yal i "widely known "throughout Best War Work Seen On Farms Rural Young People of Ontario Believe: They Can, Make Greatest Contribution By Staying at Home Ontarlo's farm young people had' thelr place on the farm duripg the present war, it was resolved ul the annual meeting *in Toronto of the » United Farm Young People of Ont- wrio. "It Is our opinion that opr great. est contribution at the present time' Mes in doing well the job, on our farms and fn our communities for which we are speclally fitted," read e unanimously adopted resolution. Prepare for Post-War Era The statement of policy was forecast in the presidential address of Leonard Harman of King. "Since 4t is recognized that Canada's main contribution shail be economic," he said, "one of our foremost tasks is, as in peace time, to Improve the ef- ficiency of the production and dis- tribution of farm products. Mr. Harman sald farm youth was challenged to a defense of toler ence and enlightenment, "We may anticipate that the war will raise more problems than ft. will solve, and that it will leave a chaos worse than the depths of the recent ten-year depression. We must prepare Ourseives and pro- pare bur organization for Jeader- 3 hip in a post-war era, ol They Want Movies In Rest Periods French Soldiers Prefer Films As Entertainment, Cards and Games, Second Experiments in how best to en- tertain- soldiers back of the Magi- - not Line have shown that movie thows come first, cards second and games like dominoes third in popu- arity. . Interest in ne wspapers is a bad fourth, except when they are fresh pr give news of a man's home town.* Few men show any dispod tition to read books, possibly be- cause there is always too much in- ierruption. Reading Not So Popular As-relief from the monotony of resting, motion pictures have proved not only the most popular but also best for the mental and moral distraction of the men, ac- rording to reports by thelr oftic- ers and medical officers. + A Dbe- ginning _has been -made through he gift of a portable motion-pie- ture outfit by Lady Doverdale. Travelling shows are given over 1 wide area. Canadian Industrialist Dead Ww. F. Dokshiti, 85, former ALP. and widely known industrial , Ist, died at his home in Brant- Ont.. Mr, Cockshutt was Can. ada and the Empire for his speeches on Empire affairs, ford, Purchase Your Share | Of Christmas Seals | The importance of keeping Can eda a strong and healthy nation , - while she is at war was omphasiz- ol by George A. Reld, secre: tary-treasurer of the National San. ftarlpm Association, when he' an- nounced the launching of the _an- nual Christmas Seal Campaign, The funds from the sale of Christmas _ Beals are'used to finance the local program for the prevention of tub- eroulosis, "In the Great War," sald Mr. Reld, "we found to our sorrow that tuberculosis claimed as many lives at homeo 'as bullets and shells took overseas, Ideag have changed in the intervening years, We now rea Mza Yho necessity for not allowing the privations of war to make people more vulnerable to tubercul- _ oais, "Plies ia one we r We cag dg Sais, wr Wa Gan Tt with ail our hearts and minds the appeal' tor pport of organized antl-tubercul- ia work. It we all buy our share #1 Chrlitmas Seals, we are doin sur war bit to assure & tubgronios tree nation." > | .DO YOU OWN FORGET INSIPID TEAS! THE RICHER, . MORE SATISFYING TEA e the coupons from Flgion J Ib. sod gea, are enchancéablo 44 heautif m. Rogers py Silverplate, , Syl § for premium "Lipton Limited, pion hide. eo Froront 0, TH Hull Havorred TE A RED ORANGE (ELLOW LABEL LABEL LABEL What Science is MAY CAUSE HAY FEVER Tiny micro-organisms - hich make soil fertile are described as great poténtial agents in causing hay fever. - When dust storms sweep over large areas: of the Western United States and Cane ada they: carry with them millions 'of microscopic mould particles, similar to those which ave found in yeas! ,2which are now believed to cause the sniffles and violent sneezing characteristic of hay fev- er, ay . TRIP TO MOON HELD up Just _when' preparations were coming along nicely for a flight to the moon, the project has been, deferred because of the war, The British Interplanctary Society de- "ealed--at an emergency meeting, to cease activities for the pre esent. = Qa "= VITAMIN HALTS BLEEDING A vitamin originally extracted from fish meal and alfalfa hay is today saving the lives of hundreds of mothers and babies: The