Sarnia Plants Peace Walnuts In the Spring -- As Gesture of Friendship from U.S. -- Came From Washington's Home Sarnia, Ont, is one of the 20 municipalities on the Canada-Unit- ed. States border that has recelved black walnuts for planting "as a caitinuation of the Peace Garden at Pllot Mound, Manitoba, signify. {ug 100 years of peace between Cas pada and the United States." The walnuts were recelved by Mayor Norman Perry and If Is nu: derstood His Worship turned them over to the parks toard to keep during the winter and to plant in the spring if it so desires, Instrucs tions on-the caro of the nuts were also received. At 19 Other Points Too The nuts are the gift 'of H, H. Blanchet, of Ogtawa, who received them from the United States gov- ernment. They were taken from George Washington's home at Mt. Vernon, Va. It i8 not known il there will be a joint gathering from Sarnla and Yort Huron to plant the waliuts coremouiously next spring. Democratic Kings Of Scandinavia King Christian of Denmark, Six Feet Nine in Height -- King Haakon, of Norway -- King Gustav of Sweden, Who Never Wears A Crown -- Comnienting on the three kings who recently met in Stockholm to talk over their common prob- lems, a writer in the London Daily Sketch observes that all three ave very tall, King Christian of Den-* mark, for example, towers to a regal height of six feet nine inch- cs. His brother, King Haakon, of Norway, is the shyest of the three and he refuses to be attended by plainclothes men or Royal guards. He began his career in a democrat- ic way---as- a cadet in a Danish warship, scrubbing the decks like any ordinary sailor. King Haaken gets a modest grant of £15,000 a year from' the Norwegian State, King Haakon hates pomp. When hiy subjects a. him strolling quietly-in: Oslo 'thie lift their hats, .In that gesture there'is more gen. Have You Heard @ The country correspondent of 'a well known daily newspaper had one great fault in the, sub-editor's eyes, which was, that he would ne. gleet to furnish all the names con. cerned in his accounts of local ev- ents. Things got to' such a pitch that he was finally.told that his -services would be dispensed with 'ass hé supplied the missing -de- tails, » his first report. thereafter run, as follows: -- "This countryside was the cen- tre of a violent thunder and rain storm this morning, and the farm buildings in the occupation of George Henry Brown and his good wife, Mary Ellen Brown, were struck by lightning, Three cows which had taken shelter under an ' oak tree were killled, their names being Bessie, Mary, and Butter- cup." Zen Of course, few people be- lieve in signs, but a Hart. ford, Conn,, hearsc has a lic. ense plate bearing the desig- nation "U.2." wn A London vicar was trying to console an elderly woman pariah. ioner who was apprehensive of air raids. . "Perhaps London won't be bombed at all," was his encourag- ing conclusion. "What!" protested the indig- nant old Jady; "after all the ex pense we've been put tol" 2 --0-- A schoolboy, asked to write about the Arctic region, said - "An Eskimo is one of God's: frozen people." ER "So that's the baby," said Uncle John, "Yes," said the proud fath- cr. "I hope you'll bring him up to be a conscientious, upright Feathers Bought Canadian' Feather & Mattress Co. 41-47 SPRUCE ST., TORONTO CA will Lead First Canadian Airmen Overseas Squadron Leader W. D, Van Vliet, of Winnipeg, has been appoint- ed to command No, 110 Army Co- -operation Squadron, selected for dis- Peteh grerseas as the air force component of the first Canadian division, young man." The father shook his head. "I'm afraid that'll be rather difficult," - he replied. "Pshaw!" snapped Uncle John; "as the twig is bent the tree is inclined." "Yes, but the twig is bent on being a girl, and we are inclined to let it- go at that. Ld Slowly the raft drifted with the flow of the sea: One of the shipwrecked sailors looked into the sky. "Cheer up," he called, "we can't be far from civilization 'cos a couple of bombers have * ~~just gone over." 