Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 Apr 1940, p. 2

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1 iq Ee ina Cali BL BE i eID - . ke ~*~ On the heels of the Allied an- Wood Ashes Make A Good Fertilizer They Should Not Be Thrown Away When Fuel Wood Is Cut Approximately 10,000,000 cords of fuel wood are cut and burned in Ca. nada every year, and a great deal of the ashes are thrown away, al- though they have a definite agricul: tural value. A report from the Chemistry Division of the Dominion Department of Agriculture jshows that wood ashes are as valuable as fertilizer, They contain potash, car bonate of lime, and a small amount of phosphoric acid which are plant foods. Unleached wood ashes may have as much as 8 per cent. pot- ash, Few ashes, however, are pure; bits of charcoal, earth, and other materials are always present. Nev. ertheless, It the ashes are kept un. der: cover to prevent leaching, the percentage of potash is around four to six per cent, Hardwood ashes. contain more potash than ashes from softwood, . PLENTY OF POTASH Along with potash, wood ashes may contain about 70 per cent car. bonate of lime and perhaps two per cent. of phosphoric acid, both be- ing plant _foods, Because of the high lime content, wood ashes are particularly beneficial on acid soils, especially acld peats and mucks. The potash content of ashes makes them-desirable for mangels and the clovers which are both heavy feed- ers on lime and potash. However, ashes should not be used for pota- toes, the alkaline nature of the ashes encouraging tho growth of scab in the potatoes, Suggested rates of application of ashes are for 1,200 to 1,500 pounds per acre, equi- valent to 60 to 70 pounds of potash, -500 to 1,100 pounds of carbonate of lime and 24 to 30 pounds of phos- phoric acid, if the ashes aro clean and unleached. } ¢ Fights In, Air At 50 Below An air battle in a temperature of 50 degrees below zero gave Royal Air Foree fighter command men something to talk about dur ing one of the frigid spells of a record-breaking British winter, * The planes spotted a Heinkel at a height of 25,000 feet off the northeast coast of Scotland. But the sub-zero conditions didn't af- fect the fighting efficiency of the British craft for the enemy ma- chine was brought down. Figliter pilots keep snug even in such temperatures thanks to. heat from the engine which cir- culates through their small en- closed cabin. New Theatre of War ETE INE AREAS $5355, JE BRITISH ure h GERMAN 31iP5 © |i) i GERMANY nouncement of the laying of mines in Norwegian waters at the three places indicated, German troops nded in Scandinavia at.a num- ber of points, and a new'theatre of war was created in Etrope. Five Million Face Famine Reports from forelgn missionar- 'les and relfable Chinese sources in the interior of the North China Pro- vince of Hopel tell of a struggle by 5,000,000 peasants to survive famine conditions born of floods last Aug- ust dnd September, .. WEIRD DIET ~ Inhabitants of 12,000 villages in 82 of Hopei's 140 countles are sald to be. on the verge of &tarvation -- reduced to eating bark, swamp grass and porridge made of weeds and cotton husks, Farmers lucky enough to have crops in prospect 'are reported driven by hunger to oat the young shoots of thelr grain, « Ohinedo arriving at Pelpjog trom suirounding Hopél Province say they. haye seen corpses of their arved countrymen in whose poo- oy has been found, indi- at In some places food io 1: 10 bo bought. "Hy THAT'S EASY | -BIG BEN! Ra BIG . lhe PERFECT Chewing Tobacco BEN +04 HAVE . YOU HEARD? An exploration party, In the In. terior of Brazil reached a point some hundred miles from Iquitos after a fortnight's hard going, and were. dnfortunate enough to strike an, areca of denso jungle and steam- ing swamps. During the usual afternoon rest near one of these, one member