PH Jane -- Campus Slang : Changes Fast See Current Examples at Tor- onto University At least a third of college vocabd- ulary is slang, concludes "The Var. eity," University of Toronto under- . graduate nespaper, after a survey of campus speech, And the slang comes into style and goes out of it faster than fem- {nine fashions. For example, "mug- ' ging," whi h was in every Varsity student's conversational repertoire a few' years ago, has been success. fully superseded by. necking, spark. fng and pitching-woo, ("The Var- sity" neglects to make it clear just which expression is "the" one of the current season.) : "Picklepuss," "Bag", "0.K. Judy" Varsity co-eds have some favor- te descriptions for unfavored men' of their acquaintances: "Drips," "frizzle-puss," "droopy-drawers", . "dimewit," "picklepuss," "screw- ball," To express digust, some of the students fair have one some- what enfeebled word: «Fluff, To express surprise, a comparatively new ejaculation is "Great Caesar's suspenders." Wyclifo men go "gonking" it they take a girl to park in a car, somewhere. A "wail" is a girl who has been "stood up." A "Joe" is a swell fellow, -- Just a few more Varsily-lsms: A bag -- a girl with a sense of hum- or; a frail -- an insipid girl; an 0.K. Judy -- an allright girl. _ T.B. Took Equal Number Of Lives During the Years of the First Great War -- It's Still Can- 5 ada's No. 1 Enemy wd Dr. D. W, Crombie, medical sup- erintendent of the Queen Alexand- Ta Sanatorium, London; Ontarlo, . last week pointed 'out that in the. war of 1014.18, tuberculosis was the cause of a great'deal of illness and put a heavy burden on the peo- me of Canada in the cost of treat: nt-and pensions. - Appealing for the widest possible support of efforts to discover tub- erculosis In its early stages, Dr. Cromble stated that tuberculosis is still Canada's No. 1 enemy from flie standpoint of disease, It actual- ly stands in seventh place as the cause of death in the Dominion, but those deaths, mainly, occur In the 20 to 35 years age group. 2,000,000 Succumb: Every Year "In the old World War, sonle i pine million people were killed or .. world, died -of tuberculosis. dled of battle wounds. An equal dumber, throughout the civilized And they are and have been dying at + that rate, which ia something over 2,000,000 people every year." Dr. Crombie stated emphatically that tuberculosis is not inheritable, and, fn fact, heredity does not cause predisposition to tkke the disease. He Made Gains In N.B. F. C. Squires, M.L.A,' Consetv- ative Leader in the New Bruus- wick Legislatare, whose "support- ard pained 16 seats from the gov- ernment in the recent eldctions. Conservative members now num- ber 20, oe Increase Is Seen < In Sheep-Raising Mare Ontarjo Farmers Are Go- _ ing In For It Since: the Out- break of War Ontario, farmers are demaiiding sheep and particularly ~bréeding 'ewes since the outbreak: of war, the Provincial Department of Ag- riculture reports. Grey County farmers have re- . ported higher prices for breeding ewes, While many new flocks have been formed ip Huron. Renfrew farmers call lamb prices "quite satisfactory," while the Sudbary epresentative of the department ays farmeys, "have had considers able difficulty in 'obtaining 'satis-_ factory animals." : Cattle sales have brought high rices: in Perth, Middlesex and entworth, Cheése prices: have risen, toc = VOICE : of the - PRESS LIMBURGER LOSES GLAMOUR Limburger cheese is losing some of its aroma through new manufacturing processes, It will . soon be refined enough to appear in' decent company---Kiichener Record. ; ---- 4 TWOQ:YEAR LICENSES Next yehr's motor licenses are black on yellow, "the most arrest- ing ¢olor. combination known to science." Why not save money by maknig them good for two years or the duration of the war?--To- ronto Telegram. | JN E UNPASTEURIZED MILK . Compulsory pasteurization of milk is again under attack by pro. ducers in Western Ontario. Tt may be assumed that none of them has ever visited the wards of a sanatorium and seen the emall and perhaps crippled suffer- ers from those forms of tubers culosis which sometimes originate, with other diseases, in unpasteur- ized + milk.