Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 Feb 1940, p. 4

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ay Ee oS ERE SE She "Miss Anderson and, "Dr. 4 Fred Stevens, _ your health's sake. SHOWER HELD IN HONOUR OF ELMA REESOR " Abbut thirty women attended the miscellaneous shower given in honour of Miss Elma "Reesor, on Tuesday at the home of Miss Helen Anderson. ss Betty Cawker arranged the shower. Many lovely gifts, such as kitchen- ware, a lamp, dishes, 'ete., were pre- sented to Miss Reesor, who, extended her thanks. Games were played after appropriate address by Mrs, a very Arthur Brock. Lunch was served. ee PPP PP ~~ 1.0. D.E The regular monthly meeting of Scugog Chapter, 1.O.D.E., will be held on Monday, March 4th, at 3 p.m. in the community room of the Library. PP Congratulations are extended to Mrs. A.'M. Lawrence on winning 2nd prize at the Oshawa Ice Carnival. "The many friends of Mrs. W. Elliott will be grieved to hear that she is ill at present. Mrs. S. EF. Kyle who has been visit- ing Her daughter in Meares); dias re. turned to her home here. We are sorry to note the death notice in the Toronto Star, the death of Mrs. Sibbery, formerly Alberta M. Clark, "daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Wm.-H. Clark, of Port Perry. Mr. David Day, Port Perry, had the pleasure of having a little get togathev 'with his two daughter Mrs. Mecth, and Mrs. McKieman, of Toronto, en- tertained by the aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Maynard, of Port Perry. All enjoyed an nice 'oyster supper and the two girls left for their homes in Toronto. Mr. Burgess Beare of Toronto was the guest of his mother over the week-end. | . Misses Grace and Merle Switz- "er, of Oshawa, spent the week- endwith their parents. The many friends of Mr. Jno. W. Crozier, will be pleased to learn of his improvement' in health, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest La Rose of Unionville were recent guests _ of Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Allin. We extend congratulations to Miss Elma Reesor and Robert Vernon on their recent engage- ment. ) -Mr. George Wilkinson of Lea- side, visited friends in town re- cently. Mr. R. D. Burley of- Toronto, spent the week-end in town. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Love of Binscarth, Man., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Love. ~. The Port Perry Business Men are holding a banquet in the Seebrt House (to- night) Thurs- / day Mr. J. C. Ott of Kitchener was a visitor in town on Monday." Mr. Thos. Clarke, of California called on friends in tawn during his visit with his sister Mrs. Reader, Seugog Island. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Henry of |- * Toronto, spent a few days at Cricklewood Lodge. Mrs. (Dr) C. P. Peterson, spent the past ten day in King- ston with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. "Irwin. Dr. H. H. and'Mrs. Armstrong, son Jack, daughter Marie, and Miss Pat Palmer, visited in To- ronto, on Sunday. - On Friday last, Rev. W. J. H. « Smyth, Dr. H, H, Armstrong and Geo. R. Davey, attended River- dale Masonic Lodge, Torofitd. It was Past Masters' Night, and Armstrong occupied" thé Master's chair. He also 'had charge of the social hour and Rev. Mr. Smyth was the guest speaker. Miss Fallowdown of Sunderland was the entertainer. BORN | STEVENS--To Mr. and Mrs, Glendale Mills, R.R. 4, Port Perry, February 21, . 1940, a daughter. - KIDNEYS ARE CLEANSED and in- vigorated by using Rumacaph. At regular. intervals, use Rumacaps for Sold at A. W. Lawrence's Drug Store Port Perry. CUSTOM SAWING DONE The * undersigned having purchased Mr. Orr Browne's Wood Sawing out fit, is prepared to do sawing promptly. For particulars Phone 182J, or to Bob! Pickard, Port Perry mar2l Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where nccessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIST UNITED CHURCH W. M. 8 The February meeting of the Eyen- ing Auxiliary was held at the home of Miss G. Stovin, with a good at- tendance, The ladies made: plans to begin the sewing for the bale, to be sent in June. After all business was settled lunch - was served and the social half hour spent, with Miss G. Stovin's group in charge. ' ST. PATRICK'S SUPPER The Ladies' Aid of St. John's Pres- byterian Church ave