Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 19 Dec 1940, p. 3

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The Book Shlf.. "EUROPE IN THE SPRING" By Clare Boothe Here is in all probability' the most revealing book about the new World War yet written, Miss Boothe went abroad in February 1940; she returned in June, not many days before the fall of Parle, She .visited Italy, Portugal, Hol. land, Belgium, France and England, She talked everywhere with people of every sort, from _diplomaty to shop-girls. Bhe visited the Maginot Line and endured bombing from the air In Paris and Brussels, She was in Paris while' the Battle of France took shape and it became apparent that the Nazis were not to be stopped. - Hers is no second-hand account of the battle lines; no ponderous analysis of {deological backgrounds, In these pages she tells what she saw and heard, Her story "is devas. tatingly and absolutely truthful" Walter Lippman says, Her style al< ternates between the witty and hard and the moving, stirring. She awakens regrets, despalr, but also enthusiasm aud hope, "Europe In the Spring" . .. by + Clare Boothe .., Toronto; Ryerson Press . . . $3.00 Nurses Snatch A Rest 't 4 LE sr fart Shade It lacks many of the comforts of home, but this cubby hole be- neath the stairs of their head- quarters#is about the safest place for these nurses to snatch a few hours rest, They are from " "Barts" hospital, one' 'of Lon- don's 'most famous niercy insti: tutions. ~ VOICE PRESS. .~ LEARNING BY WAR _ But for war news, some of us would never know the name of Siam had been changed to Thail- and. --Toronto Telegram, DESPITE MISTAKES Your home town is where you made your mistakes, everyone knew. about the, but still they "liked - you. z --Brandon Sun ales THERE'S A DIFFERENCE The members of Parliament decided that soldiers in the cana- dian army would. have to pay their own fares home to spend any Christmas leaves that might be granted. The members of Parliament travelled home for Christmas on their own railway passes. --Windsor Daily Star. ap PERILOUS PARADES The hazards of marriage begin early. For instance, there is the wild drive throsigh busy down- town streets immediately follow- ing the wedding ceremony. "1 take this woman . . .t doesn't mean that you must take her at forty miles an hour past the post office. We are not given to tell- ing the police what they should do about every little thing, but if they were to cool a few of these imp. tent bridegrooms, the cops would be supported by every mother, by every father, by every bride--and by a few dead people ° who didn't make the curb in time. --Stratford Beacon-Herald Depths of Ploughing Little or no:difference in yield of = crops depths of ploughing has been ob. served in " AH bind ili out over a period of years by o Field RabAndey Divislon, «Central Experimental Farm, .Ot: tawa,' comparing the yield of crops from land ploughed 7 inches and 4 inches deep respec. \ tively. Floughing at the two depths has been done following corn and finothy in a rotation of corn, oats, clover, and timothy. following 'different + " LESSON XII S8HARING THE SHEPHERDS' JOY Christmas Leason) Luke 2 1 8-20. GOLDEN TEXT.-- Glory to God In the highest, And on earth peace, good wlll toward men. Luke 2 : 14. THE LESSON IN IT8 SETTING Time.--Wluter, 4 to 6 B.C. Place,~--Bethlehem, from five to six miles south of Jerusalem, In reading this lesson we will - want to glve serious consideration to the meaning of thls message of peace, coming down to men from heaven, for certainly the earth has known very little peace sinco the Lord was born, and hardly knows it at all today. &* The Angel Appears, Luke 2: 8, "And there were shep- herds In the same country abiding in the field, and keeping watch by night over their tlock. 9. "And an angel of the Lord stood by them, and the glory of tlie Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afrald." The word "shepherd" is 'used In a very rich and vagled way, In both the Old and New Testaments, God himself Is spoken of as a shepherd in Ps. 23 : 1; 80 : 1; Ezek. 34 : 11-16. God's grealest news is revealed to humble men, There' were many great men and wealthy in Palestine; scholars and intellectuals. But it was not to any of these that the angels came, and it was not in thelr ears the music sounded; the greatest news that the world ever heard was given to & group .of humble shepherds. They were men of a devout and reverent spirit, touched with a sense of the mystery of things. Is it not to such simple people that God still reveals himself in amplest measure? The Angel's Message 10. "And the angel said unto them, Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good tidings of great Joy which shall be to all the people." The shepherds wero afrald because they