Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Dec 1939, p. 3

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. 4 e ff: A) HE Tonsil Removal . Often Needless (Children Are Frequently Des rived of Them Unnetessar- ily, Survey of Physicians' ---- Too many tonsils are removed -and thé expéoted beneficial results do not occur often enough to jus- tify the existing. fashion for their removal, according to a survey of physicians' opinfons, says "The Scientitic. American." Otten ft is the patient, not the physician, who demands" the removal and shops from one physiclan to another until one is found who will agree with his desire for the operatiof. : Some Patlents Demand It A person having a lot of tonsil. ftis and sore tliroat gets a defin- ite benefit from the operation, but a person having none gets none, according to one physleian, even it he has the' fixed idea that much good must result. When it can be proved: that a' focus of infection definitely is causing diseasa else- where in the body, then the focus of diféase, whether the tonsils, the teeth, gall bladder or appendix, should be removed. -- But merely "preventive" removals do -not act preventively. Indeed, they may ev- en have bad instead of good alter effects, The operation is rarely perform. ed' on adults one physician has said, without full and sufficient rea- son; becavsé they are big enough to fizht back, but childien a' rf ten uanczessarily deprived of ton- sils. : Dies In China D#. Norman Bethune, Montreal surgeon who gainéd fame by or- iginating the Madrid Blood Trans. portation Service during the Span. ish civil war, died in China as a . _ result of blood poisoning due to injuries sufféred while performing "an opération. His blood-bank ser- vice was credited with saving hun- dreds of lives during the Spanish struggle. fi "Road Would Open Up New Territory Two Alternative Routes for /.l-- askai-- U. S. Highways Ate " Préposed" = Ghited States. members of the Alaskan International Highway Commission have reported the pro- | ----posed---United--States-Canada-Alas- ka highway is a "worthy and fea. - _ alble project," of reasonable cost, but they withheld definite recom- méndations on route and financing. _..-A preliminary report to the state department was released by Rep. ""Yesentative Warren G.: Magnuson, Democrat, . Washington, chaiyman_ of the United States commission, The report said construction of ~ between 183 and 275 miles of maw road in Alaska and about 1,600 miles of new road fu Canada would .connéct Alaska with the" United States highway system, te United "States -menibers tentat- Ively tavored a route of abbut 2,839 miles from Seattle to Fairbanks, Alaskd: This road, east of the coast mountaing, would touch at Van- couver, Hazelton, and Atlin, B.C. - Whitehorse and Dawson, Y.T. und thente to Faltbanks. Would Release Natural Resources . 'fhe' report suggests ah alterna- tive route," somewhat shorter, that les- about 120 miles east: of the other route, ~~ : The report sald also. thepropased higlitvay would rel¢agé tatural re- sources, open new country for set. tlement;' fostér alr commerce, pro: mote friendly relations "and be<-}- come a most jmportant link In the natforial defense program now un. dersway" \ Police will have less pain in pounding beats in [.ondon for ev. ery police station is to have a store of special' foot powder and Scot- land "Yard is to have a chiropodist to give free treatment, Zinc produetion in Canada es- tablished a new high monthly re- cord. in July, when the output amounted to 53,807,876 pounds compared with 28,367,785 pounds fn July of last year. . sea, antl in its vicinity SEA STII TIGR OT of a likes a bomber. Seen From A Bombing Plane, Ocean-Going Shi = ¥ « 2 OR aa 9 HVE Cp de i A } Released by the German censor, this photograph was alleged to have. Nazi bomber on a reconnajssance flight across the North Sea to England. A few ships may be seen, toys on the smooth sea, From this picture you may get an idea of just how small a target a ship is for. In order to be reasonably certain of a hit, the German bombers must dive down on their target, It is during this diving manoeuvre that the anti-aircraft batte Sis GN ate LY ry AAR fi { 1 » HY bay ERY Fiat yl eR ; been taken through the bomb bay ries get in much of their deadly work, A Sunday" School Lesson [oa » 2] LESSON X1° REACTIONS TO THE GOOD NEWS--Matthew 11 and 12. Printed Text, Matt. 11: 16 - 30 GOLDEN TEXT.--Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and 1 will give you rest, Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for | am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest un's your souls, For my yoke is casy, and my burden is light. Matt. 11: 28-30. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time--The teaching in chapter "11: 20-30 was given in Novemb- --er or December of A.D. 20. _~ The teaching found in chapter 11: 20--30 was given in Peraea. In chapters eleven and twelve of his gospel, Matthew reveals the increasing hcestility, to Christ shown by his enemies, It is 'more and. more obvious that- the King is to be rejected. On the other hand, Jesus is here making ith ever-increasing clearnass his claims to be the Messiah, the King of Israel, the predicted Savior of' the world. : A Generation Upbraided, 16. But whereunto shall | liken this generation? It is Itke unto children sitting in the market- places, whoi cali unto their fol- lowers" 17. and say, We piped unto you, and ye did not dance; we' wailed, and ye did not mourn. 18. For John came neither cating nor drinking, and they ay, He hath a demon. 19, The Son of man came eating and drinking, and man- and a winebibber, a friend of publications and sinners! And wisddm is justified by her works. THe critics of John and "Jesus are childishly whimsical in rejecting both John and his gloomy as- "geticism and Jesus with bis joy-- ous' freedom. They do not know what they want. 20. Then began he to upbraid the cities wherein most of his mighty works were dong, because they repented net.' 21. Woe unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida!- for if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and Sidon which were done in you, they would "have repented long ago" in sackcloth and ashes, At Bethsaida océurred the miracle of the feeding of 'the five thousand, Near here Christ walked on the e healed the blind. Tyre: and: Sidon were great commercial cities' of Syria on the Mediterrancan. 22, But I say unto you, 'it 'shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day. of judgment, than 'for you. 28. And thou, Capernaum, shalt thou be 'exalted unto! heav- en? thou 'shalt go down unto Hddes: for if the mighty works had been done in Sodom which were done in thée, it would have remained until this day. 24, But 1 say unto you that' it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment, than for thee, The sin of these flourishing places was not viol ence or sensuality, but indiffer- ence, self-satisfied complacency. A life that externally is eminent. ly, respectable may be 'more fat- ally anti-Christian than one that they say, Behold, a gluttonous Pre-eminent Christ' 25. At that season Jesus ans- weed and said, 1 thank thee, O Fathers Lord of heaven and earth, than thou didst "hide these things from the wise" and understand. ing, and did'st reveal them unto babes: 26, yea, Father for so it was well-pleasing in thy sight, The heart, nct the head, is the home of the gospel, and the con- dition -of reveiving it is lowliness of spirit, not strength of brain. "These things" are the things about which Christ has been speaking for some days, the things that concern himself, his Messiah- ship, his kingdom, the. principles of life which he had set down, the' judgment to come. [ 27. All things have been de- "livered unto me of my Father; and no one knowecth the Son, save the Father; neither doth any know the Father, save the Son, and unto whomsoever the ~ Son willeth to reveal him. The Son's ~ peculiar knowledge of the Father is" "the truth which rings all through the Fourth Gospel. It is the "intimate revelation of Chris- EY reveal the Father to men. "l Will Give You Rest" 28. Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy -laden, and | will give you rest. This invitation is so broad, it includes all .hu- -manity, for all men are heavy laden, if it be by nothing more than the gratification of their pleasures, 29, Take my yoke up- on you, and learn of me; for [ am meck and lowly in heart: ani : yestall find: rest unto your souls. : 80. For my yoke is easy, and my - burden - is light.: These words are addressed to the. whole human race through all time, and he who linderstands _thein has. found his way into the heart of Christianity. No: Ad¢ance Made burn's statement ington. and the Dominion. ways, tianity and the power he has to. {RADIO Young Canada's Growing Taller Children" "Bigger and Better" Today, Experts Reveal After Survey of Toronto . School Pupils Young Canada is growing taller and h8ivier, according to tho re- cordings of weight and measuring