holding a St. Patrick's Supper in the basement of the Church, on Tuesday, March 19th. Supper at 6 until.all are served. Ad- mission, Adults 40c., Children 25¢, JEL, OSHAWA line Air Conditioned Thursday, Friday, Saturday, FEB. 29 and MARCH 1.2" In Glorious Technicolor 4 "Swanee River" starring Don Ameche, Andrea Leeds, Al Jolson. i ADDED--Color Cartoon "HOOK, LINE AND SINKER" REVIVAL, Friday, at 11 pm. "The Ghost Goes West" starring Robert Donat and Jean Parker 1 Tuesday, Wednesday, TWO OF MRS. ED. NOTTS RELATIVES KILLED Word was received this week' brother-in-law of Mrs. FE. Nott.! He was killed during a "black- out" in London. Another member of the family --the=husband. of Mrs, Nott's niece, died of wounds received while on duty on the "Exeter". Ile died in a hospital in Ports- mouth on Boxing Day. BOY SCOUTS On Friday evening," February 23rd, in the Parish Hall of the Church of the Ascension, Mr. E. Boy Scouts Association, invested the Seow, Asst. Scout. masters, Patrol Leaders and Seconds of the 1st Port Perry Troop. This was done before the as- sembled troop and in the pre- sence of some of the members of Group Committee. Those pre- sent being Mr. H. G. Hutcheson, Dr. J. B. Lundy, Mr. Roy St. John, and Mr. J. Boyer. The jnvestiture was an im- pressive one, and" Mr. Jones in his PORTA) did not fail to stress the responsibility placed upon all Scouts ~who took the Scout promise which is "On my honour 1 promise. that 1 will do my best to do my duty to God<and the King, to' help other people at alt times, to obey the Scout Law." Those invested were: Scout- master Mr. Fred Chapman; As- sistant Scoutmasters, Owen Cliff, Rev. J.C. Clough; Patrol Leaders Walter Sonley, Ted Lahey, Jack Sangster, ;Seconds, Emerson Mec- Millan, John Jeffrey, Kenneth Jackson. The evening was appr opriately finished with. doughnuts and MYRTLE Mrs. John Leask visited friends in Toronto recently. Sorry to report the serious illness of Mr. Till Banner who has been con- O.] fined to his bed and undér medical care for some time. Mrs. John Leask visited friends-in Toronto last week. Masons and their wives and families attended the annual Masonic "At Home" held in. Brooklin on Friday night and were pleased to, meet there Mr. and Mrs. Tom Price of Port Hope. Road Supt. Ormiston of Brooklin, had the Township snow plow here last week opening up side roads that have not been passable for motor trafic for the greater part of the winter, In some cases they had never been gjen- ed by this means before and ft Proved a much quicker and eflicient way than by the pick and shovel method that took hours to make them passable for horse drawn vehicles. It is reported that thieves "were active in this neighborhood last week when Mr. Hugo Bradley had four veal calves and a quantity of tools "lifted" from his barn. Police were notified and it is hoped that some clue of their removal may soon be secured, Mr. Albert Timms visited the form- er's brother in Toronto on Saturday. ~The ladies of' the Red Cross are holding a quilting bee in the church basement this week when they hope to quilt three quilts for the bale, The consignment of yarn and other ma- terial ofr pyjamas, ete, was divided among the Prospect, Myrtle and Rag- lan branches, and now the rieedles are clicking on socks and sweaters in many homes, Rumor has it that the old C.N,R. track is to be taken up this sumifier, At present there are: only two trains of the 'death of George Taylor, | T. Jones, Field Secretary of the, LE Monday, MARCH 4-6 Playboy Thief "RAFFLES" starring David Niven, Olivia De Havilland. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, MARCH 7-9 Nelson Eddy, Hona Massey, in 'BALALAIKA' with Charlie Ruggles, Frank Morgan, LionePAtwill. A blaze of Beauty--Romance--Spectacle Action, that business Is not very hrisk and; trucks do a great deal of the trans- porting of farm stock and other com-' modities that were formely shipped by rail. | SHORT COURSE STUDENTS! VISIT PACKING PLANT. The Agricultural Class of the! Uxbridge Short Course, as well as a number of farmers, making in all a party of about sixty, re- ceritly visited the Canada Pack-| ers' plant. During the day the party was privileged to inspect the plant and see the Killing, processing and packaging of meats. Interest, however, centred largely in the grading of hogs. During