Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 10 Oct 1940, p. 6

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ES a WR ha a A see i A eg Ses Sea Bird Nests i -- Seen iar Inland Breeding Colonies of Gulls And Terns Arg Lecated Near the Thousand Islands Inter- rational Bridge Over the St. Lawrence Tourists travelling over the Thousand Islands International : Bridge and visitors to the St. Lawrence Islands Natiunal Park are amazed at the wealth of bird life, particularly sea birds, in the region. The international bridge spans the St. Lawrence River be- -tween Collins Landing, New York and Ivy Lea, Ont, and rests in part on two park islands--Goorg- ina and Constance. About two hundred islands may be seen from the bridge, and it is not uncom. mon to observe flocks of gulls, terns, and other water birds fish- ing and going through their graceful acronautics, In the my- riad of islands which dot the St. Lawrence between the bridge and Kingston, breeding colonies of gulls and terns and nesting places of many other kinds of birds are found. PROTECTED BY LAW Throughout the entire area most of the wild birds, including the gulls and terns, are protect- ed under Dominion or Provincial laws, and to injure them in any way, or to molest them unduly in their breeding colonies, is strictly prohibited at all times. War Can't Stop Cod Liver Oil Foreign Sources Disrupted, But Canada Carries on Supply of "Sunshine Vitamin" Because the war has disrupted normal forcign sources of cod liver oil, a- production program which should make Canada seif- sufficient in this ficld ;is being developed, it was learned last week, Ordinarily Canada imports 75 per cent of the cod liver oil used in this country. Two new refining plants have been established and several others are being "®quipped in Eastern Canada for production for cod liver oil, both of medie- "inal "quality and the kind used for feeding stock and poultry and in various commercial pro- cesses. TWO NEW PLANTS The two new ng? De lo- cated at Port Saxon, and the other at Fox Wa Sn the Gaspe, Que., district, are confin- ing their production to cod liver oil of medicinal value. A Halifax plant also produces this type of oil, on a smaller scale. Other plants, located in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick manufacture both types of oil. WORK.FOR SELF-SUFFICIENCY Annual consumption of cod liver oil in Canada for all pur- poses averages 460,000 gallons. Imports from Norway and the United Kingdom, major produc- ers of cod liver oil, now have dis- appeared. With Canada's production in- tensified, Canadian fishery scien- tists say production of medicinal oil could be increased to more than 200,000 gallons, Canadian output of cod liver oil in 1938, the latest year for which figures are available, included 62,600 gallons_.of medicinal quality and 109,000 gallons of oil for use in stoc'c and poultry feeding and other purposes. Mohair From Angora Goat Fleece is "Made Into Strong Lustrous Cloth The word "mohair" ~ comes from the Old Froiich mohaire, which traces back to the Arpbic mukhayyar, meaning fabries of goat's hair. Mohair fiber is ob- tained from Angora goats. Angora goats (named for their native place, Angora, in Asiatic Turkey) are said to have had a continuous_ and useful existence ever since the days of Abraham. - The Angora has long spiral horns and a luxurous crop of long white silky hair. It is from this flecce that the strong cloth called "mo- hair" is woven. 'Angora gouts are raised in quantities in Turkey, South-Africa, and in some parts of hab United States. IFFERS FROM WOOL' Mohair fiber is.7 to 10 inches long and. closely resembles wool, "except that the scales on the fiber - are only indicatedy nct fully de- .