machines in Toronto schools. For the first time in 17 years, 90,000 school children have been weighed and méasured in a mass survey (0 prove tho heffot of ex- pert paediatricians that children of this generation are bigger than their predecessors, R Not only will the modical profes- sion and the children benefit by the extensive survey "hut. manufactur- ers will have a new set of measure- ments to use when sizing children's clothing. i ¥ 2.3 Years AbbvesAverage . Children are "bigger and better" today Dr, Alah. Brown chief phygic- fan of the Hospital for Sick Child: ron said, Dua to proper feeding and good goneral care and preventive "Hudson two or three years beyond the cur- rently accepted average. Bigger At University Dr. Frederick F. Tisdall, Asso- clate of Paediatrics at the Univer sity of Toronto, credits the increas. ed robustness of - youth tq "the "more widespread and llberal use of milk, cheese, fruits and "vege. tables," Dr, George D. Porter, veteran dir. ector of the Men Students' Health Service, at the* Toronto University, says from his measuring and welgh- ing experience of (reshnien classes since 1920 that the-average helght has jumped 13 fnches --- from five feet eight inches to five fee 93% fuches -- and the average weight has increased 6'4 pounds from 138 to 14435. Eskimos Hit By War Price Rise High Cost of Tea and Tobacco Bears Heavily on Arctic Nat- ives -- Trade in Furs Lapses The economic stringenclies of the war are being felt by the Eskimo inhabitants! of Canada's vast Avctic wilderness, according to Rev. Geo. _ L. Neilson, Anglican Church mis- sionary who has returned to clviliz. ation after six years of continuous work in the Far North, When "Adolf Hitler drove CGer- - .man Jews to eover," Lskimo finang- es- suffered "adversely, Mr, Neilson said. The Jews In Germany were heavy buyers of [furs and when they wére robbed of their fortuues in furs which the. EsKimo hunter and trapper sent to the markets, German Jews Were Big Buyers In addition, the Eskimos, notor- fously fond of tea and tobacco, will be affected by tho war which has brought additional taxes on these two commodities. In somo "cases 'the fpcreased prices for tea and tobacco will put them beyond the reach of tho limited financfal 're. - © gources of the Eskimo. Hudson Bay Route Less Perilous Now Navigational Aids Make It ' .Much Safer; Reduction of Marine Insurance Rates Ex- pected gud The, recent report issued by .the Imperial Shipping Committee on © Bay maring insurance rates should glvejgreat satisfaction to those who have championed the cause of tho Hudson Bay route:in season and out of season, says the Montreal Star. it is the ninth re- i. [3 AND NORTHERN MESSENGER CBC's Northern Messenger Ser- vice begins on December 15 its welcome broadcasts to. such far northern points as Craig Harbor, Pond Inlet, Baffin Land and Fort Rose where lonely men! and wo- men. will hear personal news of home,. The relays are given on- NE WS] 8y MADGE ARCHER - works by Belgian composers. | NOTES | Royal Brassels and isc pérticularly well-known for his presentation of NOTES AND NEWS Dec. 9, 1.656 CBY, Metropolitan Opera Matinee .-.. 2,16 CBL, Canadian Football: Championship Final ...... 7.46 CBL; Raymond Gram Swing _-- . 9 p.m. CBL Hockey from they were no longer able-to trade |; © 17 Brains. .18 Knot. 19 Snout. __41 Measure. 'this 'subject, but it is the first in which It has stated that the Hud- son Hay route may now be deem. 64 no more dangerous than the St, Lawrence. 4 Fog, Ice, Magnetic Disturbances It will be recalled that when the Comumittes fssued 'Its first report on this matter, nine years ago, it held that navigation in the Hudson Bay was more hazardous thau fu other parts of the world, due to the : ¥ medicine children have developed port the Committee has fssuad on therefore compelled to. safegua ps Are Like Toys themselves and as a result Issued . Marine 'insurance' policles subjeot ships should not take part in ces < taln defined trades where it wa{ deemed the risk was greater. Such warranties, however, were open t4 © indisposed to pay these, and um dangers from fog, ice and maguetic rates, the development of tha disturbances, Underwriters wera | route was handicapped. . 