Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 15 Aug 1940, p. 6

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i» 5 al hi Y i kf 5% 7H I E J % / A i "+ thin and pressed ------. There's A Reason For Most Styles Many of Our Everyday Gar ments Have a Romantic Origin -- Physical Failings Often Responsible for Certain Fashions Somo of our everyday gaymonts have had romantic stories. Becauso a wealthy Parisian of the eleventh century had a painful corn, he ordered his shoemaker to make him a palr of extremely long shoes, The fashion caught on and remained in style for quite a long time. Physical failings have often rul- od fashions. Long skirts came in when the daughter of Louls XI wished to hide her feot, which she regarded as outsize. The ladies of the Court followed the (fashion, even if the causo was missing, ORIGIN OF CRINOLINE Crinolines, arose from the fact that the hips of a Spanish Infanta didn't match, To hide this, she ordered a hooped skirt -- and all the other ladies wanted one! Fich- us grew oul of the lace scart which a lady friend of frances | draped round her neck to disguise its thin- ness, The fashion was so becoming that it speedily swopt the French Court. Manicure oo At Home i . Ann Morriss demonstrates how ishe gives herself a home manicure {and keeps her nails and hands in {good condition. In applying pol- ish, Miss Morriss makes one short even stroke across nail, outlining the half moon, then three even [strokes from moon 10 tip across nail. Your Mouth Tells Plenty About You - Open or Closed--Its Size and Shape Reveal All Manner of Secrets In many different ways your mouth tells things about you. To ~ begin with, its shape and sizo, the kind of lips it has, betray all man- ners of secrets, Everyone knows, for Instance, that a mouth which turns up at the corners belongs to a cheery, laughing soul, while one which droops denotes a pessimistic na- ture. If the lips just curve down slightly--not enough to be called a droop or sag--they indicate an earnest, serious and rathor-sad per- son, ° Aro your lips thin or full? Ir together, you have good business abilities and. can make money but might be more affoctionate. With full lips, you are going to be fond of com- fort, easy-going, loving - pleasure love Intensely. Lips of medium thickness belong to a level-headed person who can be devoted to ono: or two people only, and somewhat cold towards the rest of the world, Tho size of the mouth is impor. tant. If small, it shows refinement, ' & good memory, attention to detail but some fussiness and discontent, medium size mouth indicates a good amount of energy and goeneroslty--on occasion, She with tho large mouth will always be generous and extravagant, full of" activity and tolerance. Consider tho color of the mouth when {¢ Is clear of lipstick. Are your lips pale compared with the rest of your coloring? If so, you are rather calm, quiet and unemo- tional, steady and a bit of a plod. der. Pink lips are nice to have, showing a symphathetle, pleasant apd affectionate personality, Chil dren and some older people have © attractive, definitely red mouths, betraying that they are oxcitable, ~ enthusiastic and fond of change. They have plenty of energy but not quite enough staying power, The Perfect Thirst Quencher "SALADA SCE D TEA Lost : by OREN ARNOLD CAST OF CHARACTERS ROBERT BARRY -- hero, ex- plorer. MELISSA LANE Barry's partner. HONEY BEE GIRL--Indian; member of Barry's party. HADES JONES -- pioneer; member of Barry's party. . . -- heroine, Last week: Having satisfied the curiosity of the strange people, Bob and Melissa obtain a guide and begin their return journey back through the cavern. CHAPTER XXII Since they had slipped away in the dawn that morning, Mary Melissa and 'Bob had been gone six days. They weren't sure of that until later, but Bob estim- ated that they had been gone anywhere from four to eight days; he just couldn't say exac:- ly how long they had first been in the cave, so harrowing wero those dark hours. It is almost miraculous that Hades Jones didn't find them in all that time, Ieft to his own in- clinations he 'no doubt would have climbed to Defiance Castle, found the inner cave entrance and started in search. But Hades was past 70 years of age. Climbing G00 feet of assorted ladders, and