Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Dec 1939, p. 4

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36 yk ; ; Hinde rN igh ps spp ETL Ls \ [an dais mw roame maa as . PORT PERRY ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 1989 * BLUEBIRD Mrs. W. H .Harris will open her SENUIN nines * hofhe on Monday, December 11th, from SURED Free NST LOSS LAWRENCE'S Drug Store NEWS You Can Save with Safety at Your Rexall Store "GIFTS 8.30 to p.m. for a Christmas 'Silver| Note-- Every diamond is insured. P ; BACHELOR GIFT SETS : ADRIENNE GIFT SETS Tea under the auspices of The Scugog | Bentley's Jewelry Store Port Perry Iii, OSHAWA Jon for CHRISTM AS For Gentlemen <=" For es < i Chapter, 10.DE, . =~ Sh HON Y ERE i 55c. to $3.50 $1.00 to $6.25 Mrs. Spurr has kindly donated one 7 Thursday, Friday, Sat : . : : Sp . ral . \ of her beautiful flower pictures, on ' ris pi Dgeem igen Wrist: Watches $4, 95 and up. : PARKER "SHEAFFER _ which tickets will be sold and a draw Big Fun and Music Film ' d 5. $7.50 ° ; : 2 hina Bog age Sensation 'Gents' or Ladies' Toilet Sets, Fain Pen To $30) bon » work. Mrs. Rowe of Whitby, and Mrs, O 3 "BABES IN $1.49 to $6.50 Sets ...:...$4.00 fo $11.00 1 Sets ......$6.25 to $14,00 - y Skier of Totonte, Wil os aitics ARMS" Gents' Toilet Sets, $1.25 up YARDLEY'S COMPACTS rs. F. W. Brock, Mra, b. Letcher | Judge Mott, of the Juven-'] with Mickey Rooney, Judy Gar- Lavender Gift Sets for. Adrienne, Elgin, Yardley's~ Mrs. W. E. MacGregor, Mrs. David g ¥, Judy 1 | y Motion. Sire Hotorown, bis. Col- lle Court, will address the | lend Chaftes Wiininge? and Also many Gifts in Silverware, Ladies and Gentlemen $1.00 to $4.00 lacutt will be in charge of the tearoom. Port Perry Lions Clubat the! Hundreds in Big Cast. China, Glassware, Waterman Pen 31.00.10 90, RET TrORE A musical program will be pre-|Supper meeting, Friday Dec.1} ~~ ADDED-Color Cartoon-- GILLETTE sented, and a cordial invitation is ex- 8th. ~~ He is an excellent REVIVAL Friday, iat 1045 pa and P encil Sets, Stationery ELECTRIC SHAVER Comb, Brush & Mirror Sets : tended to everyone. speaker. "THERE'S ALWAYS A $20.00 - $5.50 and $8.50 ; <r 6.30 P.M. SHARP. starring Soan Blondel and BEN T L EY' S "New dnd Popular Lord Baltimore i : : elvyn Douglas. WwW an . So Mr. E. Reader, of Peterboro, visited TOUNCENERT pry TS JEWELER tig _ OPTOMETRIST 'BOOKS . ba Fh BY his Satie Mr. Wm. T. Reader, re-|_ Mr. and Mys. Edmund McCrea an- "December 11.12 tt ace ie: by Favorite Atthors cently nounce the engagement of their Two Great Features ; Sapa : PERFUMES ~ Mr. David Dowson was in Montreal | daughter Mary Irene to Mr. Ben W.[{ J) yale Journ PSY Popular in Gift Packages on business last week. Pickard, son of Mrs. J. Pickard, Port . iri "Me. | with Conrad Veidt, Vivian Leigh ENGLISH RAZORS Adrienne, .. Forget-Me-Not, Perry, the marriage to take place in G Yeialy ¥ van leigh % 6. Jasmin, Gardeni Mr. E. C. Templin ratf 8 and -- Rolls ......... $6.95 asmin, Gardenia, etc. omplif of Stratford was | December. Nl «B : somet in '|| Wilkinson ..