CS TARR a SE SE Sa { mil ha Se ot a re oe a a 4 a cs PER te a - T Er RR CO ey a PAA RA DEN faky x S50 2 SORE RY AL ER AR STR EA NS ik ENE a". hd EN serra ! 4 a | : : : ; Eo 3 ! ™ 4 » : by Hv " Se : NE ES x - -- Ser i ---- SUSE J - Should Improve Home Community Ontario Women Should Work For Happier, More Whble- some Social Life For Young People, Women's Institute Speaker Urges As a challenge to homimnakers to fortify their resistance to dis: easé in the event of an epidemic following tho war, Mrs, C. Hayes, of Georgetpwn, warned the meu bers of E.st Elgin Women's YInstf- tuteseat their second officers' rally held at Aylmer, Ont, to watch thelr diet and advocated the necessity of proparedness by a study of health and food problems, it a healthier and more efficient peopla wre to be developed. DEVELOP LOCAL TALENT Continuing, Mrs. Hayes declared in her informative address that this is a chahging world and urged pro- viding the young people with bet. ter facilities by promoting social evenings. She stressed the neces. sity of creating a better commun. ity by having a happier more wholo- some social life and a more scien. tific study of agriculture. It we are to continue the main objects of Institute work, we must adopt 'the comprehensive program' --eoducational, social and practical lines of activity, she said. To fu- vest interest and sacrifice in meet ings, Mrs. Hayes asserted to be a worthwhile Investment, Every meeting should bo a profitable in- vestment by intriguing the inter. est and stimulating the mind. One of the aims should be to discover nd dovelop local talent, the speak. er sald, Frost Cuts Down On Ontario Fruit Yield In Province Is Sub- stantially Reduced -- Apple Crop 37 Per Cent Below Last Year's Heavy reductions in the major fruit crops in Ontario this year were reported by the Ontario Ag- riculture Department in a prelim. inary estimate of production, Apples were 37 per cent, less than last year, grapes 34 per cent. less, peaches 25 per cent less, pears 1.5 per cent. less. Plums and prunes showed an increase of 11 per cent, the report 'stated. The apple crop was estimated at 626,000 barrels, compared to 1,010,- 600 last year. Heavy night frosts in most parts of the province during the period Oct. 15-21 cavsed considerable dam- &go to the fruit and vegetable crops remaining ~ unharvested. Grapes wore seriously damaged for fresh fruit market purposes but it was considered too early to estimate {rost damage to apples. In the cast- ern part of the province 20 to 25 per cent of the apple crop was on the trees during the freeze. TOMATOES BELOW AVERAGE Yield and quality was greatly be Jow average, although the yield in Eastern Ontario was considerably higher than was expected a month ago, There processors had 70 to 75 per cent of average pack. The potato crop Was spotty, ranging from very poor to good jn various areas, generally heavy losses from rot belng experienced. Many growers, especially of late varieties, reported only 25 to 50 per cent of average yield. Currach Is Boat Of Ancient Type Made of Tarred Canvas Over Light Basket-Work Frame, it is Used For Transportation By Natives of Eire's West Coast A currach is a boat, but it is also one of the most primitive forms of craft in Europe. Used by the natives of the Aran Islands in (Galway Bay, Ireland, theyare noth- ing more than light basketwork frames covered over with" tarred canvas. Nevertheless, they arb able | to sail In very rough weather with charge, It doesn't matter very much ft a currach {s smashed by the sea because it can easily be repaired, this work often being done by the women and children, WELSH CORACLE 18 RELATED 'he Islander lands his boat by leaping out as he nears the shore and ralsing It out of reach of the waves. This is made possible by {lie extreme lightness of the mod: orn currach, "When safely ashore, the craft fs turned over, carried 1p the beach; and secured by stones to prevent it from being 'blown "WAY. Another primitive, and very light craft, 1s the Welsh coracle, which, today, is used in almost the same form as it was when Julius Caesar "fnvaded Britain. Along the River Boyne, in Ireland, these coracle¢ are still covered with ox-skin, Bicily is subject to malaria, "earthquakes, voleanic erdptions, I and the sirocco, & hot dry wind. is he si on BSH A hk § 3 7 2 ¥ pin A