precarious toe holds was not ex- actly easy, and he realized it. Not that he couldn't do it--oh no! But it would be best to have a good reason. He didn't worry much until the third day, in fact. He had the rather vague note that Bob had left. Honey Bee assured him that Bob and 'Lissa _had departed in . the direction opposite the eliff. The main worry for Hades was the fact that the absent ones had not taken their horses. Where could they be going on foot, for so long? There wasn't anywhere to go, that he could figure. Fur- thermore, why couldn't he find their trail? Two days had: passed before he thought to look for tracks, and wind had blown considerably in the meantime. Hades once was an expert tiailer, but blowing dry sand soon erases tracks and a trailer is forced to detect such difficult signs as broken grass, shoe marks on rocks, bent wigs in brush. This is very hard to do in desert regions, Hades circled the camp a half mile or so out, but he could pick up no likely signs. He came back and ques- tioned Honey Bee. SHE'D BEEN UP "You say they never said where they was going to?" "Bawb say they go away, us to wait." Honey Bee insisted. "But where to, damn it?" She sheok her head. "I wish I could say," the Indian girl de- clared, truthfully, "Waal, we better climb up there'n. look. They mighta got hurt or something." Hades leaned back to stare at the high diff castle. OVERSEAS 11.00 SENDS 300 "BRITISH CONSOLS" "EXPORT" or "LEGION" Cigarettes 115, Toborco = BRIER SMOKING or 007 MACDONALD'S FINE CUTS with Joemie Canadian soldien $ CASF, mins only, ! Moll Order ond Remittance for--" OVERSEAS DEPARTMENT W. C. MACDONALD INE., Box 1929, Place d'Afmes, Ts or svt 43 hens 4 Government Rogestos | The Boys will thank you ISSUE 33--'40 Kingdom re Scott Holliman had squatted, cowboy fashion, within hearing of this conversation, and now he took part for the first time, '"Aain't you already been up there, cookie? Didn't I see you upon them ladders last night?" Holliman addressed Honey Bee. The girl nodded. She had in- - deed gone up. Most of the way, * but not quite all. She had been mooning about the matter, medi- tating over the absence of the man she loved. The thought of his taking her rival angered her in the first place, and his prolong- ed absence with 'Lissa was be- ginning to drive Honey Bee into brooding jealousy. But Bob had commanded her to silence about the new cave. He was her man, she must obey. She had thought of all these things as she climbed. She had faith in his "ability t She had faith in his ability to take care of himself---what harm could befall a grown man and woman, adequately equipped with water, food, "a lantern, space candles, everything? She had no belief in "ghosts" and such yarns. And she had an Indian's patience; she could wait. "Waal, ef you already been up there to look, that settles that," Hades ruled. "They've slipped off somé'ers." He shock his old head, confused at the strange turn of events. . LIE THE SIXTH DAY Holliman went on with the work he was hired to do, build- ing first permanent pole frames for the tents, "making tables, chairs, a fireplace, then assisting - Hades Jones to build a corral. He was a plodder type unless something stimulated him into ex- trancous action. He did talk once to Honey Bee Girl about his deal with her con- cerning Mary Melissa. But Honey Bee was not inclined to discuss it. She was surly. Things had got- ten out of hand. All three of them were, in fact, geiting anx- ious, increasingly tcuchy, as days passed. And Holliman may have noted that Hades was absent part "of the time, but they didn't bother. The old man, as a matter of faci, was "cutting trail." He rode and he walked, inspecting every ra- vine, every coyote: track, every possible place for signs of the missing ones. It bothered _him that he could pick up no track. On the fifth day of Bob's and 'Lissa's 'absence, Holliman left the camp himself, permanently, Tem- pers -all were strained by that time, and the showdown incident to 'Hollimah's departure served to relieve Hadds some, "blowed off steam" as he would have put it. Scott Holliman, lucky to be alive, must have had a long and tiresome walk back to civilization, but d40-odd miles wouldnt kill . him, Soon after on the sixth day, Hades was still at the corral