$3.00 {0 $7.50 50c. to $2.00 rs it d ° MRS. J. M. SIX idal Suite" 3 : , r. W. Schacter of Toronto, visite «J. M. i i friends in town last week. There passed away in Port Perry on Wh Arvabslla and Rott. Youhg , FOR TRUCK AND CAR OWNERS : ; A. M. LAWRENCE: | Saturday night, December 2nd, 1939,|| Wed, Thurs, Friday, Saturday, $4 ] : ! or ; Mr. Will Michie of Buffalo, was a oR wm To ol of "December 18-14. 15- 6 ay : PHONE 49 The Rexall Store PORT PERRY visitor ir town on Saturday, and called Mrs. J. M. Six in- glorious Technicolor S| INFLLI ISH : 4 323 Se on old acquaintances. , Mrs. Six (sister of Mr. Charles "Dru Al 2 kd Mrs, Robt. Murray spent the week Stewart) has been<ill for some months, ms ong ------ - WORK WANTED They came to Port Perry in 1912, and "» end with her son Mr. W. R. Murray, y y The Mohawk Young lady requires house work. wi have lived quietly in the William Ross i "a indurante, homestead. p starring Claudette Colb 5. Christmas Apply to Mary Dieterch, % Port Fors "Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McDonald anid| In an unpstentatious manner Mrs.{} Henry Fonda, Edna May Olver, i \ 7 4 : oth boil) - E Soigutes Bosh », Sires 1p gad Six showed her kindness of 'heart and ,. and Eddie Collins. + SER IC E 3 . £3 i ; iss Laura Long, of Uxbridge, visited | ill be sadly missed by igh J 5 . Mr. D. Day and Bernice on Sunday. | bours and all who had the privilege|| Give Thestre Tickets for christ | REMOVES SLUDGE from Inside Your M FAIR {5000 cach. Ao to. priv % = ea , in attractive $ " J 2 ' * Mrs. J. R. McKenzie of Beaverton, |°f knowing her. | "envelopes, 4 ; : rom nein your | otor Queen St., Port Perry, Phone 143. called on her sister Miss Annie Web- G Init a Dale iy Pine Seis - reer | 1 AN EXCLUSIVE 'SE BVIOE AT ee -- PERS ster on Sunday. ET ET ¥ i Lucky Number HOUSE FOR BALE OR TO RENT . - conducted by Rev. Jos. Denny. Port Perry CHRISTMAS MARKET, 4 | Central, good well and garage. - Im- Wc Mary ugar is visiting her| __ o TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18th. 4 Draw ~ | mediate possession. Price moderate. sister in Beaverton. . - : 5 ! : re : IN MEMORIAM : : 4 BEARE MOTORS "A prize of $7.50 is being Apply at Star Office, id Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Webster of Ux-| [,AMB--In loving nemory of Mrs. ; " : 4 fi pt b = to " bridge called on Mr. and Mrs A. W.|Charles Lamb, who passed away|NO FIRE, BUT A GOOD BANQUET |} Phone 1 30 : Port Perry' 0 ered to the person ring-( = - HOUSE FOR RENT } Allin, on Sunday. . December 6th, 1929. Year after year the fire fighters of | &- $5 a ; ing the largest amount Of} yous for rent, immediate posses- - Mr. Geo. Reesor of Markham, ul Not dead to those who loved her, Port Perry have held their annual 8 poe acecec ence: eon Z abbott poultry (by weight) to the sion, hardwood floors, and bath. For 1 tt} ; '<Not lost, just gone before. - banquet. - Men may come, and men | io ich 2 Christmas Fair market. sale upright Plans, "chesterfield and PRI visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. Reesor. iA a She lives with us in memory, may go, but-the brigade goes on. chair. Apply to Mrs. M. T. Beare, "Col. and Mrs. Forbes, Mr, and Mrs. And will for ever more. They have been lucky this year, : 3a a asi Lucky number tickets will be Phone 221, : "David F. Jackson, were the guests or "Husband and family | there have been no fires of any cin 4 GREENBANK Luke; Secretary, Mrs. E. Lee; Asst.lgjven to all - persons bringing ESRC de ws i ? 