ul #5) Eyes of the World Focus on Turkey "Turkey has a well-equipped army of 2,000,000 first-class soldiers GERMANY England and Turkey signed a military alliance a year ago which last week was about to be put to the supreme test. It obligated them to fight side by side against anyone -- except Russia -- who d isturbed the peace 'of the Balkans: So far it had affected-none of Turkey's other relations; she still was allied with Russia and even officially friendly with Germany. This "splendid isolation" frcm the quarrels of the world was expected to be rudely shdttered any day as Italy penetrated Greece and Hitler hinted of giving the signal for his troops to march through Bulgaria toward Censtantinople (Istanbul). " ' a a RS = i How Can I? t B8Y ANNE ASHLEY ! Q. How can I utilize the short ends of candles? A The short ends of candles may be whittled over a floor to be waxed far dancing; or shaved and added to the water in which . clothes are boiled (paraffin whit- ens clothes and helps remove dirt) ; or shaved and the shavings enclosed in a muslin bag with which to smooth the iron; or melted, tie" wicks removed, and the paraffin used for sealing jams and jellies. Q. How can [I best treat my hands after dishwashing, to keep them soft and white? : A. Drop a little lemon juice into the palms and rub well over the hands. This will keep the skin soft and white, dnd will also remove such odors as fish and onjon. : ... How can 1 prevent black spots from appearing on boiled potatoes? A. Add a teaspoonful of vine- gar to the water while the po- tatoes are boiling. : : P. How can I lustre of velvet? A. Velvet can be thoroughly steamed by hanging the article in the bathroom and turning on the hot water in the .tub until the room steams. Let it remain for an hour or two. Then hang the garment outside to dry thor- oughly. This method will restore the lustre beautifully. restore the HAVE - YOU HEARD? As the old farmer stood at his garden gate 4 travelling salesman in radios pulled up his car. "Good-morning, sir!" he ba- gan brightly. "Can I interest you in a--" : "Eh?" said the farmer, "I can't 'ear yer." "Are you interested in radio?" asked the salesman, louder, "Speak - up, man!" ; "Would you like to inspect our new. radio model?" screamed the salesman, . "No. thank ye" said the old man; "we got.a 'armonyum," Four miles farther on he came | to a cottage, and knocked at the door. i '0 "Pardon me, madam," he be-. gan. "I have here--"' : "Not interested!" snapped the; woman. "Besides, I 'eard you, the first time," Rifle Instructor: "Do you know where you are aim. ing?" New Recruit: "No, sir. I'm a stranger in this district." Two laborers were working on a very tall block of apartment buildings. Suddenly the man at the top of the ladder called to his mate at the bottom: "I say, Jim, come up here a minute and listen." His mate slowly climbed the ladder and at last, quite out of breath, reached the top. "I can't hear anything," he said after listening- intently for a while. . "No," said the other "Ain't it quiet!" Junior: "Dad, what's the plural of 'whim'?" Dad: "Women." A young woman whose beauty is equal to her bluntness in con- versation was visiting a house where other guests were assem- bled, among them the eldest son - of a wealthy manufacturer. The i talk turned on matrimonial squabbles. "I hold that the' thing for the husband to do is to begin as he intends to go on. Suppose the question was one of smoking, I. would at once show my intentions by lighting- a cigar, thus settling the question for ever." "And I," said the young wo- man, "would at once knock it out of your. mouth." "Do you know," rejoined the young man, thoughtfully, "I don't think you would be there." "Bragson talks a great deal about his family tree." "Yes, a family tree is much like other trees; the smallest twigs do the most rustling." ~ Our Curious Tongue When "the English tongue we speak Why is break not rhymed with freak? Will you tell me why it's true We say sew but likewise few? And the fashioner of verse Cannot cap his horse with worse? Beard sounds not the same as heard, Cord is different from word, Cow is cow, but low is low, Shoe is never rhymed with foe. Think of hose and dose and lose, And of goose and also choose Think of comb and tomb and bomb, : Doll-and roll. and home and some; And since pay is rhymed with Spy : Why" riot paid and. said, I pray? We have blood and food.and good. Mould is not pronounced like could Wherefore done, but gone and ~~ lone? Is there any reason known? Coal. production in Canada daring the first eight months, of 1940 amounted to 10,800,000 tons compared with 9,200,000 tons In, the ocrresponding period of 1939. Said the young man: . Ea a dE a Ee ee EI EEE EEN . 