NR | \ ~ if they took to the, air an War Propaganda Poster Contest Young' Ontario Artists "Are Trying Their Skill in Special Competition Sponsored . by C. N. E, War propaganda is the latest recreation of young Ontario are tists, Hundreds of boys and girls are applying their skill and im: agination to designing entries in a Canadian National Exhibition poster competition being held to arouse further interest in the im- portance of intra-Empire trade to the war effort. Scores of finished posters are reportedly being received, among them striking sketches of native workers in Ceylon tea gardens, Australian sheep ranchers, the smoking chimneys of England's potteries and "other glimpses of the Empire's important agricul tural enterprises that bear testl- mony to *the imagination of the young artists, most of whom have never been outside the Dominion, "Plans are underway to print and publish in quantity the out- standing poster," said H. M, 8, Parsons of the British Empire Overseas Section of the Toronto Eoard of Trade which is spon- soring the contest. "It will be us: ed," he said, "to develop Empire trade in Canada where every dol- lar spent on such Empire goods as tea, woal, linen, tin, china and rubber, which the British Government is either controlling or "pushing" yields credits for the purchase of supplies essen- tial to a full prosecution of the war." A number of prize winning posiers in the competition, whicn has awakened immense interest amorg students, teachers and pav- ents, will" be selected for exhibi- tion in the British Empire Build- ing during the C. N. E. ey, New Minefields. LL Locaticn of new minefields laid ~by--the -British- navy between -the- Orkney Islands and Iceland and - between Iceland and Greenland is shown on the map. Object is to uard Ireland against possible ierman invasion from Norwegian bases and to help bottle up the Nazi fleet. 3 : Until You've Seen Canada From Air You Don't Know the Country, Says B.C. Writer -- From A Vantage Point of One Realizes It Is a Land of Great Prémise and Wealth "Anyone who has not seen 'Canada from the air cannot say that he knows Canada or is eap- able of appreciating its great pos- * sibilities," says Mrs. M, L. Mur- Airplane' ray in a special article in the Bridge River-Lillooet (B.C.) News, Describing a flight she made by Trans-Canada Air Lines from Vancouver to Toronto, Mrs." Murray says, should niake this trip. It is ex- hilarating, refreshing and arous- es within one an entirely new concepticn of our country . . . Canada is worthy of all the loy- alty and strengih we have. It Is a land of great promise and wealth." > "For dignity and confidence," the writer goes on, "Tran:- Canada has provided an outstand- "dng service equal to that on any other routes any A ho in the world, and a a reasonable cost that should make the 'service as practical as it is useful." "Seeing mountain highways from the air, the writer has sympathy for the builders. "Grumblers and ¢ritics about our roads would have more' toleration AAW _the unnecessary miles that: must. ba built in order to get grades over the mountains that motor ehicles -can_fravel on." The air: e cuts: straight across, 2 | Heading dues east," the writ: ports as one of the events 'hel ip, "we encounter "a floc swan 80 ¢lose we éan 3 their eyes." ky "Kvery Canadian - "Greenland, 1 Eh banen ca. WELL Ee ee es a EES] "ry What Science| Is Doing a EE a EE EE a a POLIOMYELITIS DISCOVERY Jvidence that infantile paralysis invades the human body through more than one "door!" was reported last week by two Johns Hopkins medical school doctors. Tho virus disease, in* monkeys and man, leaves a pattern of In- flamed tissue along nerve tracts forming-its path fn the brain to the spinal cord, where It produces par alysis, This "pattorn" indicates by what portal or "door" the disease enter- ed. Discovery of the portals 1s an important step 'toward preventing the disease. ULTRA-VIOLET TELESCOPE A telescopo invented by the dir- pctor of General Electric's light re- search laboratory at Cleveland, makes it possible for the human oye to seo