To. -- Jekyll-Hyde Type Not Uncommon Many Persons Live in Twe «Worlds of Personality, Psy. shiatrist Declares - Discovery that many persons live fn two worlds of personality, each indépendent of the other, was re. ported before the American Pry. chlatric Association, This Jekyll-Hyde relationship ex- sts without the person knowing it and resembles the functioning of two brains instead of one, Dr. Mil ton Erlckson, of Eloise, Mich, de- clared, Tha condition is not com: mon, he added, but from the num- ber of cases discovered without searching for them it appears that it is not uncommon, INDEPENDENT OF EACH OTHER As an example he reported the case of a girl working in a univer- sity ofiice who was alternately ~_ "Mary" and "Ellen." Ellen, desig: nated as the "primary personality" by Dr. Erickson, "is an exceeding- ly attractive, unusuallfy-capable and futelligent 24-year-old girl," while ber "mental sister" 4s "displeasing: ly meek, unreasonably insecure, ne- ver dares to show any emotion, and fs forgetful and absentminded as well as being awkward and very clumsy." Both personalities are entirely in-- dependent of each other, he declar- ed, and yet seem to be acquainted in an abstract way, - . . ~ New Staff Chief gi i Sir John Dill, ABOVE, has been named Chief of the Imper- ial General Staff to replace Sir Edmund -Tronsidé, who has been given the task of looking after Britain's home defences. - Blames Santa For Troubles - Prominent Mental Hygienist Says He Is Responsible for' Many People Refusing to Face Reality SUNDAY SCHQOL LESSON LESSON X wy EZEKIEL TEACHES PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY Ezekiel 3311-20 Printed Text, Ezek, 33:7-16 Golden Text: "8o then each one of us shall give account of himself to God." Rom. 14:12, THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time -- 686 B.C. - Place -- At Tel-abib, at the river Chebar, on a canal on the Ru phrates Rivey, near Nippur, in Bab yion, THE PROPHET EZEKIEL Ot the man Ezeklel himselt (his name means "God strengthens") we know very little. In Babylon he was planted with others of his own natfon by the bauks of one of the irrigating canals which was called Chebar, He was a married man, and the loss of his wife, in a sudden and terrible way, was made by divine . instruction, a lesson to the people (24:15-27). He spent 22 years in the discharge of his prophetic of- fice. In- grandeur and: varlety of thought in his conception of God, only Isalah and Moses can 'be com. pared with Ezeklel, WATCHMAN OVER ISRAEL Ezekiel is personally commission. ed by God to be a watchman for Israel, the Lord reminding the prophet that a true watchman Is one who will blow the trumpet to warn the people when danger Is fmminent. Ezekiel 33:7. So thou, son of man I've sot thee a watchman unto the house of Israel, therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me. Ly 8. When 1 sdy unto the wicked, O wicked mah, thou shalt surely die, and thou dost not -speak to warn the wicked from his way; that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood will I re- quire at thy hand. _-- 9. Nevertheless, It thou warn the wicked-of-his-way-to-turn-from-it; and-he turn not from his way' he shall dié in his iniquity, but thou hast delivered thy soul. - 7. So thou, son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house ol Israel; therefore hear the word at ~ my mouth, and give them warning from me, ; 8. When 1 say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely dle, and thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way; that wicked man shall die in his iniquity but his blood will [ require at thy hand. 9, Nevertheless, it thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it, and he turn hot from his way; he "ghall die in his iniquity, but thou - hast delivered thy soul. Office al- ways Involves responsibility, and no responsibility could be greater ~ than that of a watchman in time of invasion, The prophet who is cho- sen to play the part of watchman ; .must have his eye intent simply on trol Lg A -- Here ia " intricate air defence system. . Isles are telephonists in col De I Mk -- Room of Britain's Air Defence System I \ "J wr 1) 1 Vv rg is the control room, somewhere in England, of Britain's Around a large-scale map of the British nication with key defepce points. Re- ports of enemy planes bring quick action by the: men around the table who take appropriate steps to counter the attack in their areas. which is lawful and right; 16. if the wicked restore the pledge, give again that which he had taken by robbery, walk in the statutes ot life, committing no Iniquity; he shall surely 'live, he shall not die. 16, None ~f his sins that he hath com- mitted shall be remembered ag- alust him; ho hath done that which is lawful and right; he