of the party noticed anothey pacing up and down, a worried look on his | face. Ho stopped him and asked just what was wrong. "You know," he replied, serious ly, "I keep thinking today's Thurs: day." Women never give away any secrets, They swap them, "Why don't you walk down the sirent instead of galloping round in the revolving door?" the hotel porter asked a guest who had-ex- plained that ho-was just taking a walk before breakfast to sharpen his appetite. - "I mustn't go too far," said the guest. "I'm expecting a telephone - call any minute!" Hitler is said to be eating one meal a day as an example to the German public. Other re- ports say that the German pub- lic is eating one meal a day as an example to Goering. They were having a busy day making and boiling plum 'puddings. "Mary," said the mistress, "just go and seo if that large pudding is cooked. Stick a knife In it and see it it comes out clean." In a few minutes Mary returned, "The knife came out wonderfully clean, ma'am," she sal . smiling, "so Qi've stuck-all the knives in it." "Do you consider the defend- ant a reliable woman," asked the judge. "Has she a good rep- utation for veracity?" "My lord," replied. the wit- ness, 'she has to get someone else to call her chickens at feeding-time. They won't be- lieve her" > Teese sscssccoscenns isos es How Can I? | BY ANNE ASH! EY Q. How can I tighten loose chalr rungs? A. Remove the rungs and slight- Iy split the ends, Then Insert small wooden wedges. The harder they are prossed into tho holes, the tight. er they will fit. | Q. How can I prevent the forma. tion of icing when making syrup? A. When the syrup is coming to a boll, add 1-3 teaspoon cream of tartar to every 2 cups of sugar us- ed. This wlll prevent the formation "of icing, or turning back to sugar. Q. How can I clean zinc laundry tubs effectively? : A. Scrub the tubs with coarse salt and paraffin, Q. How can I give Immediate: - {reatmont to a sprain? A, Sprains may be relieved by " plunging the affected part into wa- - ter as hot as can be borne, keépin it hot for halt-an-hour, Then bind firmly, but not tightly enough to cause discomfort, with adhesive - tape. The best thing to do 1s to have a Phystetan apply the band: - Age, Q. How can I clean ebony brush: es and mirrors that have become dull in appearance? A. Try rubbing a little white vase- line Into them with a soft cloth, Rub until the wood has absorbed all the grease and "taken on a rich gleam, : A About 2,000 persons in Vienna 'are employed in. Bahia making blackout buttons, 'which are lumi- pedestrians at night, ' "nous rosettes or flowers worn by 1940 Keynote. _ Is Naturalness Fashions Sayr Ideal Figure Is Slender, But Not Emaclated; New Colffures Feature Real ~" Straight Hair The new vogue for naturalness ought to make spring 1940 a great deal simpler for the beauty-minded. -It's a season to wear a comfort. + able foundation garment instead -of a tightly-laced, wasp-waist cor set; to wear your hair straight, if you find that jt is becoming minus _curls and swirls; to let it be itg™ natural.color, oo The ideal figure at the moment - Is slender, with a stretched, supple look between hipbones and the hol- lows underneath the arnmis. Atten- tion to rules for good posture, lim. - bering and stretching exercises, diet if necessary, and a comfortabie flexible foundation garment will ac- complish fine results in this direc tion. LIFE MADE SIMPLER r Some -of tho smattest hairdres- sers aro advising chic patrons to try wearing their hair straight. It you have thin, fine hair and a long face, you won't even consider the idea, of course. But if your features are pretty symmetrical, your hair thick and easy to manage, you most certainly will, Especially when you remind yourself that the swimming season isn't far off. ay One new haldo for "uncurled locks features a smooth crown and sides and turnéd-under ends, An- other Is parted in the middle with long ends at the back fashioned in a soft, rolled-looking figure eight. Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE Q. When a girl is-dttending a par- ty or a dance with a young man, is she not privileged to suggest that they go home at a reasonable hour? A. Yes. This is not only her priv. lege, but her duty, as the man. _should not suggest it. However, she should not sszgest leaving when the affair is only half over. , ~'Q. How should ono -eat a sand- wich? . A. Kuolfo and fork are used for the open-face sandwich, The fingers are used for the regular sandwich, and it should not be broken, Q. What is the birth stone for the manth-of April, and "its language"? A, The diamond, which stands for innocence and purity, 'Q. What is the best way to ex- tend invitations to a bridge party? A. It the party fs informal, invl- tations may be extended by tele- phone. Or one may send a visiting card, giving the date, time, ard the place, and R, 8. V. P, .-Q. When having luncheon with a friend in a public place, and you expect each to pay for his own meal, but this friend insists on pay- ing for both, what should you do? ¥ A. Do not argue, or make an issue of it. Let the friend pay, then you pay the next time, ~Q. When a hostess 1s giving & bridge party in a public room of a hotel, should she wear a hat? A. Yed, * Caloiies and Color' . + Usually 4 meal that is very colorful dnd pleasing to the eye is well balanced in calories nnd other food values, writes Miss Sadie B. Chambers, food expert, Vegetables, which retain their col. or are more appetizing as well as containing all the vitamins, so~ cook vegetables such as beans and peas, uncovéred In rapidly boiling water, Soften the water in which you - boil - onlons, iflower and other white vegetables with a little cream of tartar added to the boil. ing water, Ars kta! - el ~ (Ont) medical officer of health, Marvellous bargain 'prices furniture we have takem fide and paditioned. HL 'want to refurnly LH ns good as mew, in hoth looks Parcels For Overseas Men : -Should Be Carefully Packed, Wrapped and Address Slip Inserted Officials of the Base Army Poste. Office, Canada, state that reports have been" received from England to the effect that difficulty Is being experlenced In effecting delivery of parcels mailed from Canada to the members of the Canadian Active * Bervice Force overseas, due to the + fact that flimsy wrapping paper is - being used on the parcels. In a great many cases the wrappers are badly torn or entirely destroyed, leaving no indication whatsoever as to whom the parcels belong or who had sent them. IN HEAVY PAPER Thousands of parcels of all dit- ferent shapes and sizes are being mailed to troops overseas and the senders should bear in mind that considerable handling is necessarily involved in connection with the sorting, bagging and shipping of the parcels. x It is 'essential, therefore, that it the: parcels are to delivered In good conditic 1, card must be taken to see that they are carefully and securely packed to enable them to withstand handling?in the mails, Several layers of 'lieavy paper and strong twine should be used in the . wrapping of the parcels. PROPER PACKING As an extra safeguard a slip also should be enclosed'in each parcel bearing the name and address of the SENDER, as well as Regimen- tal number, rank and name of the addressee, name of the Unit in full, "the initials C.A.S.F;, and the words "c-o0 Base Post Office, Canada", Such a slip, furnishing a return ad- dress and the address in full of the person for whom the parcel wad in- tended, would bo valuable in case the wrapper containing the address was torn away. Those sending parcels are remind: ed that if a parcel is worth mailing, it merits proper packing. SIRI 0CVCICASID I Aree HEALTH "TOPICS 'Safeguard