Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 23 Nov 1939, p. 5

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< ® rhe RETURN OF THE Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, " Cawher Bros. PORT PERRY ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd, 1939 BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY . Healthfully Air, Conditioned. , Thursday, Friday and Saturday, . NOVEMBER 23-24-25 Two shows at 7 and 9 pm, , Saturday Matinee at 1.80 p.m. Warner Baxter, in 5 CISCO KID" with Lynn. Bari, Cesar Romero, Henry Hull, Kane Richmond ~~ NOVEBER 27-28-29 First show at 7. Last complete show _ 8.20 pm. "ZENOBIA" -- with Oliver Hardy, Harry Langdon, Alice Brady, Billie Burke. Also an ADDED Attraction J. Edgar Hoover's "PERSONS in HIDING" with } Lynne Overman, Patricia Morison, J. Carrol Naish, Judith Barrett. Model A3- = <-. $79.00 Beautiful in tone, outstanding in performance, this handsome new RCA Victor table model possesses radio's latest features and technical improve- ments. +5 Bands; provides domestic broadcast reception on 540-1720 kes., has band spread (Overseas) Dial for short wave reception on 49, 81, 26 and 19 meter bandsy Superheterodyne Cir- cuit; Magic Eye; Magic Brain and Signal StabiliZer- for greater selec- tivity; improved electric tuning with Easier-to-set-up Gentle Action Push Buttons. - RCA Victor "Litle Nipper" Walnut Finish Ivory Finish FOR SALE BY FARMER RADIO I'hone 85 Port Perry 3 RS a MORRISON' S MILITARY 'BRUSH SETS, $2.50 CHRISTMAS GIFTS NOW ON DISPLAY OTHER GIFTS too numerous to mention. NYAL SERVICE STORE - - - ei -_-- IL Tee TENE TRA DRUGSTORE i . "Leather Book Covers with Stationery .................... $1.25 § * Leather Book Ends with Stationery ......... .....coiei un, 75 ' Leather Box Ends with Stationery .........0 cccveeieunens A ! : fede Boxes with Stationery ....... 90c., SL 0 and $2.50 | Boxed Stationery with a picture saad san ad vane fo 50c. and 73c. ' CHRISTMAS GIFT DRESSES - 4 | Packages of cards, Seals, Labels and Tags, 225 pieces ...... 25¢. Packages of Cards, Seals, Labels, and Tags, 175 pieces, Ped 20¢. Packages of Cards, Seals, Labels and Tags, 100 pieces Packages of Cards, Scals. Labels and Tags. 60 pieces CHRISTMAS CARDS IN BOXES i} Et] t5c. ' i ' 15 Cards with envelopes ....................... '...per hox 33e. 11 12-Cards with envelopes ..... i cviiinenninnnnnn, per box 23c. i 5c. and 10¢. cards with envelopes PU Ro" "30c. and $1.00 dozen i" Also Cards at 2 for Se. p.] POWDER BOXES, DUSTING POWDER, BATH SALT, 25¢., 30c. 50¢. EB PERFUMES iii ciiiiniiiiiiteininsriesssss 25¢., 50c. "and $1.00 MEN'S SETS, Potter & Moore ..o.iivvieiiiiioies $1.00 and $2.00 "BILLFOLDS 69c. "Phone 16 .. F CAREFUL MEAT BUYING There is nothin be known a that experience: the buying and preparation of 'meats. onthe godd quality of our stock. 'BERT. MacGREGOR'S - WE vi out meats. PHONE 72-R-2 i Let Us Solve Your Baking Probiotic like experience to teach one what should We have had many years of The greatest of care is exercised in You can rely PORT PERRY Fresh Pies, Cakes, Tarts, Rolls, Bread and Buns DAILY. 5 Treat your family this week end--Cream - } Puffs, Chocolate Eclairs, or : \ __Home- tMade Mince Pies we pELIVER Gertow Bros., Port Perry fe er To the Chive of che Mechet "in Fresh and Cured Meats at CAWK "Lowest Market Price, pal R'S Prompt and ' Courteous Service Phone 29w Port Perey PROTECT YOURSELF with Reliable Fire Insurance Place Your Insurance with HAROLD Ww. Phone 4) EMMERSON Port Perry 'buted ROR NOTICE TO CR in the Estate of Eliz : Deceased! ITORS eth Colton, All persons having claims against the Estate of the above mentioned who died at Port Perry on the 26th day of October," 1939, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Solicitors 64' or before December "Tth, 1939, full particulars of their claims. -Imme- diately after December Tth, 1939, the assets of -the deceased will be distri- among the. parties entitled thereto; having regard only to claims of which the Solicitors shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, this 7th day ot November, 1939, z Harris, Harris' & Wallace, Port