substance, known as Witan in K, and how made synthetically, is essential in the body's manu. facture of prothrombin, a chem- ical which breaks down to form thrombin, the cagéntial element in the formation of blood clots. '|- Without it persons bleed. to death despite all efforts of physicians to close a wound by artificial Smeans. [I A ENERGY USES AFFECT BRAIN Comparisén of Equipoigd, one of the famous racehorses of all tivnes, with a white whale has shown that training for high, steady energy makes the brain _ grow large but training for quick bursts of energy leaves ft small, _Equipoise had the latter. --_--0-- HIGH GASOLINE MILEAGE An automotive scientist assert. ed last week that experiments foreshadow developments which would give the motprist 650 per cont more mileage to a gallon of _ gasoline. been carried out to determine the possibilities of increasing com- pression 'ratio under conditions in which the anti-knock value of the fuel war no longer the injting factor. Mining Stocks? If ypu*own any mining stocks "and want to receive the latest information about them, our statistical depart. ment would be 'glad to provide: this information , without any obligation to you, 'We would be pleated to provide any other informa. tion concerning mining in general upon request, Your enquiry will receive imntediate attention, Lakewood INVESTMENTS. ; WAverley 3039 © 9 Adelaide St. E., Toronto The experiments have eas a 1 How Can |? BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I make an econo- mical, but delicious, fudge? A. Add 1 cup water to 2 cups sugar, 3 tablespoons cocoa, and a smal] pinch of salt. Boil until | it makes a soft ball in water, Add 34-teaspoon vanilla: flavouring, stirring until creamy, and pour on 'a buttered dish, Q. How can I impart a brilliant polish to ebony toilet articles? A, Rub a little white vaseline into them with a soft cloth, It is necessary "to keep rubbing until the wood has absorbed all the vaseline, Q. How can 1 prevent the ink from spreading when marking linen? A. First put the initials 6f with a soft lead pencil, Then trace with the marking ink. Q. How can 1 make a smelling salts? tle with a glass stopper and fill it almost, to the top with subcarbon- ate of ammonia in coarse powder form. Then pour over this just- cnough oil of lavender to cover the contents. Q. How can 1 peelings? A. Scald the peelings] and dry thoroughly. Use a coarse grind- er for grinding, and keep in a tightly covered jar in the refrig- erator between usings. Their use 'will give an excellent flavor to cakes or puddings, utilize orange Many African natives believe that apes, gorillas, chimpanzees and orang-outangs have the power . of speech} but that they won't talk ! for fear men might put them to work, "A, Secure a wide-mouthed bots" A Weather Calendar January snowy, February flowy, March blowy, April showery, May flowery, June bowery, July moppy, August creppy, September' poppy, October 'breezy. November wheezy, December freezy. re me Revenues from the manufac- . ture and sale of liquor collected by the Dominion Government in the fiscal' year 1939 amounted to $26,165,460, exclusive of sales tax revenue, PARRA ea Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. If you have some extra fine wine that you wish to serve at your Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner, should it be served as an appetizer of with the dessert? 2, When a man invites another man to luncheon or dinner, should the host allow his guest to order, or should he do so for both? 3. Should the word "yours" fol- low -such .closes to a letter as "Sincerely," "Lovingly," and "De- votedly"? 4. 1s it a sign of good breeding when a person has a studied and - artificial manner of speaking? 5. When a man is dining with a girl in a restaurant and another man stops at the table to chat for a minute, what should the girl's escort do? 6. Is it improper for two girls anc their escorts to_go opt an all- == es to the fighting forces. ~ Churchill And "The Tiger" Get Tose In Fredge Here is an 'excellent study of Winston Churchill, dynamic first lord of the British admiralty, as he- conferred with Lord mander-in-chief of the British army, This was at British general head. quarters -- somewhere in France -- on the occasion of the sea lord's Gort, com- SCOUTING The old Niagara Falls, St. Cath- arines and Toronto radial railway station at Merritton, given to the local Boy Scouts for a meeting place, was