Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 Feb 1940, p. 6

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Oysters Are "Food Pearls" For Protein, Phosphorus Calclum, Iron/and liedine Do you wonder, every time you. open an oyster, if you will be lucky enough. to find a pearl? Well, you i do. Oysters themselves are pearls 1 ~ food pearls, One pint of oysters : will supply about gne quarter of the fi "protein, one half of the phosphorus and one-third of tho calcium and all of the iron aud fodine required in tho food of an average person daily ; i and. oysters also contain vitamins \ AB CD, and G. If these don't 1 make oysters gems in the nutrle Wt A tional line, we don't know diamonds aX from rubies Ay Oysters should not be placed in ; N : water before opening. When serv. SH { fng oysters on the half shell, to YY : clean the shells, sprinkle them with x 5 water and brush them; in this way i" the oyster does not open to absorb v HN the water. i To open oysters: put a thin knife Hy under the back end ol the right i valve, or shell, (the shallower shell I) is tho righty, and push forward un. til. the muscle, which holds the "oe Ai shells together is cut. The right qd 1 valve can then be raised from the ~ oF left. 2) x hd ~ New Tce Highway & ! To Pelee Island ky -- f The ice trail between Peleo [s- land and Kingsville, a distance of ESET hn 16 miles, has become a regular highway the latter part of this winter, when dozens of motorists i 7. havo motored over the ice fields of Lake Erie to the mainland to buy supplies, before the ice break- up comes in the spring. The only means of transporta- ticn between the island and the mainland for the past number of winters hes been by airplane, therefore, the "islanders are ap- preciativg and taking advantage of the ice roadway the lake has provided this year. Tommies Enter Front Line Ploddirg trough a heavy blan- ket~of snc, British Tommies are --shown making" their way along a communication trench towards front line positions on the western front. = - F orest Industries "Rely On Spruce Continuous Supply Is Necessary Im Pulp and Paper- Making Canada's forest industries, partic ularly the pull and paper industry, ~--depend to a largé extent for thelr ho existence upon a continuous supply of spruce, according to the Domin. ; fon Forest Service, Department ot + - Mines and Resources, Ottawa, The spruce forms 39 percent. of the jc cesgible standing timber of the Do- minfon, and 25 per cent, of (he wood used annually for all pur 1+ poses.It Is the principal wood used in the manutacture of pulp and pa- i per, and ranks second only to the 5 Douglas fir in Canadian lumber pro- duction, Spruce is the most widely distri buted of any kind of timber, with its range extending from the Atlan. tic to the Pacific. There are five . specles In Canada,' black, white, red, Engleman and Sitka's "Black spruce and white spruce Seepr in each, p-aviz. 4 Red spruce fs com fined to the Maritime Provinces d Quebec, Engleman spruce to the Interforot British Columbia and 'Western Alberta, 'and Sitka spruce 0 the coastal reglon fn British Col 'umbia, The Sitka spruce Is known "in Gréat Britain as "silver spruce" nd is the best wood knawn for air.' raft contre oft as it is Jight and resilient and does not splinter or. hatter iho with impact. 