shall suret live. / "Lite" here is used in the rith sense of enjoyinent of the favour "of God, With regard to "righleous- ness": The bent of the character towards or away from goodness fs no doubt spoken of as subject to sudden fluctuations, but for the time being each man is conceived as dominated by the one tendency or the other; and it is the bent of the whole nature towards the good "by which a man shall live, SCOUTING . . . An. eighteen-year-old Boy Stout who wants to be a missionary, and a bookkesper turned clorgyman, have started out on a canoeing and preaching mission down the lower Mississippt River, among shanty- boat dwellers. They are cooking aH ~their meals and camping out Boy Scout style. + that constitutes the rigliteousness There are Boy Scouts fn much. sung-about Mandalay, {n Upper Bur ma. One of their public service act- {vities is the regular cleaning aud re-filling of animal drinking troughs and they also help in traffic control and In looking after orphan boys. "Scouting has been a good thing in our community, and the fruits of the efforts of those who are gly- ing time and thought to the work are to be seen In the lives and con: - duct of the young people who have grown up here, We hope we can continue the work." -- Annual Re- port of Great Village, N.S. Scout Group: N Oysters Carry Worthless Pearls "Don't expect to get rich from the pearl. you find in an oys- ter, even if it- hasn't already been ruined by cooking The reason you -:.won't get rich, according to Clifford 1. Josephson, president of the American Gem Society, is "be cause "no pearl of any real worth is ever found in the North American variety of ed- ible oyster. They lack the lustre of the true gem." EN "The ciieriia today is prim arily "an escape mechanism." --Julian Huxley. 0 REPORTER ( RADI SUMMER SHOWS By, DAVE ROBBINS « And for the ladles -- Muriel _ feeding Farm Notes . . . Calf Requires Special Care The care given to the dairy calf frcm birth to six months of age has a very definite ef- feo oni its ultimaté usefulness' in the dairy herd. Calves worth raising ave worth special care, The practice at the Central Ex- perimental Farm, Ottawa, states V. 8. Logan, Division of Ani- mal Husbandry, is- to separate the calf from jts mother im- mediately and teach it to drink from a pail Means Later Usefulness It is essential" that the new- born calf receive its mother's first milk or colostrum for a period of six to nine days. This milk provides a laxative and also contains substances which in hibit the development of dis. ease 'germs present in the diges- tiv tract. Whole milk feeding should be continued for the first four weeks at the rate of about one pound of milk per 10 pounds weight of calf. Beginning at four weeks, skim milk should be gradually substituted for whole milk at the rate of a pound - each day. At this change, meal rich in fat may be intro- duced to take the place of the fat that is removed from the milk, Skim Milk, Good Scalded flaxseed meal with - water added to make it the con- sistency of. gruel makes an ex- cellent fat substitute. The gruel should be added to the milk when the calf is four weeks of age, allowing one-quarter. cap per feed and increasing the am- ount gradually to a cupful per feed at two months of age. If available, skim milk may be us- ed until the calf is at least six months old. Where skim milk is not available, whole milk should be given for a longer "period and gradually replaced with warm water. Cleanliness Essential At two to three weeks of age, the calves should be provided with all the good quality le- gume hay they will eat, and at three weeks, a meal mixture such as one part ground eats, two 'parts bran, on¢ part corn distillers' grains, one part oil cake meal in small quantities. This mixture should be increas- ed gradually to a rate of two pounds per day at three months of age. Clean stalls and 'clean ulensils are positively order to avoid dis- calves. essential in case in young Gardening vids CAN START YET Even--in--the-warmer--seetions--of-- Many of the troubles of the hu- man race and the refusal of many people to face. reality, has been caused by Santa Claus, in the opin: fon ot Dr. G. Brock Chishdlm, prom- fuent psychiatrist and mental hy. glenist, In an address at Toronto bbfore the joint meeting of the Canadian Conference on . Social Work and the Canadian National Committee for Mental Hygiene, He | - declared that if the democracies were to survive as Independent un. fts it might well be that they would have to come much more closely In touch with reality and malntain that touch, "so that this cannot happen again." IF DEMOCRACY'S TO SURVIVE + Colonel Chisholm was discussing education from the viewpoint of mental hygiene for family life. "We cannot take for granted because