knew that there was a divine presence near them. Why the message which the angel was now about to announce was one which could be characterized as of "great joy" the word "Saviour" {n- dicates. Nothing else can bring joy to any person like redemption of- fered to us in Jesus Christ, deliv- ering man from galling bondage of sin, from the fear of death, from the wrath of God. 11, "For there is born to you this day in the'city of David a Saviour, who Is Christ the Lord." Not only had the angel come to speak to men, but he had como to speak to them of one who was born to them, born for them, Heaven could never conceive of any other plan which could so profoundly set forth the love of God for man, and the desire of God to save man, as the sending of his Son to be born under the law and to dle for us, "Saviour" is a complex word. It has in it all human nature, all di- vine nature, all the past of history, all the possibility of prophecy, the tenderness outvying the love of women, the majesty humbling the haughtiness of kings. 12, "And this is the sign unto you: Ye shall tind a babe wrapped fn swaddling clothes, and lylng in. . a manger." The sign was that by means of which the shepherds would be able to. determine the truth of the message. . The Heavenly Choir 13. "And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heav- enly host, pralsing God, and saylng, 14, Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, good will to- ward men," 16. "And it came to pass, when the angels went away from them into heaven, the shepherds sald one to another, let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing that is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. 15, And they came with haste, and found.- 'Mary and Joseph, and the babe ly- ing In the manger, 17. And when they saw it, they made known con cerning the saying which was spok- en to them about this child, 18, And all that heard it wondered at the things which were spoken unto them by the shepherds." The Silent Mother 19. "But Mary kept all these say- ings, pondering them in her heart." The rest just wondered, not so Mary who had heard Gabriel's an- nunclation," The matter went far . deeper with her, involving her whole personality. 20, ."And the shepherds refurned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and geen, even as It was_ spoken unto them." These shepherds, seeing the Lord, return. ed with abounding Joy in thelr hearts and a new love for God. They leaye us the example of their heav- onward look and their simple faith, as in the name of humanity they saluted the Christ that was to be. Liners of 100,000 tons, to carty 8,000. passengers, are al- _ ready being planned in the United States, for building after the war. Some fish have a deéided sense of taste. In Portugal, fishermen use melon to attract certain fish which have a sweet tooth, Doesn't the World Champion Rate a Kiss? show -- at Chicago. winning the coveted honor, i King of the bovine world today is Donald Asay, 10-month-old Here- ford steer weighing 1,087 pounds and crowned grand champion steer of the 1940 international live stock exposition -- world's greatest stock He was exhibited by Evelyn Asay, 18-year-old, of Mount Carroll, Ill, who is shown being kissed by her father after Farm Notes «us Feed to Increase Production of Milk Booklet issued by Ont. Feed Board Contains Much Valuable In- formation for dairy farmers. With Ontario being asked to step up tho production of cheese for the food line of war timo Great Bri- tain, this increase in production in the final analysis depends on the milk flow of Ontario cows. Farmers may or may not be get- ting the best results from thelr dairy herds these winter months. This will depend in large measure on feeding methods. The Ontario Feed Board, sponsored by the On- tario Dept. of Agriculture, has Is- sued a handbook of twenty pages on the Feeding and Management of Dairy Cattle which may be ob- tained free of charge from your local. Agricultural Representative. It contains much valuable inform- ation> Feed To Requirements In general, the Feed Board rec. ommends feeding according to the requirements f each animal. Feed at regular hours each day and avoid sudden changes in feeding. Provide a sufficient supply of fresh walter, salt and minerals. For dairy cows in milk tho Bourd advises one pound hay, 2 pounds roots and 2 pounds of silage for each 100 pounds of live weight or one pound hay and 3% pounds sil. age, or 1% pounds of hay and 4 pounds of roots or 2 pounds to 2% pounds of hay. rl When it comes to meal mixtures, the Board advises the dally feed of one pound of meal mixture for every 3 or 4 pounds of milk pro. duced, daily, Recommended mixtur- es are to be found in the handbook. Every farmer who wants: to aid Great Britain to the utmost of his