A. 4 = dey Ontario Cars- Train-Hitters ! . 41 Motorists of Province « Drove Into Sides of Trains In 1939 -- More Than In All the Rest of Canada . % 'More Ountarlo . motorists drive into the sides of trains than in all e rest of Canada, Last year 80 fan car. drivers drove into alos at level oa, 81 of them ° * in the daytime and 49 &t night. Of theso 80,' Ontario was the homeso! 41, and Quebec of 21, Col , C. OC. Btibbard, director. of opérations, board of transport commissioners for Canada told the Toronto rail way club in a recent address, Result was 19 killed, 148 injured and an increase from 63 similar ac- cldents in 1938, he said, _ TRAINS NOT TO BLAME Meanwhile accidents in which Canadian railway trains, equipment or operations solely are concerned have declined steadily in the last five years, . Changing the railway whistle sig- nal from two-long-two-short blasts to a final long blast last year may have been the cause of a reduction of accidents in which engines col. llded with motor cars, he thought, adding that the burden for safe driving must rest on the motorist, MICKIE SAYS-- \Y ELV, FOLKS, THEY 1$ A SORTA TICKLI$H ASSIGNMENT "THAT'S TH' $UBJECT O' TODAYS $ERMON= IT! $OMPIN 'AT $OME OF YOU$E $HOULD BE SENDIN' TO U$ IF You '$PECT THI$ NEWSPAPER TO KEEP i You rT ER : | / 'SCOUIING . . [} The Boy Scouts of Cochin China, have started a "Handicapped Scout Group" for the children of the Blind and Dumb:School at Kunnankulam, In launching this Scouting project for the benefit of those less fortun- ate the Cochin China Scomts are folowing the example of Scouts in many other parts of the world, in- cluding Canada, Boy Scouts of Creston, B.C, are assisting the local Lions Club in keeping school children to the reg- ular railroad crossings instead of time-saving shortcuts - down the tracks. The Scouts patrol the tracks at: school opening and closing hours. When a small baby left in a car- _riage disappeared outside a Toronto store, Police Inspector Greenwood added to his own searchers the members: of the Panther Patrol of the 24th Toronto Boy Scout Troop. It was thie Panthers discovered the baby, being wheeled away by a small girl, Eighty-six Scouters from many parts of India have just completed a Scoutmasters' Training Course. Despite the fact that they were: of different - castes and creeds, they . ate and lived together in complete barmony for ten days. So Scouting, with its law that-a Scout is a bro- ther to every other Scout no mat- ter what soclal class, creed or race the other belongs, is proving to be a great factor in bringing Indians of all castes together on a common footing. -- Hong Kong Scouting Gazette. Many Soldiers To Wed English Girls 8toresi of Canadiant' Have BecomésEngaged Since: Land ing In Britain : Man Canadians in Great Britain with the C.ASF., the RAF. and the RCAF. took a trip straight to romance when they crossed the: Atlantic to serve the Empire. Scores. of thom have become en. gaged to English girls' they met 'when on leave; others were follow. ed to England by thelr sweethearts and several mArtiages have already, taken place in various parte of thé faland re 3 "Norweglan campaign, + \ d a : ESCA BG ee ec 8 LTE us SPE 1 {0 NEWS PARADE Last week, reading between the lines was the favorite pastime of war-interested people in this part' of the world, 'Héaring rumors that tho Allies were having a tough time of it in Norway, many Canadians sought to plerce the vell of censor ship® by buying U, 8. papers, or rushing to their. radlos every time an American commentator came on "the alr, They wanted to know what was behind the obvious dissatis- faction in British "parllamentary ¢ircles with the conduct of the Was Ger- many winning? To look at the map was helpful, but not enough to clar- ify an obscure situation, Sir- Archibald Sinclair, Liberal M.P, in the British House, was out- spoken: "The Government must take vigorous measures and deter mined action in Norway, or remain ing neutrals will climb on the Ger- man bandwagon." Further, "If the Government muddled in this Nor- weglan campaign it will be for Par- liament to