Perry, Ont., Solicitors for the above Estate. : RAGLAN Mrs. F. Dring has returned home from Toronto, after spending a few days with her daughter Mrs. Street. Mr. and Mrs. Ormiston visited with their son in Toronto one day last week. The Pickering play "Lena Rivers", which was presented in the hall last Wednesday night was well staged, We wish to thank the Pickering people for coming and presenting this play. We hope to hear them again some time. Myr. J. Evans and family visited"with, relatives in Toronto on-Sunday. Mrs. Evans returned home with them after spending the past week there. Mr. Kenneth Keith of Toronto, was the guest of his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nottingham, one day last week. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed here on Sunday. Ser- vice will be held at the usual hour next Sunday. A campaign for the Red Cross is being arranged at Raglan. We hope all will be very generous to his, splen- did wor k. Mr. and Mrs. John Rllingvd and family of Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mus. F. Pierson. Mr. Frank Grose spent the week-end at his home here. Mus. Chas. Fox and little son are visiting at her mother's, Mis. A. J. Grose. -- me eel lO ~~ "SEAGRAVE A number from Seagrave are plan- ning to attend the Leadership Train- BLACKSTOCK Miss Olive VanCamp who has been visiting 'her parents Mr. and Mes, W. 'A. VanCamp, for the past few weeks, has veturned to Torontd to try her R.N. examinations, i Misses Susie dnd Olive VanCamp and 'Miss Jessie Knox, of Hampton, were week-end guests of Mv, and Mrs. A. L. Bailey. - NET Mr. and Mrs LL. Bradburn-of To- ronto, former's Bradburn. The November meeting. of the \W.A. of St. John's Church was held at the home of Mrs. Robt. Parr with an at- tendance of thirty-two. The Bible reading was taken by Mrs. J. Carter and the W. A. Litany and Prayer were led by the President. The voll call was answered with a "Peace Thought", The members decided to again be re- sponsible for a half outfit for a pupil in the Indian Girls* Boarding School. Mrs. J. McArthur, Church Treasurer, gave a most satisfactory financial ve- port of the recent fowl supper. The program in charge of Miss Eva Parr was as follows: A reading by Mrs. Robt. Hamilton, "Bee Sense"; a read- ing from the Living Message by Mrs. W. Crawford, a paper on "Remem- brance Day" by Mrs. J. McArthur; a reading by Miss Eva Parr "My First Pair of Stockings". Mrs, C. Parr, cor.-Sec., read very interesting reports of the last .two Diocesan Board Meet- ings. Following lunch, which was served by: Mesdanies H, Bailey, J. Me- Laughlin, F. Hamilton, W. Barton, R. Whitfield and CG: 'Smith, a vote ot thanks was tendéred to Mrs. Parr and Eva for the use of their home, Myr. and Mrs, W. A. VanCamp and Jack spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Bailey Mr and Mys, L. Bradburn and Miss Mabel VanCamp of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs, T. Smith spent Sunday with Mr .arid Mrs. W. VanCamp. We are pleased to see Mrs. Fred Willan home again after her serious illness in the Bowmanville hospital." Mr. and Mrs, O. Hubbard, Mr, and Mrs. A. Slute and family, of Brady, Mrs, T. Brown and son Russell, of Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. W. King and family of Oshawa, were Stumday visitors of Mr, and Mrs. A. Rahm. ° The sincere sympathy of the many pavents. My, and Mrs, W, Mrs. Carruthers of Indian Head, Sask. is extended to them in the death of the former's mother, Mrs. Carruthers, ing School at Oakwood, put on by the Council. Oakwood. United Church on the even-* December 1st. All interested urged to attend as many evenings as possible. spent the past week lecturing in the' ing two weeks will-be one of the group of leaders at the Oakwood meetings. Mr. Glenn Moase has joined the Royal Canadian Dental Corp and is at" present assisting Dr. Lyons of Lindsay in caring for the dental work of. the soldiers in Lindsay. We believe Glenn £ {is the first Seagrave boy to sign-up for {| King and Country. 