Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 25 Apr 1940, p. 6

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Se vv ns PE - * me ---- = ed high heel of a cleverly styled palr "lowing some operations -- by using of shoes shorten the leg muscles bicycle pedals -- Is announced. and eventually cause pain?" The method was reported last UNHAPPINESS RUINS IT week as an effective ald In minim. Soclal illness, & new medical izing one of the greatest -risks of term which describeg persons who surgery, the danger of post-operat- are sick for no other reason than - ive complications. beg EE ------ Dominion Gets. Another Liner For Naval Work -- Three Are Being Altered Into Cruisers "It DOES tite good in a pipe!" © HANDY SEALTIGHT POUCH - 15¢ 1418, "LOKTOP" TIN =~ 60f ila ¢ unhappiness over their environ It consists of elevating the foot ho packed in_Pocket Tins 4 \ " 3 venient -- economical -- easy ] ment, was recognized last week.by of the patient's bed for from 24 to T Teg Camtin sister nine that of--madeofabsolutely taste: the American College of Physic- | 48 hours after a major operation : operated in passenger services on less filter poper---each bag makes fans and then having, the patient exer- the Atlantic and Paclfic coasts have |- _ two cups o! 's Yellow Label : Bd Wel t Templ i di he bi; y lo _, been taken over-by the government Tea--Lipton's -- an Empire Dr, EAWaIa Wigs, ia gple |. che oh ordinack Nicola Ja ; SOAS sore TT mete for 'war duties. The North Star of the Clarke Steaniship Conipany will be put nto service by the Royal Canadian Navy, duties undisclosed. MERCHANT CRUISERS This vessel which cruised the At- lantic .seaboard and the St. Law. rence River in the past few years, previously was named the Prince Henry and was bullt for the Pacltic coast service of the Canadian Na- tional Steamships, Limited. Later it was purchased by the Clarke Co. The Prince Robert and Prince Da- vid, with which the Prince Henry years were iu the triangle service between Vancouver, Victorla and Seattle, * Requirements For ~ College Students Principal of Queen's Univer- sity Rates Intellectual Abil- ity First Intellectual ability was' the first written Word than the spoken one, he noted, warning against (tho danger of "facile utterance." A sense. of accuracy, of the values in life, he placed as a third re- quirement. + Growing Here ---- Canada Seen _as Source of bow LIP CINE 148 of 20 and 100, Tea 'fit for a king', Packed in cartons 7) FULL FLAVOURE ABEL Modern Etiquette angry? 2. When one is eating in a crowded. restaurant and a strang- er wants to sit in a vacant chair at your table, and asks "Do you mind," what should one reply? 8. Who should be the last per- son seated at a church wedding, before the bridal procession starts down the aisle? 4, Isn't it" poor manners for two persons to lean across a per-. son who' is sitting between them, to carry on a conversation? 5. What "does a la mode mean? 6. Should a guest at anaffair make introductions among 'the other guests? : "a dose of arsenic to life." 2. "Not, the - at all." 3. The mother of bride. 4. Yes. If they persist, the third person may offer to change seats with one of them. 5. Accord- ing to the fashion. Whan we speak of "pie a Ia mede," it means served with a. mound of ice cream, because that is the fashion. 