Health: "A Job For Women Canadian women have an im- portant role in winning the war by protecting ¢he-health lines ofs the home front, Dr. Gordon Bates, |" general director of the Health League of Canada, declared in a recent address. - "You are soldiers of the de- fence lines just as much as the soldigrs in the Maginot line," Dr. Bates said. "Health is important enough in peace time, -but in war time-it becomes our primary pat- riotic duty to preserve and im- prove health." He told the group that next weck will be "Toxoid Week." > He cautioned women against thinking that the fight for safe milk was over. The public is not entirely won over to the value ef pasteur;zation," he said. "Public education must continue, Safe nik prevents disease and we must not rest on our oars now that the government has passed the pas teurizaticn law. Laws are of little use unless they are backed by an educated citizenry." : na RR CO MEASLES ARE SERIOUS Dr. J. W. Fraser, Kitchener warned against treating measles lightly, when he addressed home nursing classes sponsored by, the Red Cross, He scored the old idea that children should have certain so-called "children's diseases," and directed attention. to re- search - on immunization for 'suca diseases, > > - FREE CATALOG OF GOOD USED FURNITURE nnd werviee, at a PRICE AWAY BE COST OF GOOD. NEW FURNITURE, and EIGHT EREFAID, write fon this cata: 3 LL cAR Poklilvely SA nothing to tind out. write 5 - ROYAL CHESTERFIELD urs "Dept. W. East' PW 80 Bimend ee ! i WE OFFER YOU HEALTH HE copy, of our "amily Botanic { Guide" 'and how you car secure quick rellet from ailments of fomas 5 Iiver, Kidneys and Constipation, Priced, "Dont Bamble. With "your riced, 1 Reaith, Weis today, Health Deo. ducts Limited, Department yw Saskatoon, Hask, © Fs rvs eves Radiat ee TEE TRY 44 What Science] i Is Doing Li " MEASURE' HUMAN VOLTAGE Scientists at last have measured in terms of voltage the electrical activity of human nerve cells, 'Dr, R, Lorénte de Ng; of the Rockefeller Institute, told physic- ists at the California Institute of Technology, that .a single nerve "cell, by statistical treatment, has been found to produce an elec- trical potential as much as 1-16 of a volt. : ---- STAVE OFF THROMBOSIS Men with bay-window stomdchs who are threatened with coronary thrombosis, the heart trouble that kills high-pressure mental work- ers, can stave off the disease hy wearing elastic' belts to hold' up - 'their "adiposities." Coronary death is really suffo. cation of the heart. The "pump" fails to receive enough oxygen from the coronary arteries which feed its muscles, \ m= WONDER MEDICINE A new remedy for pneumonia, which in its first trials on-about 1,600 human beings in the last few months, has proved better than. anything - previously .known, is annpunced. y 'The drug is sulfathiazole, a "re- lative" of the recently discovered "wonder medicine" sulfanilamide, and is the second such "relative" to prove good for pneumonia, The first was sulfapyridine. .Read For Relief From War-Strain Public libraries can contribute enormously to the 'nerve tone" of the civilian population in war- time," Miss Winnifred Kydd, form- er dean of women at Queen's Um- 'versity, told the Ontario Library Association at its fortieth annual conference. Miss Kydd said reading exerted a steadying influence on nerves subjected to the strain of war, By keeping people. informed and ex- panding their knowledge, she add- ed, it helped to prepare them for the peace to follow. « CREAM ~ WANTED. We are paying a real high price for cream F.0.B,, Tor. to. \Vi' : for particulars and cons, The Toronto Creamery The United Farmers *. hs Co-operative Co. Ltd. Duke dnd George Streets TORONTO, Ontario. MINARD'S ' Me f LiNmeNT .. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS.. . } .. AGENTS WANTED ELECTRIC MUTORS J NURSERY STOCK MATCH BOOKS -- NEW LINB -- Just out. Beautiful gold processed samples. Send 10¢ for packing, Salesmen mentjon territory want- ed. Agents! Act Quickly. Paynes, Limited, Wallingford Building, Winnipeg. : LIGHTNING ROD AGENT WANT ed to sell Phillips Lightning Pro- tective System. B. Phillips Comp- any Limited, 32 Osborne Avenue, Toronto. AGENTS WANTED FOR UNIQUE, low-priced portable duplicator. Sells itself ~ in stores, offices, churches, schools, clubs, ete, Dan- dy proposition for stationer or a specialty man. Box 4, 73 Adelaide Htrecét West, Toronto. curity *d you with a Fa- Agency of your own. Inquire without obligation, THE FAMILEX PRODUCTS, COMPANY, 570 St. Clement, Montreal, AUTO PATS AND ACCESSORIES TO DEALERS WHO ARE INTER- $3ted in obtaining a source of sup-_ ply ._ Parts, accessories, tires, tubes, bat. terie the lowest possible wholesale pric. es; and place you in-a. position to be competitive to any large cata. logue mail order house. You are under "no obligations to inquire, Letters will be kept strictly con- fidential. Dandec Auto Stores, 522 Yonge Streét, Toronto. BABY CHICKS ORDER BABY CHICKS NOW. AT- 'tractive prices on well bred Bar. red Rocks, White Leghorns, Hamp. shires; - Austrolor Write for rices. Wingham am, Ontarlo. for a complete line of auto' oils, ete, -we can assure you - Bs latchery, Wing. - ELECTRICTMOTORS, , NEW AND Rebuilt, also pulleys and V-belts. Jones & Moore Electric, 296 Adel. aide St. W., Toronto. ELECTRIC FENCE SHUR-SHOCK ELECTRIC FENCER saves Canadian farmers 80 per cent. of fencing costs. Two Shur- Shock models with the amazing new 'Disk Pulsator, Outstanding - value. Reliably guaranteed. Made in Canada. Write for circujar or see your dealer. J. C, Hallman, Petersburg, Ontarjo. RASPBERRY -- 20 VARIETIES IN. clud f ing Starlight, hief,, New- urgh, Latham, Viking? Lloyd George, et c., $2.00 per 100. 150 mix. ed Gladioli bulbs $1.00. Pine Grove Farm, Spencerville, Ont. OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER FO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered -Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. PERSONAL FILMS APRIL ADVERTISING SPECIAL -- dollar value for 30c und advertise. ment. Roll developed, printed -or eight réprints, with craft embhos- sed enlargement 7 x 10. London I'hoto Service, Box 551, Loudon, Ontario. FOR SALE TWO-UNIT MILKERS -- low as $99; guaranteed low as $83; auiso amazing tirade-A (5 parts replace up to 7-parts-on others), free demon- stration, get our offer and free <> Grade-A Guide. Box K, Room X8-4, RE. Sarnia;"Ontario. FOUR POUNDS BURLEY ANB Virginia Leaf $1.00, fifteen pounds $3.00. Four pounds' Virginia Leaf Cigarette Tobacco $1.50. Postpaid. G. W. Jeffrey, Leamington, Ont. TAYLOR SAFE ALMOST NEW, outside dimensions 46" high, 29" wide, 28' deep, cost $336.00. Sell at half price. p STUDEBAKER 6 MOTOR, GOOD AS new, just right for motor boat, J. N. O'Neill, Georgetown INDOOR WATER TOILETS New as - o. QUIT TUBAUCCU, SNUKFK. EASILY, inexpensively. Home remedy, Testimonials. Guurantecd. Advice free. Rarfletl's Tux 1. Winnipeg, STOP-TOBACCO. Special. Quit smok» ing, chewing tobacco, snuff, easily, quickly. Complete guaantee treat. ment, 60c. Reliable Products,' Box 251, Regina, Sask. nNELIGIOUS "ELIJAH COMI! NQ BEFORE Christ." Wonderful book sent free, © Megiddo Mission, H., Rochester, New York. SALESMEN WANTED MILKER DISTRIBUTOR - SALES- men -- Invest $50.00 and be your own boss; one sale per week béats working for someone else; cap. able hard workers earn $3,000 up, retail prices.as low. as $89, also amazing new muchine by 36-year. old company. State full experience. Box K, Room 8-4A, Sarnia, Ont. _ SEED FOR SALE A. K. (HARROW) SOYABEANS Registered one, Golden Glow see corn, grade one. Robert Peck, Rl- ver Canard, Ontario. SENSATIONAL LOW PRICES ON Baden High Quality Government Approved chicks. Save money