1 SOUTH AMER 1 CA AFTER GRAF SPEE'S SCUTTLING, ALTMARK R HOME Obtaining false clearance papers at lien, the Graf Spee's supply ship Altmark was spotted by two British to dodge along the 1 Norwegian coast in a wg planes as it attempted dash for 'Germany with hund- reds of captive British scamen in its hold. British naval: vessels, swiftly summoned to the scene by the patrol planes, overhauled the Altmark and forced it aground, rescuing the captive Britishers and killing a num- ber of the Altmark's crew, aaa aa a aR . HEVE - | i YOU HEARD i aa aa The pilot had taken great pains to explain all about his airplane to the pretty young visitor at the divpori--its mechanicai features, purpose of this and that, what pil ots did to meet actual flying con ditiong, ete. Ho looked at the girl and smiled, "Now, you nnderstard, don' t you?" } All but one thing," replied the girl, "And what is that?" he asked. "What makes the thing stay up?" ol . I We are informed that a hu- morous Toronto _druggict ex- poses a case of soap in his shop window bearing the per. tinent inscription, "Cheaper than dirt." ee Sam had just passed through a hair-raising experience. He'd just seen a ghost! "Yes, sub," "Ah'd jes' come outer the cow- shed with a pail 0' milk in mah hand. Den Ah h#rs a noise an' de ghost rushes out." "Was you skeered?"' asked one of his listeners. "Did you shake with fright?" "Ah don't know:what AK shook with," replied Sam solemnly. "Ah 'cain't say I shook at all; but when Ah got in de house, there warn't no milk in de pail, only two pounds o' butter!" ees A film star was heing ex. amined for a new divorce. He had -beén niarried six times already and six women gaye him a very bad character. "Don't pay anyxz heed to their stories," he told the judge. . "They're oily old" wives' tales." . ply They were having a board meet- ing of a firm in-the city, when the secretary ran in and said the office boy had 'pinched half the petty cash, "Disgraceful"" and "Shocking? and "Disgusting!" some of the members said. But the chairman said, "Remen. ber, 'gentlemen, we all had 'to start in a small way." wv ---- "Thanks very much for the birthday cake. But what's the idea of the electric bulb on i?" "It's forty candle-power, my dear." rey Serie lit The poultry ailment known as "fowl paralysis is believed so com. mon that it takes nearly 26 per cent of tho birds in average farm ASTHMA 'BRONCHITIS "flocks, fe). $9) & MIxTuRro the Negro said. ee BE ee RR RE RS = = How Can 1? BY ANNE ASH' EY t Q. How can I sew snaps oh garments most efficiently? - A. Sew the half of the snap with. the projecting point on first, Then press this part down firm. ly on the material in the place where tho corresponding snap 'is to be sewed. This will leave a dis-~ tinct impression in the goods to show just where to sew the snap. Q. How can 1 prevent gravy from becoming lumpy: A. Add a pinch of salt to the flour that is used for thickening, before mixing it with water, Q. How can I preserve the paint in a half-used open can? A. Scaling it with paraffin is proof against its hardéning.-- * Q. How can I prevent moths from attacking fur? A. Moths will not attack the fur if plentifully sprinkled with pepper or tobacco, which leaves no unpleasant odor and can easily be shaken out before wearing, Q. How can I remove coffee and tea stains from linen? ; A. Soak the spots in glycerine. Allow to stand for several:hours. Then wash in the usual way. ioguok T eet >arnn "eso sestas . +o {What Science | Is Doing hpi ot fi fa Rn EE a 'SLOW LIGHTNING Discovery that there are two distinct types of lightning, one the: explosive, smashing stroke familiar to everyone, and the other a hith- erto unrecognized slow and burn- ing stroke, is announced in the magazine Electrical World, One kind blows a tree apart, the other sets it afire. Pa . SEES OIL UNDERGROUND A pint of earth, dug from with. in a few feet of the surface, can be made to give direct signs of oil fields that may be buried 10, 000° feet below, This is done with the mass spectrograph, a new: scientific instrument: which out. does the tricks of magicians and which never before has been put to commercial. use. . -- VENOMS STOP. PAIN A combination of venoms from two poisonous southern snakes has' been' found effective in re- lieving intense' pain from cancer « and arthritis and stopping spasms of epilepsy. The reptiles: are' the - rare coral snake and the common tH h-- Faaaaa a a so 8 a a HEALTH TOPICS ae EE RRS SUGAR AND DECAY It's the sugar you eat that caus es teeth to decay, Dr. Leonard Fosdick of the Northwestern Uni. | versity (Chicago) dental school is "convinced, Sugar taken into the Mouth pro- duces an acid which, with bacter- ia normally present, causes tooth decay, he reported to the ymid- winter meeting of the Chicago. Dental Society. "The only method known at -present to control dental decay, which has. goed scientific evi. dence to support it, is to avoid the intake of sugar into the mouth," he said. ee PLEADS FOR POOR MOTHERS A plea that maternity clinics _be established for the poor was made by Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe, doc- tor to the famed Dionne quintup- lets who spoke before several hlin- Speaking before several hun. dred women gathered for the Min. neapolis Tribune newspaper wos men's press conference, Dr. Dafoe said the lessons learned as a re. sult of the quintuplets' care might be made the basis for a broader movement, He urged participation in move ments for establishment of clinics for the proper care of mothera and babies "so that all children may have the same chance." ---0-- PNEUMONIA CONQUERED? Statisticians of the Metropoli- tan Life Insurance Company are inclined to believe that pneumonia as a death-dealing disease is wéll on the way to being conquered. They point out that, coiné¢ident with new methods of treating the disease, such oulstanding declines in pneumonia mortality have tak en place among the insurance company's millions of industrial policyholders in Canada and the United . States, that~-in 1939, as well as in 1938, a new low record death--rate . was cstsblished for the disease. And this improvement has, continued into 1940, when a pneumonia death rate of 51.7 per 100,000 . was established during the first four weeks of January, a rate representing a decline of - -33 per cent as.compared with that of the corresponding weeks of 1939. Canadian . National I Railways: Revenueg The gross revenues of the all- inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways for the week ending Feb- ruary 14, 1940 were: $4,356,727 as compared with ....... 8, 125; 987 for the corresponding , week of 1939, an in- as * crease of 1,169,790 or 36.7% 3 Cigarette released for consump- tion in Canada during: the first nine months of the current year amounted to 5,275,000. < ] Coal Output On Increase "1939 Production In Canada: Tops Previous Year; Coke Ton. nage Lower Canadian coal production during 1939 totalled 15,460,897 tons, com: pared with 14,204,718 the previous year, the Dominion Bureau of Sta. tistics reports. Imports totalled to 13,884,816 tons, compared with 18, 461,614 and exports 376,203 against 353,181, . Coke production amounted to 2, 388,027 tons, compared with 2,352, 003 in 1938. During 1939, 1,104,371 tons of Canadian coal and 2,207,707 tons of imported coal were charged. _. to coke ovens, Coal production during Decem- ber, 1939, was 1,457,825 tons, com- pared with 1,350,986 tons in Decem- ber, 1938, Bituminous coal output was 1,059,055 tons, sub-bituminous, 53,166 and lignite 345,604. VICHY" [0] 4], [C TOBACCO Hk L Reindeer, so much used in the northern European countries, are the only domesticated species of deer in the world, The total production of gold in the world since the discovery of America has been estimated af 1,294,985,611 fine ounces. ".. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS .. AGENTS WANTED FILMS -- PRINTS ~~ SELL WHAT EVERY HOUSEHOLD Needs! Famllex salesmen live sell ing guaranteed Famlilex Products, Quick and Sure Sales -- Fair Pro- fits -- Repeat Orders. Get facts and catalogues today: milex | Ffoducts, 670 St. Clement, "Monte rea APPLY GOLD INITIALS ON AUTO. FREE ENLARGEMENT IN STUDIO. .Folder with each order. Films de- veloped and . printed by experts, 25¢; re prints 10 for 25c. Nu.-Way Photo Service. Station "A". Tor- Jonto. ; FOR SALE HEAVY SIX BUICK MOTOR, 10%: mobiles. Profitable opportunity, Vessot grinder, speed Jack and Sorel Proposition: free Ly belts, George Kelso, Markdale, ck's Monograms, oronto. 4 i Ontario. 5 BABY UHIUKS HORSES FOR SALE BABY CHICKS, ALL $3 PER HUND- NUMBER GOOD HORSES, MATCH- red. Barred Rocks, White Leg=> ed teams, one Percheron stallion Torna, 1. oY angoties colt, grey. J. McAninch, Route 4. New "am shires kebriary a Guelph, March delivery, Carlton 'Ha hen Britannia Helghts, Ont. BIG, HUSKY, QUALITY CHICKS, buy from a breeder who has a re- putation for liveability., We hon- estly belleve our stock the best obtainable. White Leghorns, Bare red Rocks, Hampszhires, low prides, + Niagara Poultry Farm, Niagaras 'on-the.Lake, Ontario. : LOGICALLY POULTRY FARM. Bred chicks aro better value than - hatchery chicks. Five breeds re- lection, 7 cents and "up, farm rais- ed pullets. Circular on request, Highway Poultry Farm, R.R. No. 1, Waterloo, Ontario. CHICKS, WHITE LEGHORNS, 9c, Barred Rocks and - New Hamp. shires 10¢, from Government ap- proved, blood-tested stock. Write for . catalogue, Brucedale Poultry Farm, St. Thomas, Ont. MORE FOR YOUR MONEY IN THE . new 1940 'Tweddle Chicks, more breeding, more egg laying ability, more meat producing ability, and more. chicks for your money. You - can buy Tweddle chicks as low as $9.45 per hundred, 18 varieties to choose from, Send for free cata. logue and price list. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontarlo. SATISFIED . CUSTOMERS OUR best advertisement. Read what our' : customers say In our booklet When you buy Baden chicks you t quality hicks at a low rice. ton ard quality White Leghorns $8.95, Barred Rocks, New Hamp. Shires, Hybrids $9.45, White Bier. 'White Wynidodtes $10.4 Hedvy breed pullets Pit ot $16.90, Leghorn dlits EN 95. Day old cockerels, three week old ca- pons. Baden Electric Chick Hatch. ery Limited, Baden, Ontario. JOHNSON'S CHICKS ARE 'ONE 8 10 pki 24 per cent. Builsie 20 cents, cockereéls 2 cents. afe arrival guaranteed. pe! cent books your order. Cireu lar on {ecom i § fort-s nd SRI aR 0 nos. With the holatum from your druggist, In face and tubes--302, MENTHOLATUM Gives COMFORT Daily cotton-mouth water ¢ or 1] Vii a0. HOY 0 ones 0 penis from wis > e qul of ¢ Hi prompts ted of cigaret IX y Fada Hise Lg i . Postage prepaid, ------" "mouth: Teatorst ergus, 4 Ontario. * ORDER BABY CHICKS NOW. tractive prices on well bred : e Leghorns, Hamp. Write for Wingham am, ON, fo. =A A eee . CARS, NEW AND USED TT PLEASANT MOTORS, LT Toronto's. oldes st. _Chrysler; _ oi: three locations, 632 Mount Pleasant Road, 2040 Yonge Street, 1225 Danforth Ave. Our uged ears. make us many friends. FNUCATIONAY, a Hatchery, Wings 'BECHER STRAIN: SINGLE SUCCESSFUL LEGHORNS FOR SALE COMB dark brown l.eghorns, males $3.00, 1 $6.00. Henry Hecker, Water- 100. "Onin fo. SEED FOR SALE 5 GOVERNMENT TESTED SEEDS from (grower to sower) Shipped properly mixed for in sealed Dagy a wonderful H ay or pasture crop. Red Clover, Alsike, Timothy, mix« . ture, $18.25 per 100 Ibs, Freight aid, bags - free, Misner