'Spaniel's Potion Mighty Expensive Sparky, a Cocker spaniel, got & mighty expensive drink of water from his master, Thomas J. Houn- ihan, of Richmond, Va., last week. Mrs. Hounihan, occupied with baking, put her diamond ring and wedding band into a glass Houni- han came in and gave the pup wat- er from the glass. Something clink- ed against the pup's teeth. A veterinary. X-rayed Sparky, spotted the. rings and recovered them, uine respect than in the loudest acclamatigns, of trained 'cheer leaders." "In the spacious streets of Copenhagen, the cleanest oity in Europe, everybody knows King Christian, and, provided you have a reason, almost anybody can talk to him. King Christian's courage is well known, On one occasion he helped to rescue the crew of a French steamer off the coast of . Greenland, a' feat for which he was decorated by the French Gov- ernment. King Gustav is the .best linguist. of the. three. He speaks English, French, German and Nor- wegian in addition to his own | 'language: King Gustav is the only monarch who obstinately refused ; to wear his Crown--even at his, +. # Coronation, A 4 He Threatens Europe The Abbot Chao-Kung, once known as Ignatius Trebisch- ncoln; pastor, member of the ~ British: House of Commons and in- Eig ternational | spy, who announced to ... the world recently that unless governménts of European belliger- * ent countries resigned at once, the Tibetan Buddhist suprénie masters Nould eliminate them. This final Fi Joace by the abbot, if 'cause "Tibetan hice supe me masters, "with judice,' Drediection or fav- = to mnchain forces and powers $6 very. existence are unknown an against whose operations" = An leaders' are "consequent. Aly ples" 'My Heart Leaps Up 'My. heart leaps up when 1 behold © A rainbow in the sky; So was it when my life began; Bo is it now I am a man; '80 be it when I shall grow old, Or let me die. Ihe Child fs Sather of the Man; » "And 1 could wish my days to be fund. each' to each by natural Yai plea ~~ Wordsworth --Classif ied Advertisements ml BADY CHICK CONTEST FURNITURE FOR SALE FURNITURE FUOIt SALE ASK ABOUT THE BRAY CHICK I 3 # Contest, Rou ay win & Took JH CHESTERFIELDS L Y 0] N S ay C s pthing 3 - to enter, January chicks should S1 WEEKL Y STOCK : TAKING SALE be ordered now. Bray Hatchery, 3.PIECE * 130 John St. N., Hamilton, Ont. CUSTOM . TANNING WE DO CUSTOM TANNING OF Deerskins, Beef and Horschides jnto Robes, Harness and Garment Leather. J. C. Henry & Son. Mark- dale, Ont, EDUCATIONAL STUDENTS NOW ENROLLING FOR courses in Matriculation, Short Story, Journalism, Shorthand and Speech Culture. Make use of your .spare time. Write today. Canad- sian Correspondence College, (cs- * tablished 1902), 229 Yonge Street, Toronto. FOR SALE CHESTERFIELD SUITES in velours und repp covers, fact- ory reconditioned, Sriglually ex. pensive suites, - better than a cheap, new one, 3 pieces complete $24.50. Three piece chesterfield . Suites, newly recovered in choice fabrics, just like new, at half the price. Three piece com. plete $39.00 $5.00 down, $1.00 per week. We pay freight to your station. Dept Vi, Royal Chester- tield Manufacturers, 66 Richmond St. BE. Toronto. " OFFER To INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EYERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full Infor. matlon sent free. The- Ramsay Co, -Registered, Patent Attorneys, 27° Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada: PACKING PLANT SITUATED IN the centre of the city of Ottuwa, complétely equipped modern packing plant, 2-storey brick building and outbulldings, 11 re- frigeration rooms, Lindy refriger- ation equipment, electric holst, «slicers, scales," etc. irst-class condition: reasonable. © Appl -- J, Guerin, 125 Rideau Isireet, Ottawa. . Telephone 6.0764. FERRETS FOR SALE --_-- I'ERRETS -- SURE HUNTERS ON 0, fem. Arm- Ont. rats and rabbits, Males $2.5 ales $3.00, yearlings $3.50. strong_Dros, Route 1, Paris, . 