doc- toring a mule. that had been in- jured, when he chanced to glance up the face of the cliff. "Waal. I'll be fried and but- tered!" he exclaimed, mumbling to himself. Thar goes that squaw up thar!" A . . It was true. Honey Bee was climbing" the ladders. She had thought Hades gone for the nmworn- ing, as usual, perhaps miles from camp and entirely out of range as to vision. She had brooded al night, Mental pictures of Bob and Mary Melissa had bedeviled the Indian for days. She couldn't stand it, she told herself. So she determined at breakfast to climb the ladders, take a lantern of her own and go into the new cave, The time had come when she could no longer obey her loved one's command to wait, She must see if he were in danger, ' When she had reached the top ladder, Honey Bee had worked up an intense hatred anew for Mary Melissa. "He would not have been lost, but 'for her," Honey Bee told herself. She lighted the lantern, after a quick. inspection of the castle rooms, It burned evenly, bright- ly. She. entered the darkness, N He had Newest Furniture More Conservative Fall And Winter Styles Fol low Less Radical Trend-- More Leather Being Used New home furnishiugs, fresh from the designers' bludprints, were brought to Chicago "by car- loads" and exhibited in fashionable room settinsg both in the Ameri' can Mart and-in the Merchandise Mart there late In July when the annual summer market futroduced the new lines which will eventua- lly tind thelr way into the homes ot this continent this fall and winter, ! Trends In furniture styles and changes in the designs appear more subtle fndicating that man- - ufacturers are aware of the un- settled conditions in the world and are not risking to much fo trying anything much different. CONVERTIBLE TABLES SHOWN The Increased use of leather in chairs and sofas, desks and tables was quite noticeable. Very attrac- tive uses of leather were seen Sofas, for Instance, done in com. bination leather and velvet. O lucious cherry colored sofa had pillows with one sida leather and the other of matching vefvet. Beau- titul pastel shades of leather are . used on dinning chairs, The small dinning table is definitely rising in family favor, according to manu. facturers who are trying to suit * thelr designs to satisfy the home- makers, Probably the most popu- lar of all are tables which look like a living room piece in the day time but can be converted into a convenient eating place in the evening, / quickly saw the chalked arrowa Bob had made, marking his and 'Lissa's trail. She saw the shriv- cled human body in its niche, too, paused a moment to study it. Death! "Death would take the white girl out of the way," Hon- cy Bee was thinking. On the Indian's countenance, as she stood there, came a strange, - somehow savage expression, (To Be Continued) TWO VERSIONS OF CHEERY APRON PATTERN 4503 By ANNE ADAMS 'Keeping house can be fun as well as work--with colorful cloth- es to lighten your tasks. Pattern 4503 is an Anne Adams apron that's becoming as it is practic- al. You'll like the upward curve of the pointed front waist-seam, The all-in-one back bodice does away with the nuisance of slip- ping straps. Choose between tio gay versions: one with a separ- ate plastron which may contrast; tho - other with the bodice und straps made in one piece. Pattern 4503 is; available in small (32-34), medium (86-38) and large (40-42) sizes. Small size, apron B, takes 1% yards 86 inch fabric and 1 yard ruff. ling; apron A, 2 yards 85, inch fabric and 8% yards ric-rac. Send Twenty Cents (20¢) in coins (stamps .cannot be accept. ed) for this Anne Adams. pattern. Write plainly Size, Name, Ad- dress and Style Number, Send your order to Anne Ad- ams, Room 426, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. m=» Lax >~ By SADIE B, CHAMBERS Some New Desserts For a few weeks we will leave the war time menus and take on what might seem a very frivolous mood. But upon close analysis these recipes will be found very economical, COFFEE CREAM PIE 1" package orange jelly powder 1% cups hot coffee 4 eggs 34 cup cream % cup sugar 14 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon lemon juice Dissslve the jelly powder in the hot coffee, Beat the egg yolks slightly, Add % cup sugar, salt and % cup cream. (Cook in double