act objectively, fearless. ly and resolutely as the grand in- quést of the nation." FOURTH WEEK BEGINS At the end of the third woek of the war in Norway, the German High Command claimed that Oslo and Trondheim had been linked by Nazi columns, that Dombas, strat. eglc rail junction, had been captur. ed, giving the Nazis control of the main rallway line from' the Nor- weglan capital to Trondheim. The Allies, while admitting withdrawal in several sectors, still commanded the approaches to northern: Nor- way; held the important ports of Namsos and. Andalsnes; and were successfully landing substantial" reinforcements of men and sup- plies, together with much-needed antl-aireraft guns. 4 NAZIS IN SWEDEN A German attack on Sweden seemed 'much less imminent last © week, although huge sums were ap- propriated for defense purposes by the Swedish government. In some quarters it was thought that Adolf Hitler could 'get Sweden's fron and - her arsenal immobilize her Army andrher Navy, without firing a shot or crossing a frontier uninvited, It is - well-known - that there are the makings of an excellent Naz! "fifth column" in Sweden; a Nazi network of friends and propaganda that pen: etrates every corner of the country, JTALY'S NECESSITY Daring the week Italy gave new signs of being ready to create a - serious nufsance; as a precaution: ary measure, then, the British Gov- ernment ordered all British shfp- ping out of the Mediterranean, A Fascist spokesman declared it "im- possible -for a country like Italy to remain indefinitely out of the present war." Walter Lippman on this side of the Atlantic said: "A Nazi victory, obtained without Ital- fan help, would be supremely dan- gerous for Italy, Therefore, Italy's only chance to save anything from this desperate situation is to join the Germans if they are winning, to join them: before it is too late to contribute: anything important to the Nazi victory, yet not too soon to be fatally hurt by the Alljes." CANADIAN WAR-WEEK At home in Canada, it' was-an "eventful week. Quebec women won a victory when a law was passed oe bY Memorial Troph, the trophy for tario Towns Under 1,500 ETE Mr, L. C. Thompson of Lucknow, RIGHT, reccives from Mr, J. W. G. Clark of Toronto the J, T. Clark for best all-round newspaper in towns of 1,500 or under. My, Thompson is seen accepting ugh Ferguson, publisher of the Port Elgin Times, winner of the competition, at the an- | nual convention of its OntariosQuebec division, Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Largest convention in the his- tory of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Associatien, Ontaris- Quebec Division, the 12th annual meeting was held in Windsor the last week-end in April; with 150 delegates registered. The assembly of delegates was marked by reunions of newspaper- ,men who make the annual con- F< vention their forum for the ex- change of ideas. PRESIDENT OF C.W.N.A, Among the interested guests were Thomas Halliwell, 'of Cole: man, Alta, president of the Carl adian Weekly Newspapers Assoc- iation, who expressed his pleasure granting them the vote In Provin- . cial elections . . . A battle raged in tho Province of British Columbia over gasoline price-tixing, and pas- senger cars had to stay home in their garages ... Rumois were cur. rent that while in Washington Prime Minister Mackenzie King had discussed with Amorican higher- ups, tinal detalls ot the intefnation- al St, Lawrence-Great Lakes sea- way agreement, as well as possibil- ity of protective occupation of Greenland by Canadian forces . . . Canadians were warned against the tary and. alr force matters during wartime . , . Ottawa announced that war savings certificates ("baby "bonds") for the small -investor would soon be employed as a me- thod of war financing... ° » In Canada Today... os Increasing' interest in European events since the invasion of Norway leads us to bring you in each issue . . . "THE WAR-WEEK" a new column, concisely written, high< lighting, significant happenings here and abroad. : Replacing "NEWS PARADE" it will be a commentary on events on all war fronts