'FINANCIAL: MORTUAGES OR AGREEMENTS of sale purchased for cash, prompt attention..North. ore Realty Co, Ltd, Osfiiwa. Ph%io 81. CHANDY APPLE TREES HARDY APPLE TREES -- 50 CTS. each. Canada's Lowest Priced Nur. leading varlctles rnonmentals, Write fmedintely requestin, FET al offerings. Tobe's 'Treery, Nia« gara-on-the-Lake, Ontarlo, | Prisoners Of War Bureau Set Up The Prisoners of War Inform. at®n Bureau (Canada) is now. fungtioning 'under the direction of LisataCol, H, Stethem of Ottawa, The new bureau is receiving in. quiries concerning Canadian pris-: oners of War in Germany; Cans' adian nationals resident in Germe any; Canadian nationals interned in Germany; Canadian members 'of the United Kingdom forces who . ; "'are prisoners of war in Germany, and Canadian goldiers interned or Canadian clvilian re ugees strand. in' neutral countries. Letters addressed to Canadian prisoners of war may be mailed in the ordinary way and will be directed through the proper chan- nels 'by Canadian postal 'authori- ties in co-operation with the Un- ited Kingdom postal authorities. MEDICAL THIS IS WHAT MRS. NEILSON, or Tecumseh, Ontario, says: for 12. years I suffered with swollen.legs and broken velns, Could not wear shoes or stockings. For months I could not 'leave ny home. After using Crouchman's Liniment, can go out and enjoy life where It loft oft 12 years ago. Demand it from your druggist or write J.-E. Crouchman Co, Ltd, Windsor, Ontario. YOUR STOMACH BOTHERING ? Hughes' Mineral. Remedy Builds weakened stomachs, Wonderrully successful LA 1,76; two' bottles, $3 00.. Johnston Products, _Postal station C, Vancouver, B.C. PRIVATE HOSPITAL DUFFERIN NURSING Dufferin Street, Toronto. Cosy, 1+ censed Private Hospital. AN cases taken. Maternity ' Speclallst bock early, Walllng mothers ac. $immodated, Registered nurses. Moderate cash charges, Telephone _MElcose 4355. This is a splendid buy really nigh-cluss reconditfoned value. . cleaned, reconditioned and sold wit a positive money- -back guarantee of satisfaction. ed repp material, reversible Marsh. all spring cushions, ward spring cushions, 24:50 cushions. 35.00 cost new approximately $185. Per- various covers. 17°] our. Complete with 24.50 sion table and 6 leather upholstered chalrs, completely refinished, 45.00 extension table and 6 'leather uphol. sterd ohiirs, 1lke new. irge 69.00 fares finished, buffet, chin tension gehts and 6 feather uphor- | stered c hal rs, i K HOME, 739 59. 00 5 'loor sample: Engl sh Oa $89.00 value. Buffet with Jack sknite leaf and 4 chalrs in red leathe beautitul buffet, china cabinet," ex RECONDITIONED FURNITURE opportunity {fo - furniture at « fraction of the real Every crticle jRetoughly 1 Chesterfield Suite, 3 pleces, upholstered in brown figur- 12.50 Smart 3 plece Chesterfield Suite, upholstered in Jacq. velour, reversible Marshall 19.50 Beautiful 3 plece brown mo- hair Chesterfield Suite. Per- reversible Marshall spring High class & plece brown fect, hi mohair Chesterfield Suite, fect Sod ition; 95 Large assortment of odd Chesterflelds and chairs, in Kroehler Chesterfield Bed upholstered t figured vel- ew mattress, Oak Dining Room -Sultes, buffet, table und 6 chairs. Beautiful quarter-cut Oak Suite, large buffet, exten- 14.50 17.50 Solid Oak Dining Suite, 9 pieces, buffet, china cabinet, walnut finish Dining Jute, completely te cabinet, _ Dinette Suite (new) reg. ALLA table 00 4 Tarde solid walnut Dining Room Bulte (cost new $225) e, and 6 leather uphol- PERSONAL pont ALCO. 8) SNUB, BABILY, sive mo remedy, mona ls. Gus ranged. Advice Box 1; Winalpe| QuIT inex] { feat . Bartlett's," THAINED DETECTIVES AMBITIOUS MEN 17 AND OVER A anted immediately for secret- service and detec lve. plete