-veloped- ds fn wool, . Mohair is an 'oxtromely. diorable fiber with a fine luster. . It is widely used in fabrics which have to stand' up under hard usage, as in home and theatre furniture and in 'the. plush coverings of seats in railway coaches, The mo- hair may be mixed with silk in the weaving process, and has been imitated by the use of cotton and wool, 'Canadian Armed Merchant Cruiser Captures Enemy Ship H.M.C.S. Prince Robert, an armed merchant cruiser captured (the German express cargo ship Weser off the Mexican coast, It was thought the Weser was serving us a re- facling ship fcr Nazi U-boats. The iy Prince Robert, formerly a passenger s p, was on her maiden voyage after being converted into an armed cruiser, . . Holiday Mail . . Delivery Again Morning mail deliveries will be resumed on statutory holidays falling on Monday, starting with Thanksgiving Day, October 14, and there will be 'a mail delivery on Christmas Day, Postmaster -General Mulock has announced. Such deliveries were eliminated in the interests of economy some time ago, but with Canadian in- dustry working on overtime schedules in the war effort it was deemed morning mail delivery was necessary where holidays fall on a Monday. } New Jap Invasion Aims at Chinese HANKOW o Rr IA SINGA _ NC APQRE iL This map shows where newest Asiatic complications have arisen as the Japanese invade French Indo-China at Haiphong and clash with Indo-Chinese forces at Dong Dang in an effort to invade China by the "back door." Eada RL SS RR I 2 What Science; Is Doing a a ag EE a SX SS EEE EERE VITAMIN MYSTERY CLEARED A new vitamin, biotin, the most potent and powerful physiological subsiance ever _ discovered, was described to the American Chemi- cal Society last week. Biotin, a colorless crystal, has been a chemical mystery for two years since the Netherlands sci- entists, F, Kogel and B. Tonnes, extracted a barely visible quan. tity from 250,000 year-old Chin- ese duck egg yolks. Biotin proves to be part of the vitamin B "complex," It is so powerful, it is measured in thous- ands of a millionth of a gram. Without it, soil germs, the azo- tobacter, which fix nitrogen for plant growth, are unable to work. This fixation is the base of all plant life, and therefore biotin probably is a primary source of all the food on earth, "WETTER" WATER 'WORKS A discovery that the chemicals which make "wetter'" water are good for killing numerous kinds of deadly germs 'was reported to the bicentennial conference of the University 'of Pennsylvania, , These chemicals are known as wetting agents, They make water 80 "wet" that it penetrates to the skins of birds and even of water fowl. were found in the same discovery to have exactly similar germ kill. ing powers, i AKED" GRAY MATTER A "diséovery that skilled surgi- cal .operations can ba performed on the (gray matter of the brain with nothing but an electrical cur. rent, has' just-been reported, The: skull is 'not opened, but merely touched with the tip of aft electric wire, The curiént does not remove the gray matter, but effectively bakes ang destroys it. * have done all the housework, Some new forms of soap . HAVE - | YOU HEARD? A man met a neighbour carrying a bag of apples. "I've got to leave town for six days," he explained, "so I'm giving the wifo an applo for each day I'm away." "What a charming thought!" "Yes, Before I knew her sho us- ed to be friendly with the local doctor!" I "In the Arctic they live on candles and blubber." "Well, if | had to eat candles I think | would, too." NC . A young man was a frequent caller at a house where there were four daughters, but it was .impos- sible to say which of them he pre- ferred. Ono evening the didest sister, Agatha, happened to be the only one in the house, and consequently she had the young man to herself. "Agatha, you look tired," he said. "l am a little," she replied, and wondered what might be coming next, "You see, I made an enor- mous batch of cakes and ples. Mother prefers my baking to the cook's, 1 also made a few pots of jam. Father's fond of jam. And 1 too." "Fine!" said the young man, Then he went on ardently: "Ag atha, there is a question I want to ask you, and my life's happiness may depend on your answer." 