4 What Science| Is Doing La aa EE ER ad BOMBARDING CANCER At the opening meeting of the U. 8. National Academy of Scienc- es, threo research workers of Col- umbia University, New York, de- scribed how they had achieved up to 50 per cent, death of cancer growths, They first injected lith- fum and Boron, two harmless chem- fcals, in and around the cells and then bombarded them with neu- trons, atomic particles which have no electric charge. The effect is somewhat like shooting at the fuse of a bomb, they reported. --0-- GERMS NEED GOOD DIETS Porgons living on poor diets are resistant to some infections be- cause they caunot feed the diseaso germs properly, Dr. Stuart Mudd .of the Univers. ity of Pennsylvania declared that the streptoceccus germ, one of the most viculent and widespread of all forms of bacteria, 1s extremely exacting in Its food requirements. The bug causes erysipelas, the group of diseases known as blood poisoning, childbed fever, intestinal infections, some forms of diph- theria und one form of pneumonia, meningitis, rheumatism, and a num- ber of other diseases. . --0-- EAT FOR $1.80 YEARLY ' Two- formulae, either of which reportedly would feed a person properly at a yearly cost ot $1.80, soQn may be offered to the United } States Government. Dr. Robert 8, Harris of Massa. chusetts Institute of Technology, gald the preparations, developed by himself and other technology biochemists, virtually were com- plete foods in themselves. PP Ae a Eo ae an aa HEALTH TOPICS sessesescesreIOLe Babies Need Open Air And Sunshine Sunshine 1s necessary for the normal growth of all infants, par- ticularly for tho prevention of rick- ets. The infants should be kept in the open air and sunshine when- ever possible. In the winter time he should be placed outside in the sunshine each day between "the hours of 11 a,m. and 1 p.m. It is possible to place so that his eyes will be kept away from the direct rays of the sun. Sun baths should be given daily whenever possible. As the sun's rays are not effective through ordinary window glass, the infant may, in cool weather, be placed in front of a window which is open or in which a wooden frame covered with cellophane has been {nserted, On mild days he may be taken out of doors. The clothing should be gradually removed, ex- posing the hands and feet to the sun the first day for 16 minutes, then arms and legs the second day, - and proceeding each day in thls manner until the child's whole body is exposed to the sun's rays. Dont's For Baby Don't omit giving plain water without sugar between feedings; © don't take the baby to a house where there is sickness; don't al low anyone who is sick to come near the baby; don't feed the baby from a spoon or cup that has been used by any other person without first washing it thoroughly. Remember, also, fond mothers, that the baby should not be play- ed with just after it has been fed; it should never be kissed on the mouth; don't let the baby use & pacifier or "comfort"or suck on an empty bottle; don't take the baby out at night; don't test the heat of the baby's food by putting the nipple in your own mouth; don't use a baby walker; bableg should not be encouraged to walk or stand until they are ready for it; don't forget to give the baby cod liver oll and orange julce. Don't let flies get on the baby or anything belong- ing to him; don't neglect diarrhoea but consult a doctor immediately; don't give the baby tea, coffee, candy, cakes or tastes from the table. \ i pour i aisha 4 " . 