Conquest' > Myrtle Station On Thursday afternoon the mem; bers of the Auxiliary of the Woman's Missionary Society met in their reg- ular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. D. Luery on Thursday afternoon of last week. Eight of the nine mem- bers were present. The president, Mrs. Gervan conducted the meeting. The annual reports were received from the different departments which show- ed the keen interest with which the members have worked during' 1940. The theme for the service of worship was, "Finding the way through Bible study". Portions bf Scripture for meditation were read from St. John's| Psalm 19, John and Colos- Between each group of read- Gospel, rians. "ings a verse was read of hymn 182, "A word of God incarnate". The Bible is the common bond between all races of men and unites us as fellow heirs of God's unsearchablg riches. It was resolved to devote time in 1941 to a daily personal study of the Bible, The Missionary program followed a brief business period. Our Japanese Comrades in the World Church, need at this time our understanding and our prayers. "Witnesses of the way in Japan" was the study for the after- noon and was in charge of Mrs. Hud- ' gin, assisted by several of the mem- hers. It was the story of the Chris: + tian witness of two of our Canadian missionaries, Dr. and Mrs. Dan Nor man, and of two fine Japanese women, i oh e ~Ples,. © -- Jus? 'two quilts. IT's IN THE BAG! We offer an array of the Smartest New MIROPACKS, Ete. - HB ~ W.E. WEBSTER -- Heli a 2% | BREAD and PASTRY For all round GOODNESS our Bread and Buns are st. We have everythin astry, ete, to satisfy that Hungry ppetite ; JEMISON BAKERY Gi kv JHE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY... Mrs, Watanable and Mrs. Hizuno. The study was presented in an interesting and attractive manner. The February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, A. Parrinder and the si» dy book in charge of Mrs, Luery. The annual congregational meeting was held in the church on Friday even- ing. The attendance was not as large as was expected, but the necessary in- terest and-enthusiasm regarding 'the welfare of the church was not lack- ing--Reports were received from the Sunday School, Women's Association, Woman's Missionary Society, Faithful Workers' Class, M"*&. M. Dept., and the trustee board of the church, The election of officers followed: Record- ing Secretary, Mr. R. Thompson; Treasurer, Mr, A. Parrinder. The trustees appointed for three years were, Messrs. Roy Thompson, Allen Downey, Harry Briggs; Ushers ap- poifited, Allen Downey, Harry Briggs, A. Parrinder; chairman of Trustee Board, 0. H. Downey. Afr. and Mrs. W. McCarl, Vernon and Ronald of Brooklin, were visitors on Thursday of Mr .and Mrs. ¥. Har- rison. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Hortop of Oshawa were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs, James Dickson. Mr. and Mrs. James Lee and little girls of Greenbank were Sunday visit- ors of W. J. and Mrs. Cook. Bob and Hazel Valliers and Eileen Rodgers of Oshawa visited on Wed- nesday evening with their grand- mother, Mrs. T. Carey. Mr, R. C. Pike of Toronto was in the village this week Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fleury, Mrs. Jos. Greentree of Oshawa, Mrs. Wil- liam Greentree of Gavan; Sask., will visit this week with Toronto friends. The annual meeting of the Myrtle Community Club was held on Monday evening and the following officers were elected: President, Elwood Masters; Vice-President, 0. Downey, Sec.-Treas., John Grant. The first dance and cuchre will be sponsored by the Evening Telegram for the bene- fit of the British War Victims' Fund. The date will be set as soon as. the de- sired orchestra can be procured. We regret to report the death of Mrs. Johnston Hughson, who passed away one Monday, in her 93rd year. PROSPECT Mr. Harry Stevens of Camp Borden, spent the week end at his home here, Miss Edith Cochrane of Brooklin, was a recent visitor with her parents. Mr. Maurice Edgerton, of Oshawa, spent the week end at his home. Mrs. O. Graham and children of Port Perry, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. 