'Well, ask away," smiled Ag- atha, blushing. "If I marry one of your younger sisters, will you consent to Hake your home with us?' fy One wit explains that Adam and Eve probably were on a telephone line in the garden of Eden, and their number was 281 Apple. A little boy surprised his. parents by refusing to be scared into being good. "It's no use telling me the ang- els will write down In their books it I'm naughty, mamma," he said. "I might as well tell you they think up in heaven that I'm dead." "But why should they that?" "Because I haven't said my pray- ers for two weeks" think Stop, Look, Listen ! Comment from a bulletin of the Association of Amepcian Rail- roads which includes in its meme bership the Canadian lines: "Hundreds of lives can be saved each year if motorists will exer- cise increased care in approach- ing the passing over highway- railroad grade crossings." More than 2,000 observers are engaged on insect surveys in Can- adian forests. OVERSEAS $1.90 SENDS .300 BRITISH CONSOLS": YEXPORT" 0 of "LEGION" Mall Ordet and Remilance foi=' OVERSEAS DEPARTMENT ° W, C:MAODONALD ING, Box 1929, Place d'Armes, 11 Yh Goys. will thank you How Can " BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I protect the wall paper from the wet cloth when cleaning the woodwork? A. Use a flat piece of tin about 'a foot long, moving it along the wall against the board 'as the work progresses. An old auto license plate is excellent for this purpose, "' Q. How can 1 treat a warped ironing board? A. The board can be straight. ened if the Lovering is reversed to the other side for awhile...4 - Q. How can I remove ink spots from the fingers? A. Rub the fingers with the in- side of a banana peeling. Q. How can 1 revive flowers that have begun to wilt? A. When the flowers have be- gun to wilt, cut the stems and plunge them into hot water for a few minutes, Trim the stems a little each day and slit them to enable the flower to absorb more water, Q. How can I remove from furniture or fabric? A. Remove the glue by dipping a cloth in vinegar and rubbing hard, If the glue has hardened, keep wetting "it with vinegar and when softened, rub it off, glue Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1, Isn't is considered bad manners and rude for a guest to refuse a drink when in the home of a friend? 2. Is it good manners to chew gum in public? 3. Should a son be taught to let his sister go through a door first? 4. Is there any way possible to stop a person who is always gos- siping --and speaking = evil of others? * 5. What is the correct distance from the dinner table that a per- son's waist should be, not to be too far or too close? G. Would it be all right for a debutante to wear a. pink gown at her coming-out party? Answers nothing compulsory about it, and only a person who is weak will be influenced to do something that he or she does not want to do. 2. No, it is not, even if it is seen fifty times a day. Nor does it add to the beauty of a girl's faco or the handsome features of an Apollo. 3. Yes. If a boy is taught these courtesies at home, they will come natural to him when he is elsewhere. 4, Perhaps Have answers this question" by saying, "When will evil speakers refrain from evil talking. When listeners refrain from evil hearing." 6. About eight inches, -6. White is the most appropriate color. Exports of Canadian newsprint paper in July were valued at $15,- 221,629 compared with $8,586,411 in the same month a year ago. THESE NEW ) Fimo UGH ANYTHING. ,/ MADE FOR CARS nd RU STUD IDE round Grip . No need to fdar bad roads when _ you have thes tires on your reat wheels--they 'pull through any. thing without{the use of chains. And on paverient they are quiet and smooth tiding, Have your local Firestone Dealer put a set on your rear wheels NOW, 1. Not in the least. There is ov} Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the all- fnclusive Canadian National Rail- ways System for the week end- ing September 21, 1940, were:--- LICE EE, .-$ 5,043,880 as compared with ..... 15,661,182 for the corresponding period of 1939, a de- crease of ....... ALR $ ,607,798 or 10.8% HEALTH TOPICS Vitamins and Health In a recent number of the (To- ronto) Academy Bulletin, Dr, Frederick 'Tisdall contributes an instructive atricle on Vitamins, He points out that 'according to the figures issued by the Bureau of Statistics at Ottawa, approxi. mately 44% of the caloric intake of Canadian people, based on an average daily intake of 3000 cal- ories, is practically devoid of vitamins. There is considerable evidence that Canadians suffer most from lack of the vitamins B1, D and sometimes vitamin C. A restric- tion in diet will accentuate this condition. During the progress of