moved by them to a new site, and turned into an at- tractive Scout headquarters. Oi Two alert Sudbury, Ont, Boy father noticed a cord hanging from the limb of a tree, Investi- gating, they found .a meteor- graph released from Baltimore. The instruments had' recorded moisture, temperature and the height to Ww, Wig the gmeteorgraph had ascended. It was returned to Baltimore, 0 As signallers at the famous * Cromer coastguard station at Trimingham, England, Sea Scouts have been rendering valuable wartime service. When was wrecked off the Norfolk const they aided in the rescue work by transmitting messages to the lifeboat, by lamp and radio, They regularly assist in patrol ing the shore, and signal the,po-~ lice word of washed-up mines, -- iS One of the unanticipated re. sults of the moving of English children from the large cltigs to rural areas has been tho applica- tion of evacuated boys to join Scout troops. In north Wales one new troop of forty members has heen started, Two large boys' schools with an enrolment of near- ly 1,200 boys have launched into Beéouting as a major school active tity, One of the reasons hasbeen observation of the numerous acts of wartime public service render- "ed by'Boy Scouts. "Scouts out hunting with their Norfolk" the Greek steamship Mount Ida - day motor trip without a chaper- one?" : Answers 1. It would be Erie to serve the wine with your after-. dinner coffee, along with nuts and fruits; 2. He should allow his guest to give- his: order first; and directly to the waiter. When din- ing with a girl, she gives her or- der to him and he orders for both. 8. Yes. That is the preferred form, 4, Not {n= the least. This | manher is easily detected by those with whom the person is convers- ing, who know that it is affecta- tion. never so ridiculous from the hab- its we Have than from those we affect to have)" 6. He should rise and remain standing until the _ other man leaves. 6, This is all right provided they do not stey awa overnight, It has been said, "We are - melon patch," Have You Heard ® "I. reckon," sald the farmer, "that I get up earlier than any- body else in the neighborhood. I am offer up before 3 o'clock in the morning." The second farmer said he was always up before then and had part of the chores done, The first farmer thought he was fibbing and decided to find out. A few mornings later, he got up at 2 o'clock and went to his neighbor's house. He rapped on the back door, and the woman of the house opened 'it. "Whereis your husband?" ask- ed the, farmer, expecting to find his neighbor in bed. "He was around here early in the morning," answered his wife, "but I don't know where he is now." nie Lady (handing over dog to man in baggage car): "Now, before you give him his meals, li want you to say, 'Diddam Dinkie want oo' din. dums?' And if he yawns, he's not quite ready for his meal yet." ge One Sunday morning the pastor of a Negro. congregation noticed that an old face had reappeared among his flock, and after the sermon made it a point to wel- come the supposedly repentant backslider. "This is the first time 1. have seen you at church for- a long time," he said. "I'm sho'ly glad to see you here." ""Ah done had to come," plained Rastus. "Ah strengthenin.' I'se got _a whitewashin' a chicken coop an' buildin' a fence roun' a water- eX= SI This happened at al engin- eernig works "somewhere in England." A boy arrived later than ° usual and the foreman asked him the reason. . . day, all out of breath. ed." TE _ Ottawa has given out the figures istics which show that the capital needs - job_-. GROWN IN SUNNY "It DOES taste good in a pipe!" HANDY SEAL.TIGHT POUCH » 15¢ 14-LB, YLOK-TOP" TIN + also packed in Pocket Tins 60¢ Boy: "Well, since they put that camouflage paint on the works I didn't know the place and went straight by." FREE "A little Scottish boy, Vatuits ed to a border farm, came run- ning up to the farmer's wife one "Héy, missus," he gasped, "I've been chased by a big white.cock." "Fancy. a great lad like you running away from a cock," she . said, "Why, you ate a bit of one for your dinner yesterday." "That's all very well," said the boy, "but this one wasn't cook- Our Popiition . Increase Slow Canada Would Stand to Bene- © fit If Growth Were More Rapid ree Tho assessment commissioner of in a compilation of population stat- of the Dominion now has 145,183 people, which {3 a gain of 981 for . one year. That does not show a ra- pid increase, says the Sarnia Can- | -adian-Observer, but Ottawa is in GOOSE AND DUCK FEATHERS WANTED Nighest Prices 1'ald. Immediate Itemittance CANADA COMFORTER co. 