3 Smith. "Mrs. G. Drinkle ot Columbus, Rev, and Mrs. Warren and son, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Alford, son and daughter of Uxbridge, were recent visitors of Mrs. Frank Martin, The W. A. meeting was held at the home of Mrs. G. Webster last Wednes- day with eleven members present and several visitors. The election of of- ficers resulted in each retaining their former position. Colléction over $6. Plans were laid for a quitting to quilt You can be the envy of everyone in your set .,--the one whose travel- _ ling equipment is truly "exclusive, You can travel in luxury: be the proud possessor of ample, stylish travelling e- quipment, and stay well within your budget. BUY NOW, in the line of Cakes - CALL -- reserorenersesesrestesertarrrestrssssssasasasanarert 1500 All Subsoriptions to the Port Perry Star are due if the label does not read 1941. | Mr.'and Mrs. 8. Croxall of Uxbridge were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilroy. The annual Church meeting "was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Holtby last Thursday evening. The regular routine of business was dis- cussed after which the hostess served a dainty lunch, The young girls met at the home of Mrs, Geo. McClintock and pieced sev- eral blocks for a quilt for the Red Cross last Saturday. Mr. M._ Roberts, of Toronto, was a visitor at the home of his father Mr, J. Roberts on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wales, of Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Vernon, of Port Perry, were recent visitors of Mr, and Mrs. F. Vernon. : Miss Madalene Thorn of Chalk Lake visiting her aunt Mrs. W, Holtby. EPSOM Mrs. Jas. Ashton visiting her daughter Mrs, Horace Searle, of Col- umbus, Miss Corbett was home one day last week attending the funeral of her uncle Mr. Cyril Clark of Brampton visit- ing his mother and brother Mrs. F. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clark, on Sunday. Mr. Wm. Asling has been appointed caretaker of the Public School for the year. ] Mr. Roland Armstrong, Mr. Cook and Lloyd Payne are in training camp at Newmarket. - Miss Dorothy Prentice is nursing a cold these days. The Sunday School meeting held for the year 1941 elected the following officers: Supt, Mr. Frank Millman; Asst Supt, Mr. Elmer Wilson; adult Bible Class Teacher, Mr. Jos. P. Wil- son; Asst.,, Mrs. Jenner; young ladies' class, Mrs. Robt. Clark; young men's class, Mrs. Norman Prentice; Asst. Mrs. Walter Howsam; junior boys, Gordon Prenticé; Asst, Elmer Wilson, junior girls, Miss Dorothy Prentice; Asst, Mrs, J. P. Wilson; sr. primary, Mrs. Ray Medd; jr. primary, Mrs, L. Blight; organist, Mrs. S. Pogue; Asst. Laura Rogers, Mrs. L. Wagner. Let us continue our good work. The annual congregational meeting was held at the church on Tuesday. Report later. The W. A. will met at the home of Mrs. P. Luke on Thursday, January 30. A good attendanceis requested. Mrs. Walter Howsam, we are glad to say, is improving in health. -------- EP -------------------- ONTARIO COUNTY CROP IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION Thegpnual meeting of the Ontario County Crop Improvement Associa- tton was held feceritly in Sunderland with farmers from many parts of the County in attendance. The theeting was in charge of Mr. F. M. Chapman, who, in his opening remarks, stressed the growing im- portance of the work of the Crop Im- provement Association. Last year's County Seed Fair was a highlight. £ [The Association has decided to con- # | tinue this event this year, to be held 8 | at Beaverton, Most noteworthy of the experiments #2 | were Hybrid Corn. The result would gt | indicate that hybrid corn has a de- } | cided advantage over open pollinated £ | corn in withstanding attacks of the ¥ | corn borer and in its ability to stand $% | storms, Mr. Chas. Palmer of theiDominion ¥| Dept. of _Agriculture, guest speaker, #| outlined the new regulations which 8 | have to do with the sale of seed corn. %| All seed corn sold this season will £ | come from fields which have been in- i spected and will be sold in sealed bags. Officers elected: Hon. President, F. £ | M. Chapman, President, J, Ross; Vice- 8 | President, F, H. Westney; Sec.-Treas,, | | 'BIE. A. Innes; Executive Committee, F. $| Clayton, H. Harper, E. W. Webber. The directors are as follows: E. Whitby--A, E. Grass, H. Hayes, E. W. Webber. Whitby -- W. D. Thomson, Ww. F. Batty, 0. H. Downey. Pickering--W. Reesor, G. M, For- syth, F. H. Westney, John Scott. Uxbridge--W. Shell, H, Harper, C. Gould, Scott--Harvey Shier, Walter Ball, L. L. Bagshaw. Scugog--Frank Gerro Thorah--John Webbe, Fred Cl ton, J. Ross. Reach--Lloyd Lee, Stanley Ward, Armour McMillan, Mara-- Clarence Duggan, El Me- Cuaig. : Rama--Lawrence Cooper. " Byrl|- | the average attendance: was well over uy Free French troops announced. great battle is raging, Tobruk is situated on edy the matter. | The delegates, Brooklin Spring Fair--T. Hall. Brock Fair--L. McMullen. Beaverton Fair--A. Grant, South Ont. Fair--N. Down. Scott Fair--Stuart Taylor. Port Perry Fair--E. R. McClellan. ISIC TNL SLA AN LINDSAY PRESBYTERIAL The annual meeting of Lindsay Presbyterianl W.M.S. of the-Presby- terian Church in Canada was held in St. Andrew's Church, Lindsay, on Tuesday, January 14th, ' Miss. Grace Kennédy, President of the Presbyterial, presided at morning and afternoon sessions, Mrs: McQueen graciously welcomed the 'gathering to Lindsay. In conveying greetings from the Presbytery, Rev. Mr. McQueen, said