3 or] 52 years old: yh, are restions, moody, US--who fear hot ae 10. take Lydia E; Pinkham's Vegetable Com« pound. Pinkham's 1s famous for helping womén during these "trying times" due to functional be ties. Get nn bottle today from your druggist] WORTH TRYING! Materials For Minor Repairs Have Necessary Items Ready at Hand to Aid Work on Home ' Minor defects in 'a hquse fre- quently grow into major repair items for one of two reasons-- neglect, or lack of the right ma- terials readily available to make the repairs. ¢ The. simplest way to cure these minor defects, and avoid a large bill for repairs, is to have a vari- ety of materials frequently re- quired. These are suggested: (1) Assortment of brass screws, steel screws, small bolts and nuts and nails, (2) Can of linseed oil, tur- pentine, white lead, paint of vari- ous colors, varnish, shellac and an assortment of brushes, as well as a can of paint and varnish re- mover, (3) A supply of crack-filling materials and patching cements; elastic roofing cement, bag of Portland cement and sand to go with it; plaster of Paris, glue and such tool as putty knife, trowel and wire brushes. (4) A variety of bits of wood to match parts of the house, such as moldings, floor boards, trim and similar pieces. (5) A few bricks, tiles, roof- ing paper or shingles. ITCH iz C. N. R. Man Promoted The new Assistant General Freight Traffic Manager, Mon- treal, John Pullen, is a graduate of McGill University," and served in the last war, with the Black Watch Regiment of Montreal, His railway service dates from Pops tember 1913, and he has held various : positions (including that of Freight Traffic Manager, Cen- tral Region.) - : -- THAT'S EASY -BIG BEN! The PERFECT Chewing Tobacco (6) Odds and ends like bell wire, electric light wire, washers, sash cord, valve parts, (7) A set of tools; including hammer, saw, screw driver, drill, pers, wrench, wire cutters, tin shears, plane, draw knife, file, sandpaper and paint scraper. ° This list is not complete, but it includes practically all that is necessary for 'first aid" to the hous When such materials are on hand, the chances are greater that the small job will be done soon and won't be postponed or 'neglected altogether. Modern Etiquette BY 'ROBERTA LEE 1. Isn't it rude for two persons who speak a foreign langauge, to carry on a conversation in a group, when the others do not uu- derstand? 2. When writing a letter of ap- plication for a position, should it be written by hand or typedY 3. Should a husband and wife ever be placed together at the dinner table? . 4, Would it be all right for a hostess to cancel an evening of bridge if she finds'out an hour or so beforehand that one of the guests cannot come? 6. Is it all right for a girl te telephone a young man at his of- fice, to carry cn a friendly cone versation? 6, At an informal dinner, where there is no maid, who should start a dish, Answers ' 1. Yes. This is the height of rudeness. 2. A typewritten let~ ter, for this purpose, is preferred. 3. No; they should be given other partners. 4. No. She should try her best to find a substitute, and if she fails in this, suggest a game of hearts or rummy. 6. She should not do so unless the call is very urgent. 6. The per- son who is nearest to the dish, Get Sqoo for } em (V1T1g Hardware dealers sre suthorlzed to altow=you $1.00 ca any old iron towsrd the purchasa of s new Coleman, It makes and burns own gas, No cords, wires. Lights instantly, SEE YOUR DEALER or write to us for detallsl The Coleman Lamp & Stove Co. Ltd., Dept. WO. 337, Toronio, Ont, : (0327) ...CLASSIFI ED ADVERTISEMENTS... AGHNTS WANTED FOR SALE--240 ACRES, DAIRY OR Tob farm, belonging to the GRAPHOIL CONCENTRATE. BlG profits. Supply farmers, service stations; .and motorists in your area. Exclusive territories. Write Grapholl, 610 Woburn Avenue, Toronto. x AUTOMOTIVE PARTS Car and Tractor Parts NEW AND USED AT LOWEST prices. Used electric motors all sizes, Satisfaction or money re- funded. General Auto Supply, Kit- chener. 3 ores BABY CHICKS 'HE BRAY CHICK DO THE Trick." Order Bray chicks now or November-December delivery. ead Bray Service Bulletin and Dy specials -- free. A few pul- ts\\available.--Bray Hatchery, 130 John North, Hamilton, Ont. estate of the late Alex. Anderson; _gravel.loam, good buildings, quan- tity of timber, Hydro and water Installed, adjacent to the clty of St. Thomas. Apply Willlam M. Andergon, 292 Talbot Street, or Warren. 