ability, should have a copy of this book. 1 By DAVE ROBBINS "RADIO REPORTER | ON CHRISTMAS DAY For St. George and England! The British colony in Hollywood will honour the homeland and those de- fending, not only the shores of Bri- ~ taln, but the way of life cherished by- all free men. - On Christmas Day, as on a date earlier this faN, a company of dis- tinguished British and Canadian stage and screen stars will com- bine their talents to ald the Island Fortress, The programme, under the chalrmanship of Allan Mowbray, will take the form of a Christmas greeting to the people of Britain, and it will be a token of love and loyalty from the sons and daugh- ters overseas, i The program will 'be heard over the whole Canadian chain, and also on the NBC. AROUND THE DIAL A program of classics that has unusual merit is Musical Americana --heard over WBEN on Thursday nights at 11.30 (daylight). This week instead of the usual 100-man musical group that is a feature of this show, Raymond Paige will dir- ect the Pittsburgh Symphony from that city. In addition, Charlle Thom- as and Helen Jepson, whose volces are known to every lover of fine-- music, will be featured guests on the program, 3 * . A new and interesting quizz pro- gram--"What Do You Know About The War?'--Is an interesting fea- ture from CKOC every Wednesday night at eight, Today's radio aud. fences seem to be definitely quizz-conscious--and war quizzes are particularly timely. The ques- tions are interesting and education- al to the layman--and keep him in- formed on current topies. _ Dial in- next Wednesday night and hear M. V. Chestnut ask ques- tions in the new war game. . * * For you folks who Itke to tune in late dance music on your radlo, you can't do better than to dial 660 and listen to WGR--on the air each night till 1.30 (or 2.30 daylight " time). Every mldnight brings the Mutual chain's best bands to WGR --with such headliners as Sammy Kaye, Phil Harris, Marvin Dale, Charley Murray, Guy Lombardo, Ray Noble, Henry Jerome, Grit Williams and Art Kassel among the band leaders. It's really a dance treat after midnight at the Buffalo station. ' * * . Tho CBC Music Hall show that features English varlely is now heard, on Monday nights at eight. This program has plenty of zip and many laughs. . * * Trivia: Ten million smackers have been set aside by radio manu. facturers across the line for tele- vision research , : . Hollywood {s making a picture about the R. A. F, starring Don Ameche and Henry Fonda. +, Only man in Guy Lom- bardo's band still a bachelor is the guitarist, Francis Henry, freee TXTTETI IT II TXT III LIILTT] SIROIS REPORT: LANS | { TWO The minion - Provincial Relations Has Made Two Sets of Recom.* mendations Which Will Be Discussed at January Conference (No. 2) January 14th, 1941 may bo a date all the grandchildren may be learn- in¥ fo thelr s¢hool books. For it is on that dato that the Dominion and the different provinces meet in Ot. tawa to discuss putting into effect the Report of the Rowell-Sirols Commission. And on the success or failure oft that conference de- pend many things--(1) Canada's help in stopping the Nazi invader, (2) its unity itself, (3) the pro- gress of the country, The Report consists of 32 vol. umes, Three of the volumes con- tain the report itself. The others aro on subjects in connection with it. It took almost three years from the date of appointment of the Com- mission to the time the Report was placed before the Prime Miinster. Its Real Purpose Its roal purpose it just one--to unite Canada by bringing certain parts of its constitution relating to taxation up to date and by placing the taxes where they can best be borne. Despite the 32 volumes, the heart of the Report is very deals with tho relations between the Dominion and the provinces and between the provinces themselves, and gives answers to tho problems facing the country, = And the main points ars easy to understamwd, There are two plans, Plan 1 is the commission recom- mendation which will do a real job il accepted. Plan 2 is a stop-gap. The heart of the Report is as fol lows. The Dominion WHI tuke over rolief of all unemployed who are fit to work. The Dominion will be responsible for making direct oper- ating cost advances to those in primary industry, that is farming and such like, when a large section of the community suffers a heavy crop failure. The Dominion will take over all the provinciat debts and those guaranteed by the prov- inces, that is, all Ontario's debts as well as the relief of those out of work who are still employable will be taken over by Ottawa, Ontario's Part And what does Ontario have to turn over in return for that help? Personal {ncome (axes, €orpor- ation taxes and succession duties. That in broad outline is the basis ot the recommendations of