Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 9 Jan 1941, p. 8

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° wn --_-- = ~~ ee Tuesday unless further notice is given. teresting talk on Missionary work -- | using the" Study Book topic... Come laid to rest in Pine Grove Cemetery. The sympathy of the.community is ex- PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1941 Happy New Year to one and all, A few from here attended the an- nual meeting of the Red Cross at Manchester, Saturday evening. We are asked to attend their regular meeting Thursday afternoon of 'this week. . been very good. The prayer or fellowship service at the Parsonage this Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. P. Wilson attend- ed the Silver Wedding on New Years of Mr. and Mrs. A. Emblem. Miss Norma Millman home for a short time on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Searle of Col- umbus at Mr. Howard Ashton's on Sunday. Mrs. Jas. Ashton returning home with them, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Asling ana little Patsy visiting at Jos. Wilson's on Friday evening. Mrs. Martha Ackney convalescent for a time. Keep in mind the Red Cross meet- ing to be held in the basement on meeting, vited. Annual usual hours on Sunday. and keep the attendance up, Rev. F. G."Joblin has accepted an invitation to stay with us another year which is very pleasing to us all. We hope he will have the same co- operation as in past years, The Junior Girls' Institute will meet at the home of Miss Ivah Milner, on Saturday afternoon. of year that resolutions are made, so choose one for the roll call for this Come and enjoy a good time with the girls. The Women's Association will meet at the Township Hall. election The Red Cross Society will meet at the same place and on the same day. Mrs. F. G. Joblin is preparing an in- SCUGOG Services and Sunday Schools at the and help make 1941 a big yéar for us. The groups are being re-organized. Mr. T. Moore hds'returned to Camp Borden after visiting his sister Mrs. tended to the bereaved family, Misses Marie and Grace Hood,|. Grace Demara and Gordon Tetlow have returned to their studies in To- YES! We sell it by the ton. BLACK m------------ --,,,,, -- We Are Yot Salistied 4 Unless You Are |} Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Ter GOLD | The famous "READING" This is the time Come out|J. Demara. It has Mr, and Mrs. W. Dodsley. uncle and aunt Mr, Pearce, at Blackstock, ronto, to Toronto. during his 82 years. Everyone in- of officers. Mr. Geo. Dodsley of Camp Borden spent a few days with® his parents, Miss Joyce Tetlow and Mary. Lou Pearce spent the week end with their and Mrs, Mr. Nelson Foster was called to his home beyond after a few weeks of illness; in the Western Hospital, To- Mr. and Mrs. Foster lived on the Island many years before moving Mr. Foster was always very cheerfel and made many friends | : He leaves to mourn his passing, his widow Mar- garet Fralick, who is quite ill; and three daughters, (Olive), Mrs. Fred Crozier; (Marion) Mrs. C.. Rowland; and Greta, at home. Mr, Foster was w. ronto after spending the holidays at their" respective homes here. The new Reeve, Mr. Russell Hood, and his Councilmen, gave their friends a.very enjoyable time on Friday even- ing with a dance in the Township Hall, The music was furnished by Mr. J, L. Sweetman at thé piano, John Burn- ham, violin, Mr, Freeman, accordion, who also played the bagpipes. A tasty lunch was served and enjoyed. There were many happy home gatherings for New Years which was a lovely day. Mrs. Orr Rodman and daughter Lydia, Buffalo, N.Y.; spent the week- end with Mrs, Isaac Rodman and her sisters, Mrs, Burton and Miss Reader. Many happy returns of the day to Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. Jackson, who cele- brated their forty-sixth wedding an- Naval ORANGES ....doz Tangerine ORANGES, doz. .15 $ LUX SOAP ...,......... ¢ LIFEBUOY SOAP....2 for .13|% TOMATOES, large. tin ... .10| ROLLED OATS ...... 6 hs. .25 KETCHUP, Heinz, 8 oz. 2 for .19 BUTTER ......... TERE 1 We deliver twice daily, Phone 91 Argue's Grocery PORT PERRY niversary on New Years by having a family gathering. Glad to hear Mrs. Isaac Rodman is a little improved in health, as is Mrs. HOW ? WHEN ? WHERE ? A WOUNR ICONS TAK WHO ? HOW MUCH ? Anthracite, and "STAR" Brand Lump Alberta. LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL. CO., Phone 240w. LIMITED If you do not take the "Star", start the New Year with a Subscription. Have Your PRINTING | Done at the PORT PERRY STAR OFFICE Satisfactory Work "i? Prompt Delivery Reasonable Prices We shall be pleased. to quote prices on any printing job - you may wish to have done, THIS YEAR, almost every man