this year. Baden's amazing rock bot- tom prices cnables you to buy Quality chicKs at. prices you can afford te pay: Standard Quality White Le ras $8.95, 90 per cent. Pullets $18.95, Barred Rocks, New Hamps $0.45, Pallets $16.90, Cock- erels Barred Rocks 6c, New Hamps fe, White Rocks, White Wyan- dottes, Light Sussex, Hybrids Bar- .. red Rocks x New Hamps x Barred Rocks, Leghorns x Barred Rocks $10.45, Pullets $16.90, Cockerels $6.95, Big Egg Quality slightly higher. Three week old Capons. Free circular, Baden Electric Chick Hatchery, Limited, Baden, Ontario, Hamps, FOR FARM, SUBURBAN AND SUM. mer homes, where water facilities are not avaliable. ~-- Government Home Improvement payments ar- ranged. Circular on request. Can- adian Sanitation Company, 67 York __Street, Hamilton. = HERB.-GROWING $5,000 CROP FROM HALF ACRE -- People everywhere are growing Ginseng and Golden Seal (Medi. cine herbs). Enormous profits! We supply seed, Instructions, buy Sx ery pound. Particulars t0c (er dit. ed). No triflers, Associated Herb. SEPARATORS FOR SALE ; WORLD'S CHEAPEST TO BUY AND use -- the only American made se- parators with self-balancing bowls, guaranteed never to get out of balance, "whirl "drying", guar- anteed rebulilts as low as $58; free catalogs, better get an Anker. Holth than wish you had. Box KX, - Room SC§-4, Sarnia, Ontario. - TRACTOR FOR SALE ALLIS CHALMERS 20 - 35 TRAC- - tor in first class condition. Priced Growers, Box 27W., St. Norbert, to sell. McCormick-Deering Agency Manitoba. Galt, Ontario, HOGS FOR SALE CHEAP CHICKS ARE NOT Al~ ways profitable, buy quality chicks at no higher price and be assured of profits from our blood-! tested, overnment - approved White Leghorns. Elmview Poultry Farm, Norham, Ontario. IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE IN profits the kind of chicks you buy nov. Mrs. J. E. Purdy says "Rals. ed 214 Bray chicks, all marketed at 5% months... 5 to 1bs. drawn." Order Bray chicks early May, delivery now. SUIl_bargains in started chicks. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, FOUR DAY TRIP 2,071 MILES TO Fairview, Alberta, 3¢6 miles north - of Edmonton in the Peace River District and 297 Barred Rocks and White Rock chicks alive on ar. rival out of 300 ordered, writes Mr. Hector Girard. That's the kind of chicks that have built up the Tweddle business, You too can have these chicks and at the low- est prices in our history made pos- sible by our enormous production and satisfied customers. We have _. 13 pure breds, 5 cross breds to "choose from, Three week old ca- pons, turkey poults, and bargains on started chicks. Free 1940 cata- _ logue on J9quest. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. EGG TRAYS Sf MORE 'MONEY FOR EGGS. ELIM. inate loss from cracks and breaks ne case. Posta ® Jala. Hawley Pro. ducts Ltd, 79 Eigin Street, Brant- - ford, Ontario. SPECIAL! 10 FREE CHIOKS ITH EVERY 100 ORDERED; DE- livery your da 1 tested. White Leghorns 9c; Barred Rooks, . Guaranteed. ullets, 90 per cent. 16c, ., Rideau oultry Farm, Billings Bridge, Ont. CANADIAN POULTRY in : CANADA'S OLDEST AND _ BEST poultry magazine, A paal help to all er year. Sample copy, i c. 'Canadian LENE) Review, at Adelaide Street West, Tore onto, : ; gt CHRONIC SUFFERERS °° MEDICAL: SPECIFICS FOR ANY aliment, Write me all your symp- toms. H, C. Sa fr: 8. 