more than 320 miles. Its construction is essentially simple --- lenses and a screen lo receive ultra-violet rays. Nothing but ultra- violet rays come into tho telescope; put a machine to discharge such rays anywhere within the horizon, and the telescope will pick them up. The invention may some day be of uso in ¢onvoying darkened troopships, for the. pilots could signal back and forth with ultra- violet light, free from any danger that enemy subiiarines would seo them, OXYGEN FOR DIESELS Widespread uso of diesel-engined airplanes has been brought a step closer through - successful exporl- ments with a new oxygen boosting method of facilitating the takeoffs. , Experiments showed that by feed- ing tho oxygen Into the intake air of a Diesel engine, its power oult- put could be increased by 55 per cent. for a fow minutes without do- tonation and without undesirablo strain on the engine. HELIUM ALTERS VOICE The full resonant voice of a man 1s changed to a thin childish voice when the mouth is filled with hel- fum, the light non-oxplosive gas used for tilling airships, it has re- cently been discovered. Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE Q. Should a host and hostess plan some kind. of activity for every - minute of the time they are enter- taining house guests? A. Ono should of course plan a number of activities, but not neces- sarily for every minute, Nor should thep persist that each guest enter more in the form of suggestions. Q. When two men and two girls are eating in a public place, at a small table, how should they be placed? A. The girls should be opposite each other. Q. What is a suitable tip for pag- 2 in a hotel? A. Fifteen to twenty-tive cents. Q. Doesn't the bride and her mo- "into this entertainment; as though-- ~it were compulsory. They should be- ther make up the Invitation list for a large wedding? A. Yes, together with the bride- groom and his mother, who as much right to include their friends as the bride's family, Q. When a man takes a girl to difiner and suggests something on the menu, is It necessary for her to takg It? A. It! is not necessary, but It Is gracious of her if she does. Q. Is it good taste for a woman fn a church cholr to wear consple- uous earrings? - No. Greenland Seeks Canadian Trade Eske Brun, Danish Governor, of arrived In Boston, Mass, early in July for the an. nounced purpose of arranging more trade between Greenland and the United States. Aftér completing negotiations in Washington, Gov- arnor Brun was sald to be coming to, Canada for the same purpose. Her commerce 'seriously affocted by the war, Greenland hopes to sell her products to Canada and the United States and to purchase sup- plies, he said. FEMALE PAIN Wonien ¥ho Sufter pint trregy. #houta' ta BE. JIRKR fois to vel relieve ve uch i distres 3 Eopestally to help weak 4 in to Over F000 000 Ahn thru dieiy oar 5] Nazi Raiders Fire "Military Objective" Steel-helmeted firemen douse the ruins with water following a German bombing raid on southern England during which Nazi bombs demolished this church, aaa HEALTH TOPICS PEO ICIIICPLEELOTEI IE IOE Sound Health .~ Habits Needed -Ontario's Health Minister -Har- old J. Kirby, in a recent address at Guelph, said that when the mass: of people are prepared lo ally themsel with the leaders in the scientific world the cd 'ed preventavle discases cease to exist, STILL A CONCERN "There is, however, a signifi- cant number of disabling condi- tions, the control of which is still concerning . the best minds wi! in the field of medical research," Mr. Kirby told the Ontario Veter. inary Association. He was of the opinion that while much will ultimately be re- vealed ay to the cause of these diseases, the early establishment of sound health habits and a con- tro!ied program will do much to lower the death and sickness rates, ~INSTRUCTION TO CHILDREN | Mr. Kirby suggested suitable . instructions should be given reg: ularly to children and that provis- ion shouldy be made for early discovery and ¢orrection of phys: ical defects so commonly found in early days of childhood. ~The minister