the | morning, Mr. W. M. McMullen, Chief | Grader for the Province, took charge of the group just before lunch when they had the opportunity to judge and |: pass their opinions on a Humber of | live hogs. . i The entire group were guests of the Canada Packers for lunch. During lunch the hogs which were judged alive were: slaughtered and after ready for inspection. - as they were placed when dressed énd this 'was James Wilson of Uxbridge. This brought very forcibly to the quality of the hog. was of primary importance. This was proper conformation were thrown into lower grades due to over weight. Following the yisff to the Packing Farm at Weston. raising of hogs is the main fedture, of electric fence around hog paddocks and artificial heat for young litters, rot, formerly of Uxbridge, the best days of the Course, SONYA were home on Sunday. Miss Helen Mason and friend with Rev, Mr. Jomeson of Agincourt, preached a splendid sermon in St. Andrew's Church on Sunday. 'My Stewart MacFarlane attended the funeral of the laté Robert Binnie in Toronto on Monday. Mrs, Ernest Ferguson has retnrned home after spending some time in Te: ronto, Mrs, James Munro is with her vister 'Mrs; Wm, Thorburn in Sunderland. Miss Barbara Ferguson is visiting his sister Mrs. David Beeerbtt, a week making their runs over it so fF \ = | the 96th Psalm, i to visit them, i the Avenue. on { deciples at the last supper over who j= Christ washing their feet and say- lunch the dressed hogs were :} Out of the en-. 3 tire group there was only one who had] $ placed the hogs alive in the same ordpr |§ gathoring that it is difficult -to grade |§ hogs gfficiently alive and that carcass |§ score is really the true test of the It was obvious from the facts which were: presented | on the hogs examined that the market- | ¥ ing of hogs within the proper weights |g illustrated very clearly when hogs* of | § House, the group visited the Sur-Gain 5 At this farm thejs Among things of interest were the use 5 This farm is in charge of Dean Par | & In all, this day was perhaps one of |§ Miss Eva Prentice of Cannington, | and Miss Mildred Prentice of Tofonto, Mr .and Mrs. Mason for the week-end. P¥§ as their guests, the Y.P.S, of Pinedale, last Tuesday evening. The president of Sonya Y.P.8,, Miss Elizabeth Me- neely, presided during the devotional period, and Miss Beare, ppesident, of Pinedale Y.P.S, took the chair while Pinedale gave a splendid program con- sisting of instrumentals by Miss Gor- vell, and the boys' orchestra, Mr. Ross. Cookman conducted a Quizz Contest.« After games were played lunch was served and a social time en- Joyed. : , Mr. and Mrs. Charles McPhadden and family have moved to Lindsay. Mr. Albert Currie has purchased the ! farm lately vacated by Mr. and Mrs. McPhadden, PRINCE ALBERT The Y.P.U. niet as usual last Wed- nesday night with the president in charge. The Scripture reading was On a carried motion the Union was. to invite anather Y.P. Another motion éarried that Post Cards be sent to Rev. Merle Ferguson for the benefit of the mis- sionaries insAfrica. The program was in charge of the missionary conveneer, and consisted of readings by Ruth Luke and- the topic taken by Mrs. Murphy - Mr, and Mrs. Bert Wanamaker and Ronald, of Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs. W. Martyn on Monday. - Mr. and Mrs. Russell Butson have moved into Mr. Ralph Lyle's house on - Clarence is going to live near Caesarea, . PROSPECT The Y.P.U. meets in the schoolhouse Monday evening next. Things were quiet this week after the" big i blowout of a week ago, when Myrtle and Manchester tugned out in goodly numbers and enjoyed a pleasant even- ing with us, Rev.: Mr. Gervan delivered another of his series of Lenten talks, on Sun- day last, This was based upon the story-of the wrangling among: the should-he first-among them.