6. It is better to leave this duty to the hostess, uniess the latter has asked one to do so. from becoming * involved These Three Kings Made Pe ace Efforts In Vain The desperate efforts of this trio of monarchs to keep Scandinavia in the war between Germany and the Allies failed as Germany invaded Denmark and launched a lightning 1 Is Doing University, Philadelphia, sald that a third of those who see a doctor do not have any definite bodily dlis- ease to account for thelr illness, and another third. seem to have symptoms that are partly due to emotions. "The {ll-health," he sald, "arlses from long-standing dissatistactlon in the business, soclal or home life of the individual and this fallure of adjustment to environment Is - manifested by a 'disturbance In some part of the porsonality, either as bodily symptoms of various kinds, capable of mimicking almost 'How Can I? BY ANNE ASH' EY Q. How can I cause butter to stay fresh longer? A. If the butte is packed ini a crock containing charcoal, it will stay fresh much longer than or dinarily. > Q. How can I stiffen the brush- es of the sweeper? > A. Take the brushes out of the sweeper, put a little common bak- hang evenly aftér laundering? . A. Slip curtain rods through the lower hems and leave them there for a few days. They will straigh- ten' the curtains. . asx "Q. How can I make uso of the savory EE EE ERE Ee aad POWDERED IRON . _ mountéd on the foot of the bed. GLASS "STITCHES" It soon may be possible to talk about the glass stitches in your op- eration. Glass thread whic can be drawn as fine as silk and spun into fibers of any thickness promises to be one of the newest developments in surgery. It is smooth, easy easily sterilized and fis absorbed slowly by the body when used to close up deep (incisions, Games Slater, the inventor. says One hundred and thirty hay fever victilns acted as thie guinea pigs at the University of Cleveland Al- lergy Clinic, About halt of them took ihjection of thé ragweed pol: to handle, ; { i i A Picobac GROWN IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN ONTARIO len, which js a standard method of relieving hay fever, while the other half swallowed: capsules {llied with the same pollen. The results.showed the swallow: ing method 1s almost as good as immunization by vaccination, ~ any disease, or as affections of the RE . . |p anto. Write for particulars was operated on the west coast by \ Answers 44 C. N. Steamships, are being convert. BY ROBERTA LEE 1. Yes but when he becomes spirit. POLLEN FULLY FOR ALLERSY, Heavyweight Family and gan ed into Srimed Torch cruisers; - | --o-4+ rg hod wp Fim a) Lpniy esssesesssssesssseessssra | aga medical remedy for hay fever Eight brothers and sisters of The Toronto Cyeamery fhe War Suny monet bas aunomns | 1, 13 a aigited person ever | 4H SUG iy mn en aut slvr | the Soma Tam of Glamorgan | | © Tho United Farmers shire, Wales, together weigh near- Jy 16 cwt, Their ~combined - ages total 543, There are two 270 pounders, Caradoc, aged 62, and John, aged 74, CREAM WANTED 'We are paying a real bigh price for cream F.0.B., Tor. Co-operative Co. Ltd. Duke and George Streets TORONTO, Ontario. .. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. . . AGENTS WANTED ELECTRIC MOTORS LIGHTNING ROD AGENT WANT. ed to sell Phillips Lightning Pro- tective 'System. B. Phillips Comp- any Limited, 32 Osborne Avenue, Toronto. ambitious men and women! ¥Fam- ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW AND Rebuilt, also pulleys and V-belts. Jones & 'Moore Electric, 296 Adel: alde St, W., Toronto. Letters will be kept strictly cons fidential. Dandce Auto Stores, 022 Yonge Street, Toronto. BAKERY EQUIPMENT BAKERS OVENS AND MACHIN- "ery, also rebuilt equipment always LEARN BASKETRY, INTEREST- ron pc DS | BURLEY AND Virginia Leaf $1.00, fifteen pounds $3.00. Four pounds Virginin Leaf' Cigarette Tobacco $1.50. Postpaid. G. WW. Jeff Leamington, Ont.