Plan 1 which Ontario along with the other provinces will have to consider in January. Saving Ontario's Natural Resources em a a a So By G. C. TONER, Federation of Ontario Anglers (No. 21) "ONTARIO LAKE TROUT Over much of Ontario the lake trout varies slightly in each lake but not enough in any one lake for specimens from it to be re- cognizable as different from all 'others. This variation seems to be a matter of varying condit- ions; lakes with dark water will have almost black fish, clear waters will have lighter coloured trout. The food also seems to influence the colour of the body and the colour of the flesh. In lakes where the main food is in- sects and crayfish the trout wiil have red flesh and brilliant spot- ting; in other lakes, where they feed on herring or perch, their flesh will be white, notices these differcuces and be- lieves the trouts are of different kinds; actually they are the same throughout the inland lakes. Light or Reddish Tints The Ontario Department of Game and Fisheries has planted great numbers of lake trout in our inland waters. Most of the eggs, from which the planted fry were raised, were taken in the Great Lakes, from trout that are light coloured and have a slight reddish tint to their flesh, So we find in many lakes, stocked by simple, It -- The angler" "back lakes an the Government, two apparent kinds of trout, the original na. tives and the introduced stock. So far as is known at present these slight differences do not persist from one generation to another, they .are not inherit- able. "The planted fish will grad. ually become like the natives and" the natives would change to look like the planted fish if they were transferred to the Great Lakes. SEND YOURS TO US So when yop are fishing in the you get lake trout or brook trout unlike those that you know from other lakes, ve- member that it is the water, the food and other factors that have made them different. Our scien- tists engaged in the studies of the fisheries are interested in these varieties and if you want to do your part in helping along the work, donate one or two of your catch to the Royal Ontario Mus. eum of Zoology. Bring them in as you catch them, not cleaned, and with exact date and the name of the lake in which they caught. Later you will ae a report on your donmtica uo will coactly what you have tal. « Bright Paints For Factories Eye-Strain Is Reduced and Production Increased, facturer Says "The time is coming when fac. tories. will bo all painted In bright colors," ~Avthur Pinard, Toronto palut manufacturer, told members of the Chatham Kiwanis Club (a a recent 'address. Mr. Pinard used as his theme "The Manufacture and Uses of Palnt." } "It has been found that dark colors in a factory tend to slow up production by making employees dull, and causing eyestrain," Mr, Pinard sald, "When brighter colors wero used, this was remedied a great deal" DARK COLORS DEPRESS Mr. Pinard cut'ined lew the sulacture «. nt ha. develop. { and of the uiuny uses that may bo made of it. He stated that-paint is a good disease preventive In that bacteria cannot grow on & painted surface, "Deanna and Fiance -- To Wed in 1941 Deanna Durbin, 19, Canadian-born singing film star, is shown with hubby-to-be Vaughan Pail, 25. ] Their engagement was announced by Deanna's parents in Hollywood. They'll wed next summer, They med when she made her first film in 1936. STORY WRITER 30 He was ---- 46 Christmas. by nationality, 47 To dress up. HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 10 Tardy. 1,5 Pen name BX 11 His real of the author [RIMIL Ls name, Charles % Aes in 0 RUTH 7) 5 i Wonderland." ent, 11 To plunge in L STDENIS| 15 Pram. water. 20 Dove's cry. 12 Genus of - ClO] 21 Unit ot work, evergreens. S =] R] 23 Being. 14 Mass of bread 25 Dye. 16 Kiln. E S 27 Blue grass. 17 Student at a 28. Petty demon, military OlL LIE 20 Self. ~ academy. THRE Sr I EVIE 30 Before. 18 To love [| a CIT IREISS] 33 Order of excessively. p snakes. 19 Beasts home. 36 Lad. VERTICAL ~ 35 Kettle. 20 Clique. 37 Vocal 1To dwell. 36 To surround, 22 Afternoon + composition, * 2 Opposed to 37 Fifth month, "103 el. 40 White lie. odd. x ae 4 24 English coin. 43 Class of birds, 3 Tumor. 40 Compact. 26 Stationary 44 Military 4 Subordinate 41 Inclination. point. assistants. place. 42 Lock opener, - 5 Apple drink. 44 To imitate. 6 Maple shrub, 45 Kind of snow 31 Uncles. 48 To beseech, 7 Explanation shoe. 32 Assembly, 51 He was a of an action. 483.1416, 34 To doze. noted ---- 8 Ancient. 49 Sun god. 35 To drive. by profession. 9 Boot, A 50 Form of "a 1 5 I 2 15 6 22 A of EEEElER . d POP--The Man's Protected, Too By J. MILLAR WATT | I ALWAYS FEEL SAFE WITH A MAN iN THE y "House! paren. 4 Manu pm, EY ; RR --_r I aa] ", ¢ al x 1s

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