and current hot spots. danger of gossip about naval, mill. - Weekly Editors Attend Convention At Windsor Record Number of Ontario-Quebec Newspapermen Present at Suc- cessful Two-Day Session -- Andrew Hebb, of Newmarket Era, Elected President -- Lucknow Man Wins Trophy For Best Paper in Town Less Than 1,500 Population at being "able to attend the con- vention 'with the members of the Ontario and Quebee division, He 'indicated an optimism for the fi=™~ ture of weekly publishing in Eas'- ern Canada, ) . BEST EDITORIAL PAGE Andrew 0. Hebb, proprietor of the Newmarket Era, which -was awarded the George Pearce Tro- phy for the best editorial page, was elected: president" of the On- tario-Quebec Division, A new trophy, donated by I. IF. Stephensdn of New Liskeard for the best front page, was awarded the Bowmanville - Courier States- man. A third, the J. T. Clark "Memorial Trophy for the hest ail- round paper in towns with popu- lations not over 1,600 went to the Lucknow Sentinel. A prize for the best printing was won by the Rod-* "fiey Mercury Sun, NEW OFFICERS - New officers besides Mr,~ Hebb are: R. A. Giles, Lachute,. Que., honorary president; Frank Mecln- tyre, Dundalk Herald, first vice- president; John Marsh, Amherst- burg News, second vice-president. AMONG THE DELEGATES ~ Among those registered for the convention were the following: C. - W. Tresidder, Northern News, Kirkland Lake; S+ R. Curry, The News, Tweed; Mr, and Mrs. B. Pearce, The Reformer, Simcoe; Mr. and Mrs, F. Macintyre, Her- ald, Dundalk; Mr, and Mrs. W. Legge, Leader Mail, Granby, Que. Mr. and Mrs. A, Sellar, The Gleaner, Huntington, Que; H. C, Pennock, The Tribune, ville; 'F. W. Rickaby, The Spec- tator, Bruca Mines; Mr. and Mrs, O. Hebb, The Era, Newmarket; Mr. and Mrs, Ken Walls, The Ex- aminer, Barrie; 'L. C. Affleck, Lanark Era, Lanark; L. Campbell Thompson, The Sentinel, Luck now. . Gardening .... SECRET OF TRANSPLANTING Secret of transplanting Is plenty of water. Of next importance will _ be shadé and stimulant; Moving a plant is something JIké an opera- tion on a human being, and the larger the specimen, the more ne- cessary the attention, With shrub- bery aud trees often main roots Stouff-. are cut and. the shock Is severe. Halt a pail of water after setting "out is not too much for such big things, and the watering should be repeated two or thre¢ times a week, if a quick start is wanted. With ordinary annuals and per- ennials liberal watering is also ad- visable and shelter from hot sun for the first few days. Some pickup in the way of quickly available commercial fertilizer, cavefully ap- plied, will help at this time, merely a pinch for small things like toma. to plants or asters, and perhaps up to a couple of handfuls for. shrubs and trees! INFORMAL LAYOUTS In the average case planting fir- regularly in. clumps will produce the 'most pleasing garden effects. Such planting, too, will add an air of spaciousness, giving even tiny backyard gardens the appearance of much larger plots. Where possible there should be a lawn in the foreground, with an frregularly shaped bed of flowers around the edges and possibly dif- ferent groups of shrubs at the cor "hers. Scrcening of harsh straight lines about the house and with clumps of flowers and shrubs and an occasional trailing vine over verandahs or garages will bring the, | whole thing together. Uh UTDOORS 8Y VIC BAKER YOU ASKED FOR IT Many Ontario anglers have written in to ask us what the best knots are to use in tying eyed flies to the new nylon fishing leaders. Before attempting to ans- wer this' general enquiry we had a chat with Frier Gulline, one of Canada's most expert tiers of ar- tificial fishing flies. It was under ¢ expert supervision of this able fy "doctor" that the new leaders were, first tied when they weve --introduced "to the Canadian fish= 'ing fraternity last spring, so we know the information he gave us is correct beyond a doubt. The Best Knots After experimenting with sev. cral types of knots, it was decid- ed that the best knot to tie the nylon strands together into a strong leader would be the