said that a satis- factory health program is of the _ utmost importance in the success- ful prosecution of the war. "Canada Launches Submarine Chaser Without ostentation, in a war set- ting, one of a fleet of cloek Canad- jan-built submarine chasers was launched from an Eastern shipyard, . dull skles While rain- fell from oyerhead, and while a couple of undred grimy workmen cheored, Jie trim craft slid along greased runways Into the St. Lawrence River. A handful of company offi- cials, several of the Royal and Roy- al Canadlan Navy's officers and a lone khaki-clad military represen- tative were on hand. . Constructed of Canadian mater- fals by Canadian craftsmen, the war vessel will serve under the ensign of the British Royal Navy soon after she Is outfitted. WILD FLOWER NAME? Rear-Admiral H. A. Sheridan, R.N., Admiralty representative on the British Supply Board, cut the 'white ribbon that sent the cham- pagne bottle smashing against the bow of the ship, ---No-woman had been asked to par- ticipate in the official christening, simply 'because no name had yet - been declded on by the Admiralty In London, The llkellhood is, Rear- Admiral Sheridan sald, that she will bear the title of a Canadlan wild flower, following the style of similiar British-made submarine tighters. ? . HAVE - YOU HEARD? A man who held the belief. that after a youth had attained his majority he should be taught to fend for himself, gave his son a thousand dollars, and told him that henceforth he would have to carn his own living. The young man did no work, but spent a riotous few months abroad, and then found himself almost penni- less. His sole desire was to get home, so he decided to send a cable, He found he had money suffi cient to pay for only four words so, after considerable thought, he telegraphed to his father: "Fatted calf for one!" ts ori / Music Lover: "Don't you think music draws the Eng- lish-speaking races togeth. er?" RX Another: "Yes, a sort of Anglo-Saxaphone alliance." ---- The sailor was recounting his experiences to" a dear old lady when she interrupted him. "But. What rank did you hold?" she asked. "Ship's optician, lady," was the reply -«there was such a rank in the Navy. What did your duty. con- sist of?" asked the old lady, cur- ivusly. "Seraping the eyes out of pota- toes," was the startling reply. eg A Montreal boy given a ten dollar bill to buy a pack- et of cigarcttes, disappeared and' was laer found at To- ronto. He probably thought the change would do him good. ye Ad in a western paper: $11.50 Mahogany-finished Mag- azine Carrier. It really looks like a poultry feeder, but it's worth $2.98. $10.76 Mahogany- finished Fern- ery. An eyesore 'to us. You take and look at it for $5.95. . $18.50 Blue decorated ditto. This was made for plants, but it's been planted here too long. We'll transplant it for $9.26, $16.00 Bird Cage and Stand. Beaght_to hold a canary, but any bird can have it for $8.00. $49.60 Solid Walnut Console Table with Mirror. If we keep it any 'longer we shall have to sell it as an antique, $19.85. ---- Say it with flowers, A "Shin's 'optician? I never knew , "It DOES taste good in a pipe!" GROWN IN SUNNY, SOUT! HANDY 'SEALTIGHT POUCH + 15¢ 14-18, "LOK-TOP" TIN « also packed in Pocket Tins {ERN ONTARIO Say it with kisses, Say it with eats; Say it with jewellery, Say it with drink; But always be careful-- Don't say it with ink! --) The managing director of the electric sweeper company was in a towering rage. "Did that new "assistant of yours write our advertisement In the 'Daily Dash' today?" he roar- ed. "Yes, sir," nervously replied the chief of the advertising de- partment. . "Is there 'anything wrong with it, sir?" "Wrong with it?" the managing director. this: 'Don't kill your hard work; let us do it for-you' 45 P. C. Increase In C. N. Revenue The gross revenues of the all- inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways for the week ending July 7, 1940" were ....$4,725,996 as compared with ....... 3,248,942 for the corresponding week of 1939, an. in- crease of screamed "Listen to wife with svete seia bast iiret 1,471,045 or 46. 