--Brockville Recorder and Times. i I - AP ' PRESERVE COUNTY HISTORY Canadiana is much to the fore these days, and it is desirable that the history of each county in the prvoince should be preserved. At. a recent Women's" Institute cone vention it was proposed that every member. should write down the history of their parents, and, if possible, their grandparents. This would accomplish a great deal in preserving data, and we would add that some of the tales that have been told us of the deeds done by our forebears should eslso be incorporated. Our recent pioneer story competition brought forth a great deal of interesting lore of early days on the Bruce Penin- sula; which is now available for the files of historians.-- Canadian Echo (Wiarton). Farm Column (Conducted by Professor Henry "G. Bell of the Ontario Agricultur- al College, - Guelph, assisted by various tnembers of the faculty of the 0.A.L.) . : + Q.--Would you kindly tell me what chemicals contain the great- est amounts of available nitro- to be used in a fertilizer? --"K.K. --Perth Co." ¥ Answering yours of recent date - which has been referred fo my at- tention, I would say that as to nitrogen carriers, urea contains the largest amount of available nitrogen, 45% in all. It takes up moisture very rapidly and tends to form a sticky nfass. It is neut- ral in reaction, ! f Sulphate of ammonia is the next highest nitrogen carrier, carying about 20.5% nitrogen. This is definitely acid in its re- action. There is a combined ,concen- trate known as ammo-phos which carries 11% nitrogen and 48% phosphoric acid. = Nitrate of soda carries about 15% nitrogen. } . As to phosphoric acid thas are 16% and 20% grades which carry 16 or 20% available. phos- phoric acid respectively. The com- bined form ammo-phos to which I referred above, carries 48% available phosphoric acid. "As to potash, a common form, muriate, carries 650 to 52% pot- ash and sulphate carvying 48 to 50% potassium, : Potassium nitrate carrying ap- proximately 44% potash and 16% nitrogen was on the market some: tire ago. Since this is used in the manufacture of explosives, « I douht_if it will be available for ule in fertilizer under present donditione, EE Last year 'some -poliash salts cavéying 00% potash were offer. ed, but T do not know whether . this will be on the market this yesx or not ---- ba a anf "Shell Shock" 1] : Is Misnomer \ : 3 Cornell Neurologist. Suggests Calling War Neuroses by Different Names <~ Avoid "Hero Complex . . . subsdtution of the term "ner vousness" for that of "shell shock" was' advocated by Dr. Foster Ken- nedy, professor of clinjeal neurol- ogy at Cornell University Medical Collége, New York, in an address at Montreal recently," Shell shock, Dr. Kennedy sald, . had A "pititully romantie sonwd." Actually {t covered a4 varlety of hé héutotic symptoms "in" waetlms which would beiter be described as nervousness. This 'would -avold making the man who was sufféring Jom a neurosfs teel (hat Fé was o Jeto, a \ x o ¢ gen, phesphoric acid and potash, | - a A Pi Hae Lk JJtowasa proud day for 27 young fliers of the R.C.A.F, when they received the coveted "Wings" of the R.C.AF. at a special ceremony at the Trenton air station. Group Captain pinning the "wings" the ceremony, which will send the on one of Canada's future aces. Eleven 27 youthful flievs high into the air to learn the art of aerial warfare. hundred offi L. F. Stevenson is pictured, TOP, cers and men, BOTTOM, witnessed Puck Chasers Topics of the Ontario Hockey Season a J -- PERSONALITIES -- Frank O'Brien, new captain of the Toronto Goodyears, has been in Senior hockey for seven win- ters. He started with Consols of - the old -T and Y Mercantile Lea- gue. O'Brien until last season was a good left-winger. He now plays. the defence. d Referee "Beef" McKay of the O._H. A. Senior staff was onc of the hardest hitting. defence play- port issued by the Dominion Bu- reau of Statistics. These figures do not_ include trade in gold. Exports in September rose to $62,456,482 from $76,175,742 in August and $73,109,154 in Sep{ tember, 1938, while imports" to- tolled $73,664,271 compared with $62,708,079 and $56,411,727. {Canada's favorable balance of trade in September was $8,802; 31) compared with 313,767,663 in August. and $16,697,427 in Sep- tember, 1938, NTARIO J UTDOORS By VIC BAKER ers to come out of Hamilt Teamed with the famous "Rcd" Farrell, now a tobacco salesman around