fam- iliar Barrel or Blood Knot (sce accompanying diagram). Other experiments proved that the best knot for tying eyed flies to the leader was the Turle ¥not. Fam. iliar to experienced fishetmen and popular with most anglers, it is one of the simplest and safest knots used and will: hbld under all conditions. It is easy to tie (see illustration) and good for any size drives VOICE PRESS BLAME IT ON SPRING It !s hard to tell where spring fever leaves off and laziness begins. += Kitchener Record, 4 WE ARE NOT ALONE It did not take Canada long to demonstrate that ft has officials who can épen their mouths and put thelr feet in. them with . ail the .¢aso of an American diplomat, ~-- Buffalo Evening News, ' THE UNSOLVED PROBLEM It has been decreed that children must attend.gchool until they ave 16, but as yet there has been no de. clsfon as to what to do with them when they get through school, -- St, Catharines Standard. TO-DAY'S NEW WORDS Words have their days of favor, A little while ago we were "scut- ting" everything. Lately "fifth col- umn" as a term for subversive ele- ments has had a heavy play, Now "quisling™ as a synonym for treach- ery, has the support of the London Times -- derived, of course, from' tho name of the infanious Norweg- fan who tried to set up a puppet government in Norway to serve the Germans. -- Ottawa Journal, * CODDLING CODFISH Canada has imported an average of 337,000 gailons of cod liver oil annually for the past five years, The Atlantic cod fisherles last year produced about 60,000 gallons. Canada falls far short of producing enough for her own réquirements. Yet, it is estimated that Canada can produce from 300,000 to 400, 000 gallons of the ofl annually. Here then is a condition that cries for remedy. Our production should be far greater" even {in normal times, -- Halifax Chronicle. oT of wet or dry fly. : TURLE KNOT This is one of the simplest and one of the safest knots used for attaching eyed flies to nylon fish. ig faders. It is easy to tie and is as good for the smallest dif flies as for the largest salmon and bass flies. : BARREL KNOT A knot recommended for leng- thening out nylon leaders by add- ing tippets to the point, or fér repairing. broken leaders, oitds dangerous bends and puts a direct pull on the leader. Red Horner Out -Of Active Hockey : Off Playing Ranks of Toron- to Maple Leafs -- Will Be "Good-will Ambassador" Manager Couny Smythe has an- nounced the retirement of Captain Reg. (Red) Horner from the play- It av-- Re --------" OVERSEAS X BRITISH CONSOLS EXPORT ¢ LEGION $122 seNDs 300 CIOARETTES or 1 Ib. Tobacco ~= BRIER gl + or any MACDONALD'S FINE CUTS (with papers) to ony Canadipn Soldier In Oreat Britaln or Fragge. Mail Order pnd Remitiance toim= OVERSEAS DEPARTMENT W. C. MACDONALD INC, Box 1929, Plage d'Armes, Monkeal, Canada 5 080 sbject 0 20) chase (s Gevernment Regfations | Vuitic 2 will thankyou . ing ranks of Toronto Maple Leafs to the role ot "goodwill ambassa- dor' of the National Hockey Lea guo club, 2 "He'll make speeches for us, erally go places and ring hockey doorbells for us," Smythe sald. PLAYED 11 SEASONS Horner, who played with the Leafs for 11 seasons, led the lea- gue In penalties for seven years in a row, One of the game's most col- ' orful players, ho never played for. a professional club other. than the Maple Lea(s after jumping to them from Toronto junior amateur ranks, He is 32. Ask for BEE HIVE LIFE'S LIKE THAT FRED Nerves, B28 Rd A ANA cl ET - "Sesssh, Hore Comes a Sailor Now!" IN OUR LIVING ROOM | AN' LAST NIGHT POP ! MADE A FIRE * 1 JUN IT ANT FIREPLACE AN' BUILT VERY: SCIENTIFIC! ' IT SHOULONT \ SMOKE/ i 1 RH AR TWENNY-ONE BEFORE. ITS. ALLOWED TO_SMOKE Reg. U. & Pat, Office. AR Highs reserved * _ REG'LAR FELLERS--Just a Baby ) By GENE BYRNES - ee rr Beye ra -- , -- k i POP PAID A MAN =, f WELL WHATS 50 i - YOU DONT OH, L'KeTcH oN' SOME > \ . ALOT OF MONEY | BAD AHOUT THAT? UNNASTAN! THIS A FIREPLACE PAL' | TO BUILD. A FIREPLACE Yhousean IS A BRAN'NEW HASTA BE SOME. : PAL' wil ade aban eT pera eee SHEERS A SATAN gen- Cw Lh "End Kia'y ------ rr? er Or, ---- FE " Lom FH