'Congratulations Glenn and good luck. Our village has been favoured with some specially good entertainments ward to the concert to be given by the Don Mills Road Choir on Friday night November 24th. Be sure to be among those present, Congratulations to Mr, and -Mrs:-C.< Fair (Nee Vera Clarke) on their mar- riage on Saturday, Novem 18th. 'Strand Theatre UX 3 RIDGE (Warm and Comfortable) Thursday, Frl.,, Saturday (this week) Charles Starrett and Iris Meredith, "Sons of Ploneers"" in "Cattle Raiders" in this great' action "nfusleal thriller,' you . Vi 1 like it, Comedy-- "Three Stooges" in "WE WEE MONSUIER" Cartoon, Screen News, Novelty. Theatre Closed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Open Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Open Christmas and New Years Nights, Dec, 25-26-27, January 1-2-3. Tell your; friends Trariday, Fri. Saturday, (next week) Nov, 30, December 1 and 2 | (double award winner) Spencer Tracy and M. Rooney, in "Boys' Town" drama of her Flannagan's School. | fre iperie COMING!--Eddy in "Sweet id ings of November 21, 24, 27 29, and | returning from.a visit East. are! mains, accompanied by Rev. and Mrs. lately; but everyone is looking for- of Pickering. The deceased had mode West Victoria Christian - Educational | hey home with her son and ihs wife The classes will be held in! for a number of years and it was there she passed away, just three days after The re: Carruthers, were brought back and 1 laid to vest in the Oshawa Cemetery, Our minister, Rev. W. R. Tristram, 0, Monday, November 13th. During the short time at their disposal they Kingston district, and during the com- | yisited with Mrs. S. Swain, Mr. and Mrs. Clarénce Marlow and paid several calls on former parishonérs. Before going to the West to takd up his work there, they were stationed at Black. stock and Seagrave where they made a host of loyal friends who have never forgotten them and who are always delighted to welcome them back. PRINCE 'ALBERT Mr. and Mrs. Murray Clarke have moved into Mr. Elmore Wagg's house, vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Innes, who are now in Mr. R. Lylé's' house. On Tuesday evening of last week Mr. ann Mrs, W. Martyn were taken by surprise when over thirty relatives sarrived at thelr home from Toronto, Millbrook; Seagrave and Port Perry, and gave "them a "Houge Warming". They presented Mr. and Mrs. Martyn with a Simmons Spring Mattress, All enjoyed gn oyster supper. We hope this highly esteemed pair may enjoy many yéars of health and happiness, due to them, since leaving the farm, Mr. and Mrs. Copp of London, and Mrs. G. Hallett, of Whitby, were at | the homes of their brothers, Messrs. ! Russéll and Robert Butson, last weck. Mr, and Mrs. Russ Butson and son { Clarence and wife, visited Mr. and Mrs. B. Clark of, Bowmanville on Sun- day. Mr. Ted Luke, of Welland, with his parents on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. McKercher with Mrs, R. Bond on Sunday. At the Y.P.U. last week Mrs, Earl Martyn had charge of the meeting. Mr. Denny gave the topic. The Blue Bird Club met at. the home of Mrs. Fred Ackney on Wed- nesday afternoon. The minutes of the i Inst meeting were read, and arrange- be held in Memory Hall. spent the week-end with the] Cartwright friends of Rev. R. G. and}. this community. We understand Paul is going home to farm, and will be missed by all, especially in the United Church Choir and Young Peoples' So- ciety, May the Dest of luck 'go with him : Messrs. Fred Christie, Llyod Smith and Murray. Geer . attended the Kiwanis Club Banquet held in the Royal York Hotel, on November 16th, The L.O.L. held their Scarlet Degree in Memory. Hall on Wednesday cven- ing November 156th. Private Jas. Cormack Bf Toronto, visited his grandmother, Mrs, Swan, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Stan. the week end at Mr, Prizeman spent Fred Ashton's, Li Anyone finding a strayed cat, please leave information with Havold Harper or Harold Ballard and receive suitable reward. Come and join the sport on Saturday afternoon, December 2nd, when a shooting match for geese is being held at Chester Geer's, imi ---- --1 Prince Albert Community Club The Prince Albert Community Club