and woman in Canada will share the burden of paying for the war. A million new taxpayers will pay who never paid before. A personal budget payment plan is available to old taxpayers who are faced with substantially increased income taxes. Canadians ate asked to shoulder their share of the war effort cheerfully and willingly, By pay- ing your income tax regularly you help to speed ~ the production of war material, and bring the day of victory closer. Figure out how much tax you will have to pay, and arrange to pay promptly when due. Pay by instalments--the easy way--and save interest. Cut out this page and keep -it for future reference. WHO PAYS INCOME TAX? If you are a single person "7X A) without dependents, and ' > ll your income in 1940 was more than $750.00 you pay general-income-tsx. If you are a married person without depend- ents, and your income in 1940 was more than $1600.00 you pay general-income-tax. If you are a married person with children, you are allowed $400.00 exemption for each depend- ent child or grandchild, in addition to the $1600.00 exemption. . wart NOTE: In addition to the general-income-tax you pay National Defence Tax the law but it is a simple method, namely, in eight equal monthly instalments, without inter- est, commencing in January. To take advantage of the monthly payment plan without interest each payment must be made on or before the 'due dates. Otherwise interest will be charged on the fotal balance remaining unpaid after April 30th, ~ EXAMPLE OF INSTALMENT i PAYING WITHOUT INTEREST AEN ) ahd ; 4:77 ) If your estimated tax is NZ AL $60.00 you pay one-third of Nov the tax $2040) in four instal- ments. ($5.00 each) 'and the remaining two thirds ($40.00) in four instalments ($10.00 each). Your payments are therefore as follows: On ot Belote On or Before On or Before On or Before J Feb, 28 Mar. an, 31 31 Apel 30 $5 $5 $5 $5 On or Before On or Belore On or Before On or Before May 31 June 30 July 318 © © Avg. 31 $10 $10 $10 $10 = $60 Hi r itis r ded that you pay your tax in eight equal monthly instalments of $7.50 each = $60.00. Instalment Income 'I'ax Remittance Forms are available at any post office, or any branch of any bank, or the office of the. Inspector: for your District, and their use will ensure accurate and proper allocation of your payment. However, ou can send in your instalments by ordinary etter with your name and addressplainly stated thereon, clearly indicating the division between Provincial rt Pats Tax payments, HOW MUCH DO YOU PAY? The general-income-tax is pay- {/$' exemptions. CE f you are single, your exemp- nd. tion is $750.00. Thus'if your total income is $1,000.00 you must pay tax on $250.00. The cxemption for a married person is $1,500.60 plus $400.00 for each depend ent child-- or grandchild. Thus if you are a married man with two children and a total income -of $2,600.00 your total exemptions are $1,500.00 plus $400.00 for each child, or $2,300.00 in all. So you pay tax on $300.00. Payment: You may send a cheque, Post Office or Money Order in payment of income tax by mail, to the Inspector of Income 'Tax for the District in which you reside, made payable to the Receiver General of Canada. Write plainly, and give your name in full, so that mistakes in crediting may be avoided. Do not send money or postage stamps in envelopes, © RATES OF NATIONAL DEFENCE TAX For a single person on your total income without any exemption if you are single and your income goes over $600 or if you are married and your income goes over $1,200, £53) How po. vou Rates of General-Income-Tax which Individuals Must Pay Your net taxable income is the amount le! from your total income, If your net taxable income is ft after you deduct exemptions 29% on the total income if - the income exceeds $600 and does not exceed $1,200. 3% on the total income if- the income exceeds $1,200, - For a'married person. 29, on the total income if the income. exceeds $1,200 with able -on -your-net -income less J bs Ky, 2\ PAY? 3 (y {' "Your income tax Vv may be paid in the following ways, -- 1. The Present Method: At least one-third of the tax to be paid by April 30th, the balance, with in- terest at 69, from April 30th, to be paid by August 31st. On any balance unpaid after fugu 31st, the interest rate will be 89. 2. The Proposed Method: In 8 monthly instalments without in- _terest, To take advantage of this $250 or less the taxis... ............... 69% thereon, If between jos A $1000 thetaxis$ 3 plus 89 on the excess over $ 250 we Ana " 5 120) 0 fr 1000 "' 2000and 3000 » 195 * 169, " 2000 3000 and 4000 3 356 1. 209, u td 3000 " 4000and 5000 ** 555 249, i te 4000 *' 5000and 6000 795 279, 1 Ne 5000 "6000 and. 7000 1065 309, " «" 6000 T7000 and - 8000. 