'Telephone ADelalde 1421 736 Dundux® St. B. -- Toronto avout the same position with re gard to growth as any of the other cities of this country, as ali are plodding slowly. Ottawa, as the seat of the federal government, has one advantage over the others in that it has an assured Industry tbat is not affects ed by the vicissitudes of corinerce, The civil gervice payroll provides a foundation of prosperity that is al- "ways stable in good times and bad, v That is a fortunate - circumstance g since Ottawa has suffered some in- dustrial setbacks fn the gradual subsidence of lumbering that for many years was centred there, Canada generally would stand fo benefit substantially it growth of population were®*more rapid. This country has slightly more than 11,- 000,000 people. Many of its national services have been developed. far beyond the normal requirements ot that number of people. FREE Map of Porcupine |, Geology in Colours Shows PRESTON'S new bound. aries -- shows Hollinger, Mc- = Intyre, Pamour, Dome, as well -as our own property, No obligation, "We are glad to send it to, yo Take a minute now to fill out and mail the coupon -- ates Ge -- o-- Gw-- New Augarlia Torcupind Mines Limited 1003 Northern. Ontario Bldg. ao : 'oronto Send Geabonte Map ot Lorcupine NAME - ADDRESS --Classified Advertisements= TAGENTS WANTED MAGAZINE AGENTS FURNITURE FOR SALE A GOOD SALES AGENT SHOUTD represent a good company. We want good representatives for un- vccupicd territories "now. our nursery stock i3 the best that money and experlence can pro- duce. Six-hundred-acre nursery, fifty years' business. ham Nursery Co., REPEATER, NO competition. New dispogable tis- eue duster. Big = commission, ""ADES.T «- KLEEN (Ontario) _Iteg'd, 615 Yonge | Street, _Toronto. CANS, NEW AND USED MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS, LTD. Toronto. FAST-SELLING Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Ply- mouth dealers: three logation, 632 Mount Pleasunt Road, 2040 Yonge Street, 1225 Danforth Ave. Our uscd" cars make. us many __ friends. i CLOTHING AND FURNITURE Write Pel- . TIME IS SHORT -- SELL SPECIAL Christmas Club offers to popular Canadian and American Magaz- ines us local representative. High- cst commissions paid, Don't dela Write -- Canadian Periodicals _245_irace St, Toronto, ony. MACHINERY - id ADE PORTABLE DRAG SAWS-- Dehn woodworking tools -- elee- 14¢ motors. Belting and shop up: plies' of every description. The A. i. Williams Machinery Co. Ltd. 64 Front St. W,, Toronto, hua) \ HIGH BLOUD PRIS SSURE-- WRITE for free booklet and Tull particu. i lars regarding - our amazingly .guccessful bhyblood tromiment, Yediyreeq l'roducts. Baskatoon, 0s ETE WE GUARANTEE 100 PER CENT. fit and satisfaction in latest style clothing (slightly used). Gentle. pens suits--or, overcoats, regular $69.00, special $6.00 (o- $12.00. - Tadios Winter Coats, $4.00 to $7. -Postpald. - State colours, style, Send. money-order. Also write for bargain price lists. of reconditioned used furniture. Ruskin & Company, Peterboro, Ontarfo. : EDUCATIONAL STUDENTS, NOW ENROLLING FOR courses_in Matriculation, Short Story, Journalism, Shorthand and Speech Culture. Make use of your spare' time. Write today. Canad- _ jan Cortespondencs College, (es- tablished 1902), 229 Yonge Street, Toronto. {FARM FOL SALE NINgTY ACRES PRODUCTIVE loam adjoining village, good bulldings, spring watered, Two thousand cash, balance 4. ver cent. William Pearce, Exeter. FARM TEAM WANTED 'WANTED -- WELL « MANNERED under cight, Give descrip- tion and price; "A, Gormley, Ontarlo. i hy i CUP THAT FIGHTS STIPATION Col Ten is riot [1 heureally' bus if EONSIFHION N SRO asic drugs, hy A a cup tonight of this fra. Brann} herb tea, Acts thoroughly i Flavia to the taste, e108 al drugstores, 1 Close Ave, To srr Canada: Dept. 2A . ' 50) HARDY APPLE TREES | HARDY APPLE TREES -- 50 CTS. each. Canada's Lowest Priced Nur. sory, growing leading varleties . Frul Trees. Ornamentals. Write immediately requesting eensation. al offeringe. "Tobe's Treery, Nia. gara-on-the-Lake, Ontarlo. FEATHERS WANTED HIGHEST PRICE FOR NEW AND used feathers. Robinson's, 282 Brock Avenue Toronto, Write for measurements, + GET PERFECT RECEPTION OF G. Ramsay, OFFER I'd INVENTORS AN UPFER TU EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions und full infor- mution sent (ree. The Rumsay Co, Registered, -Patent Attorneys, £73 Bank Street, Ottuwa, Canada, { PERSONAL QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF, EASILY, tnespensively., Home remedy. Testimonials, Guurantecd, Advice' free, Burtlett's, Box 1," Winnipeg. - rov LTRY LET US HELP YOU SELL YOUR Louitry., Write tor Bray's aircular on Markets; a real selling mid to -Poultrykeepers. Valuable for your owl customers too. Bray Hatch- ery, 130 John St. + North, "Jamilton, _ Ontario. RADIO SUPPLIES | Holliday -Broadcasts with new, uaranteed Radlo Tubés, Bargain 'rices! 