the family for a long time has been the unit of civilization, that it will con- tinue to be, nor that In It is to be found the highest type of develop ment, We must approach the sub- joct in a speculative way not know- ing for what we are preparing our children, It may be necessary for them to submit themselves to a dlis- cipline of form extraction that may conceivably by force of arms be im- posed upon them, in order that they must survive," he sald, - Pacific Island Seal Sanctuary ft is good to know that in this world of strife at least one section of animal life enjoys peace. Seals have a sanctuary on ' the Pribilofs a archipelago of four tiny islands named after Gerasium 'Pribilof, a Russian explorer, The 'islands now belong to the United States, who have extended a. 60-thile around zone of protection them; this: being . re. volcanic - spected 'by international treaty. No tourist is allowed on - the Pribilofs," the only. houses being those of Government officials and scientists ' who study the habits of "the seal. Enjoying complete immunity, the seal, which was :in danger of becom: fng extinct in these waters,; his now incrased in numbers to more than two million, the spiritual Issues, seeing the coming moral calamity, in order to 'be ablejto warn the people. There is' notliing "in Ezekiel's ministry that appeals more directly to the" Christian conscience thap the ser- fous and profound sense of pastoral responsibility to which this pas. sage bears witness. -MESSAGE TO DESPAIRING CETL er IBRARLTTT i 10. And thou, son of man, say unto the house of Israel: Thus ye speak, saying, Our transgressions and our sins are upon us, and we pine away In them; how then can we live? The people had now come to regard thelr calamities as due to their sins and as evidence of them. 11. Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord Jehovah, I have no pleas- ure In the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye dle, O house of Israel? God would have Israel know that he took no pleas- ure in seeing the wicked dfe, and that his will was ever for men to turn to him and live. THE PAST NOT IRREVOCABLE 12, And thou, son of man, say unto the children of thy people, The righteousness of the righteous shall not deliver him in the day of his transgression; and as for the wickedness of the wicked, he shall not fall thereby in the day that he | turneth from his wickedness; nel: ther shall he that {s righteous be able €o live thereby in the day that he sinneth, 13, When I say to the righteous, that he shall surely live, it lie trust to his righteousness, and + commit' iniquity, none of his right: eous deeds shall .be remembered; but fn his "iniquity 'that he hath committed, therein 'shall he dle. The prophet's purposé here is to tedch the general truth that the . past of one's lite does not of neces: sity determine the future either fn itselt .: In the judgment of God. This, next te the assurance of God's gracious will regarding men (v. 11) was the truth most needed to com. fort the people and awaken them out of the stupor which lay on them into a moral life and activity again, The past is not Irrevocable, a fut ure of possibility 1fes before them, . HOPE FOR UNRIGHTEOUS 14. Again, when I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt 'surely die; it he turn from his sin, and do that With, the season slackening off for the Summer, ~--radlo listeners will hear newcomers and under- studies get their chance on the air. Every year as Summer rolls around tho topnotch stars and headliners take a few months' vacation -- so they will be taking over new spots on the gchedule, and as they de- part the neophytes step-into- their plaees. got their-start in just this way -- go if you hear a new voice you like, "or someone with a new idea for a programme that you like, let the station you heard them from know about it. In-that way you encourage the kind of shows you like on the air lanes. NOTES AND NEWS Well, it's all set for Fred Allen next season. Fred will be heard on the Columbia network on Wodnes- day nights at nine In a similar show to that which thousands have enjoyed for the past few seasons. For whizb hip, hip, hurray! In these days of stress and war we should not overlook the fact that much of the Red Cross money pouring into Europe from the Unit- ed States is being raised by the radio headliners, who put on better shows for this noble purpose -- and do It for nothing --. than they man- |fge to perform for their sponsors. that when they return in the Fall Many big-timers on the air today King, aco dress designer, has an interesting program on the CBS chain Wednesday afternoons at four. She can give you tips for new - dresses, JOTTINGS ON THE CUFF Larry Owens, 'long with Guy Lombardo's band, has stepped out to form his