1 ot Sadar og . Ti C Wi By William | © HIS URIOUS ORLD Ferguson [] . - : 2] 7 WHETHER. THE. TEMPERATURE. BE HOT OR. COLD / pn ASS OT =| AMERICAN iN<l| INDIANS uh ¥ KNEW RL secret or Ma ING "4 MALLE SYRLIS LONG COPR. 1937 BY NEA SERVICE, INC. Ze. STARS oF Te BIG DIPPER COULD HAVE BURNED OUT SEVENTY YEARS AGO AND WE WOULD NOT KNOW YET OF THE RRENCE + = 1 THE seven stars of the Big Dipper are about 70 light-years away. Light, which travels al a speed of 186,000 miles per second, would be 70 ycars in reaching our eye s from thes2 stars. . -- 'POPULAR NOVELIST HORIZONTAL 1,5 Pictured. . authoress. QR 9 She wrote novels and 13 Rent seam. ., 14 Larval stage. 16 Fish. 21 Hill slopes. 23 Wapiti. 25 Legal rule. 28 New England. 20 Japanese fish, 44 Door knocker, VASHNGTO 30 Honey 48 To become gatherer. bankrupt. 31 Goddess of 50 Black bread.- wan > . 32 Pait of 51 Poppy drug. stomach »* . 53 Liable, an ox. 56 Land 'measure 35 Concise. 57 Sawlikl 37 Hastened. 'organ, 38 The rain tree. 58 Amphibian. 39 Pulpit block. journalist" for 1 Answer to Previous Puzzle" CTL AE 60 She was a 10 Chain part, 17 She won the owe prize. 20 Organ'of sight 22 Profoundly earnest, 24 She was a ---- in belief. Surface measure, k 27 Opposite ot « cold. 29 Tepee, 33 Persia. 34 Chum, 36 South America, 40 Beast. ! 42.God of.love. -45 Mischievous. 46 Pyrogallic acid. 47 Nobleman, 48 Partnership. * 49 Epilepsy : 2% =a izdd in --- stories., VERTICAL 2 English 'coin. 3 Inscct's "cgg. 4 Monkeys. 5 Male goose. | 6 Bitler herb." symptom, 7 Covers, 52 Footlike 'part. | 8 Ratite bird. 53 Astern, 54 In "behalf of. 1 Bustle. - 55 To pull along. is openly scandalous, TH py = or Maple. Leaf Gardens ...... 10-p.m, "| 43 Nortl pe i i Big ak, 'Fridays from 1130 fo' midnight PF eld 4 orth a ----- time. 12 Aye, 56 Like. 2s oo] - ; a fi -- -| CBY, CBL, NBC, orchestra con- specials So ) ! In Seaway Plans 'B.S, T. > ducted by Desire Defauw ...... AIBeiies. Bl $e special: "15 Toward 3% Suna. 4 Fhe 0% The audience of the Northern [3° CFRE, N.Y. Philharmonic ] T 1 To TIE am THere Have Been No Negotia- Mesnger Satins traders, trap | Orchestra ...... 6.30 p.m., CBL, Ré- : p tions Between Cttawa and in ge We Mi view of week's News by Gratton 15 it 6 Washington Re St. Lawrence Dr rie. Alen O'Leary ..... 7.30 CBI, Vancouy- : gq Ti Waterway | Xp en babi make er Symphony. ..... 8 p.m., Chase 17 . use o ¢ Northern ssenger 1 Sanborn. Hour ... 9 p.m. 1. Rr aA are asked to address their mess- i] a arn i - talk 1 b > 1 az 7 St. Lawrence seaway plans have ages to "The CBC Northern wily Lanaca at yar als by Dr. 4 J i 4 4 --not advanced to any extent at Ot 5 ssonger Service, -- Canadian "Sidney Smith 2 = Deer 14,-12:30 | - Sic Spt) tawa authoritative sources said in B ossehnger Dep yices > an p.m., CBL, Ontario Farm program & answering Premlisrr Mitchell Hep- Toadeasting Gorporatien, - Toren, l 7 pan; CBL, Interview with Hy that arfange to." _| Duff Cooper ..... 9 p.m, CFRB, 3) monts were progressing steadily, NOTED BELGIAN CONDUCTOR tadio Theatre froni Hollywood .... 0 Kis There have been no new negotia- The famous Belgian conductor, Dee. 12, 8 p.m,, CFRB, Big Town 135 7 a of tions between Ottawa and Wash- Desire Defauw, will make his Am- 9.16 pm, CBL, Canada's Vif A $ ericant debut with the NBC Sym- Fighting Forces ...... 10 pon, Les 3 = Hl: J . Officials said Premier Hepburn |. phony Orchestra on Saturday, Concerts Symphoniques -..... Dee. I RIE 7 evidently referred to negotiations December 9, replacing Arturo | 13, 7.45, CBL, Talk under aus- between the Ontario Government Toscanini who concluded his sot- pices Canadian Medical Associa- Te . ies of broadcasts with that organ- tion ...... 8.30 p.m, CBI Seren- 40 R Since tho advent of war, when | jiation last Saturday night and | ade for Strings ... 9.30 p.m, " the Ontario Premier withdrew his | will pot return until the broad- | CBL, Music by Faith .-... Dec. 14, 17.7 objections to an fnternational plan |. . ot" of March' 16, Defauw: js |' 7.46, CBL "Broadcasting and the : to deepen the St. Lawrence water- scheduled to conduct the broad- War" talk by Hon. -C. D. Howe p 7 ys, Qtawa and Washington cast concerts of December 9 to 30 | ........ 9 p.m, Gocd News ..... ' have been preparing to get togeth- | 1 idioe He js the Director of | +10 p.m., Bob Burns back on K. M. 60 : ol or on the question plitre mére! hut Concerts of the Conscrvatoire . : ; 9 | nothing definite has begun yet. $ : lB = ra - i. + POP--AHol# it One | By J. MI Jol! rh y J. MILLAR WATT _ CTY -~ " d-------- . « he iar - 7 |=YOU'LL HAVE A JOB TQ KNOCK IT OUT OF THERE J « ¥ N to warranties which stipulated thal suspension upon payment of adds tional premiufis, As shippers werd derwriters hesitant over quoting - da ma = z a ree = Wn Ca rtp She SA oa Se, it av I Loa 2% 7% 3

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