Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 8 Feb 1940, p. 5

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~ ' . wy PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8th, ,1940 \ * BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY Thureday, Friday, Saturday, $ February 8, 9, 10 'Two Shows,'at}7.00_and 9.00 Saturday Matinee 1.30 p.m, "Jamaica Inn" - with Maureen O'Hara, and . Leslie Banks- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 'Feb, 12. 13, 14 First Show at 7.00 p.m. Last Complete Show at 8.20 The Magnificent| Fraud with Akim Tamiroff, Lloyd Nolan Patricia Morison Mary Boland, Also an Added Attraction: "THE "DEAD END" KIDS in "ON DRESS PARADE" - with John Litel, Frankie Thomas Cissie Loftus CHARLES LAUGHTON in SERVICE NZ A PHILCO SERVICE PLAN RADIO. j REPAIRS Any Make or Model At Reasonable : Fixed Prices DON'T MISS THE WONDERFUL PROGRAMS ON THE AIR MUSIC NEWS SPORTS DRAMA Let us tune up your set. Complete Testing for all Radio and Sound + Equipment. MEMBER of RADIO Manutfactorers Service Farmer Radio PHONE 85 | MORRISON'S DRUG STORE / - Seasonable Products THE YEAR ROUND SUNSHINE TONIC-- . : WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT OF COD LIVER OIL, $1.00 PFUNDERS TABLETS for stomach troubles. get: 30 day economy trial size of Pfunders with guaran- Try these tablets for hyper acid tee of satisfaction. stomachs. for IS § Nyal Service Store. {Bauer & Black NEW VANISHING LOTION SPECIAL--15c¢. size free with 59c. economy size or with a 39¢c. bottle, : 1 COLD CREAMS, HAND LOTIONS, PERFUMES, . SHAMPOOS, FACE POWDERS oR ~~~ Odd lines clearing at '.. _-- or ty A a You. can gh a Ce fiver each 13c. Phone 16 Bes es an erees "market prices. :: courteous service, ' EVERY. DAY SERVICE ~~ All through the year on every shopping day; we are at your service with the best meats at the lowest Phone calls receive prompt and 'Bert. MacGregor, ~~ Phone 72r-2 Pies; Cakes, Tarts, ESH BAKING SPECIAL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION Sliced and plain bread in Brown, White, or Fruit Loaf Fresh shipment of "Smiles 'n Chuckles" Chocolates, ' _ attractively wrapped for St. Valentine's Day. 232 FLT RE A hh ah hE 48 Lhe Ah DA Buns, Rolls, Cookies " Offer You the Choice of the Market in Fresh and Cured Meats at CAWKER'S Lowest Market Price. Prompt and Courteous Service =" © _Cawker Bros." Phone Ww: | PROTECT | with Reliable " Phone a" Tieieses YOURSELF Port erry Fire Insurance | Place Your Insurance with. | HAROLD W. EMMERSON Port Perry {| the Estate of Freeman J. Sandisod, | later: became Polyclinic Hospital, died | beth Christie, formerly of Utica, Ont. ; - 3 8 | trict: where he made frequent visits. WE DELIVER Gerrow Bros., Port Perry § a 25h : J "was active professionally until shortly {| before his death, when he was forced . Phong or drop in, and let me show you how Bray Chicks made real profits for-poultrymen last year. Personal attention, prompt delivery. 5 A. R. GRAY RR. 2, PORT PERRY Mortgage Sale UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the powers contained in a certain mort- gage, which will be produced at the time of the sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction on TUES- DAY, FEBRUARY 27th, 1940, at the hour of two-thirty o'clock in the after- noon at the Office of TED JACKSON; Port Perry, Ontario, by Ted Jackson, Auctioneer, the following property, namely: parcel or. tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Town- ship of Reach in the County of On- tavio, and being composed of the south-west quarter of Lot Number Sixteen in the Fifth Concession in the said Townshsip, described as follows: Commencing at the south-west -angle of said Lot # 16, Thence east along the north limit of the road allowance between the fourth and fifth Conces- sions of said Township, 26 rods 10 ft.; Thence north parallel with the west