an infection the need for most vitamins is markedly increased. A similar need is seen during preg- nancy and lactation when the de- mand is doubled. ) Under ordinary conditions, if the individual takes a diet con- sisting of a pint to-a pint and a half of milk a day for children, one half a pint for adults, some meat, an egg a day, two liberal helpings of vegetables besides: po- tato, some raw fruit; some whole grain cereals, either in the form of brown bread or.breakfast cer- eals, and some vitamin D, (cod- liver oil or its equivalent), in the months from September' to June, he will be using all the known vitamins in adequate amounts. Under unusual conditions as in illness, pregnancy, lactation and any dietary restrictions, it may he necessary to give vitamins in their concentrated form. Dr. Tisdall discusses vitamins in considerable detail. About 15 vitamins have so far been demon- strated from animal experimental work, Nine have been shown ne- cessary for human nutrition, BIG BEN PERFECT Chewing Tol co Bird Dogs Enter Fall Field Trials Ontario "Association "Expects Big Crowds on Niagara-on- the:Lake the Middle of Oct- _ ober The fall field trails of the On- tario Bird Dog Association will be held at Niagara-on-the-Lake, October 19th and 20th, are the dates set. These trials have been draw- ing bigger entries cach season and it is expected that the trials scheduled for this fall will bring out the biggest entry and the best calibre of dogs that have ever competed at an Ontario meet. The events for the first day include the Ontario Champion- ship, a stake "for Shooting Dogs and a trial for Novice Dogs. This latter stake always brings out new dogs and new dog owners, desir- ous of having independent ap- praisa! of their 'dogs' perform- ance, All of these trials are for set- ters and pointers. An innovation , at this meet, also scheduled for the first day's programme is a trial for working spaniels, On the second day some well- seasoned campaigners from New York State are expected to come pete with thé Ontario entries in the Open All Age Stake. A Derby Stake for puppies born after January 1, 1939 will also be run oh the second day. Entries. and spectators are .ex- pected from all sections of the province and two days of interest. ing sport is promised. Geo. W. Boag, Woodstock, Ont,, gecretary of the association has been sending out entry forms and states that keen interest is being shown in all events. \& WHY HAVE 5s A 38 to 52 years old. Women who are restless, moody, NERVOUS--who fear hot flashes, dizzy spells--to take Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Coms- pound. Pinkham's is famous for helping women during these "trylng times" due to functional frregulari- tles. Get a bottle today from your druggist! WORTH TRYING! ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... - AGENTS WANTED FARMS WANTED _ DON'T BE SATISFIED WITH chicken feed. Make real money selling "Eskimo' Kloth.," Sells on sight. Used like a polishing cloth, it prevents formation of mist, fog, steam on windshields, windows, mirrors - etc. Clean, quick, positive. Send '15-cents for fun sized Kloth and agency pro- position. Stecco, Box 211 Toron- to. hi Vi He AGENTS WANTED -- MALE OR FEMALE NINETY CENTS AN HOUR FOR Two $1.00 sales: of FAMILEX -_ PRODUCTS, selling_as easily as bread and butter! Your earnings in accordance with the amount of time and effort you put into your 'work. Apply for Free cat- alogue and particulars, G. St. George, 570 St. Clément Street, Montreal. ABY CHICKS n - YOUR . BRAY OCTOBER-NOVEM- ih ber chicks should be ordered now, well in advance. Fall Bray Service Bulletin gives valuable nformation to poultrykeepers. Bray Hatchery, 130 John North Hamilton, Ont. BOUKS FOR SALE BY MAIL TECHNICAL ANP BUSINESS Books, Dictionaries, ¥ncxcloped- fas etc. Write for bargain list. Wholesale Book Company, 111 Richmond Kast, Toronto. CARS NEW AND USED -. MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS LTD, Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Plym- outh dealers; three locations, 632 Mt. Pleasant Road, 2040 Yonge St. 1650 Danforth Avenue, Our Used _ Cars 'make us many friends. DOG FOR REGISTER 5D ENGLISH COON hound. Bones and Ghost