3 Secretary, Mrs. McKitrick; "pianists, | poultry to the market for sdle. 'on Sunday og Dr. and Mrs. Lundy. - sequence. They were not even dis-| The Women's Association met at the Mrs. Partridge and Miss M. Blakely, turbed at the banquet, which was held home of Mrs, Ivan Spencer on Tues- These tickets will draw the fol-| ~ FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs: Gordon Parry and son| ~~ ° ST. JOHN'S + : lowing cash prizes-- 16 Pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply to" Dugne of Toronto; visited Mr. and ' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH oe oa 2 at Cricklewood Lodge. day afternoon of last week with about| geveral from here attended the Red Harry Raymes, R.R.3, Port Pexry. 80 Mrs, Gordon Jeffrey on Sunday. ie cGregor was master of | forty present. After the devotional| Gross meeting in Seagrave on Monday 1st, $6.00 2nd, $4.60 1 = RA Ror. Seon, ier, | remals Birnie nt sis sors, th oos Tr re Wie oh ¥ i. " Lue! a Sepsey of Toronto, was | Sunday Service at 7 p.m. por Do m were the | 1940 were elected as follqws: Presi- x : 6th $3. 7th, $2.0 o> $ TOP-PRICE PAID ; ome for the Jed -end. -| Sunday School at 11 a.m. oe teat save onts fae pl Su, a h lee a. hi i Me Sh Mere, Doser ped yeh) 1 32 > | for all kinds of Fowl, Feathers, Hides, ; . Mr. and Mfs. Snelgrove visited] PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH [sisted of cards and sing song, all| Mrs. *G. Till; "easurer, Miss Eva nad Tea oalths YY Santa Claus Metals, and ;Sorap Iron. Alix. Gil- riends in Toronto recently. i Sunday School at 10 a.m. thoroughly enjoyed by brigade mem- boord, Port Perry {by mail) or phone Mr. Percy Densham was in Toronto| The Minister will preach at both bers and their guests, This time the A Preparationa ate being Fade Bell 28, dec 21 on Tuesday. aL services, at 11 am. and 7 pm. _ [ladies were absent. HE a for the, strival of Sena Sab, Woop rE ! % | who is to be on. han Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Rodman and son Che 0 THE Cg ;| the children's letterson Fair Day) : is Hilliard, of Beaverton, called on ector--Rev. J.-C. Clough . RINK MEETING A - e property 0 Austin rmer, lot friends here on Sunday. Sender Dseiner Joh t The annual meeting of the Port AGENT WANTED 1% pr) by Castwhighi, on sang. " | p.m.--Sunday School 'Perry Rink Co. will be_held in the ecember ye ng tim Mr. W. C. Platten, of Blackwater,|] 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon Community Room of the Public Lib- Honest, aggressive man wanted t0lguarter acre lots. See ils for par- has purchased the: house owned by|Sunday, December 17th rary on the evening of Tuesday, Dee. assist 'trained Jeprassniaiiie of | diculare. Mrs, Love (formerly Mrs. Platten),| -8 p.m.