___ HERB-GIROWING ed). No triflers. Associated Herb Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PART requirenient for university en ing soda into some hot water and TW ANTAD FOR URIGUE HALE TO, 1% HORSE POWER Hosts ex, y " ve . . 2° Wh . 3 3 JENTS WANTED F » eS, heavy duty new hydro approve [3 . tirh te trance, Dr. R. C. Wallace, prin- Fr E 1 21] dip the brushes * into it several - Jow-priced portable duplicator, Emerald Motors, 30° per cent. less pried Manns Ww irhlrcis Roliet, inal of 's Univ it told i in times. Allow to. dry in-the sun. Sells itself in stores, offices, than any other motor on the pare Sntisfaetlon or refund. Levy Auto cipal of Queen's University to i Q. How can I lubricate the churches, schools, clubs, ete. Dan- ket, 15 month guarantee. Hoff- Parts, 'Toronto. the College and Socondary De t dy proposition for stationer or a man Machinery. 181 King East, sartment of the Ontario Educa meat, chopper and egg beater ' specinliy, man, Box 4. 73 Adelaide Toronto. = ;- Dy -Association convention "In without allowing any taste of the Se . PERSONAL democratic countries a university lubricant to be imparted to the | SWIFT -- SURE RESULTS! FOR ' FILMY HN) g S Ab food? " B 3 FW QUIT FUBAUCU- NUKE EASILY, education is for all who have the d 3 Fe. flex will show you how. 900 suc- APRIL ADVERTISING SPECIAL -- inexpensively. Hume remedy, $ oF A. Us lveer: lubricant ssfu) dealers v . list! dollar value for 30c ahd ndvertise. 4 telleciual ability t forward > . Use glycerine as a lubricani, cessful dealers now on our tT Roll. developed f Festimonials hintunteed Advice intellectual ability to go forward, 1 this will elimi h ie Inquire for- further détails and ment. Roll developed, printed or fran Bartlett's Bux 1 - Winnineg and no others. They are .expens- and this will eliminate the possi FILE catalogue to-day. The Fam- eight' reprints, with craft emhns- | - : s » poe cy oO pens bility of taste being i ted >, . . Any 7 3 ged enlargement 7-x 10. London a titut =AU ref ility of any taste being 1mparte flex Products Company, 570 St. oh Servi 3 p ive. institutions--too expensive for to the food. ° Clement Street, Montréal. Rhy SelViee Box 551, London, | STOP-TOBACCO. Special. Quit smok. « those who have not -that ability," x Marlo ing, chewing tobacco, snuff, easily, 1 mented Q. How can I clean grease- AUTO PAIVFS AND AUCESSORIES = = quickly. Complete guaantee treat. po conmented ; stained overalls? TO DEALERS WHO ARE INTER- FOI SALE ment, G0c. Reliahle 'roducts, Box What University Should Teach . > y i "ested in obtaining a source of sup- ORY -- Steyr 251, Rezinu, Sysk. A second deniand for university A. Rub the well with lard, ply for -a complete line of auto TWO-UNIP MuRERS ley nt = entrance was the ability to express then scrub with a stiff brush, us- in Asodusorisy, Lire bid dd low ote RELIGIOUS as A > - B, 8 LC. 4 24 4 = be ¥ S i in little ammonia in warm 1 rest possi ; "sale pric- Grade-A (5 parts replace up to one's thoughts "clearly, concisely £ D Ammon Coa Ine a alg PHS ots on bihers). free demon. | "ELAN COMING UBEFORE and. with some degree of ele- 0 Hos Ti lig Te competitive to any large cata. gration, get our offer, and Jee | Chriat Wonderful hook sent free. 7 This i . How can I cause curtains to logue mail order house. You aro Grade-A Guide. Box Ko Room 3-4. --Mericdu selon. Ha Rochester, gance "This applied more, ta the under no obligations 'to inquire. Sarnin, Ontario. : New Vork i} SALESMEN WANTED MILKER DISTRIBUTOR - SALES. men -- invest $50.00 and be your own buss; one sale per week beats working for someone else: cape ERBAN OATS, REGISTERED AND red Rocks, White Leghorns, Hamp- shires, Austrolorps Write for rices. Wingham-Alatchery. wing- am, Ontario. 