Seeds, Port Dover. Ontarlo. SEED FOR SALE REGISTERED Gov'r INSPECTED, No. 1 and No. 1 Seeds. Oats -- Care tier, Banner and Lasalle. Barley-- LA.C, 21. Clover -- Alfalfa and Timothy. R. Bruce Ness, Howick, SEED POTATOES BUYING, + Truckloads, Ontarlos, Islands. largest Phat 64 Front St. SELLING, CAR LOTS, Table." Certified seed. Ask Hiseys, the ealers In Ontarlo, , Toronto. STAMPS WANTED MACHINERY FOR' SALE CLEARANCE TWO ONLY Brand New Whilte Portable Saw- ing outfits, steel frame, steel wheels with tongue, swinging steel saw frame takes 24" or 26" circular saws -- 6 H.P. Hopper cooled horizontal gasoline engine, fitted with magneto. can be used as portable power plant -- sale price, $285. The A. R. Williams Machinery Co. Ltd, 64 Front St West, Toronto. MACHINERY FOI SALE WADE PORTABLE DRAG SAWS, reasonably priced, easy to operate, a monef-maker wherever thare are logs lo be cut, Write for free descriptive bulletin, The A. R. Williams Lo inery Co. Ltd. 64 Front St. West. Toronto. MEDICAL SCIENTIFIC STOM- ach Remedy healed many obstinate cases, - User states: For years I was -troubled with gnawing. pain below: 'breastbone.--It causes gas and bloating. I tried many remed- fes, but my only relief was soda, and that for short time only. After meals it didn't. bother me for a few hours: then If I ate something it stopped coming again after some time. The pain bothered me worse at night, After taking three bottles of pe McLeod's Stomachic I was free from pain, I kept on improving and have now been well, for six years and enjoying my meals without medicine." If you cannot buy Stomachic at Drug Store write Dr."McLeod's Stomach. ic Co. 558 Bathurst, Toronto. A GOOD SPRING TONIC. - KIPD'S" Herb Tablets. Twenty-five cents. al Drug Stores or --ont 0 n, NURSERY STOCK ~ 2 HARDIUSY, FRUITS, RARE ORNA. nen tals. Request fliustrated cata- Jopue and. planting guide; €00 var- fes, trees, 'shrubs, perennial ores testéd: and grown at ALIEN Ordér early for free booklet on new fruit recipes, also premium with order. Strong plants: expert packing, guaran. teed delivery anywhere. The Man- toba Hardy -Plant Nursery, Drop- more, Manitoba. 4 . BY ALL. MEANS . PLANT _NUT Trees. Beautiful ornamentals, pro- ducing food and wood. Or graft Jour present stock. For hedges, undation plantings, etc. use fil: berts or Winkler hazels: Write George Hebden Corsan, Islington, Ontario, n_ Carr ge, (es- * aba bi 15) 229 Yonge Street. 'OFFER TU INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full (nfor. mation sent free. Tho Ram Co Registered, Patent AU 273 Bank Street. Ottawa, U "ELECTTUQ MOTORS Lo RLECTRIC MOTORS SUITABLE for every purpose, Jories & Moore Klectile, 296 Adelaide Street W., Or eh : FISHING TACKLE ON SPORTING GOODS FISHERMEN! SEND FOR _ OUR new, larger, 1940 Fishing Tackle catalogue, out B. arch h, rr Manis | 171 Cralg 8t. W., Montreal, FARM EQUIPMENT FANNING MILL JELINE) FAR] ers say best' seed grader; wild o t separator, {180 iereentni repairs. : HEPATOLA RELIB EVES: OPPORTUNITIES FOR_MEN PREPARE FOR JHE FUTURE. IN« -dustiry urgantly reauires trained Learn electric weld General WW Welding Works, 1 TO, BR: ¥ CA 6 PERSONAL - Qul IT TOBAUCU, JRL BABILY.- Font AT Qu fanteed. Toa ice: (1 monlals, I} 1) free Bartlett's © air 1. Winnipeg. STUMACH and Liver troubles. Symptoms: Pains in in "Fight side, and HH) shoul: er blades iL acros. "Rail keation, (Sas Epil . trouble. Form octor, nits, in one da ox doa Bank © Testimonials, Kline Manufactur- Almas, ing, Islington, Ontario. '} toon, Bask. FILMS ; 'FALSE T 1QOSEN » annoyance. 1 |! cheap aR PEST REBULT! RO! HVEL- ome by dent ts aronderh dis. oped with. h loss deckled edged covery for hull up. old ait: rints = 26¢. ps nts 8c. Beaut!