held its semi-monthly meeting on Thursday, November 16th. The even- ing was opened by the singing of The! Maple Leaf Forever, followed by com- munity singing. The program was short but delightful which consisted of two piano recitals given by Miss A: Stump -which 'were again followed by community singing, ending with God Save the King. The orchestra pro: duced very delightful music, choosing for the fox trots and waltzes the modern pieces while for the squares, lively old time tunes were played. We certainly were pleased to see such a large attendance and we hope to have as good or even better next, and every time. We are expecting an interest- ing program "the following "meeting and please remember that everyone is welcome, Wa will assure a good time for all so please come and join in the fun. The orchestra certaihly was ap- preciated and we sincerely hope they keep up the good work. ~~ "MYRTLE Fd I "Mis. E. McCullough of Epsom, was a recent guest of her sister Mrs, Fred Lyle. ' Mr. 'Stanley Nottingham has re- placed his Chrysler ear for a fine Chevrolet. li Pte. Bob Vallier of Oshawa, spent the week end at his home. ~ The Red Cross "collectors made a canvass of the community last week and met with generous responses. As soon as the material arrives the ladies basement regularly to make the neces- comfort. The Executive of the Sunday School met at the close of the school on Sun- day and set Thursday, December 21st, as the date for the annual Christmas Tree Entertainment. Program and other committees were appointed and this much Yooked for entertainment promises to be of the usual high stan- dard. Mrs. Bert Duff and daughter Phyllis visited the former's mother Mrs. W. Taylor of Ashburn on Sunday. ~~ Sorry to report the: serious illness of Mrs, Gordon Barton who was re- moved to the Oshawa General Hos- pital on Saturday by Dr. Baldwin, Mr. Jim Lawrence of Weston, spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lawrence. = The local nimrods Messrs. Oscar Downey and Norman Hughson, who spent the past two wecks hunting in the north, returned on Monday with some very fine game, The November meeting of the W.M, S. was held at the parsonage on Thitrs- day afternoon; the president, Mrs. E. Redman presiding. ~~ After the secre- tary Mrs, D. Luery, reported, and the devotional erercises, interesting re- ports of the missionary meeting which -| was held at Pickering last month, were given, by Mrs. Gervan and Mrs. Luery, Murs. Hudgins gave a helpful talk on a chapter of the. study. book, and the meeting was thrown open for plans for winter quilting and other work. The president closed the gathering with prayer and a refreshing cup of tea with tasty gookies was enjoyed by Sorry to lose Mr, Paul Regeer from. all present, December meeting will be held at thé home of Mrs. Hudgins. The fine open weather last week You'll" veh ye cry at this human pants made for the coming party to proved a great asset to the farmer a who was able to continue plowing, and do other outside work. faites ae dubai aio Ch fpr " are planning to meet. in the Church|' saries that add much to the soldiers' a"™ "FE EEEL EE EEE EE ELE LEE EE EEL RE CE REE 0) IT = eg - sort - MixedPeel - - [4 "Walnut - - - Glace Cherries Figs--New Crop Swansdown Cake Flour THE RED & WHITE STORE CHRISTMAS BAKING NEEDS | Ys Ib. 15¢. Fruit Mix chereies, melon, peel 39c. |b. 4 1b. 49c. pkg. 29c. a - - - 49c. 1b. 2 Ibs. 25c. Lexia Raisins with seeds 2 lbs. 29c. Seedless Raisins best quality 2 Ibs 25 this 2 Grapefruit 96's s Emperor Grapes FRUIT and VEGETABLES Florida Oranges and Tangerines Week | 2 Ibs. 19c. 5c. each TEA-Liptor 's, Salada, Red Rose 1 Ib 33¢ ~While It Lasts Fresh Ground Coffee Magic Brand 39¢ Ib Pastry Flour PHONE 43 Quaker Bread F lour 24 lbs. B5c. 98 lbs. $2.59 F. W. BROCK" & SON PORT PERRY "PRINTING: Of all kinds done at the Port Perry Star Office-- Posters, Sale Bills, Commereial Stationery, Booklets, Folders, Catalogs, Wedding Invitations, or any other. Printing you require. Prompt work, low price. ' Ll - I EE BN --------_--_--"--, en = = nn RB Wi

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