5% Poles Cams | Early To Canadian Lands While Polish immigration in volume commenced at the end of the last century, history records that when Lord Selkirk arrived with his expedition of Scottish settlers in 1812, some Polish were added to his contingent in East- ern Canada and proceeded with him to the Red River Valley in 'Manitoba. In noting this fact, the Colonization Department of- the Canadian National Railways states that in addition to being excel- 'lent farmers the Poles have con- tributed generously to the up- building of Western Canada by a traditional culture which in- cludes folk songs, dances and a ULL How Can I? BY ANNE ASHLEY i ils Q. How can I impart a gloasy finish to paint, which has acquired a dull appearance after being wash- ed? A, Wash over the surface agala with the following mixture: Pour one tablespoon milk, and one-halt tablespoon soap jelly into one quart of hot water.-- Q. How can I treat a bee sting? A. Remove the sting immediate. _ ly; then apply any of the following "remedies: Molst clay, bruised cat nip leaves, ammonia, or baking goda. Q. Howsgcan I keep the lighter shado In two-toned sport" oxfords clean? 2 * A. Try cleaning this lighter sec- tion with art gum. This is some- times much more effective than the use of a cleansing fluid. Q. How can I destroy red ants? A. Turpentine sprinkled into the crevices will destroy red' ants. Sprinkle cayeene pepper Into cre- vices of shelves, drawers, and the other haunts of ants, Q. How can | remove n stain on the ceiling which has been caused by water seeping -throvgh 3 leak in the roof? A. Cover the spot with black maknesia. Rub the black over the stain until it Is covered; them fingers. Q. How can [I strengthen my hair? - r A. A cut lemon rubbed Into the roots of the halr and followed by a wash In warm, soft water, will strongthen the hair and help to prevent its falling. of Insect opto; 4 Heat Rash Yee quitk relief from itching 3 nl rash, athlete's fool, eczema caused skin troubles, js i boo g, snl liquid D; ibe. Bootbenirriad Iatenss ak eer fobs D.D. rena Say it with sweets, national drama. yee! on ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... - BAKERY EQUIPMENT MEN WANTED LYONS' BAKERS' OVENS. AND MACHIN- | A FEW MORE. WANTED TO ACT : : SAL ery, also rebuilt 'equipment always as agents: must be convincing SUMMER CLEARANCE Salm on hand. Terms arranged. Corres- pondence invited. Hubbard Port. able Oven Co. 103 Bathurst 8t., Taronto. talkers to clearly explain advant- ages our Household necéssities known as FAMILEX PRODUCTS ,offer to buyers. Already selling In quantities. Door to door DARBY CHIUKS END OF THE SEASON ROCK BOT- tom prices for Top Notch Chicks all from bloodtested breeders. Standard Quality Whit. Jseliatns 95, 90 per cent. Pullets $11.90, Cockerels $1.00, Barred - Rocks, New Hamps $6.45, Pullets $8. 95, Cockerels $5.95, White Rocks Hy- brids Barred Rocks x New Hamps, New Hamps x Barred Rocks, White Loghorns x Barred Rocks, Light Sussex x New Hamps $86. i Pullets_ $9.45, Cockerels $6.25, Large Egg Quality add one cent. Older pullets six weeks to twenty weeks. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. END-OF.THE-SEASON SALE OF Baden Government Approved chicks from blobdtested breeders. Standard Quality White Leghorns 6.95, per cent. Pulle SL53% Cockerels $1.00, Barred ks, New Hamps $7.45 Pullets 10.85, Cockerels Barred Rocks $6.26, N horns x ed Rocks 3 2 Pat. ots $11.35, Cockerels $6.2 Big Egg Qualfty hatched yas 25 to 0 ounce egrs add one cent. Day o}jd Bronze Turkeys 28 cents, two week old add five cents, three week old add ten cents. Oldeér.pul- lets four had to a iwenty weeks, Free catalogue. Baden Electric Ohtele, Ttatehery, Limited, Paden, Ontarlo. BRAY SUMMER CHICKS, WRITE for breeds avallable. August chicks to order. Started pullets, cockereln Inter. Order well in ad-_ * vance. Turkeys too. Bray Haftch- ery, 130 John N,, Hamilton, DON'T MISS THESE HIGH QUAL. ity chick bar ad $14.40, Cockerels $1.2 A Barred Rocks, New Hamps A iota $11.45, Cockerels arres Rocks $6.45, New Hahips $5.95, 18 ther breeds to hoo fmt tart. re - ¢ Rocks Jocxorels Hy hres week old ad cents, kere Tr dle' Chick Ha (Sher [RK e ateher- 3 fimited, ergus, Ontario, FURNITURE FOR SALE _ [TURE BA AINS FR alogua of new uredefatal re Ps ent uest, A old gh 0 olesale Furnl it Bent. 466 Bathurst St. Toronto. 