training co co : Write peidgse, Biss Brin hm ls ontreal. _ USED CAR AND TAUCK PARTS PANTS FOR BYERY MODEL AND Lm Ke. Hah taken Xoo ready. t y part anteed 'or money refunded. No or too ble, oh a ama rer A Parts, 95 Osler Ayentie Toronto," {CAR AND TRUCK | PARTS Eo RT uo; melon. Ulrburet rn, "BSUE NOT stored chats: completely rorinished, ulte - (10 pleces, cost new $650) butter Ly gabinet, ex fe, and backs yoholste tered in blue mohair, era d bu tables, in ghiffonlen fall spring Fainisht. : Mi a B | 49.00 ftteths nelain Rettoon finish, dresser with, fo be 4M and wohronlen full 0 ed, sag. 100 i 59.00 git: Foti, Shon fo, dresser, round full size bed, Large assor A i 35 go co -0 2 : on rocelpt of | phi ok a 'LYON oi . JORADE SVEN DI No fa Share Jeet a : Magnificent large walnut Dining Room 129.00 » extension tab} , gerving ca. 6 chairs w 538 eaDInets and extension Complete Bed Room Suite 18, 50, walnut "finish, dresser, 39.00 Modern dom Hea with Venetia Som © Buite walbut tin sh, Sm tetely A sil at woring ii ves, a en cabinets, iy tes. | i for foment oA 478 Yonge St; Toronto SAR ie. gas ; v BONA TA wv 4s Bare of ents peeves or money bask Naas a a dd Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1, What kinds of Christmas gifts should young men and girls: c¢xchange? 2. When a man is dancing with a girl who is wearing a baekless gown, wherét should he place bis right hand? 8. Should every perscaal letter and note be dated? ' 4, Is it necessary io acknowl edge Christmas cards? 5. Wouldn't it be all right to insist upon giving a tip in a'res- taurant that has a "no tipping" rule, 'when: some special service has been rendered? 6. Is it necessary to answer a THE ROM BANK OF CANADA General Statement, 30th November, 1939 wedding invitation that i an invitation to the reception? : Answers - 1. Beoks, flowers, candy, cig. arettes, cigars, but never anything. such as clothing or jewelry. 2, The hand should be placed at the girl's waist, not on her-bare back, 8. Yes, Many misunderstandings have aris- en because the date was omitted. 4, It is not necessary to write a note of acknowledgement, but one should try to remember when next coming in contact with this per- son to acknowledge receipt of the card, 5. Not when 'no tipping" is requested, However, one may say, "Thank you very much for your. kindness." '6. Yes, \ 'How Can |? i BY ANNE ASHI EY Q. How can I niake a good dust- er for wicker furniture? A. Use a dish mop for dusting all the crevices of wicker furni- ture. It makes an excellent duster "for this purpose. Q. How can I make thin hands, plump? A, First wash the hands in very warm water and rub in cocoa but- ter, or any good skin food, for five minutes. Then hold the hands an instant in ice cold water and wipe dry. The cold water &loSes up the pores while filled with the skin faod, and new tissue is built. Q. How can 1 clean a white felt hat? : A. Cover the hat with a mixture .of -one quart of cornmeal, one cup of salt, and one cup of flour, and allow to remain for 24 hdhrs; then brush off, This treatment will re- move only the soil, not spots, Q. How can I cause croquettes to keep their shape better? A, Form the croquettes about two or three hours ahead of time, and thoroughly chill them before cooking. Q. What treatment san I give to a person who has fainted? A. Lay the patient flat on the back, it possible with the head a little lower than the feet, and give plenty of fresh air. Smelling salts may be held to the nostrils, but not too near, SUAS |e Stina » Doing » EXPERIMENTS AT 20,300 FEET Two scientists aboard an air lin: er. secking to photograph cosmic rays reached an altitude of 29,300 feet above the City of Chicago, and found. ideal weather conditions for the experiments. The scientists said the: tefipera: i ture was 38 below, with no sign of snow, and that they had obtained 400 pictures which would greatly facilitate - studles of the cosmic rays. ; MENINGITIS CURE REPORTED Succes fn thelr war upon the. dls. easo of Influenzal meningitls, lo considered incurable, was reported by doctors attending at the annnal conyention of the Canadian Public "Health /Asgotiation, Dr, L. N, 8Sligérthorne, of Toron+ to, told of treatment which had saved the lives.of 16 to 65 infants and children treated by the, 'Con. naught laboratories. 