--Sunday School [12th, at 8 o'clock. All who are inter- | §§ im i. % KXXX was i Ii sing 5% Elmer Wilbur, Kati nn - now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. D, Day.] "7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. ested are requested to attend. } i prospec : : oll Diasuond Rings on oy cab-plgn at td 4 : QUAKER Hi] Investment has paid dividends for | ge tings men - EA = - -- -- 14 A f 08's - years; has: highly liquid assets, and is | Di H. H A z I] : Bentley's. "1 MARRIED TENDERS FOR SHED ents § | particulatly immune from war hagards [i 2 7* © te Fle: tmstrong On Saturday, December 2nd, 1939;] The tenders for the sale and re-|i RED GLACE RECLEANED f{| Apply to Box 9, Port Perry Star. ; Miss Luella Gayman and Mr. C. e tenders for the sale and re-|f ; pply to Box U, Fort Ferry . DENTIST Brillingelof Stouffville, spent Sunday at Thornhill, by the Rev.-E. B. Cooke, | movt] of the Port Perry United Church CHERRIES, 14 1b, 20c CURRANTS - 1b."1 5¢ § . i Block ver Bovitlevs: Barbar 3 with Mr. 2% Mrs. L.A. Koch. Jean, daughter "of Mr. and Mrs.|shed will close on Saturday, Dec. 9th. CUT MIXED PEA SEEDLESS Ad : hf HOG PIG FOR BALE ? er. Prentice's ) ne i _|Alymer B. Cawker, to Mr. Kenneth G.{ Anyone wishing to purchase this shed PEEL . 99 RAISINS 9 Ibs. 25¢ 'Hl « 6 months old 8hop A car load of Port Perry Masons |H. Pearce, Oakville, son of Mr. and} please have tenders in with Mr. M. A. bef ds] c od ARES $. 2J¢ Wm. Morden, R.R. 2, Port Perry |Telephone 287 «= - Port Perry oe i Ohne " Ln ves, Mrs. Harry G. Pearce, Newcastle. Gerrow, by this date. BUTTER - : : z : the celebration o: e burning o e i mt : : ; . t FOR SALE V/ ; 1- mortgage of the mew temple built-in] -- ---- TEAvING TOWR rr ET Me ES RA FIRST GRADE : Ib. 3le 10 pigs; 6 weeks old, AFEIY to J TRUCKING PARA that City some eleven years ago.| 4 $ ROOMS FOR RENT %, : : ; | Heayn R.R.3, Port Perry, Phone 101 Loeal Trucking and moving done. Spd! Grand Master Di. J. A. Dobble, of| Mr: R. D. Burley, of Bank of Com-| Rooms for rent. Major street, north |§ DDED J fons Perry roone +; FI "Ottawa, was t as well ag Past|merce, staff, Port Perry, is beingof Port Perry Schools Apply at 3iRe BEEHIVE OR CRON int de?|Ratds reasonable. White Biothere, Vid : Cora Master J, W. Dunlop, Toronto, | transferred to the Wright Avenue and Star Office. Te | COCOANUT, Ib. 19¢ Corn Syrup, 5 Ibs. for 39 8 - Port Perry. Co nevB0 Sn Grand Secretary E Roncesvalles Branch, Toronto. Ralph J ti : VEAL y, Ewart G. Dixon, of DOMINO ; : ; ) AS - A 4h (00! "Hamilton, D.D.G.M. Mitchell of Port has been very popular here 'ard. will | Baking Powd Ib. 19¢ MINCEMEAT, 1} lbs. 95¢ DELANEY FURS Binary : Hope. be missed by. his many friends. CARPENTER WORK ng Fowder, . : Belli Trenton On FOR SALE : : - The undersigned are prepared to do|§ M APLE p : " Sion ave Tenders. will be received by the un- 2 This is a beautiful building and the dersigned for th h and all kinds of repairs and construction . gngd 10! e purchase re- ~~ Masonic Lodges of Oshawa as justly moval: of the Port P United proud of their Masonic home work in carpentering. Terms reason- PURE. \ [ F U R C 0 A T S " or erry pati : able. Workmanship guaranteed. Cord- 3 ; Church shed. For particulars com- tar H : H wg | [Wood cut to order. 