8. Anderson, R.R. No. 4, St. Thomas, Ontario. HAIR GOODS WIGS, TOQUPES, . TRANSFORMA- tions, Stvitches, Curls, and All types of finest quality. Halr Goods. Write for Illustrated catalogue. Contidential, terms arranged. To- ronto Human Halr Supply Co, 528 Bathurst Street, Toronto. --_-- - ; nS -- INVESTMENTS CAPITAL -- EXPANSION LUMBER Manu A war J Durpos 8. y years timber supply, mainly White Pine. Experienced ant. facturers, new mogern mill, cap- sity ten million, professed secur. y, repayment .guarantged. x 19.73 Adelaids Wo Toronto, 3% "BATTERIES RE-CHARGED PREVENT CHIMNEY FIRES §0o Recharge Radio B Batterles, §0c brings plan. A. Uhrich, Lockwood, ASK. PHOTO FINISHING FREE! You Can Now Own ENCYCLOPA EDIA FOR SALR SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER --thirty dollars discount for this advertisement, on purchasing the new revised edition of the En- cyclopaedia Britannica -- balance payable monthly. Clip, and mai to 505 Federal Building, Toronto, for full details. a . ELECTRICAL * ELECTRIC WATER SYSTEMS, Pump onl, $30.50. Complete sys- tem $75.00. Write for folder. yansh and MacKewn, London, nt. FEE FOR SALE PURE BRED AYRSHIRES HEIFER, 18 months; Bull 13 months; Bull Calf six weeks. Geo, P. Maude, Fergus, Ontarjo. ICE LOADERS PRAGTICAL. WON- i gertul capacity, Order early, John *' Tait, Iron B , Ontarlo. FARMS FOR SALE SEVERAL CHOICE STOCK FARMS, near ndon, Ontario. B. Coote, Barrister 1885 Dundas Btzeet, on, Ontario, SALT-DALE FARM, 200 ACRES, 76 8 fe, Where Fiaong, AE acres, Catharines, 4 Routs; 10, Bt. Gathaitaes 'Ont. Guaranteed * CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used -- New 15, Aydeanite merat hes, Gel Glass =~ Sailatact HR 4 refund, Levy Anto Paris, Dept. 1. Toronto. lete set of beautiful sliver. ware absolutely. without cost, manufactured 'and guaranteed by International 8liver - Company, You may have this complete set ghsolutely free by sending your ilms to Imperlal. Send an order now and receive complete parties ulara of this amazing offer.) 8ix or eight $xpo ure films . developed e ment In easel mount or free silver. ware. To get the best in quality and service send your films to Imperial Photo Service, Station J, Toronto, ° MEDICAL IT'S AMAZING THE WONDERFUL results after taking Dr. Dixon's ~ Remedy for Rheumatism, Neurltis, Sold only at Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. $1.00 postpald. MACHINERY FOR SALE WADE PORTABLE DRAG SA Es; to HA raf RAS AAS: wherever there are logs to. be pil: x Write Por free Hh 0 ac nery © 4 Rad 8t.. Hour Toron id i TT MEDICAL REMARKADIR Ayam oF Nour: : Teas He) hi Bikes J: 482, Ppa AL Munro's Brg SF TTon TALE COVERA TT MA! AN E, Cc T' Gift. Open work ce, beautify] Bas (Ls aes about 18" "x BAR UL le Or f - It; > Rratted. wait rotund) iP Rae satisfactory. Genera Trading e Reg'd, Room 112, Gore .Bulildiog, Hamilton, STAMPS FOR SALE STAMP COLLECTORS, AM BREAK. ing up lange collection at apecial Onatlon Ret fo ABBrOvAl ADOIICANtS. ato} \ eants. Roy Pennell, ri Brock Avena: Toronto. ont OPTICAL READING GLASSES -- 123 PAIRS sent to test your eyes. Return them with your order if sulted. State.age. Price $1.95 up. St. Clale Optical Co., Dept. W.,, 1255 St. _Clair_West, Toronto. = IRSONAL SUPERFLUOUS ' H AIR SAFELY, Privately removed. Face, Arms, Legs: Treatment $2.00 postoal lain wrapper, Guaranieed ILL roots with. one applicatio §anadian Chemistry Co., Wilk] ask. v PPob PULLETS, CHICKS SEND FOR - PRICES AND CAT- alogue of Free Range Ready-t lay and laying pullets, also day, su chicks in all popular breeds, ree catalogte, Tweddle Chick Hatgheries Limited, Fergus, Ont BUES KOR ALE REGISTERED SPRINGER SPANIEY up well marked liver an hite, from shop. stock. R. Big ham, Renfrew, Bat. x pl SJOPPING SERVICE ATTENTION MOTHERS! WRITE today for full details how we can save you 10 to 15% 'and more on many every day needs for your home by using our Shopping Her- vice. o_ obligations, Shopping Service Reg'd, 112 Gore Bldg. Hamilton, Ont. J TTT ™ RABBIT FURS AND WOOL MARKET YOUR RABBIT FURS and wool at top prices. Bulletins free. Write, Canadian Small Breeds Asqoglation, -Box 441, "Toronto 3, Ontario. 2 USED CLOTHING WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGR Wodern Ladies' AN Men's ANG hand clothing, Wholesale and Re- tall, 327 Queen 8t. E., Toronto. Fr rr USED, CLOTHING, FOR SALE $3, $4, $5, 86 MEN'S WOMEN'S BOYS' GIRLS all and winter o'coats, just re- eased from | or charges MLLER HR oS TALL Fors b WATCH REPAIRS A Santee Hiarhnte ears by expert sowelels | H ERE oan nee eH = Fdgiied Lo BRENNER "TT WOOL YARN PURE CANADIAN WOOL WHHEL~ Bhai Wootton dhe Hd tt ISSUE 46--'40 -