boiler until a rich thick custard consistency, Combine with jelly mixture 'and cool, When mixture begins to thicken, beat with rotary egg beater and fold in stiffly beaten whites to which 3% cup sugar has been added. Fill baked pie shell with mixture and chill, Garnish with whipped cream sprinkled _with chopped pecans. Some requested my pineapple cake so here it is: SUMMER SPICE CAKE 2 cups cake flour 1 cup sugar 3 teaspoons baking powder 32 teaspoon salt 1: teaspoon cinnamon - % teaspoon cloves % teaspoon nutmeg Two-thirds cup strong cold ; coffee % cup soft butter 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla Sift dry ingredients into bowl. Make hollow in centre and pour in all remaining ingredients, cx- cept' vanilla. Beat all together 2 minutes. Bake in layer pans in a moderately hot oven 25 minutes. Ice with brown sugar icing. Brown Sugar Icing 2% cups brown sugar 1. cup strong coffee 2 egg whites 3% teaspoon salt % teaspoon almond flavoring 1 teaspoon vanilla Put sugar and coffee in sauce- pan. Stir until sugar dissolves, then boil without stirring to soft- ball stage. Whip cgg whites to which salt has been added. Pour syrup over egg whites in bowl in a thin stream, beating constantly. Add flavorings. Place' bowl over boiling water and whip until icing will hold a point. Spread. Enough _ for two layers. PINEAPPLE DREAM CAKE Butter an inch pan (diameter). In it melt 1 cup brown sugar and 215 tablespoons butter. On the sugar after melting lay as many slices of canned pincapple as pan will hold. Sprinkle with nutmeg. Then cover with this batter: 3 cup butter ' *Two-thirds cup sugar 3 well beaten eggs 3 teaspoons baking - powder 2% cups cake flour Two-thirds cup milk % teaspoon salt % teaspoon - flavoring Mix as any light cake. Bake moderate oven for 45 minutes. Turn at once on a round plate. Serve with whipped cream or cus- ard sauce. READERS WRITE IN! Miss Chambers welcomes per- sonal letters from interested readers. She is pleased to receive: .suggestions on topics for her column, and is even ready to lis: ten to 'your .'pet peeves." Re- quests for recipes or special menus are in order. Address your letters to "Miss Sadie B. Cham. ers, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto." Send 'stamped, self- addressed envelope if you wish a reply. Mint Jelly Now For the Winter Now that mint is plentiful it is a good plan to make a supply of mint jelly for winter use. Make up a'lemon jelly in the usual way, using hot vinegar instead of wat- er, When cool stir in about a handful of finely chopped mint, and stir occasionally until. nearly Set. 'A little sugar can, be added to the mint when chopped, if de- sired. Stored in" a cool place, the Jelly will keep well and is delic- ous. . & = While in Toronto Call at O'Donnell-Mackie; Ltd. Distributors for NEW STUDEBAKER CARS And the very best Used Cars 1221 BAY ST. MI. 3571 For Figures Sake Imitate The Cat Graceful Feline Movements Well Worth Studying "For a queenly, yet supple, grace- fully youthful carriage, study the movements of your pet cat," says a figure expert. She did, And here are directions for exercises created as a result of her study, Lio on your slide on the floor with knees drawn up, arms folded in the ~ most comfortable position, back arched, Stiffen neck muscles, then relax them completely, Now stiffen muscles of the arm for a second or two, Relax them completely, Do the same with the back, with the legs, with the ankles, with the feet, RELAX LIKE PUSSY When you have finished, every muscle of the body should be re- laxed as -- well, well --- as a cat's, Hold the position for several min- utes, not moving, not thinking -- Just seml-dozing, Study the movements of the cat as she enters a room, then do like- wise, Don't hurry in breathlessly. Pause a moment In the doorway, take a deep breath, look around the room before entering it. This very important pause gives you just time --.enough to regain. your polse, make .a ladylike entrance, EMULATE THE PEACOCK When you have learned all the cat can teach about stretching, re- laxing and timing, go to the zoo and study the peacock. The regal carriage of this handsome bird can be emulated with exercises such as the following: Stretch arms upward. Walk on tips of toes, keeping back straight. With arms stretched