limit of said lot, 60 rods; Thence west parallel with the south limit of said lot, 27 rods; Thence south along the west limit of said lot, 50 rods to the place of beginning, containing eight acres more or less and being that part of the lands formerly owned by one, Robert A. Johnston and conveyed by the said Johnston to the said Peel. On the said Lands is a farm house and barn, said to be in a fair state of repair. All the said Lands will be put up in one parcel and will be offered for sale, subject to a reserve bid. 4 TERMS--10 per cent. of the pur- chase money to be paid down at the time of the sale, and the balance to be paid within thirty days, For Further particilars. and con- ditions of sale, apply to Ted Jackson, Auctioneer, Port Perry, Ontario, or to W. E. N. Sinclair, K.C., Oshawa, Ont., Solicitor for the Mortgagee. Dated this 26th day of Jan., 1940. cette "NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Freeman J. Sandison. All persons having claims against late of the Township of Reach, County of Ontario, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about January 18th, 1940, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned before the 27th day of February A.D. 1940, after which- date the Estate will be dis- tributed. - Dated at Port Perry this 3rd day of February A.D, 1940, j JOSEPH DENNY, Prince Albert, Ontario, Soliciitor for the Executors herein, Dr. John Anderson Dies in Cleveland Dr. John Anderson, a physician of that city for 46 years, and one of-the founders of the Hospital Clinic, which on January 23rd." i ; He was the husband of Mary Eliza- He was well known in the Utica\dis- The 78-year-old general practitioner to bed by a heavy cold. | Dr. Anderson was born in Oakwood, Ont. After finishing school he worked with his brother in a grocery store in Toronto, After several years of this ALL AND SINGULAR that certain "ANSE ' | ll You get good value when you shop by telephone *~ because the grocer takes particular care of his "telephone' customers": their continued patron. age depends on his good service. A tele- Lane in your _ ome saves The best way t buy Groceries recious time and trou. h le, too. There's no need to wait to get served--a telephone order gets immediate. attention. The small cost of a tele phone pays for itself many times over in convenience and pleasure. Dr. Anderson was a_member of the staff of Polyclinic. He was prominent In Masonic cireles, active in affairs at Church of the Covenant and a member of the Academy of Medicine and the Acacia Country Club. He is survived by two children of his first marriage--Dr. John B" Ander- son and Mrs. Frank Zettle of Mimn- eapolis; and two children of his second marviage---Jean Anita and Hugh C.-- as well as his wife, a brother, Alex. of Toronto, and three grandchildren, He was buried with Masonic honors in Lake View Cemetery, : NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All 'persons having claims against the Estate of William Trevarton, Deceased, Farmer, late of the Town- ship of Reach, County of Ontario, Province of Ontario," who died on or about the 26th day of April, 1937, are requested to forward full particulars of same duly verified to the\under- signed on or before the 27th ay of February, 1940, after which' date, the assets of the estate will be distributed, having regard only to the claims then received, and ignoring all others. Dated this 6th day of February, 1940. Austin Franklin, R.R. No. 2, Port Perry, Ont, Executor of the Estate. = feh22 'BLACKSTOCK | The congregational meeting of Blackstock United Church was held on Monday "evening, January 20th. Ex- cellent reports of the past year's work were given by thé pastor, the S. S. Superintendent, the Presidents of the W.M.S% the WW. A. and Y.P.U, also treasurer's reports and choir report. Officers for this year arc: Board of Managers--C, Marlow, C. Wright, Jos. Forder, Gordon