1365 339 te 1" 7000 " 8000and 9000 --1695. * 359 1 H 8000 ff 9000and 10000 © 2045 37% " ge 9000 For higher income& refer to the Income War Tax Act. s 1 : . In addition to the above rates, there is a surtax on all investment income in excess of $5! Also there is National Defence Tax. and in some Provinces, Provincial Income Tax. a tax credit of $8.00 for each depefident child or grand- child, For 1940 the tax is on one- half of the income and the tax credit is $4.00, ' « FURTHER 1577) INFORMATION \etain the NZARY 78 National GOOD BUILDERS' S Se F.ER 'Phone 78 w : Robt. Wallace.,- Which for them both a speedy recovery. Mrs. C. Mills returned home on Sun- day after visiting her son Harold at Enniskillen. z ! Mrs. F. G. Joblin is spending a few days in Toronto with relatives. Messrs. Everett Prentice and Victor Aldred leave on Friday for the train- ing camp at Newmarket under the National Training Scheme. Glad to hear Mr. Wm, Milner is im- proving in health after his operation at the General Hospital in Toronto, Also that Ralph Milner is feeling bet- ter after his illness, "Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Martyn and Inez were New Year guests of their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sweetman, A 'Mr, and Mrs. D. Hope, Shirley, Roy and Miss Mildred Mills, Mrs. H. Long ment must be new way of paying, the first instal- paid on or before Defence Tax Donald and Marie, Mr. Joe Dowson January 31st. You must pay at - least one-third of the estimated Booklet and the necessary forms may be 'obtained from the tax in four sgual monthly instal. ments, in January, February, March and April, i.e. 1-12 of the estimated tax in each of the said 4 months; The remaining two- thirds must be paid in four equal monthly instalments in 1 ay June, July and August, i.e, 1-6th of the estimated tax in each of the said 4 months, STi will be inthe amended law, 3. The Recommended Method: This method will not be found in DOM INIO HON. COLIN GIBSON, - Minister of Notionol Revere You must pay th N OF CANAD IMPORTANT TO EVERY INCOME TAX PAYER. Instalment Plan and pay regulatly thereafter Canana A To enjoy the advantages of the Interest-Free e first instalment not later than January 31st, Inspector of Income Tax for the district in which you reside, Forms are now avilable. Form T.1 Special is to be used b individuals who are not jn bust. ness whose income is not more the regular form T.1 or in the case of farmers, Form T.1A. "Proprietors in business must file, * in addition to the Form T.I Return, an Excess Profits Tax Return on Form E.P./T\1 on or before April 30th next, INCOME TAX. DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE 'C. FRASER ELLIOTT, than $5000. All others must use . and sister Myrtle, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, C. Hardy. Mr. and 'Mrs. J. Pearce, Mr, and Mrs, L. Pearce and Mary Lou were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Tetlow. ~ PROSPECT Mrs. J. Holliday and Mr. Ronald D, Allin, of Toronto, were recent visitors at the home of Mrs, J. Holli- day. Mrs, G. Webster, Mr, and Mrs. B. Webster, Mr. Horace Webster, sere recent visitors with friends in Green- bank, : . N i ; -- Quite a Jimber of the Prospect people are ill with the flu, th ad 'Mr, and Mrs. M. Lane of Bowman- ville, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilroy, Mrs, F. Martin and Mr. P, Martin spent New Years with friends in Oshawa. b : -- FOR -- i COAL | WOOD, LUMBER, UPPLIES etc. LL -- Ra a hh oo RE EESOR PORT PERRY, daughter of Thornbury, were recent visitors of Mrs, F. Martin, Miss Dorothy Seiget of Toronto, has been visiting her parents for the past couple of weeks, ; Mr. Maurice Edgerton of Oshawa, spent the week end with his parents. The W. A. meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. G. Webster, on Wed- nesday, January 16th. All members are requested to attend to finish up the the business for the year. Miss Verna Niddery, R.N., of Vie- toria Memorial Hospital, Brampton, was a recent visitor of her parents. GREBNBANK Mrs. L. Burnett returned to her home in Ottawa last week, after spending the holidays with Mrs, Lytle and other friends, ~ Miss Nora Wilkinson, New Toronto, visited her sister Mrs. H. Stone last week, ' ; Mrs. Norman. Jacobs, Mariposa, spent a few days with Miss Harmon. Glad to report Mr, and Mrs. John Beare recovering from their recen illness. : : Mrs, Emmerson is seriously ill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Brown. her, 5% Progressive Euchre and Dance under the auspices of L.O.L, 2189. Admission 26¢. Partners for euchre. Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Martin and Mrs, Johnson of Uxbridge, is nursing --

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