- to fit. Users mass. infor ul BRE Pho Tee. Frampt sere | ma HA wi ot obligation, vice, 1266 Lan © dol Laboratory, 2 Whitehall downe Ave, ; Rodd, 'Toronto, TRIAL SPECIAL- = HAIR ROOT PR ENTLY, lve, hs, Advert Ipsmer and Gos Harel pijivately. R 6' BuUpere or three enlarge. fluous 28 for eight |B Is nent, Yon on ote He Td Box B 1, London, © | CAR AND TRUCK'PARTS . Used -- New ¥ ALIZING nine mo. | eh Fi on T refund, fra Parts, Torow a" zioraver, area ht tos 0 postpald: laf vw Canadlan PROPERTY FOR SALE SEALE TENDERS of till Sarch for Wo HA aty. aquare ps 8, 4 oS Ste house hy Mr on - oor ellin Cou hous diet ISSUE. NO, 9--'40 altby's, Tor. 3 STAMPS ON ENVELOPES, NOTH. ng after 1870. Will buy for cash. R. G, Purdy, 310 Glen Munor Drive Toronto. TURKEYS FOIRR SALE WHITE . HOLLAND TURKEYS, Government approved and utility atock. Prices on application. Bert Irwin, Seaforth. Ontarlo. USED AND NEW PLUMBING BATHS, SINKS, : TOILETS, - SOIL » pipe, boilers, furnaces, .radlators, ete, Lowest prices, guaranteed, Catalogue furnished. Main Plumb. .ing s8upplies, 921 St. Lawrence, Montreal. ~ WANTED ONE 1914-15-16 - RUMELY - STEAM Engine Catalogue wanted; might consider others. Walter: "Gerling, Jola, Alberta. PA WwaTC MAKING 'LEARN WATCHMAKING™ AT HOME Jy Beginners' outfits from $5, Nation. al Watch, Regina, Sask. -- LYONS February Clearance Sale New: & Reconditioned FURNITURE All used furniture is completely re- conditioned, guaranteed thoroughly clean and sold with positive money=- back guarantee of. satisfaction. Hy 50 THREE PIECE CHESTER. field Suite, (HILAL in novelty rep , Jozersitle MarsHall spring 324, %0 SMART, 3 PIECE SHESTER. tield "Suite," upholstered' in shade velour, FeversiLle, Marshal} spring cushlo $35.00 BEAUTIFOL. BROWN 'MO- hair _Chesteérficld Suite, (3 pcs.), -Tigured reversible Marshall spring ushions,: : ga! 00 10 PIECE LIVING ROOM Outfit, comprising 3 plece Ches. terfield aol % Briage Lamp, 811 i Silk Cushlo Shade, Met $12.50 7, jioka ' coueH, SPRING fi filed a rakes, into double © Or tw $174 pe 3 pics SOLID UAK DINING om Sait oh ph SXtension table ather upholstered chairs, . 3 524. 3 Sora AR D INING ROOM > Suit te, buffet, YN tablo and 6 leather seat, chairs. Perfect." $39.00 COMPLETE 9 . PIECE DIN. ing room Hite solld oak, bufret china cabinet, Stenson tab ie, [3 «leather upholstered cha $63. 00 LARGE DINING ROOM Suite, in rich walnut finlsh; buffet, cabinet, extension table and leatl. er upholstered chairs, $60.00 MODERN 9 PIECE room suite, in beautiful Z.tone wal~ a 'nut. Buffet, china cabinet, exten= ston apie) and 6 leather upholator. air. $109. 00 BEAUTIFUL SOLID WAL- nut Dining Room Suite (cost new approxjmutaly 3270), large buffét, extension (able, hina Sa hinet, 4 leather Uphols ter 6 hafrs. $59.00 FLOOR SAM 18, MODERN Chesterfield Suite (3 pleces), reg. 79. Upholstered in novelty repp, n_browy, green or rust' shade: bullet type, Toversible Marsha SeHng cushiol $69.00 MODERN , BEDROOM BUITH BERRA sample), A Dies ed wal. nish, waterfall: design, 7 etian mirror, dreamer or Jen) © ORI foniar tall size "bed, 8a sprig and new' mattress. $89.00 SOLID Wa ALNUT Sika Suite, (cost new. approxi HA $260), | gree bi buffet. aes 3 leather slo u Sy, Shien ca ohn Hi | $198 MUONS STEEL "BED IN wa nit finlsh, sagless spring, new mattress aiid args dresser in wals $39.00 I MODERN 1 BPROGM, SULTR 'ehition nists fi ong size Ped and sags $4 700 : "gute, to EE ie be [1Y less i ey Ki yemettal mi Inirrors, Dressers th fone Wi case, iil Condlt gD ot ar Rn i CABIN \ gi Sin oh afiraction, : a Tr and 80 [) ack guarantee o! Lyons. Fur iture' Co; W2 Tononso St BS DINING =

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