'MAGNETIC FALSE TEETH Magnetic false teeth, a new step in dentistry, designed to hold false teeth plates in place,. particularly , in the wagging lo r Jaw, are an- nounced, 'The maguaets, set so that: . 'they oppose each other 'in upper aad lower 'Jaws, repel: the plates '} "with a force of about two ounces. +The , magnetic force: begins when. the testh dre an inch apart,.and a¥ the magnets are all Bet in the back, 'ot 8 i and M 1 _or double teeth, where the opening | 000, an' increase of $160,643,000 , A . LIABILITIES NIE Caen RRRRR RRNA ERAN EY 000, Gopital stock paid . : 2 30.000,000.00 1 4 0 __aosasial 5 RECT nats 700,000.00 4 ---- 181292650 ve and bal §.59,812,926.60 2 Penent, rer §.40,162,410.92 Deposits by and balance erm A wy BiG 108 Bearing lntersst 404,373,018.96 : ; t li terest RE SR a Ll rr AR rei iiadin hee Sharitied. nits) ' lud. Dep by and b. due to banks and Ring banking . $ gorespondents Js jo: the' Unieed 30,0013150.30 PEED Coun! sixes A 911. 819.208.31 Hotta of La Karde fee slsvuiatian ara . 3 gL Kills payable ATI EE I LET Rs rey to ie i ho Ta i t . ' going heads TRY sera ainne NARA ASAE ARNE rah x ian $1,014,708,34.09 | A ASSETS : 9 Gold held In Canada 1... veneers $13,250.88 . ot "= Gold he ie Heh : 4 20834 Notes of Bank of i ; 13 Bena Notes of El : git ak 882, TE 4 Government notes other than Canadian .., S206 77 ee $107,868 882.14 . 8 9381,12.71 1,043.05 332.62 1 = 8343 --== 126,614,568.3% Dontlnion and Provincial -G direct and . a ! within two years, sessding masks 8, 1s 2 seaninnsiinsaiaien and Proyin, clal "Government - direct 1h 5d Provincial Go ceeding market 179,351,641.32 136,088,788.50 = '9,696,232.55 3 > 23,286,372.34 ya} 39,150,803.06 s) loans in ; bonds, debentures, st and-ocher Sectieitles of a sufficient marketable value to CAA teat CLES ECAR ITN PTL Fins h 1461327564 * catt'an and short '(not Sxoseding 30 'da ) Joan else~ where than in Canada on BS dar) debentures, : stocks and other securities of a sufficient market- able value to cover 've 3 10,532,872.41 ¥ ot $647,302,536.34 Current loans and discounts in Canada, not other- - : - wise included, estimated Loss provided fo $212,627,311.73 , Loans to Provincial Governments. ., ...., er 1,673,774.60 ; Loans to Cities, towns, municipalit 100! it: 20,392,898.33 Current Joans and "discounts, elsewhere than in~ Can: estimated loss Nonbronaeaf inated God's BEER On t at t ent loans, estimated loss pro or. 326,563.731.27 Barik premises, at not more than cost, less amounts written off. + 14,623,763.64 Real estate other than bank premises, 2, 5 1915.07 4 M es on real estate soidby the bank 832,77! 776.40 Liabilit: es « St s under POC CONTR coi aiansisnnzrerssnsrs 17,642,135.39 Shares of a £2 jossa to cont solisy omen] 3,564,409.91 : Ls t e Posie with the ster of nce 1,380,000.00 '606,075.07 ~ =. $1,014,708,343.09 ee NOTE: --The Royal Bank of Canada (Frante) has be has been incorporated under the jaws of France to conduct the business of the Bank in Paris, and the assets ana liabilities of The Royal Bank of Canada (France) are included in the above Covers! Statement. 