2352 MEDICAT, 0 ALL SURF RS A- | tica, euritls El ay Rive aulcle 8 And uy 3 i! Tataiton "i sent prepald on rece Fei Laboratories, kia nia - canvassing neccessary to show art- icles and take orders for same. Unusually, good commission. Un- limited earnings possible. Every- body buys on sight. -- For FRER CATALOGUE AND DETAILS: FA. MILEX, 570 St. Clement, Montreal. Barn Roofing--Granary Lining SUPERTITE STEEL SHEETS COST less, cover more, last longer, lay faster, save sheathing. Buy now before war advances ilces direct from factory. Superior Products Limitea, 15 Nelson Street, Sarnia, n UERSONAL QUIT TOBACCU. BNUFF. EASILY inexpensively. Home remedy. Testimonials. Guaranteed. Advice free Bartlett's Box 1.. Winnipeg. = FERTILIZER PURE, UNLEACHED HARDWOOD Ashes for Fertilizer. One Thous- and ton, FREB C Stevens, Peterborough, Ontario. . PATRIOTIC ENVELOPES HOTTEST ITEM IN NATION! SEN- sational, Patriotic ¥nvelopes. Red, White, Bue, Union name, wanted. Every loyal citizen a pros CPR Samples 5 cents, ETAL- 166 Yonge, Toronto. PHOTO FINISHING FREE! You Can Now Own complete set of beautiful silver. ware absolutely withou ost, + Manufactured and guaranlecd hy rnational fiver Guaranteed ~ * CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used -- New ERA, AAEauiLT Mo, Winches, Generators, * Carbu Ld verand, ote J, Toronto, kd fii} 4 Satisfaction ras -- n Levy, Auto Parts, Dept. J, RCULAR. Geo. - RECONDITIONED INITURE $21 Chesterfield Suite, Marshall versible Spring cushions. oughly clea $32.00 Pirge piece brown mohalr Chesterfield suite. Figured rever-~ sible Marshall cushions. Perfect, $12.50 3-plece Chesterfield suite fa figured blue Jaquard, reversible spring cushions, thoroughly clean. $49.00 Beautiful large 3-plece brown mohair Chesterfield suite, (cost "new $350). Thorou hy leant and Shpietely recondition 5.00. Kroehler Chestestiela. "bed re- - $39.00 -Modern dinette suite," cholce of finishes, buffet, drop leaf table $4609 yc ars 1 oor *sample dinette 2qit natural finish with red "trim fectory table, buffet and 4 HL suite, buffet, table and 6 leather- $450 Thtke. English oak Te nglish oak dinin room suite, buffet, extension table, china cabinet and 6 leather up. holatered chairs. $59.00 Modern dining suite, in rich walnut finish, buffet, extension feble il hina cabinet and 6 leather sea $6 00 Reautitul- "3-tone_ walnut fine dining suite, completely refine 2 iahe , buffet, oxtenslon table, . china Sabinets and; 6- leather slip= $85.00 Sali" 2) tdi i 1 0! walnu n ng suite, mo- dern buffet, extension table, semis SJosad cabinet leather seat erfect condition. $159. Eh Peanut iful large walnut suite foost. new $476), buffet, extension blé, china cabinet, and. 6 {ame stered ' geats and backs In red mohalr, Perfect condition, $19; 50 Bedroom. suite, large walnut _ finish dresser, full size steel bed in walnut finish complete wit «= new mattress and reconditione an 1¢ss spring, $39.0 Smart wainy finish bedroom sulte, dresser, chitfonler, full s H3 tress, - $59.00 Floor sample bedroom sul T i Y tan mir rand ate A or a - fall front i tyr ehit- 20 Bea. Nag Li spring e A gar PLY of Tok a htoves, Kitehen cabinets, wardro or dress se18 Tat i or low prices. ur niture' carefully, 5 Siaran eed absolutes Rai with our positive Nid id iy of satisfac. iyo S FURNITURE CO. 78 Yonge St. -- Toronto A friend tried to stump Mails mar "Happy" Roland of York, Pa,, by sending a letter ry rR ERE ISSUE 30--40 smooth over with the tips of the 1.00 Smart 3-plece brown repp, - Thor- - $24.00 Solid oak 8.plece dining room 45.00 3 pleces, upholstered in rown repp, figured reversible fushions, Complete with new mat- tress, Perfect. $14.75 Breakfast Suite, white trim- med with black obufree, drop leat , table and 4 cha - bed, sagless spring and new mals = Ww » .