3 CHEAP CHICKS Ianghar. Alliston. Ontario, HOTELS WANTED OUR SUCCESS IN SELLING HOT- els I= really phenomenal. We will be plensed to have an opportunity guaranteed if instructions follow- ed. New scientific method. Twenty, years' experience. References. H., W. Hogue, 220 McDermot, Winni- DEK. TRACTOR FOR SALE ) 1 Launching of a new industry of | ¢HEAP CHICKS ARE NOT AL to try to sell yours, We advertise Supply of Syenite for Amerl- attack on Norway. The monarchs of the ill-fated Scandi son £ouAin0s a highly promising character Is id Lom profitable. "buy quality in every piper in Ontario. For our ALLIS CHALMERS 20. 35 TRAC, i isti rk, Kin, akon Ta hick high ce und be s, Wr o Rer el Sons. n first class condition. Price can Potters or ictured Jens to FioHE, S08 Caen of Denmark, g Ha ' forecast on the basis of methods = KS aie hrofits er rr 1200 Realtors, London, Ontario. - to sell. McCormick-Deering Agency LE of Norway and Ring fyusial, . RB) perfocted at 'Mellon Institute, tested, government approved 3 it EO " Galt. Ontario. 5 te Leghorns. Eimyview Poultry 4 SAL _» In a brief survey of the ceramic . Pitthburgh, for the preparation Farm, Norham, Ontario. 2 industry in Canada, @ordon C.' jron sawed off short with wrink- ot electrolytic iron powder. HEPAT M.A RELIEVES STOMACH LYONS' - >> ber h . 1 3 . A et i , HGG TRAYS an 1.iver troubles. Symptoms: Keith, M. Se.. secretary of the Can- les around the inside of the hole." Designed to do In the' field of MORE MONET FOIL BGUS, ELIM- Thins in right side. under Plone: BARGAINS! TT HRVE -. guarantee. adian Ceramic Socfety, told the an- The startled instructor mark- metallurgy what modern plastics jnute loss from ey' and breuks der blades and across hips. indi. 'HIGH CLASN RECONDITIONED - : b; :king In Keyed Trays (filler gestion, gas. constipation. gall hE nual convention "of the American ed that "first class honors." have accomplished for light indus. ays 50 Moz. Kove aya Red trouble, Formula of doctor. Re. Every byron seuondts ve | ) ry : se try, the new process is believed to fn regulur cases. Send' for [ree suits In one day! Price $5.00 Mrs. tioned, guaran ; y Ceramic Society, meeting In Toron: i ; 2 0 yy 1 ) I IE 286 for enough for one eo 8 Almas. Ttox 1ATRW Snakn- hed, Bua teed absolutely clean to. that the development of huge YOU H : RD H There isn't much to be makb possible economical produc- ED onture paid. Huwley Pro. toon. Sask and sold with a positive money-back deposits of neplieiine syenite, north of Peterborough, came from a In- tensive search by the potters' asso-. clation of the United States for a substitute for the diminishing sup- plies of feldspar -in that country.. FROM NORTH OF PETERBORO | SESS SS SAAS As -A placid old lady, who-took life philosophically, sat knitting in the drawing-room, To her came rush- ing her ten-year-old granddaugh- "geen in a little town, but what you hear makes up for it Px ES EES A A ag { HEALTH tion, for example, of iron shapes not ordinarily forgeable. ._ PEDALLING SAVES LIVES A new way. to prevent blood clots * and the fatal blocking of veins fol ducts Ltd., 1% E¥gin Street, Brant- ford, Unturio.~ SPECIAL COCKEREL BARGAINS, while they last. Three to four week old Barred Rock and New - Hampshire cockerels, stundard quality $9.95, also -10-day-old non- sexed 'New Hamps, Barred: Rocke ECZEMA, RASHES, PILES. SURE Feet, completely relieved by Der- misoothe, the clean.. powerful houschold ointment. 