7 TUARDEN SPECIALS Ee Xx e 00, & frawb r 8 5 0; Filly Ww Haspberrics $4, dah? | er. Turina ton ery "Co. HUNTER'S HouRnoAS ? _ EMPARASSED WITH PIMPLES OR ALIZING in ~ SI'ECIALL (A LLL UK - TORS, I" At A : + ORCHARD VALLEY YORKSHIRES --Present offering -- Males. Ser- viceable age and younger. Sows all ages, bred or open. Sam J. Gal Jaugher, Alliston, Ontario. HOTELS WANTED OUR SUCCESS IN SELLING 'HOT- els is really phenomenal. We will _be pleased to have an opportunity ~ to ry to sell yours. We advertise in every paper in Ontario. For our terms, write to Bert Weir & Sons, --- Realtors, Léndon, Ont LYONS' h BARGAINS! HIGH CLASS RECONDITIONED ~~ FURNITURE Every article completely. recondl- tioned, guaranteed absolutely clean and sold with a positive money-back guarantee, $19.50 3.piece chesterfield English tapestry, reversible Mar. -shall _spring-cushions, - FE $24.00 smart Kroehler chesterfield sulte, 3 pleces, upholstered in fig- iz yred velour, or Ls $27.00 large '3-plece c Suite, brown repp material, figur- ed | reversible Marshall spring pS EXHIBITION QUALITY, DESCEND- ants of our famous prize winners, two pees unrelated. Government approved, blood tested, R. D. Hun. ter & Son, Exeter, Ontario. MEDICAL ; HEPATOLA RELIEVES STOMAVH wand [Liver troubles. 'Symptoms: Pains In right elde, under shoul. hlndes and across hips. indi gestion, unas, constipation, gall trouble. Formula of doctor. e. sults fn one day! Price $5.00. Mra. Geo. 8. Almas, Tox 1073W Saska- toon. Sask. i ECZEMA, RASHES, PILES, SORE ° Feet, completely relleved by Der- misoothe, the clean, powerful houschold, ointment, 25¢, at your local druggist, or mailed direct. Write for free sample, Twentleth Century Remedies, 107 Hogarth Avenue, Toronto. 3 | "Blackheads? A 'famous skin spec. "lalist's éremeé, will relleve you + money-back guarantee. One dollar bib 8 jo ihe [dreatment, Fan simple "instructions. 'Hygela Pro- . uote ndo ont fo. i PROPERTY FOR SALE HUNDRED AND TWENTY ACRES, « good locality, soil. and buildings, earing orchard, close to canning factory, Church and School, Clar- ence Mallory, Bloomfield, Ontarlo. HUNDRED ACRES CLOSE TO PIC- ton, great fanning factory center; ood locality, soil and .bulldings, Clarence Mallory, Bloonitield, Ont. .. . 'PUPS FOR SALE I'UREBRED . WIREHAIRED FOX aA Ba "8 Li 0 on 8. - sad . | on, Stratford, Ont. ~~ "Guaranteed . CAR AND TRUCK PARTS ¥ Winches. (ienerntors, Hiatt. i Sa Satis arte, Toronto. y modern drekser, Hu Perfect. $35.00 beautiful brown mohair ches- terfield suite, large 'size, figured reversible Marshall spring cush- ons. - $24.00 solid oak dining suite, butfet table and 6. leather upholstered chairs, $49.00 English oak dining suite, 9 pieces, butfet, extension table, ca- inet, and 6 chalrs. : $24.00 Dinette suite, fumed oak, buf. fet, drop leaf table: and 4 chairs, $59.00 Floor sample dining room suite, English oak, buffet, square extension table and 6 chairs, up- holstered in red mohair, 9.00 smart walnut finish dining "sulte, buffet, extension table, china cabmet and 6 leather uphofstered chairs. "$89.00 s0lid walnut dining suite, large buffet, extension table, cab. and 6 leather upholstered . chairs, i $19.50 Bédroom suite, walnut finish dresser, steel bed, sagl¢ss springs and new fattres $39.00 smart bedroom suite in rich 'walnut finish, dresser, chiffonier, full -slze bed, sagless spring and new mattress, ex ' $49.00 'floor sample bedroom suite, A venetian mir. ror, chiffonler and ull size bed, in ® néw bleached walnut finish, $59.00: compléte mode - bedroom suite in waterfall design, bleached walnut finish, dresser, chiffonler, full size bed, jagioss pring, new +, mattress and 2 pillows. ¥ $6.95 large dressers with $3 roomy awers, $150 walnut finlsh chiftonler, five * $12.95 Simmons walnut steel bed," fagless spring and new mattress, $8.95: pull-out couches complete with -new mattresses, i nil Alx-plece breakfast suite, wut. Rul ine t, drop leaf table and 4 $12.50 Singer drop head FA HLL Mas , . Perfect condlti 4 : $9.50 kit hen cabinet itner gas st TRE ASEOT me nt. teed, oy bi 3 nt rugs, atl sizes, in excellent conal i} # in ow Figes. f tion at ridiedlos 5 for. your. summ furnifure. We have "he ARAL E sortment of good reeondlti 3 nitare at the lowest Pens ar fons 5 FURNITURE CO. ¢ St. -- Toronto suite, : terfield - on. with sliding a

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