Strong, llerb. Swain, Jabez Wright, Wallace Marlow, Ernest Larmer, J. W. Bradbprn, R. Byers, J. A. Johnston, N. Mountjoy. Secretary, N. Mountjoy. Members of Session he decided to become a'doctor. First he matriculated at the University of Toronto, then transferred to the Uni- versity of Buffalo Medical School, from which he was -graduated in June, 1896, ; In December of that year he was; married to Miss Mary Emily Love of Toronto and they went to Clevel nd.' His wife died in 1905, and the taf: ing year he' married Miss--Mary Elizabeth Christie. Fi Dr. Anderson started his Cleveland, practice at 2481 E. 83rd street. _ In 1916 he moved to 10628 Wade Parke, Avenue and maintained both his offices and- residence there, 3 He, Dr, A..F. Spurney, Di" A.B. Spurney, Dr, Jas, others established tht Clinic near 87th street and Euclid Ave, Clinic moved there and became Poly. i clinic Hospital. \ Messrs, N. H. Marlow, S. A. Ferguson, Job Graham, John Larmer, Jas..Bycrs, BE. Dorrell. ~ Ushers--Murray Byers, Walter Wright, Bruce Mountjoy, Ron- ald Trewin, Hector Shortridge. Mrs. Russell. Spinks is with her mother-in-law Mrs. E. Darcy who is not progressing as favourably as we would wish, 5 Mrs, John Forder visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stinson of Cadmus over the week end. My. an Mrs. Norton VanCamp and son Swain, of Listowell spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Bailey. Other Sunday visitors of Mr] and Mts, Bailey were Miss Susie Van- Stotter and several Camp of Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs, old Hospital] A. VanCamp and Jack. The February meeting of thé A. Y. i ! When St. Luke's Hospital left is: Cars| P. A, of St. John's Church was held H negle Avenue. . building the Hospital dt the rectory on Thursday evening last, The meeting was' in charge of the new president, Mr. Roy Carter. 3 Miss Vera Forder was secretary pro tem in the gabsence of Miss L. Devitt. Mr. Geo. Carter gave a report of the Local Council meeting which he along with Mr. Lavern Devitt, Miss Vera Forder, Myrtle Irwin, and E. Carter atended in Port Hope on January 10. It was decided to have a prayer for the soldier at each meeting through (he duration of the war. A report of the exveutive meeting held on Monday, January 20th was given by Miss Vern Forder. A program for the year had been drawn up and a copy presented, to each officer. Five dollars was voted towards the equipment of the new mission hoat, "*Wesbin Hope" in Van- couver. The program was in inter- esting talk on the four-fold aim of the A.Y.P.A. by members of the executive. Work was taken hy Me, Thos. Hodge, Worship by' Miss Ethel Carter, Edi- fication by the rector, and Fellowship by Mr. Roy Carter. At the close of the meeting a vote of thanks as tendered Rev. and Mrs, Wood for their warm hospitality and refreshments werd served, . - Mis, John Venning is supplying al the Fyvpt School in place of the teach- er who is absent through illness, Service was held in St. John's Anglican Church on Ash Wednesday morning. During the Lenten Season, the vector intends holding a mid-week service ut the homes of his parishion- ers in the village. - A beautiful and impressive installa- tion service for the newly elected officers of the A. Y.P.A. was held in St. John's Anglican Church on Sunday morning, January 26th by the rector, Rev. E. PP. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hudson and fam- Ay of Oshawa, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. Rahm. PP MANCHESTER A good crowd attended the Club oil Thursday night. A good program was given and Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Roach were presented with an Eleetrie Clock by the friends of the community, Mr. Walter Fowlie spent a few days in Toronto. } Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cooper, Bruce and Mildred, of Unionville, visited on Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Gerrow. We are sorry to report the illness of Mrs. Elwood Crosier, and who is_in Oshawa Hospital, =" We are glad to see our neighbours sporting a snow plough, We look for good roads now. Migs Thornhill spent a few days with her parents hére, 5 SRY Don't fail to attend the Young Peo- ple's' meeting inthe Hall on Friday evening under' the Alirection of Rev. Mr, Gervan, : Mr. W. Munro has installed a néw radio. : Ae A number of the boys are hunting these day but they don't seem to get many foxes, EA FE ER ES A NE FE me RED & WHITE svore LINENS -- are good buying now a fine assortment now on Display Our Prints are at . WABASSO PRINTS Buy now and save. last year's Prices 20¢, 25c¢, 30c yd Assortment at MEN'S SUITS - -- A SPECIAL $17.95 -- $19.50 ERE EEE SEER EEE a a] " CHIFFON HOSIERY new shades 9¢ CREAM of BREAD 7b. 33¢, 241b. the WEST FLOUR 89¢, 981b. $3.35 rn CLG jn moe oR WE OO OF BOW OG gn URE HE fit f A FREE INE LG Ib Of Yellow Label SALADA | Yo lb. -- 38¢. rE Brown Label & = OFFERED TJ LABELS. < Th a i SALADA ; i] SENET | valb--a0c | it ; | = PHONE 43 4 Jee Se J Whiz Metal Polish SS ) Beatty Block . LE SE SES Miss Helen Crosier of Toronto, spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. Brock and Mr. Mann of Toronto, gave quite a few numbers on the pro- gram at the Club on Thursday night. We are always pleased to sce Mr Brock come on the platform. We hope to sce them again soon. > -- ---- ---- BETHESDA The annual congregational meeting of the Church and election of officers for the Sunilay School was held re- cently in the basement of the Church with a good attendance. The Stewards for the yéar ave as follows: Fred Dob son, Roy Crapper, Ralph Veitch, The elders are George Ward and Stanley Ward, The Stewards reported' the finances in-good shape, all obligations for the year had been met, with a surplus on hand. ~The officers for the 8. 8. for 190, are: Supt, Stanley Ward, Bible Class "teacher, Fred Dobson, Jr. Bible Class, { John - Dobson, Class No. 3, Eva Me- Gregor, Primary, Mrs: Wilfred Evans. | Secretary, Lioyd McGregor, Treas, Henry Dyas. It was decided for the winter months to have the Church service at 11 a.m, and 8.8. ut 2.30 p.m, | FR ty Sea F. W. BROCK & SON v SHINE UP! Quick Shine Metal Polish, Brasso Metal Polish - British Military Shoe Polish, per tin 150. Deninger's Star Harness Soap Dressing,300 Sewing Machine Oil, EXPERT HARNESS REPAIRS -- W. E. WEBSTER ~~ _--. Port Perry - a Te Lee : | hmm - a | ki - - ue [| a AREER EN -m I Te per tin-160. - 'per tin 160. - per bottle 160. per tin 150. ll § The regular meeting of the W.A. was held at the home of Mrs, Stanley Ward, on Thursday afternoon with a good attendance. The following busi- ness was transacled: On the first Thursday evening in- March ,an open meeting will be held in the basement of the Church with everyone welcome. Reports of the convention in Toronto held in February will be given by. the delegates und the centre group will put on other programs," Lunch will be served consisting of beans, bread and Isatter; ple and coffee. The delegates to the Toronto Fast {| Presbytery Association will be Mrs, F, { Dobson, Mrs. C. Webster and Mrs. E. Parish; Mrs. C. Croxall-to be the dele- | gate to the Missionary Convention in Woudgreen United Church. Mrs. A. Bushell was appointed Hon, President of this Association, The hostesses for the April meeting are Mrs, 0. Croxall, Mrs. E. Parish, Mrs. C. Ashenhurst, Mrs, F, Dobson's group gave the following program: and Myrtle Gérrell. Lunch was served by Mrs. W. Evans, Mrs, C.. Webster, Mrs. 8. Ward. hymn 431, Scripture Reading, Mrs. G, ¥ I Ward; poem "Peace for Our World", / i Mys. F. Dobson; reading Miss Eulah © ! Parish; duet, Misses Elva McGregor | % --~ Nm TS Ay Ss

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