Barrie, McKay rounded out Tigers' blue line threat. Gooney McGowan, of Port Col- borne Sailors, is the oldest play- er, for service, in the Senior O. H. A. "A" ranks. He played many "winters for Hamilton before mov- ing-to the Canal town, J Bobby Laurent, young defence player with Goodyears, was a blue- line partner for Johnny Craw- ford, now with Boston Bruins, with the Junior West Toronto Na- tionals who won the Memorial Cup in 1936. y Paul- Mundrick, Winnipeg lad playing centre for Goodyears, is just 20 years of age. This is his first Senior year. Vincent Upper, veteran Colborne defence stay, is one-of those double-effective. members playing in the Senior O. H. A. "A" series, During the summer Upper plays a rattling good game at second base and even takes his tuin on the mound for the Port Colborne Senior club of the Nia- gara Baseball League. FW. "Dinty" Moore, 0. 11, A. vice-president ahd referee, played goal for' Canada's last Olympic team. : : Canada's Foreign Trade Increases A sharp rise occurred in Cpn- ada's external trade in September .when the total was $156,020,8568 compared with $130,188;821 in "August and $129,620,881 in Sep- tember, 1088, according to a re- Port | "with the able assistance of the op- e "a grudge against humanity claim- - Jack, Johnson, son of the Editor FROM A WATCHMAKER'S BENCH From a watchmaker's bench and an optometrist's assistance came a fishing lure this year which startled fishingdom and brought keen satis faction to two ardent anglers who had created their own lures. The watchmaker, KE. Hensler, tometrist, Dir. C.. Ingwersen, per- fected a spoon that swims like a fish and has, been used by great numbers of fishermen: this last sea- son with excellent results. The two amateur fishing lure inventors started the spoon making for their own use, but found it so effective and so popular that they had. to make some for fishermen friends. They are made of stainless mone] metal heads ahd tails with flexible bodies. TE : N Why don't you try making your own artificial fishing lures and baits this year and see what satis. faction you get when one of your' own creations hooks into and lands one of those big ones? ; TOUGH RABBITS . - A pugnacious white rabbit with ed two more victims recently at Arnprior, Ontario, according to reports just reaching this corner. of the Arnprior Chronicle, told his: father that he had been attacked .by a rabbit. The editor went out to the yard to see for himself and the rabbit charged without warn- ing and bit him on the leg. The rabbit was finally repulsed: with a broom. Other residents have also reported similar assaults from the white rabbit. It éertainly sounds hare-raising! [us |NEWS PARADE ...| THE WAR: Week by Week Cheer up! It may be a dull war now, but think what wonderful reading it's going- to make when - the facts come out. They're start- ing, even now, We've learned, for instance, that the first air raid alarm in Great Britain this. year was sounded whew a British of- ficial' flew over London on his way home frome. a visit to the Duke of Windsor -- his plane was' mistaken for en "unidentified" enemy airship. We know now, too," why the German invasion of Hol- land didn't take place the week- end of Nov. 12 -- Hitler decided at the last moment. to heed the advicel of his generals and call it off (because Belgium would support the Netherlands). The in- sidé=stbry's the thing! Be patient and yowll get it, eventually. AS the thivd month of the war drew fo a"tlose the sound of ton. "gues wagging could still be heard above the noise of battle strife. Diplomatic interchange had it atl Cover military action." Russia and Finland "dared" cach other; Hungary and Rumania; Germany slagmed England; England slam- med Germany; Holland protested, Italy railed... Protest Expost Seizure The Allies' announcetl plan to seize German ©Xporfs - was, re _spensible for a great deal of the talk. Among neutral _ countries, the Netherlands weré perhaps hardest hit since, during the first nine months of this year, ten mil- Jion tons of German exposts were *transhipped through Dutch terri tory to points abroad. Other na- tions chiefly lo be affected were Belgium, . Italy, Japan, Sweden, Denmark, Russia, the United "States, Meanwhile the 'damage doné by - German mines, submarines to Al. lied