1A, Tic; 1A4 6, 1C6, 1F4, $1.80: 30, 3), 8bo: 33, 34, $1.50; 33, 19, 1B5, $1.20; 99X,' 99V, = $2.25; «Prices of. other tubes on request. Allted Radio, Box §, ly _ Montreal, a HAW. FURS WANTED SHIP YOUR FURS 'TO us FOR full market prices, Jl. A. Jones, 189 Talbot St, 8t. Thomas, Ont, Ptah ad i ter hd a RANCHERS AND TRAIPERY ALL PRICES Pty RAW FURS ARE = low. \Why no el the most for your tox. pelts y having them tanned and made {nto attractive 1 scarves and eell - them direct? Workmanship Huarahteed, Silvers $8.50, reds §6, Thos, Ema Taxidermist "and rarer, "iis Toronto, quotations. Queen St. 1, MAIR GOODS w1ias, TO rE. TRANSFORMA tions, Swit and al {pps of ot FA ually ib alr Joods, te for fllustrate catalogue. Confidential, terms arranged. 0+ ronto Human Halr Bupply Co, 628 Bathurst Street, Toronto. | ' _INCREASR YOUR EARNINGS LLARS READING Xi oun arity and Ew ines flion, onts rio, BAe ISSUE NO. 49 --'39 © QuuD Jeo TIRES, ALL BI % Jone art Inquiries Invite Tocktd Tire, 161 \indas Wes SCHOOL BOOKS HOME STUDX COURSES--BOUGHT ®old, rented. Educational books, etc, Canada's largest dealer. Low. €st prices, send for list, Economy Distributing, Leamington, Unt. } SKATING OUTFITS SKATING UUTEITS, SLIGHTLY used, $1.15, ¥2 i KL 65. Sew high auaih y, $2.89, $5.35, $4.25, plus 25 fostike. AL JHE isl Dundus W., 'Onto, USED TIRES FOR ¥ALR . * Toronto. "65.00 Sit . China Cab ~ factory samples to LYONS - : -478 Yonge St., Toronto CLEARANCE SALE: RECONDITIONED FURNITURE 8. 95,2 -plece Shuster field Suite, eversible Marshal - led cushions, brown hal: spring 11 rown. mohair Chesterfield « 18. 50 Suite, reversible Marshall spring cushions, 3 pieces, mart apartment size Ches- 24 00 terfield Suite, 3 pieces, rust Trepp Jipiaiinl; reversible Marshall spring cushio 35 00 Heauti ful Inrge brown mo- : hair. Chesterfield Suite, fig- ured reversible- Marshall spring cushions, perfect condition. 7.509 03d Chester folds, jo repp and mohair covers, reversible - spring filled cushions. 0 0d Chesterfield Chairs, spring filled cushlons, assort- od covers. 9.00 Kroehler Chesterfield Bed Sujte, upholstered In brown -- mohair, Teversl le spring cushions, 3 pleces," complete with new mats trdss, perfect fonditicn, sul Jomplete Bedroom Site, in 24,00 walnut finish, Vanity, full "slze bed, chiffonler, spring and new mattress, 30. 00 Modern Bedroom Suite in two-tone ° walnut + finish, chitfonier, dresser with round Ven- otian mirror and full size bed. Beautiful 'modern Bedroom 1 ny dicuser, Chiffon fon! for, full size bed d.sagloss spring. : : Solid walnut: Bedroom Suite largo dressér, chiff- Tobe, full size bed, sagless spring, and ¥ retfhisntd, mattress; Come nis pletely ré i 7 $ blece Dining .room Suite, LS buffet, extenslon-table, and six leather TF agat oh nies, Sule. b t . a ning: Sulte, buf- 24.00 £5 fet, xtensfon table and : leather upholstered = chalrs, Hy . pletely fol hished. 9.00 Factory datiple (nes) Yor i oe Suite in English oa CN buffet, extension table with Jack: NT knife leaf, and 4 chairs upholstered in red leather, J Ro ular 389.50 t oa -plece ning 69. 00. Sulte In EZ tone walnut fin- ish, large byffet, extension phot: Pos china cabinet and 6 leather uphol- stered Shalre completely refinished. lid walnut Dining - Suite, buffet, extension table, photons and 8 genuine dlstere chalrs, com- pletely refin ed, Large as ant t odd, Buffets, nets, Ta les, Dressers, Chiftonlers and Bed tand ne ahs Sear at whole. sale isd ces. TY goods carefully crated for Imedias shipment go receipt of money-order, and sold with Lyon#. Inoheydack guarantee ot fatisfac- on. LYONS : 'FURNITURE: CO, i 478 Yonge St., Torotito i! 3 >, [%! TUM TO Re Guaranteéd CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used -- New if SPECIAIAZING IN UEBUILT MO- Ot SoTas CLE Spates Ange eg Satisfaction or refund, Vers Aute Party, Toronto