we are all aware of the serious times through which we are passing, and we realize more serious times are ahead, we are fighting for democracy and our church is fighting for demo- cracy. It is our duty and privilege to ever keep before our groups our high system of democracy we have in our own Presbyterian Church, Secretafy's reports showed work faithfully 'done, The Glod Tidings, Students, and Young Women's Dept. vevealed - increases. Miss Oliver of Uxbridge, corresponding secretary, re- 'ported an increase in membership and the number of members. WAR Tobruk Falls. Thousands of Prisoners Taken and Australian shock troops storm the Libyan stronghold. Fall of the chief Italian Libyan base has been The attack was led by Australian troops led the attack, and thousands of prisoners taken.. : The importance of this capture will be realized when the position of Tobruk is noted--approximately | 700 miles from Malta, for the possession of which a line, some 250 miles to the south of Crete. important because it is on the line to the Suez Canal. The fall of Tobruk will dg British control of the Mediterranean Sea. ---- to -------- Canadian Farmers are Waking Up It has long been recognized that a divided agricultural people could not do anything to better their position. Now a national moventent is on foot to rem- This decision was reached at the! annual meeting of the Canadian Feder- ation of Agriculture. declared that their industry is in such dangerous economic condition that the unity of the nation is threatened. ; provinces and 350,000 farmers, adopted a policy that they feel confident will carry them through the war crisis. The framers of the agricultural manifesto recognize. the paramount im- portance of winning the war, and will make necessary sacrifices to that end. BUT CONDITIONS MUST IMPROVE OR THEY CANNOT ON. fight beside British the North African coast It is also | much to strengthen The delegates represeting nine A few interesting thoughts from-the Auxiliary reports were: 1. In these days of working for our King we should keep the work of our iy of kings in first place." . The worst of all religions is that 0 leaves a man satisfied with himself. 3. When a Jew meets a Gentile he thinks: this is a Christian, and is measuring his Lord. 4. We are not going out to preach Christ but to mirror Him, Weh are, other, President Miss Grace Kennedy, of Uxbridge. Vice-Presidents--1st, Mrs. W. W. Fnney, Kirkfield; 2nd, Miss A. Seaton, Lindsay; 3rd, Mrs. Grant, Ashburn; 4th, Miss M. Mark, Lindsay. Treasurer, Mrs- John F." Brabazon, Blackwater. = Secretaries--Recording, Miss M. Oliver, Uxbridge; Women's, Mrs Clarence Veale, Argyle, Girls' Organizations, Miss W. Allin, Blackwater; Mission Band, Miss Islay Carmichael, Woodville; Home Help- ers, Miss C. Oliver, Uxbridge; Ex- change, Miss Belle Calder, Beaverton. Welcome and Welfare, Mrs. H, Mark, Bobcaygeon; Glad Tidings, Mrs, P. Frances, Cannington; Press, Mrs. J. Stewart MacFarlane, Blackwater; Life Membership, Miss Doreen Bick, Cannington; Students, Mrs, Jas. Bath- For Service, Saving and Year 'Round Satisfaction, shop at me RED & WHITE stows Storewide Mid-Winter Sale---Now On Girls Dresses--$1. 00, Ladies House DRESSES--3$1.00, $1.39 t= Unbleached Sheeting, 72 in wide, 3%¢ White Cotton--19c¢ yd. Esmond Baby Blankets 49c. Flannelette Nightgown, Baby -- 29¢ 69c Ladies Slips, special . Mens Hefty Overalls - $1.98 Boys Whipcord Breeches -- $1.69 Mens Brushed wool Zipper Sweaters, $2.75 WALLPAPER: Stock of Sunworthy and Suntested papers. Prices as Low as last year still prevail. WALL--10c roll and up "HEAD LETTUCE, large 2 for 25¢ SPINACH = . . 10c Ib. BROOMS good weight - 39c GRAPES - - 2lbs. 25¢c F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 PORT PBRRY mn Sr MEATS THAT SATISFY You will be sure of satisfaction when you buy our meats. Whether its Fresh, Cured, or Cooked Meats you require, we can always give fou quality and service. Give us a call. PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE Bert. MacGregor, Phone 72-r-2 \CAASARRASSAAROARRARAAS BAAR Bibles to 'very many who 'read no! Young |! Lowest Market Price. gate, Lindsay; Historian of Records, Mrs. Ormiston, Uxbridge; Supply, Mrs. Leask, Uxbridge. Cawker Bros. FRESH BAKING DAILY Deliclous Bread and Pastry of All Kinds Fresh Shipment of Smiles 'n Chuckles Bulk Chocolates. Try the new bordeau center. SATURDAY SPECIAL--Banana Cakes WE DELIVER 5 A Betow Be, Be fost Pery ; Ea ae TIM Te. Se BE RE SR Cer Cader - Inthesedays of uncertainty you need reliable i insurance. We place insurance that gives you peace of mind as well as protection. ~~ : HAROLD Ww. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry PrN ie SEBS SER SEES CER a Re CAWKER'S . Courteous Service . Phone 29w Sl otor'ed We Offer You the Choice of the Market Prompt and Port Perry FR ow on ae.