4 M Yor ik) S. G, DOBSON, Di General Manager. AUDITORS" REPORT To ze ge NoLhzas, THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA! the above Statement of Liabilities and Assets as at 30th 'November, 1939, with the "hooks and accounts of ae Royal Bank of Canada av] Jiesd Offies and with the certified returns from the branches. We have checked the cash and the securities tin, the Bank's investments held at the Head Office at the close of the fiscal Jear dates during the year have alo chécked the cash and investment securit Tmporfant branches. Wrained es representing , and at various at several of the ave e inf Lanations that we have required, and In our oplalon the transactions of the Bank, pits have come under our notice, have been within the powers of the Bank. The above statement is in our opinion pro operly. arawn up 20 as to disclose . the true condition of the Bank as at 30th November, 1939, an as shown by the books of the Bank. = M. OGDEN HASKELL; C.A., Haskell, Eldes erkin & Company Auditors. $ 2,721,409.82 Tt JAS, G. ROSS, © of P. 8 Rost & Sons Montreal, C: anada, December 21, 1939. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Palanies of Profit and Loss Account, 30th November, Pcofits for. he year ended 30th November, 1939, after zp providing for Dominion aud Provinclal : EY Pent tages Sthelinting ol 1,204,867. 4 and after y making ations to tingenc, Reserves, . - out of which eserves provision bad and * > wy doubtful debts hasbeen made. ....o.ovevnrnninns 3,724,842.39 a 3 6 446,251: La APPROPRIATED AS FOLLOWS: i 3 v Divi No. 206 at 8% per annum, , 700,000.00 HE Divi No. 207 at 8%, per annum, 700,000.00 Divi No. 208 at 8% per annum 700,000.00 Divi No. 103 at 84 per annum. , is iany 700,000.00 $ 2,800,000.00 Contribution to the Pension Pund Society... Sed) or , 000, Balance of Profit and Loss carried forward. . | 3,09,252.21 3 2 $° 6,446,252.21 J rE M, ILSoN, . S. G. DOBSON, 2% 32 'and M ing Di. me General Manager, ET pr a Tk hte -- Montreal, December 21, 1939, bearing deposits increased approxi- is nev-+ wide, the force presses mately $48,000,000, 'the plates in position all tiie time, | Current Loans Increase Bast The upward trend in current loans in Canada which began in ---- 2 New High Made "| 1937 has beet maint ined, the in=-- TTS crease for, the year amounting to By Royal Bank over $16,000,000. Loans outside ot a Canada, however, have fallen by approximately $10,000,000, 8trong Liquid Position As might be expected under ex- isting conditions, the bank's Mquid position is particularly strong, im- medjately realizable assots amount- ing to no less than 69 per cent. of 'the bauk's total liabilities to. the public. Cash assets alone, includ- ing bauk - balances, amount to no - : loss than $234,483560' Government sand Provincial securities amount to : $8185,000,000, of" which approximate- Dre Li ne, 900,000, mature' within two Assets of $1,014,000, 000 Are Highest in Bank's History <-- Deposits Up Over $100,000 : 000 to Establish New Record 3 Marked growth fn all depart: ments of the bank's business "flected in the Anfiual Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account for thie year ending November 30, 1939, being. fsstied by The Royal Bank of Canada to its shareholders, Total assets amount to $1,014,708. over last year's figures,' and the. highest in the bank's history. Only ia 'the Annual" Balance 'Sheet of 1029 has The Royal Bank of Can. (ada previously shown assets in' ex- ¢osa Of sone billion dollars, ~ Depoalts Up Over, $100,000,000 "Total deposits including deposits i a C1210, vd 3 publio: amount to , an 'fnoredso of Lover $107,000,000, as | - bi} evén higher, 4 a 0 [4 compared with the eorresponding | §° " : ' gre Jat year, Deposits Zand at 0 1 3 est point in the ory. of' ty thousand "spe of but: 'the Bank, To the extent of $39,000, pi es and 15,000 helen of moss 000 the Increase {is accounted for, | have recently yest added to the the shareholders is being held at the Head Office of the bank at eloy- en a.m, on January 1ith, 1940, Yorn Annual General Meeting of 2 : : X : 1 ETT ERY "Before the Great War, a he : \ sont: $2,000 of loss; on afl! ; the 'price went up, to Thon by larger balances due fo the Dom: an fnfon Government. Nandnterast- Sgltsction i $e Dene Museum .