235c,- at your local druggist, or mailed direct. Write for free sample. Twentieth .Century Remedies, 107 Hogarth Avenue, Toronto. $19.50 3.plece chesterfield suite, shall spring cushlons. $24.00 smart Kroehler chesterfield suite, 3 pleces, upholstered in. fig. ~ ured-velour.-- x $27.00 large 3-piéce suite, brown repp terinl, figur. ed _reversiblé MarShall 11.45, 90 .per cent. Pullets, New - "ET? iy 2 cushions. Perfect. RO ; ; SRG Barred Rocks $18.40 | ECZEMAID. RELIEF FOR BABIES | $35.00 beautiful bro hair ch This. development is by Canad: ter. {amped . or adults, from dry or weeping wn mohair ches. "Oh, granny cried the girl, Cockerels, New Hamps $5.95, Bar i -terfleld suite, large size, figured fan engineers and Canadlan capital and, with crushing and refining plants at Lakefield, Ont, and at Rochester aud Detroit, the ceramic trade fs being supplied with this in- gredient of glass and porcelain. Canadian feldspar, silica, china clay and kaolin are being mined bn a large scale for use in the glass, paper and porcelain industries in United States and Canada, ho sald. Canada has 173 plants, with a capi tal investment of. $22,758,848, in its ceramic industry and, he pointed out, Northern Ontario has vast de- posits of high-grade china clay, ; ¢ . % startling news comes just when PUREBRED WIREHAIRED FOX. dresser, steel bed, sagless ll X only waiting transportation for | exclaimed, "when some. men dis- | = rments on tho nerve centre, the you least expect it. All chicks terrier pups, eight weeks old from and new mattress. Bless pfinea thelr development. A number of charge an obligation, you can solar plexis." oh from carefully culled blood show winning stock. Reasonable. $39.00 smart. bedroom suite In rich f new potleries are producing art products on a large stale to take «father's just fallen off the roof!" «I know, my child," replied the old lady, without even raising her eyes, "I saw him pass the win- dow." ; ; --0-- "\What is the most pathetic picture in the world?" "A horse fly sitting on a radiator cap." ae gr Mark Twain once talked of gratitude. He didn't much care, he said, for gratitude of the™ noisy, boisterous kind. "Why," he hear the report for miles around." | TOPICS A tt ED i be bd FASHION AND HEALTH Comfort rather than a fashion. abld figure is recommended as a guide in wearing apparel for wo- men by Dr. D. R. Deyoe, assistant medical advisor of Cornell Univpr- sity. . ¥; \ "The women of Quéen Eliza. beth's time," he sald, "were not squeamish; they did not faint at tho slightest provocation but from the pressure of their foundation Dr. Deyoe sald he isn't trying to T Attention! USED TRUCK BUYERS It will pay you to see Ont- ario's largest assorted stock of good Used Trucks. Write, phone or call at v 6. M. C. red Rocks: $6.95, two week old, add one cent, three week old add four cents, Big Egg Quality add one cent. Extra Select add two cents. Immediate delivery. Baden Electric Chick Hatchery Limited, Baden, Ontario. 3 CASH _IN° ON THESE STARTED «chick bargains. They are all High 'Quality Chicks from Government Approved bloodtested breeders, Double AA Quality two week non. sexed New Hamps, "Barred Rocks J1340, 90 per cent Pullets $19.90, ockerels $8.95. Three week old add three cents. Extra Profit add 1% cents. Special Mating add 2c. Supply limited. ~ Order 0-day. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limit. ed, Fergus, Ontario, TOP NOTCH CUT PRICES. THIS "tested breeders Standard Quality non-sexed White Leghorn iy eczema; Testimonials from hund- reds fot over 35 treatment, one dollar. Write Hy-- mela. Produgts, London. Ont. z * NURSERY STOCK STRAWBERRIES, CHOICE PLANTS Senator Dunlap 1,000 $4.00, 3,000 « $10.00 by express F.0.B. Iroquois, 100 postpaid 90c. Write for list of shrubs, perennials and other plants. Forward Gardens, Iroquois Ontario. ~- NURSERY STOCK STRAWBERRY PLANTS, PREMIER 5.00 thqusand. «Burrill, Glen ary, Parson's Reauty $400 per thousand. Darwin Cripps,' No, 2, Acton. ears. Two weeks -- PUPS FOR SALE -- t . N. Robinson, Stratford, Ont. FARM PRODUCE FOR: SALE reversible Marshall spring cushe ions. - $24.00 solid oak dining suite, buffet, table and 6 leather upholstere chalrs, . $49.00* English oak dining suite, 9 ieces, buffet, extensian table, ca- Inet, and 6 chairs, * $24.00 Dinette suite, fumed oak, but. table apd 4 chairs, room 6 chalrs, up- holstered in red mo 4 $69.00 smart walnut suite, buffet, extension table, china chairs. . $89.00 solid walnut dining suite, large buffet, extension table, cab. inet and leather upholstered chairs, ° fl $19.50 Bedroom suité, walnut finish walnut finish, dresser, chiffoni full. size bed, sagleas te and able hurd workers eurn $3,000 up, ~ English tapestry, reversible Mar. chesterfield spring hair, i * finish dining cabinet and 6 leather uphoiatered- | } Co i - i ny) : and, Terms arranged. Corres. 4 4 ¢ The university had a right to spiced vinegar from - cans of oF hand Ter grranied. Corres" $5.000 CROP FROM HALE ACRE -- Tel Drs uy do A expect the student to come to it peaches? 3 i able Oven. Co. 103 Bathurst: St.y Theople everywhere Are a. old company. State full experience. be with a fairly considerable back- As Weed Rings od i Zn -- __cine herbs): Enormous profits! We Lox K, Roum 3-44, Sirhis, Onl. E y wt = z Lous avoring for minced CIC EIN ES 3 z supply seed, Instructions, buy ev- 5 Is ground of interest and activity mn ui BASKETRY -- IIHSD WORK ; SHED GATS Bo I of ee pie sn Th meat. It also makes a = ery pound. Particulars-t0c (credit. |- Bed sy ities, such a4 would provide a sauce for cabinet pudding. ing, educational, cotiplete instrucs ~ Goren os, 2, Bu Nerbath. Commercial, both No. 1 seed, high 3 source: from™ which to draw in tion, 25c. Free cataluz ug fo Teed, = yielding large grain. Write for + - . > . Vv < 8 0] 110 e |] »] 2 constructive Apinking on Jpn aaa a AE SE SERRE RL) San is Depar HCA. Toronto, HOGS FOIL SALE Prices BY McPherson, RR. §, problems, Dr.- Wallace stated. ° 1 -- = SAH TR . sv, 2 "" = i BABY CHICKS ORCHARD VALLEY YORKSHIRES = ---- What Science; : Shien ollie oN Se ULL - ORDER TARY CHICKS NOW. AT- viceab'e age and younger. Sows all BE (ENTLY . OTR Ceramic Trade 4 } tractive prices on well bred far ages, bred or open. Sam J. Gal PERMANENTLY CORRECTED --O-- = Barred Rocks, New Ham A new mattress, 1 i scara the women, but urged them 3 White Roeks, White Wyandotte $49.00 floor sample bed i \ the place ul that forse, 5 sy Some men smile in the to. Jook behind women's fashlons Hybrids $9.98, 90 ner cent gu lets | FOR SALE -- O.AC, NO, 3:0ATS domi dresser, with yenehan MIs from Japan and Czecho-Slovakia, evening / y Leghorns $16.95, Barred ~Rocks ripen before sow-thistle, will 'ror, chiffonier and full size bed, in Y d and to consider their effect on the 14.75," Ha White Roe ield 75 5 Tv new blea hed walnpt fin} he added. S en smile at dawn ' : .75, New | Hamps 0 Ks, us. per Acre. 2. per ) alnpt finish, h 3 ome m dawn, health, "Will a new fashion bring : Wyandottes, Hybrids $15.75, Ces - ushel. V yd In hull, rust resist. ,00 complete -modern hédroom . a But the man worth while pressure on the walst and other A erels, horns two cents, New ant, Sample on request, s, suite in Haters Ilidesign, bleached 1 Is the