8. G. Streisel &|& PIECES DOMINO - 5 71.00 Down, $1.00 Weakly | |unicate with M. A. Gerrow, Bec'y. - THE WOODVILLE EATING HINTS Sm -- concessoin on | WALNUTS, ~~ 1b.39¢ TEA, Ya lb, $9e fll ~o mo PR TR TY i 5 Fel UA 4 » ) . rm reer % by QUounes Shear SHELLED : . RICHMELLO me . Ing epairy ARTHUR | A vay vieming Variety: Goresst ALMONDS, * |b. 63 COFFEE, . Ib. 35c ll. MISS A, STOUT THUR Wr wou was given in the United Church by a NE Li t of heat. 1928 FORD COACH FOR SALE or J AGENT, PORT PERRY or in attendance at my Port Parry ofies on ] sextette of talented entertainers from 0 in eu ut the fost aaa Reasonably priced for cash, i 'FRUIT SPECIALS abil Wednesday morning, and Friday afterseen ri Woodville on Wednesday, | "ashpit Jour hor that I mean | Apply "at SNOWDEN'S GARAGE. ; - © of emch week, or by appelstment. . ___ 'There presentation was a good will| the the amount-of con shakin through iP Port Perry, § DOMESTIC SPYS wy Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 304 gesture in return to the minister, Rev. Ta ore a8 bee 4 : : ¢ - . : W. J. H. Smyth, who had given hia pind burned wil help Soren CHOICE COOKING APPLES 6 at. Basket : WwW. A. Sangster (The firm of Greer & Humphrers bo dlssived.) Hien) famous Irish lecture in Woodville re-| cut down this waste: 4 0 Veni . uss : " a ; 4 / cently. B 1. jum Sal of the proper aise. : u J and 8c, a Busha 4 Green Celery Hearts, 2 for 19¢c. * Spinach, 2 lbs. 15¢ NTA SURGEON " Ru SELL BD : n ied HENYS haws. ' a Their repertoire was most pleasing, Everycheater '6 Yobr desler can Lord L, bh (Beugog Sttest) Head Lettuce, 2 for 15c. Seedlens Grapefrult, 6 for 25¢ re Bn, EY Phone id) and included much of musical harmony he ao decide "ih Port Perry, Ont., Phone 161J. 4 tne Office . rind CY Hd in attendance at my 2 A ss oe on a and sprightly elocutionary numbers. g hak ee tes gently-- - ; LARGE : Tusday and Thursday afternoons of each Ji) The entertainers were Miss Ina Me. | 20 0% er hecessary to Make | rt Perry CHRISTMAS MARKET orang 6S SEEDLESS aoz. 9c 's wok or by appolatment, ih] Leod, pianist; Mrs. M. Austin, elocu- ToS Keep "he ashi it clean and | TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19th, ! NAVELS uns 8PONGED AND PRRSARD Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 364 GATE tionist; and the quartette--S, New. clear of ashes, This fs most int SPAY, : - 80 Cents = Edda Si ¥ man, tenor; Dick- Staples, tenor; Geo.] portant .. . because the a ---- TI ; 4 LHR : © Reld, barton; Cecil Smith, basso. Ty from wh TWO-WAY ACTION on the Kidneys, SUITS CLEANED DR. J. B. LUNDY ¢ a; " ele ern | outan mb supply of air, eon. antiseptic and 'invigorating, . Ruma: I} ! i Ory Cleaned $1.00 DENTAL SURGRON 3.8 % i ! Plats sof sem ustioh of the coal is | capa attack the eanse of Rheumatism, |i Office above Bell Telephone Exchangs, % Port Perry CHRISTMAS MARKET, mposs! Use & hi i Sciatica, Lumbigo. Sold at A. M.1§ | Sh IM LY : C. P. ROLPH Nerth Side TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19th. | yania i bh quallty, Peni%) | Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry. OE TIN TUN RE th «Upstairs, over Jomiaon's Bakery | Ponsa: On Sow ridonsn i

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