own unit .., R.C.A, last 'week formally accused the motion picture Industry of deliberately holding back television . . . and the week's best radlo crack came from Walter Winchell's Sunday night's newscast, -- sald Walter: , .. "Hit ler will go down In history as the man who made necessary the in- vention of bullet-proof baby car riages." KILOCYCLING SPOTLIGHT Monday -- Breakfast Club via CBC at nine each morning . . . Music You Want from CKOC at 3:30 . .. Alec Templeton Timo on NBC-red at 9;30 , .. Leo" Reisman's orchestra from WOR at 11:30 . . . Wednesday -- Backstage with Ra. dfo-from CKOC at 8:30 pm. . . . The Green Hornet on NBC-blue ab nine . . . Kay Kyser and the gang at ten NBC-red . .. Mart Kenney via CBC from Vancouver at 10:45 ... Friday -- Modern Trends from CBC at 6:15 . . , Fifth Row Centre with WOR-Mutual at eight... Showboat from NBC-blue at nine . . + « Make Mine Music from CKOC at 11:30, Canada it is still possible to have a gplendid garden. There are plen- _ly of things to plant which will ali come on quickly, Experienced gar deners in recent years have been purposely holding back a portion of lettuce, spinach, carrot and oth er vegetable seedls so that the har vesting seazon may bo extended" just that much longer, A Early June Is the ideal time in most of Canada to plant seed ol those-hot weather things like mel- _on, cucumber, medium or late corn and beans. It is not safe In many districts to set out celery, tomato. cabbage and pepper plants much sooner, There ig stilt plenty of time to plant dahlia, gladiolus and canna bulbs or corms among the (lowers NEED SUPPORT Dahlias, tomatoes, large cosmos 3 or nicotine, young shade trees, new climbers, all benefit from some art- iticial support while they are get ting started, For tall Individual flowers or to- matoes, 6-foot stakes of wood or steel are advisable and the plant is tied to these loosely with soft tino or raffia. Stouter and perhaps longer stakes will be used with the ghade trees and correspondingly shorter ones for the smaller flow- ers, - Building permits issued in 202 municipalities in Canada during the first quarter of 1940 had a total value of $12,442,014, "Canadian Contract diamond drilling on mineral deposits In 19890 totalled 2,068,292 feet, or more than 890 miles, These op- erations cost $3,013,249, and were conducted in Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, toba, Saskatchewan, and Northwest Territories, " "The student should not Ma f- £ the be stimulated to work by purely compettive . methods." --Albert Einstein, By Willia | THis Curious WorLo oid {i ' THEREBY, FT 137 BY NEA SERVICE, ING. SPACE, AND THE ANIMAL CANNOT TAKE IT IN HIS TEETH/ MAN, IS ABLE TO CONTROL. AND GUIDE HIM. Ferguson MIGHT NEVER. HAVE BECOME SO USEFUL TO MAN, HAD IT NOT BEEN FOR. THE SPACE IN THEIR. JAWS BETWEEN THE INCISORS AND THE CTUINDING LACED IN THIS | == . IN TROPICAL FORESTS, WHERE HUMIDITY 1S HEAVY, AND WATER. SUPPLY FROM THE ROOTS" IS PLENTIFUL, CERTAIN LEAVES ARE CONSTRUCTED TO LEAK waTER, | THUS PREVENTING |. THEM FROM BECOMING | WATER - LOGGED. | f 1-22 WERE il not for the fact that surplus moisture, the leaves would become so coated with water = ~ tropical trees can get rid of their that transpiration would be retarded. Some leaves have special drip tips which conduct the water from the rest of the leaf surface. NEXT: Of all the svecles of parrols, what one Is'a native of (he Uniled States? icy pa nt " EWAN POPULAR ACTRESS HORIZONTAL 1 Actress pic-~ tured herve, 9 She is a famous ----~ of {oday. 12 To declaim wildly. 13 Field. 14 Crucifix. 15 Moral failings 16 Being. 17 To impede by estoppel. 19 Braced rail j tracks over a Answer fo Previous Puzzle 7 role of hers, Queen ----, 18 Church dignitaries, 20 Scarlel. 22 OMcer's assistant," 23 Twilled cotton cloth, 24 Helmet wreath. 26 Related by blood. 27-Frees:. 28 Merriment, 34 To rove. FAUST 38 Acquiesces. gully. 48 Owns, worm, 35 Six plus five, 49.Living. 3 Varnish 36 Sick, TBI Neither, ingredient; 39° Sve, £7' 29 Placed in 52 Ventilates, 4 Occupant of 40 Pool. py layers. 53 Genus of Eden. 41 Actual being, jis 30 She has great evergreen 3 To take 42 Title of qv ------ in craft shrubs. shelter. courtesy. 4 of acling. 54 To use tongs. 6 0n the lee. 43 Membranous it 31 Land right. 56 She has acted 7 Carp type bag. # ix 32 Fantasy. on stage fish. - 44 To applaud. 2 33 To revoke. and ----. 8 Orient. 45 Grafted. & 36 To insert. $7 She -----s the 9 Cry for help. 46 House top nN 37 Indian stage. 10 Child, 47 Eagle, by mulberry, , 1 Stir. 507To tilt, i VERTICAL 14 Rolls of film. 52 Like. Yi 43 Sponge spicules 2 Silk from a 15 A favorite 55 Grain (abbr) ' SLA CA POP--Robin Obeyed Orders 725° "a " UAVENT YOU BEEN' TODAY, I) t ror ve YOU TOLD ME THIS 'MORNING TO MIND THE STEAM ROLLER! \ = SEH