blood- lines. A. McKenzle, R.R. No. 4, Dunnville Ontario. PRINTING ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES-- Know you rese les. 100 Assorted Labels 10¢c, 500 jab els ne .postoald. | wis Print Stat Hy To, Canad D fy BUYER IF OFFERED TEN THOUS- and farms might choose yours first. No charge for listing. De- scribe fully, name price and lot number. Dominion Farm Agency, Toronto 3, Ontario. FOOT SUFFERERS FOOT BLISS RETURNS SPRING to tired, hot, swollen feet. Rev- olutionary new principle. Send 25¢' for full-size package, pre- paid. Dept. F., 155 ove Street, Toronto. HOGS FOR SALE MACHINERY FOR SALR WADE PORTABLE DRAG SAWS, easy to operate, a money-maker wherever there are logs to be cut. Write for free descriptive bulletin. The A. R. Williams Machinery Co. Ltd, 64 "Front St. West Toronto. MEDICAL PAYNESE TABLETS FOR. RELIEF of Rheumatic Pains, Head- aches, Toothache and Neuralgla, $1.00 per hundred. Postpald. Sat- isfactlon guaranteed. Domestle Drug Co. Box, 343, Winnipeg. WHY USE EXPENSIVE DRUG- ist = prescriptions? Make our YORKSHIRE ~ WEANLINGS $6 3 each or $8 registered. Also Tog- bwh Temedies pt Zoms for ny genburg bllly goat. Angus Mc- > Hd Lean, Kerwood, Ontario. Lumbago, Stomach distress, oto. : Recipe 60c each. Belinble_recinss wante ackson, oun P.0. BOXES waite, Man. _TO POSTMASTERS, FOR SALE $1.00 each -- small combination Boxes. Arply Postmaster, Powell River, LC. PORTABLE SILOS GET THE MOST FEED VALUE OUT of your corn this season by storing it In- a Keenan Portable Silo, It _ will keep your ensllage In perfect condition at.only a fraction of the cost of a pérmanent silo, Sold In sizes of 10 feet, 14 feet and 1 feet diameter. Includes everything necessary for erection. The cost is small. - Write for prices. The Keenan Fence Co., Owen. Sound, Ontario, MEDICAL PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT the wonderful results after tak- ing Dr, Dixon's for Rheumatism 2nd Postpaid $80 Munro's Store, 335 Elgin Ottawa. ------------------------------ USED TIRES FOR SALE -MUSIC COMPOSERS LYRISTS--_FRER Regular $25 Plano arrangement for only $3.50.--John Richard Hawkins, 94 Nairn Ave. Toronto. MINK FOR SALE MINK KITS 'FOR OCTOBER DE; livery. Dark, fine quality. Ouf prices reasonable for this high quality strain. Visitors welcome or write. Redick Mink Ranch, Wyoming, Ont. TIRES WANTED WANTED FOR CASH -- SMOOTH Tires, must be sound, passenger or {fuck Highest prices pald: We pay, Trutred (Canada); tt. -- MELODY AND freig Hr oien 448% Yonge St. Toronto. POULTRY, AND EGGS ' WANTED--EGGS AND POULTRY graded or ungraded. Write for in- ormation. Canadian Provision & Supply Co., Commission Dealers, 09 Front Street Fast, TOTONtS: GOOD USED TIRES, ALL BIZES. Lowest prices. Inquiries invited. Brodkton. Tire, 1611 Dundas West, Toronto. TIRES WEARING SMOOTH? AMBITIOUS MEN SEVENTEEN and over wanted; immediately for Atcrelsbruics and detective To respondenc Free Info aation wtite to C. M. Jullen, Infor Sta : tion T, Mo X FOR sAvm rd Coupe; from TBARS, Dust BY Krikaton® of rac fame; f aaies 160 kh: W. pal 20.0 THieh, ! 10.08, Maier') COCKER SANIEL MALE, 13 months, Foxhound, male, ea oh Female Foxhound, ears, $36, Foxhound male pups Honths, $16. Chas. Baker, Mer- rio 6, Ont, SUPBRTITE STEEL SHEET! Ts : t Lan oN uperlor on Street, Sarnia: Eilts 48 Re Ontar eathing. Bu war a Duper) ¢ Biles, airect ' fa d (Canaaa) Lim Re 488% VF ING FREET You Can Now Own jcomplete sot of beautiful silvers shaolut ely "without . and service Toronto, cod by a" RHEUMATISM SUFFERERS IT'S PROVEN EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatism or Neurltis should try Dr. Don Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 1] Elgin, Ottawa, postpald $1.00. T° USED BAGS IFARMERS, DAIRYMEN, BAKERS, 'Merchants and Others are mak- ing extra money 141 hipping us all kinds of used pty bags, You dan do the ante, Write will a id axon °¢ in and n pt ah prises relgnt collect." 4 [1] ps 1 y 40 Wn Common &.5 Mon- trea Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS -- New RA - HEBUILT MO- TORS, R-UNITS, Hydeaunlle Finches, hors | hAnge. Glass -- satisfaction or Autn Parts. Dept. J ols H aw. y Starters, n Service, refund, Caspaaton,:

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