over head and back straight, bend knees very slowly until you are sitting on your heels. Now rise up on toes, stretch arms wide apart as you lower them to hips. Repeat 10 times, Add Color To Your Life Your Home is Your Castle So Make It Cheery With Colors ,of the Ralnbow A tonic for a house that's dull and uninteresting, is a 'flash of bright color, And an inexpensive one, for, of course, color is the cheapest ingrédient, . One decorator ¥eels that every room should have a touch of red somewhere in it--just as every lady should have her lipstick, Tuz- ~quoise pottery also has a way of - 'perking room up effectively. Copper trays and jugs can make a mighty big splash for small expense; so can brass and pew- ter. . = A TIP TO THE AMATEUR Actually most home-makers are scared to death of bright colors, but here is a tip on how to get away with bright colors in decor- ations. The "amateur is safer to try just one really scintillating color in a room--such as brilliant cerise in a room that's otherwise mostly in shades of greys. Or emerald green to counter-balance the deadening effect of the all- taupe room, or with gradations of beige to brown, Lapis Lazuli blue is lovely with dusty pinks and rose-beiges. INEXPERIENCE CHANGES If you can't afford to work out these ideas in any really mo- mentous changes, you can create quite a change of scene by mak- ing fresh lamp shades and cush- ions, adding new curtains even if they're made of inexpensive ma- terials framing a few bright prints, buying some new pieces of pottery. Babies Have Fun In Unique Way When a doctor asked through the American Medical Associa- tion's journal, for advice on how to stop a baby from getting on his hands and knees and rock- ing in his cradle "with such force that the bed made a great deal of noise," he was told, in effect, to skip it. This baby also had a habit of bumping his hedd on the head board, without injur. ing himself, until He fell asleep. "There setms to be no good reason why an effort should be nade to break the habit of bed rocking or head banging," the Joarnal advised. "Just why these habits develop is not known, Ig- noting ,them usually causes their disappearancees." . _ There's DOUBLE ENJOYMENT RUNDE DOUBLEMINT GUM ® Every day millions find real leasure in the ine, long- Fasting tiavor of Doubfemint Gum. Cooling, refreshing, 'satisfying! Enjor it after every meal ol Millions GET SOME TODAY More Colors Seen In New Fashions - and Slim Youthful Backs Emphasize Bloused Skirts Look With Increased emphasis on youthful detall and silhouette, wo- men's dresses stress the Import- ance of the one-pleco type as well as jacket and bolero suits dnd red- ' ingote costumes in crepe and wool White, black dresses outnumber colors in 'crepe, satin, tissuo faille and velvet colors lead in wool dresses as well as In crepo cos- tumes; and in crepes, great varioty is shown In the blue and green families, In red especially the rich dark rods like raisin, In the grays with the accent on the taupe shades, and some browns and cocoas. High necklines, draped and shir- red detall at shoulder and waist subtly bloused backs and the long fitted sleeve or the shirred brace- let sleeve work wonders for more. When you visit Toronto for the Exhibition Be sure to call at the SHAW SCHOOLS : EXHIBIT (Booth No. 112 General Exhibits Bldg.) Shaw Vocational Guidance Dir- ectors in attendance. Advice and intelligent guidance as t your choice of a career. ___Harley- now on display at our store. Also large assortment of USED MOTORCYCLES to choose from. Prices lower than any time In our history. We invite you to call and inspect our stock of Motorcycles while attending the Exhibition. Phone WA. 0306 Kennedy and Menton 421 COLLEGE ST., TORONTO Harley-Davidson Distributors ARTIFICIAL LIMBS Artificial Limbs d A 0 are wearing artifi- cial limbs. 2 149 Chuich Bt. Toronto Elgin 9721 Wteite for Catalogue Canada's Leading Machinery and Supply House Invites you to see them at thelr Toronto showrooms, directly opposite the Union Station. THE A, R. WILLIAMS MACHINERY CO. LTD. 64.00 FRONT ST. WEST TORONTO ELgin 2381 . - eh, hb WHILE IN TORONTO 'Visit our Showrooms 145 FRONT ST. EAST J.6cJ). TAYLOR umiten ToroNTO SAFE WORKS ALL SIZES NEW AND USED SAFES

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