and neutral shipping was ter- rifie, Biggest sea disasters were the sinking of the ni liner Rawalpindi which: went down with all but 17 officers and men; the torpedoing of the Polish liner Pil- sudeki. Rumors flew of mines T he 'Book Shell "CANADA, EUROPE AND . == HITLER" 4 By Watson Kirkconnell What two and a half milion European - Canadians have been reading and thinking about the pre-war crises and the issues of the war itself is here analysed by one who has an untivalled know- ledge of their press. For several i peas Watson Kirkconnell has fol awed closely the editorfat 'opinion of the forty foreign - language mewspapers. in Canada; he hds travelled most extensively in the Balkans and in the Baltics in re- tent years, and his more intim- ate knowledge of languages, Jocal customs and history than most Canadians. : The author was born in Port Hope, Ontario, in 1895. He was educated at Queen's Universty, Kingston, and at Oxford Univers- ity. Since 1922 he has lived in Winnipeg, where he is Professor of Classics in United College, Uni. versity of Manitaba, "Canada, Europe and Hitler"... by Watson Kirkconell ....Toron- to: Oxford University Press . $1.50. sown by German parachutes in the Thames estuary; and stories of "magnetic mines" were denied or affirmed daily. Question. was: would the Allies be able to admin- ister to Germany the beating they were taking themselves on the sea" . Eyeing Rumania "Rumania was the cynosure of all eyes turned Balkanwards in the twelfth week of the war. Resige nation of the Avgetoimnu Cabinet resulted in. the accession to the premiership of pro-Ally Georges Tatarescu, Rich Rumania" has to Cwacth all her territory carefully gince so much of it was taken from other countries at the close of the first World War. --; Bess arabia from Russia, Dobruja from Bulgaria, Transylvania from Hun gary, (Germany, too, is interest ed In King Carol's demain; last week 700,000 Reich troops, fully equpiped for action were report. ed missing for an attack on Ru mania through Hungary). In the came week Haly's ¢fforts to create bloc under her collapsed. a neutral Balkin leadership virtually Hungary vefused to join with oth- | cr Balkan nations umtil 'Crans- syhvania was restored Air-Training Schools Ar home in Canada engines and ayiators were busy celecting sites for the new air training schools --on- which work would shortly commence. Forty were ex- pected to be opened during .the winter, the total raised to 100 dur- jug the summer months, Some fif- teen of the training centres ave in Ontario. Footnote: The Nobel Peace Prize for 1939 has gone beg- ging... for lack of a candidate. Canine Bellhop re Accepted Tips "Mark," a_-big black Labrador dog, 'which delighted in his duties of a bell boy in the LaSalle Hotel, Regina, Sask., is dead of old age. Mark used to mept guests as they came in and carry their keys 0. parcels to-their rooms, He even learnedrto pick up quarters. He trained himself not to bother cus tomers at the lunch counters, and at regular périods went to the ' kitchen for' his meals. ' PREY TE SRR SY, Add My Praise to, Your Grand Tasting Role Of Music:" - To Give Respite The musician's job In wartime must always be to inake music -- "the stuff of dreams" --- swell above the roar of guns, says Elen © Nallon, noted Canadien pianist, "Wai? she adds, "1s but an inc dent In our struggle for~a better world -- musie' "a never-falllng spring of spi ith to keep our dreams al Miss Ballon, who made her musi- cal debut in her native Montreal at-»=- ~ v tho 'age of 31, went back there November 28° to make what she likes to call her "second debut", She nppedyed ss soloist in. her firat. concert since she hroke her foot In a Loudon taxicab aceldent Jast year and almost gave up her career. -- TE "Miss Ballon has volunteered for Red Cross work. "I hope my job Is to play aud play and play. My car- oer bas taken me away from Can- ada a lot, but now [ am go happy to be back, go that In my own way I might help during --thesa had days" ; : : _LIFE'S LIKE: THAT By Fred Neher it rp Nera JR 7-15 ------ "I'm the only man here. . . pig 3 Fred Jee 1 feel like a bull in- a china shop! 1" a. ft REG'LAR FELLERS--Must Be the Climate By GENE BYRNES (ii Goa Ns. ids T 1G 7 WHY $HOULDN. IT Bef YOU LEFT |a% : ZR IE HOUSE 21'|. HR AT Fo wee et VE a in A