man who ean smile ¢ the bod d ult in \ Hamps five cents, Batred, ocks eatly; Mandatin il 3 HE finish; regaer, chiffonler, B k (9) Blood bh parts of the y and res ; Retail Branch six: cents, White Rocks, Wyan: seed in protein, wil ull size bed, sagléss spring, new an wn When his two front teet shortened breathing and Tnervous Factory Retai : dottes, Hybrids 675, Large EEE per. acre, grown {ro mattress and 2 pillows. ERLE 3 are gone. disorders?" he asked *owill the - Quality add one ent, Bigger pro. seed. "Whita blossom $6.95 large dressers with 3 roomy 7 KL rder oS 208 Spadi A fit add. two cents. To Notch Seed No. 1, $3.00 pe rawers. F The world's first Blood Bank : -- ; Al : ina Ave. Chicketles, Guelph,' Ontatlo. York shire bigs, & to 8 week Nos walnut finish chitfonier, five - : Eo - el or re ration, bo Xy A ) has been cpened in the Cook | The identity of the young lay - Toronto TUTOR ACTION 18 WHAT YOU | $8.60 each. Broedin ke $12.95 Blmmons walnut steel bed, |] County Hospital of "Chicago. If | is withheld, but the memory i! «& WHY HAVE ¥ : want with chicks ow. Bray f by Jovernment officials, 'A so 1 sagless spring and new mattress, : > \ you. have an operation you can | her answer lingers -on with 4 h Ni. " 'Phone WA, 1831 chicks, capons, Yor gE or meat type, thrifly Tooking Digs, weighs | $8.95 pull-out couches complete with ; ask for your blood to be tapped .| science instructor of a large hig KY! bY 0 Rn E A ) ' $ 5 tharkets, ymmediate shipment, jut ing about 70 Ibs: each, wit sell at new mattresses. - d stored, or if you feel you can sehool. FORA N XY) : Open Evenings order soon. Bray Hatchery, 130 wi 6 We! $14.95 six-piece breakfast suite, bute . - v os d the loss of a pint or 'two On a written quiz he had asked , a FEET? ik _John N., Hamilton, -- ! $150 diop Je flan | nd 4 chairs L " i, Ro _---------- a es 8 Tin y Ww mAs iy may have it kept for future | the class to défine a bolt and a We \ ° NE BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES 457s 91E00 Petther" sex. These ! 120g Rarfect condition, 2 use. The 'hospital will give you a | nut, and explain the difference : Ts : S FREE TLLUSTRAT BD CATALOGUE and ord. wh ie Be alcester Liparels wo : 8 nx reteipt with your name and a com- between them. On her paper the New rebulit Bicycles $10 up, Used wool the war demands, Fleeces ER On. pi ner ga3 stove with _ "plete blood classifisation on fit, "and if 'at any time you have an accident or are urgently .in need of blood, it-will be dispatched fin. stantly, This method, says the do tors, is far better than having to wait for, a donot to come alon: with the same kind of blood. + oung lady wrote: y "A bolt. Is a Ying like a' stick of hard metal such as: iron with a -gquare bunch at one. end and:.a, lot of - scratching wound around the other end. A nut 'ls similar to the bolt only just the opposite being & hole In a little chunk of " DESPONDENT tilly 3 fetitable . 'In TRA Motoreyciéa. 'Duke's, 625A Quee of Roront A x 4 9 © GARBRN SU'ECIALS ASSORTED -- 8IX SHIRT TREES $5.00, Six Roses $3.00, Thies hund. ed Strawberries $5.00. ty agpberries $4,008 Complete Res quirements supp ied "ash with n grder. Burlington 'Nursery Co. 'Burlington, Ontario, * " lect Freight 18, ver, -» «Jo F. Payne, RR. 4, unty, hh a ambe hes WH TISSUE NO: 1740 [ge assortment rugs, all sizes, in excellent condit 17 Jou prices: tion a ridiculous. s for your summer ¢ furniture. We have the a sortment of good réconditiond wars niture at the lowest prices In Tors /A78 Yonge St. -- Toronto" Fo onto. : : LYONS FURNITURE CO..

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