- He: tald ing--*"Thou shalt lave one another." So many misunderstandings of our homes and communitiés, continued Mi. Gervan, could be settled by taking the problem to Christ and following his example in dealing with* each other, Sunday School, followed. It was expected that Mrs. Munroe would have returned to her-home-last week, but her condition is such that she must remain awhile longer in the hospital, The Y. P. S. were pleased to have Miss Margafet Armstrong has re- turned to ltr W.M.S. work in Saint "John, N,B," pes The women of the community are busy with quiltings and Red Cross activities. The former held last week at the home of Mrs. Martin, while Mrs. HHoltby opened her home to the Red Cross. This brings up the ques tion--What are the men doing? BLACKSTOCK Mr, Robert' Willan of Toronto, 'was a recent. guest of his grandmother, Mis. Wm. Steele, Sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Wilbert Werry in the passing of her mother Mrs. T. Harkness, Cavan. Mrs, F. Bailey has returned home after a visit with relatives in-Toronto. The members of St. John's W, A. 'were very pleased to accept an -in- vitation to hold their February meeu ing at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J, R. McLaughlin on Thursday afternoon of last week. Although ill health has for the past few years prevented Mrs. McLaughlin from holding a meeting she has always been a member and taken an interest in the work of the association, The meeting was in charge of the president Mrs. (Rew, Wood. In the absence of both the recording' secretary and treasurer, these offices were filled by Mrs, V. Archer and Mrs. McArthur respective- ly. The roll call was answered with a Lenten Thought. The Cor, Sec. read a letter from Miss Wright of Toronto, thanking the members for the Extra Cent a Day Fund sent in. The pro- gram consisted of Community singing, a reading in part by Mrs. Wood of thel" unanimous resolution of the National Christian Council of Japan, and a reading by Mrs. T. Smith "Entering Upon Lent". At the close lunch was served by Mesdames F. Willan, F. Hamilton, V. Archer, W. VanCamp, E. P. Wood, and a vote of thanks tend- ered the hostess for her hospitality. The Young People of St. John's An- glican Church took their play "Look Out Liz" to Raglan Wednesday even- ing. February 14th, and all were well pleased with the reception they re- ceived. A number of relatives and friends of the Rev. Merle and Mrs. Ferguson were in Bowmanville Friday night at- tending the "farewell given them in Trinity Church on the eve of their de- parture for their Mission in Africa. A purse of $90 was presented to Rev, and Mrs. Ferguson from Blackstock and: Bowmanville Band - in. Bowmanville - made little Helen Ferguson, their daughter, a life member and presented her with a pin. After presentation a program was en- Joyed and refreshments-served, "Mr. and Mrs, Carl Wright had as their guests over the week end a wedding party of four. The a formerly JEWEL . SHORTENING, Ib. 13c - LYON'S Ee TEA, - Ylb. 39 LUX FLAKES LUX 4 TOILET SOAP, 2 for 13¢ PEP ER 23c¢ PURE LARD, Breakfast Bacon, Ib 29¢ ack or /hite Ib. 10¢ CHEESE, BORDEN'S -|b.-25¢ 3 for 25¢ RICHMELLO TEA, WITH BOWI, IVORY SNOW 24c Ys Ib. 39c J FRUIT AND VEGETABLES LARGE Grapefruit re 5 OP 256 Head Lettuce, 2 for 15¢ CRISP Hd PTR CELERY, 2 for 25¢ Cooking Onions 101. 2c SPY, DOMESTIO APPLES, NEW. = CABBAGE, Sat 33¢ 2 Ib, 11¢ FY YVT STORES IE LIMITED and the Mission] and 'Mrs, Jos. Forder and Mr, $ | Wednesday, March 6th-- %| Public worship at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. | the Estate of Martha Kerry, late of "the Township of Reach, County of herein. § {hereby notified to send in to the ynder- H 'their claims, 'entitled thereto, having regard only to SoMlcitors_ for Andrew Bryant Estate, A Ri KING'S CONDITION. POWDERS "Tonic and system: cleanser for Horses, Cattle, Pigs, Sheep." 11h, pkg. 25c. 5 Ib. pkg. $1.00 Je Jo PHONE 49 LAWRENCE'S Drug Store NEWS You Can Save with Safety at Your Rexall Store Noxzema. . "Marlin Blades, (pkg, of 12) 25¢, Vinolia Castile Soap, 10 for 25¢, Perfect Baby Oil . Johnson's Baby Powder 25¢., 50c¢. A. M. LAWRENCE "The Rexall swe ker's French Balm, 25¢., 39¢. .15¢,, 59c..-and 89c¢. rgen's Carbolic Soap, 3 for 14c. .39¢., and 69¢c, hnson's Baby Oil ......... .50¢c. PORT PERRY Miss. Vera Rutledge, of Bancroft, and her brothér Mr, Harry Rutledge, the groomsman of Bancroft are a niece and nephew of Mrs, Forder and Mrs, Wright. . The-groom Mr. Leonard Gulick and the bridesmaid. Miss Aud- rey Remus, live in Talmer Rapids. On Saturday evening a number of young people gathered at-the home of Mr. and Mrs. Forder to extend best wishes and spend a social evening. PIGS FOR SALE 10 Pigs, six weeks old. "Apply to W Denison, R.R. 2, Port Perry, Cos Losers say Phone or drop in, and let me show you how Bray Chicks made real profits for poultrymen last year. Personal attentipn, prompt delivery. A. R. GRAY R.Rc 2, PORT PERRY ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. R. Simpson, Minister, Sunday Service at 7 p.m. Sunday School at 11 a. m. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Reetor--Rev. J. C. Clough Sunday, March 3rd 11 a.m.--Holy Communion and sermon. »" 3 p.m.--Sunday. School -~ 7.v0 p.m.--Mid Week Lenten Service Bible Study: The Prophet Amos. SIX WEEKS OLD PIGS FOR SALE Apply to George Romans, R.R. 3, Port Perry. z i feb22 Cr YDESDAL E STALLION COLT FOR SALE' Rising three years. Apply to Carl Wright, Phone 106 r 3-2, Blackstock Ont. + Feb29 ANNOUNGEMENT "TO STOCKMEN Commencing Friday, Mar. Ist, Henshaw Transport will be prepared to carry live stock. The truck will be running every day. For Prices, phone the resi- denice--No, é, Port Perry. Ray Henshaw Guitar Lessons Wallace Armstrong, local guitar teacher, would "communicate with a limited number of teen-age boys and girls. . These will -be taught -every branch of solo and group playing and used as a-concert unit next season. The charge for this special group will be considerably less than the usual, and- instruments- will _be- supplied at reasonable rates. Leave your name at I. R. Beritley's store io further particulars. HAY FOR SALE Quantity of Alfalfa, Timothy and Clover Hay on band. Apply to W. .| Brown, Prince Albert, Ont. FOR SALE Sunday, March-10th-- 3 p.m.--Sunday School ~T pm.--Evensong and Sermon Preacher: Rev. W: G. Burch, B.A, Christ _Church, Deer. Pak To. ronto, ° PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH: 10 a.m.--Sunday School : ~ Rev, W, J, H. Smyth, in charge. --NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'In the Estate of Martha Kerry. All persosns having claims against Ontario, Widow, deceased, who died on by notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned before the 24th day of March A.D. 1940, after which date the Estate will be distributed. of February, A.D. 1940. ' JOSEPH DENNY, Prince Albert, Ont,, Solicitor for the Exectrices, "NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Andrew Bryant; late of the Township of Reach, in the Cowiity of Ontario, Farmer, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Andrew Bryant, late of the|, Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Farmer, deceased who died on the 14th day of August, 1939, are signed solicitors on or-hefore the -1st day of April, 1940, full particulars of Immediately after April 1st, 1940, the assets of the deceased will bé distribtited among the parties claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice, Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, Feb- ruary 26th, 1940, L | HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Drawer 188, Port Perry, Ontario, » or about January 22nd, 1940, are here-| Dated at Port Perry this 24th day] Apply to: A. E: Spencer, Lot 9, Con. 6, Reach Tp. feb29 CHOICE COOKING APPLES - 3 25¢. a bushel Apply to Lloyd L. Reed, (Scugog St.) Port Perry, Oht.," Phone 161J. "feh29 DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Leonard Block aver Prentice's (] Barber Shop. Felophons 237 'Port Perry W. A. San gster "DENTAL onnge Office Hours: 9 am. to 5 p.m. Office Upstairs, over C. Sleeps Insurance Office. DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above, Bell Telephone Exchange, Northside Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones; Office 68w, Residence 68] AUCTION SALES ..LOVE--Thursday, March 7th, at the McKerchet Farm, Epsom, 40 head of cattle will be offered for sale by Mr. Clifford Love. ORCHARD-- Op Thursday, March 14th, A. L. Orchard will offer his farm stock and implements for sale at his premises, Lot 20, Con, '14, Reach Tp. Ted 'Iackson, Auctioneer. ARTHUR W, .8. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. (The firm of Greer & Humphreys is dissolved) RUSSEL Bi Bimcos Shot North, Cuban. Phone 814. in attendance at my Port Perry office on week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port, Perry, Phone " Priced to-sell. £1 ~~? WG Heavy Gelding, rising five years. va 4 Blong 1 Block, . Port Perry, Phone 26 _ Tuesday, and Thursday afternoons of eset «.

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